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Jul 1st, 2015
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text 2.59 KB | None | 0 0
  1. % run: xelatex or lualatex mal-texperience.tex
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  35. node[align=center, scale=2, font=bfseriescon, yshift=-4mm] at (current page) {{color{myorange} From date to date, year}\
  36. Where, City and State\
  37. The name of the hotel
  38. };
  39. node[align=left, xshift=1cm, yshift=1cm, anchor=south west, font=bfseriescon, scale=1.4] at (current page.south west) {Invited speakers are:\[2mm]
  40. {color{white}First name}\
  41. His/her lectureldots\
  42. {color{white}Second name}\
  43. Another lectureldots\
  44. {color{white}Third name}\
  45. Another lectureldots\
  46. {color{white}Fourth name}\
  47. Another lectureldots\
  48. {color{white}Fifth name}\
  49. First tutorialldots\
  50. {color{white}Sixth name}\
  51. Second tutorialldots
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  54. {bfseriescolor{white}Organizer 1}\
  55. bfseries and\
  56. {bfseriescolor{white}Organizer 2}\
  57. bfseries invite you to participate in\[5mm]
  58. {bfseriescolor{white}Large Name of the conference}\[5mm]
  59. {color{white}textit{Conference motto:}}\
  60. bfseries Some text\
  61. {color{white}textit{Conference website:}}\
  62. bfseries Some website\
  63. {color{white}textit{Contacts:}}\
  64. bfseries Some email
  65. };
  66. end{tikzpicture}
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  69. end{document}
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