
Ransei Region roomintro

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. <div style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <img width="450" height="263" alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <b target="_blank"> <i target="_blank"> <strong target="_blank"><font size="5" target="_blank"><font color="green" target="_blank">Welcome to the Ransei Region!</font> <br target="_blank"></font></strong></i> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <button name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">Room Staff </b></button></b><hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <button name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"><b target="_blank"> Summon The Legends of Ransei</b></button><br target="_blank"> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button target="_blank"><b target="_blank">Join my Plug!</b></button></a> <hr width="100%" target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" target="_blank">Welcome to the Ransei Region. Chill out all you want here. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! Come join my plug! Have fun ^_^ </marquee></center> </div>
  4. for adding fairy,<img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32">
  6. Background Sky version
  8. <div style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; -webkit-background-size: cover ; -moz-background-size: cover ; -o-background-size: cover ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"> <div style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <img width="450" height="263" alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="66" width="64"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <b target="_blank"> <i target="_blank"> <strong target="_blank"><font size="5" target="_blank"><font color="green" target="_blank">Welcome to the Ransei Region!</font> <br target="_blank"></font></strong></i> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <button name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">Room Staff </b></button></b><hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <button name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"><b target="_blank"> Summon The Legends of Ransei</b></button><br target="_blank"> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button target="_blank"><b target="_blank">Join my Plug!</b></button></a> <hr width="100%" target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> </center> <center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="12" width="32"> <hr width="90%" target="_blank"> <marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" target="_blank">Welcome to the Ransei Region. Chill out all you want here. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! Come join my plug! Have fun ^_^ </marquee></center> </div> </div>
  11. Roomintro 2
  13. /htmlbox <center target="_blank"><table style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; width: 100% ; height: 300px ; background-position: center ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top ; width: 75%" target="_blank"><img src="" target="_blank" height="55" width="450"></td><td style="width: 25% ; background-color: rgba(100 , 153 , 108 , 0.3) ; font-size: 20px ; color: whitesmoke ; font-family: serif" target="_blank"><center target="_blank">Clickable Buttons <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto"name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Room Staff </button><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Summon Ransei's legends!</button> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Come join the DJ Plug!</button></a><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> </center> </center></td></tr></tbody></table><table style="border: 2px solid #000000 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 20px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank">Welcome to The Ransei Region!<br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="2">Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends!</font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px ;" target="_blank" text-align: left" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr width=90% target="_blank">
  15. Roomintro 2 with audio
  17. /htmlbox <center target="_blank"><table style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; width: 100% ; height: 300px ; background-position: center ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top ; width: 75%" target="_blank"><img src="" target="_blank" height="55" width="450"></td><td style="width: 25% ; background-color: rgba(100 , 153 , 108 , 0.3) ; font-size: 20px ; color: whitesmoke ; font-family: serif" target="_blank"><center target="_blank">Clickable Buttons <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto"name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Room Staff </button><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Summon Ransei's legends!</button> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height=64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Come join the DJ Plug!</button></a><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> </center> </center></td></tr></tbody></table><table style="border: 2px solid #000000 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 15px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <b> <img src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32">Welcome to The Ransei Region!<img src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> </b><br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="1"> <b> Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends! </b> </font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px ;" target="_blank" text-align: left" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center></td></tr></tbody><audio controls="" src=";command=download_mp3" style="width: 99.6%; border: 2px solid #00000; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto; background-color: #4a8e29" target="_blank">Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</audio> </table>
  19. Roomintro 2 with audio on bottom.
  21. /roomintro <div target="_blank"><center target="_blank"><table style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; width: 100% ; height: 300px ; background-position: center ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"><tbody target="_blank"><tr target="_blank"><td style="vertical-align: top ; width: 75%" target="_blank"><img src="" target="_blank" height="55" width="450"></td><td style="width: 25% ; background-color: rgba(100 , 153 , 108 , 0.3) ; font-size: 20px ; color: whitesmoke ; font-family: serif" target="_blank"><center target="_blank">Clickable Buttons <button style="background-color: #4a8e29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4a8e29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Room Staff </button><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button style="background-color: #4a8e29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4a8e29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion&#10;|j|~Articuno&#10;|j|~Registeel&#10;|j|~Groudon&#10;|j|~Dialga&#10;|j|~Mewtwo&#10;|j|~Reshiram&#10;|j|~Zekrom&#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza&#10;|j|~Arceus&#10;The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! " target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Summon Ransei's legends!</button> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button style="background-color: #4a8e29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4a8e29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Come join the DJ Plug!</button></a><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> </center> </td></tr></tbody></table></center><table style="border: 6px solid #4a8e29 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody target="_blank"><tr target="_blank"><td style="background-color: #4a8e29 ; font-size: 15px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <b target="_blank"> Welcome to The Ransei Region! </b><br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="1"> <b target="_blank"> Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends! </b> </font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4a8e29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center> <center target="_blank"> </td></tr></tbody></table><audio controls="" src=";command=download_mp3" style="width: 99.6% ; border: 2px solid #4a8e29 ; background-color: #4a8e29" target="_blank">Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</audio> </center></div>
  23. Roomintro with 2nd audio
  25. /htmlbox <center target="_blank"><table style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; width: 100% ; height: 300px ; background-position: center ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top ; width: 75%" target="_blank"><img src="" target="_blank" height="55" width="450"></td><td style="width: 25% ; background-color: rgba(100 , 153 , 108 , 0.3) ; font-size: 20px ; color: whitesmoke ; font-family: serif" target="_blank"><center target="_blank">Clickable Buttons <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto"name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Room Staff </button><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Summon Ransei's legends!</button> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <a href="" target="_blank"><button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height=64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Come join the DJ Plug!</button></a><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> </center> </center></td></tr></tbody></table><table style="border: 2px solid #000000 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 15px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <b> Welcome to The Ransei Region! </b><br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="1"> <b> Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends! </b> </font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px ;" target="_blank" text-align: left" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center></td></tr></tbody><audio controls="" src=";command=download_mp3" style="width: 99.6%; border: 2px solid #00000; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto; background-color: #4a8e29" target="_blank">Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</audio> </table>
  27. Roomintro 2 Short Version
  29. /roomintro <div target="_blank"><center target="_blank"> </center> </td></tr></tbody></table></center><table style="border: 6px solid #4a8e29 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody target="_blank"><tr target="_blank"><td style="background-color: #4a8e29 ; font-size: 15px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <b target="_blank"> Welcome to The Ransei Region! </b><br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="1"> <b target="_blank"> Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends! </b> </font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><button style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <b> Room Staff </b></button> <button style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion&#10;|j|~Articuno&#10;|j|~Registeel&#10;|j|~Groudon&#10;|j|~Dialga&#10;|j|~Mewtwo&#10;|j|~Reshiram&#10;|j|~Zekrom&#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza&#10;|j|~Arceus&#10;The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! " target="_blank"> <b> Summon Ransei's legends! </b> </button><a href="" target="_blank"><button style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"><b> Come join the DJ Plug! </b> </button></a><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4a8e29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center> <center target="_blank"> </td></tr></tbody></table><audio controls="" src=";command=download_mp3" style="width: 99.6% ; border: 2px solid #4a8e29 ; background-color: #4a8e29" target="_blank">Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</audio> </center></div>
  32. Updated Roomintro with audio
  34. <center target="_blank"><table style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; width: 100% ; height: 300px ; background-position: center ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top ; width: 75%" target="_blank"><img src="" target="_blank" height="55" width="450"></td><td style="width: 25% ; background-color: rgba(100 , 153 , 108 , 0.3) ; font-size: 20px ; color: whitesmoke ; font-family: serif" target="_blank"><center target="_blank">Clickable Buttons <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto"name="send" value="/roomauth" target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Room Staff </button><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" name="receive" value="|j|~Terrakion &#10;|j|~Articuno &#10;|j|~Registeel &#10;|j|~Groudon &#10;|j|~Dialga &#10;|j|~Mewtwo &#10;|j|~Reshiram &#10;|j|~Zekrom &#10;|j|~Shiny Rayquaza &#10;|j|~Arceus &#10; The 10 Legends of Ransei were summoned! &#10; " target="_blank"> <img src="" target="_blank" height="64" width="64"> <br target="_blank"> Summon Ransei's legends!</button> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <button name="send" value="/search unratedrandom battle" target="_blank" ; style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; -moz-border-radius: 10px ; -webkit-border-radius: 10px ; border-radius: 10px ; border: 2px solid #4A8E29 ; color: #ffffff ; font-family: &quot;arial&quot; ; font-size: 10px ; padding: 4px 16px ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto"> <img src="" height="64" width="64"> <br> Click to battle on our turf </button> <br><br> </center> </td></tr></tbody></table></center> </td></tr></tbody></table><table style="border: 2px solid #000000 ; background-size: cover ; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto ; color: #ffffff" target="_blank"><tbody><tr><td style="background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 15px ; color: #ffffff ; width: 100%" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <b> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> Welcome to The Ransei Region!<img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="32" width="32"> </b><br target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="1"> <b> Anyone is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and are friendly to all our users. Feel free to summon the 10 legendary Pokémon of Ransei anytime you want! So why not come in and stick around for a while? Have fun ^_^ You might make some new friends! </b> </font><br target="_blank"><br target="_blank"><div style="width: 95% ; background-color: #4A8E29 ; font-size: 13px ; color: white ; border: #89004a solid 1px ;" target="_blank" text-align: left" target="_blank"><b target="_blank">News &amp; Announcements:</b><marquee style="width: 72%" direction="left" target="_blank">None at the moment. Please enjoy your stay ^_^</marquee></div></center></td></tr></tbody><audio controls="" src=";command=download_mp3" style="width: 99.6%; border: 2px solid #00000; cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto; background-color: #4a8e29" target="_blank">Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</audio> </table><center target="_blank"> </center>
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