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ktraderclient5 from 5.5

a guest
Apr 15th, 2016
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text 9.84 KB | None | 0 0
  1. mimetype is : text/html
  2. servicetype is : Application
  3. Recreating ksycoca file ("/root/.cache/ksycoca5_it_ZO9BCAqxRsYOeb+jgSNOcFvO9+Y=", version 303)
  4. Menu "" not found.
  5. Saving
  6. got 11 offers.
  7. ---- Offer 0 ----
  8. NoDisplay : 'TRUE'
  9. X-KDE-HasTempFileOption : 'TRUE'
  10. Type : 'Application'
  11. Name : 'Konqueror'
  12. Invalid property Comment
  13. Invalid property GenericName
  14. Icon : 'konqueror'
  15. Exec : 'kfmclient openURL %u text/html'
  16. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  17. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  18. Invalid property Path
  19. ServiceTypes : 'text/html - application/xhtml+xml - application/xml - Application'
  20. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  21. InitialPreference : '9'
  22. Invalid property Library
  23. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfmclient_html.desktop'
  24. DesktopEntryName : 'kfmclient_html'
  25. Keywords : ''
  26. FormFactors : ''
  27. Categories : 'Qt - KDE - System'
  28. ---- Offer 1 ----
  29. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  30. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  31. Type : 'Application'
  32. Name : 'Chromium'
  33. Comment : 'Accesso a Internet'
  34. GenericName : 'Browser Web'
  35. Icon : 'chromium'
  36. Exec : 'chromium %U'
  37. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  38. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  39. Invalid property Path
  40. ServiceTypes : 'text/html - text/xml - application/xhtml+xml - text/mml - x-scheme-handler/http - x-scheme-handler/https - Application'
  41. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  42. InitialPreference : '1'
  43. Invalid property Library
  44. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop'
  45. DesktopEntryName : 'chromium'
  46. Keywords : ''
  47. FormFactors : ''
  48. Categories : 'GTK - Network - WebBrowser'
  49. ---- Offer 2 ----
  50. Request for unknown property "Actions"
  51. Invalid property Actions
  52. TryExec : 'opera'
  53. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  54. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  55. Type : 'Application'
  56. Name : 'Opera'
  57. Comment : 'Fast and secure web browser'
  58. GenericName : 'Web browser'
  59. Icon : 'opera'
  60. Exec : 'opera %U'
  61. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  62. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  63. Invalid property Path
  64. ServiceTypes : 'text/html - text/xml - application/xhtml_xml - x-scheme-handler/http - x-scheme-handler/https - x-scheme-handler/ftp - application/x-opera-download - Application'
  65. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  66. InitialPreference : '1'
  67. Invalid property Library
  68. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/opera.desktop'
  69. DesktopEntryName : 'opera'
  70. Keywords : ''
  71. FormFactors : ''
  72. Categories : 'Network - WebBrowser'
  73. ---- Offer 3 ----
  74. Request for unknown property "Actions"
  75. Invalid property Actions
  76. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  77. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  78. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  79. Type : 'Application'
  80. Name : 'Firefox'
  81. Comment : 'Esplora il web'
  82. GenericName : 'Browser web'
  83. Icon : 'firefox'
  84. Exec : 'firefox %u'
  85. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  86. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  87. Invalid property Path
  88. ServiceTypes : 'text/html - text/xml - application/xhtml+xml - application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml - text/mml - x-scheme-handler/http - x-scheme-handler/https - x-scheme-handler/ftp - Application'
  89. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  90. InitialPreference : '1'
  91. Invalid property Library
  92. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop'
  93. DesktopEntryName : 'firefox'
  94. Keywords : ''
  95. FormFactors : ''
  96. Categories : 'Network - WebBrowser'
  97. ---- Offer 4 ----
  98. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  99. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  100. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  101. X-DBUS-ServiceName : 'org.kde.kate'
  102. X-DocPath : 'kate/index.html'
  103. X-KDE-HasTempFileOption : 'TRUE'
  104. Type : 'Application'
  105. Name : 'Kate'
  106. Comment : 'Editor di testi avanzato di KDE'
  107. GenericName : 'Editor di testi avanzato'
  108. Icon : 'kate'
  109. Exec : 'kate -b %U'
  110. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  111. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  112. Invalid property Path
  113. ServiceTypes : 'text/plain - Application'
  114. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  115. InitialPreference : '9'
  116. Invalid property Library
  117. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kate.desktop'
  118. DesktopEntryName : 'org.kde.kate'
  119. Keywords : ''
  120. FormFactors : ''
  121. Categories : 'Qt - KDE - Utility - TextEditor'
  122. ---- Offer 5 ----
  123. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  124. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  125. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  126. X-DBUS-ServiceName : 'org.kde.kwrite'
  127. X-DocPath : 'kwrite/index.html'
  128. Type : 'Application'
  129. Name : 'KWrite'
  130. Comment : 'Editor di testo di KDE'
  131. GenericName : 'Editor di testo'
  132. Icon : 'kwrite'
  133. Exec : 'kwrite %U'
  134. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  135. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  136. Invalid property Path
  137. ServiceTypes : 'text/plain - Application'
  138. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  139. InitialPreference : '8'
  140. Invalid property Library
  141. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kwrite.desktop'
  142. DesktopEntryName : 'org.kde.kwrite'
  143. Keywords : ''
  144. FormFactors : ''
  145. Categories : 'Qt - KDE - Utility - TextEditor'
  146. ---- Offer 6 ----
  147. Request for unknown property "Actions"
  148. Invalid property Actions
  149. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  150. StartupWMClass : 'libreoffice-writer'
  151. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  152. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  153. Request for unknown property "X-GIO-NoFuse"
  154. Invalid property X-GIO-NoFuse
  155. X-KDE-Protocols : 'file - http - ftp - webdav'
  156. Type : 'Application'
  157. Name : 'LibreOffice Writer'
  158. Comment : 'Create and edit text and graphics in letters, reports, documents and Web pages by using Writer.'
  159. GenericName : 'Word Processor'
  160. Icon : 'libreoffice-writer'
  161. Exec : 'libreoffice --writer %U'
  162. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  163. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  164. Invalid property Path
  165. ServiceTypes : 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master-template - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template - application/ - application/msword - application/ - application/x-doc - application/x-hwp - application/rtf - text/rtf - application/vnd.wordperfect - application/wordperfect - application/vnd.lotus-wordpro - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - application/ - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template - application/ - application/ - application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global - application/x-extension-txt - application/x-t602 - text/plain - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-flat-xml - application/x-fictionbook+xml - application/macwriteii - application/x-aportisdoc - application/prs.plucker - application/vnd.palm - application/clarisworks - application/x-sony-bbeb - application/x-abiword - application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages - Application'
  166. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  167. InitialPreference : '5'
  168. Invalid property Library
  169. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop'
  170. DesktopEntryName : 'libreoffice-writer'
  171. Keywords : 'Text - Letter - Fax - Document - OpenDocument Text - Microsoft Word - Microsoft Works - Lotus WordPro - OpenOffice Writer - CV - odt - doc - docx - rtf'
  172. FormFactors : ''
  173. Categories : 'Office - WordProcessor - X-Red-Hat-Base - X-MandrivaLinux-Office-Wordprocessors'
  174. ---- Offer 7 ----
  175. NoDisplay : 'TRUE'
  176. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  177. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  178. Type : 'Application'
  179. Name : 'Okular'
  180. Comment : 'Visore di documenti universale'
  181. GenericName : 'Visore di documenti'
  182. Icon : 'okular'
  183. Exec : 'okular %U %i -caption %c'
  184. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  185. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  186. Invalid property Path
  187. ServiceTypes : 'text/plain - Application'
  188. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  189. InitialPreference : '3'
  190. Invalid property Library
  191. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/kde4/okularApplication_txt.desktop'
  192. DesktopEntryName : 'okularapplication_txt'
  193. Keywords : 'txt - testo'
  194. FormFactors : ''
  195. Categories : 'Qt - KDE - Graphics - Viewer'
  196. ---- Offer 8 ----
  197. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  198. TryExec : 'gvim'
  199. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  200. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  201. Type : 'Application'
  202. Name : 'GVim'
  203. Comment : 'Modifica file di testo'
  204. GenericName : 'Text Editor'
  205. Icon : 'gvim'
  206. Exec : 'gvim -f %F'
  207. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  208. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  209. Invalid property Path
  210. ServiceTypes : 'text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ - Application'
  211. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  212. InitialPreference : '1'
  213. Invalid property Library
  214. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop'
  215. DesktopEntryName : 'gvim'
  216. Keywords : ''
  217. FormFactors : ''
  218. Categories : 'Utility - TextEditor'
  219. ---- Offer 9 ----
  220. StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
  221. Request for unknown property "UntranslatedGenericName"
  222. Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
  223. Type : 'Application'
  224. Name : 'Atom'
  225. Comment : 'Chrome-based text editor from Github'
  226. GenericName : 'Text Editor'
  227. Icon : 'atom'
  228. Exec : '/usr/bin/atom %U'
  229. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  230. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  231. Invalid property Path
  232. ServiceTypes : 'text/plain - Application'
  233. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  234. InitialPreference : '1'
  235. Invalid property Library
  236. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/atom.desktop'
  237. DesktopEntryName : 'atom'
  238. Keywords : ''
  239. FormFactors : ''
  240. Categories : 'GNOME - GTK - Utility - TextEditor - Development'
  241. ---- Offer 10 ----
  242. Type : 'Application'
  243. Name : 'Sublime Text'
  244. Comment : 'Sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose'
  245. Invalid property GenericName
  246. Icon : 'sublime-text'
  247. Exec : 'subl %F'
  248. Terminal : 'FALSE'
  249. Invalid property TerminalOptions
  250. Invalid property Path
  251. ServiceTypes : 'text/plain - Application'
  252. AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
  253. InitialPreference : '1'
  254. Invalid property Library
  255. DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/sublime-text.desktop'
  256. DesktopEntryName : 'sublime-text'
  257. Keywords : ''
  258. FormFactors : ''
  259. Categories : 'Utility - TextEditor'
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