
All dialogue.json files

May 1st, 2023
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  1. "step":
  2. int
  4. A number representing what step of the dialogue this section represents. All dialogue scripts start at step 0, and unless told otherwise, increment 1 step at a time until reaching a point where the next step number does not exist in the file.
  5. "text":
  6. String
  7. Not Required
  8. What text should be displayed for this step of dialogue.
  9. "name":
  10. String
  11. Not Required
  12. The name which should be displayed above the dialogue box to indicate what character is speaking.
  13. "portrait":
  14. String file path to image file
  15. Not Required
  16. What image should be displayed in the portrait box beside the dialogue box.
  17. "bg":
  18. String file path to image file
  19. Not Required
  20. What image should be displayed in the background of the dialogue scene.
  21. "bg_options":
  22. Dictionary
  23. Not Required
  24. Optional settings that change how the background is displayed. Currently only supports one option:
  25. {"fade_time": float that indicates how long it takes for the background to fade in from the previous background}
  26. "screen_effect":
  27. String, one of: "shockwave", "shake1", "shake3", "shake8", "stop_shake"
  28. Not Required
  29. Effect that plays on screen when this dialogue step is reached.
  30. "cutin":
  31. String file path to image file
  32. Not Required
  33. What image should be displayed as a cut-in in the center of the screen. Having a value of "clear" causes any existing cut-in to disappear.
  34. "cutin_options":
  35. Dictionary
  36. Not Required
  37. Optional settings that change how the background is displayed. Currently only supports one option:
  38. {"fade_time": float that indicates how long it takes for the background to fade in from the previous background}
  39. "music":
  40. String file path to sound file
  41. Not Required
  42. What music should be played in the background of the dialogue scene. Having a value of "stop" causes any existing music to stop playing. Music loops until stopped or the dialogue ends.
  43. "sound":
  44. String file path to sound file
  45. Not Required
  46. What sound should be played when this dialogue step is reached. The sound is played only once.
  47. "ambient":
  48. String file path to sound file
  49. Not Required
  50. What sound should be played in the background when this dialogue step is reached. Having a value of "stop" causes any existing ambient sound to stop playing. Ambient sound is looped until stopped or the dialogue ends.
  51. "goto":
  52. int
  53. Not Required
  54. Causes the dialogue to go to the given step, rather than the automatic behavior of the current step number +1.
  55. "onconditiongoto":
  56. Dictionary or array of dictionaries with the specific format of: {"requirements": requirement dictionary, "goto": int}
  57. Not Required
  58. For every dictionary supplied, evaluates the requirement dictionary inside. If the dictionary evaluates to true, the dialogue's next step is set to the "goto" value rather than the automatic behavior of the current step number +1. If multiple dictionaries have requirement dictionaries that evaluate to true, the LAST dictionary's goto value is chosen.
  59. "onconditiongotorandom"
  60. Same as "onconditiongoto", but if multiple dictionaries have requirement dictionaries that evaluate to true, a random goto value from the pool of valid gotos is picked.
  61. "choice":
  62. TODO: The formatting on how this field is set up is very strange and probably needs to change.
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