
Enter Bane

Dec 2nd, 2018
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  1. DGNightwing: -Nightwing had captured Ivy. He was growing tired of her games these past couple of nights, he had her tied up to a chair, they were in an abandoned building, however, the building was built by Bruce Wayne and the tech inside the building was set to limit ivy to her powers, only for a certain ammount of time that is. Grayson was leaning against the wall, arms crossed looking at her- So ivy. Wanna tell me why youve been doing this lately? I mean how long has it ben since youve bloomed from the shadows? two years maybe? why now?
  2. Alexithymiaa: -She struggled against the restraints that held her to the chair, tugging and fighting against it to no prevail since she has such limited strengths at this point. Blowing out a deep breath, she flipped her head to one side to send her hair out of her face, narrowing her glance on Nightwing against the wall. "What movie do you think we're in? This isn't the part of the love story where I fall prey to your boyish charm and confess the end of the movie."-
  3. DGNightwing: I mean, if thats the sort of thin that youre into, then yea sure.- He would take a step torward hr, still crossing his arms, his voice getting stern- I am a busy man Pam. I really dont feel like tending to my garden every single night. Theres more dangerous vlians out there. You personally, although you still have the looks. But your moves? Yea, youre washed up. So youre going to sit hereuntil yu tell me what your plan is, or, I guess I should say was. Condisering I foiled it.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Shut up..." She growled between her teeth at him, giving another tug on her restraints. "You don't know what you're talking about. You think someone is more worth your time? Like who, Joker? He's lucky if his arthritis doesn't catch him before you do. I'm the best you've got and I'm on top of the world right now."-
  5. DGNightwing: Oh yea? You are on top of the world right now? - he chuckled- Ive been trying to track down deathstroke. Hed mow your lawn quicker then you could grow it. I really dont want to be the bad cop here, so jst cooperate, and i will decide if you go to arkham or not. And im almost positve the joker is dead.
  6. Ban3 has joined the chat
  7. DGNightwing: (welcome man, mind if i fill you in whats going on, and you can join from there?)
  8. Ban3: (( yeah man. let's hear it))
  9. DGNightwing: (so im interrogating ivy, if you want....feel free to rush in the abandoned building, and "save" her, and we can go from there lol)
  10. Ban3: (( will do man. I'll post when i'm ready))
  11. Ban3: ( I should say I'll start writing now))
  12. Alexithymiaa: "See." She shot back, turning her face away from him to look in the opposite direction. "Deathstroke? That's who you're so concerned about? He wouldn't know what hit him if it came down to me or him. Besides, he's uptight." She gave a pout, considering just how much of her toxic lipstick was left on her lips since their intense fight in the park. "You are too. I'm just trying to have a little fun. If you come a little closer, I can help you lighten up a little." Sitting up a bit straighter, she batted her lashes at him, throwing the flirty facade back into place.-
  13. DGNightwing: YEt, here you are. Tied up. You lost, so give up. - he walked close to her, puling out one of his escrimas- I really dont want to do this. But this thing right here? Have you been tased before? Times that by...alot. The shock wont kill you, but it really could knock someoneboyd out, or make them wish they were dead. I dont kill. I wont kill. But, im not afraid to get dirty anymore. -he reached in his pocket and pulled out a bandaide like thing, he would open it up, and place two clear plastic covers on his lips, then looking at her- JUst in case you get free and try to kiss me. Your posion wont work. Im goig to ask nicely. One more time. Why are you doing this?
  14. Alexithymiaa: "It's not over until the fat lady sings and I don't see a fat lady." She retorted, watching intently as he took measures against her poison. With a roll of her eyes, she tried to shift only to be met with the roughness of the ropes against her skin. "See that's your problem. You think you're willing to get dirty, but you're not. You're too busy being self righteous to make any sort of impact on anyone. You think I'm some sort of evil person, but I'm the only one looking out for those who can't speak for themselves against mindless drones like YOU."-
  15. DGNightwing: Oh yea?- he looked downa t her body- I do see a lady who seems to be getting there- He wasnt serious, but maybe it wold get to her, she started talking, he balled a fist, and loted it up, swinging for her cheek with his right hand, he wouldnt punch as hard as he could, maybe about 75 percent, as a warning shot if it would hit, her jaw would be really sore- Mindless drones like me? At this point, some of us can be on the same side ivy. You just do things the wrong way
  16. Guest_StarLordAlmighty211 has joined the chat
  17. Guest_StarLordAlmighty211 has left the chat
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She clenched her jaw at his rude comment, but was unable to avoid the oncoming hit he threw at her face. When his knuckles connected, her head rocked to one side, her torso instantly hanging down as the pain exploded across her face. She could taste the metallic blood in her mouth, keeping her eyes down on the ground and speaking in a much lower voice. "I do things the only way that will make a change..." She growled, refusing to lift her head until she was positive she would be able to without looking like she was in as much pain as she felt. "You're more than welcome to follow the leader, but not all of us are content being a sheep when the world is crumbling."-
  19. Ban3 "Senor Bane. Where are you going?" came the voice of his long time friend and trusted Liutennant. " Tonight me Amigo. I'm going to help out a friend." Bane said with a grinn as he pulled his leather coat on and reached for the door. " I trust you boys will keep an eye on things." He grinned as he turned the knob and opened the door. He arrived a few minutes later. Fastening his fingerless gloves to his wrist he pushed off his leather coat revealeing the green tubes that ran along along the back of his arms. all connected to the storage tank that perched itself on his back. Bane messed around with the buttons on his wrist then bent down and pushed his finger underneath the garage door. The venom started pumping. The tubes on his back pushing the drug through his veins. his muscle mass rapidly increasing as he used his brute strength to forced the door open. He growled andhissed as the metal bent and screeched. " Pajaro. " he said in a deep icy cold tone. " you wouldn't hit a girl now would you? " he said with a sadistic grin on his face.
  20. Guest_StarLordAlmighty211 has joined the chat
  21. Guest_StarLordAlmighty211 has left the chat
  22. DGNightwing: No you dont. You just get in the way of the people actually trrying to make the change. Youre in the way of the people trying to put fear into the fools who think they are changing things. When really, youre making it worse. - He then heard a familiar voice fll the room, he turned and watched as Bane started to pump venom into his body- Fuck..- He whispered under his breath- Syrum already big guy? You give me that much credit. I applaud you, oh and hit a girl?- he pointed to ivy- I was just simply watering my plants, thats all- he pulls out both escrimas, starring at bane, walking torward him- Ive been waiting to break your back for a very long time- He started to sprint torwards Bane, he would lean and flip in the air, the flip would turn into a flying kick aiming for Banes chest, if it would connect, Bane MIGHT get sent back, only the kick would tell if it landed0
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Only a sheep would look at things that way. The only person you're helping is yourself. What a typical man's perspective on such a widespread problem." She scoffed, hearing the crunching and screeching metal from the door nearby. Her head popped up to look over where Bane was on his way into the building, a wide smile spreading across her lips. "Aw, hey love. Always did know hwo to make an entrance." She said with a small laugh, trying her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her face.-
  24. Ban3 Bane stumbled back a little barely maintaining his foot as the kick connected to his chest. He growled under his breath using his breath grabbing a piece of the broken glass from the garage window and using it to cut the ties the bound Ivy. "What can I say Senora? I aim to impressed. He clenched his fist and reached to grab Nightwing in an attempt to pick him up. " You on the other hand Senor. Are going to have to try a lot harder than that to break me"
  25. Ban3: (( damn that was shorter than I thought it would be.))
  26. DGNightwing: (its all good xD im running short on time so ill go with it)
  27. Alexithymiaa: (My exact thoughts every time I hit enter. "How is my post so short when it took me forever?")
  28. Ban3: (( right? usually I can do paragraphs. I guess I need a bit of warming up))
  29. DGNightwing: - He ignored ivys comments at this point, focussing on bigger things, he was surprised his first kick hit so well, it gave him confidence, then his confidence was short lived as he was man handled and lifted up- Oh...shit...-he started to get lifted up, he tried to pry Banes hands off but it wasnt working, he attempted to throw kicks, but he couldnt reach, there was only one thing, he couldnt reach his pouches for his wing dings or anything else, the only thing he could reach was his escrimas, he reached and grabbed them both, he wold turn them on and jam them into banes hand, in attempt to send a wave of electricy through bane, if this would work, Bane wouldnt be affected much by it because of the syrum, maybe enough just to let go of Dick, if it didnt work, then Nightwing was in trouble
  30. Alexithymiaa: -When her restraints fell away, she pushed up from the chair she'd been bound to, rolling her shoulders back and then lifting her arms straight above her head to give a little dramatic stretch. "Like I said, it's not over until the fat lady sings." She turned to watch Bane and Nightwing, crossing her arms over her chest. "Careful baby, you don't want to break your toys." She said with a smug grin, soaking up how the odds had been stacked for the moment.-
  31. Ban3 Bane his instantly tossing Nightwing wwith a brute force into the wooden. He held his wrist as the the drug did its work. " Come on Pagaro. I would expect the Bat's Protege to try much harder than that. His words echoed through the empty building. He turned his attention Ivy grinngn at her through his mask. " Oh my Dear Ivy. I won't break your toys. Why would I take such an honor away from you Rosa" He hissed as he stomped over toward crates. "speaking of toys senor. Put yours away and fight like a real man." He said reaching for the downed Nightwing.
  32. DGNightwing: -Nightwing got tossed into a pile of wood, instantly going through hit, he would grunt a bit, then slowly rolling to recovery, he had reached in his thigh pouch to grab a wing ding, when Bane reached for him he then reacted- Yea ill put them down, right after this- he would throw it, aimig for one of the tubes, if it would hit, a tube would be cut, weakening bane a bit,if it missed Nightwing would roll to a standing position, and start to throw a fury of punches at Bane, Nightwing was quick, alot quickler then bane, so he could dodge some of his moves easily, it was just getting an attack on bane that would be difficult
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Watching the exchange, she flashed a flirty smile at Bane before returning her interest to their fight. She curled her hands into fists, stomping her heavy booted foot into the ground in an attempt to call for some plant friends only to find out her abilities were still weakened by the tech in the building and she wasn't able to call out. "He's all about cheating. Remind me again who the villains are here?" She asked, moving closer to them. She knew Bane was a much safer match to Nightwing's combat, especially without her abilities.-
  34. Ban3 Bane used his hand to deflect the oncoming Wingding. " Just like The Bat. Relying on your toys." Bane's eeys followed closesly as Ngihtwing roleld to his feet. the punches seent him back a lettign one punch after another land against his muscled bound exterior. He grunted beneath his mask grabbing Nightwing's wrist. " Such a dissapppointment Pajaro. Resorting to cheating just to gain the advantage" Bane would clench Nightwing's wrist tightly
  35. Ban3 whispers: Love your Ivy by the way. Always enjoy watching a good ivy RPer. I Roleplay Alec Holland on another site. Thats why I'm a bit rusty with Bane.
  36. Alexithymiaa > Ban3: Thank you. I RP literally everyyyydayyyy. I dont do anything without at least some research and planning. So where I wanted to make her my own, yes, I know her original motives and thought it best to stick to those.
  37. DGNightwing: -Nightwing would fall to his knee, grunting in the pain from bane grabbing his wrist- Yo...youre one to talk. You need that venom to beat beat anyone really..wi..without it. Youre weak, both of you are. Without your "powers" You two are nothing.-He had to do something, he lost this battle, he had regroup elsewhere and heal up, he took some heavy damage in little time- I would love to keep having fun..but..- he wasnt stronger then bane,, but he was quicker, he would use the hold that bane had on his wrist as an advantage and jump, being lifted to banes face,he would take a free hand to attemp to punch bane in the eye, if this would work, nightwing would then use his grappel gun to escape (hate to cut it short, but i have to run, i will be on alot this week though!)
  38. Ban3 whispers: I admire that. I've sort of studied Ivy close. I know her origins and back story very well. And I know Bane's from top to bottom. I love RP. I do it as often as I can
  39. DGNightwing: (i deff threw a cheapshot too xD)
  40. Alexithymiaa: (Your life is a cheap shot.)
  41. Ban3: (( lol. all good. I can take a punch))
  42. Ban3: (( I was about yay close to handing you over to Ivy anyways))
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Giving a toss of her hair over her shoulder, she watched Nightwing take a cheap shot at Bane and scurry away with his tail between his legs. "Of course. I shouldn't even be surprised." Shaking her head in disappointment, she moved a bit closer to Bane, settling her hand on his bulky arm. "It's okay baby, we'll crush him next time. He's just too much of a coward to stick around and endure his punishment." She blew a kiss in his direction before taking in their surroundings now that the immediate threat was gone. "Shouldn't be too hard to get home from here."-
  44. Alexithymiaa: (Its almost 3am and I have plans tomorrow so... I'm on my way out too.)
  45. Ban3: (( ahh shame. I'll see you both later then I hope))
  46. Alexithymiaa: (If Im online, Im game for RP. Always.)
  47. DGNightwing: (you will! We need to continue this)
  48. Ban3 Bane grimaced beneather his mask reachig down and powering down the venom. He turned his attention to Ivy smille at her. " Til then Mi Rosa" he said placing his hand over hers.
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