

Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. SGDQ and what-have-you, in review
  3. So travelling to SGDQ was a trip, nowhere near as bad as Amyrlinn and Mildew but my journey sucked a bit. Hour late bus, overcharging taxis, and getting into the states was all a blast. At least I'd arrived the day before SGDQ started. The week in itself just went by super quick, the good times just kept rolling and I had a blast hanging out with friends from various communities/groups, ie; Borderlands people, Voltage, APOP. Got to meet various marathon-folks such as RagingCherry, Psychoripper and MrShasta of Smash The Record fame, still blown away I got into the marathon. Met Proto, she was a big help with PUWP, and Shaddex of Shots Fired fame (Shots Fired: Live soon?). I'd ended up missing a fair few runs, will eventually have to watch some of em at some point, hit me up with your suggested watches. Also, invited to join Voltage so I'm actually a member of it which is super neat.
  5. Goals and future events
  7. Want to get top 3 in THUG Beginner Any%, it's achievable.
  8. Learn more speedgames, ie; SMW 11 exit since I've had a SFC and a cart for like two months rofl, maybe Spiderman 2
  9. THUG 2 maybe, still on the fence since the menus are a little slow
  10. Simpsons Hit and Run probably at some point
  11. Gonna do my best to be at Smash The Record, biggest marathon that I've been accepted to
  12. Will definitely submit to AGDQ, I think I got a shot with THUG, maybe submit as a race with Packle and others. Will submit Fable as per usual, as well as Enter The Matrix, think it's goofy enough to get in.
  13. WR in Gat Out of Hell with Matt since he so desperately wants it, it's doable.
  14. Maybe work on SR4 Co-Op so that me and Matt can hold all the co-op records in all the SR games, save for 2 since it's not really doable.
  15. I do love SR2 as a game but it blows hard on PC, maybe I'll run it on console, who knows.
  17. Last words
  19. I'm moving in a couple days so I'll probably get some real lighting so my green screen doesn't shit itself every time the sun goes down. Also I myself want to move to my own place at some point, maybe in a year or two, gotta get my money situation... Situated, ie; get an actual job and not temp work at some point, market where I'm at sucks but I'll throw resumes everywhere.
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