

Jul 1st, 2020
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  1. local function get(what,where,name)
  2. print("Downloading " .. name)
  3. local handle =,"w")
  4. local otherHandle = http.get(what)
  5. handle.write(otherHandle.readAll())
  6. handle.close()
  7. otherHandle.close()
  8. end
  9. if not http then
  10. error("Please enable HTTP in CC config.")
  11. end
  12. if not http.websocket then
  13. error("Please enable WebSockets (either by downloading CC:Tweaked and installing it, or enabling it in CC:Tweaked config.")
  14. end
  15. if not fs.exists("sha256.lua") then
  16. get("","sha256.lua","SHA256 API")
  17. end
  18. if not fs.exists("json.lua") then
  19. get("","json.lua","JSON API")
  20. end
  21. if not fs.exists("soqet.lua") then
  22. get("","soqet.lua","Soqet")
  23. end
  24. if not fs.exists("string.random.lua") then
  25. get("", "string.random.lua","string.random")
  26. end
  27. if not fs.exists("aes.lua") then
  28. get("", "aes.lua", "AES API")
  29. end
  30. local function getHexRepresentationOfColor (color)
  31. return string.format ("%X",
  32. math.floor (math.log (color) / math.log (2)))
  33. end
  34. local function getDecimalRepresentationOfColor (hexRepresentation)
  35. return math.pow (2, tonumber (hexRepresentation, 16))
  36. end
  37. local sha = require("sha256")
  38. local json = require("json")
  39. local soqet = require("soqet")
  40. os.loadAPI("string.random.lua")
  41. local aes = require("aes")
  42. local function chat(username, password)
  43. print("Loading Chat...")
  45. math.randomSeed(sha(username .. "|/LAZYSALT-PJALS-1-4-1-2-SOQET-CHAT\|" .. password))
  46. local userID = string.random(32)
  47. soqet.auth(userID)
  48. soqet.send("soqetChat", "BACKLOG", {["credintals"] = {["userID"] = userID}})
  49. while true do
  50. parallel.waitForAny(function() local channel, message, meta = os.pullEvent("soqet_message")
  51. if channel == "soqetChat" and meta.message and meta.user and message == "MESSAGE" and meta.sendToUserHashed == sha(username) then
  52. print(aes.decrypt(userID, meta.user) .. ": " .. aes.decrypt(userID, meta.message))
  53. end end, function() local input = aes.encrypt(userID, read()) soqet.send("soqetChat", "DISTRIBUTE-MESSAGE", {["message"] = message, ["user"] = aes.encrypt(userID, username)}) end)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. if not fs.exists("soqetCredintals.json") then
  57. print("Enter your new Soqet-Chat username!")
  58. local username = read()
  59. print("Enter your new Soqet-Chat password!")
  60. local password = sha(read("*"))
  61. local credintals = {["username"] = username, ["password"] = password}
  62. local result = json.encode(credintals)
  64. soqet.send("soqetChat", "REGISTER", {["data"] = result})
  65. local file ="soqetCredintals.json","w")
  66. file.write(result)
  67. file.close()
  68. else
  69. local file ="soqetCredintals.json","r")
  70. local contents = file.readAll()
  71. local credintals = json.decode(contents)
  72. file.close()
  73. print("Logging in as " .. credintals.username)
  74. while true do
  75. print("Please enter your password")
  76. local password = sha(read("*"))
  77. if credintals.password == password then
  78. chat(credintals.username, credintals.password)
  79. break
  80. else
  81. print("Wrong Password!")
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
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