
Blowing The Whistle

Feb 10th, 2020
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  2. This is something that has been brewing for a while, so I will cut to the chase. It may not be known to some that, for a while, I served as the staffer Wolfman. It may also not be known to some that I stepped down from my role as Wolfman after I tried to investigate a series of reports, including sexual misconduct of the Headwiz at the time - Claremont- without making headway. As I could not bring the issue to a satisfactory conclusion, I stepped down from staff after having staked my reputation, and suffered being painted a co-conspirator when I could not bring about any meaningful change.
  4. That is something I can't change. I can, however, confirm that Claremont's sexual misconduct and his constant bringing up of excuses was one of the contributing reasons for me to walk from staff. The last discussion I had with Claremont on the subject, he promised, would be the last:
  6. Long story short: close to the time of my resignation I started receiving disturbing reports from players about Claremont chasing them off certain characters, like Psylocke, characters for whom he professed an intense sexual attraction. One of the players was also Diana's player, over whom Claremont kept trying to force a narrative with Steve Trevor- one that the player was not comfortable with, something which she had made plain several times over. This, then, served as the backdrop for my confrontation and ultimatum to Claremont. Things proceeded to escalate quickly after my trip, and I resigned shortly after, the details of which are available elsewhere.
  8. After my resignation, I became less involved here, making a point to be on to stay in touch with the friends I had made here, but holding no high expectations about staff. As an intermittent player, I admit I have been out of the loop considerably. So it was to my shock and disgust that I was, once again, approached recently by players who have reported to me that Claremont's pattern has remained undisturbed. What's more, that Claremont- although not officially staff anymore- was allowed to make changes to certain character's sheets without the player's consent, in order to put himself in a position to impose himself upon the players in-character (forgetting, of course, the fact that the wiki page failed to reflect the changes immediately)- all of this tolerated, aided and abetted by staff, with Levitz at the head of this.
  10. It is, therefore, completely unsurprising that only a couple of weeks after Diana's player noticed and protested the changes Claremont made to her character's sheet, that staff vindictively targeted one of the MU*'s most dedicated players, a Diana as flawless as I have ever seen played, who has provided years of dedication and engagement as one of the members of the Trinity, and stripped the character away from her. What did staff award Claremont, the man who has harassed countless female players?
  11. A strike.
  13. It is evident that Levitz and company will continue to coddle, aid, abet and condone Claremont's actions, and that anyone who tries to run interference will feel the heel of the hand if they refuse to simply curl up and take it.
  15. Some of you might remember what happened a MU* called Brave New World and its headwiz, Elsa, and a post where I blew the whistle on its abusive staff, headwiz, and recommended that you head for the hills- only for time to prove me right.
  17. As I anticipate I am about to be speedily banned for this post and what I have here disclosed, I will cut to the chase: Head for the hills, boys and girls, staff is rotten through and through and there's nothing you can do to fix it but to take a figurative match to it. After what I have witnessed recently, the disrespect to dedicated players, and what has gone on before, I can't suggest any other course of action.
  20. Safe travels.
  21. ====
  22. Vorpal
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