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Broken Bluebird

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Mar 11th, 2015
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  1. Thread prompt: "Just pull the trigger, Anon. Just put an end to my misery once and for all." + Picture of Dash
  3. > "Just pull the trigger, Anon. Just put an end to my misery once and for all."
  4. > You lay panting, the sky-blue pegasus practically crushed beneath your weight.
  5. > Her wings splayed out, one bent at a painful angle.
  6. > The muzzle of your gun jammed beneath her jaw.
  7. > "Just fucking do it. I can't take this anymore."
  8. > She practically slams her jaw down onto the muzzle, tears pouring from her eyes.
  9. > Whether it's due to her emotions or the oozing bullet wound on her flank, you don't know.
  10. > "Come on!"
  11. > Her cries are tinged with frustration as your finger fails to tighten around the trigger.
  12. > "Just finish me off!"
  13. > You...
  14. > You laugh.
  15. > You break out in furious laughter, your head tilting back and eyes falling shut.
  16. "Oh, Dash."
  17. > You lean in again, sliding a finger beneath her chin.
  18. > The anger in her eyes has long since fled, replaced by a far more familiar fear.
  19. "Oh, you silly little pony, Dash. I'm not going to shoot you."
  20. > Your hand moves to grasp the steel collar fastened about her throat.
  21. > She tries to shrink back, but trapped underneath you there's barely any room for her to move.
  22. "You're far to valuable to me, Dash."
  23. > "F-fuck you-"
  24. > She actually tries to yank the gun from your hand, gripping it in her mouth to pull it away.
  25. > No idea how to she intends to shoot it, but she's becoming frantic now.
  26. > You pull the gun back with a painful screech of metal on teeth and haul her upright.
  27. > She's trying to flee now, hooves scrabbling uselessly on the floor.
  28. > At first she had tried to fly, but had quickly learned that a Pegasus with clipped feathers doesn't soar well.
  29. > "No! No, no, no! I won't go back to that! I can't!"
  30. "You will do whatever I order you to do, Dash."
  31. > You swat her across the wings, earning a delightful squeal.
  32. "Sooner or later you need to accept it: You are nothing but my slave now, and not even trying to get me to shoot you will change that."
  33. > She's full-on crying now as you drag her down the steps to her prison.
  34. > "N-no... I c-can't... can't live like this..."
  35. "That's because you still struggle, Dash. When you accept your place, this will become so much easier."
  36. > "I-I'm not a-"
  37. "Yes you are. You are mine, trapped and taken. Like it or not, that is the reality.
  38. > You are nearing a cage, the front open and waiting like the jaw of some monstrous beast.
  39. > It was barely large enough for Dash to be able to crawl in on her belly, and certainly gave no room for her wings to spread.
  40. > On the floor in front of it sat the heavy blindfold and earmuffs you would apply once she was secured in the cage.
  41. > Experience had taught of a certain natural reflex pegasi had when unable to find their way.
  42. > Almost instinctively their wings tried to open to find an air current on which they could ride.
  43. > When denied that ability and trapped in a tight, claustrophobic environment as well they went into a panic, thousands of years of instinct telling them they are about to crash.
  44. > Dash knows this too, also from experience with that cage.
  45. > It's why she's ceased all attempts to flee as you pull her to the opening, trembling heavily.
  46. > "N-no Anon, I'm sorry. Please don't put me in that again, Anon - please?"
  47. > She's mewling now, violet eyes begging you not to force her into the living hell that the cage will become.
  48. "No. You broke a lot of rules today, Dash; you can't just beg your way out of that any more than you can escape this by making me kill you."
  49. > Her pleading turns to sobs as you secure her in the cage and remove her senses of sight and sound.
  50. > Almost immediately you can see her wings reflexively open, then shut, then open again.
  51. > The first stage.
  52. > The second comes soon after: A sort of wiggling shuffle as she instinctively tries to blindly find her way to a nonexistant exit from this entrapment.
  53. > Soon her movements become frantic and fearful.
  54. > And then they cease entirely, except for a terrified shiver from time to time as a wing brushes against the bars.
  55. > Typically you didn't leave her in there for more than an hour or two.
  56. > But this had been an especially grievous violation of your rules.
  57. > Trying to escape in death was a desperate move on her part, but intelligent.
  58. > She knew how you'd react if ambushed.
  59. > think you'll leave her in there for 48 hours or so.
  60. > By the time she comes out, she should be more willing to listen to her master.
  61. > More able to accept her place.
  63. > Utlimately she stays in the cage for two and a half days.
  64. > Oh, you keep her watered and fed - though you aren't sure you could call the mush that you pour into her mouth to be 'food'.
  65. > Of course there is no set schedule to the feedings, or to when you hose her down to keep her sanitary.
  66. > No way for her to tell how much time had passed.
  67. > And of course blind and deaf as she was, there was no way for Dash to tell that you were coming.
  68. > The first hint she would get was the rough touch of your hand pulling her jaw open or the first splash of the hose against her coat.
  69. > You were like some kind of primitive god.
  70. > Rewarding with food and punishing with streams of icy water as you pleased, without any sense of logic or reason.
  71. > Most of the time she just spent trying to ignore the instinctual fear pressing down on her mind.
  72. > Sometimes she desperately threw herself against the bars of the cage, as if her body could break through the steel and out of the hell she had been placed in.
  73. > Sometimes she sobs and screams herself raw.
  74. > Sometimes she curled into a tiny ball and shivered in place until the next wave of fear hit her.
  75. > Any significant amount of sleep was rare.
  76. > Both because you interrupted her at entirely random hours and because any brush of her wings as she shifted unconsciously would trigger the deep-seated crashing reflex.
  77. > Every time she would jump awake, inevitably crashing into the close confines of the cage sending her mind into another spiral of instinct-driven dread of crashing.
  78. > Somewhere around the fifty-two hour hour mark she lost it entirely.
  79. > Huddled in on herself, she stopped responding entirely.
  80. > Even when you came to feed her, you practically had to hold her jaw up to keep her from choking.
  81. > The next morning you decide she's had enough.
  82. > Dash barely responds as you open the cage.
  83. > Even when you reach in to pull her out, she is limp against your hands.
  84. > Only when you lift her up into your arms does she respond at all.
  85. > "A-Anon? Is that r-really you?"
  86. > You've yet to return her senses of sight and sound, so all she can do is feel your hands on her sides.
  87. > You lift her onto your shoulder and she promptly latches tightly on to it.
  88. > "A-are you really here?"
  89. > Making a soft shushing noise even though you know she can't hear it, you reach up and gently rub the back of her head.
  90. > Dash leans in against you, pressing her cheek into your neck.
  91. > "I-I saw... I thought... I thought you were going to leave me there forever, Anonymous... I thought I was going to die..."
  92. > She's shivering again, her wings twitching furiously as she explores her newfound freedom once more.
  93. > Dash was always like this when she came out of her cage.
  94. > Docile, obedient.
  95. > Seeking any real physical contact,regardless of how humiliating she would find it later.
  96. > Anything to ward off that terrible feeling of perpetual falling she had suffered through.
  97. > Of course, usually you would have given her back her sight and hearing by then.
  98. > For now, though, the earmuffs and goggles remain in place as you carry her back up the stairway.
  99. > After two flights of stairs you arrive at your 'bedroom'.
  100. > It's a bit of an understatement:
  101. > For what hides beneath it, your home is a relatively modest, unobtrusive thing.
  102. > The bedroom, while not large or well-decorated, has ample room for a large bed and a desk for you to work at - all lit by several outsized windows to give plenty of light and air to the room.
  103. > You stop in front of the open door leading to a deck, pulling up a seat and settling in with a sigh.
  104. > On your shoulder, Dash twitches at the breeze flowing in through the open doorway.
  105. > She knows what that means:
  106. > She is close to open air, close to freedom.
  107. > But Dash also knows that she cannot fly - not with her feathers clipped.
  108. > You lean over, running a hand down her back.
  109. > As it passes between her wings they flex, unconsciously spreading as she drinks in the first real contact you have had in so long.
  110. > Pulling her down off your shoulder, you see that twin streaks have appeared from beneath the blindfold.
  111. > You reach up and gently brush the tears away.
  112. > Instantly Dash tenses again.
  113. > "I-I'm sorry, I know you said I shouldn't c-cry... I'm just... so h-happy to... to feel..."
  114. > You can see her struggling with the thought.
  115. > Wrestling with the idea that she was now so desirous of any physical contact that your mere touch could bring tears to her eyes.
  116. > That undeniable joy, weighed against the humiliation of knowing she was nuzzling her captor.
  117. > The one who had put her in that cage in the first place.
  118. > You brush her other cheek clean of tears and logic begins to catch up to instinct in her mind.
  119. > Logic that says she has just gone against your order again by crying.
  120. > Dash flinches back, wings snapping flat against her back as she curls her legs into herself.
  121. > "I-I'm sorry... I know you said not t-to cry... please, please, don't put me back in there..."
  122. > Without a word you pick her up, turning Dash so she rests across your lap.
  123. > You sharply rap your fingers across her snout.
  124. > It's a minor punishment you sometimes use for when she is only just out of line.
  125. > Without a pause, you reach down and start to rub her back.
  126. > You can feel the tension there, knots and strains built up from days spent huddles into a tiny ball.
  127. > The message to Dash is clear.
  128. > 'You are forgiven.'
  129. > She nuzzles her cheek into your arm again, tears beginning to flow unabashedly as she both laughs and cries in joy at not having to go back to the cage's hell.
  130. > "Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!"
  131. > You pet her until her elation calms and she settles down into your lap.
  132. > Eventually, as the sun rises toward noon, you lift the earmuffs from her ears.
  133. > When the goggles do not follow, she lifts her head.
  134. > Blinded eyes searching as she tries to figure out what is going on.
  135. "Dash."
  136. > After so long hearing nothing - not even her own breathing - your voice is like a thunderclap to her.
  137. "Who am I, Dash?"
  138. > "Y-you're..."
  139. > Momentarily she hesitates.
  140. > Her stubborn prideful streak making one last desperate push.
  141. > It fails.
  142. > "You're my m-master. My owner."
  143. > A smile finds its way to your lips.
  144. "And who are you?"
  145. > "I-I'm... I'm Rainbow Dash... your obedient... slave... your bluebird."
  146. "So you are, my little broken bluebird. So you are."
  147. > You'd been told at first to take away her name.
  148. > That it would discourage her pride if she had her very identity taken away from her.
  149. > You disagreed.
  150. > Undoubtedly you could have worked your way into her mind more quickly if you had forced her to accept another name.
  151. > But making her to obey while still remembering who she was?
  152. > Ultimately it was far, far more humiliating for her to go through this like that.
  153. > It wasn't some other pony, some random slave of another name that was so desperate for attention she would cling to her captor as though her life depended on it.
  154. > It was Rainbow Dash, once the fastest pony in Equestria, Wonderbolts trainee, constant competitor, who never backed down.
  155. > That was who was soaking in your touch even as her mind screamed that you were responsible for the horror she had experienced.
  156. > And she could never forget it.
  157. "I'm going to leave the earmuffs off for now, Dash. You're going to stay here, in my room, waiting for me to return this evening. And when you do, you are going to greet me properly as a slave, do you understand?"
  158. > "Yes." A pause. "Yes, master."
  159. "Good..."
  160. > You give her a slight rub behind the ears - her head rocking back to press into it - and lift her off your lap.
  161. > The day ahead is barely out of routine for your activities.
  162. > Despite what some people - or ponies - might think, the daily life of a shipwrecked mastermind was not a a particularly exciting one.
  163. > You ate your breakfast.
  164. > You rechecked the security barriers for any anomalies - despite your very clear warnings on what further intrusions would mean, certain Alicorns had a frustrating tendency to try and penetrate your defenses.
  165. > You planned new extensions to your lair.
  166. > You designed new devices and contraptions to aid you.
  167. > You made sure the drone laborers were still functioning properly.
  168. > And, of course, you periodically watched your slave waiting in your room.
  169. > As expected, she has remained quite obedient - quietly waiting on your bed for your return.
  170. > Briefly she drifts off into a nap, catching up on the sleep she had missed so badly the past three nights.
  171. > But she soon awakens, and goes back to patiently waiting.
  172. > It's a statement on how much your punishment had affected her that the always-moving, notoriously impatient Rainbow Dash could make herself stay in one place for so long.
  173. > Amazingly, when you arrive from dinner that evening, she is still in place.
  174. > Empty plates from meals the drones had brought her sit off to the side, but Dash still sits on the center of your bed.
  175. > As she hears your boots on the wood, she springs up and faces what she assume to be the doorway.
  176. > She bows deeply, nose practically touching the bedding.
  177. > Her wings spread wide in a position of abject submission.
  178. "Good evening, Rainbow Dash. I'm pleased to see you followed my orders."
  179. > Her ears twitch at your voice, and she rises to face you again.
  180. > "Thank you, master."
  181. "Since you have been so obedient today, I think I will reward you.tonight. You will be sleeping inside with me."
  182. > She perks up excitedly.
  183. > "Thank you, master!"
  184. > On nights when she misbehaved, Dash was kept on a narrow ledge outside, her thick metal collar bolted securely to a ring in the outside wall.
  185. > So close to the freedom of the open air, yet the chain on her collar not long enough she could even throw herself off the ledge to her doom.
  186. > When she had been a good slave, however, you allowed her to join you in bed.
  187. > This time, however, there would be a catch.
  188. > As your slip into bed, pulling back the covers and sliding beneath, Dash cautiously creeps up beside you.
  189. > She's learned not to be so assuming about your intentions.
  190. > That your whims could turn cruel at a moment's notice.
  191. > It's a reasonable fear.
  192. > Dash tenses as she feels you grip her collar, coat rippling.
  193. > When the earmuffs again begin to slide over her head she begins to shiver in outright terror.
  194. > "Master? Anon?! I didn't - please d-don't - don't-"
  195. > You cut her off with one ear still uncovered.
  196. "Shhh. You won't be going back into the cage, Dash. You're just going to have to accept this overnight.
  197. > She trembles, but nods as you slip the earmuff down, again cutting off her only real sense of the outside world.
  198. > Of course, your reasons were somewhat different.
  199. > Deprived of her senses and snugly beneath the covers with you, Dash again begins to experience a minor form of the same panic the cage inspired.
  200. > This time, however, she can seek out some solid physical contact, some reassurance that she is safe.
  201. > That is, naturally, yourself.
  202. > Quickly Dash has locked herself around you in a tight embrace, slowly relaxing as your presence assures her mind.
  203. > Undoubtedly she cannot bear knowing you are the only thing keeping her sane.
  204. > But she cannot help clinging to you either.
  205. > You smile and embrace her in return as you drift off to sleep.
  206. > You know Dash is yours.
  207. > Your little broken bluebird.
  209. ------
  211. "Time to get up, Dash."
  212. > She stirs on your bed, yawning and rolling over.
  213. > One trait you never managed to work out of her system:
  214. > Dash is not a morning pony.
  215. "Last warning, Dash."
  216. > 'Warning' is a word she knows well.
  217. > It comes right before 'punishment.'
  218. > Instantly she's wide awake, pushing herself up.
  219. > "Okay, okay, I'm awake... good morning, master."
  220. > You reach over and calmly rub her between the ears.
  221. > As if you had not been threatening grievous harm moments earlier.
  222. "Good girl, Dash."
  223. > It's been a few days since the last incident.
  224. > Dash's punishment has stuck well, and she's been quite obedient.
  225. > As a result she's been increasingly sleeping inside with you.
  226. > After the third day you even let her keep her senses at night.
  227. > Surprisingly, she kept clinging to you.
  228. > The fear of being left alone again must have imprinted itself far more deeply on her mind than you had imagined.
  229. "Now, it's a very special day today. Do you know what it is?"
  230. > "No, master. What day is it?"
  231. > You lean in and whisper into her ear.
  232. "Today's the first of the month. That means you get to talk to your friends today!"
  233. > She rocks back away from you on the bed, eyes going wide.
  234. > Dash hates talking to her friends, because it means two things.
  235. > One, she has to be on her absolute best behavior.
  236. > Embarrassments will not be tolerated.
  237. > Two, she gets to be reminded of everything that you have taken from her.
  238. > Her friends, her town, her freedom.
  239. > Her flight.
  240. > This time, especially, it would be a particular test of how deeply her obedience ran.
  241. > "C-can I at least have breakfast first?"
  242. > You give her a warm smile.
  243. "Of course you can. I've never starved you, Dash. Go downstairs and get some food."
  244. > She trots off, looking glum.
  245. > You knew she wasn't that hungry, anyhow.
  246. > Just looking for some way to put off her appointment with memory.
  247. > An hour later finds you in one of the basement rooms.
  248. > Perfectly nondescript, and unused for any other purpose.
  249. > No chance of leaving out any sensitive information or helpful hints by accident.
  250. > Nothing except a large, plush chair set in the center of the room atop a thick carpet, a screen mounted to the opposite wall, and a camera above it.
  251. > Somewhere in Equestria there was a nearly identical setup, around with five other ponies would be gathering now.
  252. > You sink into the chair and pat your lap.
  253. "Come here, Dash."
  254. > She had slunk in behind you.
  255. > Every step dragged as she was inexorably draw towards the hated ritual.
  256. > You are becoming impatient.
  257. > A snap of your fingers, and she's instantly at your side, climbing into the chair.
  258. > You settle her down on your lap like a cat, facing the screen with you.
  259. > She takes a deep breath, trying to ready herself.
  260. > The screen comes on.
  261. > The room on the other side is likewise nondescript, except for the crystalline walls.
  262. > You never exactly did figure out exactly where in Twilight's castle it was.
  263. > Though you suspected it was, like yours, some otherwise useless room that served only this purpose.
  264. > That did not matter, though.
  265. > What did matter was the five ponies seated in the room, facing the screen on their end.
  266. > As their screen comes on, they all perk up.
  267. > Their reactions are varied.
  268. > Anger, sadness, joy at seeing their friend again -
  269. > All are evident on their faces.
  270. > Dash speaks first.
  271. > "H-hey, girls."
  272. > "Hey Rainbow." "Hallo, Dash." "Heya."
  273. > "H-how are you all doing?"
  274. > "We're fine, darling... we're... just fine. How are you faring?"
  275. > Dash hesitates for just a moment.
  276. > But her training runs deep.
  277. > "I'm okay... it's been better as of late..."
  278. > "He wasn't hurting you before, was he?!"
  279. > This time there's no hesitation in Dash's answer.
  280. > "No... no, he just wasn't being... as kind. Maybe he could have used to take a few lessons from Fluttershy, heheh?"
  281. > Her laugh is forced and awkward, as is the joke.
  282. > Despite Dash's words, she sounds nothing like the headstrong pegasus you had captured..
  283. > And nothing like the friend they once had.
  284. > They suspect, of course, but they cannot prove.
  285. > You just smile, quietly allowing your hand to rest on her back.
  286. > Her friends flinch at the casual contact.
  287. > One of them steps forward.
  288. > "Ya been eatin' okay out there, pardner?"
  289. > Dash nods more enthusiastically.
  290. > "Oh yeah. He's got lots of really cool baking things and sometimes he..."
  291. > That part, at least, she was not lying about.
  292. > Her diet had markedly improved once she started obeying again.
  293. > The conversation turns to more esoteric matters:
  294. > Lives of ponies you have never met.
  295. > The status of Dash's favorite performance team.
  296. > You can see her drink it up, the only real reminder she has of what her life once was.
  297. > But it's a bitter brew for Dash.
  298. > She can't help but enjoy it, even as she knows it is something she will not be going back to.
  299. > And even as she talks and talks, you can see her face dropping further and further as the memories of easier times come to the surface.
  300. > "Dashie...?"
  301. > The pink one steps forward.
  302. > "Just remember, please... whatever happens, don't forget to just... smile, sometimes, okay?"
  303. > Her own smile is pained and stretched.
  304. > You think she might be close to tears.
  305. > Dash nods, putting on her own strained smile.
  306. > "Yeah, Pinkie. I won't forget. Just smile."
  307. > "We'll... we'll always be here for you, Dash. Remember that."
  308. > "Uh-huh. Some of my birds are keeping your home all tidied up for when you get back..."
  309. > "And then we can throw you the biggest party ever!"
  310. > Dash's eyes start to water.
  311. > "I-I... thank y- uh, thank you, girls..."
  312. > The cause of her interruption was your hand.
  313. > It had slipped beneath her chin, running up to lift her head slightly.
  314. > To make sure her friends saw the metal collar still fixed around her neck.
  315. > To make sure they knew the 'welcome back' parties would remain just a dream.
  316. > They all flinch.
  317. "Well. This has been touching; however, we have business to get through with. Dash, if you would?"
  318. > "Of c-course, master."
  319. > She hops down from the chair, approaching the camera and then slowly walking in a long circle in front of it.
  320. "Princess Twilight. As you can see, she is physically unharmed and still quite sane. As such, I hope you are ready to accept that I have held to my end of the deal?"
  321. > Dash has stopped, and now spreads her wings one at a time to show them off.
  322. > Her yellow friend gasps softly at the sight of Dash's clipped feathers.
  323. > The princess, meanwhile was busy furiously staring at the screen on her end.
  324. > Probably searching for any excuse she could use to claim you had violated your end of the agreement.
  325. > At last she sighs.
  326. > "Yes, Anon, I accept that I can find no evidence of harm and that you have not injured Rainbow. As such, our deal is still in place, and we will not..."
  327. > It's hard for her to say.
  328. > "We will not attempt to attack your home."
  329. > We will not attempt to rescue our friend.
  330. > Dash's head is turned towards you, but it's only to hide her tightly squeezed eyes.
  331. > No doubt it was tearing her up inside to hear Twilight swear off any attempts to save her, on the basis of her own lies.
  332. > Of course you had other failsafes in place to prevent an attack
  333. > But this was the most powerful at keeping Twilight at bay.
  334. > She could not try to rescue Dash without forfeiting her friend's life.
  335. > Instead, you agreed to allow her enough access to be sure that you were causing no permanent physical harm to Dash or driving her insane.
  336. > And in return she agreed not to attack you.
  337. > In theory it was 'allow the situation to stabilize until we had both accepted each others' existence'.
  338. > In reality, you were having far to much fun with Dash to ever give her up.
  339. > By the time your agreement was ended, she would never think of leaving your side.
  340. "In that case, our business is concluded. I will leave you all to talk. You have a little over three hou-"
  341. > "Oh! Princess! You didn't tell me you were coming!"
  342. > You freeze.
  343. > There was only one princess that got Twilight so excited.
  344. > "Of course, Twilight. I didn't want to distract you while you were preparing to see your friend."
  345. > The warm, motherly voice flows from off-screen.
  346. > Your eyes narrow.
  347. > While Twilight was held at arm's length by your hostage and Luna far to direct to pose a threat to you, Celestia was another matter.
  348. > You held a healthy respect for the princess as a capable leader.
  349. > Holding a nation together alone for a thousand years was no small feat.
  350. > She was quite possibly the only creature on this planet capable of outmaneuvering you.
  351. > Even as her incandescent visage enters the frame, you straighten up and offer a small bow.
  352. "Princess Celestia. I had not realized you were to be attending."
  353. > Meaning, 'Why are you here?'
  354. > "Anonymous. I did not announce my intention."
  355. > 'I didn't want you to know.'
  356. "Ah, a surprise appearance - liking to keep your subjects on your toes, I see."
  357. > 'Your subjects. Not me.'
  358. > "Merely looking out for all of my subjects' well-being."
  359. > 'Including the ones you hold hostage.'
  360. "An honorable cause, when pursued properly."
  361. > 'Don't try anything, or you'll just be endangering her.'
  362. > "I am quite experienced in the task, of course."
  363. > 'I know. Don't test me either.'
  364. > Dash has backed off as the two of you exchange verbal barbs.
  365. "Well. Twilight has already accepted that our deal will remain in place; I presume you trust her judgement?"
  366. > "Indeed. I was merely hoping I could speak with Rainbow Dash myself?"
  367. "Of course! Please, do come and talk."
  368. > You give her a positively beatific smile and stand, walking over to Dash's side.
  369. "I'm going to head off for a bit now, Dash. You have a good chat with your friends, alright?"
  370. > You lean to whisper into her ear.
  371. "I'll be watching."
  372. > She manages to not shiver to badly at your threat, nodding.
  373. "O-okay, master."
  374. > On the screen, a brief grimace passes over Celestia's features.
  375. > Slavery, you understood, was one of her most hated things.
  376. > Unfortunate that your agreement was still in place, then.
  377. > Another overly-warm smile, and you are gone from the room.
  379. --------
  381. > Periodically you get visitors in your little home.
  382. > Mostly random ponies looking to beg a favor of some kind from the strange alien.
  383. > It's some kind of rule of the universe or something.
  384. > If you're going to be a reclusive, mysterious figure you're going to get pilgrims.
  385. > For the most part, you treat them fairly well.
  386. > You are barely tolerated by the princesses as it is; harming visitors would not be a smart choice.
  387. > Some of their requests are completely out of the realm of possibility, of course.
  388. > No, you can't bring back relatives from the dead or make someone fall in love.
  389. > But other, more minor ones?
  390. > Terms were negotiable.
  391. > Your guest today was already making her way up the mountainside towards you.
  392. > A griffon, you saw.
  393. > Interesting beasts; you didn't see a great number of those.
  394. > Probably because you'd crashed down in Equestria, across the sea from them.
  395. > This was one was determined, though, doggedly marching up the mountainside despite the harsh storm lashing the mountain range with rain.
  396. > She'd passed your outermost sensors around an hour ago, and was now turning up the final pass towards your home.
  397. > You had decided to invite her in for a meal.
  398. > You thumb down on the intercom.
  399. "Dash, I do hope dinner is quite ready?"
  400. > While the conversation with her friends had gone perfectly fine, it had set her in a foul mood.
  401. > A mood that eventually led to her shirking an order.
  402. > Of course she'd been quite apologetic when she realized, but you did not care to let it slip.
  403. > You'd been making her handle setting dinner, despite the drones being perfectly capable of handling it on their own.
  404. > Besides the obvious point of being forced to do something totally unnecessary, it had to balance the plates carefully between her wings.
  405. > Just another reminder that they would be used for everything but flying.
  406. > "Of course, master. Is there anything else you want...?"
  407. "No. When you are done, come up to our room while I do my business."
  408. > "Yes, master."
  409. > A pity.
  410. > She'd been doing so well as of late too.
  411. > Well.
  412. > Time to put on your show.
  413. > You slipped on a suit and headed for the door.
  414. > Still watching the camera feed from outside as the sodden griffon dragged itself up to your door.
  415. "Three, two, one..."
  416. > You throw the door open just as it had raised one taloned claw to knock.
  417. "Good evening. You've traveled quite far, and in such terrible weather. Won't you please come in?"
  418. > The griffon stared up at you from beneath her hood, beak half-open in surprise.
  419. > "I, er... uh... yeah. Yeah, I can."
  420. > You stepped aside to allow the griffon - a she, you had decided, based on the voice - step in.
  421. > A drone swoops down to take her cloak.
  422. > She regards it suspiciously with one golden-yellow eye, but hands the sodden garment over in the end.
  423. > Then she shakes herself furiously.
  424. > You had not been expecting that.
  425. > Leaning back to avoid the shower of drops, you can't help but hide a smirk as she stretches out.
  426. > "Aaaaah, that's much better."
  427. "Indeed. I'm sure you've come to me with some particular matters to discuss, but might I interest you in a meal at the same time?"
  428. > Now it is the griffon's turn to look caught off guard.
  429. > "Uh, yeah. I guess. Not to much of any of that green stuff, right?"
  430. "Of course not. You will find we share similar diets in that respect, Miss...?"
  431. > "Gilda. And good, that stuff is for losers."
  432. > You lead her through your home to the dining room.
  433. > On the surface it is relatively modest, although well-lit compared to the drenching night outside.
  434. > It's obviously thoroughly freaking 'Gilda' out.
  435. "So, Miss Gilda... were you expecting me to be... different, yes?"
  436. > "Uh, yeah, I guess... can ya quit it with the miss stuff, though? Makes me sound like some fancy-schmancy lame-o pony noble or something."
  437. "Of course. I can assure you I can be quite the host as well, and this night is not one for traveling."
  438. > She is slowly relaxing.
  439. "Ah, speaking of which, here we are..."
  440. > Dinner went surprisingly well.
  441. > Gilda had practically jumped the table the second she saw the freshly-cooked meat laid out on it.
  442. > While she had her fill, you paced yourself.
  443. > Best to keep your mind sharp for the business that would follow.
  444. "So, Gilda. No one comes out here for simple reasons. Everyone has a request. Since you've made it this far, I presume you've heard of my cost - so, why don't you tell me what you are looking for?"
  445. > "Uh, yeah...."
  446. > She was curled catlike on her seat now, eyes half-closed.
  447. > Propping herself back up, she looks away again as she starts to speak.
  448. > "So, I had this friend a long time back... she was sorta cool... and sorta dumb... but mostly cool. We had a big argument, and I ran away..."
  449. > "So, after thinking a while, I realized... I was kinda dumb back there, so I wanted... I wanted to go back and make it up to her, okay?"
  450. > She says it like just mentioning the idea of admitting wrong is some kind of deep personal failing.
  451. > Presumably she wants you to be the one to reconcile the two of them somehow.
  452. "I have to warn you, Gilda. I cannot change minds, especially without meeting this friend of yours."
  453. > "Huh? No, I ain't gonna ask you to go talkin' to her. That'd be lame anyhow... I just want to know where she is."
  454. > Oh.
  455. > This, you could work with.
  456. "Ah, well. I presume you tried to locate her own your own already?"
  457. > "Yeah... she wasn't there anymore. All her dumb friends were, but they wouldn't tell me where she'd vanished off to. Some of the others said she'd gotten into some trouble - but wouldn't tell me anything more."
  458. "I see. Well, in this case, I can help you."
  459. > You might not have magic, but what you did have were the computers salvaged from your vessel and a vast information gathering network.
  460. > Not even the Equestrian royal scribes could crunch data so fast, or gather it so widely.
  461. > You traded information, and were paid in favors.
  462. "Here is how this is going to work, Gilda. I will try and locate this friend of yours. Assuming I can reasonably find out where she is, I will tell you on one condition."
  463. > "Yeah?"
  464. "I will give you a package. It will be dropped off in a general area and left alone. You will not look inside it or take it anywhere else."
  465. > She is giving you a strange look now.
  466. > "What do I look like, an earth pony?"
  467. "You look like you have wings and enough strength to carry a package like this."
  468. > Her pride is suitably tickled, and perks back up again.
  469. > "Heck yeah, I can carry it!"
  470. "Good. Your friend. What's her name?"
  471. > "Rainbow Dash. She's, uh... a pony. Blue coat, real crazy mane, all kinds of colors. Last I knew she was living in a place called Ponyville. We went to flight camp together, back in, uh - hey, are you okay?"
  472. > You couldn't help it.
  473. > You had started to laugh.
  474. "Please excuse me, Gilda. This is... quite a surprise. Of all the things that someone would come to me for, this is not one I expected."
  475. > "You know her then?"
  476. > In response, you just tap the comm on.
  477. "Dash, do come down to the dining room. There's someone here who wants to see you."
  478. > Gilda jerks up in surprise.
  479. > "She's here?!"
  480. > Her answer comes in the form of hooves furiously pounding down the stairs.
  481. > Poor, sweet Dash.
  482. > She must think one of her circle of pony friends has come to visit.
  483. > All eyes turn to the door where Dash has just appeared and promptly frozen, her mouth half-open.
  484. > "G-Gilda?!"
  485. > "Dash?!"
  486. > Both are staring at each other in shock.
  487. > Dash recovers first, snapping out defensively.
  488. > "What the hay are you doing here?"
  489. > Gilda jerks back as if struck.
  490. > "What am I doing here?! I was looking for you! What the hay are you wearing?"
  491. > Dash flinches, her head sinking backwards to try and hide the collar.
  492. > "Don't wanna talk about it." she mutters unhappily, staring pointedly into the floor.
  493. "Come here, Dash."
  494. > She makes her way to your seat, staring up at you in apprehension.
  495. > You pat your lap, but receive only a subtle, pleading shake of Dash's head in reply.
  496. > She really doesn't want to be seen like this in front of her 'friend'.
  497. > You merely reach down and lift her into your lap with a grunt.
  498. > She goes stiff, no doubt in part because she knows that there is going to be a price to pay for failing to obey immediately.
  499. > Gilda, meanwhile, has actually managed to look even more shocked at the sight she is seeing.
  500. > "Wow, Dash, I mean I know we were friends and stuff, but you -really- like the exotic ones, don't you?"
  501. > Dash twists her head to stare at Gilda again, flushing bright red.
  502. > "And a collar too? I mean, wow - I would not have guessed you were one to like that."
  503. > "What?! What're you talking about, I'm not-"
  504. > She clams up, realizing that denying a relationship would force her to explain her actual state.
  505. "Actually, she did a very brave thing, Gilda."
  506. > The griffon looks up at you with a smirk.
  507. > "Finally admitted how she was feelin' inside, huh? I can see why her friends wouldn't want to tell me that."
  508. > "No! I'm not some kind of pervert, you little -"
  509. > "Seriously, Dash. It's not so bad. I mean, it's freaky, but that's not the worst thing I've-"
  510. > Rainbow wriggles uncomfortably in your arms, shaking her head.
  511. > "No, it's not that. I'm-"
  512. > "I even know a couple of griffons I'm fairly sure are doing some nasty things when nobody can see them."
  513. > "I'm a bucking prisoner, Gilda!"
  514. > The room is silent in the aftermath of Dash's outburst.
  515. > You frown. Bad Rainbow; you'd hoped to keep the joke running a little longer.
  516. > Gilda's been shocked into silence, her beak hanging half open.
  517. > "W-what? How - that's - but you can fly! You were the second fastest back at camp!"
  518. > Rainbow curls in on herself again; her clipped wings are a very painful point to her.
  519. > But she messed up the fun you'd been having.
  520. "Show her your wings, Dash."
  521. > Her head rocks back to again stare pleadingly up at you, begging you not to.
  522. "Show her your wings, Dash."
  523. > Her head rocks back to again stare pleadingly up at you, begging you not to.
  524. > Your gaze is hard and unrelenting, and Dash wilts beneath it.
  525. > Slowly, apprehensively, she spreads both wings and lets them hang half-open at her sides.
  526. > Not far, but enough to show the clean line of carefully-made cuts where the tips of her feathers ought to be.
  527. "As I said, she did a very brave thing. I would need to keep someone around to make sure nobody comes after me, and Dash left her friends so that they could be safe."
  528. > It was more that she was the only one dumb enough to charge you head-on without magic, but that wasn't important to tell.
  529. "Since then, she's been a most agreeable guest... and most obedient, after a few lessons."
  530. > Gilda's face is shifting from shock into horror.
  531. > "What have you done to her? She - Dash, are you - are you okay in there?"
  532. > Rainbow folds her wings back against herself, turning her head away from Gilda.
  533. > The griffon hops down from her chair, taking a few steps towards you.
  534. > "Dash, you don't have to hide from me... I'm not pissed, I..."
  535. > Her gaze locks on you, eyes narrowed.
  536. > "What the hell did you do to her?! She's... gone! She never acted like this."
  537. "I made her obedient. If I am going to bother keeping her around, I can't take the risk of having her act out or injure me."
  538. > "You..." Gilda snaps her beak shut, shaking her head. "You're fucking with me, right? This is... some kind of a joke! Why doesn't anyone-"
  539. "Because what I do to her now isn't really that bad. If I were attacked, though, her safety might seriously be at risk."
  540. > Gilda takes a moment to process what you are saying.
  541. "You're a nutjob, you know that? You can't deal with the consequences of what you've done, so you hide behind her? That's low."
  542. > Very honor-driven, the griffons.
  543. > But not dumb.
  544. "It keeps both of us safe."
  545. "It keeps both of us safe."
  546. > You run your hand through Dash's mane; she doesn't even bother moving beneath you despite how uncomfortable it must be making her.
  547. > Gilda's claws are squeezed into little balls, but she's doing an admirable job of keeping herself calm.
  548. > "Buck-"
  549. "Since you are obviously displeased with this result, and I did not have to expend any time or resources on your request, I will not demand your payment. However."
  550. > You stand up, Dash managing to catch herself on her hooves before she crashes to the floor.
  551. "If you are even thinking of trying any 'rescue' attempts - any plans forming in your head right now - do not think you are the first one to try and cross me for some reason. Do not think I cannot defend myself."
  552. > Gilda looks back to Dash, who has retreated to the farthest corner of the room.
  553. > "Rainbow, I..."
  554. > "Just go!" Dash's voice is shaky. "Just go. Don't do anything for me - he'll just hurt you."
  555. "Indeed. If you cannot keep yourself from doing something stupid, your best bet is to simply leave."
  556. > Gilda tenses herself, her wings flexing.
  557. > "Yeah. Maybe I better buckin' do that."
  558. > She turns and stalks out, tail lashing.
  559. > You stand, showing her to the door.
  560. > The storm outside has subsided somewhat, and Gilda pauses to give one last look back into your home before padding away into the night.
  561. > You'll have to keep an eye on that one.
  562. > Dash, on the other hand...
  563. > The moment you step back into your room, it's obvious she's in a bad state.
  564. > She's rolled herself into a ball and almost seems to be trying to cover her face with her tail.
  565. > Not even the chats with her friends affected her this badly.
  566. > Reaching down, you lift Dash up into your arms.
  567. > She immediately looks up, your contact having broken her out of whatever fugue she had been in.
  568. > "A-no- Master? Did I-"
  569. "Shhh."
  570. > You roll her on her back and start up a flight of stairs to your second floor, where your room resides.
  571. > Dash shifts uncomfortably, always having disliked being carried like that.
  572. > To babying, she said.
  573. > "Am I in trouble, master? I didn't follow your orders...."
  574. "No, you didn't - and you will have to be punished for this."
  575. > She shivers lightly.
  576. "But you did obey in the end, and so it will not be to bad."
  577. > She pauses, trying to work over how she should respond to this.
  578. > "Thank you, sir?"
  579. > Her tone is still unsure, but you approve.
  580. "Indeed."
  581. > You arrive in your room, setting her down on your bed.
  582. > Promptly she rolls right-side up again, looking up at your with nervous expectation.
  583. > You just take a seat beside her.
  584. "Show me your wing, Dash."
  585. > Cautiously she extends one sky-blue wing to you, allowing you to take it in hand and gently guide it out until it is fully extended.
  586. > Leaning in, you begin to work through her feathers - straightening each fully-grown one and checking it with a slight tug to make sure it is not loose.
  587. > As soon as she realizes what you are going to do, Dash gives an unusually high yelp and buries her face in her hooves.
  588. > You just smile and keep working.
  589. > This was one of your favorite things to do when you needed to have a talk with Dash.
  590. > She couldn't very easily pull away with her wing in your hand, and your preening efforts had quite an effect on her.
  591. > From what you understood, it was the equivalent of a highly sensual massage.
  592. > And to a pegasus, giving one without consent was quite a social breach.
  593. > You had simply forbidden her to preen except for having you do so.
  594. > Another way to make her reliant on you.
  595. "So, Dash. Tell me - why was talking to that griffon so hard for you?"
  596. > "...wasn't talking that was bad, master."
  597. > Her voice is muffled, as she's kept her face firmly planted between her forelegs to hide the effects of your efforts.
  598. "Oh? Being there, then. Obviously it hit you pretty hard."
  599. > "...she was an old friend. From before Ponyville. We, uh... we competed pretty hard. At flying."
  600. "Ah. I see... so you were embarrassed to let you see her flightless?"
  601. > "Yeah... that, and, well, back then I was always acting real tough. I mean, I still am real tough! But I acted a lot more back then."
  602. > You chuckle at her false bravado, moving on to the next row of feathers.
  603. > "So, uh... yeah. It wasn't cool at all, letting her see me- eep!"
  604. > Grinning, you set aside the loose feather you had pulled free and move on to the next.
  605. "Please, continue?"
  606. > "Well, uh, yeah. Was pretty lame to let her see me like this."
  607. "She said you had a big argument the last time you spoke."
  608. > Dash gives a slight groan of frustration.
  609. > "She told you all that, huh? Yeah, she came around me home - uh, my old home - and started acting real grumpy that I had made some new... friends..."
  610. > She trails off at those words.
  611. > You stand, shifting to her opposite side and taking the unchecked wing in hand.
  612. > Dash scoots away at you manhandling of her wing, but doesn't protest.
  613. "And yet she came to try and find you."
  614. > A brief silence holds, punctuated only by slight noises and involuntary wriggling from Dash every time you re-align or remove a twisted or loose feather.
  615. "Did you know, she didn't know you were here and wanted me to find you?"
  616. > "She did? Really?"
  617. "Indeed."
  618. > "Wow... that's... she must've really wanted to make up. That's... kind of cool of her, actually."
  619. "Well, I hope you understand that just acting tough - or even being tough - are not all that matters now."
  620. > "Oh yeah... my friends taught me that."
  621. "Good. Speaking of which."
  622. > You've reached the end of her wing, and now stretch out on the bed beside Dash.
  623. > One arm is raised, and Dash cautiously moves over to join you.
  624. > "Master?"
  625. "Yes, come here, Dash. You did disobey me, and I did have to punish you for that... but you also faced down a difficult situation, and managed to obey me - even if a bit slowly."
  626. > "Y-yes, master."
  627. "And that's worth a reward. So please do come over here."
  628. > She settles back down in the crook of your arm, eventually resting her head on the side of your chest.
  629. > "Thank you, master."
  630. "You earned it."
  631. > You rest your hand on her head, stroking slightly.
  632. > Unlike before, now that it is just the two of you and Dash is not so self-conscious, the gesture is somewhat comforting.
  633. > She ruffles her wings slightly, letting them settle somewhere more comfortable.
  634. > "Master?"
  635. > Some time had simply passed along silently, you absentmindedly stroking Dash's mane while staring out the widow into the forest beyond your home.
  636. "Yes, Dash?"
  637. > "Why do you do this?"
  638. " what, exactly?"
  639. > "Be... nice to me? Why not just... put me in a cell, if all I'm doing is keeping Twilight away from you? Why not just punish me if all you are doing is making me your... slave, or something?"
  640. > You sigh softly.
  641. "Because just appearing tough all the time is not the point, just like you said. Fact is, I care about you. Like you, even. Yes, I will keep you in line when you step out... but I can't do just that."
  642. > Running your hand down a bit, you start scratching her withers lightly, feeling the well-developed muscles there.
  643. > Even as your captive, Dash has not forgotten about her exercise.
  644. "If I just... brutalized you all the time, well. You might obey me, but never because you'd understand that I am caring for you as well."
  645. > "O-oh..."
  646. > You continue to stroke, working your way down to her flanks.
  647. > "Um... well, thanks, I guess. For not... just being mean all the time."
  648. > You grin, eyes sliding closed.
  649. "You're welcome, Dash."
  651. --------
  653. > Another day.
  654. > Seems you fell asleep in your clothes last night.
  655. > Considering the warm, softly breathing mass still curled against your side, it's not hard to imagine why.
  656. "Good morning, Dash."
  657. > She stirs slightly, rolling over and burying her head further beneath the covers.
  658. > Heh.
  659. > You reach down and rub between Dash's ears; she makes a soft little noise and starts to nudge her head back up into your hand.
  660. > Grinning slightly, you move on to lightly scratch one ear, running your fingertips through the velvety-soft fuzz covering it.
  661. > Dash offers a small flick of the ear in return, tilting her head to offer it to your hand.
  662. > "S'feels'oodom."
  663. > you have no idea what she just said.
  664. > But the face she is making is just to amusing to stop.
  665. > You continue scratching, using all your fingers.
  666. "What'd you say, Dash?"
  667. > Her response is still mumbled, but rather more coherent.
  668. > "Said, this feels good, Mo-"
  669. > Her eyes fly open as she realizes who she is speaking to.
  670. > Not her mother.
  671. > It takes a moment, but Dash soon stretches out and lays her head back down on you, closing her eyes again.
  672. > "It feels good."
  673. "...did you just call me your mother, Dash?"
  674. > She flushes bright red.
  675. > "...did n-"
  676. > Her mind catches up with her mouth, and she stops the lie before it can escape.
  677. > "-nyyyyeah. I did. She, um... she used to... do that sometimes for me whe I was a filly, to wake me up."
  678. > You laugh softly, resume the scratches.
  679. > If it upsets Dash that you've accidentally mimicked her parent's actions, she doesn't show it.
  680. > Instead her mouth settles into a happy little smile that lets you know you've done well.
  681. "You're in a good mood this morning, Dash."
  682. > "...I slept well."
  683. > She doesn't comment on why, but it isn't hard to guess.
  684. > She always sleeps soundly when granted actual contact with a living being.
  685. > Probably made her feel less alone.
  686. > "Anon? Master?"
  687. "What is it, Dash?"
  688. > "Um, I was thinking... about something after last night?"
  689. > Could be good, or bad depending on what she was thinking on.
  690. "Well, go ahead then."
  691. > "Um, I was just wondering... if you, um... well, you said you cared for me, right?"
  692. > She's obviously nervous, well aware she is treading on dangerous territory.
  693. "Yes?"
  694. > "So, um... look, I know you can't just let me go, but, um... could I maybe go outside some time?"
  695. "Outside?"
  696. > "Yeah! Not far or anything, but, um... like, just far enough to maybe jog around a bit? I'm, um, it gets kind of boring in here."
  697. > Occasionally you let Dash out on an upper balconies.
  698. > The threat of a fall she couldn't simply fly away from typically kept her suitably away from the edge, but she is asking for a lot more.
  699. "I will think about it, Dash. When I feel I can trust you, I might be willing to let you out. That's not a promise, though."
  700. > It doesn't have to be.
  701. > Even your vague offer is enough to send Dash into an excited little wriggle.
  702. > "Ooooh, yesyesyes! Thank you, master! Thank you!"
  703. > Laughing at her enthusiasm, you run a hand down to scratch at the back of her neck.
  704. > She rolls her head back into it, wings twitching in joy.
  705. "I expect your best behavior if you want to do that, though, Dash."
  706. > "Yeah, I can do that! Rainbow Dash does not back down from a challenge."
  707. > Especially one with a reward like that.
  708. "Well then. Why don't you start by going and bringing my breakfast back up while I take a shower, hrmmm?"
  709. > Dash hops down from the head, a slight spring in her step and flick in her tail as she trots out from your room.
  710. > ...well. This certainly could be a valuable reward from the way she is reacting to it.
  711. > You'd have to be extremely careful about security, make sure nobody was around.
  712. > But from the way she reacted?
  713. > This is something Dash wants very, very badly.
  714. > You resolve to think it over as you step into the shower.
  716. --------
  719. > Your head shoots up.
  720. > Proximity alarm. Someone is approaching your home.
  721. > You flip the alarm off, closing your current project and bringing the security net up on screen.
  722. > Staring heavily at the screen, you note the contact it displays.
  723. > One pony, berift of horn or wings.
  724. > Bringing several camera feeds up, you study the figure closely as it - he, from the heavier build - makes his way up the mountainside.
  725. > Something strikes you as wrong, though.
  726. > You strain your eyes, trying to figure out what it might be...
  727. > His saddlebags.
  728. > They're far to small for a pony who had trekked up the mountain on his own.
  729. > Most of your travelers - like Gilda, now a week back - opted to make camp somewhere nearby and approach you from there.
  730. > Some came to your door with everything they could carry, but that was rarer...
  731. > This one, though?
  732. > His pouches were tiny, barely enough to carry a full day's food.
  733. > Nowhere near enough for hiking up a mountain.
  734. > Squeezing down the map for a moment, you look for any other recent activity in the area.
  735. > Anything that would explain where he came from.
  736. > But there is nothing.
  737. > If he has made camp, it is well outside of the sensor clusters you had your drones lay.
  738. > Again looking back to the figure, you frown.
  739. > Something is quite odd here.
  740. > And honestly, it's making you curious.
  741. > With a flick of your fingers, you send a pair of drones to shadow him as he approaches.
  742. > Time to see what is going on here.
  743. "Dash!"
  744. > You find her upstairs, breathing heavily amid exercise machines you had brought up mostly for her.
  745. > "Master? Is something the matter?"
  746. "We're going to have another guest soon, Dash. When they come, you are to go down into the basement and let the door lock."
  747. > "Master?"
  748. > That got her attention.
  749. > Dash knows you only order her into the basement when you thought that there was a truly worrisome guest coming.
  750. > It kept her safe.
  751. > The basement was far more securely built than your 'public' house.
  752. > It would take a determined enemy indeed to dig Dash out of the basement.
  753. "You heard me. Same deal as normal - you go down there, I'll come get you when things are clear."
  754. > "Okay, Master. Um... if I can ask, who is it?"
  755. > She probably wanted to know if it was someone she knew.
  756. > Sorry, Dash. Your princess friends aren't the only ones who can make me nervous.
  757. > The look your give her adequately communicates that she will not be getting an answer.
  758. > Dash shrinks back. "Sorry, master!"
  759. "Just get down there."
  760. > She shoots off without question, launching herself down the stairs.
  761. > You wait until the basement door closes after her with a thud before returning to your screens.
  762. > The figure is still steadfastly making its way up the mountainside to your home.
  763. > ...strange...
  765. > By the time the visitor arrives, you have had plenty of time to observe them.
  766. > A reasonably well-built earth pony stallion, brown coat and blackish mane and tail.
  767. > Mark was just two hammers, a symbol that could mean anything.
  768. > Entirely unremarkable.
  769. > Which is why you are even more concerned.
  770. > He had marched doggedly up the slop while barely taking any moments to rest.
  771. > Pushing himself like that is not something the typical stallion did, or was capable of doing.
  772. > Not unless they had a history of mountain climbing or something.
  773. > Or military service.
  774. > Unlike with Gilda, you choose to make him come to you.
  775. > The front door slides open under the touch of his hoof, but you are not there to greet him.
  776. > Instead he makes his way slowly into your home, finding his way through the doors you have allowed to remain open.
  777. > When he enters the meeting room, you are waiting.
  778. > No meal has been set out this time; instead you sit alone at the end of the elongated table that dominates the room.
  779. "And who might you be, then?"
  780. > His head whips around to center on you.
  781. > "Forge Strike, sir."
  782. > He offers a clumsy half-bow.
  783. > You shake your head.
  784. "Don't do that. I'm not a prince or a king."
  785. > He straightens up, but shows no signs of embarassment.
  786. > "I've come to ask something of you."
  787. "I rather figured. Do please come sit down?"
  788. > All but one of the chairs in the room was built for a quadruped body, leaving no question as to which was yours.
  789. > He takes one of the two closest to you.
  790. "You've heard my cost?"
  791. > "Yes."
  792. > It's a simple answer, given unwaveringly.
  793. > He knows what he is dealing with.
  794. "Well then. What is your request?"
  795. > "I need to get in to Canterlot."
  796. > You raise one eyebrow.
  797. "That is it?"
  798. > He nods, once.
  799. > "There's someone there I need to see. She, um... they don't want me to be there. And none of the other smugglers will help."
  800. "If they're not helping, then you're not just merely someone with a restraining order from a filly you want to see."
  801. > He nods.
  802. "Are you going to give details?"
  803. > "I messed up rather badly the last time I was there."
  804. "That's not terribly helpful."
  805. > "...okay, look - someone rather powerful is angry at me, and I need to-"
  806. "So you hike up the mountainside to see if I can find a way to get you in?"
  807. > He nods.
  808. "I will help you..."
  809. > Forge Strike perks up.
  810. "...when you tell me the whole story."
  811. > Forge pauses, and hangs his head.
  812. > "Look, uh... it's kind of embarrassing, and I'm not going to hurt anyone-"
  813. > Except maybe for hurting the marriage of whoever he had been smooching.
  814. > "-so if you could just get me into the city to talk to her once, I'd really appreciate it."
  815. "All details, Forge. I don't do favors to people who won't tell me the truth.
  816. > "It was Stalwart Shield's wife."
  817. > Your eyebrows go up.
  818. > Stalwart Shield was the new marshal of Canterlot, since Shining Armor had run off to his little crystal city.
  819. > A dedicated soldier, and utterly impossible for you to get any favors out of.
  820. > "Here, um, take a look-"
  821. > Forge Strike fishes about in his meager saddlebags, withdrawing a pair of lockets that he dangles from his mouth to you.
  822. > Taking it, you pop it open to find the pictures within.
  823. > One is his, the other a mare.
  824. > Out of sight of Forge, you pull up the image of Stalwart's wife on a small screen before you.
  825. > Definitely her.
  826. > ...heh, if it rustles Stalwart a bit to do this, you might actually enjoy it.
  827. "Tell me your whole story, from the beginning, and I will agree."
  828. > "Is that your cost?"
  829. > You shake your head.
  830. "No. That will come later. I want to know if your story stands up."
  831. > Forge Strike seems to think it over carefully, but eventually gives in and nods.
  832. > "So, I was actually in the guard for a while - heh, look at me now - and that's when I met her. I was guarding a party one night that Stalwart was attending..."
  833. > You knit your fingers as he starts to tell his story, trying to spot any differences or inconsistencies in the tale he told.
  834. > There aren't any, though, and if he's a soldier he's also the world's best-acting soldier.
  835. > It definitely effects him to talk about what he'd had with Stalwart's wife.
  836. > " gave all the guards an unofficial order to keep me out of Canterlot. They know me from when I was in the guard; if even one of them see me, it'll all be over. I was just hoping you could help me get back in?"
  837. > Now reasonably certain his tale is honest, you set your mind on thinking of a way to get him past the guards.
  838. > It figured he'd been forced to come to you - smuggling small items in or out of Canterlot was one thing; smuggling in an entire pony, and one the guard was already angry with, is another.
  839. "I believe what you request will be possible. My cost will be this: While you are in Canterlot, you will drop off a package at a given address. Do you understand?"
  840. > "Yes."
  841. "Good. Go to the town of Croxton's Pass - it's not a three-day walk from here - and wait there for a train in four days' time. I will arrange for someone to have someone ready to take you in."
  842. > "You are certain it will work?"
  843. "I did not build this reputation by failing."
  844. > "Good. Then..."
  845. > Forge Strike stands. "I am to deliver the true message to you."
  846. > Instantly you are on guard.
  847. > You've made a few enemies in your business, and coming in lying to you didn't suggest he was that friendly.
  848. > But what had you missed? His story was perfect, and-
  849. > The hiss-crack of flame violently intrudes on your thoughts as Forge Strike immolates himself in a greenish ball of flame.
  850. "What the fu-"
  851. > Before you can finish sputtering the curse, the tongues of fire dye down.
  852. > But Forge Strike is not standing there anymore.
  853. > "My mistress, Queen Chrysalis of the hive, has sent me to relay this message to you."
  854. > Fucking. Changelings.
  855. > You finally get to meet one of them - the tales you'd been hearing for a while, were making you curious, to say the least - and you get played.
  856. > That's why he didn't need a bigger pack, you realize.
  857. > He'd probably flown to somewhere just beyond the edge of your security perimeter before putting on the disguise.
  858. > You grit your teeth and try to salvage what you can from the situation.
  859. "You're quite good."
  860. > The changeling's wings buzz in a whirring blur, a strangely dry noise.
  861. > "I am honored by your complement. What I spoke of was not a lie. This one had the honor of being a scout for the invasion of Canterlot."
  862. "Ah. Your experience was not entirely made up, then."
  863. > "Yes. I approached Stalwart's wife to try and get close to him."
  864. > He (it? You're not really sure about changeling physiology) pauses.
  865. > "...her love was also quite tasty."
  866. > Interesting.
  867. > Clearly this changeling isn't just some mere grunt if he's been sent on two of what you'd call fairly high-risk missions...
  868. > "And the reason for your faked offer."
  869. > Forge-changeling shifts in place.
  870. > "I cannot answer that. My queen has not chosen to reveal this to me."
  871. "Right. Well then, what has she told you to tell me?"
  872. > He perks up, standing perfectly straight - almost as if standing at attention.
  873. > "From the illustrious Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Swarm and all it reaches, to the creature Anonymous. I find myself in need of your services; in a week's time I shall arrive to consult with you on how you may best be of service to my cause. I expect you to be adequately prepared and ready to serve an individual of my status and needs. If you are, your reward shall be considerate."
  874. > ...that is possibly the most circuitous route way you have ever heard someone ask for help.
  875. > It's like Chrysalis is doing everything she can to avoid outright acknowledging that she is the one asking for your assistance.
  876. > More importantly, though, this presents something of an issue.
  877. > While you weren't exactly friendly the princesses, you tried to keep your 'business' limited to things that didn't directly piss them off even further.
  878. > No need to give them another excuse to bump you up even further on their list of problems to be dealt with.
  879. > You're fairly sure that 'aiding the queen of the changelings' was somewhere in that group.
  880. > But to spurn her directly... well, you'd already been played once by a changeling, and it was a fair bet they could make a lot more trouble for you if Chrysalis was angered.
  881. > This is going to be a delicate balance.
  882. "Tell your queen that I look forward to her arrival, and am quite ready to discuss ways in which I might be of assistance to her."
  883. > Got to keep that royal ego stroked.
  884. "However, as with any client I cannot promise that I will be able to assist her without hearing what she is looking to get from me. I do hope that our negotiations will go well, and that we will be able to come to an adequate agreement. That is all."
  885. > The changeling nods.
  886. > "It will be delivered. With your permission, may I depart to deliver your message?"
  887. "Of course."
  888. > You motion to the doorway he had entered through.
  889. > The changeling offers you a slight bow - very slight, you notice - and turns to depart.
  890. > The second he is gone from your room, you are watching the changeling on the camera feeds.
  891. > This time he doesn't even bother disguising himself.
  892. > His wings whir into motion the second he is clear of your front door, lifting him up and off into the sky.
  893. > You watch until he vanishes from your perimeter, then lean back in the chair.
  894. > A changeling queen, coming to visit.
  895. > This could be problematic indeed.
  896. > Not in the least, because between what you'd heard and the contents of her message, you suspected this Chrysalis was egocentric to the point of instability.
  897. > You're not sure how a 'no' answer would go over with her.
  898. > Probably best to put Dash safely away in the basement when she comes too, maybe a couple of extra levels down for extra protection.
  899. > ...speaking of which, you should go let her out of there again.
  900. > Except for one, itty bitty little problem.
  901. > Dash isn't in the room you left her in.
  902. > It's an unfinished storage room with a few stacks of various objects laying about, so not much room to hide.
  903. > And definitely no multicolored pegasi to be found.
  904. > Where, then?
  905. > Not upstairs, the door from the basement was locked.
  906. > Another door catches your eye, though.
  907. > The one leading further into the lower basement levels, and beyond.
  908. > It's half open.
  909. "She wouldn't have..."
  910. > Dash knows she isn't supposed to go down there, and normally the doors are all locked.
  911. > You must have forgotten to reset the locks when the changeling appeared marching up the mountain path so quickly.
  912. > And Dash took advantage of your sloppiness.
  913. > You grit your teeth, rubbing your forehead in frustration.
  914. "Oh, she is so going in the box for this."
  916. --------
  918. > The first basement level is what you might expect in a home.
  919. > Lots of storage, considering that you don't have an easy, nearby source of food between deliveries.
  920. > But past the heavily-built door and down another flight of stairs, things begin to change.
  921. > The brick-and-mortar wall facade vanishes, leaving the fused stone behind it in full view.
  922. > Warm, gentle lighting is replaced by extended strips of gently-humming panels.
  923. > Cables emerge from the floor and ceiling to run along both walls, feeding in and out of boxes in a dizzying network of metal spaghetti.
  924. > The changes only get starker another floor down.
  925. > Drones work freely here, floating and rolling in a complex ballet of near-misses as they perform whatever tasks the master computer system has assigned them.
  926. > It is into this elaborate dace that you intrude, plowing through the drones in search of Dash.
  927. > Motors whine and whir as they dance out of your way, machines never allowing themselves to touch their flesh-and-blood master.
  928. > Quickly making a search of the rooms, you still find no sign of the poly-chromatic pegasus.
  929. > Your anger only grows as there is still no sign of her.
  930. > The deeper Dash has gone into the depths of your home, the more she will uncover.
  931. > Certain things there, she was not yet meant to see.
  932. > Others, not to see at all.
  933. "DASH! Get out here, now!"
  934. > No response except the whirring of drones at work meets your ears.
  935. > It's getting to complex down here.
  936. > You've reached the limit of your ability to easily track Dash.
  937. > Drawing your comp-pad, you tap into the main computer network.
  938. > Fortunately tracking all activity down here is a practical neccessity, so it will be able to locate Dash.
  939. > When it does, your stomach drops.
  940. > Dash hasn't just gone down into the basement, she's headed straight through the access tunnels and into the main underworks.
  941. > Much to far for her own good.
  942. > Setting off at a swift pace, you keep one eye on the 'pad, watching Dash's location.
  943. > Fortunately she seems to have stopped in one of the main caverns temporarily.
  944. > When you emerge into it, it's easy to see why she stopped.
  945. > This cavern had long been turned over to fabrication, and Dash was standing awestruck banks of equipment beneath her.
  946. "DASH! Get over here!"
  947. > Your sharply-yelled order snaps her out of the reverie she had fallen into.
  948. > Her head whips around to stare at you - taking in your furious grimace, the angry tone of your yell, the aggressive pace of your steps.
  949. > And she does the only logical thing.
  950. > She panics.
  951. > Without even so much a word, Dash turns to sprint down another tunnel.
  952. > Unfortunately, you had ordered the doors closed.
  953. > Dash circles around, glancing back to your approaching figure and then to the doors again.
  954. > She looks off the side of the catwalk she stands on, her wings opening and closing as she tries to figure out if she could jump and land intact.
  955. > She can't.
  956. > Your pounding footsteps stop in front of her; Dash looks up at you.
  957. > She's to much in shock to try anything.
  958. > "A-Anon... please... I just wanted... the door was open?"
  959. > Her voice is trembling, but even through her fear you can hear the wonder in her voice at the drones surrounding her.
  960. > You don't want to hear it.
  961. > You reach down and seize her collar, dragging her up into a semi-bipedal stance.
  962. > High enough for you to lean over your head and get into her face.
  963. "I don't think there is a word for how badly you have screwed up right now."
  964. > She meets your angry gaze, the first tears beginning to spring from the corners of her eyes.
  965. > "I... I just wanted to explore... please Anon... I didn't..."
  966. "You know the rule, Dash. One of the first things I told you when you got here. You do not go below the first basement."
  967. > "But the door..."
  968. "Was unlocked."
  969. > You let her back down, her hooves coming down to the floor with a click.
  970. > Still holding her collar, you start walking her back up the path you came.
  971. > To her credit, Dash doesn't try and struggle.
  972. > She certainly does plead, though.
  973. > "I'm sorry, master. I wasn't trying to escape, I wanted to see..."
  974. "Shut up."
  975. > Her jaw slams shut, and the rest of the trip is made in silence.
  976. > You stop at the top of the last flight of stairs, turning to sit on the topmost step.
  977. > When you reach the uppermost basement - and the room you used to punish Dash - she balks at entering, but one sharp glance cows her into entering without further argument.
  978. > With the room's door safely locked, you find your way to a wall and slump down against it.
  979. > Dash stands next to you, unsure of what to do.
  980. > "Master? A-Anon...?"
  981. > Your silence is unnerving her.
  982. > She knows she's in for it, but you get the feeling a violent, frothing anger would have been less scary to her than this.
  983. > Truthfully, you're not sure what to do with her.
  984. > Rebellion is one thing, to be expected from her.
  985. > But she came dangerously close in those tunnels to something you consider far, far more valuable.
  986. > That line of thought is interrupted by Dash softly nuzzling your shoulder.
  987. > Her eyes are close, and she's slightly leaning against your leg as well.
  988. > "I-I'm sorry, master. I wasn't trying to disobey... I just... I was so curious about what was down there, and..."
  989. "I know."
  990. > She pauses as you slip a hand around her head, holding her in a light embrance.
  991. "I know you weren't deliberately trying to be disobedient. You weren't trying to hurt me."
  992. > Nodding, Dash remains silent as you continue speaking.
  993. "But you know what, Dash? That's still very bad. You broke a big, big rule by going down there. Even if you didn't do it to fight me, I have to be able to trust that you will not disobey for any reason.
  994. > Her head falls, ears flopping downwards as she realizes what is coming.
  995. "And that means you still have to be punished."
  996. > A shivery ripple runs through Dash's coat as that knowledge settles into her mind.
  997. > "Don't leave me in there again..."
  998. "Dash, considering the level of fuckup this has been... no. You're going in the cage again."
  999. > She falls to her belly, staring at the floor.
  1000. > It's interesting that she doesn't try to flee or fight.
  1001. > ...could it be that Dash actually feels some level of guilt for her mistake?
  1002. > Interesting.
  1003. > Standing again, you make your way to the cage.
  1004. "Come, Dash."
  1005. > You turn to watch an interesting internal struggle going on in Dash's head.
  1006. > Slowly, steadily she forces one hoof down in front of the last, the knowledge that disobedience now might provoke an even greater punishment.
  1007. > Her eyes looking everywhere but the cage she was approaching.
  1008. > Lips working furiously, repeating some phrase to softly for you to hear at first.
  1009. > Even when you begin fitting the blindfold goggles and earmuffs to her, she just keeps repeating the same thing over and over.
  1010. > "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
  1011. > She barely responds when you force her into the cage, hunkering down to her normal position laying flat as she can against the floor.
  1012. > This time, though, you have another addition to her torments.
  1013. > Every once in a while, you will reach through the bars to gently stroke her with one or two fingers.
  1014. > Compared to the total absence of contact she otherwise experience hunched down like that, every brush might as well be a slap.
  1015. > She reacts immediately, shuffling over in the few inches or so of free space she has to try and reach further contact.
  1016. > Of course, she immediately crashes into whatever side of the cage you have reached through.
  1017. > The effect is immediate.
  1018. > Her instincts take over again, sending her into another spiral of terror, despair, and helplessness.
  1019. > Before you leave, you turn the thermostat far down.
  1020. > The cold won't harm Dash, considering the altitudes she used to fly at.
  1021. > But it will definitely make her miserable.
  1022. > By the second day, in addition to your typical feeding and washing, you often come down for a moment or two just to stroke one of her wings and set off another whimpering, wriggling episode of terror.
  1023. > Sleep, already a rare thing for Dash in this state, is often interrupted.
  1024. > She cries out desperate pleas for help - to her friends, to you, to her princesses.
  1025. > To her mother.
  1026. > Frequently they end in heavy sobs as none of them come to relieve her from the hell she is in.
  1027. > On the third day, you decide to add in a new factor.
  1028. > Reaching through the bars, you carefully remove the earmuffs from Dash's head.
  1029. > Instantly she perks up, believing her ordeal to be almost at an end.
  1030. > "Master? I-Is that you? Is it o-over?"
  1031. > You move back a bit, and... do nothing.
  1032. > Absolutely nothing.
  1033. > No movement, no speaking, nothing that might generate noise.
  1034. > In her cage, Dash become increasingly agitated.
  1035. > Everything she knows says that when her senses are given back, the punishment has ended.
  1036. > But it isn't ending, and now Dash is beginning to enter a new stage of panic.
  1037. > Her ears feel free, but she hears nothing.
  1038. > She calls, then cries, and eventually drifts off into the shallow sleep - the only rest she can find.
  1039. > It's in this state that she is awoken again to the earmuffs being replaced.
  1040. > "No... no, no, no! Anon, please! Please!"
  1041. > It's no use.
  1042. > You are already leaving the room.
  1043. > Four days on, you finally decide to let her free.
  1044. > As before, though, you do not return sight or hearing yet.
  1045. > You don't have to.
  1046. > The moment she feels your hands reaching in, pulling her from the cage, Dash wraps herself around you in the tightest embrace she can.
  1047. > "Anon! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please don't put me back in there, Anon, please... I'm sorry..."
  1048. > You let her hold you for a few moments, and then carefully set her down on the floor.
  1049. > "M-master?"
  1050. > You silence her with a few strokes over her mane.
  1051. > Any words would still be pointless, given that she is still deaf.
  1052. > Instead you spread out the lengths of cord you brough with you, first using them to carefully pinion her wings to her sides and then her legs folded against her body.
  1053. > Now unable to move, there is little Dash can do except lay on the floor until you pick her up.
  1054. > Being carried on her back is normally something Dash hates, but this time she is simply to absorbed in the actual contact to care.
  1055. > She's pressing herself in against you, seeking out any kind of touch she can use to remind herself that her most recent experience is over.
  1056. > You proceed to your workroom, easily sliding into the cushioned chair and setting Dash down in your lap.
  1057. > She promptly lifts her head, turning it to try and gain any hints about what is to happen.
  1058. > "Master? Anon? I-"
  1059. > You interrupt her by closing your hand around her jaws.
  1060. > She quickly seems to understand what you want; rather than protesting, she seems to accept that now is not the time to talk.
  1061. > Dash's head drops to rest on your leg as she wriggles her bound form to a more comfortable position.
  1062. > Still somewhat chilled from the freezing temperature her punishment room had been set at, she has curled against you to soak in the warmth your body offers.
  1063. > You smile down at her, one hand idly stroking along her back before you resume your work.
  1064. > When you next look down, Dash has fallen into a deep sleep.
  1065. > Her first good rest in days.
  1066. > When it begins, you barely notice it at first.
  1067. > A few twitches, Dash's hooves wiggling slightly as her bound legs try to extend.
  1068. > It's only when she begins to whimper that you take notice.
  1069. > Even as you watch, the spasms become greater and more rapid.
  1070. > The whimpers, louder and more pained.
  1071. > Dash is having a nightmare.
  1072. > You slip an arm around her body, not wanting her to slip from your lap and crash to the floor.
  1073. > For a few minutes, she quiets.
  1074. > But then the nightmare returns, and in greater force.
  1075. > Her whimpers again rise and the twitches return, her head even jerking now.
  1076. > You briefly wonder what she could be dreaming about - what you did to her, or something else?
  1077. > Would it be best to wake her, or if coming back to this blind, deaf, and hobbled wakefulness would be just as terrifying.
  1078. > "Girls?"
  1079. > You look down in surprise. Had Dash finally woken up?
  1080. > "Noooo... girls... please don't leave me in there. Please? Please!"
  1081. > No, she isn't awake.
  1082. > Even as you watch the spasmodic movements continue, as do her words.
  1083. > "Twilight? AJ? Flutters? Anyone...? Please... don't leave me in there... it's so alone... so alone.... so alone."
  1084. > She actually manages to roll over entirely, and for a moment you think it is over.
  1085. > But then she continues, whimpering low between pained pleas.
  1086. > "What did I do? You're my friends, what did I do?! Don't leave me in there...."
  1087. > She can't hear anything you might say, but she can still feel you.
  1088. > And so you start to run your hand through Dash's mane in what you hope is a comforting gesture.
  1089. > It works.
  1090. > Ever so slowly, the mewling subsides - Dash sinking back into the depths of sleep.
  1091. > Her body again becomes still, but for her gentle breathing.
  1092. > It's a while before she speaks again.
  1093. > "Anon...?"
  1094. > This time the uncertainty in her voice is different.
  1095. > It isn't the uncertainty of a dreaming mind, but of one who is confused and seeks certainty.
  1096. > Your hand, which had fallen still once Dash quieted, travels up to lightly rub her cheek.
  1097. > She presses back into it, her voice shaky.
  1098. > "I had a nightmare, master..."
  1099. > It almost sounds as if it hurts her to admit this.
  1100. > Considering how headstrong she was before coming to you, it probably would have been.
  1101. > Admitting fear of something forced on her like the cage is one thing; admitting fear in one's own head can be quite another.
  1102. > "They... they had left me in there. In the cage... my friends left me there."
  1103. > She takes another deep breath, pausing to let you rub a bit more.
  1104. > "It was so cold, and so alone... and they just left me. They were all around me, I could see them... and they wouldn't help. I was so cold..."
  1105. > You other arm slips around her, the first one still rubbing her cheek lightly.
  1106. > Even though she is deaf and blind, the message is clear.
  1107. > I hear you.
  1108. > I am still here.
  1109. > You are not alone now.
  1110. > Dash curls into the embrace, laying her head down again on your arm.
  1111. > "T-Thank you, Anon... thank you."
  1112. > Soon enough she is breathing softly once again, having drifted once more off to sleep.
  1114. --------
  1116. > You do not finish until late at night.
  1117. > With Chrysalis' visit fast approaching, you are pouring over every bit of data you have on Changelings and their queen.
  1118. > Which is sadly little.
  1119. > Apart from a couple of copies of older texts from the Canterlot archives and the records of the attempted takeover some years ago, information is scarce.
  1120. > Instead, you have set to work trying to piece together what other data you can find.
  1121. > Where Changelings have been spotted, when, hiding in what positions.
  1122. > You plot them geographically, on charts and graphs, study each case in depth.
  1123. > Anything to give you a leg up when you end up meeting the queen.
  1124. > The presence of Dash asleep against your lap is both a distraction and quite welcome.
  1125. > While you probably aren't getting as much done as you might have otherwise, it's quite calming to be able to just reach down and stroke her as you please.
  1126. > Plus, she always wriggles adorably when you do.
  1127. > Nonetheless, somewhere around one in the morning you find it neccessary to turn in for the night.
  1128. > Again cradling the sleeping pegasus in your arms as you climb the stairs, a yawn forces its way from your throat as hours of work catch up with you.
  1129. > Gently you set Dash down on your bed; instantly she curls up again despite her still-bound limbs.
  1130. > You've only made it a few steps towards the bathroom when an unsteady voice calls out after you.
  1131. > "A-Anon? Are you still there?"
  1132. > Dash has woken, and is now 'looking' back and forth furiously to try and find where her only source of comfort has vanished to.
  1133. > No point in speaking, she still can't hear you.
  1134. > Instead you walk back over and lightly touch her back, just between the pinned wings.
  1135. > Immediately she relaxes, her head lowering back down again.
  1136. > "O-Oh. There you are."
  1137. > You'd love to stay with her, but you do need to prepare for bed.
  1138. > Unfortunately, the moment you step away again, Dash rapidly breaks down once again.
  1139. > Her increasingly desperate cries for you can easily be heard through the doorway as you finish up in the bathroom.
  1140. > By the time you return to the bedroom, it seems like she's fallen into the same terrified state the cage induces in her.
  1141. > She's shivering, pushed herself as flat against the bed as she can, and you can see her limbs flexing beneath the bindings as they struggle to spread.
  1142. > That is... not what you expected.
  1143. > Sure, the terror of being sent back to the cage often lingered with Dash for days afterward.
  1144. > But you've never seen her actually break down outside of it.
  1145. > Maybe you left her in there to long.
  1146. > After all, you didn't want her to be permanently damaged.
  1147. > A thought suddenly occurs to you.
  1148. > If she didn't recover from this soon, there could be a problem the next time you have to let Twilight see her.
  1149. > Considering the possible results of that, you change into your sleepwear and slide into the bed beside Dash.
  1150. > The moment the bedsheet moves from your weight, Dash perks up again.
  1151. > "Master! You're back!"
  1152. > She wriggles over while you watch, one eyebrow raised.
  1153. > It's kind of adorable to see her squirm up against you before relaxing with a soft sigh.
  1154. > "I'm sorry, master... I thought you'd gone away. I thought you had left me alone again."
  1155. > Well, you sort of had.
  1156. > But this reaction is both endearing and worrying.
  1157. > Right now, mostly endearing.
  1158. > You slip an arm around Dash, who shifts a bit more and lowers her head to the bed again.
  1159. > Minutes later, you are both asleep.
  1161. --------
  1163. > The remaining days are spent in furious planning.
  1164. > Somewhere around two days remaining until Chrysalis' visit, you give up trying to anticipate her demands.
  1165. > Instead you've turned to just researching anything that you might be able to surprise her with.
  1166. > Even there information is scarce.
  1167. > If any of the ponies know how changelings actually feed, they've never bothered to write it down.
  1168. > Or at least not in place you've ever been able to get your hands on.
  1169. > Moreover, except for her appearance in Canterlot, Chrysalis has rarely appeared.
  1170. > What you do know doesn't suggest the meeting will be terribly pleasant.
  1171. > Finally, at last something pulls your attention.
  1172. > You'd gotten desperate, and started looking over any major news stories.
  1173. > Disasters, announcements, projects, discoveries.
  1174. > And now you had a suspicion.
  1175. > The times all lined up.
  1176. > Chrysalis, you thought, wasn't coming to you out of her own choice.
  1177. > In a little over a day, you'd be sure.
  1179. --------
  1181. > The day arrives, and you awaken to the screaming of the proximity alarms.
  1182. > A quick look at the clock tells you it is far to early in the morning for Chrysalis to have arrived.
  1183. > Unless she was a fan of showing up at the crack of dawn.
  1184. > Images of Royal Guard clashing with the changeling queen around your home suddenly fill your head.
  1185. > Dash is looking around in confusion, then up to you for guidance.
  1186. > "Master? What's happening?"
  1187. "Something our expected guest did, would be my guess. Get ready; we'll be going to the basement in a moment."
  1188. > "Yes, master!"
  1189. > Dash must have heard the no-nonsense tone in your voice.
  1190. > She hops from the bed and is standing at the door in an instant.
  1191. > Her senses long since returned to her, she had only just begun to recover from her experience.
  1192. > You noticed she still clung unusually close to you, rarely staying away for long.
  1193. > Being alone, it seemed, had suddenly become far more of a worrisome prospect to her than it had been.
  1194. > Ignoring the need for a diversion to the bathroom, you quickly lead Dash down to the basement.
  1195. > The heavy, protective door slams shut behind you, locks snapping into place.
  1196. > Once in your office, you pull up the security readout to see what has set it off so badly.
  1197. > Dash isn't normally allowed into here without her blindfold, but right now you really need to know if your home is about to turn into a battleground.
  1198. > The second you lay eyes on the security feeds, your jaw drops.
  1199. "Holy..."
  1200. > Chrysalis hadn't just brought an entourage.
  1201. > She'd brought an army.
  1202. > The forests around your home are crawling with thousands, possibly tens of thousands of changelings.
  1203. > Several things that definitely look like pegasus chariot-carts are still circling in the air.
  1204. > YOu hiss sharply.
  1205. > Did Chrysalis think she could impress you by a show of force, or did she actually intend to try and attack if she didn't get what she wanted.
  1206. > Both reinforce your suspicion that she wasn't visiting you by choice.
  1207. > Dash hops up onto your lap, trying to look closer at the numerous screens around you.
  1208. > You push her down slightly.
  1209. "No, Dash, I need to be able to focus."
  1210. > "Sorry, master."
  1211. > She hops back down, and you focus back on the screens.
  1212. > The changelings don't seem to be approaching, or even encircling.
  1213. > More... settling in?
  1214. > The last few are definitely landing, and already you see the first few signs of what looks like shelters being put up.
  1215. > It's better than an immediate attack, you suppose, but having your mountainside suddenly resident to several thousand changelings wasn't something you really wanted.
  1216. > For one, it wasn't exactly encouraging to other guests to come visit.
  1217. > "Anon...? Are they going to attack us, master?"
  1218. > Now Dash is looking up at you for guidance.
  1219. > She almost looks... worried?
  1220. > It's understandable, you suppose.
  1221. > If it came to a fight, Dash's greatest advantage - her flight - had still been taken from her.
  1222. > You reach down to give her a reassuring rub between her ears.
  1223. "No, I don't think they are. And if they do... I think we can more than hold them off. I've got means of holding them off."
  1224. > Some of them the same means that held off the princesses.
  1225. > But if Chrysalis was that desperate, might she ignore the losses that would surely come...?
  1226. "When I go to talk to her, I want you to stay down here, Dash. I'm going to seal the doors; if they try anything, you'll be safe here."
  1227. > Dash nods, apparently still aware this is no time to argue.
  1228. > She still looks worried, despite your reassurance.
  1229. > "Thank you, master... um... master?"
  1230. "Yes, Dash?"
  1231. > "You... aren't going to help her... hurt my friends, are you?"
  1232. > That wasn't the main concern you had expected from her.
  1233. "...are you really sure that is something you ought to be concerned about now, Dash? Your friends are not here."
  1234. > She flinches at the rebuke, looking down.
  1235. > "No, but I don't want them to get hurt. Even if I stay here with you, I don't want them to get hurt. Gotta... be loyal to them, you know?"
  1236. > After a moment, you nod.
  1237. "I hadn't planned on helping them hurt your friends, Dash. In fact, I don't plan on helping them hurt Equestria - I don't care to play that game."
  1238. > "Thank you, master. Should I... go away now?"
  1239. > You pause, studying her.
  1240. > Despite the offer - Dash is clearly trying to do her best to anticipate your demands - the idea of being alone is not one she is looking forward to.
  1241. " can wait here a little bit longer. When their queen comes, then you will go."
  1242. > Dash smiles, nodding. "Cool! I've never seen you work here before either."
  1243. > Hrm, yes. You'd forgotten about that.
  1244. > Oh well, to late now.
  1245. > Not like Dash could really glean any truly valuable secrets from the displays without explanation anyhow.
  1246. "You can watch later, but for now - go upstairs and find my breakfast, and bring it down here. I intend to be fed and ready when she comes."
  1247. > Dash's hooves beat a heavy pitter-pat as she speeds out the door and up the stairs.
  1248. > Minutes later you are sipping a coffee to finally burn away the last few clouds of sleep from your mind.
  1249. > This meeting is going to require top condition; being tired would be no benefit at all.
  1250. > Another warbling alarm draws your attention to the feeds covering the pathway.
  1251. > Several figures are making their way up the main pathway, one of them far taller than the others.
  1252. > The queen is coming.
  1253. "Alright, Dash. Time to go wait now. I'll call for you when we're done."
  1254. > She nods, grabbing her own half-finished breakfast tray and departing.
  1255. > You quickly shave and make one last check-over of your preparations.
  1256. > All is ready.
  1257. > The meeting room has been cleaned and updated, a larger chair substituted at the far end of the room for one of your normal ones.
  1258. > Not quite a throne, but hopefully close enough to satisfy Chrysalis' whims.
  1259. > Food had been laid out as well.
  1260. > While you still had no idea how to satisfy the Changelings' need to 'eat love', you hoped a more normal spread would be appreciated as well.
  1261. > Settling into your seat, you call up a feed on the smaller screens at your end of the table.
  1262. > Chrysalis is almost there.
  1263. > As she crosses from the treeline to the front of your house, her escorts split - returning back to the cover of the trees.
  1264. > Alone, she approaches your front door.
  1265. > It has been left open, a drone ready to guide her in.
  1266. > Her clicking hoofsteps are audible long before the queen appears through the entranceway to the meeting room.
  1267. > You force your eyebrows not to rise.
  1268. > It's one thing to see her through a camera feed, quite another to see the changeling queen directly.
  1269. > She's huge, at least as tall as you are and easily twice your mass.
  1270. > You also find yourself wondering how her hair has holes in it.
  1271. > But her demeanor is just about what you'd expected.
  1272. > A slight smirk graces her lips, as if you already amused her somehow.
  1273. > Yet, her slitted eyes rove over everything in the room - you, your screens, the food, the seats and table.
  1274. > You get the feeling she is studying you with just as much intent as you are her.
  1275. > Both of you trying to find any clues about the other.
  1276. > You stand, offering her a bow.
  1277. > Time to play the smooth businessman.
  1278. 'Queen Chrysalis. A pleasure to meet you."
  1280. --------
  1282. > "Ah, Anonymous... so good to meet you at last."
  1283. > That was another thing nobody had warned you about.
  1284. > Her voice is weird, like somebody using a malfunctioning audio chip.
  1285. > Just hearing it makes goosebumps rise across your back.
  1286. > You rather hope she can't tell.
  1287. "Please, do come and have a seat. I hadn't expected you to travel with so many, Your Highness."
  1288. > "Oh? Surely you did not expect someone of my position to travel alone...?
  1289. > Bug-horse body language isn't exactly your specialization, but you're fairly sure she's trying to seduce you.
  1290. > Every step all but screams sensuality, and rather than sit on the provided seat Chrysalis languidly drapes herself across it.
  1291. "Hardly. This many, however... your entourage is certainly impressive."
  1292. > You motion to the spread of deserts you had laid out.
  1293. "I am afraid I was unable to find a great deal of information on how to prepare anything... suitable to your known diet, but I hope my efforts might at least make up for this."
  1294. > Her eyes flick dismissively along the fairly impressive variety, shortly followed by a dismissive shake of her head.
  1295. > "While we can consume such things, they offer us no energy and little taste."
  1296. > Well. Swing and a miss.
  1297. "I see... well, then before we begin our actual business, if there is anything I might be able to offer you?"
  1298. > She fixes you with a chilling smile, but this time you force your face to stay impassive.
  1299. > "Only your services, Anonymous."
  1300. > Aaaaaand she's straight back to sensual seductress.
  1301. > A lot of ponies had called the changeling queen insane, and now you're starting to wonder if they had something there.
  1302. "Well then, let us get down to business?"
  1303. > Chrysalis lets out an amused little giggle and you take a mental grimace at the double entendre about two seconds later.
  1304. > Has she got you off your game already?
  1305. > Going to have to take it up a notch, Anonymous.
  1306. > Time for a subject change.
  1307. "The line of questioning your... messenger pursued before was quite specific. May I presume your request will be similar?"
  1308. > In other words, 'are you about to ask me to help you invade Canterlot again.'
  1309. > Crysalis fixes you with a sultry smirk.
  1310. > "Oh, how you must think so little of me... I know the balance you want to keep, Anonymous. I know you won't take direct action against the princesses.
  1311. > Interesting.
  1312. > Unlike Celestia, who was more than willing to dance around with subtle meanings and indirect statements, Chrysalis got straight to the point.
  1313. > Not what you'd have expected out of the queen of a race that relied on subterfuge.
  1314. "Well, if not that, then... in what way may I be of assistance to you?"
  1315. > "I need a location for a new hive. A new place to call my home, to let those close to me... settle down."
  1316. > And there's the half-lidded eyes again.
  1317. > Her request isn't what you were expecting either.
  1318. > So the queen wants to expand her domain, does she...?
  1319. > Or maybe... your mind drifts back to what you had discovered the previous night.
  1320. "Surely you can find a location in time on your own without having to involve an outsider... may I presume you are seeking an immediate answer?"
  1321. > "I prefer all my results immediate."
  1322. > Again her personality seems to have been completely shifted.
  1323. > Now she is the demanding ruler, her eyes boring into you and strangely-toned voice sharp and commanding.
  1324. "Then that, I can help you with."
  1325. > You fold your fingers together, meeting her gaze evenly.
  1326. "You must realize, of course, that I will not be able to provide you any information about where the best... hunting grounds might be, but-"
  1327. > "Yes, yes. You had best be able to provide some results, though."
  1328. "Of course. Since I know little of your living conditions, though, you will have to tell me what is best for you."
  1329. > "We are adaptable, Anonymous. On the ground, beneath it, we will survive. We can easily convert existing structures to our needs."
  1330. > Chrysalis raises herself up somewhat, making herself taller than you.
  1331. > "All that we demand is that the place be safe. That we not be found by the ponies and their wretched princesses."
  1332. "Away from any major trade routes, then."
  1333. > "And the Everfree forests. We do not fear the beasts within there, but provoking them is something only a fool would do."
  1334. > She's gone back to 'bored mode' again, speaking as if this was something she'd had to explain a million times before.
  1335. > Turning back to the question at hand, you call up several maps on your screens.
  1336. > Commonly traveled roads, typical pegasi flight routes, and anything else that might threaten a hidden hive.
  1337. > Anything near a major population center.
  1338. > Bit by bit you rule out everything, until...
  1339. > You bring on one of the larger wall-mounted screens, opening the map you had marked up.
  1340. > nineteen locations are circled.
  1341. > You point to the first, a valley halfway between Hoofington and Cloudesdale.
  1342. "This one will have a good abundance of natural resources - trees, water, should be plenty to forage with..."
  1343. > Everything except prey, of course.
  1344. "It's well-sheltered from most weather patterns, although you should have to construct your own dwellings. Let me see if I have - ah, yes, here we go."
  1345. > Another report scrolls up on another screen, a copy of one in the Canterlot archives.
  1346. "Royal geographic survey reports suggest soil indicate reasonably good digging potential, if not particularly rich in resources..."
  1347. > Chrysalis is trying not to look particularly interested, but you can tell your screens have caught her attention.
  1348. > She's been staring fixedly at them since you brought up the map.
  1349. "...option number two, out in the San Palomino desert. Resources will be scarcer, but I doubt there's much of anyone who out there who will bother you."
  1350. > "No. To long, to distant. To difficult to build in..."
  1351. > Chrysalis even gives a dismissive wave of her hoof, as if your information barely meant anything to her.
  1352. > Maybe one of the other options, then...
  1353. > Thirteen options later, you're actually starting to get frustrated.
  1354. > Chrysalis has shown absolutely zero interest in any of your options.
  1355. > Oh, her attention has been absolutely rapt on the screens.
  1356. > But you get the feeling it's more like she is glued to the screens than to the information on them.
  1357. > Not one of the choices has evoked even any response beyond dismissal.
  1358. > You're trying not to let her get under your skin, but it is rather hard to keep your frustration from growing.
  1359. > Hopefully this next one might work, if your guess from earlier was anywhere close.
  1360. "Alright, next option, then. It's in another mountain range, north of Vanhoover. Resources will also be scarce, but there's some old abandoned mine works there - the ore turned out to be worth barely anything, and the local wildlife was a bit to hostile for easy-"
  1361. > "I'll take it."
  1362. > She's sat up, her gaze intent.
  1363. > Bingo.
  1364. > You were right.
  1365. "To warn you, it won't be an easy place to add to. Cold, and there's probably other things inhabiting the mines."
  1366. > "We are not a weak species, Anonymous. We have never had the chance to live life easy like the ponies do. To us, nowhere is an easy place to live, but these mines - these will do for us."
  1367. > Just as you suspected, she wanted a ready-made home - or something close to it - no matter how rough the land would turn out to be.
  1368. "Good... I will provide sufficient copies of maps for you."
  1369. > Chrysalis tears her vision away from the screens and locks eyes with you again.
  1370. > "And I am sure that I can trust you not to be leaking any of this information..."
  1371. > As she prowls alongside the table over towards you, you are reminded how large she actually is.
  1372. > "I'm wouldn't want to have to send another one of my soldiers to deliver another message if you did..."
  1373. > Did she just threaten you?
  1374. > Does she actually think threatening you on your own territory would gain her anything?
  1375. > Surely she realizes you've been under pressure befor-
  1376. > Ah.
  1377. > Pressure.
  1378. > That's why she'd been swapping between moods so rapidly.
  1379. > She'd been trying to see which persona affects you the most.
  1380. > Which she can squeeze you the hardest with.
  1381. > Immediately another question slips into your mind:
  1382. > This is an awfully crude method of figuring that out.
  1383. > Well, she was direct before...
  1384. > You lean forward.
  1385. "Chrysalis, my business relies on discretion. You, though are trying to get inside my head. I'll ask you to stop, because I really don't like it when guests push me."
  1386. > She sniffs disdainfully.
  1387. > "Fool! If I wished for you to be mine, I could have crushed your will the moment I entered this room."
  1388. "No you couldn't."
  1389. > That she genuinely looks shocked at your response tells you enough.
  1390. > "You dare to-"
  1391. "Look, Chrysalis - I know what happened in Canterlot. If you could take over someone's mind in moments, you wouldn't have tossed Celestia's pet student into a cave, you'd just have made her to stop questioning you."
  1392. > Now it is her turn to take a step back, and yours to take control of the situation.
  1393. "If I had to place a guess, I'd say it takes time and familiarity for you to overpower someone's mind... so you tried to pull the quick route with me."
  1394. > She makes a strange hiss-click noise in her throat, a sign that you probably ought to stop.
  1395. > You keep going anyway.
  1396. "You're short on time, Chrysalis. Something hurt you, and I rather suspect I know what. So, I don't need to know why you are bringing what looks like a good fraction of your hive to a new home-"
  1397. > "It is not 'a good fraction'."
  1398. > You're brought up short by her response.
  1399. "Excuse me."
  1400. > Chrysalis hisses again, shaking her head.
  1401. > "This is my hive. All of it. All that is left."
  1402. "Damn - the storm..."
  1403. > "Flash-flooded the hive tunnels. There was little time for us to escape. Not all did. How did you know?"
  1404. > You were right, then.
  1405. "When your messenger announced you were coming, I tried to figure out what you would want. Freak, fast-moving storm out of nowhere over the badlands, commonly thought to be the location of your hive..."
  1406. > You don't bother explaining how you got that information ahead of any possible pegasus.
  1407. > It's your secret, and she wouldn't believe you anyway.
  1408. > Chrysalis snarls softly, nods, slowly returning to her seat.
  1409. > "There. You have it now, Anonymous. Are you happy? Pleased to know why I have come to you?"
  1410. > What the hell did you start?
  1411. > Chrysalis just goes on talking.
  1412. > "Whatever those wretched ponies might say about me, I take care of my Changelings. They serve me, and I rule them - as it was meant to be."
  1413. > She laughs a sharp, bitter laugh.
  1414. > "We share the weight of our curse - look at us, Anonymous. Even a creature such as you can find a lover, and-"
  1415. "Wait... go back a bit. I can find a lover?"
  1416. > She fixes you with a glare.
  1417. > "Do not try to lie to me about such things, Anonymous. I can smell her love clinging to you."
  1418. "Yeah, no. You've lost me. Like, entirely. I definitely haven't found romance with any "
  1419. > "Oh, it may not be a romance yet.. but she adores you. I can tell."
  1420. > Adores you...?
  1421. > Dash?!
  1422. > She was sensing Dash?
  1423. > You knew you'd been getting to Dash, but to say she adores you?
  1424. > That was a step well, well beyond what you thought you had done.
  1425. > Holy shit.
  1426. > Had you broken Dash that hard already?
  1427. > You might have to start being careful about what you do to her.
  1428. > Work to fast, break her to hard, and you'd have a to answer a lot of questions from the princesses.
  1429. > Later, though.
  1430. > You cough politely.
  1431. "Well, that matter, yes."
  1432. > Her face regains its typical content smirk as the situation slides back to her control, wings buzzing softly in amusement.
  1433. > "So, you do have somepony..."
  1434. "That is not relevant to the matter at hand. Need I remind you we are here for business?"
  1435. > "Hmmm, yes, so we are... but perhaps I could stay a little longer."
  1436. "Uh, why?"
  1437. > Chrysalis leans forward, he tongue flicking out out like a snake.
  1438. > Thank god it's not forked.
  1439. > "It may not be true love, but it's still delicious... if a bit sickly sweet."
  1440. > Aaaand she's trying to freak you out again.
  1441. "Nope. Definitely not for that."
  1442. > Chrysalis lets out soft 'hmmm', as if thinking over that idea.
  1443. > "Not even if I am paying? It has been so long since I fed directly. Not since Canterlot..."
  1444. > You groan and rub your forehead.
  1445. "No. Especially not if you're hungry."
  1446. > She just lets out a delighted giggle at your reaction, and you realize she was messing with your head again.
  1447. "...okay, let's get back to business. You have your location, we need to discuss payment."
  1448. > "So we do."
  1449. > The tone of her voice suggests she'd prefer you be paying her.
  1450. "As I'm sure you know, I typically take payment in favors. You're in a position to help me: Fairly often I will need packages delivered - forgive the pun - anonymously."
  1451. > "Your machines cannot do this?"
  1452. > Noticed the drones, did she?
  1453. > "My machines are not exactly welcome in many places, and very hard to mistake. These need to be sent quietly. Who better than a changeling?"
  1454. > "My subjects are not your delivery workers."
  1455. "Then you can leave the deal. Do remember, that mine is not your home until you pay me."
  1456. > She makes that angry hiss-click noise again, eyes narrowing.
  1457. > It's a strange look when her eyes are larger than your hand to begin with.
  1458. > "I cannot give them up to often for your tasks, or risk my subjects. They are mine to rule, but also mine to care for."
  1459. "I understand. Say, perhaps, once per month - and no hazardous cargoes. I will grant you the right to refuse a delivery you feel to dangerous to the messenger."
  1460. > "For how long?"
  1461. > Here comes the bit she's going to hate.
  1462. "Indefinitely."
  1463. > Or at least as long as she chooses to inhabit that mine.
  1464. > It was the only good leverage you had over her, after all.
  1465. > "You would make us your servants forever?"
  1466. "Not my servants... my partners. It's that, or you can lose more of them forever."
  1467. > She is silent for a long time, thinking it over.
  1468. > "How will you get the message to us?"
  1469. > Ah.
  1470. > Now the interesting part...
  1471. "I have machine which I will give to you. A long-range communications device. Do not try and disassemble it or figure out how it works - just leave it somewhere close to the surface of the mine, and I should be able to reach you through it."
  1472. > Now you've got her attention again.
  1473. > "If you have such a machine, why do you need messengers?"
  1474. "Because I have a very limited number of them."
  1475. > You don't add your concern that some inventive pony might actually figure out how the transceiver stations work if you handed them out to willy-nilly.
  1476. > Celestia suddenly being able to listen to your messages would be very problematic.
  1477. > As would one of your drones falling into her hooves.
  1478. > "So, you will reach out to me, and...?"
  1479. "I will give the message, a pick-up location for the package, where it is to be delivered, and how soon."
  1480. > Chrysalis levers herself upright again, once again making her way to your side of the table.
  1481. > "You are a very interesting creature, Anonymous. I would very much like to know your secrets..."
  1482. > The ways he says it suggests that the process would leave you a drooling idiot.
  1483. "I prefer to keep them to myself, thank you very much. Do we have a deal, then?"
  1484. > After a moment, Chrysalis sticks out one chitin-covered hoof.
  1485. > "We have an agreement."
  1486. > You take it, half expecting to feel a tingle or something as she tries to feed from you.
  1487. > Instead there's just the firm, smooth surface of her leg.
  1488. > Your surprise must have been more noticeable than you expected, because she offers you another amused-looking smirk.
  1489. > "Did you expect a betrayal, Anonymous?"
  1490. "Frankly, you have a reputation."
  1491. > She hisses angrily at that.
  1492. > "I do not play games with the fate of my swarm, Anonymous. I hope you will do the same."
  1493. "I do not play games with any business-partner, ever."
  1494. > "Good. Then, I will return to my children. When will the maps be available?"
  1495. "Within the day. One of my drones will deliver them along with the communications device."
  1496. > "I will await them."
  1497. > With that she turns out, her walk again regal and proud.
  1498. > You watch her until she is out of sight.
  1499. > Rapid steps take you back down into the basement, back to your 'office'.
  1500. > The security perimeter feeds are already up, showing you numerous views of the rapidly-growing changeling encampment.
  1501. > In truth you probably could have had the maps printed right then and there, but why not take some time?
  1502. > After all, you had a clear chance to study them now.
  1503. > And information is every so valuable.
  1504. > So caught up are you in your work that you don't even notice when your typical dinner time passes.
  1505. > Not until your stomach begins to protest vociferously.
  1506. > With a sigh, you key the intercom.
  1507. "Dash? I need dinner brought down to my office again. The kitchen will have it in the normal place."
  1508. > Not five minutes later she is standing at your side, looking up expectantly with the dinner tray balanced on her back.
  1509. > You reach down, offering her a scratch on her head for her duty.
  1510. "Go ahead upstairs and get your food, then."
  1511. > She nods, but first leans over to nuzzle your leg a bit.
  1512. > You raise an eyebrow, remembering Chrysalis' words.
  1513. > Adoration, hmm?
  1514. > The light scratch turns to a full-on ear rub that leaves her all but curled around both legs.
  1515. > You chuckle, surprised at Dash's receptiveness, but can't shake the feeling you are missing something massively, obviously wrong about this.
  1516. > After a moment, you give her one last pat.
  1517. "Go on, then. I've got work to do."
  1518. > Wordlessly she trots away and leaves you to figuring out what that 'wrong' feeling was about.
  1519. > Moments later, you hear her hooves on the stairs back u-
  1520. > Stairs.
  1521. > You never let Dash upstairs from the basement after Chysalis left.
  1522. > Stifling a curse, you switch to internal security and quickly find Dash in the kitchen, dutifully taking her own dinner.
  1523. > This time, there is no question as to what should have been blatantly apparent.
  1524. > Dash has no collar on.
  1525. > But she does - at least, the Dash still asleep in the basement where you left her does.
  1526. > You look between the two feeds.
  1527. > On one, the clingy, affection-hungry, collarless Dash.
  1528. > On the other, the Dash you knew curled into a small, lonely ball in the windowless basement room.
  1529. "Fuck."
  1531. --------
  1533. > The first question that echoes through your head is 'how?'
  1534. > How had a changeling managed to get in past the security screens?
  1535. > The drones should have had it the moment it breached the closer security perimeter.
  1536. > It wasn't Chrysalis, you were sure - you'd seen her out the front door.
  1537. > Unless...
  1538. > Keeping one eye on the changeling still wandering about upstairs - it seemed to be keeping up the Dash act, eating the dinner meant for her - you quickly you scan back through the recorded security feeds.
  1539. > It isn't hard to spot when it enters - while you had been speaking to Chrysalis, a lone changeling had emerged from the treeline to approach your home.
  1540. > One of Chrysalis' entourage that had come with her, you supposed, hiding out in the treeline since she had entered.
  1541. > Not ten yards from your home it bursts into flame, and your eyebrows rise.
  1542. > Where once had stood a Changeling, otherwise indistinguishable from any of the others, a second Chrysalis now stood.
  1543. > That was something you had not been expecting.
  1544. > Frankly, it hadn't occured to you that a creature as proud as the changeling queen would tolerate anyone mimicing her form.
  1545. > But that was what had happened, and when 'Chrysalis' knocks at the door the drone dutifully opens it for what it sees as your guest.
  1546. > You groan in frustration at that; the security AI might be thorough, but truly intelligent it was not.
  1547. > Following a few minutes of aimless wandering, the changeling again immolates itself in emerald flame.
  1548. > In its place stands the duplicate Dash, who promptly begins to more actively explore the limits of the house - except, of course, for remaining clear of the room where you had been in negotiations.
  1549. > Yes, a protocol for handling apparently duplicate presences seems to be in order.
  1550. > You'd have to write that later.
  1551. > For now...
  1552. > You tap the intercom open to the storeroom Dash is resting in.
  1553. "Dash."
  1554. > She's awake instantly, looking around in confusion when she fails to spot you.
  1555. > "Master? Are you there?"
  1556. "I'm on the com. Listen to me very carefully, Dash - there is a changeling intruder in the house. I am go-"
  1557. > Dash's reaction is unexpected.
  1558. > She's standing instantly, wings half-spread despite their uselessness.
  1559. > "A changeling? Where? Lemme at them!"
  1560. "No, Dash; you could be hurt in a direct fight. I will handle it."
  1561. > She visibly droops at the denial, perhaps looking forward to the first time she would have been allowed to be in control of something again.
  1562. > "Awww, really? I could take it!"
  1563. "No, Dash. But, if it does somehow manage to reach you and I can't tell the difference - tell me your favorite Wonderbolt is Luna."
  1564. > "What? But Luna isn't even - oooooh."
  1565. > You grin as she gets it.
  1566. "Good girl. I'll let you out when it's under control."
  1567. > By the time you are marching up the stairs a quartet of bulky security drones have fallen into formation behind you.
  1568. > They spread out as you enter the kitchen, whirring gently.
  1569. > The changeling is just finishing the last remnants of dinner and looks up in surprise as you enter.
  1570. > Dash's crimson eyes going wide in surprise at the sight of the drones.
  1571. > "Master? Is something wrong?"
  1572. > You fold your arms.
  1573. "Do you remember Dash, when I first brought you here - I told you that if I caught you trying to fly away, I'd just pluck out your feathers?"
  1574. > You said no such thing, of course, but the changeling takes it in stride.
  1575. > It cringes back, twitching it's - Dash's - wings in apprehension.
  1576. > "Master? Did I do something wrong?"
  1577. "I'm just going to add another rule."
  1578. > "Yes, Master?"
  1579. > You squat down bringing your head more or less level with that of the changeling.
  1580. "If I so much as see your horn spark, there won't be a punishment. The security drones will just shoot you."
  1581. > To the changeling's credit, it doesn't panic or try to flee.
  1582. > The series of emotions that goes across its face is interesting to watch, though.
  1583. > "How did you know?"
  1584. > You shrug.
  1585. "I have wards set up inside my own home. You tripped them, despite your disguise."
  1586. > There is no way you are explaining sensors and security feed recordings to a changeling.
  1587. > Not after this.
  1588. > It nods, head drooping. "Then I have failed."
  1589. "Indeed, and quite badly."
  1590. > "May I at least retake my own form?"
  1591. > You retreat to what you thought to be a safe distance before raising a hand to ward off the drones and giving an affirmative nod.
  1592. "Yes, you may. Nothing more, though."
  1593. > The burst of flame comes rapidly, leaving a blackened and hole-eaten body in its place.
  1594. > The changeling quickly drops into a bow, pressing its belly against the floor.
  1595. > "What is to become of me now, sir?"
  1596. "I don't honestly know. For now, you will remain here."
  1597. > "A prisoner."
  1598. "Yes, a prisoner. What will happen after that depends on what your queen offers to get you back - she's broken her word and made me quite angry, so it had better be quite a bit.
  1599. > The changeling shifts slightly in place, hissing unhappily at that.
  1600. > "She will offer. But, I will need to feed if I am to remain here for any period of time."
  1601. "How long? Until you need to feed?"
  1602. > "A few days at most, if I ration myself carefully."
  1603. "Hmmm. I hope your queen is as concerned for you as you think she will be."
  1604. > "She is. She cares for us, in her way."
  1605. "Good."
  1606. > You put aside that concern for a moment, hoping that Chrysalis really will be as pliable as this changeling thinks she is.
  1607. > Another question drifts up to take its place.
  1608. "How did you know to take that form?"
  1609. > The Changeling shifts again, as if unsure what to say.
  1610. > "My queen knew. I do not know how."
  1611. "I see. Well, you are going to follow me downstairs. I am going to fit you with a collar and keep you here until your queen negotiates your release, do you understand?"
  1612. > "Yes."
  1613. > You raise one eyebrow.
  1614. "You're being awfully compliant right now. We are not going to have any problems down the line, are we?"
  1615. > "It is my duty to my queen to escape, but you have me at weapon-point."
  1616. "So I do. Come on, then."
  1617. > The changeling endures being fitted with a collar without protest, its face blank of any discernible emotions.
  1618. > You link a short chain to the collar and leave it secured in the corner of your room while you go to get Dash.
  1619. > She's waiting just behind the door when it opens, wings half-spread and in an aggressive stance.
  1620. > "Master? Did you deal with it?"
  1621. "Yes, Dash. Come now, I need to have a talk with someone."
  1622. > The room you use for your monthly 'calls' to Dash's friends sometimes sees other use as well.
  1623. > In this case, the screen is already lit when you step into it - the drone having been dispatched earlier to the changeling camp.
  1624. > While you settle into your seat, it spirals lower and lower down towards the familiar shape of the changeling queen.
  1625. > Dash climbs to your lap as usual, looking out at the screen.
  1626. > She gapes in surprise as Chrysalis comes into view, but you silence her with a hand on her neck.
  1627. > On the screen, the changeling queen approaches the drone - staring slightly off to the right of the camera it carries.
  1628. > "Hmm. This is odd. He said it would be a day, and I see no maps..."
  1629. "Matters have changed."
  1630. > She manages to conceal well her surprise at your voice being projected from the drone's speakers.
  1631. > "Anonymous. This is a surprise."
  1632. "No it isn't, you scheming nag."
  1633. > Chrysalis' eyes narrow angrily, her gossamer wings beginning to fan her.
  1634. > "You found her, then."
  1635. > So it's a her? You'll keep that in mind.
  1636. "Yes. 'I don't play games with the fate of my swarm' indeed."
  1637. > She hisses angrily. "What happened to her?"
  1638. "Your infiltrator is safe for now. I have secured her and prevented her from escaping, but she is unharmed."
  1639. > Chrysalis nods; you can easily see the gears in her head turning as she processes this information.
  1640. "See, you've done a very bad thing, Chrysalis, and made me very angry. I don't know what the point of that little attempt was, but all it's succeeded in doing is making me angry.
  1641. > "I am prepared to negotiate-"
  1642. "You had better damn be prepared to negotiate, because I am quite close to simply calling dear Celestia and telling her where you can be found."
  1643. > Of course the fact that you had just told her that makes the threat carry far less weight.
  1644. > But it's still plenty enough.
  1645. > "What would you have me do?"
  1646. > Well now, this is interesting.
  1647. "Right now?"
  1648. > You shrug, even though she can't see it on her end.
  1649. "Right now, nothing. I will be holding on to your infiltrator for the time being. Rest assured, she will be treated well... so long as you don't try anything more."
  1650. > Dash squirms uncomfortably in your lap at that revelation, while Chrysalis' gaze snaps up sharply.
  1651. > "I will do so. You need not harm my servant; she was merely following my orders."
  1652. "I'll take that into consideration. For now - the maps and communications device will be delivered shortly. You may stay the day, but I want you gone by sundown. Do you understand?"
  1653. > "I do."
  1654. "Then get out of my sight."
  1655. > The feed fades as you close it, leaving you and Dash sitting in relative darkness.
  1656. > She shifts on your lap, her voice cautious considering your obvious bad mood.
  1657. > "Master?"
  1658. "Yes, Dash?"
  1659. > "Do you... have to keep the changeling around?"
  1660. > You look down, raising an eyebrow.
  1661. "Scared, Dash?"
  1662. > Even in the dim light her flush is visible.
  1663. > "No, just... I really, really don't want one of those things in my - your - home."
  1664. "I doubt it will be for a long time, Dash."
  1665. > "I know, but..."
  1666. > She shifts again. "I really don't like them."
  1667. "Well, you will live with it now. It's in one of my workrooms anyhow, you barely ever go in there."
  1668. > "Alright, sir."
  1669. > She lays her head back down in a bit of a huff.
  1670. > Chrysalis' comment about Dash adoring you comes back.
  1671. > ...was she worried about the changeling stealing your affection?
  1672. > Another thing to keep an eye on.
  1673. > Dash spends the remainder of the day waiting in your bedroom.
  1674. > Every time you peek in, she had been quietly staring out one of the windows.
  1675. > Pining for her lost chance to go outside, you suspect.
  1676. > The changeling, by contrast, seems infinitely curious.
  1677. > Even when you are not in the room, she circles constantly - straining to the edge of her collar's chain to allow her to investigate anything and everything in the room.
  1678. > You spent some time watching both of them on the camera feeds before getting down to other work.
  1679. > Namely, tracking Chrysalis' departing swarm and figuring out what you could gain from giving back her agent.
  1680. > By the time you lay down in bed that night - Dash laying alongside you, her chin resting near your shoulder - you still don't have a good answer.
  1681. > Morning comes far too soon.
  1682. > You roll over as the blasted sun manages to drive its way into your eyes.
  1683. > Or, at least you try.
  1684. > There's something in your way, a warm mass curled up on your chest.
  1685. > You put up a hand to stroke Dash's mane back; she makes a soft, happy chittering noise as you do.
  1686. > It takes your brain several moments to process several facts.
  1687. > 1: Dash does not make that noise, even when she is actually happy.
  1688. > 2: Dash's coat is smooth, but not this smooth.
  1689. > 3: There is a changeling in your house.
  1690. > Eyes shoot open to be met by the muzzle of a still-sleeping changeling laying sprawled across your chest.
  1691. > Your first thought is, ' the HELL did it get loose?!'
  1692. > Your second is that it's... actually kind of cute while asleep.
  1693. > The changeling has an utterly content look on its face.
  1694. > From this position, you can get quite a close look at the bed-intruder.
  1695. > Cautiously resuming your hand's rubbing yields more of that gentle chittering, a noise which you see is accompanied by a slight movement of its hind legs.
  1696. > What, are they like crickets or something?
  1697. > Hmm.
  1698. > Somehow, when contently sleeping it's not nearly as alien as it was the first time around.
  1699. > The gentle peace that sleep prings is apparently universal among all creatures.
  1700. > Even bug-pony-intruders.
  1701. > But it's still broken free, and gotten into your bed.
  1702. > Your hand closes around the Changeling's neck as you lift it off of you.
  1703. > Instantly it's awake, blue eyes searching wildly for what has it trapped.
  1704. > "Gah! Hey! Wha - oh! Where-?!"
  1705. > You stare flatly at it.
  1706. "What were you doing in my bed?"
  1707. > On your opposite side, Dash stirs - her voice equally mumbled as she claws back to consciousness. "Master? Wha's goin' on?"
  1708. > The changeling stirs, actually looking... emberassed?
  1709. > "I... uh... I don't know what happened, I just-"
  1710. > Before you can reply, the changeling is torn from your grip by a flying blue blur.
  1711. > "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"
  1712. > You watch awestruck as Dash and the changeling disappear into a whirling, angry ball of blows and yells of pain.
  1713. "You two, enough!"
  1714. > They don't even hear you, not slowing down for a moment.
  1715. > Dash gives a particularly sharp yelp as the changeling's jaws close over one of her legs.
  1716. "I SAID ENOUGH!"
  1717. > That time they hear you.
  1718. > It helped that you'd stood up out of bed and were now looming over both of them at your full height.
  1719. > " it bad, when he gets this angry?"
  1720. > Dash even forgets her apparent enmity with the changeling long enough to answer.
  1721. > "Oh, yeah. Reaaally bad."
  1722. > You point a single finger at the pegasus.
  1723. "Get downstairs, now. Go wait near the door to the basement. I will handle you later."
  1724. > Dash nods nervously and slinks off, tail swishing unhappily as she goes.
  1725. "And you..."
  1726. > You turn to the changeling, who shrinks back instinctively.
  1727. "I don't even know where to begin with you. How the hell did you even end up in my bed?!"
  1728. > She has the good sense to look bashful.
  1729. > "That was kind of my mistake. You see-"
  1730. > You hold up a hand to pause her.
  1731. "Okay, first - do you have a name?"
  1732. > "Chissik, sir."
  1733. "Right then - Chissik. Go ahead."
  1734. > "I was... kind of trying to escape. But I ended up here, and the affection between the two of you was just so interesting, I had to investigate..."
  1735. > The Chissik trails off, looking away.
  1736. "And?"
  1737. > "And, I... kind of got distracted... and fell asleep..."
  1738. > THIS was Chrysalis' best infiltrator?
  1739. > Your disbelief must have been visible on your face, because she snaps out at you.
  1740. > "Hey, listen - we're starving, all of us. It's been a long way from home, and we've got a long way to go so we have to ration what we do have! It... tasted really good."
  1741. > You get the feeling the changeling would be blushing bright red if it could.
  1742. > Another thought pops into your head.
  1743. "Am I going to start feeling any affects of this?"
  1744. > Chissik shakes her head. "No, I didn't drain you. Just siphoned off what you were giving off..."
  1745. "If you're lying..."
  1746. > "I'm not, I'm not!"
  1747. "Well, your kind doesn't exactly have a good track record right now."
  1748. > A brief silence pervades between the two of you before she speaks up again.
  1749. > "I know... but it's not a choice we really have."
  1750. "I disagree, but that is a debate for another time."
  1751. > "...what is to become of me?"
  1752. "I'm tracking your queen and her swarm. When she comes to a rest, I will contact her and state the new terms of our agreement."
  1753. > "And for now?"
  1754. "For now, I'm putting you in the basement. I don't even know how you managed to get your collar free of the chain it was on, but that's not happening again."
  1755. > Chissik hangs her head, hissing gently.
  1756. "I... understand. I will survive."
  1757. > You start down the stairs, the changeling walking in front of you.
  1758. > She's still awful obedient - probably assumes there's an armed drone or something watching her every move.
  1759. > Not an incorrect assumption, actually.
  1760. > You consider briefly putting the her in the room you used to punish Dash.
  1761. > After all, you severely doubted even a changeling could morph out of a cage, or whatever.
  1762. > But you weren't planning to keep this one forever, unlike Dash, and undoubtedly she would bring word back to her queen.
  1763. > Another room, then.
  1764. > Doesn't mean you can't implement some other more... unusual methods of control, though.
  1765. > Chissik isn't particuarly happy about them, though.
  1766. > As you run the chain through her leg-holes, she shivers slightly.
  1767. "Not something you guys like, hmm?"
  1768. > "We have come to terms with our nature, but... I have never had my own body used against me in such a way before."
  1769. > She tugs at the length of chain unhappily, but it does not give.
  1770. > You wish you could restrain her wings somehow as well, but this will have to work for now.
  1771. "Well, get used to it. Until I can deal with your queen, at least."
  1772. > She lays her head down, staring off at the wall.
  1773. > You think, anyway. It was never totally possible to tell where she was looking with those blue eyes unless you stared very hard.
  1774. > "And what do you intend to ask of her?"
  1775. > In truth, a thought had only just begun to form in your mind.
  1776. > Bouncing your idea off this changeling couldn't be to bad - even if she escaped, you were going to have to tell Chrysalis your plans soon anyhow.
  1777. "I'm going to humble her. She double-crossed me, so I'm going to force her to do something she won't ever want to do."
  1778. > "Which is?"
  1779. "Beg. To Celestia, or one of the other princesses."
  1780. > Chissik looks up sharply at that.
  1781. > "She is a proud queen, Anonymous. Caring, but proud. She will not beg easily."
  1782. "She all but did for a new home."
  1783. > Minus the bit where she was trying to mess with your head half the time, of course.
  1784. > "That was for a new home. For us. She will not do so easily otherwise."
  1785. "Then she should not forget I am well aware of her knew home."
  1786. > A slight amount of venom enters Chissik's voice for the first time.
  1787. > "You would play games with our lives? Our queen may not be gentle, but not even she does this."
  1788. "Hardly. In fact, if she sees sense, this may turn out the best for everyone - myself, the princesses, and your kin."
  1789. > "You will have to convince her of this. She will not want to be seen as weak."
  1790. "Then she shouldn't have tried to betray me."
  1791. > You stand, turning for the door.
  1792. "I think she's halfway to what I was planning anyhow; I am merely going to take it to its logical conclusion and make her grovel a bit in the process."
  1793. > With that you step out of the room, locking the door behind you.
  1794. > You still had a long talk to have with Dash, after all.
  1796. --------
  1798. > Dash is waiting for you.
  1799. > She's curled up in the corner of the room, her tail wrapped around her form.
  1800. > When you enter, her head perks up.
  1801. > "Master... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be bad! Please don't put me back-"
  1802. > Her voice is rapid and panicky.
  1803. "Relax, Dash. You're not going to be caged for this."
  1804. > The relief that washes through her is instantaneous and obvious.
  1805. > "Oh, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!"
  1806. > You crack a small grin at Dash's display, kneeling down in front of her.
  1807. "Chissik wasn't supposed to be up there at all, and I cannot blame you for reacting badly to that - only for not stopping when I said to, and that's not worth boxing you."
  1808. > "Chissik? Is that...?"
  1809. > She makes a face that suggests the word changeling is physically unpleasant to say.
  1810. "Yes, it is. And no, she will not be leaving any time soon - although she has already been adequately restrained to prevent a repeat of that incident."
  1811. > You still needed to check the security feed and see how Chissik had managed to detach her collar in the first place.
  1812. > Dash looks surpremely uncomfortable at this pronouncement.
  1813. "For now, she is locked in the basement and won't be roaming freely any time soon."
  1814. > She nods slowly, just enough to indicate she won't contest your choice.
  1815. "There is, however, something else I am wondering about that needs to be answered."
  1816. > "Master?"
  1817. "You reacted very badly to seeing her up there. Admittedly, not without reason..."
  1818. > Dash nods slowly.
  1819. > "I... really don't like Changelings, you know? They hurt my friends, they kidnapped Scoots - they never go anywhere without causing problems."
  1820. > Somehow you doubt this, if Changelings have managed to survive this long.
  1821. > Attention is not something an infiltrator-race wants to attract.
  1822. > "Seeing it in there... I'm still Rainbow Dash, y'know? I don't back down from a fight, and it started it."
  1823. "Which is a very good explanation, Dash, except for one thing."
  1824. > She tenses, knowing you've caught her lie.
  1825. "You didn't tell it to get out of the house, or go die, or anything like that. You told it to get away from me."
  1826. > You reach down, slipping a finger beneath Dash's chin to tilt her head up to face you.
  1827. > She stares at you with her large, crimson eyes.
  1828. > Eyes filled with increasing worry as you delve into what is obviously an unwelcome topic.
  1829. "That's a very interesting thing to say, Dash. You just told me you didn't like Changelings because they hurt friends of yours."
  1830. > She tries to shink back, knowing exactly where you are going.
  1831. > Unfortunately, she can not go far.
  1832. "Were you worried for me, Dash?"
  1833. > She shifts in place, hooves doing a funny little dance.
  1834. > "I... didn't..."
  1835. "Awww..."
  1836. > You lift Dash up into your lap and start to scratch between her wings.
  1837. "That's adorable. You actually care for me."
  1838. > "Shut up!'
  1839. > The outburst is unusual for Dash, who surely knows how dangerous it is to say something like that to you.
  1840. > "You took me away from my friends, you hurt me and put me in that box... I don't care for you! I hate you! I hate what you're doing to me!"
  1841. > You raise one eyebrow, but don't stop Dash's rant - this is something she is going to have to confront at some point.
  1842. > Instead, you continue to stroke her back, listening to her angry words.
  1843. > "I- I hate that when I come out of that box I can't help but love your touch. I hate that I can't stop loving it. I hate that you're the only one who actually bucking cares anymore!"
  1844. > With that last comment she actually wriggles free of your arms and bursts off, running.
  1845. "You still stop, Dash!"
  1846. > Your voice carries just enough to reach her, and Dash freezes in place.
  1847. > Upset she may be, but an order is still an order.
  1848. "Come back here."
  1849. > Her eyes squeezed tight to keep the tears from flowing, Dash slowly turns and makes her way back to your side.
  1850. > "May I go please, master?"
  1851. "No. I want to talk about this, Dash. You're clearly not telling me everything."
  1852. > She grits her teeth, tail lashing.
  1853. > But she knows that there's no way out of this.
  1854. > "I... sometimes feel... like you're the only one caring for me, okay?!"
  1855. > Hrmm.
  1856. > If you had more time to work on this, you would push further.
  1857. > It's really not a good idea to let her keep secrets.
  1858. > But other matters demand your attention.
  1859. > You don't have the luxury of being able to carefully dig this out, and bludgeoning your way through Dash's thoughts until she reveals it could do more damage than help.
  1860. "Alright, Dash. You're off the hook for now."
  1861. > The relief is immediate, her muscles untensing.
  1862. > "Thank you, master."
  1863. "For now. We will have to come back to this again."
  1864. > "I get it, yeah."
  1865. > She sighs heavily.
  1866. > "Hey, um, master? Where's the... changeling?"
  1867. > You raise one eyebrow.
  1868. > That's an unusual request.
  1869. > Dash notices your questioning look and squirms.
  1870. > "I... want to see it. Someone close to me once was told that they had to face their fears. I want to face it."
  1871. > More than that, you suspect, she wished to regain some modicum of self-respect.
  1872. > Especially after the admission you had just wrung out of her, she was probably searching for any way to raise her self-esteem.
  1873. > And if she couldn't face down you, then she might try to at least face your prisoner.
  1874. "It's in the storeroom where you normally stay I will have to unlock the door if you want to see Chissik."
  1875. > Dash grimaces at your use of the changeling's name.
  1876. > "I'll behave, I promise. Please?"
  1877. "I know you will... later, though. I need to have a talk with someone now."
  1878. > "Alright, master."
  1879. > Unfortunately, contacting Chrysalis proves to be impossible.
  1880. > The swarm had scattered soon after leaving your home, it seems, to make the trip without being noticed.
  1881. > And the changeling tasked with carrying your communicator had taken a different route than Chrysalis.
  1882. > You wondered if that reflected Chrysalis' opinion of the value of your communicator.
  1883. > If she 'lost' it, you would be tempted to just outright turn their swarm over.
  1884. > Based on the courier's estimation of where he was, you suspected they would arrive at their new home within eight days.
  1885. > Not as soon as you would like, but not much that can be done about it.
  1886. > Besides, it would give time for you to reach out to another courier to do a favor for you...
  1888. --------
  1890. > Interestingly, Chrysalis is the one to contact you.
  1891. > Evidently she still holds some respect for your demands.
  1892. > Her reaction to your plan, though?
  1893. > About what you expected.
  1894. > In other words, raging anger.
  1895. > "NO! I completely and utterly refuse! I will never grovel for mercy before Celestia and her ilk!"
  1896. "I'm not asking you to grovel, Chrysalis."
  1897. > "That is exactly what you are telling me to do! I am the Queen of the Changelings! I do not beg for sustenance!"
  1898. "Bullshit. I know what you're going to do up there, Chrysalis."
  1899. > "You know nothin-"
  1900. "You're so close to the Crystal Empire you can probably smell it already. You couldn't ignore that kind of love if you wanted to. I'm just proposing a method that will avoid further confl-"
  1901. > "By making us beg for what we have always taken!"
  1902. > Your frustration is growing.
  1903. > That Chrysalis would not be pleased with your choice, you had expected.
  1904. > That she would totally fail to see the benefit in acceding to your demands, you had not.
  1905. > She was obviously a calculating ruler; you'd presumed that she would agree, even if just to try and pull a fast one later.
  1906. "Chrysalis... shut your ego off for a second and think about this. Your swarm is starving. You can kidnap a few ponies from the Crystal Empire, maybe, before you're noticed and caught on to."
  1907. > You lean forward towards the camera, frowning.
  1908. "What then, Chrysalis? Will you buy another home from me?"
  1909. > "There are other settlements-"
  1910. "Who will be warned. Your home in the badlands was safe because no ponies patrolled out there. You don't have that same margin of safety now. Besides..."
  1911. > You lean back and play your trump card.
  1912. "Think about your swarm, Chrysalis. You're pushing them to the limit already. I doubt they will survive another trip like this. My plan offers them time to recover."
  1913. > Chrysalis grimaces, making a face as though you were forcing a particularly disgusting-tasting food down her throat.
  1914. > "Celestia despises me. She will never consent to it unless I surrender-"
  1915. "Celestia will not be involved in the negotiations - not at first."
  1916. > She's grasping at straws now, trying to find any reason not to.
  1917. > "You mean to go directly to the pink wretch? She hates me too."
  1918. > Not without reason, you scheming roach.
  1919. "She hates you, but she is also the princess of love -"
  1920. > God that title still sounds wierd to you.
  1921. "-and she will undoubtedly find room in her heart to spare some of that love for the starving."
  1922. > "You haven't even talked to her yet, and you try to pressure me into this?!"
  1923. > Urgh, Chrysalis is back on one of her righteous anger sprees.
  1924. "If I cannot negotiate the other side of the deal, then you are off the hook as well."
  1925. > And will probably gloat to me about it until the sun burns out, too.
  1926. > Chrysalis makes that unhappy hiss-click noise, but slowly nods.
  1927. > "Then... in that case... I accept your terms, Anonymous. I will do as you bid, if you will not harm my swarm."
  1928. "Of course, I will make sure that they agree to leave you unmolested so long as you hold to your end of the agreement..."
  1929. > You lean forward, narrowing your eyes.
  1930. "And, it shouldn't need to be said, but you are on quite clear in that respect now, Chrysalis. You're getting one more chance now, but if I see you trying anything - at all - I will let Celestia burn you to the ground. Help her, even."
  1931. > "I get it, I get it."
  1932. "You'd better."
  1933. > "Speaking of which, my agent - is she still safe?"
  1934. "Chissik is quite safe, yes. And will remain so as long as you remain true to your word."
  1935. > "Good..."
  1936. > For just a moment, you think you might see a ripple of tenderness flash across the changeling queen's face.
  1937. > But then it is gone again.
  1938. "I will contact you again when the other half of my negotiations are complete."
  1939. > A soon as the connection closes, you are immediately connecting to another one of your communicators.
  1940. > Fortunately Chrysalis' delay had given your delivery-pony plenty of time to quietly drop this device off in the night to the Crystal Palace.
  1941. > As soon as the video feed opens, though, you know you have a problem.
  1942. "Shining Armor. What an unexpected surprise."
  1943. > "Anonymous."
  1944. > The stallion glares daggers at your face on the screen on his end.
  1945. > Internally you are cursing.
  1946. > Unlike Cadence, who you suspected to be soft at heart, Shining Armor was a military stallion first and foremost.
  1947. > And he did not like your activites, not one bit.
  1948. "I need to speak to Princess Cadence."
  1949. > "Oh? Planning on pulling her into one of your plots, Anonymous? I'll not have my wife mixed up up in your business."
  1950. > You grit your teeth angrily.
  1951. > All your planning, and this one idiot was going to stand in your way.
  1952. "How about we let her decide that, hmm?"
  1953. > "How about you turn yourself in for proper judgement by the princesses."
  1954. > How about you go bite rocks, you thickheaded grunt.
  1955. "This message is for Cadence only. What she chooses to do with it is her choice."
  1956. > "That's Princess Cadence to you, and if it's important enough for her it's enough for me."
  1957. > Okay so he may have a point there, being her husband and all.
  1958. > But there's no way Shining would agree to your plan straight off the bat.
  1959. > You doubted he would even hear it out.
  1960. > Time for another tactic.
  1961. "How about you go get Princess Cadence, bring her here, and then we can talk?"
  1962. > "How about you stop trying to pull her into your schemes!"
  1963. "There's no scheming here, Shining. Just a diplomatic message."
  1964. > "Then you can send it via the normal channels, instead of having one of the poor fools who you enslave with that lieing tongue of yours drop this thing off on our doorstep."
  1965. > Before you can reply, Shining cuts the communications link.
  1966. > Damn!
  1967. > You doubted he would even mention your call to Cadence.
  1968. > No way to get her attention with the comm unit.
  1969. > And Chrysalis was still waiting on your reply...
  1970. > What are you going to do now?
  1972. --------
  1974. > The answer comes to you a few moments later.
  1975. > In fact, you realize, Shining himself had given it to you.
  1976. > Go through the normal channels.
  1977. > Heh, he didn't think you'd actually do it, did he?
  1978. > Oh, did you have a surprise for him...
  1979. > With a chuckle, you switch over the connection and begin the first of several calls you are going to need to place.
  1980. > She responds quickly: "Well? Do you have something to report."
  1981. "I'm not a minion of yours, Chrysalis. But I'm going to need one of your changelings - preferably one with a great deal of experience acting..."
  1982. > It takes longer than you might think to get a response.
  1983. > But by late afternoon the next day, another incoming message pops up on your display.
  1984. > This time, instead of the blue-maned stallion you had encountered the previous day, it is a strikingly pink alicorn staring back at you.
  1985. "Your Highness. Good to speak with you at last. I hope my messenger wasn't to much trouble?"
  1986. > "A changeling revealing itself while I was holding court and pleading for my mercy did cause a fair amount of shock, Anonymous."
  1987. "My apologies, Your Highness. I found it neccessary to make a scene in order to get through. Your husband did not wish for us to talk."
  1988. > Cadence grimaces. "Yes, we had a... talk about it."
  1989. "Ah."
  1990. > Hopefully she wouldn't blame you for interrupting her perfect marital bliss.
  1991. > But having a Changeling plead her case in front of the entire court served to both alert the crystal princess and - hopefully - curry sympathy from the population.
  1992. "I hope my messenger is being treated respectfully?"
  1993. > "She has been imprisoned, but is being treated well and is safe."
  1994. "I will hold you to that. I have promised her safe return."
  1995. > "That is better than can be said for the prisoners you hold."
  1996. > Ouch.
  1997. > You frown.
  1998. "Not being very diplomatic there, Your Highness."
  1999. > "I will listen to your idea, Anonymous, but you are a criminal and a kidnapper. You're hurting one of Twily's friends; I'm not under any obligation to like you."
  2000. > Well then.
  2001. > About what you had expected, but at least she's talking to you.
  2002. "Then let us get down to business."
  2003. > "Is what she said, true, then? They are starving?"
  2004. "Absolutely. I admit to not knowing a great deal about your Crystal Heart, but from what I do know, it should be able to provide them some stability."
  2005. > "I won't just allow them inside the city. Not after what they did."
  2006. "I don't expect you to."
  2007. > "How, then?"
  2008. "A small group of Changelings will be allowed to visit each week and absorb as much love energy as they can. Your guards will accompany them."
  2009. > Cadence's eyes narrow as you explain.
  2010. > "I won't just let them drain my ponies."
  2011. > YOu mightily resist the urge to roll your eyes.
  2012. "Do you think me a fool, Your Highness? The Changelings should be able to absorb the 'love' directly."
  2013. > "How can you be so certain?"
  2014. > You grin, finally back on more stable territory.
  2015. "Let us say that I have had an experimental subject to test that theory on."
  2016. > Chissik had been providing you a wealth of knowledge on Changelings, actually.
  2017. > For instance, that she had been apparently feeding off of you enough to survive comfortably without draining you.
  2018. > You'd made absolutely certain that your behavior hadn't been affected, repeating the test with Dash just to be sure.
  2019. > Heh, Dash would probably hate you if she ever found out about that.
  2020. > "And the Changelings, Anonymous - what do they pay?"
  2021. "For one, no more kidnappings. No more imprisonments. Any victims they still hold will be released."
  2022. > Cadence's eyebrows rise.
  2023. > "They agreed to this?"
  2024. "If it makes you feel better about it, Chrysalis is absolutely furious about this. She hates the idea, but has little choice."
  2025. > "That... parasite would hate anything less than total domination."
  2026. "Indeed. But I have a degree of leverage over her, and she over her changelings. Enough to enforce this deal, at least on their end."
  2027. > "And what do you get out of this, Anonymous? You never do anything that does not benefit you either."
  2028. > Her tone is accusatory.
  2029. > Then again, she isn't wrong.
  2030. "My cost to Chrysalis is her obedience in this agreement - repayment for a mistake she made. But that's not what you're asking, is it?"
  2031. > "No, it isn't. What do you want from me?"
  2032. > You un-knit your fingers and lean forward towards the camera.
  2033. "The answer, Your Higness, is respect. I want to show that whatever measures I took to defend myself, I am not a maniac. I am reasonable, and can be worked with rather than fought."
  2034. > "You want to escape punishment for your crimes."
  2035. > That she would view you with the same distaste as the other princesses is something you'd entirely expected.
  2036. > But it is still frustrating to hear Cadence clinging to their absolute, black-and-white view.
  2037. "Call it what you want - but you're saving lives, Your Higness. Don't forget that."
  2038. > "And if I refuse, you will smear me by making sure it is known that I denied the Changelings a chance at peace. You already started it with that stunt at court."
  2039. > She's good; you might have underestimated her experience in these matters.
  2040. > Your hesitation is the only confirmation Cadence needs.
  2041. > "You're scum, Anonymous. What happens if they betray you? I will not put my ponies at risk."
  2042. "If they betray you..."
  2043. > You let a small smile slip on to your face - a cold, grim smirk.
  2044. "If they renege this agreement, Your Highness, I will remind them that while I try not to be a monster I am capable of playing the role when need be."
  2045. > Cadence shudders at that, her wings twitching slightly.
  2046. > A sign of nervousness - you've seen the same in Dash often enough.
  2047. > Probably left over from her time before her ascension; unlike Twilight, the crystal princess had always had her wings.
  2048. > "I will... take it under consideration. Assuming you can keep the Changelings under control."
  2049. "Good."
  2050. > "On two conditions."
  2051. > One eyebrow is raised as you wait for her to enumerate them.
  2052. > "One, I want to know how you got that Changeling into court. There are guards, wards on the palace. How did it evade them?"
  2053. "It didn't. One of your guards owed me a favor - a big one."
  2054. > Cadence sputters wordlessly.
  2055. "Convincing him that your guest didn't pose a threat was not easy. I presume she will be released, by the way?"
  2056. > "IF the deal you propose is agreed to."
  2057. "I would advise you to do so sooner. Perhaps use her to send back word to the rest that you are interested in negotiating."
  2058. > "I can make my own decisions, thank you very much."
  2059. "Merely a suggestion. What's the second condition?"
  2060. > "I want to talk to Rainbow Dash."
  2061. > Your eyebrows rise.
  2062. > Of all the various conditions she could have set, that was not one you expected.
  2063. "I believe that could be arranged. She has monthly conversations with Twilight and the other elements via a screen like this one-"
  2064. > Cadence shakes her head, mouth set in a grim line.
  2065. > "No. I want to meet her face-to-face."
  2066. > Hrm.
  2067. > None of Dash's other friends had never even suggested an in-person meeting - except for that griffon.
  2068. > Likely, you think, because she doesn't trust you to keep your word.
  2069. > Does Cadence?
  2070. > Or is she playing a longer game?
  2071. > Celestia you knew to be wary of, Luna was no immediate threat, and Twilight was held at bay by her friend's captivity.
  2072. > But Cadence was an enigma.
  2073. > You simply didn't have enough information to get a solid judge of her character.
  2074. > "Well, Anonymous?"
  2075. > You force your face back into a careful mask of pointed neutrality.
  2076. "I propose a compromise. You will talk to her remotely now, and our deal regarding the Changelings will go through. Once that is in place you will be allowed to visit in the future, when your presence is not demanded."
  2077. > She studies you long and hard, both of you looking for any hint to the other's intentions.
  2078. "Come now, Your Highness. We both clearly distrust each other, but a first step has to be taken somewhere."
  2079. > "I agree, then."
  2080. > You allow the first honest smile in a while to slip on to your face."
  2081. "Excellent. If you will wait, Your Highness, I will call Dash down here."
  2082. > She does wait.
  2083. > Dash, though is hesitant.
  2084. > After all, the last time you told her that someone 'wanted to speak to her', it ended up being a former friend she had barely seen.
  2085. > Eventually, though, her multicolored-mane-topped-head pokes through the doorway.
  2086. > "You wanted to see me, master?"
  2087. > You hear a sharp intake of breath from the screen as Cadence hears Dash refer to you as her master.
  2088. > Had she not been told anything about what your relationship with Dash was?
  2089. > Dash, in turn, looks at the screen and promptly gasps before falling into a bow.
  2090. > "Your Highness!"
  2091. > You feel a twinge of jealousy within your chest.
  2092. > In time, you know, you will command that sort of automatic devotion from Dash.
  2093. > She catches your eye and almost imperceptibly flinches, knowing she has made a mistake.
  2094. "It seems Her Highness wishes to speak to you, Dash. I will be leaving you to your conversation, as normal."
  2095. > And as normal, you should be very wary what you say, Dash.
  2096. > She nods slowly, moving to stand before the camera.
  2097. > "H-Hey, Your Highness."
  2098. > "Rainbow, please. You may just call me Cadence."
  2099. > "Oka-"
  2100. > And then the door shuts behind you, cutting off all sound.
  2101. > It is not the last you hear, though.
  2102. > Mere moments later you have an audio feed up from within the room.
  2103. > "-ainbow, please, talk to me?"
  2104. > "Dunno what t'say."
  2105. > "Anything you would like me to pass on to Twilight?"
  2106. > Dash's voice is sharper, more pained.
  2107. > "No."
  2108. > "What in Tartarus did he do to you?!"
  2109. > There are some rustling noises before Dash answers back, far more quiet than before.
  2110. > "Sorry, Yo- Cadence. He... he's not all that bad, honestly."
  2111. > One of your eyebrows rises.
  2112. > Was she betting on your listening in and trying to earn brownie points?
  2113. > "I heard he clipped your feathers, Rainbow Dash. That's... beyond unacceptable."
  2114. > A pained bark of laughter prefaces Dash's response.
  2115. > "Been talking to princess egghead, have you?"
  2116. > There's a sharp gasp from Cadence - Dash must've opened her wings to show her.
  2117. > "Yeah, he did."
  2118. > "Rainbow, I-"
  2119. > "He says it's so he wouldn't have to hurt me if I tried to fly, or keep me locked up all the time."
  2120. > "He cut your bucking feathers, Rainbow Dash. That's... nobody does that! Not even pirates or griffon raiders!"
  2121. > Coming from a princess, the swear sounds out of place - a testament to how much this must be getting to her.
  2122. > She pauses, before continuing in a softer voice.
  2123. > "I was a pegasus before I earned my crown, Rainbow Dash. I can't even imagine what being like that must be doing to you."
  2124. > Damn!
  2125. > One hand tightens around the comp-pad.
  2126. > "I... wouldn't be flying anyway. It's not that bad..."
  2127. > Now Dash is outright lying; you know how much she hates being clipped.
  2128. > "Does Twilight know?"
  2129. > "She knows."
  2130. > A quiet sob follows. Out of your presence, Dash is finally allowing herself to cry.
  2131. > "S-she knows. They all do. They won't do anything."
  2132. > "Won't, or can't?"
  2133. > "Won't. They're... to afraid to try. B-besides, he's not bad all the time."
  2134. > "Really?" The question is tinged with a sarcastic tone; Cadence doesn't sound like she believes that.
  2135. > You know you wouldn't.
  2136. > "Y-yeah. I mean, he k-keeps me in line, but never hurts me bad. And he..."
  2137. > Dash goes quiet.
  2138. > "He what, Rainbow? He isn't... forcing himself on you, is he?"
  2139. > "Celestia, no! Urgh!"
  2140. > "What, then?"
  2141. > "He... always remembers me. Twilight, Flutters, Pinkie, AJ - they haven't come, even to visit, even though they know I'm not okay. But he never forgets me..."
  2142. > A long silence follows.
  2143. > "You're.... not thinking right, Rainbow."
  2144. > "No. No! I'm serious! He always thinks about me, even if it's... not good. When I've done something wrong."
  2145. > Cadence's voice rises in response.
  2146. > "I mean it. Your friends were one thing, but what you're saying, this is really wrong."
  2147. > "You haven't seen him when he's in a good mood! He's..."
  2148. > She seems to have trouble saying it.
  2149. > "He can be nice, Princess. He can."
  2150. > You've paused what you were doing, now listening intently.
  2151. > It was obvious that Dash had come to rely on you in some respects, in certain situations you planned out.
  2152. > But this was entirely different.
  2153. > This was progress.
  2154. > "I know it sounds all wrong, Princess, but seriously! He... he can be okay."
  2155. > "Rainbow, I... I need to go. I'll... I'll get Twilight to come, alright? Please, just hold on a bit longer..."
  2156. > "Just trust me, please! You don't have to do that!"
  2157. > "No, Rainbow. I have to go."
  2158. > "Princess, don't-"
  2159. > The sound of rapidly fading hoofbeats comes through the feed; as Dash was still locked in the room, it seemed a safe bet that Cadence must have fled.
  2160. > Hrm.
  2161. > Seeing Dash had obviously deeply affected her.
  2162. > Agreeing to that conversation may have been a mistake.
  2163. > Either way, you will leave Dash be for a bit longer; no need to let her know you were listening by barging in as soon as she finished.
  2164. > When you do go to open the door, though, it's obvious things have progressed in your absence.
  2165. > Namely, Dash has gone from sitting on your chair to curled up in a corner, her multihued tail wrapped around herself and one wing extended to form a feathery barrier against the rest of the world.
  2166. > As your footsteps approach, it lowers itself a bit - just enough for you to see one eye peering through at you.
  2167. > Your gaze locks with hers, and immediately the barrier raises itself again - shortened feathers spreading to cover as much of her head as she can.
  2168. > Kneeling beside her, you hear a soft sniffle issues from beyond the feathery wall.
  2169. > Ah.
  2170. > She's been crying, then.
  2171. "Dash."
  2172. > "Go the buck away."
  2173. > Her voice is hoarse and even scratchier than normal, but it's the pain and venom in it that really strikes you.
  2174. > In response, your own voice is hard and forceful.
  2175. "You know not to talk to me like that, Dash."
  2176. > "I don't care... I'm nothing anymore anyway."
  2177. "Now, that's not true, Dash."
  2178. > "Buck yeah it is! I'm supposed to be the element of loyalty! Sticking with my friends through the worst storms! I can't believe I told Princess Cadence that..."
  2179. "What did you tell her?"
  2180. > She looks up in surprise, obviously having anticipated your listening in.
  2181. > Quickly her gaze falls away though, her tail flicking nervously.
  2182. > "Can I... can I not say, master? I don't want to talk about it..."
  2183. "I'm afraid not, Dash. If you told her something important, I need to know."
  2184. > "I... I said that I sometimes feel like my friends don't even care about me anymore, and that you're the only one who thinks of me..."
  2185. > She actually buries her muzzle into the carpeted floor in front of her, leaving you straining to hear the next few words.
  2186. > "I was just... just so angry. I betrayed all my friends. I'm not even me anymore..."
  2187. "Shhh..."
  2188. > Dash stiffens as you lift her up and against your shoulder, both arms wrapping tight around her.
  2189. "You didn't say anything wrong, Dash. You're just admitting what you've been seeing for a long time now. I know it hurts, but that's the truth."
  2190. > "But... it isn't! You're a monster, Anonymous. You kidnapped me, you're making me feel all wrong like this... I just didn't want her to do anything that might make trouble."
  2191. "Am I the only one forcing you to do that, Dash? Can you look at me and honestly say that?"
  2192. > "No... but I'm not honesty. That's AJ's gig. If she - if they all - could see me now, they would probably-"
  2193. > Abruptly Dash pulls back from your shoulder, staring at you with a newfound look of horror.
  2194. > "Oh, Celestia! Cadence said she was still going to get Twilight to come; I hope she doesn't do try any fancy magic or anything! Master, please don't hurt them if they come - let me talk to them, I'm sure I can keep them from-"
  2195. > You put a finger to her lips, stopping her.
  2196. "If they come, I will give them the same chance I give any other visitor: They will be allowed to speak their piece, and I will consider it. I can't promise anything if they attack me from the start, though."
  2197. > It's a lie, of course.
  2198. > There's no way you're giving up Dash, no matter how hard Twilight argues.
  2199. > "Please, master! I don't want to see them hurt... I'll be yours, I'll obey anything if you promise not to hurt them."
  2200. "What you do will have little bearing then. They know the risks of trying to harm me; if they try it anyhow, then... well, I think any loyalty they had for you is long since gone."
  2201. > Is gone.
  2202. > Not would be.
  2203. > You wonder if Dash notices the difference, but she just nods slowly, resting her head back on your shoulder again.
  2204. > "Even if they aren't loyal to me, I need to be loyalty to them. I have to be loyal."
  2205. > You feel a cold wetness run down your neck, though she has not audibly begun to cry again.
  2206. > Silently you leave the room, carrying the both of you back to your office now that her conversation is over.
  2207. "Don't worry, Dash. Even if your friends abandon you, even if they try and hurt me knowing the cost to you, even if you aren't the element of loyalty anymore... you'll still be my little bluebird."
  2208. > "T-Thank you, master... I... I feel sick."
  2209. "That's your emotions hitting you, Dash. Let them out, and you'll feel better."
  2210. > "But you told me not to-"
  2211. "I'm making an exception. You can let yourself cry in front of me this time."
  2212. > And cry she does.
  2213. > You simply sit there, calmly resting one hand on the back of her head, allowing her to cry until her sobs peter out into soft sniffles.
  2214. > At some point you look down and find that Dash has fallen asleep, the tracks of tears drying on her cheeks.
  2215. > A gentle smile graces your lips as you allow your hand to come to rest over one wing.
  2216. > It takes a while, but Dash eventually stirs in your lap.
  2217. > She still doesn't talk for a while longer, but finally speaks again with a small, cautious voice.
  2218. > "You're going to have to punish me for snapping at you, aren't you?"
  2219. "Yes, Dash. I am."
  2220. > "I won't fight you... just please, please don't hurt my friends if they come while I'm in there."
  2221. "Oh, Dash..."
  2222. > You slips a hand beneath her chin, tilting her head back until her crimson eyes meet yours.
  2223. "I'm not going to put you in the cage, Dash. That is for far, far worse things than merely talking back to me... but you will have to be punished."
  2224. > She nuzzles into your chest anyhow, eyes closed and relief obviously flooding through her.
  2225. > "Thank you, master. Thank you so much..."
  2226. "No, there'll be no cage for this."
  2227. > You slip a hand around her neck, scratching lightly.
  2228. "Instead, you get to help me feed the changeling."
  2230. --------
  2232. > Dash shudders heavily.
  2233. > For all the time Chissik had been here so far, Dash had never done more than observe her at a distance on the rare occasions you let Chissik out of her impromptu cell.
  2234. > It didn't seem like hatred to you, merely discomfort.
  2235. > "I... I'll do it, master."
  2236. "I know you will, Dash."
  2237. > You scratch lightly behind one ear, her head unconsciously rocking back to seek out your fingers.
  2238. "And remember, if she harms you I will not hesitate to punish her either."
  2239. > Though you doubted she would try anything on Dash at this moment.
  2240. > Ever since you had seized her she had been the very model of obedience.
  2241. > Which was, of course, why you did not trust her one bit.
  2242. > But if Chissik was playing a long game, you doubted she would leap at such a poor opportunity.
  2243. > "Master? When do we have to go?"
  2244. "Not quite yet. Bring both our dinners to the dining room; we'll eat and then see to my prisoner."
  2245. > Dash nods, hopping down from your lap.
  2246. > Being used as a maid or servant was up there on her list of disliked activities as well, but it certainly ranked above being used as a walking food source.
  2247. > Dinner is a silent affair - Dash's increasing discomfort as her upcoming task approaches stifling any possible conversation.
  2248. > By the time she finishes her last mouthfuls, you have summoned a quartet of drones to handle the remaining dishes.
  2249. "Come, Dash. You've made us late already.
  2250. > She follows behind you, maintaining a steady distance from your even as you return back downstairs to the former storage room that had become Chissik's residence.
  2251. > Guess she isn't really that scared, or she would probably be sticking closer to you.
  2252. > The door unlocks with a soft beep-click, sliding aside to reveal the slightly altered room beyond.
  2253. > After Chissik had started regurgitating some kind of goo that rapidly cured into a strong, yet stretchy substance to form her own sleeping area, a bed had been a necessary inclusion.
  2254. > While you were intrigued by the properties samples had shown in your lab, you preferred your rooms un-slimed.
  2255. > She spent much of her time on the mattress you had provided now; apparently Changelings were capable of sleeping for extended periods when necessary.
  2256. > Nevertheless, she never failed to meet you when you arrived - a useful skill when dealing with a ruler as temperamental as Chrysalis, you supposed.
  2257. > Even as the door slides open, Chissik was already leaping down from the bed.
  2258. > As you step in, she falls into one of her typical deep bows.
  2259. > "Master, a very good evening to you."
  2260. "Chissik."
  2261. > Her head tilts up slightly, just in time to catch Dash cautiously stepping into the room behind you.
  2262. > "Oh! You've brought company!"
  2263. > Her voice stretches the last 'Y' out, leaving it hanging in a slightly disconcerting tone.
  2264. > You move to the chairs you left in the room, motion Dash over to your side.
  2265. > She follows, but never once looks away from Chissik.
  2266. > Her remains a rigid mask of dislike as she regards the Changeling.
  2267. > When she is close enough you casually reach out and take hold of Dash's collar.
  2268. "Sit."
  2269. > She does, but continues to lock eyes with Chissik.
  2270. > The Changeling, by contrast, looks up hopefully to you.
  2271. > "May I...?"
  2272. "Of course."
  2273. > Chissik carefully steps over, each step producing a soft clink-clink as she pulled her chain with her.
  2274. > You had not removed the chain hobble run through the odd holes in her forelegs, nor did you particularly intend to.
  2275. > It had been lengthened, however, both to allow her to explore the extents of her room and to serve as a functional leash on the occasion you allowed her out.
  2276. > With short, rapid steps Chissik closes the distance between herself and Dash, leaning in to cautiously sniff at Dash's face.
  2277. > Your bluebird's head rears back in response to the sniffing and her wings half-spread.
  2278. > A slight jerk on the collar reminds her of her place, but it doesn't stop her from tilting her head away from Chissik's inquisitive muzzle, ears flat back.
  2279. > At last Chissik rears back full, nodding almost in satisfaction.
  2280. > "Rainbow Dash... I am pleased to meet you face-to-face at last. I am Chissik, but I think our master has already told you this?"
  2281. > "Yeah, he did."
  2282. > Dash looks up at you, her eyes pleading with you to let this be over with already.
  2283. "Now, now, Dash. Be nice to our guest."
  2284. > She huffs gently and tries to squat down away from Chissik.
  2285. > It doesn't help much.
  2286. > Chissik, on the other hand, is looking quite pleased - like a cat that has just caught the biggest mouse ever.
  2287. > Stepping forward, she raises one hoof - shaking it briefly to make sure enough length is available on the chain running through it - and inquisitively prods at one of Dash's wings.
  2288. > Instantly Dash's head is back up again, eyes narrowed.
  2289. > "Hey! Hooves off!"
  2290. "Now, now, Chissik - don't forget your place."
  2291. > "Apologies, master..."
  2292. > She dips her head to you in a small bow.
  2293. > Turning again to Dash, she tilts her head.
  2294. > "You are Rainbow Dash, yes? It is very good to meet you face-to-face."
  2295. > The question is rhetorical, you are sure.
  2296. > After all, if she knew how to respond when pretending to be Dash...
  2297. > "Yeah, I am. So what?"
  2298. > Your bluebird's tone suggests she wishes for nothing more than this conversation to end, as soon as possible.
  2299. > Preferable immediately.
  2300. > Chissik's voice, on the other hand, conveys nothing but a carefully-controlled respect.
  2301. > "I mean no offense, element of loyalty."
  2302. > "You know who I am?"
  2303. > "Indeed; you are known, even to us. we Changelings hold great respect for the tenets you embody."
  2304. > Dash snorts gently.
  2305. > "Oh yeah? I kinda doubt that."
  2306. > "Though we may find ourselves at odds with each other, it is the truth. We know the necessity of loyalty."
  2307. > Dash narrows her eyes and looks away, obviously having trouble matching the idea of changelings and loyalty.
  2308. > "Loyalty to hive, to our kin, to those who rule and provide for us, to our Mother-Queen - these are things we demand of each other, yes."
  2309. > A noncommittal grunt is the only response.
  2310. > The true interest of the conversation for you is watching Chissik's actions.
  2311. > For instance, the barely noticeable glance towards you as she mentioned 'those who rule and provide for us'.
  2312. > Compared to her loss of control when you had first seized her, the former infiltrator has become increasingly adept at choosing her words and actions.
  2313. > Often you found yourself having to be exceedingly careful of what words she spoke when conversing with her yourself.
  2314. > "So, uh... what did you hear about me, then? I mean, do other Changelings bring back news, or what?"
  2315. > "Great things! We have heard of the time you put yourself at risk or gave up a personal gain to protect those you are loyal to. Such things are very honorable."
  2316. > And now she is openly playing Dash right in front of you.
  2317. > A subtle assertion that she can be just as dominant as you, or an honest attempt to engage the captive pegasus in the only way an infiltrator knows to?
  2318. > Dash, though, is just looking confused.
  2319. > "You think what I did was... honorable?"
  2320. > "Yes..."
  2321. > Chissik stretches out the 's' with a soft hiss-clicking noise.
  2322. > Chrysalis had done something similar, but while hers had sounded angry or aggressive, Chissik's is softer.
  2323. > Almost like a cat purring, especially with the almost imperceptible tremble you see run through her body.
  2324. > "Loyalty to the hive, Rainbow Dash - this is something we all must give. Even the task that brought me here, I accepted without complaint."
  2325. > Her wings ruffling unhappily, Dash shakes her head.
  2326. > "But you - loyalty is about doing what's right, and you just hurt ponies!"
  2327. > "I act so that my brothers and sisters of the hive may survive. Is this wrong?"
  2328. > She lifts one hoof, the chain running through it clinking softly.
  2329. > "I chose to accept that task, even at the cost of my freedom. Is that disloyal, Rainbow Dash?"
  2330. > Dash glances down to the chain, her eyebrows furrowing.
  2331. > It's as if she is realizing for the first time that Chissik is just as much a prisoner as she.
  2332. > "I... don't know..."
  2333. > Time for you to step in.
  2334. "I think you've done plenty well for now, Dash. You may go."
  2335. > She rises unsteadily, giving a nod to you.
  2336. > "O-okay, master. I, um... I'll be upstairs?"
  2337. "I'll be there soon, Dash."
  2338. > Her tail swishes nervously as she retreats through the door, leaving you alone with the captive Changeling.
  2339. "I hope you enjoyed that, Chissik?"
  2340. > The changeling nods, eyes half-closed.
  2341. > "Her adoration... is quite filling."
  2342. > Adoration, not love.
  2343. > Chrysalis had used that word for what Dash felt for you as well.
  2344. "I am glad you enjoyed it. I did promise you to find a way to reward your obedience, and you've done very well."
  2345. > "Thank you again, master. I... think I could last few several days on that."
  2346. > She gives another happy little shudder and leans her head over on your leg.
  2347. > You chuckle softly, reaching down to rub at the fin-like crest that rises along the back of her neck.
  2348. "Though I have to admit, putting on that level of a show was... unexpected."
  2349. > She looks up at you, blinking her solid-blue eyes curiously.
  2350. > "It was not a show, master. We do honor loyalty and its bearer, even if we must take from the ponies."
  2351. > You search her face, but can find no hint of a lie...
  2352. > ...though that doesn't mean one isn't being told.
  2353. > Your gaze bores in on Chissik, and after a moment she looks away self-consciously.
  2354. > "It was easier to feed once she was not so angry with me, though."
  2355. "Ah, I see."
  2356. > You let a small smirk cross your face, glad that you were right.
  2357. > "She is proud, master. But she looks to you now, I can taste it. It is... not unlike what we feel for the mother-Queen."
  2358. "Oh? Not unlike, but not like either?"
  2359. > "No. Not the same."
  2360. > Interesting.
  2361. > You run your hand
  2362. "And tell me, Chissik. If she feels what you do for the mother queen, do I need to worry about your loyalties."
  2363. > She pauses, wings whirring slightly.
  2364. > "Master... I know who I serve now. I will not harm you."
  2365. "And why should I believe that, Chissik?"
  2366. > Careful to avoid the protruding fangs, your hand slips beneath her chin and tilts her head back to look at you.
  2367. "You were, after all, sent to infiltrate and attempted escape once before. Why should I at all believe you to be telling the truth?"
  2368. > "Were I to turn on you now, you would undoubtedly take your anger out on my brothers and sisters. I do not wish for them to be harmed."
  2369. > One eyebrow rises; Chissik did have a point there.
  2370. > "My Queen has not ordered me to attempt escape regardless of the consequences, and... I find myself content here."
  2371. > You chuckle softly, a hand beginning to scratch along the back of her neck again.
  2372. "At least you care to admit it."
  2373. > Chissik has leaned herself back into your fingers, both for the physical affection and, you suspect, the emotional affection she absorbs from them.
  2374. > "Rainbow Dash is as much a hostage here as I, and I as much as she. Sbe will not harm me, and
  2375. > "I will not hide things from you, Master. I am yours for now."
  2376. > You give her an extra scratch for that.
  2377. > It might be feeding your ego a bit, but you can find no inconsistencies in what Chissik has said.
  2378. "Very well, then."
  2379. > You stand; Chissik brushes herself against your leg again, wings buzzing happily.
  2380. > Another soft chuckle, and you turn to leave the room.
  2381. > As you are about to head for the door, however, a sudden burst of noise erupts from just beyond it.
  2382. > Your head emerges into the hall just in time to see the tips of a multicolored tail disappearing upstairs.
  2383. > Dash had been listening to all that?
  2384. > Hmm.
  2385. > It takes little time to secure the room again, it is not nearly fast enough for you.
  2386. > You call out as you reach the first floor again, head swiveling for any sign of her.
  2387. "Dash! Where are you? I need to talk to you."
  2388. > Unfortunately, there is no response.
  2389. > There are only so many places for her to hide, though, and you manage to locate Dash soon enough.
  2390. > You had brought some exercise machines up to one of the rooms a while back as a means to keeping Dash in shape.
  2391. > She also started to use them as a means to blow off steam and clear her mind when angry - a substitute, however poor, for her old exercise.
  2392. > It is in this room you find her - furiously galloping all-out on a treadmill.
  2393. > You consider stepping in and immediately demanding her attention, but decide not to.
  2394. > For a delicate moment like this, a softer touch is required.
  2395. > Instead you simply lean against the doorway, watching Dash pound on the rubber belt.
  2396. > She is charging all out, eyes narrow and breathing heavily.
  2397. > She even keeps her wings beating in time with her pace, as if she could simply soar away from all this.
  2398. > Finally the treadmill is brought to a halt, Dash's sides heaving and coat running with sweat.
  2399. > She stands there for a minute more, eyes closed, before she speaks.
  2400. > "I know you've been watching me, Master. What is it?"
  2401. > You chuckle softly.
  2402. "You were listening in on us."
  2403. > She nods slowly.
  2404. > "I wanted to know what you were going to talk about with... that bug."
  2405. " 'That bug' has more in common with you than you care to admit."
  2406. > "I know."
  2407. > Dash's voice has fallen to a frustrated growl, and she her head hangs - her damp mane falling around her face.
  2408. > "I know, and I don't get it! That thing is the evil one, and the bad guys aren't supposed to do things like give themselves up! That's not..."
  2409. > She sinks down onto her belly, staring off into one wall.
  2410. > You wander over to the treadmill's side, resting one elbow on it.
  2411. "Some day, Dash, you're going to have to confront the fact that not everything is clear-cut good and evil... and almost never just exactly as your princess tells you it is."
  2412. > For a moment, she seems to be ready to snap back a reply, but instead just lays her head down again.
  2413. > You lean over and snuff lightly, grinning.
  2414. "...also, Dash? You kind of need a shower."
  2415. > Dash twists her head to sniff under one wing.
  2416. > "Yeah. I guess I kind of do."
  2417. > She hops off the treadmill, plodding to her bathroom.
  2418. > A separate one had been found to be absolutely necessary soon after you brought her in.
  2419. > That shedding, seriously.
  2420. > You follow behind, leaning against the doorframe as she heads for the tub.
  2421. > Dash gives a quick look over her shoulder, as if to question whether you really meant to stay for this.
  2422. > Fortunately ponies didn't seem to have such a powerful privacy instinct as humans, probably something relating to how they walked around naked nearly all the time.
  2423. > And you had made it clear early on that Dash could expect to be watched at all times.
  2424. > So the look she gives you is more one of resigned annoyance than true anger.
  2425. > The bathroom fills with the rush of running water as she showerhead opens up, and soon heavy clouds of rising steam follow.
  2426. > "Master?"
  2427. > Dash's voice is cautious, as if she still fears your wrath.
  2428. > "Do you... like the Changeling?"
  2429. "The Changeling? Chissik, you mean."
  2430. > "Yeah..."
  2431. > She is busy using her wings to try and rub a lather of shampoo into her coat, but still talks.
  2432. > "I mean... she tried to break in, right? I know you'd be really, really angry if I tried anything like that."
  2433. > You give a soft hum, considering how to answer Dash.
  2434. "Two parts to this answer, Dash."
  2435. > Wandering over, you sit down near the edge of the tub.
  2436. "I admit some sympathy for the Changelings, if not for their queen. I know what it feels like to be hunted for merely doing what one must to survive. They need my help."
  2437. > "And the other part?"
  2438. "Chissik is a playing piece in a far more immediate game. She understands that her position affords her some safety, but I will punish her if pushed... so she does not push."
  2439. > Dash shoves her head directly under the heated spray of water, eyes shut and mouth locked into a small frown.
  2440. > It isn't hard to guess her concern.
  2441. "No, Dash, you are not being treated any worse. Admittedly the princesses' hostility is not helping, but I do not punish you simply because I can."
  2442. > She pulls her head out again, nodding.
  2443. > "I know, Master... she isn't even free to walk around the house. But, sometimes it feels like you're giving her the foal treatment."
  2444. > You nod slightly as the water shuts off, Dash's sodden form climbing out again.
  2445. "Meet me in my room when you are done drying off."
  2446. > It doesn't take long.
  2447. > Dash, from what you can tell, had never been one to particularly care about personal appearances.
  2448. > Previously you suspect she would have forgone a towel entirely in favor of simply air-drying in mid-flight.
  2449. > Even with the assistance of one, she is still fairly damp when she arrives in your room.
  2450. > You are already waiting, stretched out on the bed.
  2451. > A quick pat beside you indicates where you want her, and Dash obliges shortly with a short leap that brings her up to stand beside you.
  2452. > "What did you want, Master?"
  2453. > A firm hand on her withers brings Dash down on her belly, her crimson eyes studying you.
  2454. > Her coat is still damp from the shower, but the bed will dry out quickly enough.
  2455. > Sitting up and crossing your legs, you reach out with one hand to gently spread each of her wings in turn.
  2456. > They extend fully, feathers fanning out over the mattress.
  2457. "Hmmm..."
  2458. > You lightly run your fingers along one of her elongated primary feathers, individual barbs scraping over your fingertips.
  2459. > Dash shifts away lightly at the light touch, frowning.
  2460. > "C'mon, A-Master, you know I hate that. Please don't?"
  2461. > You simply raise an eyebrow, continuing to run your fingers between each feather - feeling them loosely.
  2462. > She shifts away again, the wing starting to curl in.
  2463. "Stay here, Dash."
  2464. > Your finger stabs down at the bed.
  2465. > "Am I being punished, Master?"
  2466. > Her eyes flicker with worry now - wondering if she did something wrong?
  2467. > You sigh gently.
  2468. "You still need to learn to follow orders without question, Dash."
  2469. > "But I hate-"
  2470. "You may hate some orders, yes."
  2471. > Your voice has risen just enough to override Dash's own, and she pipes down.
  2472. > At least she's smart enough to know that raising her voice against you would be a bad idea.
  2473. "You should really know by now, Dash."
  2474. > "I do know..."
  2475. > Her head falls back down again, ears low.
  2476. > "But, I really hate it when you do that.. I want to know, am I being punished?"
  2477. "Now you are. Sit down, Dash."
  2478. > The sudden severity of your voice drives her flanks straight back down to the bed, a wince crossing her face.
  2479. > "Master, please don't make it to bad, I-'
  2480. "Shhh. Stop pleading and just obey; it will make things much, much easier."
  2481. > It doesn't take you long to find the lengths of cord you had left in your room some nights prior.
  2482. > With practiced motions the cord makes its way around each of Dash's legs, folding them in half and keeping her from rising again.
  2483. > She wriggles unhappily, but does not say anything further.
  2484. "Now, then..."
  2485. > Again you hand gently opens one wing, your fingers beginning to stroke their way through her feathers.
  2486. > Over and over you run your fingers travel over them - and then, along the dense muscled ridge at the leading edge of her wing.
  2487. > It's covered in a dense line of tiny feathers - almost thick like her coat, but definitely not fur.
  2488. > Nor can it hide the strong cords of muscle beneath that outer softness.
  2489. > Even in her captivity, Dash has not let her body go to waste.
  2490. > Steadily your hands travel further inward, until you are rubbing the shoulder of her wing where it emerges from her barrel.
  2491. > There is not nearly as much resistance when you carefully spread her opposite wing and begin to pay the same attention to it.
  2492. > With her legs tightly bound beneath her, there's really little Dash can do to resist - but she doesn't even seem to be trying.
  2493. > In fact, considering how she has buried her muzzle in bedding...
  2494. > You are by no means a good masseuse.
  2495. > You're probably barely passable.
  2496. > But the effect is undeniable.
  2497. "You're enjoying this, are't you, Dash?"
  2498. > Her reply is muffled, but clearly audible.
  2499. > "It... feels really good, okay? Especially after how hard I was exercising earlier. Normally I'd do some stretches afterward, but this..."
  2500. "And why are you hiding your face then, hmmm?"
  2501. > "Because it shouldn't feel good!"
  2502. > Dash groans heavily, lifting her head up to glare you.
  2503. > "This is... it's supposed to be something private, okay? Wing care isn't just something you let anyone do, unless you're going to one of those frou-frou spa places."
  2504. "But it does feel good, doesn't it?"
  2505. > Her face colors, voice dropping to a far lower volume.
  2506. > "...yeah."
  2507. > You chuckle softly.
  2508. "And yet you often seem to have enjoy when I hold you in my lap."
  2509. > Dash opens her mouth to respond, but shuts it quickly again - probably afraid of what was going to come out.
  2510. > "That's... that's different, okay? This is supposed to be private."
  2511. "Dash... did I not say I would take care of you, so long as you obey?"
  2512. > She looks away, frowning.
  2513. > "Well... yeah..."
  2514. "And I meant take care of entirely - especially with how much you are enjoying this."
  2515. > Another flush makes its way across Dash's face.
  2516. > "I'm..."
  2517. "You're my little Bluebird."
  2518. > She wriggles a bit, but lays her head back down on the bed as you start to rub again.
  2519. > "I'm... your little bluebird, Master. And I... am... enjoying this."
  2520. > You simply smile, moving on to work at the muscles stretched along her withers.
  2521. > At some point you simply end up stroking along Dash's back, her wings again tucked in against her sides.
  2522. > You're not sure when it happens, but surprisingly you seem to be the first one to fall asleep this time.
  2523. > The sun has set when you climb back to wakefulness, the temperature in the room dropping to the point you feel the lack of a blanket.
  2524. > Except for the warm, soft thing resting against your shoulder and lightly tickling against your cheek.
  2525. > Dash, it seems, has despite her legs still being bound somehow managed to scoot up against you after you fell asleep - and possibly after she did as well.
  2526. > A slight turn of your head finds your vision filled with multi-colored mane.
  2527. > One sky-blue ear flicks, tickling across your nose.
  2528. > You resist the urge to laugh, reaching over instead to lightly scratch behind the flicking ear.
  2529. > Dash shifts under the touch, squirming against your side again.
  2530. > "Mmmmyourewarmmmm."
  2531. > Her sleepy proclamation is accompanied by another flick.
  2532. > One thing you had discovered about Dash:
  2533. > She would sleep like a rock unless physically moved.
  2534. > You do your best to avoid that as you reach down to lift the blankets and slip beneath them.
  2535. > Again she slides against you when the covers are drawn up over the both of you.
  2536. > Deciding to leave her legs bound until morning, you slip an arm about her and close your eyes again.
  2538. --------
  2540. > Cadance's answer takes longer than you had expected.
  2541. > You pass the time managing your network and handling the requests of another two guests that arrive to beg favors from you.
  2542. > Their requests seem simplistic in comparison, though, and fail to distract your mind from the larger matters at hand.
  2543. > Finally, eight days on a reply comes in over your network.
  2544. > Cadance wants to talk.
  2545. > The surprise comes when you finally open a video feed to her end.
  2546. > While the impressively pink princess fills the majority of the screen, another face can be seen close over her shoulder scowling darkly at your image.
  2547. > Shining Armor must have demanded to be part of this, you think.
  2548. > Given the way he is looking at you, the odds of him actually contributing something useful?
  2549. > Not. High.
  2550. > Well. Time to play the game again.
  2551. > You put on your best business face and get started.
  2552. "Your Highnesses, it is quite good to hear back from you again."
  2553. > She nods fractionally, but you can see the hesitance in her action.
  2554. > Shining Armor barely acknowledges you comment.
  2555. > "Anonymous. We have considered your offer, and after interrogating your messenger and reviewing some new information... we tentatively agree to your suggestion."
  2556. > Excellent.
  2557. > You restrain your smile to a slight show of approval.
  2558. > Can't show to much here, after all.
  2559. "I will contact Chryalis to relay the news. Additionally, a formal document will be delivered to both of you outlining the terms of the deal, so that there can be no confusion."
  2560. > So that Chrysalis cannot claim ignorance or try to change the terms when it suits her, more realistically.
  2561. > Cadance nods, her eyes still hard and mouth set in a small line.
  2562. > Work with you she may, but this mare does not like you one bit.
  2563. "Might I ask what new information came to your attention?"
  2564. > "More bugs."
  2565. > Shining's voice is low and angry, but Cadance does not react to it - only giving her own answer to your question.
  2566. > "Additional Changelings have arrived in the Crystal Empire, all starving. Some came to us, others seemingly were found by accident. They corroborate the stories you and your messenger gave."
  2567. > Interesting.
  2568. > You wonder how much of this is actually the Changelings' starving state, and how much is Chryalis playing her own games.
  2569. > After your conversations with Chissik on loyalty to hive and Queen, you have no doubt a loyal infiltrator would starve itself to play the role properly.
  2570. > Another thing to discuss when you speak to Chrysalis again.
  2571. > "I hope, Anonymous, that you have not forgotten the other part of your deal."
  2572. "Your trust in me has not been misplaced, Your Highness. How soon do you want to plan your visit?"
  2573. > "We will be visiting at the soonest possible time. I believe the trip should only take a few days?"
  2574. " 'We', Your Highness?"
  2575. > Unlike Luna, Cadance had never been one for the archaic speak.
  2576. > If anything you had heard she still occasionally slipped into less formal phrases, especially in moments of emotional turmoil.
  2577. > So if she meant 'we', then she probably meant 'we'.
  2578. > As expected, Cadance nods.
  2579. > "We. Shining Armor will accompany me in any visit I take to your residence."
  2580. > Your eyes narrow.
  2581. "That was not part of the deal, Your Highness."
  2582. > "He will be accompanying me, or I will not be visiting at all."
  2583. > Is she trying to see how far she can push, or is there something else going on here?
  2584. > A quick glance back to Shining Armor leaves you wondering whether this is payback on his part for Cadance's decision to go around him by contacting you before.
  2585. "Nothing I do comes free, Your Highness. If you wish for me to trust you considering such a sudden change of plan, you are going to have to give me a reason to."
  2586. > Now it is her turn to frown.
  2587. > "Were you willing to accede to this, Anonymous, I think it would greatly benefit our ability to recognize you as a reasonable being."
  2588. > A significant offer... but also an intangible one.
  2589. > But then again, it was the same intangible demand you had made of her for agreeing to the deal in the first place.
  2590. > A worthy gamble, in you opinion.
  2591. "I accept, Your Highness. I do hope that my willingness to be a flexible party in these negotiations will not be forgotten."
  2592. > "It will not, Anonymous. How do you intend for the meeting proceed?"
  2593. > Your fingertips press together, fingers forming arches as you talk.
  2594. "My home has several private rooms available. You will be allowed to stay for a day, or longer if you care to negotiate for that. Food will be provided, unless you prefer to bring your own."
  2595. > In other words, unless you do not trust me enough to eat what I provide.
  2596. "The first floor of my home will be open to you. The second floor is negotiable. The basement is off-limits to guests."
  2597. > "And will our retinue be allowed to accompany us?"
  2598. "Any guards or servants will have to wait in designated areas. I advise against bringing a significant number of them."
  2599. > Having all of Chryaslis' attendants flooding the surrounding hills was more than enough of that.
  2600. > "A single chariot and four guards, however, would be agreeable to you?"
  2601. "Yes, it would. Do you find these terms acceptable then, Your Highness?"
  2602. > The use of the singular does not go unnoticed by Shining Armor
  2603. > Cadance glances back to him, waiting for his nod first before her gaze returns to you.
  2604. > "We do. When will this take place?"
  2605. "As soon as you can visit. I believe it is a roughly three-day trip to the Crystal Empire from the nearest train station; if you launch your chariot from there and fly out to me... say, add another half-day."
  2606. > It will be longer, of course - Cadance will undoubtedly depart the train before the final station, lest someone figure out where she is coming.
  2607. > "In a week's time, then? We should arrive in the late morning."
  2608. "Acceptable. My home will remain open to you until that night, or longer if the situation demands."
  2609. > Another concession, but a minor one.
  2610. > "We accept as well."
  2611. Good. Then, if we may, let us discuss the details of the treaty with the Changelings. First, there is the matter of the messenger I sent to you, and the other captive Changelings."
  2612. > "They will not be released until the treaty is signed and sealed. Until then, they are enemies of the Crystal Empire."
  2613. > Shining's declaration comes swiftly and firmly, and Cadance does not visibly contest it.
  2614. > Defense and Justice are his departments, then.
  2615. "Understandably... however, I would request that you at least consider the release of my messenger, who entered your territory at my request, in good faith, and to bring this proposal to your attention."
  2616. > Shining grimaces visibly at the reminder of the intrusion you had engineered into their court.
  2617. > You meet his eyes easily, letting a small smirk appear on your lips.
  2618. > A reminder that you could and had penetrated their security if the situation called for it.
  2619. "Perhaps, to deliver news of this agreement to the rest of her kin?"
  2620. > "We will consider this, yes."
  2621. > Cadance nods in reply.
  2622. > "But, it would also go a long way to furthering the negotiations to see the Changelings begin releasing their prisoners."
  2623. > Tit for tat, then.
  2624. "I agree. I will bring the matter up when I converse with Chrysalis next."
  2625. > "Speaking of which, she will not be allowed in this city. Ever. Not until she pays personally for her crimes."
  2626. > Again you lock gazes with Shining, not giving any hint at how interesting you find his obvious anger overriding his formality.
  2627. > "She inflicted great harm on me, my wife and sister, and her friends. I do not forgive such things easily."
  2628. > The last in that list - 'her friends' - is spoken a bit slower.
  2629. > As if you needed the hint.
  2630. > Yes, Shining, I understand that you really do dislike me.
  2631. "I understand. Perhaps this can be the first step in healing over such wounds."
  2632. > You hope he can take the message as well as you can.
  2634. --------
  2636. > You were wrong about one thing.
  2637. > Cadance and Shining Armor would take the train all the way.
  2638. > Nor would they hide whatsoever.
  2639. > What they would do was far less welcome, though..
  2640. > Fingers rap irritably on the table as you reread the message again.
  2641. > 'Princess Cadance and Shining Armor here, saying she is visiting because of hostage you hold.'
  2642. > What was she playing at?
  2643. > What could she gain by tarnishing your reputation?
  2644. > Was this Shining's doing?
  2645. > A hiss of annoyance escapes your lips; unexpected developments like this were always frustrating to deal with.
  2646. > "Master?"
  2647. > Dash is currently draped half-over the side of a nearby desk, her eyes blindfolded.
  2648. > She had grown increasingly nervous as Cadance's visit neared, eventually resorting to spending nearly all her time in the exercise room as a means of taking her mind off the matter.
  2649. > Running herself ragged wasn't something you could afford before the visit.
  2650. > An order to remain still, though, was one you suspected she would not merely find difficult but actually unable to comply with.
  2651. > She simply was to active of a mare to follow an order like that without heavy reinforcement, and tossing her in the punishment cage right before Cadance's visit wasn't an option either.
  2652. > In the end you had to compromise.
  2653. > She remained with you, blindfolded to keep her from accidentally reading any of the secrets you still cared to keep but the distraction of your presence still enough to keep her calm.
  2654. > You even suspected the loss of her sight might have helped, as it put her on alert and focused her around her remaining senses.
  2655. > Just another distraction.
  2656. "What is it, Dash?"
  2657. > You lean back to gently run a hand through her mane.
  2658. > Dash shudders softly, but allows it.
  2659. > She's gotten a lot better at tolerating your touch.
  2660. > "You're angry, master. I can tell... you're rapping your fingers again."
  2661. > Has she really been around long enough to notice things like that?
  2662. "No, not angry... though I will admit to being displeased."
  2663. > She shifts again, and you finally realize why she's suddenly become so fidgety.
  2664. "No, Dash, it isn't your fault. Cadance and Shining are... making some questionable choices."
  2665. > A little sigh is produced as she lets out a breath she had been holding.
  2666. > "O-Okay, master. They're still coming, right?"
  2667. "Of course. Still nervous, aren't you?"
  2668. > "Yes, sir."
  2669. > She doesn't even stutter saying at - in fact, Dash almost sounds relieved to admit it.
  2670. "Don't be. If anything, I'll just have to have a bit of a conversation with them after they see you."
  2671. > She tenses slightly, obviously understanding the meaning of 'a little conversation'.
  2672. > More worryingly, it does not go away as time passes.
  2673. > "Master..."
  2674. > Her voice is unusually low and carries tones of obvious concern and fear.
  2675. > "What should I do, if they... tell me I should..."
  2676. "Disobey me?"
  2677. > She nods slowly.
  2678. > "You won't... punish me for that, will you? They will think they're helping, they might-"
  2679. "Be honest with them. You know why you are here, and you can tell them that. If they still insist on it... no, you will not be punished - nor if they force you to do anything."
  2680. > Dash lays her head back down over her folded forelegs, tail flicking nervously.
  2681. > "I... I just want my friends to be safe. I don't want them to be hurt. If I have to stay here, then... I... will be loyal to them."
  2682. > Ah, loyalty.
  2683. > Still clinging to the idea that her friends matter to her anymore.
  2684. > But at least she is concerned about being able to follow your orders.
  2685. "I'm sure you'll do fine, Dash."
  2687. --------
  2689. > The crystal royals ultimately take even less time than you had expected to arrive - their chariot-ponies must have really pushed themselves to their limits.
  2690. > Nonetheless you are standing at the door in your finest clothes when the chariot sets down in the clearing before your home.
  2691. > An attendant drone hovers out to direct the guards to the area you had picked out for them to wait in while Cadance and Shining Armor make their way towards you.
  2692. > Even before you greet them you can see the stallion is on edge - his eyes sweeping over everything repeatedly for a sign of anything remotely wrong.
  2693. > Cadance is looking none to relaxed either, but she at least tries to hide it.
  2694. > You?
  2695. > You put on your finest smile and bow in greeting.
  2696. "Your Highnesses, welcome. Please, do come inside - I've been waiting for you."
  2697. > It goes without saying, of course, but it's just another reminder that this is your territory - not theirs.
  2698. > Both nod in greeting as well, although Shining's nod is significantly more perfunctory than Cadance's.
  2699. > "Anonymous, thank you for having us. I hope you will understand if we do not spend to much time on empty pleasantries?"
  2700. > You'd come to the conclusion that Cadance's own nature worked against her in some respects.
  2701. > As the princess of love, she could not avoid being somewhat emotional - or, perhaps, unlike Celestia she simply had not had untold years to train herself in suppressing her emotions.
  2702. > She was learning fast, though, if the perfectly diplomatic mask her face still held was anything to judge by.
  2703. "Of course, Your Highness. Come this way, if you would? She is waiting for you."
  2704. > Doors slide silently open before you while drones hover alongside as you lead them into the main meeting room.
  2705. > As had been the case with Chrysalis, you had set out a significant spread in preparation for their arrival.
  2706. > This time, at least, you thought they would appreciate it more than the emotion-eating queen had.
  2707. > Both look around the meeting room when they enter, albeit for different reasons.
  2708. > Cadance, you can see, is merely taking it in - perhaps considering how the architecture compares with what she knew of.
  2709. > Shining Armor, on the other hand, is sweeping the room in the distinctive manner of a trained professional.
  2710. > Nothing escapes his attention - not the seats, not the drones you dismiss from the room with a wave of your hand, not even the plates of food - each of which is sniffed at briefly when he thinks you aren't looking.
  2711. > If you were a betting man, you would bet he was trying to sniff out anything wrong with it.
  2712. > Spinning in place, you clap your hands together and put on a frown.
  2713. "Truly, Your Highness? You think I would poison you? You slight me."
  2714. > Shining only silently narrows his eyes, but doesn't test any more plates.
  2715. "I remind you that I am quite aware of the repercussions should I harm you in any fashion... and that my entire line of business relies on me being trustworthy. So please, a little trust now would go a long way."
  2716. > Cadance steps in to save her husband any further trouble, bowing her head slightly.
  2717. > "My deepest apologies, Anonymous. My husband loves me dearly and spares no action in ensuring my safety; I assure you he meant no personal slight by it."
  2718. > So then you were right - he was trying to sniff something out.
  2719. > You gracefully bow your head.
  2720. "Apology accepted, Your Highness. I presume you would like be to call Dash now?"
  2721. > "Yes, if you could."
  2722. > It takes just a few motions to access the intercomm and call Dash down.
  2723. "Dash, our guests are here. If you would come in now?"
  2724. > She arrives soon enough - her coat still smooth and wing unruffled from her last preening.
  2725. > Good. It seemed even Dash realized how important appearances were here.
  2726. > "Rainbow!"
  2727. > Even your continued presence can't restrain Cadance from stepping forward, her mouth opening in a smile.
  2728. > It is a smile that soon fades as she sees the metal collar still fixed about Dash's throat.
  2729. "I will leave you both here to enjoy your time. As agreed, the first floor is open to you entirely. Dash knows where to find me if you wish to see the second, or for anything else."
  2730. > With that you turn from the room, still able to easily feel Shining's gaze boring into your back.
  2731. > You've no doubt that, given the chance, he would charge and pin you - or worse - in a second.
  2732. > But it does not come.
  2733. > If nothing else, the military has given him self-discipline.
  2734. > Even before the door shuts behind you sounds are flooding in through your carefully-concealed earpiece, piped in through several equally well-concealed cameras and microphones.
  2735. > "Rainbow... it's really good to see you at last. Well... directly, I mean?"
  2736. > "Yeah, thanks, princess. I'm... kinda honored you'd come out all this way just for me?"
  2737. > You snort softly.
  2738. > Dash was trying to sound like she was normal, but had only succeeded in appearing nervous and overly-formal.
  2739. > By the time you reach the work room downstairs and sit down before your computer, you're just in time to catch the last of several pulses from Shining's horn on the video feed.
  2740. > Some sort of magical search, you presume - though apparently what he finds is as agreeable, as he merely takes a place behind Cadance and listens quietly as she talks to Dash.
  2741. > Unfortunately, they seem to be utterly uninterested in speaking except on the most inane topics.
  2742. > Wonderbolts races, weather teams, reminiscing about games Shining used to play.
  2743. > When Shining produces several copies of a book series Dash likes, some action-adventure tale, you briefly zoom the camera in.
  2744. > Perhaps Shining expected to be overheard, and had instructions written in the book?
  2745. > But no.
  2746. > The books, as best you can tell, are the genuine thing.
  2747. > It seems the only thing Shining intended was to get Dash to loosen up some - and that, at least, he has managed to succeed at.
  2748. > She was talking far more animatedly, gesturing with her words again.
  2749. > Even Shining was starting to relax a bit.
  2750. > Enough to take some of the food you had laid out, an action soon echoed by the other two.
  2751. > Amusingly it was Cadance now who was most uncomfortable - every time Dash spread her wings, she would wince at the sight of her clipped feathers.
  2752. > Almost unconsciously you begin to tune their chatter out, only half-listening.
  2753. > At least, until Twilight's name caught your attention.
  2754. > "...been really worried about you, especially with winter setting in so soon."
  2755. > Dash shuffles awkwardly, looking away from the half-demolished plate of food before her.
  2756. > "I'm, uh... I'm sure she is..."
  2757. > "Rainbow..."
  2758. > Cadance steps up, one hoof raised slightly.
  2759. > "She does. She really does care - Twilight's worried sick about you. She's just... she doesn't know what do?"
  2760. > "Well, she could have at least tried actually pushing to see me."
  2761. > Dash folds her hooves beneath her chin, staring off to the side.
  2762. > "Rainbow, she's just afraid if she pushes to hard, Anonymous will hurt you."
  2763. > Leave it to Shining to go straight to the point.
  2764. > Seems he's gotten tired of the smalltalk at last.
  2765. > Dash's head jerks up in surprise, obvious shock written across her face.
  2766. > "He wouldn't do that! He wouldn't!"
  2767. > Obviously unprepared for her sudden out burst, Shining takes a step back.
  2768. > His retort comes just as quickly, though.
  2769. > "Rainbow, listen to yourself! You're defending the one who foalnapped you! That's not-"
  2770. > "Stop! Just, stop! I don't - I can't -"
  2771. > A slight grin finds its way onto your face.
  2772. > Time to see just how deeply Dash's loyalty runs.
  2773. > She's squeezed her eyes shut now - not to keep herself from crying, you don't think.
  2774. > Her voice hasn't yet reached the hoarse, cracking point that she always reaches before getting there.
  2775. > More likely, she simply doesn't want to see Shining.
  2776. > "I... you don't understand everything, okay?"
  2777. > "What don't Cadance and I understand, Dash? Will you listen to yourself? What became of the friend of Twily's I met? The pegasus who would never give up, never back down!"
  2778. > "Anonymous, he... showed me..."
  2779. > Shining's voice is rising, tones of true anger beginning to enter into it.
  2780. > "He pulled the wool over your eyes! He's using you!"
  2781. > "That's wrong; he just doesn't want to-"
  2782. > "He's holding you prisoner inside your own head, Rainbow Dash! wake up, and-"
  2783. > "Stop trying to make me choose! You haven't been here, you don't get it, you-"
  2784. > "There isn't a choice, Rainbow! There's right and wrong, and you need to know the difference!"
  2785. > And then Shining Armor makes a critical error.
  2786. > He reaches out to touch Dash.
  2787. > The second his hoof touches her coat, the tension that had been building up in Dash finally breaks free.
  2788. > She spins around with a wild cry, one hoof flying out to swing towards Shining's muzzle.
  2789. > "SHUT UP!"
  2790. > For all her speed, he is still faster; a field of magic springs up around her hoof in a moment, holding it still.
  2791. > A second passes with the two of them locked together before Cadance speaks up.
  2792. > "Shining Armor! Enough!"
  2793. > As if her voice was a hammer striking a pane of glass; the aggression both sides had been channeling shatters into nothing as both realize what they had been doing.
  2794. > Shining rocks back, one hoof stretching out and then retreating just as quickly - as if he isn't sure what to do.
  2795. > "Rainbow, I... I..."
  2796. > It's to late.
  2797. > Dash hurls herself away with a wretched, hoars cry, wings opening to try and catch the air.
  2798. > Clipped as they are, however, she only manages to crash down bellyfirst onto the floor.
  2799. > Quickly scrabbling to her hooves again she promptly flees from the room; grimacing, you track her on the other camera feeds - ready to open the door if she comes down to you.
  2800. > Interestingly, she does not; instead she flees upstairs to your bedroom and flings herself onto the bed.
  2801. > Back in the meeting room, Cadance has thrown an exceedingly annoyed glare in Shining's direction.
  2802. > Though their voices are soft and words whispered, you can still hear the exchange between the two rulers.
  2803. > "Shining Armor! What part of you thought it would be a good idea to browbeat the poor mare like that?"
  2804. > "She needs to wake up, Cadance! He's wrapped her up in so many layers of lies she can't see what's real anymore!"
  2805. > "And is yelling at her like a drill sergeant supposed to be the way to fix her? We will talk more about this later, Shining Armor."
  2806. > He flinches sharply at the biting tone in her words.
  2807. > For a moment you feel a slight pang of sympathy for the stallion; he had only done what he knew best, which was to always pressure his guards to do better for themselves.
  2808. > Instead it had failed spectacularly, even angering his wife.
  2809. > But that sympathy quickly fades, replaced with cold logic as you watch the situation unfold.
  2810. > Turning from Shining, Cadance cautiously follows Dash upstairs.
  2811. > "Rainbow? I'm sorry about that... Shining can get very... emotional about some things."
  2812. > For a moment you think to reach from the intercom and warn her off - but no.
  2813. > Let her make what choices she may, and face the consequences later.
  2814. > Dash, however, does not respond - leaving Cadance to wander the upper floor until she chances on your room (and Dash) by accident.
  2815. > "Rainbow? Can I come in?"
  2816. > "...come in, Princess."
  2817. > Cadance flinches; you suspect it is less because of Dash's use of her title and more the tone it is spoken with.
  2818. > Her wings half-spread lightly, drooping dejectedly.
  2819. > Dash looks up just long enough to spot the twin fans of pink feathers and promptly buries her face back in the bedding again.
  2820. > Wings slamming shut, Cadance steps over to the side of the bed.
  2821. > "Oh, Rainbow, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you..."
  2822. > "No, it's... I shouldn't have tried to punch him..."
  2823. > Cadance seems about to stay something, but pauses.
  2824. > "...may I come up on to the bed, Rainbow?"
  2825. > Taking a moment to consider, Dash shrugs.
  2826. > "Sure. Don't think he'd mind - he didn't say not to."
  2827. > Leaping up on to the bed, you note that Cadance relies entirely on the strength of her legs to push herself up - not even spreading her wings for balance.
  2828. > Doing everything she can to avoid rubbing Dash's lack of flight further in her face.
  2829. > Ironically, she's trying so hard that it is exactly what Dash notices.
  2830. > "You don't have to hide it from me, Princess."
  2831. > Extending one wing, she cranes her neck around to study the clipped-short feathers.
  2832. > "Really. You... don't have to hold back for me."
  2833. > Cadance doesn't seem to take the hint, though.
  2834. > "I don't mind, Rainbow Dash. It wouldn't be right for me to just wave it in your face all the time..."
  2835. > "No!"
  2836. > Dash freezes when she realizes her voice has climbed again.
  2837. > "...sorry. Look - I'm... I was pretty awesome, okay? And I didn't hold back for anything. And I don't want anypony else to treat me like... like..."
  2838. > Like a cripple.
  2839. > Because that would force her to think about what you had done to her.
  2840. > Folding her legs beneath her, Cadance lays down on the bed opposite Rainbow.
  2841. > "May I see it?"
  2842. > "Huh?"
  2843. > "Your wing... may I see it?"
  2844. > "Oh. Yeah. Just, uh, don't freak out or anything again, 'kay?"
  2845. > "Of course."
  2846. > Dash extends her wing once more, allowing Cadance to study it.
  2847. > Quite a few of the trimmed primaries had since fallen out, new full-length feathers taking their place.
  2848. > You can see Cadance's sides expand under a sudden intake of breath, but she manages to keep her reaction under control.
  2849. > "Does it hurt?"
  2850. > "Nah. Not... when he does it, anyhow. Everything feels wrong afterward, though."
  2851. > Wrenching her eyes from the mangled wings before her, Cadance turns her gaze back to Dash's face.
  2852. > "Wrong? How do you mean... if you care to talk on it?"
  2853. > Surprisingly, Dash agrees.
  2854. > "Yeah, wrong. Like, they're long enough for me to sort of glide with a good drop, but my airflow is all off.
  2855. > Frowning, Dash examines her wing again.
  2856. > "Actually, he's probably gonna trim 'em again soon. A lot of new primaries have come in."
  2857. > Cadance visibly shivers at the prospect, her own wings tucking tight against her barrel as if the very thought could cut through her own plumage.
  2858. > "And, uh, of course then there's the preening..."
  2859. > "Preening?"
  2860. > Ensconced in your workroom, you grimace sharply.
  2861. > That particular bit of information had not been intended to be made public, but you had never thought to explicitly tell Dash she was forbidden to mention it either.
  2862. > For a second your finger strays toward the intercomm key, ready to step in and warn Dash.
  2863. > But the pause while you consider the implications of that action delays you just a moment to long.
  2864. > "Yeah. Anonymous, uh.. he does it."
  2865. > Well, so much for keeping that secret.
  2866. > Cadance rears her head back, eyes wide and mouth open.
  2867. > "You let him?!"
  2868. > "Well... uh, yeah, I mean..."
  2869. > The hesitation in Dash's voice provides the answer for her.
  2870. > "Oh, Rainbow Dash - what has he done to you?"
  2871. > "Cadance - look, don't. I know you want to do something, and I know you think it sucks... er, sorry. Shouldn't say that to you."
  2872. > For the first time in a while, Cadance actually smiles.
  2873. > "I may be a princess, Rainbow Dash, but I can tolerate a bit of foul language. Please, go on?"
  2874. > "Okay. Well, look - I know it probably sounds like it sucks, and yeah - there is some bad bits. But, life's like that, right? Gotta feel a little burn when you're training to be faster."
  2875. > "What he is doing to you is not merely 'a little burn', Rainbow."
  2876. > "But I can tolerate it. I can! And he's not bad all the time; he... he really does think about me too. He takes care of me when I'm... feeling real down."
  2877. > At least Dash has the presence of mind not to say 'when he is done punishing me'.
  2878. > "And... I think I can change him, too."
  2879. > ...what?"
  2880. > "Please explain, Rainbow?"
  2881. > "Look - I, uh... I spend a lot of time with him, okay? And... I think he's been getting softer around the edges. Because of me."
  2882. > "You believe you are convincing Anonymous to give up his evil ways?"
  2883. > "Well, uh... I dunno about that yet, but... I think he was a lot harder on me in the beginning. If I have more time... then maybe yeah."
  2884. > Oh, Dash.
  2885. > Poor, sweet, Dash.
  2886. > If not for how well you knew her by now, you might be tempted to think she was lying to Cadance, to try and add weight to her argument.
  2887. > But no - Dash had a penchant for brutal honesty to rival the bearer of that particular element, and besides.
  2888. > You knew that tone of voice.
  2889. > It was the same one she used with you when she was desperately trying to convince you of something.
  2890. > She actually thought her fairer treatment was because of some change in you, and not her own obedience.
  2891. > ...wasn't it?
  2892. > Hrm.
  2893. > Perhaps you had been getting a bit soft on her lately.
  2894. > But still, the affect it was having on her was undeniable.
  2895. > Regardless, her words have had a definite effect on Cadance.
  2896. > "If... you truly believe this to be the truth, Rainbow Dash, I will not press Anonymous... but please, be mindful of your own strength as well. Do not let him turn you against your friends."
  2897. > Dash sighs, laying her head back down on the bed.
  2898. > "I'll be good, Princess. I'll be okay. Can we... stop talking about this?"
  2899. > Cadance hesitates, but nods.
  2900. > "Yes. We may."
  2902. --------
  2904. > In the end, they talk until well into the evening.
  2905. > Dash even allows Shining Armor to return, although he doesn't say much.
  2906. > At a certain point you realize they are rehashing topics long since covered - but neither side cares.
  2907. > Dash is simply to0 glad to have someone else around to even think of tossing them out, and Cadance too sympathetic to Dash's plight to even think of leaving before she has to.
  2908. > Eventually, though, you have to step in.
  2909. > Taking the status of your visitors into consideration, you decide to visit them in person rather than merely using the intercom.
  2910. > Of course, this means that you have to be in the same room as Shining and Cadance again, a fact that neither of them are particularly pleased about.
  2911. > A reaction they do not even bother to hide the second you enter the room.
  2912. > "Anonymous."
  2913. "Your Highnesses. I am afraid the time available for your visit is coming to an end; before you would go, I would like to speak privately?"
  2914. > Cadance's eyes narrow; after having spent the past several hours with Dash's hobbles - both physical and mental - thrown in her face, her disposotion towards you seems to have taken a turn for the worst.
  2915. > That does not stop her from playing the diplomatic part required of her.
  2916. > If nothing else, Celestia's lessons have taught her to be a good little chess piece when needed - the played as well as the player.
  2917. > "Of course, we would be most willing to speak. In here, or...?"
  2918. "In the meeting room, downstairs. If you will follow me, your highnesses?"
  2919. > Dash rises to follow them, but a quick glance and a subtle shake of your head dissuade her.
  2920. > That's okay.
  2921. > You'll have a talk with her later.
  2922. > The remnants of the dinner you provided has long since been cleared away, as had lunch before them.
  2923. > What remains is the open table, twin packets of documents left on them.
  2924. > Taking a seat in your chair at the head of the table, you offer them a beatific smile.
  2925. "Well. I do hope you enjoyed your visit?"
  2926. > Shining does not speak a word; his eyes say enough.
  2927. > Cadance just lifts several pages, her eyes skimming over them.
  2928. > "These are documentation regarding your plan for peace with the Changelings."
  2929. "Yes, Your Higness."
  2930. > "We may take them, I presume? For examination in depth?"
  2931. "Of course; you may contact me with your assent to the terms, or should you be unhappy with them any changes you wish to suggest for inclusion."
  2932. > "We certainly will. You have done your agreed part; when you attain agreement from our counterpart in this, we will agree."
  2933. "Excellent. I hope there will not be any repercussions, by the way, from the little incident between Dash and yourself."
  2934. > "I do not intend to push the matter, no."
  2935. > Cadance's eyes narrow as she speaks her next words.
  2936. > "Her outburst was not her fault, merely the symptom of a larger problem."
  2937. > Meaning, of course, she holds you responsible for it.
  2938. "Good; I do not intend to let it become an obstruction to our negotiations."
  2939. > Both their eyes narrow now, undoubtedly having noted that you pointedly left out any absolution of blame on their part.
  2940. > At this, an awkward silence forms.
  2941. > It stretches on, growing thicker and tenser all the time.
  2942. > Cadance and Shining know they are not truly welcome, but will not leave without being dismissed - determined, you think, to make you be the one to throw them out.
  2943. > In tne end, you break the tension first.
  2944. "If I may ask one thing for next time, Your Highnesses?"
  2945. > Both ponies meet your look evenly, neither saying anything.
  2946. " need not act so hostile. I am on your side, and have your interests at heart here."
  2947. > Shining looks as though he is about to say something, but Cadance halts him.
  2948. > "We will be sure to take it under consideration."
  2949. > How helpful.
  2950. "Please do. I can only allow this matter to stand waiting for so long..."
  2951. > "We understand."
  2952. > Do they?
  2953. "Until next time, then. I will look forward to hearing from either of you, Your Highnesses."
  2954. > That is apparently sufficient cue for them to turn and leave; doors glide open to indicate their path out.
  2955. > You follow them, rising to watch until they vanish into the distance in the elaborate chariot they had arrived in.
  2956. > Well, it could certainly have gone better... but certainly could have been worse as well.
  2957. > Now, to tie up the only loose end...
  2958. > Dash is still curled up atop your bed when you enter, staring out the window.
  2959. > Most likely she was watching the crystal royals leave as well.
  2960. "Dash."
  2961. > She practically leaps into the air when you speak, twisting around to face you.
  2962. > "Master! Did you see? I didn't let them... I left when he tried to make me turn on you. Was that right, Master?"
  2963. > Reaching out, you ruffle her prismatic mane - letting your fingers sink into the hair.
  2964. > Dash makes a little happy noise, apparently relieved that you weren't upset with her for what she'd done.
  2965. > It almost makes what happens next painful to do.
  2966. > Fingers dig in tight, your touch turning from a gentle reassurance to an iron grip on her mane.
  2967. > Dash yelps and tries to rise up to relieve the strain.
  2968. > "Master?!"
  2969. "You did do very well in rejecting their attempts at turning you from me, Dash... but you also struck Shining Armor. That was a very, very big mistake - I can't have you attacking my guests."
  2970. > "I'm sorry, Master! I didn't mean to; he was trying to grab me, I-"
  2971. "Be silent."
  2972. > Dash slams her mouth shut, recognizing at least when it is just time to stop talking.
  2973. "My entire operation here is built on the assumption that ponies who come to me are safe provided they obey my rules, Dash."
  2974. > Squatting down to eye level, you lock eyes with her; Dash's crimson irises have dropped to pinpricks, but she still seems to be listening.
  2975. "That includes both guests, and you. The problem here is, Shining - despite how much he dislikes me - followed my rules, but you still struck him. You undermined the very basis of my safety here."
  2976. > "He... he was trying to make me leave you. Isn't that wrong, master? Didn't you tell me-"
  2977. "Whether or not it is wrong, I did not forbid him from doing so. I told you to come to me if they tried anything, but you tried to hit him instead."
  2978. > Several shuddering breaths are drawn into Dash's lungs as she tries to settle herself.
  2979. > At last she speaks, her voice trembling softly in the quiet room.
  2980. > "I'm gonna go is the cage for this, aren't I?"
  2981. "Yes, you are."
  2982. > The first sob works is way free of her throat.
  2983. > "I'm s-sorry..."
  2984. "I'm sure you are, Dash, but 'sorry' is not sufficient anymore. I trusted you to control yourself when I left you alone, and you failed."
  2985. > Ah, there it is.
  2986. > At the very mention of the word 'failed', Dash seems to sink down.
  2987. > Even more than the threat of the punishment, this will be what hits her the hardest.
  2988. "I really have to wonder, Dash... are you even yourself anymore? I trusted that you could be loyal to me in return for the trust I gave you, and you failed."
  2989. > She flinches sharply, eyes falling shut.
  2990. > A brief moment of sympathy flickers through you, but Dash's own words echo through your head.
  2991. > She thought she could change you.
  2992. > She thought she could make you different.
  2993. > She thought she was the one in control here.
  2994. > No.
  2995. > You couldn't let her off the hook for this.
  2996. > But you could give her a chance to prove herself again.
  2997. "Go and wait downstairs while I cool off a bit, Dash."
  2998. > "D-Downstairs, master?"
  2999. "Downstairs. In front of your box."
  3000. > Another shudder runs its way through her body, wings twitching in horrified anticipation of what is to come.
  3001. > "I... I'll..."
  3002. "Don't speak, Dash. Go."
  3003. > Your grip on her mane relents and she hesitatingly rises, leaping from the bed to trot to the door.
  3004. > Watching the last colorful wisps of her tail vanish around the corner, you release a long breath.
  3005. > Strictly speaking, of course, it was not entirely her fault.
  3006. > And you had allowed Shining Armor to escape without consequence.
  3007. > It would not be an entirely unfair criticism to say that politics was stepping into your dealings with her...
  3008. > But he was not going to be the last trying visitor by any means, and Dash needed to learn.
  3009. > Striking a guest in anger was well beyond any limits of what you could tolerate.
  3010. > Pushing yourself up from the bed, you rise to follow Dash.
  3011. > Unexpectedly, you find her further on down that you'd expected.
  3012. > She's taken the steps down into the basement and now stands, nervous and tail flicking, at the entrance to what you'd come to think of as the 'punishment room'.
  3013. > Pausing a ways back, you watch her take one shaking step after another towards the cage, the thing that will soon imprison her within a labyrinth of her own fears.
  3014. > With each touch of a hoof to the floor, her wings half-extend, as if urging Dash to take to the air and escape.
  3015. > And each time, she forces them back down against her sides.
  3016. > Her eyes, locked on the box as though it was some monster that might consume her whole.
  3017. > Yet, Dash does not stop.
  3018. > On and on, inexorably closer she steps until she is standing at the edge, peering into the cage.
  3019. > Does she hope to convince herself it is not to be feared?
  3020. > It would be a very Dash-like thing, to try and face the her fear directly and defeat it through raw determination.
  3021. > But ultimately hopeless.
  3022. > As much as tried, she could not deny her basest instincts.
  3023. > Your clearing throat breaks Dash from her delicate stupor, sending her leaping into the air in shock.
  3024. > "M-Master!"
  3025. > You stride forward to kneel before her.
  3026. > Her eyes shimmer with a toxic concoction of terror and hate.
  3027. > Not towards you, but self-hatred now.
  3028. > Hatred at her own failure.
  3029. > It's obvious she'll do anything at all to avoid this punishment - or, perhaps even more valuabley, to be told that her suffering will not be in vain.
  3030. > No such relief comes.
  3031. > Only the goggles and earmuffs that restrict her senses.
  3032. > But this time they are not the end.
  3033. > A heavy mask settles over Dash's muzzle, twin straps wrapping around her head and tightening to secure it in place.
  3034. > Her head twists in obvious confusion, unused to this new sensation.
  3035. > Were her eyes visible, you're sure they would be wide in terror and confusion; were her ears free to turn, you're sure they would be twitching for any hint of what is to come.
  3036. > But as it is, she can only wonder as you use the hose leading from the mask to guide her into the cage that she will face her punishment within.
  3037. > That effect alone is enough to send her tail - the only truly free part of her remaining - swishing wildly as the first twinges of fear set in.
  3038. > As the cage is shut behind her, leaving Dash alone with her thoughts, you move around to the front again.
  3039. > Taking the end of the hose in hand, you consider the small, metallic valve fixed to the end of it.
  3040. > It periodically hisses softly as Dash takes slow, steady breaths in a desperate attempt to ward off the oncoming panic.
  3041. > Inside the mask, you know, another port opens to release each spent breath.
  3042. > But only to release them; the hose in your hand is the only way she may draw in fresh air.
  3043. > You hold it a moment longer, considering the thing in your hand.
  3044. > And then, almost casually, you twist the hose's valve shut.
  3045. > The effect is almost immediate.
  3046. > Dash finds herself unable to draw fresh air; the mask is cinched tight against her muzzle, biting into her coat.
  3047. > A little leaks around the edges, but nowhere near enough to feed her straining lungs.
  3048. > Surely, she must think, she is suffocating.
  3049. > Choking.
  3050. > That you intend to end her.
  3051. > The cage rattles as Dash loses her carefully-kept control, wings instinctively unfurling to try and aid her escape.
  3052. > Of course they immediately collide with the walls of the cage, adding a new dimension to Dash's terror as her mind becomes convinced she is not only suffocating but also crashing now.
  3053. > A short, choked scream issues from her throat - but all too quickly it runs out of air as well.
  3054. > Only then do you thumb the valve open, again allowing her to draw desperate, panicked breath.
  3055. > But by then it's already too late for her carefully-kept composure.
  3056. > Whatever control she had is gone, a full episode of wild panic developing in its place.
  3057. > If anything, the brief sensation of being unable to breathe seems to have pushed Dash far beyond her normal state of terror.
  3058. > Several heavy thuds issue from the cage as Dash bodily slams herself into various walls in a wild attempt to flee.
  3059. > For a moment you fear for her well-being, but something - perhaps the shock and pain of the collisions - has given her pause.
  3060. > A muffled mewling emerges from within the mask; had it not been on, you're fairly certain Dash would openly sobbing by now.
  3061. > It seems like the perfect moment to cut her air again; after all, she will surely be drawing deep breaths to support the pitiful noises she is making.
  3062. > There's the slightest twinge in your chest as the valve slides shut again, one that returns as Dash erupts into another round of wild, thudding escape attempts.
  3063. > It is squashed by the cold logic and grim satisfaction in seeing that Dash received her needed punishment.
  3064. > That she had broken one of the most fundamental rules you had.
  3065. > So instead you remain there, listening to Dash throw herself into the walls of the cage.
  3066. > Her struggles growing weaker as each use of her muscles draws precious oxygen from her blood.
  3067. > Even for a pony such as herself, used to being short on breath even in captivity, her lungs will surely be burning by now.
  3068. > A few seconds longer, and the valve is finally allowed to slide open again.
  3069. > Dash's muffled cries echo from the box, pitiful in their simple desperation.
  3070. > These are not the deep sobs of someone subject to an emotional pain, but the wrenching cries of a creature deprived of their most basic needs.
  3071. > A being caught in a hell she cannot escape, even her fundamental need to breathe taken from her control.
  3072. > That, in the end, is what this is about.
  3073. > Dash lost control of herself, even while she thought she could control you.
  3074. > So you have to truly take her control from her, down to every last bit.
  3075. > Once more her air is stolen by the mask fitted tight against her and the valve in your hand.
  3076. > And once more Dash's reaction is true to her nature:
  3077. > She tries to fight it, rather than peacefully giving in and calming herself to ride it out.
  3078. > This is not something that can be fought, though, and her attempts only push her deeper into the whirlpool of self-inflicted terror.
  3079. > A sharp, acrid scent hits your nose, driving it up into a wrinkle.
  3080. > Another sign of her control lost.
  3081. > Dash doesn't miss it either - as you reopen the valve there is a brief silence indicating her pause before another long, drawn-out moan issues from the cage.
  3082. > The moan of a pony who's realized she's lost even control of her most basic bodily functions.
  3083. > The drain in the floor of the cage would carry it away, of course, but you should wash her later anyhow.
  3084. > And that fact doesn't shield her from the humiliation she is feeling now.
  3085. > Squatting down, you snap the hose in to a remote-control rig.
  3086. > It would run the valve when you were not there, allowing you to steal her breath from a distance while ensuring there would be no accidents that might truly choke her.
  3087. > Another element of randomized horror for Dash to experience.
  3088. > Another way for her to be reminded of just how much you could take from her.
  3089. > You haven't even reached the exit when the first click sounds and Dash's cries once more rise from mere misery into true and complete terror.
  3090. > Returning to your 'office', you set the dozen or so screens surrounding the workstation alight and sink into the chair to begin your work.
  3091. > It's not as though you don't have plenty to do.
  3092. > Cadance and Shining's pronouncement on the nature of their visit had set more things in motion than they realized.
  3093. > The blow to your reputation and public relations was bad enough, but worse was that they had made their visit exceedingly visible.
  3094. > Though you hadn't told them to make it secret - you doubted they would have come, if you had - to make it that high-profile was equally unwelcome.
  3095. > The ten closest settlements to your home were no doubt crawling with Celestia's eyes and ears, and every pony at the Crystal Royals' stop on the rail line knew that they had come.
  3096. > There were no doubt messages both arcane and mundane on their way to the solar princess this very moment, and she would no doubt be quite displeased to know you'd gone about forging agreements with one of her subordinate princesses behind her back.
  3097. > Knuckles pop in a crack-crack-crack ripple, and you get down to work.
  3098. > The first order of business is a message sent to an agent in Canterlot.
  3099. > You needed to be kept advised of Celestia's actions; it wasn't likely she would make any moves in public, but it never hurt to check.
  3100. > And while you hadn't been able to get anyone close to her, a great deal could still be learned from the moves she did or did not make.
  3101. > Next: A full sweep of your perimeter sensor nets and defensive positions.
  3102. > No alarms had been tripped during the visit, but that didn't mean their guards hadn't been busy.
  3103. > Indeed, not thirty minutes later overflights have located no less than four gems, radiating the strange low-level electromagnetic interference enchanted items produce.
  3104. > All dropped or loosely buried in close proximity to where their guards had been waiting.
  3105. > Fingers drum nervously on the keypads as you consider what to do with them.
  3106. > In many ways your machines covered for your utter lack of any capability or even sense for magic, but the fact remained that you had no idea what these crystals were.
  3107. > They might be explosives, weapons... or more likely, some sort of observational device.
  3108. > But what kind?
  3109. > Would moving them disrupt their effect, or give them an even greater view.
  3110. > You settle for having the drones shift them a good half-mile away from the approach path and burying them.
  3111. > Now, what move to make next?
  3112. > A grimace finds its way to your lips as the obvious answer reasserts itself.
  3113. > Glancing at the nearest clock display, you confirm that - even if she is not yet asleep - it is far, far to late to be bothering Chrysalis tonight.
  3114. > Though you hold some power over her, provoking the temperamental Queen is not something you care to gamble with.
  3115. > Another twelve hours, then - it will have to wait.
  3116. > Working from there, you begin to address secondary issues and take further steps.
  3117. > In between - about once every hour or so - you switch over to a feed from Dash's punishment.
  3118. > Sometimes you leave her be.
  3119. > Mostly, you take the opportunity to momentarily cut her air again.
  3120. > She's rarely getting more than a few minutes of sleep.
  3121. > Turning your mind back to the larger issues at hand, you consider your next options.
  3122. > Only a handful of your transceivers are spread across Equestria, granted only to those you consider trustworthy agents rather than merely any creature that owes you a debt.
  3123. > While this protects you from the loss of even one such device, it also means they have to distribute orders to your other debtors individually.
  3124. > This takes time, and you cannot overload your loyal servants with work lest their work for you be discovered.
  3125. > What this ends up meaning is that your messages will take several days to get out.
  3126. > Though you know there's nothing you can do to make it go faster - short of directly sending drones to each, an unacceptable option - you also can't deny some uneasiness about leaving things to stew overnight.
  3127. > Celestia will not be so patient, you are sure.
  3128. > In the end, though, you force yourself to bed.
  3129. > No sense in denying yourself the sleep to work on it tomorrow.
  3130. > Somehow, the room seems emptier without Dash, though.
  3132. --------
  3134. > "Anonymous. How delightful to hear back from you at last..."
  3135. "Hello, Chrysalis."
  3136. > The Changeling Queen's visage leers at you from the screen, her eyes glittering with malign amusement.
  3137. > "A little buggy told me you have been quite busy as of late."
  3138. > Had the news already gotten that far so fast?
  3139. > Damn.
  3140. "I'm not one to allow my plans to sit and waste. You'll be pleased to know that your counterparts in our agreement seem to be on board for the treaty."
  3141. > "Truly?"
  3142. > The look of surprise on Chrysalis' face is genuine; you get the feeling she hadn't actually expected you to be able to leverage Cadance into it.
  3143. "It took some effort, but yes. They will do their part."
  3144. > A mixture of surprise, satisfaction, and annoyance radiates from the Changeling queen.
  3145. > Surely she was pleased to know that her remaining Changelings would not lack for food, but undoubtedly she hated being even further in your debt.
  3146. > Unsurprisingly, she finds something else to throw back at you.
  3147. > "What of the release of my subjects held from me? I will not idle while they remain prisoners."
  3148. "Those held in the Crystal Empire will be freed upon your agreeing to this deal."
  3149. > If she feels any anger at this proclamation, it isn't shown.
  3150. > Then again, the Changeling that had delivered your message was now merely one among many refugees in the Crystal Empire, if Cadance was to be believed.
  3151. > "Those are not all of my children held captive, Anonymous. I wish to see them all returned."
  3152. > Chissik.
  3153. > Frankly, you were increasingly unsure of what to do with the Changeling.
  3154. > But to give up a bargaining peace so easily...
  3155. "No. Chissik will remain with me, until I am certain there will be no further unpleasant surprises in our relationship."
  3156. > Which, given the Changeling QUeen's temperament, could be quite a while.
  3157. > As if to demonstrate, Chrysalis hisses sharply, snarling into the camera.
  3158. > Despite the fact she couldn't be directly influencing your emotions at such a range, you still feel a chill run down your spine.
  3159. > She was perhaps the first thing you'd met on this world who could be truly menacing, and even without her hooves in your mind the Changeling queen still had years of acting experience to draw on.
  3160. > "You dare to use my own subjects as hostages againt me, Anonymous?"
  3161. > Chissik's own words come back to you.
  3162. > 'She is a proud queen, Anonymous. Proud, but caring.'
  3163. "You would dare to try and spy on me in my own home? Do not forget, had you not pushed that your dear Chissik would be free still."
  3164. > Starving still, but free.
  3165. > Chrysalis clearly did not like the idea of any others ruling over her kin, matter how comfortable they may be.
  3166. "The only question that then remains is, will you cooperate with the plan as a whole?"
  3167. > "You have left me little choice."
  3168. > A slight smirk grows on your lips.
  3169. "Merely ensuring there will be no further surprises from you, Chrysalis."
  3170. > "I will not play with the lives of my subjects."
  3171. "Good for you. I will communicate your final assent to the Crystal royals. They will release your kin that they hold, upon their return to you the agreement will be considered to be in effect."
  3172. > "You do not intend to force us to sign some treaty?"
  3173. > A derisive snort issues from your nostrils.
  3174. "If you were going to break your part of the agreement, a piece of paper would not stop you. And this will allow Cadance and Shining Armor to save face until the deal goes public."
  3175. > Until they have to face the wrath of their overlords from Canterlot for going about making deals with you.
  3176. > "Then we find ourselves in agreement. I will..."
  3177. > You can tell it us straining Chrysalis to say this.
  3178. > "I will release my prisoners when my changelings are returned to me."
  3179. "All of them."
  3180. > She snarls, emerald eyes flashing.
  3181. > "All of them, yes. I understand the position you have placed me in."
  3182. "Good. I hope you understand that if I can - and if need be, will - penatrate your new home to ensure you are not lying."
  3183. > Chrysalis tries to hide the flicker of surprise and anger in her eyes, but isn't entirely successful.
  3184. "Just remember, you caused this - and the best way to get out of it is to work with me."
  3185. > "I'm aware of your opinion on the matter."
  3186. "Good. Then I look forward to hearing of the prisoners' exchange."
  3187. > As the connection shuts off, you allow yourself a relieved breath at last.
  3188. > Against all odds and the egos of two powerful rulers, it seemed as if this plan would come together.
  3189. > Hopefully Chrysalis would never discover your bluff regarding her home.
  3190. > Now you only had to-
  3191. > "Alert. Unexpected incoming call. Identity: Sparkle."
  3192. > Twilight?
  3193. > Even as the computer repeats the warning into your ears, your lips fall from the smile they had held into a deep scowl.
  3194. > What did she want now?
  3195. > Shoving her muzzle into business that did not involve her, undoubtedly.
  3196. > Forcing your face back into something resembling neutrality, you open the video feed but do not let her do the same.
  3197. > Instantly it becomes considerably more difficult to hold that carefully-tailored mask of nonhostility.
  3198. > Unfortunate that this had come now; you'd expected a bit more time before it happened.
  3199. > No way to avoid it, though.
  3200. > The call is opened to both ways.
  3201. "Your Highness, how... unexpected."
  3202. > The alabaster alicorn centered in the camera feed regards you evenly.
  3203. > Celestia's looks is considerably more practiced; though she undoubtedly was against you, Celestia held the experience of centuries in keeping her composure.
  3204. "I take it you have heard news of my newest arrangement, then?"
  3205. > "I have. I do not know how you have bent the Changelings to your will, but it does not matter now. Is this a signal that you are open to further negotiations?"
  3206. > Meaning, would you submit to her demands.
  3207. "At this time, my opinions on my position remain firm."
  3208. > "I see... you understand, of course, that I remain concerned about is your insistence on excluding Equestria as a whole from your negotiations."
  3209. > Meaning, of course, she was displeased by your having gone behind her back to her subordinate princess.
  3210. "I approached those most relevant to the agreement in question, Your Highness. Those most willing to see the matter for what it was... not for past actions."
  3211. > If Celestia notices the point that she was not 'relevant', she does not react to it.
  3212. > Instead she simply sighs and shakes her head.
  3213. > "I truly do wish that you would stop regarding us as your enemies, Anonymous. We are not; merely... concerned about your activities."
  3214. "Need I remind you, Your Highness, that it was you who set your pet elements against me rather than negotiate for-"
  3215. > "Your demands were untenable in Equestria. That is the truth, and you know it."
  3216. "Untenable, and yet here I am still."
  3217. > "All but imprisoned within your own home, and only safe by holding an innocent mare hostage and threatening the lives of how many more?"
  3218. > An answer forms on your lips, but you halt it - and hold up a hand to pause before responding.
  3219. "...this is getting us nowhere. We are both reasonable minds, yes? Why can this treaty I have arranged not be taken in the manner it was meant to be - as a sign that I have the interests of peace and security at heart?"
  3220. > "Perhaps because you continue to unjustly inflict your crimes upon Rainbow Dash?"
  3221. "A situation, again, that you created."
  3222. > "I gave you my word, Anonymous. You would not have been hurt if you had surrendered."
  3223. > A grim, thin smile climbs onto your lips.
  3224. "I think, Your Highness, that this is where our opinions diverge. What you insisted upon would have very much hurt me; I could not have agreed to give up what you demanded any more than I could have given up one of my limbs."
  3225. > "Then I hope you will understand I did what I did only to protect my little ponies."
  3226. > She truly believes it, of course.
  3227. > Or at least, as best as you can tell.
  3228. > Celestia may be many things, but in your estimation she truly thought her actions were for the best.
  3229. > Even as she played her beloved ponies like puppets.
  3230. "...then I am afraid we continue to find ourselves at a standoff, Your Highness."
  3231. > "Then I will ask - plead, even: Return Rainbow Dash. Allow her to go free. We will remain in negotiations, and not assault your home - you have my word."
  3232. > This was one of the reasons you found Celestia to be honest in her morals, if misguided.
  3233. > She did not hesitate to lower herself in the eyes of others, if it would do good for her ponies.
  3234. > But that did not translate to true safety.
  3235. > "Please, Anonymous. If you truly do seek peace, let this go and work with us."
  3236. "No. I am sorry, Celestia, but once bitten, twice shy - I cannot rely on a word alone to ensure that I will not be turned on again."
  3237. > She sighs softly, nodding.
  3238. > "Then we will have to remain facing each other across the divide, Anonymous. In this case, I should inform you that per Equestrian law, you are a fugitive from justice in Equestria."
  3239. > A cold ball begins to form in your stomach as you guess where she is going with this.
  3240. > "And that Equestria does not engage in negotiations with such, no matter what you might do behind the scenes."
  3241. > You remain deeply glad she cannot see how white your knuckles are turning as you grip the arms of your seat.
  3242. "...I see. Thank you for the notification, Your Highness."
  3243. > There was, of course, no reason to actually notify you.
  3244. > It was the status quo you had lived with since she had set the elements on you:
  3245. > She could not stop ponies from doing business with you nor attack you directly, but you could not openly expand your operations.
  3246. > But then, it was what she had not said that was most important.
  3247. "Until we speak again, then, Your Highness."
  3248. > "Yes. Until then. I will remain hopeful that you will choose to correct your ways."
  3249. > Not until the image is long faded and the connection closed do you allow the scream to bubble forth.
  3250. > How dare she?
  3251. > In one swoop, Celestia had erased all your estimates of where this agreement could go.
  3252. > As a fugitive - a step short of a full enemy of Equestria - you could never be publicly acknowledged as the source of this agreement.
  3253. > For even Cadance to do so would effectively openly pit her against Canterlot, a step she was surely not ready to take.
  3254. > Beautiful.
  3255. > A stark, ham-fisted move... but an effective one.
  3256. > Sweeping your eyes across the console, another video feed catches your eyes.
  3257. > Dash.
  3258. > She suffers still in her cage, wriggling against the confinement.
  3259. > In a fury, your fingers dance across the keyboard - triggering the remote valve.
  3260. > Instantly her writhing takes on a new element of terror.
  3261. > Blood pounds in your ears as you keep the button depressed, withholding air from her for what was probably far too long.
  3262. > And then you do it again.
  3263. > And again.
  3264. > And again.
  3265. > Sealed in her cage without sight, hearing, or even now smell Dash cannot know what drives you to suddenly torment her further.
  3266. > Nor can she know how long it will last.
  3267. > In a strange way, neither do you.
  3268. > How long do you toy with her; up and down, on and off, until the fury has burned itself out within you?
  3269. > Long enough.
  3270. > When at last reason returns to your brain, you sit staring at the feed in silence once more.
  3271. > Even though Dash's air is no longer stolen from her, the heights of terror it has driven her to cannot be so easily dismounted from.
  3272. > It is a long time before her screaming, sobbing terror subsides.
  3273. > With a sigh you close your eyes and mentally punish yourself.
  3274. > How foolish that had been.
  3275. > Dash had not brought this on you.
  3276. > Your actions were at fault here.
  3277. > With a sigh, you heft yourself from the chair and start over towards her punishment room.
  3278. > Perhaps you could afford to let her out a little early.
  3280. --------
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