

Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. It began in high school, where love blossomed between a timid, bubbly girl named Hanae Atsuki and the brutal delinquent named Saburou Fukuichirou. Throughout their experiences as first years, they were gradually pulled together like magnets --- opposites attracted, personality-wise in this case. Hanae orbited around Saburou, often hiding from his sight and observing the juvenile delinquent from behind his back. She could be seen around corners watching him, sometimes standing close to his side, and stealing glances during classroom lectures as fate suggested they were meant for each other. That was her heart speaking, in this love story. Eventually, they shared their stares and began talking to each other; small talk became long discussions, they shared their time during lunch, they rocketed from a close-knit friendship into an old-fashioned romantic relationship. Once they graduated from high school, this intimate couple's bond grew closer each and every day as Hanae tutored Saburou constantly when they both began attending the same university. She suggested Saburou started a part-time job, although his San'ya roots often held him back as he preferred wading in masculinity and excessive, physical force. Of course, Saburou listened to his girlfriend's wishes, starting his job at a flower shop Hanae's mother owned on Tokyo's outskirts.
  3. In their final university years, Saburou exchanged a few words with his girlfriend during the Cherry Blossom Viewing at Yoyogi Park and expressed his intense feelings where he felt comfortable. As planned, he held out an engagement ring for Hanae once the blossoms sprouted and the light petals danced around everyone else watching the cherry trees. He confessed --- Saburou wanted to marry Hanae, his one true lover. Emotional, Hanae accepted his early proposal in a ballad of happiness, putting on the engagement ring for her newest fiance and they both enjoyed a joyful, prosperous, and simple time together before finishing their education. They couldn't move into the main districts, so, Saburou bought an apartment in ther San'ya district and began preparations for their future child. Once Hanae became pregnant, she became dependent on Saburou and was treated well during his period. Afterwards, the baby has been delivered and born into the world, he was named Takahiro, after Saburou's ex-yakuza grandfather who ascended into being an oyabun of a powerful crime syndicate and disbanded his entire clan immediately due to discovering love beneath a bus stop. That's what his father said, anyways.
  5. Raised in San'ya, Takahiro attended a tiny elementary school somewhere within the district alongside his younger brother Enzeru, who came along during his third year. He was more silent and untalkative, paying close attention to his classes to grasp and understand everything to use in the future. He took schooling seriously throughout his primary and secondary years, tutoring other students to his leisure and standing at the top of his class. That is, until a challenger arrived, Himeka Iwayama is a sudden, equal competitor entering into Takahiro's life and she's certainly the strengthened wall blocking Takahiro's entryway into success. At elementary school's end, Takahiro acted stern around Himeka and so did she, they occasionally fought verbally while treating each other with utmost respect during class. He wondered what was her actual appeal as a future Student Council President, or so that's what Himeka stated throughout their quick meetings. They both misunderstood each other's actions, although Takahiro acted more irrational while stating Himeka was after his goal as the future council president and the signature student in his class.
  7. During his first year of middle school, they began outgrowing their rivalry and cooperated together as acquaintances. Instead of arguing constantly and playing the silent game, Takahiro opened up to Himeka and they gradually became friends in the middle of the year. This timeframe is where rumors began spreading about their possible love life, although that is not where it ends. There are multiple difficulties along the way, such as misinformation about the Japanese government attempting some fruity shit due to their current prime minister being near controversial and troublesome. The prime minister himself would usually spew out some bullshit, in Takahiro's words, then engage in breaching other nation's privacies. It's assumed he wants to create a war, to rejuvenate the nation itself and start some shit. As Takahiro's not driven much by politics, rather, by academics --- he ignored this side, dodging confrontation about the latest hot topic and staying huddled inside of his room away from his younger siblings. He only came out much for dinner, which he carried into his room and if he had to make it, making it for he and his sister was no big deal. He only served his younger brother small servings, due to finding Enzeru somewhat annoying and had already suspected he seemed to be an odd one out.
  9. Soon enough, he took time away from returning home and placed those hours into joining the school’s drama club. Takahiro discovered an interest blossoming into his every-day life, one involving acting as he dedicated multiple hours per day at home and during lunch towards polishing his rough skills into rehearsing lines, controlling his voice, and producing a charismatic aura that’s enough to enchant his three future judges. During these lunch hours where he formerly gathered the essentials for studying, he became fast friends with the school’s track star named Getsurin Yukikami during his own training sessions. Getsurin often asked questions, overflooding Takahiro without knowing he could potentially overwhelm the boy’s mind. Eventually, he learned to listen to Getsurin during lunch and they shared lunches outside while exchanging conversations about the school and daily life in general. While Getsurin befriended Takahiro, this leads into a timid bookworm inserting herself into Takahiro’s life through keen observation and amusement by his passionate acting practices. Her name is Harufumi Mikusawa, a young girl leading the literature club who seemed to need Takahiro’s influence in order to become a much better leader. Harufumi seemed shy at first, before warming up to the boys and showing her true side as an enthusiastic geek aiming towards a future degree involving marine biology. The drama club had continued building up their budget through fundraising, advertising at different places and selling goods around Akihabara to buy the script and everything essential for their class production. Eventually, it happens and they announce their play --- Yearning for One’s Love. The title’s completely misleading, it’s not a complete romantic scripture as it involved more action than something soft and fluffy. Yearning for One’s Love is about the orphaned protagonist formerly without a name, given one by the Royal Order which is Dayma and he goes through ordeals into becoming the kingdom’s mercenary in defending them against a great-scale, one hundred year war. His status rises up gradually with each act, to where Dayma is Prince Lalune’s assigned royal knight and they both aid in ending the Hundred Year War.
  13. Once auditions for the lead roles were held, Takahiro attempted delivering his lines through using his tweaked, natural voice and staying in-character throughout the entire session --- unfortunately, he was left somewhat anxious from internally knowing that he wouldn’t pass by as Dayma. It would be considered a failure on his end, thinking that he ended up disappointing his friends despite all of the work they went through together. Exiting the school, he started heading his way on home while his mind was shaken. On accident, he stumbled upon a secret meeting being held somewhere in an alleyway and Takahiro only thought of this as a drug deal at first. Drugs were nothing uncommon in the San’ya district, it’s unusual how much class these so-called thugs were dressed in and how much they talked without seeming suspicious. He began eavesdropping on this conversation, kneeling near a dumpster and a passing cat seemed to notice Takahiro, it walked towards him to have the student notice it and pet its fur. While eavesdropping on these suspicious words, Takahiro ignored the irritating feline throughout the duration --- before he knew it, these strange men finished conversing and he quickly started walking out without a word. Of course, rushing means tripping on the cat itself ( it’s not injured, i’m not that cruel ), then falling onto his stomach and notifying these bold strangers of his un-welcomed presence. Now, he’s dragged into their mess as Takahiro’s pinned onto a wall as these men questioned him about what he heard and how much of it he knew. Honestly, Takahiro answered every single one of their questions openly, noting how much stronger these men were than him as their grip was rather tight and their intimidation, fierce.
  15. At the end of this interview, Takahiro is knocked out and wakes up somewhere else aside from the familiar environment he was used to. Obviously, he was abducted in a place inhibited by possible yakuza and trifling in those boundaries is reckless --- his father would be deeply ashamed and his mother would be incredibly worried. Attempting to break free, Takahiro concluded he was bound by cuffs linked into a metal armchair and was greeted by a lovely face --- his future and current boss, Atsuo Hijiri. Further questioning occurs, following in dialogue explaining Takahiro’s situation; he’s stumbled upon an important conversation between their grunts about their soon-to be retired espionage tool, Yadora Ikubasa, and they needed a younger replacement as Yadora failed a mission for the third time. This meant execution, of course, Takahiro’s more able and suited for the job as Atsuo had inspected the boy’s body type before he had awaken from his slumber. Someone slim, yet has a determined and strong face that communicates a message without words… Atsuo immediately hired Takahiro without acknowledging his refusal, meaning that he’s bound to his new boss and underground faction. The explanation comes about through hardcore stealth training, identification practices, and an intense study in remembering important key words, body language, and signs that signify statuses. Throughout all of this, Takahiro is missing as his face was spread throughout the news for a short week, then everything subsided during three months provided that Takahiro kept his mouth shut. Complaining wasn’t something he’d do, as it’d sour his situation and turn his thoughts into something more morbid. After training, Takahiro oversaw Yadora’s execution and noted that about two fingers on each of his hands were missing --- those were assumed to be alternate punishments before death could be considered. Conjuring up his willpower, Takahiro withstood seeing a man die for the first time by human hands and he seemed stone cold afterwards, unable to be broken --- in reality, Takahiro was quite traumatized as he couldn’t believe what happened in his eyes. As someone who practiced to be an actor, he acknowledged how natural it seemed for him to simply… act as another person. Takahiro became congratulated as he ascended into the Myouren-kai Syndicate’s only useful ( to be considered ) and only secret agent, alongside being its youngest member. A celebration was held where Takahiro was surrounded by Myouren-kai’s top eight men to where he was forced to be bound by their laws and vow to obey in word, written signature, and a ritual to where two tattoos are marked on his skin --- an oriental-styled tattoo resembling Yamata-no-Orochi covered his chest while the syndicate’s kanji is permanently written onto his chest. Shortly afterwards, Takahiro drank some drugged tea to be knocked out as his body was carried from their base and tossed back near a convenience store in the San’ya district. One of his classmates stumbled upon him on the way to school in the morning, alerting his friends who passed by resulting in Harufumi calling his mother about discovering Takahiro on the road to school.
  17. Once he awakened back in his room, Takahiro’s parents privately conversed with him about where he was and what happened during these past few months. Takahiro couldn’t bring himself to talk about the syndicate, refraining from worrying his mother even more, and he simply talked about being kidnapped by some unidentified man then having to walk all the way back home. A simple lie, Hanae believed it to calm down while Saburou could hear through Takahiro’s lie and he dismissed his wife to make lunch. Saburou insisted that his son told the truth, instead of hiding it away from them both --- of course, he made an adjustment about only knowing about his son’s whereabouts and covering these tracks up. Trusting his father, Takahiro worded his experience with the Myouren-kai carefully and explained most of what he recalled, as mental and physical training was a blur instead of something treacherous in his own mind. Saburou gripped his son’s arm, asking him to reveal anything that’d be a huge giveaway about his vow towards being in the yakuza and the tattoos were the only thing created on him --- aside from additional scars riddling his arms and legs during training. There were mutual rules built between both father and son, about being careful showing his tattoos and concealing them in the most obvious means, even if it’s dressing up for physical education in the bathroom stall or skipping his swimming classes. Whenever he’s not home or absent, Saburou would call in to say he’s sick or say that Takahiro’s studying intensely in his room like the best son he ever had and deserved. Covering up these tracks are essential, although it’s a double-edged sword as Takahiro has to lead and carry two lives during his time spent serving Myouren-kai and Atsuo Hijiri.
  19. While signing into the syndicate base, Takahiro carefully mapped out planned routes about heading to school, to the base itself, and back home. He learned through raw memorization about the route itself, pinning it into his mind as it’s currently in his muscle memory since carrying himself from school to Myouren-kai would be rather difficult using a map in clear view. He juggled his drama club duties once he received the news they wouldn’t need the replacement for their lead role anymore for Dayma which was a huge relief on his end. Takahiro recalled his lines clearly, as his mind was sharp at every hour and he covered most of everything in each act for what could’ve taken him a rough time in a few weeks. Once he’s all caught up, Takahiro adapted to his predicament and knew that he could dress privately for the play itself; nobody would suspect him for anything, as his natural beauty ( as the girls call it ) needed time to nurture and sprout into something amazing on stage. Eventually, Yearning for One’s Love premiere had started on a late March evening as many seats were filled by an excited audience who had high expectations coming from Takahiro himself; this included Himeka, who missed Takahiro’s presence and wanted to understand what his decision was in joining up the drama club. Other than Himeka, another stranger sat in the audience waiting for the play’s stars to come on stage and present. In confidence, Takahiro walked onto the stage as everyone else took their roles and positions before the curtain lifted; fortunately, this isn’t a musical and Takahiro wouldn’t dare show off his mediocre singing skills as his delivery and phrasing was well enough to stay in character. It consisted of five acts, as the audience wouldn’t dare lift their eyes from the stage itself as the story was much more entertaining than how it was apparently written. That’s due to Takahiro improvising everything between Act Five and the Ending with a charming and flowery soliloquy, lengthening the play’s runtime as a con and improving its core story as a pro. Once the ending of the Prince and his Royal Knight proposing to each other was finished, everything silenced and the most fortunate part of his life happens --- he meets the former Super High School Level Director, Getsumei Kurosawa backstage as they conversed in another room in secrecy. At first, everything seemed ordinary as Takahiro was given run-of-the-mill compliments about his talent in the acting department and how excellent he delivered his lines while maintaining the same face, although changing expressions during the climactic scenes. This turned into something extraordinary out of the blue, as Getsumei offered Takahiro the main protagonist role in his upcoming television series called Ethereal Countdown. Right away, Takahiro accepted this after Getsumei explained its entire plot and who the protagonist was as a character.
  21. In his second year of middle school, Takahiro balanced his espionage duties and maintaining his acting role in Ethereal Countdown as a young actor in the industry. His face gained publicity throughout the year in merchandising, posters, interviews, and much more --- he forwarded this to his boss beforehand, obviously accepting Takahiro’s secondary job as an actor in order to suffice as a cover-up for his actual occupation and make him seem less suspicious as long as Takahiro sent some money back to Myouren-kai. He took on eight missions during his second and third year in middle school, as they were the most vital in gathering information and taking anything without seeming like filler. He grew closer to the Myouren-kai during his time with them, as Takahiro was attached to them as a second family, siblinghood, rather than feeling like an obscure prisoner swimming within dangerous territory. Takahiro also welcomed Himeka into his new friend group, creating something involving the four of them rather than letting his first and best friend stay alone as the class president without ever talking to Takahiro or his friends in which, Himeka befriended the other two and she didn’t stay distant afterwards.
  24. Near the end of his third year, Takahiro headed straight home after heavily involving himself in the Entrance Exams for his selected, future high school. Something prestigious fitting of his personal status and wealth or so, he thought that entering one would be his guaranteed fate. Upon coming home, Takahiro noticed both parents sitting in his living room with a single envelope in their hands. Surprised, Takahiro asked if anything was wrong and if this was his director sending him a cancellation letter ( which wasn’t going to happen any time soon ). In a quick response, Hanae handed the envelope to her son, in which he opened it and was perplexed to discover… an invitation congratulating Takahiro into his enrollment ( if he accepted ) into Hope’s Peak free of charge which allowed him to pay up one debt to the yakuza before leaving for high school. It stated in the letter that his spectacular performance in Ethereal Countdown allowed the scout to invite him in, as his blossoming talent seemingly attracted their attention and everything else had been set from there. It’s settled, he’s beginning his first year of high school at the most prestigious and private boarding school as an actor; rather than a secret agent.
  26. Starting as a first year in Hope’s Peak, Takahiro is greeted by a classroom of the 61st class, whom he expected would be relaxing people attending simply to improve their talents and participate in their hobbies. Unfortunately, these were his new classmates whom had outstanding, varied, and intense personalities unlike the bland and everyday students he often met back at his old school. Searching for some friends, he discovered a duo that’d last him a long time without being alone and stranded in this sea of splendid, popular teenagers. Takahiro managed to befriend the stoic, slapstick and improv comedian Wararuko Hatano and the beloved, well-mannered shump video gamer Hibachi Yamaguchi who ended up being the meditators in their class. Immediately, Takahiro is assigned a leader role due to Wararuko having an uncaring attitude and Hibachi’s mischievousness having a hand in enabling Wararuko, then irritating Takahiro. Sometimes, Hibachi would invite them over to his dormitory for video gaming lessons involving shump games and how vital they are for the video game industry as the classic genre. Takahiro never played many video games, but he could detect the denial in Hibachi’s voice concerning its actual importance and how long-lasting it seemed. Wararuko engaged in comedic sequences when it’s necessary, while timing her jokes just right as her dry humor seemed to get everything across. Puns? Hibachi hated those, she made it very clear. Meanwhile, Hibachi often exercised with Takahiro outside of the school while questioning how much muscle Takahiro lacked as he resembled a literal twig --- then seeing him sleeveless and in shorts made Hibachi stay quiet. For the first week, they had already earned Takahiro’s respect as they seemed less annoying than at their first initial introductions.
  28. He often receive voice calls and nightly calls once a month from his director as Ethereal Countdown is put in hiatus as Hope’s Peak was a huge experience that Getsumei couldn’t help taking away from his lead actor. He mostly asked Takahiro how things were doing, asking questions about everyday life and if he needed this old man, contact him whenever something comes up. Sometimes, Takahiro remained stealthy around many strangers, spying on his class and the other ones beyond his --- gossip wasn’t his main motivation behind this, as obtaining information about their reputation and how they acted around strangers was vital in knowing how to talk to them before sending them into hysterics. Even if he doesn’t care much about gossip, he documents logs and everything necessary inside of a leather-bound journal as listening and recalling certain things is how he can get by in life.
  30. Overall for three years, Takahiro’s experience at Hope’s Peak ranged from average friendship and daily life hang-outs to reckless, chaotic antics involving his classmates; numerous noodle incidents had taken place throughout the time spent there, earning the 61st class a nickname bestowed to them by faculty staff, other students, and their teacher alike as they were called Demonic Ruffians. Despite Takahiro ( as he was usually bribed ) and five others participating in about three harmless or harmful ( depending on your definition ) incidents, these became rather gigantic, creative stunts lasting for a few minutes to over an hour depending on what has been done. A certain Super High School Level Equestrian suggested pranking the class above them’s final exams once as they observed upon their teacher, Ryuugatawa Kenzunaga’s request. Fortunately, this failed in some aspects when it came to utterly sabotaging less constructive and more abstract talents, especially when they attempted crushing a Super High School Level Pizza Delivery Man’s dreams. This ended up completely backfiring as the Pizza Delivery Man turned out to have experience dealing with pranksters and avoiding their mess. Takahiro had a hand in wielding his stealth skills and applying them in aiding the Equestrian through making their ideas come forth into reality. This incident became nicknamed Class 62’s Bethesda Moment.
  32. Another incident occurred during their second year, where the Super High School Level Yo-Yoer and Super High School Level Prince garnered a large enough crowd in the courtyard to engage in a mediocre rap battle which transitioned into a full-scale fight that ended within six seconds before the security guards could break it up. Sometimes, these two would fight in the cafeteria within Takahiro’s reach, he nicknamed them as Childish Fools before they developed stubborn tendencies against actually paying attention to Takahiro’s scoldings to simply brawl in the schoolyard. This is a small incident which turned into a huge one due to the dissonance between their talents and fame that reached its peak in social media networks.
  34. At last, the third incident involved the entire class partying on the dormitory rooftops ( except for Takahiro and the Super High School Level Milkman ) who would’ve provided makeshift security if first years ever snuck in. As this was close to graduation, the Super High School Level Mall Security Guard gained access to stolen alcohol from her father’s liquor store and it became an absolute mess within seconds. The party wasn’t loud in terms of music, rather, their voices and actions boomed across the campus concerning the lack of control a lot of Takahiro’s classmates seemed to share. Unfortunately, they hadn’t secured an underground basement or a warehouse for partying which made the current Headmaster tired and stressed about how these students acted. Their alcohol was revoked, there weren’t many drugs aside from the Super High School Level Biochemist customized, original drugs made by her hands. Let people sleep.
  36. Eventually, graduation came as this entire class was decently close-knit with some small circles and the unity strengthening them as a whole. Before Takahiro packed up and left, he already exchanged numbers with his friends beforehand as their reunion would happen ten years later. High school? Finished. University? … Nah.
  38. Currently starring in Ethereal Countdown’s final season which continued forward after graduation, Takahiro immediately moved out of his family home and carried a torch in working as a secret agent until someone much better would eventually take his spot. He’s contacted his boss, paying off the debt through physical transactions back at the clan’s base --- without much fear, he shared his new apartment’s address in order to enclose that the “actor” still trusted the underground organization. Once he finished moving in, Takahiro met his new, handsome roommate named Ruri Kachigawa who would bring the black-haired man into an unlimited amount of trouble multiple times. Ruri revealed himself as a hacker later on after mischievously breaking into Takahiro’s laptop via a USB virus and uploading several photographs of Takahiro’s photoshopped face on famous Renaissance paintings. Oops! Indulging in alcohol, Takahiro began hanging out at a San’ya local bar named Nirvana, which had custom drinks made solely by the bartender and the boss themselves. He attended their social events, while talking to identified yakuza or old childhood friends from the past. Meeting new people isn’t entirely difficult, but talking to a retired veterinarian made Takahiro much more sympathetic towards animals and he ended up adopting a kitten from the animal shelter. It grew up into a young cat later on, as this cat was his child and his responsibility provided that Ruri helped purchase necessary cat toys, foods, beds ( turns out plastic bags were all they needed ), and anything a cat would need. The cat’s name ended up being Maru, as Ruri’s the worst as coming up with names.
  40. And as such, life moves on.
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