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Painters of the Tempest mod IRC

a guest
Feb 12th, 2025
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  1. 19:46 coolkid: yo no idea how much time you got but
  2. 19:46 *coolkid is editing [ Ne Obliviscaris - Painters of the Tempest (Part II): Triptych Lux [Canvas of Kings]]
  3. 19:46 coolkid: check this out when you can get some
  4. 19:47 Greaper: yo
  5. 19:47 Greaper: 16 minutes
  6. 19:47 Greaper: :skull:
  7. 19:47 Greaper: what you want me to check?
  8. 19:47 coolkid: emphasis
  9. 19:47 Greaper: any specific parts?
  10. 19:47 Greaper: or just in general?
  11. 19:48 coolkid: id say general
  12. 19:48 coolkid: i wanna know if it all flows into one another properly in your eyes
  13. 19:48 coolkid: since song picks up > slows down > picks up > slows down a lot
  14. 19:49 Greaper: might be taste but 00:27:330 (1) - sliders like this I always find so awkward especially with the slider tick at 00:27:609 -
  15. 19:52 Greaper: 00:43:585 (6,7) - would've expected a hyper on this?
  16. 19:52 coolkid: i think if i rework around this section more and space out the streams this should play better
  17. 19:53 Greaper: 01:00:121 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing increase feels too big for how tense the cymbals eventually become?
  18. 19:53 Greaper: at least I didn't expect it to be this big
  19. 19:54 coolkid: can reduce 4/5 but
  20. 19:54 coolkid: the cymbals def get louder here
  21. 19:54 coolkid: sounds like a massive rain shower
  22. 19:54 coolkid: lol
  23. 19:55 Greaper: sure
  24. 19:55 Greaper: 01:32:074 - feels a bit on the easier side somehow? The song is going crazy here so I expected a bit more tbh
  25. 19:56 Greaper: like from that timestamp until the end of the kiai
  26. 19:56 coolkid: perhaps the long holds
  27. 19:56 coolkid: i did that for the sake of string but i can chop it up into spacer streams rather then long flow
  28. 19:56 Greaper: mmh
  29. 19:56 Greaper: ye that might work
  30. 19:58 Greaper: 01:48:539 (5,1) - would make this just 3 circles with simple dashes. So you can focus on 01:48:958 (2) - instead. As it would probably play nicer
  31. 19:58 Greaper: 01:54:817 - seems weird to skip when the pitch is this strong?
  32. 19:59 Greaper: 02:07:655 (13,1) - would buff this, guitars kicking in but hyper strength is the same?
  33. 19:59 Greaper: also even has a cymbal backing it
  34. 19:59 coolkid: fixd all
  35. 20:01 Greaper: not sure how it would play but maybe 02:33:050 (6) - as a circle instead?
  36. 20:01 Greaper: so you focus on the guitar instead of background drums?
  37. 20:01 Greaper: yeeeeeeeee
  38. 20:01 Greaper: that probably could work
  39. 20:01 Greaper: but patterns def needs some adjustments if you do so
  40. 20:03 coolkid: adjusted
  41. 20:04 Greaper: 05:08:182 (2) - you sure about those stacks?
  42. 20:05 Greaper: 05:08:321 - no emphasis for the snare is kinda meh
  43. 20:05 Greaper: 05:09:299 (2) - same for this
  44. 20:05 coolkid: oh damn
  45. 20:05 coolkid: oversight
  46. 20:05 Greaper: I guess the pattern itself is fine to leave as is
  47. 20:05 Greaper: it plays fine
  48. 20:06 coolkid: i did this for the sake of variation with this 05:08:182 (2) - and 05:08:182 (2) -
  49. 20:06 coolkid: 02:54:957 (1) - ***
  50. 20:06 Greaper: (you linked the same)
  51. 20:06 Greaper: lol
  52. 20:06 Greaper: ye
  53. 20:06 coolkid: lol
  54. 20:07 Greaper: the pattern plays fine
  55. 20:07 Greaper: so up to you if you want to change it
  56. 20:08 coolkid: wont change then
  57. 20:08 Greaper: 05:42:089 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - was this the intention?
  58. 20:09 Greaper: because I'm now unsure what this tries to follow
  59. 20:09 Greaper: I guess also including 05:41:949 (9) -
  60. 20:09 coolkid: prob just oversight
  61. 20:10 coolkid: was hard for me to overhear any instruments over this long loud scream
  62. 20:10 Greaper: 05:50:182 (1,2) - antiflow maybe? might make it too hard for what you wanted to do here? but now they played a bit too easy to my liking
  63. 20:14 coolkid: ok
  64. 20:15 coolkid: i guess it helps for pattern variation
  65. 20:16 coolkid: and a way to seperate two vocalists > one vocalist transition
  66. 20:16 Greaper: oh true
  67. 20:16 Greaper: it was mostly just me thinking about the guitar
  68. 20:16 Greaper: and for consistency with 05:51:856 (1,2) -
  69. 20:18 coolkid: yeah did that one earlier too
  70. 20:20 Greaper: 08:04:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - idk what this all tried to follow. Maybe follow the vocal layer here as the vocals are so much the focus point of this?
  71. 20:21 Greaper: and other way probably focus more on the guitar?
  72. 20:21 Greaper: if thats even possible
  73. 20:21 Greaper: like 08:07:110 (7) - change this so you map 08:07:292 -
  74. 20:23 coolkid: only way i can explain the 08:04:928 - bit is it's following the higher pitches of his vocal blended in with the clock ticking sound which i used a 1/16 for
  75. 20:23 coolkid: it it's emphasis overkill i can do a simple reduction to 1/4 to give light to the other sections with 1/8 / 1/16
  76. 20:23 Greaper: 10:01:105 (4,5) - nice edge dash
  77. 20:24 Greaper: mmh
  78. 20:24 Greaper: tbh I can't hear what you are hearing then
  79. 20:24 coolkid: oh yeah quality starts to rapidly degenerate here lol
  80. 20:24 Greaper: as I would personally just full focus on vocals
  81. 20:24 Greaper: oh no
  82. 20:24 coolkid: what part can you not hear
  83. 20:24 coolkid: the clock tick?
  84. 20:24 Greaper: the 8 min one
  85. 20:24 Greaper: ye
  86. 20:25 coolkid: wait rlly?
  87. 20:26 Greaper: 10:09:046 - mmh ye guitar solo feels way too easy maybe?
  88. 20:27 Greaper: maybe because of the density gaps?
  89. 20:28 Greaper: 10:23:693 (4,5) - feels weak for the strength of the finish
  90. 20:28 Greaper: if you change this then apply the same here 10:26:517 (4,5) -
  91. 20:29 Greaper: 10:29:870 - could map 1/6 here
  92. 20:29 Greaper: 10:30:311 - would also map this 1/4
  93. 20:30 Greaper: feels so empty when there is a guitar solo kind of thing
  94. 20:31 Greaper: 10:54:929 (1) - maybe better to end it on 10:58:811 - ?
  95. 20:31 Greaper: right now the break starts out of nowhere
  96. 20:32 Greaper: 11:12:634 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1) - probably should use more of the screen here
  97. 20:32 Greaper: feels super cramped for no reason
  98. 20:33 Greaper: or at least focused too much in the middle
  99. 20:34 coolkid: i like the 1/6 idea
  100. 20:34 coolkid: will do
  101. 20:34 coolkid: fixed strength
  102. 20:34 Greaper: 11:51:034 (1) - timing sucks :)
  103. 20:34 coolkid: guitar solo is easy yeah lol
  104. 20:34 Greaper: or something is cursed here at least
  105. 20:34 coolkid: could end on 1/8
  106. 20:35 Greaper: mmh
  107. 20:35 Greaper: snapping would suck though
  108. 20:35 coolkid: hm ur right
  109. 20:35 coolkid: i think its 10 ms off
  110. 20:35 Greaper: 11:51:491 - 1/7 maybe?
  111. 20:35 Greaper: at least that sounds correct to me
  112. 20:36 coolkid: 1/7 ye
  113. 20:37 Greaper: 12:03:834 (1,2) - reduce to 1.3?
  114. 20:37 Greaper: tbh maybe just using 1.2x might be better here for your 1/2's
  115. 20:37 Greaper: because this could easily become the "random miss" section
  116. 20:37 Greaper: XD
  117. 20:38 coolkid: yeah this entire section needs a rework\
  118. 20:38 coolkid: same with the storms of ages deathslider part
  119. 20:38 coolkid: lol
  120. 20:39 Greaper: ye probably
  121. 20:39 Greaper: 12:27:301 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - like this feels like a missed oppertunity to increase spacings or introduce some more hypers?
  122. 20:39 coolkid: yes
  123. 20:39 Greaper: but I guess you want to stay calm for the section before that
  124. 20:39 Greaper: mmh
  125. 20:39 coolkid: i tried it before but it played kinda shit lolol
  126. 20:40 coolkid: i have an idea for that
  127. 20:41 coolkid: ill just cut off fom death wiggle and make an increased spacing illness lilin pattern
  128. 20:41 coolkid: not to give you nom ptsd
  129. 20:42 Greaper: nah illness was fine
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