
What Lurks in Ponyville (AiE Short)

Sep 6th, 2013
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  1. "Wait, I thought you said she lived in the forest."
  2. >Your purple p0ny companion doesn't respond right away, instead peering into the darkness just at the edge of the bridge.
  3. >"This IS the forest, Anon," she eventually replies, lighting up her horn and illuminating the path a little more.
  4. >She begins walking inside, and you begrudgingly follow her.
  5. "I figured it'd be a different forest than the EVERFREE Forest. Isn't this place really dangerous or something?"
  6. >Twilight giggles a little.
  7. >"There aren't any other forests around. This one isn't too bad if you know where to stick to."
  8. >You nod slowly with your hands in your pockets, cautiously looking around to the dangerous woods around you.
  9. >How would you know there weren't any other forests around?
  10. >You've barely been here a few months.
  11. >The only things you've ever heard about this forest involve death and peril.
  12. >But apparently, this is where that friendly zebra you see at the market all the time lives.
  13. >"Did she say specifically what she needed help with?" Twilight asks.
  14. >You finger the parchment in your pocket, then slip it out.
  15. "No, I don't think so."
  16. >Opening the paper, you read it over quickly once again.
  17. "...No, just that she needed me to come as soon as possible."
  18. >You almost trip over a gnarled root, not paying attention to where you're walking.
  19. >You fix that by putting the note back in your pocket and staying close to Twilight's light spell.
  20. >"Odd that Zecora asked for you to come this time..." she ponders. "Usually I assist her alone. Things like potions and spells..."
  21. >You shrug, still stealing glances into the thick trees and brush around you.
  22. >What kind of frightening creatures could lurk in there...?
  23. "Whatever I can do to help, I guess. She's nice enough."
  24. >You think you hear a sort of snarl; it sends shivers up your spine.
  25. "Can we just pick it up a little bit?"
  27. >After a few more minutes of walking, Zecora's hut comes into view.
  28. >You audibly sigh in relief, and you pick up some speed to get there even quicker.
  29. >Twilight trots a little ahead of you, and when you both get to the door, she knocks with her hoof.
  30. >Some rustling is heard behind the door before it cracks open, and the friendly zebra reveals herself.
  31. >When she notices who is at her door, she opens it more fully and greets you both happily.
  32. >"My dear friends Anonymous and Twilight," she starts, holding open the door, "please come inside on this dark night."
  33. >Ahh, the rhyming...
  34. >An odd way to communicate.
  35. >You nod happily to her as you and Twilight enter her hut.
  36. >It's good to be out of the forest.
  37. >When the door shuts, you take in the fine atmosphere of her abode.
  38. >Very quaint, with cauldrons, artifacts, bubbling brews and potions, and what you'd interpret back on Earth as voodoo equipment.
  39. >Twilight and Zecora trot over to a table, their hooves knocking hollowly against the wooden floor, and take a seat.
  40. >You cross your arms and stand more or less over them.
  41. >"So what can we help you with, Zecora?" Twilight asks to the zebra across from her.
  42. >Her smile slowly creeps from her face, and she takes a deep breath through her nose.
  43. >She grasps a cup of tea between her hooves and takes a soft sip.
  44. >"My friend, it's not the help from YOU, but rather what Anon here can do."
  45. >Your eyes open up a little wider, and you look to each side of you.
  46. "...Who, me?"
  47. >You ask, pointing to yourself.
  48. >Zecora nods, placing down her cup. "Indeed, your help would be much better. Is that not what I said in the letter?
  49. >Twilight looks over to you questioningly.
  50. >You pat your pocket once more, then take the note out and read it again.
  51. >...Hmm, it's just you... Twilight isn't mentioned.
  52. "Yeah, just me..."
  53. >You place the note back into your pocket.
  54. "Heh... sorry for the confusion..."
  55. >Twilight turns back to Zecora, a little embarrassed.
  56. >"Oh, sorry for the intrusion then..."
  57. >The zebra simply smiles and shakes her head, to convey that it really isn't a problem.
  58. >"Are you sure I can't help too?" she asks. "I'd love to lend a hoof."
  59. >Zecora's smile fades once again.
  60. >"While flattering, your help would be misplaced," she starts. She looks over to you, each of you locking eyes, "for this job is only for his race."
  61. >You walk up closer to the equines, kneeling down next to the table.
  62. "What, because... I'm a human?"
  63. >She nods to you.
  64. "This job isn't for p0nies?"
  65. >A shake of the head.
  66. >You and Twilight both look over to each other, confused.
  67. >"So... what exactly do you need Anon's help with?"
  68. >Zecora looks to you both, then stands up to her hooves.
  69. >"It is... quite a long unveil... do you wish to hear this tale?"
  70. >You drum your fingers on the table.
  71. >You're getting an unsettling feeling about this.
  72. "If I'm going to help you... I'd like to know what it is we're doing, yes."
  73. >She takes a breath, then nods.
  74. >Twilight leans in to the table, as if to listen closer.
  75. >"I'm sure you've noticed now Anon, but I'm a practiced zebra shaman. Because of this, and the skills I helm, I'm connected strongly to the spirit realm."
  76. >An odd feeling stirs in your chest.
  77. >Zecora continues to pace around the room.
  78. >"When others have problems with things paranormal, I am able to help them deal with the abnormal. With my blessings, artifacts, and shaman ways, I can help these others see brighter days."
  79. >"Like a priest?" Twilight inquires.
  80. >Zecora responds with yet another nod.
  81. >You, however, can already feel the goosebumps forming.
  82. >"And now it seems P0nyville requires aid, as my largest undertaking has been made. At the edge of this town I had thought I had known, many spirits occupy an abandoned home."
  83. >You shift a little in place.
  84. >"And while normally such things cause no upheaval, I worry that these might be truly... evil."
  85. >Ghosts, huh?
  86. >...Not exactly what you had planned to help with...
  87. >"And this is why I require your best... Anon, will you help me with my quest?"
  88. >...Oh boy.
  89. >You take a deep breath in, then stand back up.
  90. >Silently, you rock back and forth on your feet.
  91. "My... kind of a lot to take in, huh?"
  92. >Zecora smiles, seemingly worried about your response.
  93. "...I'm not the kind of guy that deals with... frightening situations very well."
  94. >You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue, then look away.
  95. "I'm not sure I'm the right guy for the job... I'm no priest, Zecora, nor am I a hero."
  96. >"Anon, your answer makes me ill. Do you not wish to help P0nyville?"
  97. >...You ponder over it for a moment.
  98. >"But what does this have to do with Anon's race?" Twilight asks. "Why can't I help you with this? I could be very helpful!"
  99. >The zebra shakes her head.
  100. >"My friend, danger for you is prevalent, as these ghosts may very well be malevolent. For p0ny kind, their hate is strong, and these beings can curse you for times so long. Or perhaps possess you, or latch to your soul, either way, the spirits will take their toll."
  101. >Zecora then turns to you, smiling, unaware that her words have really gotten under your skin.
  102. >"But for Anon, this danger is bologna, as he is a human instead of a p0ny. From another world, his soul can't be touched, so his help I'd appreciate very much."
  103. >"I see... so I'm no help then."
  104. >Zecora apologetically shakes her head. "Your safety is my main concern. I hope in time this fact you'll learn."
  105. >"Anon... P0nyville seems to be in danger. Won't you lend your help to Zecora?"
  106. >You gaze into Twilight's large, pleading eyes.
  107. >Oh man...
  108. >You take a breath, then absentmindedly look around the hut.
  109. >...Ghosts.
  110. >Evil ghosts.
  111. >...But evil ghosts that can't hurt you.
  112. >You look to the zebra shaman, who smiles warmly in your direction.
  113. >...She'll be right with you the whole time, Anon.
  114. >Come on...
  115. >For P0nyville.
  116. "...Okay, I'll do it."
  117. >Zecora sighs a sigh of relief.
  118. >"I give you my deepest gratitude, and am most thankful for this change of attitude."
  119. >You put on a smile for her and nod in her direction.
  120. >Twilight puts a hoof to your back and proudly smiles.
  121. >"If you'd like to lend a hand Twilight, you can help us prepare for the blessing tonight."
  122. >The purple p0ny turns towards Zecora, eyeing out the many artifacts and material she has for tonight's event.
  123. >"Of course, anything I can do to help."
  124. >You rub your forearm a bit as you watch the equines organize and pack these religious and paranormal-fighting objects.
  125. >...Oh man, what did you get yourself into?
  127. >The moon rests high in the sky on this still Equestria night.
  128. >You and Zecora softly step through town, careful not to wake any of the sleeping p0nies.
  129. >Twilight had branched off not too long ago for home, but not before wishing you luck.
  130. >You take precautions to ensure that none of the supplies in your backpack clink or clank together too loudly.
  131. >Soon, you and Zecora hit the edge of town, approaching a dirt road through a few overgrown bushes.
  132. >Your zebra friend easily ducks under as you part the bushes with your hands, revealing a short path to a rather large house. A mansion, even.
  133. >It sits isolated in a small clearing, surrounded by overgrown brush.
  134. >The stars above it shine brightly, and the windows of the house offer nothing but pitch-blackness. As if they themselves are blotted out.
  135. >Your skin bumps up softly as your eyes rest upon the sight.
  136. >A cool breeze blows past your face.
  137. >"Anonymous, we cannot stay. You and I must make our way," Zecora calls to you.
  138. >She is already several paces ahead of you.
  139. "Oh, um... right."
  140. >Your first step feels heavy, but you manage to get your legs moving towards the massive residence.
  141. >Each step brings it closer, visually making it larger and causing it to loom more menacingly over you.
  142. >Zecora eyes you with worry.
  143. >You catch this, and give her your best half-assed smile and thumbs up.
  144. >You step up to the porch with a deep breath.
  145. >The dark, nearly rotting wood only further serves to seep the house into the darkness.
  146. >Zecora motions to your backpack.
  147. "...Oh, right."
  148. >You say with a whisper.
  149. >Quietly bringing the bag down from your back, you zip it open and look through the supplies.
  150. >...Here we are.
  151. >You bring out what looks like a small lantern on a short necklace.
  152. >Using the matches found in the bag, you give it a light, then slip it over Zecora's neck.
  153. >It fits snugly, illuminating a soft light around her.
  154. >Digging around the bag some more, you pull out a hexagon-like metal box with a caged top.
  155. >An unknown, flammable substance rests inside, and it's hooked at the top by a chain.
  156. >Incense, it seems. You'd make that comparison, anyway.
  157. >"Anon, we can wait no less. Are you ready to purge and bless?" Zecora whispers.
  158. >Your heart races at her words, but you stand to your feet and swing the bag back over your shoulder.
  159. >The worn wood squeaks under your weight, and you grip the chain tightly.
  160. "Yeah..."
  161. >She nods to you, then pushes the door open ever so slowly.
  162. >It creaks, and the inside of the house gradually become visible as her neck lantern eats away at the darkness.
  163. >Without missing a beat, Zecora steps in.
  164. >It almost surprises you, but you don't want to be left behind.
  165. >You cautiously take a step inside, breaching the threshold and planting your foot firmly inside the house.
  166. >A weight sits in your gut.
  167. >You bring the rest of yourself in and step next to your zebra companion, determined to stay close.
  168. >Her body gives off a warmth that stands out in this chilled house.
  169. >The wind outside picks up slightly, and the door is gently blown shut behind you.
  170. >You take another deep breath.
  171. >"My human, we must journey in, to find a spot we can begin."
  172. "Yeah, okay..."
  173. >The entire house makes you feel completely uneasy.
  174. >It is made of nothing but wood, with the entrance of the house branching off into either the first floor, which consists of two perpendicular hallways that are impossible to see down, or the stairs, which lead up to who-knows-where.
  175. >It's like nothing but absolute darkness exists outside your little bubble of light.
  176. >"Of ways to go, we have but three, and either one is fine with me," she whispers.
  177. >Your eyes dart around to each option.
  178. >The stairs don't sit well with you... so...
  179. "...Okay, let's go straight ahead."
  180. >Zecora nods in agreement, then begins walking forward.
  181. >It is absolutely dead silent, save for the creaking of wood and your companion's hoofsteps.
  182. >You tighten your grip around the chain you carry and begin to follow her.
  183. >The bubble of light focuses once inside the hallway, and you stay close to the zebra as the darkness ahead of you is cut open.
  184. >You pass by many objects, such as old, dusty vases, dressers and tables, as well as photos hung on the wall.
  185. >Old, black-and-white pictures of p0nies you can't even recognize.
  186. >It just starts to cross your mind that this decrepit, unsettling place used to actually be inhabited by p0nies.
  187. >Eventually, doors begin to pass you by as well, but Zecora seems to pay no mind to them.
  188. >Does she even know where she's going?
  189. >You imagine not. You're the one who picked the--
  190. >Your waist bumps into the zebra in front of you, who is now at a full stop.
  191. >The incense you carry jingles a bit as a result.
  192. >"Shh!"
  193. >You grip the chain, stopping the noise as best as you can.
  194. >The two of you stand in silence for a moment, waiting. For what, you aren't sure.
  195. >You begin to look all around you, unsure of your surroundings.
  196. >As if, staying still, anything can be looming in the shadows, simply watching you.
  197. >You try to control your breathing.
  198. >"That presence... I know it best. Do you feel it in your chest?" she asks, nearly inaudible.
  199. >You press your hand over your heart.
  200. >...It's been pounding since you stepped in. You can't say for sure you feel anything.
  201. >She turns quickly, and without warning, to the next door, opening it and motioning to you before stepping in.
  202. >With the light fading around you, you quickly follow.
  203. >Instantly upon stepping in, a terrible feeling of dread overtakes you.
  204. >As if from every conceivable corner, something is stepping out toward you, or staring you down, but no matter where you look, all you see is darkness.
  205. >"Anon, from waiting nothing is gained. Light the herb and swing the chain," Zecora commands.
  206. >What sounds like a soft exhale slowly builds around your right ear.
  207. >You practically throw the bag down off of your back and on to the ground, get out the matches, swiftly light the flame, and drop it into the cage.
  208. >The herbs and incense inside flare up, and a cloud of sweet smelling smoke assaults you.
  209. >With a cough, you stand to your feet and begin swinging the chain, the smoke flinging anywhere and everywhere.
  210. >The ground rumbles softly under your feet.
  211. >"Evil spirits, with dreadful yearn, leave this place and never return!" Zecora calls out.
  212. >The entire room shakes violently for a split second, dropping a few unseen items off unseen shelves and nearly throwing you off balance.
  213. >You keep swinging the incense, darting your head in every direction.
  214. >"Evil spirits, with dreadful yearn, leave this place and never return!" she repeats with much more vigor.
  215. >The room shakes again, much more fiercely, and you drop down to a knee.
  216. >You pick yourself back up quickly and swing like never before.
  217. >You can barely hear a soft, straining groan from below you.
  218. >Are you dipping down?
  219. >"Evil spirits, with dreadful yearn, leave this place and--"
  220. >You hear a ferocious snap, just a split second before you become weightless.
  221. >You don't quite see Zecora's reaction as you plummet down through the broken wood, into the pure darkness below.
  222. >Just as you open your mouth to yell, your feet hit another wooden floor, crashing through this one as well, and one more below it, before hitting down hard on a wooden table, breaking both it and your fall.
  223. >You lay down in a daze, unsure of what happened. It all occurred so quickly.
  224. >The few seconds of loud yelling and snapping is followed by the quiet dribble of settling dust.
  225. >A few splinters have embedded themselves in your arm and back, but nothing serious.
  226. >Christ... where are you?
  227. >It is now 100% pitch black.
  228. >You rub your forehead a bit, then try to stand up, but fall back in place off balance.
  229. >Shit...
  230. >"...Zecora?"
  231. >You call out, hoping for an answer from your equine friend.
  232. >"...Anon, can you hear my call? Are you safe after that fall?" Her voice sounds pretty far off.
  233. "I'm okay! I think... what happened!?"
  234. >"The floor seems to have given way! But I'm glad to see that you're okay! Please stay there, and no longer yelp! I'll come back soon with somep0ny's help!"
  235. "I wasn't yelping..."
  236. >You mutter to yourself. You press your hands into the shattered table below you one more time, then push yourself up.
  237. >This time, you manage to get yourself up.
  238. >Wait...
  239. >Some...p0ny's?
  240. "Zecora, wait! What about the spirits? And the cursing! Will another p0ny's help be the best option!?"
  241. >...No answer.
  242. >And not a speck of light from above you.
  243. "Fantastic..."
  244. >You look around once more, but you still can't still see anything. Absolutely nothing.
  245. >Your heart rate slowly starts to pick up.
  246. >A terrible feeling begins to stir in your chest.
  247. >Maybe if you sit down and wait...
  248. >Nothing will happen...
  249. >You drop down to the floor and hug your knees, the suddenly chill air creeping under your skin.
  250. >This house is slowly beginning to get to you.
  251. >You felt it with Zecora, too.
  252. >Like something was watching you.
  253. >But you could see, and you were with someone...
  254. >Now, it's like...
  255. >"H-Hello...?"
  256. >Your heart pangs and every drop of blood in your veins runs cold.
  257. >You instantly freeze up, hold your breath, and don't move.
  258. >You can hear soft breathing.
  259. >"...Hello? Anon? A-Are you there?"
  260. >It's a whisper... but...
  261. >Your nervousness slowly begins to dissipate.
  262. >You think you recognize it... as hard as that may be.
  263. >Do you dare...?
  264. "...Twilight?"
  265. >You can hear a soft gasp.
  266. "Twilight? Is that you?"
  267. >"Anon! You're okay!" she says in a yell/whisper hybrid.
  268. >Your hands dig into the stone ground you sit on.
  269. "Twilight? What are you doing here! Didn't you listen to Zecora?"
  270. >Soft hoofsteps come toward you.
  271. >"You can be cursed! Or possessed! Or... or worse!"
  272. >They stop somewhat close to you.
  273. >"I'm sorry, Anon! I was just so worried!"
  274. >You take a breath, your heart rate starting to fall.
  275. >But your uneasiness has yet to be quelled.
  276. >You glance down to the floor, or where you imagine the floor would be.
  277. >"But... it's a good thing I'm here, right?"
  278. >You sigh.
  279. >"You could use my help..."
  280. "Yeah... yeah, I suppose I could..."
  281. >You step back up to your feet.
  282. "Let's hurry out of here, okay? Fire up that horn and let's find a way out."
  283. >It's silent for a moment.
  284. >"Oh, um... about that..." she whispers timidly. "It seems that my magic is... blocked or something..."
  285. >A rock sits in your stomach.
  286. >What....?
  287. >"I haven't been able to perform spells since I came in here..."
  288. >Oh... just great.
  289. "Do you at least remember the way you came?"
  290. >"Yes!" she exclaims in a hushed manner, "just follow my voice, I can bring you back up to the main floor!"
  291. "You got it."
  292. >You take a breath.
  293. >What luck.
  294. >The sooner you get out of here, the better.
  295. >This chill air and weight in your chest won't be missed.
  296. >"Follow me!" she calls softly, slightly further away.
  297. >Her hoofsteps were nearly inaudible.
  298. "Coming."
  299. >You waste no time chasing the voice, hands out forward.
  300. >They press into what feels like a stone wall, and, reaching your other arm out, you feel the opposite end, revealing it to be a hallway of sorts.
  301. >"This way!"
  302. >You drag both hands along each wall and briskly make your way down the hallway.
  303. "Twilight? Where are you?"
  304. >You call out in front of you.
  305. >Soon, the wall opens up, and you can make out the very basic shape of what seems like stairs from your adjusted eyes.
  306. >"Anon, please hurry! We need to leave!" she whispers from above.
  307. "If you would wait!"
  308. >You place foot after foot on the wooden steps, which groan out rather loudly under your weight.
  309. "I don't want to be left alone down here!"
  310. >The stairs spiral up through the darkness, and eventually level off onto another floor.
  311. >When you step off, your weight creaks down on another wooden floor, much like when you first entered the house.
  312. >All around you is completely open; waving your arms around reveals nothing to your touch.
  313. >A chill runs down your spine.
  314. >You feel completely vulnerable, and your chest feels light as air.
  315. "Twilight..."
  316. >"Anon, hurry!" Her whisper comes from at least fifteen feet in front of you.
  317. >You speed walk across the open room, passing through multiple cool pockets of air.
  318. >As your eyes glance from left to right, you believe you see a few instances of movement.
  319. >But it's hard to tell when it's so pitch black.
  320. >Each step feels like one step further from something mere inches from your heels.
  321. >You feel on the edge of being shaken, like waiting for a jump during a cheesy horror movie.
  322. >Finally, your legs bump into the first step of another wooden stairway, and you collapse down ungracefully onto them.
  323. >"Anon, what are you doing? You need to hurry!" she snaps in a whisper.
  324. >You press your hands into the stairs and pull yourself up, beginning to climb at the same time seamlessly and stomping your way toward the next floor.
  325. >When it levels off, you place your hand to your chest and take a few deep breaths.
  326. >A short wave of anger overtakes you.
  327. "Twilight!"
  328. >You whisper loudly.
  329. "Why are you leaving me behind!? I'm terrified over here! I feel surrounded! You're not helping me at all!"
  330. >You think you feel tears form behind your eyes.
  331. >"I'm sorry, Anon," she whispers, about a mere two feet from you by the sound of it.
  332. >You nearly jump out of your own skin.
  333. >"I'll stay closer now."
  334. >Her hoofsteps begin to fade slowly away.
  335. >You stand in shock for a moment, silent with your thoughts, and only your panting breath making any noise before beginning to follow the purple p0ny.
  336. >You pick up the pace, holding open your hand for a wall to feel.
  337. >With your other hand, you reach out toward Twilight, but she's just out of reach, no matter how much you widen your stride.
  338. >She whispers every now and then to make sure you're following behind closely.
  339. >You are. As close as you can. But you still feel as frightened as you did in the last room.
  340. >"Be careful, there are more stairs here," she whispers, her voice getting slightly elevated as she continues the sentence.
  341. >You feel with your foot, then place it down on the creaky stairs, ascending as close to Twilight as you can.
  342. >Soon, you've cleared this set of stairs as well.
  343. >You sigh in relief, but you aren't finished yet.
  344. "Okay, this is the main floor, right?"
  345. >You ask, closely following Twilight through a hallway you discovered with your hands.
  346. >Your fingertips brush by, collecting dust and silently knock hung pictures.
  347. >"No, we have one more to go, then we're home free!"
  348. >You purse your lips in confusion.
  349. "Okay, if you say so."
  350. >You just want to get out of here.
  351. >The dark feels as cold and lonesome as ever, and you try to steady your breath as you walk.
  352. >Soon, the room opens up slightly, and Twilight beckons you to the right slightly.
  353. >"Watch your step."
  354. >Her voice ascends once again, and you follow closely behind, your feet knocking on the steps.
  355. >You're about halfway up, until--
  356. >A door nearby bursts open, flinging loudly and slamming into the wall next to it.
  357. >You nearly have a heart attack at this noise, and the room floods with light.
  358. >"Anon!" a voice calls from the door.
  359. >"It's...
  360. "Twilight?"
  361. >You look to the door, and, unmistakably, the purple p0ny stands before the threshold.
  362. >You glance around your surroundings with the new source of light's help.
  363. >It's the room you and Zecora entered from; you can see the splitting hallways below you from over the railing.
  364. "But, but how did--"
  365. >"Anon, come down from there! This house isn't safe!"
  366. >You look ahead of you, up the stairs, but from where you stand til where the darkness begins once again, there is absolutely nothing.
  367. >You're speechless.
  368. >Another set of hooves gallop into earshot, and Zecora appears behind Twilight.
  369. >"Anon! I've found the help for you, and further information too!"
  370. "What?"
  371. >All this time you haven't moved from your spot.
  372. >Twilight gallops into the house and up the few stairs, then wraps a hoof around your arm.
  373. >"Anon, we need to leave. Zecora discovered on the way how truly evil this house really is."
  374. >You're brought down the few stairs until you're on the main floor, still glancing up into the darkness.
  375. >"Anon, are you hurt at all?" Zecora inquires, "What happened after that long fall?"
  376. >You don't answer her. You're in a kind of daze.
  377. >"These spirits CAN mess with beings from other worlds! Taking you here was a huge mistake!" Twilight adds, leading you out of the house by the hand.
  378. "Wh-What?"
  379. >A soft breeze from the chilled night air passed by you.
  380. >With magic, Twilight shuts the door behind you both.
  381. >But before it closes...
  382. >For just a moment, from up the stairs, you think you see someone. Or something. A sort of figure.
  383. >It was quick, and hard to tell, but from the way it was set, you'd think it was peering at you.
  384. >The door closes.
  385. >And smiling from ear to ear.
  387. The End
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