
fe - meeting: ann, sierra v4

Apr 24th, 2016
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  1. *Ann walks through a snow-covered forest alongside her pegasus, Spiritia*
  2. Ann: Brr... I hope we find another gate soon- eep! *caught off-guard as Spiritia suddenly stops, her attention caught by something* Eh? What is it, girl?
  3. *Spiritia paws the ground and whinnies, her gaze focused on a large rock off to the side*
  4. Ann: Something behind that rock? *looks for a moment, spots the fog of a person's breath* ... *addresses whoever's behind the rock* Who's there?
  5. *silence*
  6. Ann: I know you're there, I can see your breath.
  7. ???: ... *breathing raggedly and weakly* G-go away...!
  8. Ann: You all right? You sound like you're in pain... If you're injured, I can help you.
  9. ???: ...You're... You're not with them...?
  10. Ann: I don't know what "them" you're talking about, but I'm not going to hurt you.
  11. ???: ...Yeah, I... I'm hurt pretty badly.
  12. Ann: Can you walk?
  13. ???: No, my leg's torn up. I can't even s-stand...
  14. Ann: Can I come see?
  15. ???: *a fire lights behind the rock* Try anything f-funny and I'll... I'll blow your head off... *the tattered Fire tome's flame flickers, then vanishes* ?! *exclaims in Ancient Tongue, trying to recast the flame* <Son of a whore...! Don't go out on me now...> ...No good...
  16. *Ann approaches the rock and finds Sierra slumped against it, shivering, a deep gasp along the entire length of her left leg*
  17. Ann: Oh my god-! *hurriedly pulls out a vulnerary and hands it to her* Here, drink this, it should help with the pain. I'll be right back. *hurries back to Spiritia* Of all the times to not have a Mend on hand...!
  18. -----------------------------------------------
  19. *cut to Ann cleaning and stitching up Sierra's leg*
  20. Sierra: Nnh... Th-thank you... I thought I was going to die out here...
  21. Ann: I'm amazed you didn't bleed out... What happened?
  22. Sierra: A man in a white robe approached me, asked me to join some... army or cult or something... said he was gathering powerful mages. When I refused, I was attacked by his soldiers, alongside... I can only describe them as monsters...
  23. Ann: ...I think I know who you're talking about... My friends and I went through pretty much the same thing.
  24. Sierra: *winces* Aah...
  25. Ann: S-sorry! I'm not very good at this yet...
  26. Sierra: N-no, it's... it's fine... I'm just glad to have help... Where are your friends now?
  27. Ann: Not a clue. We got separated while fleeing. I'll join up with them again eventually, I'm sure of it. ...There. That should do the trick.
  28. Sierra: Do you know where the nearest town is?
  29. Ann: My pegasus can help me get a good view of the area, now that the snowstorm's cleared up.
  30. Sierra: *eyes light up a bit* A p-pegasus?
  31. Ann: On that note, I'll be back in just a moment. Sit tight.
  32. -----------------------------------------------
  33. Ann: No good... All I spotted was a Gate, and it was at least a day's travel from here.
  34. -----------------------------------------------
  35. [Ann/Sierra C rank achieved]
  36. Foreign #1:
  37. Foreign #2:
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