
Animatronic Analysis: The 100 Series

May 15th, 2015
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  1. Mascot Unit FCN-100
  2. Designated as Toy Freddy.
  3. Alternative designations it responds to are Butterbear, and Peanut.
  5. Unit Report:
  6. This unit was the first in a new line of advanced robotics. To better showcase such achievements, we made it the new face of the Pizzeria. It sports more intricate parts, allowing for greater articulation and an improved range of displayable emotions. According to our test studies, we've found that these enhancements better facilitate interactions with patrons of all ages. Using this knowledge, we've put forth plans for retrofitting the 000 series animatronics to upgrade them to the new standard. We believe such improvements will be handled by year's end, with the upgrades being calibrated and installed in time for the New Year's festivities. We will only be integrating the technology though, due to the savings involved. The material we used for the 100 series, a new type of plastic, is expensive. We see no reason to swap out the old faux fur on the 000 series units for it. So we will simply administer repairs or paint jobs as needed. For this animatronic, the paint chosen was similar to the previous Freddy unit, only with a more softer tone. The custodial worker we mentioned in our previous reports likened it to commercially available peanut butter. We're inclined to agree. Through more focus groups, we've applied a look more reminiscent of the cartoon we've been running featuring the Fazbear characters. This has resulted in giving the unit bright red cheeks to better match current designs. Despite the rosy cheeks, LEDs are installed in them to simulate blushing and related emotions. These LEDs will be retrofitted into the older models as part of the upgrade packages, so the improved emotional display will match the current ones.
  8. Psyche Evaluation:
  9. Toy Freddy is a jovial individual. It is always happy to interact with children and tries to make sure everyone is having fun. This directive seems to extend to the rest of the cast, and also the crew, as the unit always attempts to solve any problems employees may have with one another. It appears to take the Fazbear motto of the Pizzeria being "A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike" very seriously. To this end, it is making strides towards bringing the 000 series units back into the forefront. Due to the changes we made to the previous Freddy unit in instilling it into a managerial position, it would not do well to have it out front when there's clerical work that needs doing. Thankfully, Freddy seems to want nothing to do with Toy Freddy's efforts. It's a double-edged sword however, as we believe this has dealt a blow to the animatronic. We've decided to limit interactions between the pair, to prevent any further animosity being bred. We also strongly recommend keeping Goldie away from the unit. We're not sure how or why, but most meetings between them ends in damage to equipment. Usually to the entity's suit (an outcome we find permissible), but sometimes to the unit's suit. This is beginning to cost us, so we must try to minimize this.
  11. Specifications:
  12. - Height: 6'1" | Weight: 150 lbs. | Chassis: Jif™ Brown | Oculars: Brown Sclera & White Iris
  13. - Top hat is in pristine condition. Unit is either taking very good care of it, or constantly replacing it without our knowledge.
  14. - Despite weighing less, unit is wider and rounder in general than previous model.
  15. - More cushioning can be found all around, making the unit much more receptive to hugging. "Booplesnoot"s in nose and cheeks.
  16. - Appears somewhat similar to predecessor, though noticeably fatter from all the extra plushness beneath the plastic.
  17. - Does not possess aversion to physical contact that Freddy has.
  20. Musician Unit FCN-101
  21. Designated as Toy Bonnie.
  22. Alternative designations it responds to are Blue, and Teebee.
  24. Unit Report:
  25. This unit was the result of completely revamping the original Bonnie designs from scratch. We were forced to do so due to said schematics having gone missing (and presumed destroyed) as mentioned in the previous report. Due to having a fresh approach, we decided to focus on the musical role first rather than that of an assistant. The unit is programmed with a cycling playlist to play on its guitar (following classics and current trends). To save on costs, we had salvaged parts from its predecessor. As Bonnie's arms had intricate joints for better dexterity (to better play the guitar) we removed one to "donate" for this unit. At the same time, we also did the same with the facial portion of the older model's head casing. This way, we could see if the aforementioned improved emotional displays can integrate properly. An endeavour that proved to be quite fruitful in the end. However, in hindsight, we should have used both arms. Our technicians at the time were entirely made up of "giant nerds" (to quote Goldie) none of which could play guitar, so the importance of good dexterity for strumming in addition to fretting was lost on them. Regarding the physical attributes of the unit, the animatronic was made with a decidedly male character base. A choice we believe was made by the designer we hired who reportedly wanted "Nothing to do with making a repeat of that absolutely haraam rabbot.". Palette and aesthetics choices went through focus groups, settling on a calming blue being chosen as its main colour. However, a mixup somewhere down the line resulted in the unit getting similar cheek treatments to unit 100's. We're not sure how this happened, but given the mysterious nature of it, we're inclined to believe that Goldie had something to do with it. It's unfortunately been years, and the trail has long since gone cold on that front.
  27. Psyche Evaluation:
  28. Toy Bonnie is a haughty individual. Being summed up as "The sole proprietor of Arrogant Bastard Ale" by the custodial worker, we unfortunately have to agree at times. The unit has an inordinate amount of pride over its status as a newer animatronic. It constantly lords this over the older 000 series robots whenever it thinks it can get away with it. It also speaks in a very rude and gruff tone (yet stereotypically like a 1920s mobster for some reason) during the off hours. Around children the unit puts on an almost patronizingly meek air, almost as though its trying to show the other units how it thinks things should be done. From our analysis, the unit shows many signs of a deep inferiority complex, resulting in its vitriol towards the senior animatronics. In particular it shows the most hostility towards its specific predecessor, sniping at it whenever it can. We believe this possibly shows envy as Bonnie has been (as far as it's concerned) "understudy to multiple generations of Freddies" in addition to a begrudging respect for the original Freddy. In regards to possible respect for Goldie, we believe that's just a mistake from the turn of phrase the unit used. Nobody could respect a mad entity in a yellowed (̴͉͉̤̺ͅĢ͙̤ͅo̘l͉̹͡ͅd͜!͔̲͍) bear costume.
  30. Specifications:
  31. - Height: 5'9" | Weight: 110 lbs. | Chassis: Sky Blue | Oculars: Violet Sclera & White Iris
  32. - "Booplesnoot" allegedly present, having previously belonged to its predecessor, but we're not sure "where" it's installed.
  33. - Ears are very articulate, increasing emotive capabilities similar to the older model.
  34. - Unlike Bonnie, this unit does not wear any clothing beyond the standard issue red bowtie.
  35. - Any "Booplesnoot" mention results in the unit grabbing its crotch plate and saying "I've got yer booplesnoot riiiiight here.".
  36. - Unit is very adverse to being touched, except by women. Or the Chicas. It's gone on record as saying it only tolerates kids.
  39. Care Unit FCN-102
  40. Designated as Toy Chica.
  41. Alternative designations it responds to are Beaky, Teecee, and Partygirl.
  43. Unit Report:
  44. This unit was the result of trying to reach out to more patrons. Over the years, we've noticed that not everyone has a good time at the Pizzeria. So we've got this unit programmed to seek out children not having fun and interact with them. Especially if it's a birthday celebration, as if everyone feels included, parents are likely to stay longer. To this end, we've designed the animatronic with an inclination to party and have a good time. The appearance of the robot was made cuter to appeal to more kids, but also with a more healthy and fit figure. This is so the unit can also get them to try and take better care of themselves. There was no issues with the upper chassis this time, and we think it's because it already had assets of its own after we got feedback from our focus group. To nip the possible outcry in the bud, the aforementioned endowments are smaller than the original's. We also slapped a bib saying "Let's Party!" on it anyways, just in case. However, just like before, the bib's message sometimes changes for no discernible reason. Also, the head casing's peripheral sockets are loose, allowing for the eyes and beak parts to be removed. One final issue is in the lower chassis, specifically the crotch plate cover. It's missing, showing the unit's ports off, which could give someone the wrong idea. We quickly covered that up though by giving it woman's underwear. For some reason it looked better like that, so we haven't bothered with ordering a new plate. More cost effective that way.
  46. Psyche Evaluation:
  47. Toy Chica is a caring individual. Among the animatronics, it seems to genuinely care about the children the most. It's also one of the few units that constantly changes its voice settings, in addition to tweaking its personality. This does make it hard to properly judge with our metrics though. From what we can tell based on consistent patterns, the unit is all about improving yourself and making you happy. But off the clock it's very laid back, usually just relaxing or going through workout ministrations (routine is very unwinding to the unit due to just putting itself on autopilot). It also quite enjoys being able to readily remove its eyeball casings and beak. In general the unit is naive, but also hot-oiled so to speak. There have been times where it rushes to a decision without spending much time having its reasoning center analyze its choice of action. Due to this, the robot can be very passionate about things, including acting overly angry if it feels threatened or betrayed. We also have to watch its interactions with certain other elements (Read: Goldie) of the Pizzeria because of its impressionable nature.
  49. Specifications:
  50. - Height: 6'0" | Weight: 130 lbs. | Chassis: Yellow with Pink Panties | Oculars: Amber Sclera & Red Iris
  51. - Chest plate appropriately endowed, giving appearance of 32B breasts. Spring Bonnie actively acquired this data for us. Why?
  52. - Chickenbreast covered by FNAF approved "Let's Party!" Bib. Alternative bibs with different messages don't have a known source.
  53. - Tail feathers change depending on season or if there are festivities. Feather are shorter than the previous model.
  54. - Athletically fit figure, which still brings us no end of calls from concerned groups. But it makes money, so it's left as is.
  55. - "Booplesnoot" not found, though the custodian has joked about it being the reason for the underwear. We like him.
  58. HazMat Unit FCN-103
  59. Previously designated as Funtime Foxy. Was also unofficially designated Toy Foxy, to keep with the naming conventions.
  60. Currently designated as The Mangle, though it also responds to just Mangle.
  62. Unit Report:
  63. Another attempt to secure funding from interested military parties, we tried to incorporate hazardous material disposal protocols. This extends to and includes things like bombs, mines, and chemical spills. Due to the complete and utter failure that was the previous Foxy model, we wanted to go with something much safer this time. We chose to use much cheaper components, because the nature of its job meant that it being destroyed (such as by explosion) was likely. Although we also believe we made the choice partly out of fear, as we don't want a repeat of what happened with its predecessor. As such, the unit can come apart much easier than a typical animatronic, being made to also be easily reassembled. In addition, this allows for the robot to fit into tighter spaces, being snaked into walls and such to look for planted devices. Due to the success we saw in dressing the underlying military programming up in the entertainment suite, we repeated it. Once again we used a pirate's code to safeguard the dangerous potential the animatronic had were it to malfunction. We were fairly certain though that were it do so, it would be easy to deal with. Of course, our certainty seemed to attract misfortune once more. Somehow we forgot to take into account the behaviour of rowdy children. They pulled the animatronic apart like it was some kind of cheap taffy, and then kept putting it back together haphazardly like a nonsensical art project. Nowadays the machine hardly resembled what it once was, being nothing more now than a mess of wires and animatronic parts. Staff have taken to calling it The Mangle, and we have been forced to write it off as a loss. After all, the top brass in the aforementioned interested parties were not keen on using something that could be taken apart by mere children.
  65. Psyche Evaluation:
  66. The Mangle is a patient individual. We believe that its experiences with the children and the ordeal they put it through have given it its understanding nature. It seems to be very tolerable of even the most rambunctious of kids. This kind personality also extends to the other units, as it even gets along with the likes of unit 101. The unit was also the first of the toybots to reach a kinship with the older models, most likely because it understood them. Of partial note is the strange relationship it appears to have with the entity in the suit. When the unit was rearranged by the children, it was a damaging blow to the other toybots. Of particular note were the reactions of units 101 and 102, both of which appeared to want to commit acts of violence on those responsible. Before things could get out of hand Goldie took the blame, and the unit surprisingly went along with the entity. This development is what initially led us to look into the possibilities of self actualization in the robots back then. And for good reason; A machine should not be able to tell lies. We're glad we have, since now with all these developments (the entity in the suit, the animatronics' awareness, the entity in the marionette) we can better act to deal with things as they come. Which is the main reason why reports like this one is necessary, as emergent sentience continues to happen amongst cybernetic life. Though as had been stated prior, we must pay close attention to how entities like Goldie interact with them. With this unit in particular, the entity in the suit worked with it after the mishap to stabilize its new status. From what we can tell, the entity actually helped the unit in reaching normalcy, and in dealing with its new mangled form. We cannot figure out what interest Goldie had in doing this however, but we are admittedly glad that possible unpleasantness was avoided because of it. Since then, the Mangle has taken to upgrading itself with whatever spare parts it can find, to improve its ability to interact with children. We keep it secure in Kid's Cove, watching play sessions very carefully, much like with we had with Foxy. Some of the improvements made have allowed the animatronic to behave similar to a Bop It™ toy. At the same time, staff on scene have reported being uncomfortable at some of those sessions to certain sounds the animatronic sometimes made during play. We're not sure if there's anything to that avenue of interest though. All in all, the robot seems tentatively okay, though sometimes it behaves a little erratic. As though its trying to keep from snapping, as most evident in its manner of speech and an almost whole other personality in its secondary head. We did never find out how that unfortunate circumstance in '87 happened after all.
  68. Specifications:
  69. - Height: Unknown. | Weight: 235 lbs. | Chassis: White and Silver | Oculars: White Sclera & Amber Iris
  70. - Left ocular eyelight is damaged, leaving the sclera black.
  71. - Head casing on main head is mostly intact, but is non-existent on secondary head.
  72. - Various custom appendages (hands, feet, fluffy tail, etc.) found amidst the mass of coiled parts.
  73. - Possible length if untangled from head to toe is estimated to be upwards of 20ft or so.
  74. - Animatronic's increased weight from other toybots theorized to be from additional pieces unit has incorporated into itself.
  75. - Unit has somehow also acquired much tubing for its exposed parts giving it more of a tubesnake appearance.
  76. - Tubing eliminates all currently known pinch zones, though either head has potential bite force to be an issue.
  79. Helium Dispenser Unit (No serial number.)
  80. Designated as Balloon Boy, BB for short.
  81. Alternative designations it responds to are Shorty, Lil' B, and Enragement Child. It once joked that its name was Michael.
  83. Unit Report:
  84. Just like with Goldie & Marion, this unit was not actually one of the animatronics. It was just an air compressor hooked up to a helium tank, contained within a statue of a boy. As you all know, after the bit of unpleasantness in '87, we had disassembled the statue's frame and salvaged the inner apparatus during the time the toybots were put into storage. Yet despite doing such, the unit was in pristine condition upon retrieval. On top of that, it appears to have become more articulate and really, alive. Well, about as alive as we consider our animatronics at least. By then we were familiar with strange events due to there being a precedent, so we investigated the situation thoroughly. Both of the known entities denied any involvement, though Goldie found it very interesting. This of course meant nothing more than to be extra careful, as we've found that piquing the entity in the suit's interest rarely (if ever) ends up going well for us. Marketing had since named the unit, marketing it as a playmate to kids.
  86. Psyche Evaluation:
  87. BB is a childlike individual. Being a strange entity, we again can't readily analyze it's mental state with our metrics. However, we have been doing better since our experiences with the previous two had taught us much. After controlled scenarios in which we let it interact with adults (and then children), we allowed it to mingle with patrons. This seemed to make the unit quite happy, and its displayed emotions were admittedly contagious among the staff. There is a bit of a danger though, as the boybot is more naive and innocent than even unit 102, and there are bad influences like unit 101 or Goldie. As such, we'll have to watch the machine's development closely.
  89. Specifications:
  90. - Height: 3'5" | Weight: 60 lbs. | Chassis: White | Oculars: White Sclera & Blue Iris
  91. - It's a statue. A moving, more articulate statue, but still a statue. This section is unnecessary.
  95. This concludes Management's Analysis on the 100 series units for this year.
  96. We hope the Faz Co. Board of Directors (aka the Five Knaff Group) find this information elucidating.
  97. The previous report (on the 000 series) that was submitted can be found here:
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