
Floraverse RP Session 5/19-20/15

May 20th, 2015
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  1. * Shikka (Shikka@ has joined
  2. <Ronan> lets all florp together
  3. <Tectonic> Florp to the left!
  4. <Tectonic> To the right now y'all
  5. <Tectonic> And florp again
  6. <Ronan> you know what .-.
  7. <Ronan> imma go to the bathroom
  8. <Ronan> and wehn i get back im starting this thing up =v
  9. <Tectonic> Yeah
  10. <Tectonic> Let's do it
  11. <Seshiro0> I will be honest, I haven't text rp'd in like... 5 or so years.
  12. <Tectonic> Its like riding a bike!
  13. <Seshiro0> So I may be *slightly* rusty.
  14. <Ronan> i have no idea where im going whats going to happen :V
  15. <Ronan> i picture this all happening on the train ride to trebol id thats okay?
  16. <Tectonic> Sure
  17. <Ronan> hmmm.
  18. <Seshiro0> Yeah, that sounds good.
  19. * Ronan the train is on route to trebol, making good time. but there is still quite a ways left to go on the trip
  20. * Ronan boredom starts to settle in and people are getting antsy
  21. * Ronan as the trains chugs along, the passengers look for ways to pass the time
  22. <Ronan> [suppose thats the que :v]
  23. <Tectonic> An Arachoon sits one of the cushions, elbow propped on the windowsill, staring listlessly out of the window. Despite his bored, listless expression, his eyes scan the train car, looking for a diversion, any diversion.
  24. <Seshiro0> A Flowercat sitting on the floor clears her throat.
  25. * Ronan further on head, a cloaked figure stands. staring out at the passing scenery.
  26. <Seshiro0> "Well, it looks like we've still got a few hours to get to Hellside, anyone bring any cards?"
  27. * Ronan their head turns, goggled eyes scanning for the disturbance before looking bac out the window
  28. * Tectonic turns, scooching over on his seat closer to the flowercat. "Cards, you say?"
  29. <Tectonic> Er
  30. <Tectonic> Not Tectonic, the Arachoon.
  31. <Tectonic> (/me's a baaaaad habit.)
  32. <Ronan> [:P]
  33. <Seshiro0> "Yeah, cards, I didn't bring mine, I didn't think I would need them. I wasn't origianally going to be on this train."
  34. * Ronan seems to perk up a little, but tries not to show it
  35. <Tectonic> The arachoon hoists up a backpack he had brought with him, many arms digging through it. "Where exactly were you supposed to be?"
  36. <Seshiro0> " I was going to ride with a... a friend of mine on their ship, and there's plenty to do on that, but for some reason she insisted we take the train instead, something about the ship not being portalworthy or whatever."
  37. <Seshiro0> "She's in a different car somewhere."
  38. <Seshiro0> "Probably."
  39. * Ronan speaks up, but doesnt turn away from the window
  40. <Ronan> you think youd keep better track of your friend
  41. <Ronan> youd'*
  42. <Seshiro0> "She's... not really someone you can keep track of, she makes sure of that."
  43. <Ronan> interesting
  44. <Ronan> i just might have to meet them
  45. <Tectonic> "Ah, yeah. I have a pack." The Arachoon says, pulling a small box out of the backpack before joining the Flowercat on the floor.
  46. <Seshiro0> "Ah, wonderful, what card games do you know?"
  47. * Ronan turns around and steps over to the pair, cloak flowing slightly with frayed and tattered edges, a 'scarf' wrapped around their neck. looking you over with goggled eyes a faint purple glow emminating from them he offers a paw to the flower cat
  48. <Ronan> the name is Ronan
  49. <Tectonic> The arachoon pats the ground next to him. "Care to sit down and play a hand?"
  50. <Tectonic> "Do either of you play Polaris Hot-Skip?"
  51. * Ronan ponders a moment, but takes a seat
  52. <Ronan> i dont tend to gamble
  53. <Seshiro0> "Ah, how silly of me, I haven't introduced myself! My name is Ferrum."
  54. <Ronan> and that doesnt seem to be a game im versed in
  55. <Ronan> pleasure to make your aquantince ferrum
  56. <Tectonic> "Russet."
  57. <Tectonic> "What card games do you two know?"
  58. * Ronan looks off to side a moment, seemingly trying to hide his face in his scarf
  59. <Ronan> ... go fish?
  60. <Tectonic> "Hehehehe."
  61. <Tectonic> Russet looks at Ferrum.
  62. <Seshiro0> "Well usually, me and the rest of the crew play Peaknuckle, but that needs four people."
  63. <Ronan> seems this cart is void but for the three of us, so i guess we are out of luck
  64. <Tectonic> "Well."
  65. <Tectonic> "Go fish is better than nothing."
  66. <Seshiro0> ((Oh wow, apparenly it's actually spelled Pinochle, who knew?))
  67. <Tectonic> Russet deals. "Why are you strangers heading down to Hellside?"
  68. <Ronan> recruited to help with an epidemic in trebol
  69. <Ronan> somethign they needed to quarintine for appearently.
  70. <Tectonic> Russet pauses. "Topsiders can't get infected though, right?"
  71. <Seshiro0> "Two reasons, really. My friend has a job down there, and we decided to volunteer to help people while we were there."
  72. <Ronan> excuse me... volunteered
  73. <Tectonic> Ruset looks at Ronan, crooking his head, then glances at Ferrum. "Both good reasons..."
  74. * Ronan looks to russet
  75. <Ronan> so they say
  76. <Seshiro0> "I'm... pretty sure they can't, Russet."
  77. <Tectonic> "Good, good."
  78. * Ronan nods
  79. <Tectonic> "Wouldn't want to catch my death in some, hah..."
  80. <Ronan> we will find out eventually
  81. <Tectonic> "Hellhole. Hehehe."
  82. <Tectonic> "Got any 3's?"
  83. * Ronan looks down at his hand
  84. <Ronan> go fish
  85. <Tectonic> Russet grabs another card.
  86. <Seshiro0> "So, what are you guys planning on doing to help out? I heard there are a few different jobs."
  87. <Ronan> hope youve said any goodbyes before you left, seems we will be down here for some time
  88. <Tectonic> "Whatever is easiest." Russet glances at his hand, frowning.
  89. <Ronan> ill most likely be dealing with the collection of... what was it again?
  90. * Ronan scratches his head
  91. <Ronan> the bromiunmatz?
  92. * Ronan shrugs
  93. <Seshiro0> "Something like that."
  94. <Ronan> i hear they can be rather... frightening
  95. <Tectonic> "Don't look at me. I don't know the fauna down there."
  96. <Ronan> but i have a few tricks up my sleeves that should make it a rather simple task
  97. <Tectonic> "Some sort of secret weapon?"
  98. <Seshiro0> "What sleeves? You're wearing a cloak!" The flowercat smirks.
  99. <Tectonic> "I think its a poncho..."
  100. * Ronan glances away
  101. <Ronan> it was a poncho at one time
  102. <Ronan> sands arent too kind if given enough time
  103. * Ronan lifts a side, showing that where the front was once, the edges are to frayed but seems to have once connected to the other side
  104. <Seshiro0> "Didn't you ever bring it to someone to fix it?"
  105. <Ronan> i cant risk a novice damaging the enchantment, im afraid
  106. <Tectonic> Russet's eyes widen, one of his hands reaching down to tug the hem of his cloak. "This little puppy is /enchanted/, huh?"
  107. <Seshiro0> "Yeah, well, at this point it looks like a novice would damage the enchantment less than wear and tear would!
  108. * Ronan tugs the cloak out of you reach and seems to glare at russet
  109. <Ronan> i would appreciate if you looked, but didnt touch
  110. <Tectonic> Russet scooches back, lifting his hand up again. "What's the little magic do, anyway?"
  111. <Ronan> this has been with me longer then i can remember and im quite certain it will remain with me till the end
  112. * Ronan seems to grin behind his scarf
  113. <Ronan> would you like a demonstration?
  114. <Tectonic> "Well, if it doesn't mess up the cards..."
  115. <Seshiro0> "So long as this demonstration isn't too destructive."
  116. <Ronan> anything destructive would draw too much attention, but...
  117. <Seshiro0> "I'm not worried about destruction 'drawing attention' I just think it wouldn't be a good idea in a closed space. Also it would be rude."
  118. * Ronan reaches back and lifts the hood over his head, activating the enchantment. it soon starts to get harder and harder to focus on his seated form. so much so that you are distracted by the first thing to draw your attention. as soon as you break visual contact you quickly forget he was ever seated beside you
  119. <Tectonic> Russet blinks, then rubs the side of his head, a light purple tongue licking the edges of his lips. "That is /some/ enchantment..."
  120. <Seshiro0> "Ferrum looks around, well whatever you just did, it wasn't plain camoflauge, if it were, I'd be able to spot you instantly."
  121. <Seshiro0> (WHOOPS, Formatted that wrong.)
  122. * Ronan lets out a soft but dry chuckle, pulling his hood back down and breaking the spell
  123. <Ronan> boo~
  124. <Seshiro0> "Alright, that was impressive, don't think I've seen anything quite like that before. With the line of work I'm in, I hope I never see it again either."
  125. <Tectonic> Russet rubs his face, trying to pat away the lingering effects of the spell. "Is that for sale?"
  126. <Ronan> im afraid not, ill not part with cloak for any price
  127. <Tectonic> "...ah well, can't win them all!" Russet says, turning to Ferrum. "Got any sixes?"
  128. <Ronan> with this i doubt any wildlife will be an issue
  129. <Seshiro0> "Ah, no, go fish."
  130. * DragonSheep has quit (⚘ Leaving)
  131. <Tectonic> "Hrmph."
  132. <Seshiro0> "You really need to get a hem on that though, if it frays too much more the enchantment might not be as potent."
  133. * Ronan hurrumphs slightly
  134. <Ronan> ive tried...
  135. <Ronan> but the cloak seems to forget that its been stitched up...
  136. <Seshiro0> "That's... uncommon, to say the least."
  137. <Ronan> thats why i dont entrust it to a novice
  138. <Seshiro0> "It sounds kind off like what people at my old place of work called a 'Dramatic Enchantment'."
  139. * Ronan turns to ferrum
  140. <Ronan> got any sixes?
  141. <Seshiro0> "Yes, darn here you go."
  142. * Ronan takes your card and adds it to his hand
  143. <Seshiro0> "Anyway, a 'Dramatic Enchantment' is when something is enchanted in such a way that it always has a certain 'look,' for example if something metal is enchanted to always look rusty for dramatic effect."
  144. <Tectonic> (I'm surprised nobody inquired as to why Russet's going down to the Hellside)
  145. <Seshiro0> "Sometimes certain already enchanted items gain them, it's quite a mystery."
  146. * Ronan listens intently and nods, before looking at russet
  147. <Ronan> i dont think we quite got your story
  148. <Tectonic> "Oh, well."
  149. <Tectonic> Russet raises his cards a little higher.
  150. <Tectonic> "You know how it is..."
  151. <Tectonic> "..."
  152. <Tectonic> "Its community service."
  153. * Ronan leans back on an arm
  154. <Ronan> oh really now
  155. <Seshiro0> "Oh, really? Well, better than cleaning Mew York's streets, I suppose."
  156. <Seshiro0> "Less chance of getting ill, too." She chuckles at her own joke.
  157. <Tectonic> "I think its a little ridiculous."
  158. <Tectonic> "This could take months..."
  159. <Ronan> ive staked out for longer-....
  160. <Seshiro0> "Did they at least give you a choice on what you do to help out in Hellside?"
  161. <Ronan> did you not?
  162. <Tectonic> "Well, the other choices weren't very appealing either."
  163. <Tectonic> "Let's talk about less about me, and more about..." Russet glances at Ronan. "Got any 10's?"
  164. * Ronan fans out his cards and stares at them a bit
  165. * Ronan reluctantly pulls out a card and slides it to russet
  166. <Tectonic> "Hehehe."
  167. <Tectonic> Russet puts down four tens.
  168. * Ronan mutters under his breath 'luck'
  169. * Noc|m has quit (⚘ see you later)
  170. <Seshiro0> Glances at Ronan "Well yeah it was luck, that's kind of how card games work."
  171. <Seshiro0> "Some more than others, of course."
  172. <Tectonic> "Well, if you believe that--ah."
  173. * Ronan sits up, folding his cards before surveying the cart quickly
  174. <Ronan> [anyone else want in? :V]
  175. <Tectonic> (Is anyone else here? Seems like a lot of lurkers.)
  176. <Ronan> [or they busy in #flora]
  177. <Seshiro0> (There always are a lot of lurkers here in my experience.)
  178. * Ronan returns their attention to card game
  179. <Ronan> [maybe ill just pop a question in #flora :v]
  180. <Tectonic> (You can if you want to!)
  181. <Ronan> [done .3.]
  182. * randomdaisy ( has joined
  183. <Tectonic> (hashtag nice)
  184. <Tectonic> (Hey randomdaisy)
  185. <Ronan> [o/]
  186. <randomdaisy> (yo! i'm just going to hang out and watch for a while)
  187. <Ronan> [das cool]
  188. <Ronan> i believe it to be your turn ferrum
  189. <Seshiro0> "Ah, right. Does anyone have any 7's?"
  190. <Seshiro0> (Err wait)
  191. <Ronan> hmm?
  192. <Seshiro0> "I mean, do you have any 7's Ronan?"
  193. <Tectonic> "hehehe."
  194. <Ronan> im afraid youll be taking a fishing trip
  195. <Seshiro0> "Ah, darn"
  196. <Seshiro0> (I can't believe I forgot the rules to Go fish for a second)
  197. <Tectonic> (xD)
  198. <Tectonic> (I haven't played in ages)
  199. <Tectonic> (I think the order is... Russet/Ferrum/Ronan?)
  200. <Seshiro0> (haha, there is no real order, you guys both went 3 times before I went once.)
  201. <Seshiro0> "So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you doing community service?"
  202. <Seshiro0> "It's not like you could've done anything too bad if you only got community service, anyway."
  203. <Tectonic> (Whoops)
  204. <Tectonic> Russet rubs the back of his head. "Well..."
  205. <Tectonic> "I may have accidentally picked up a few bags that didn't belong to others."
  206. <Tectonic> "Purely by accident, obviously."
  207. <Tectonic> "And then walked out of certain buildings carrying those bags."
  208. <Tectonic> "And then spent all the money inside of those bags. A crazy mistake."
  209. <Tectonic> Russet shrugs innocently. "I'm still shocked the judge thought I was guilty of /theft/."
  210. <Tectonic> "Got any sevens, Ferrum~?"
  211. <Seshiro0> "No, go fish."
  212. <Ronan> must have been a mistake in identity?
  213. <Ronan> hmmm
  214. <Tectonic> "What!"
  215. <Tectonic> "Didn't you just ask Ronan for sevens? Are you trying to cheat?" Russet raises all of his eyebrows. There's a lot of eyebrows.
  216. <Seshiro0> "No, I don't play go fish to win, I play it to have fun and confuse others." She chuckles, "There's nothing in the rules against asking for cards you don't have."
  217. <Ronan> heh.
  218. <Tectonic> "..."
  219. <Tectonic> "That's just disgusting." Russet grumbles, taking a card from the deck.
  220. * Ronan leans back some again
  221. <Seshiro0> "Hah, disgusting? That's a laugh."
  222. <Ronan> this train ride seems to be taking longer and longer
  223. * Ronan perks an eyebrow
  224. <Tectonic> Russet is sulking, it looks like.
  225. <Seshiro0> "Usually people call it annoying at worst, not disgusting."
  226. <Tectonic> "Bah. Just take your turn."
  227. <Seshiro0> "Hey now, no need to be so rude about it. It's not like I've said anything mean to you."
  228. <Seshiro0> "Ronan, do you have any 10's?"
  229. * whiskahs has quit (⚘ Leaving)
  230. * Ronan huffs
  231. * Ronan pulling out two cards and sliding them over to ferrum
  232. <Seshiro0> "Ah good." She puts down a set of 10's.
  233. <Tectonic> "Hrmmph... I'm hungry."
  234. * Ronan looks over his cards before glancing at both of your hands
  235. <Tectonic> "Do they bring us food on this train?"
  236. <Ronan> food car is two cars back
  237. <Tectonic> "Oh."
  238. <Seshiro0> "Enh, I've learned not to trust food that isn't mine."
  239. <Seshiro0> "I'll stick with the rations I packed for this journey."
  240. <Tectonic> "...Does hellside grub have a bad reputation?" Russet looks nervous. Maybe he's a picky eater?
  241. * randomdaisy ( has left
  242. * Ronan shrugs
  243. <Ronan> ive learned to eat most anything
  244. <Ronan> cant be picky when you dont know when your next meal it
  245. <Seshiro0> "Ah no no, I'm sure it's fine, Hellsiders would never hurt topsiders intentionally. It's just my line of wrok makes one a little wary."
  246. <Ronan> is*
  247. <Seshiro0> work*
  248. <Tectonic> "What's your line of work, then?"
  249. <Tectonic> Russet glances at Ronan. "And you, too."
  250. <Ronan> ahem...
  251. <Ronan> nature watching
  252. <Ronan> nature watching
  253. <Seshiro0> "I may not look it with these big meaty hands, but I am a seamstress."
  254. <Seshiro0> "The waryness comes from being the seamstress of a group of bounty hunters."
  255. <Seshiro0> "Perfectly legal ones, I assure you."
  256. <Ronan> oh?
  257. <Tectonic> Russet looks positively nervous.
  258. * Ronan raises an eyebrow, as his 'scarf' twitches
  259. <Seshiro0> The flowercat looks at Russet "Haha, don't worry, it's not like we're here for you or anything!"
  260. <Tectonic> "Well, no reason for you to be! Hahah! ...Which bounty hunters?"
  261. <Seshiro0> "The ones that likes to act like pirates."
  262. <Seshiro0> "It's honestly quite rediculous."
  263. <Ronan> and you say they are legal?
  264. <Seshiro0> "I said they ACT like pirates, not that they are."
  265. <Ronan> any particular reason why?
  266. <Seshiro0> "They think it's fun."
  267. <Tectonic> "Are those sorts dangerous?"
  268. <Seshiro0> "Not really, unless the person we're going after is dangerous."
  269. <Seshiro0> "Our mission is usually to CAPTURE someone, not hurt them."
  270. <Seshiro0> "Usually."
  271. <Ronan> ...hmmm
  272. <Ronan> how many of you are there?
  273. <Seshiro0> "Not many, only four in my group."
  274. <Seshiro0> "We have my friend the 'captain' and a couple of mages."
  275. <Tectonic> "What does the seamstress do?"
  276. <Seshiro0> "And of course, me."
  277. <Seshiro0> "I fix up their outfits whenever they do something particularly stupid."
  278. <Seshiro0> "Which is very often."
  279. <Seshiro0> "I also serve as intimidation occasionally. I'm taller and bulkier then the rest of them, you see."
  280. * Ronan nods
  281. <Tectonic> (How tall is Ferrum?)
  282. <Seshiro0> "Not really stronger though, just bigger."
  283. <Seshiro0> (Like 7-8 feet or so? I haven't really fleshed it out fully yet...)
  284. <Seshiro0> (I could link a drawing of her, if you want.)
  285. <Tectonic> (Oh, they're way taller than I was imagining.)
  286. <Ronan> [welp, seems ill be looking up :v]
  287. <Seshiro0> (Yeah, they're a bit bigger than the average flowercat :P)
  288. <Seshiro0> (Also hence they are sitting on the floor :P)
  289. <Ronan> [it all makes sense now =v]
  290. <Seshiro0> (( THis is her))
  291. <Ronan> [hehe neat :3]
  292. <Tectonic> (Dang)
  293. <Tectonic> (Russet's like half their size.)
  294. <Seshiro0> (Yeah, they tend to dwarf everyone.)
  295. <Tectonic> Russet's stomach growls, audibly. "Eh... I think I'm going to go grab something to eat."
  296. <Ronan> hehe
  297. <Seshiro0> "Just try not to steal any of the free food!" The flowercat smirks at her own joke.
  298. <Ronan> its probably best i stay away from the food cart anyway
  299. <Tectonic> "Bah. And you don't steal my cards." The arachoon stands up and turns--for the time, his tail comes into view, little stinger on the tip obvious as he walks out of the cart.
  300. <Seshiro0> "What do you mean it's best for you to stay away from the food cart? Afraid of getting your cloak dirty?"
  301. <Seshiro0> (Wow Ferrum is more of a dick than I origianlly intended her to be.)
  302. <Ronan> [hehe]
  303. <Ronan> hmmm... habits
  304. * Noctis (JWNoctis@ has joined
  305. <Seshiro0> "Not sure what you mean by that."
  306. * Ronan blushes slightly but looks away
  307. <Ronan> id rather not get into it
  308. <Seshiro0> "Oh, watch this, it'll be funny!" She quickly puts a spell on Russets cards that will make them all look like jokers untill she dispells it.
  309. <Seshiro0> "Wow, isn't that a Cryptic an Mysterious thing to say."
  310. <Seshiro0> and*
  311. * Ronan looks at the cards
  312. <Ronan> wont they notice?
  313. <Seshiro0> "Yes, but that's the point."
  314. * fen (Takum@2602:306:c555:8a20:959a:e19a:9cbb:d7d5) has joined
  315. <Ronan> i see...
  316. <Ronan> ... but i dont get the point
  317. <Seshiro0> "It'll be funny, you'll see when they get back."
  318. <Tectonic> (Man, I wasn't even thinking about coming back! I guess I should now, though.)
  319. <Seshiro0> (Oh, were you intending to leave, sorry.)
  320. <Ronan> [whoopsies :v]
  321. <Seshiro0> (YOu don't have to come back if you don't want to.)
  322. <Ronan> [im thinking we draw this to a close, its getting late on my end .3.]
  323. * Spenzaroo ( has joined
  324. * Spenzaroo ( has left
  325. <Seshiro0> (That's fair. I think I have a much better grasp on my character now, and they are certainly a dick.)
  326. <Tectonic> (Pffsh)
  327. <Ronan> haha x3
  328. <Ronan> []*
  329. <Ronan> [helped me out too, though they may need tweaking]
  330. <Seshiro0> (Also, I named them basically on the spot there. So that's probably subject to change.)
  331. <Ronan> [mhmm]
  332. <Seshiro0> (Also, near the beginning, she was going to say something about her job and that it doesn't matter because 'it's not like anyone here is a criminal or anything.' But I didn't figure out how to work it in.)
  333. <Seshiro0> (And it would have been a total coincedence, becasue actually I didn't know.)
  334. <Seshiro0> *I actually didn't
  335. <Ronan> didnt know what?
  336. <Seshiro0> Russet's background.
  337. <Ronan> ah
  338. <Ronan> hehe :v
  339. <Ronan> 'stop right there, criminal scum'
  340. <Seshiro0> Hey now, she wouldn't say that, after all she sin't being PAID to apprehend him, so what would be the point?
  341. <Seshiro0> Except maybe to freak them out.
  342. <Seshiro0> You know, on second thought maybe she would.
  343. <Tectonic> Hey, he's paying the price now!
  344. <Tectonic> Although he's got an eye on Ronan's cloak...
  345. <Ronan> oh really now :v
  346. <Tectonic> Maybe even three!
  347. <Ronan> one swift motion and you forget he was even there
  348. <Tectonic> On Ronan's part?
  349. <Ronan> he just needs to use the cloak :V
  350. <Tectonic> Oh
  351. <Tectonic> Right
  352. <Ronan> thought to think a cloak like that in a thief hands .3.
  353. <Ronan> walk in, take wahtyou want, walk out
  354. <Tectonic> Yeah
  355. <Tectonic> That's the plan, at least
  356. <Ronan> :P
  357. <Seshiro0> Man, if tthat happened, then maybe Ferrum WOULD get a job to catch Russet.
  358. <Seshiro0> :P
  359. <Tectonic> Heehee
  360. <Ronan> yeah, no :v
  361. <Ronan> i dont think ronan would let go of his cloak
  362. <Ronan> he might forget where he put it .3.
  363. <Seshiro0> "Hey have you seen my cloak?" "You mean the one that prevents people from noticing it?" "Yeah that one."
  364. <Ronan> hahaha
  365. <Ronan> exactly~!
  366. * Ronan has quit (⚘ Leaving)
  367. * Ronan ( has joined
  368. <Seshiro0> Well, I'm going to go eat food, I'll see you all later.
  369. <Ronan> Chow
  370. <Ronan> Suppose this channels dead for tonight
  371. <Tectonic> I'm going to bed
  372. <Ronan> Night nigh
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