
DeuceCon attendees

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. I will figure the schedule out once I get an idea of what days people will be attending, and what times they are available. If you do not see your name on this list and are curious as to why it is not feel free to message me on SDA and I can try my best to explain exactly why your games were cut. More than likely it is due to the limited space of my home and the scheduling of the event, or in the case of Final Fantasy 4 just too many submissions. I understand I could hold this event somewhere larger and have as many people as we want, but I would like to keep DeuceCon an intimate event and have it focused solely on speed running and meeting new people in the community. Thanks to everyone for submitting it's been pretty damn crazy to see so many runners wanting to come and hang out!
  3. [List of Attendees]
  5. -Bichphoungballz
  6. -ConHuevos
  7. -Crak_Atak
  8. -Danshow
  9. -Deln
  10. -Duckfist
  11. -eLmaGus
  12. -FeralPigMan
  13. -Garrison
  14. -Ghoul02
  15. -KreichJr
  16. -Neerrm
  17. -Nil8r
  18. -PixelKaye
  19. -Philosoraptor
  20. -SlurpeeNinja
  21. -Square_Wave
  22. -Thaan
  23. -Crispy
  25. If everyone could contact me ASAP so we can discuss your plans for the event that would be awesome, thanks again for everyone who submitted it's bad ass to see this grow bigger then I'd imagined. Please don't feel deterred from submitting if I decide to hold another event next year.
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