
pol is totes satire

Nov 3rd, 2017
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  1. The IOTBW meme was the best example of it. People who dont know anything about /pol/ thought it was just a corrective to show hypocrisy on the Left and not a way to use the Left freaking out to drive the point home to whitey.
  3. The instructions say "no connections to racists or the altright" but why do they have to say that unless they expected it to happen without saying it? Why do they also have to say "no racism" followed by "stop commenting on the fucking articles"
  5. It WAS being concealed
  7. There are /pol/lacks who dislike the AltRight, but not over racism, but usually over typical chan derision toward e-celebs. They also deride people like Sargon and Kraut
  9. They bicker over the altright more than other 'e-movements', people like Spencer and Tara McCarthy in particular so you can refine your search further, but this is because they talk about us more than others in general since becoming aware of us (Spencer being talked about about 2012 iirc, altright picking up in usage after the Trump campaign). And the bickering is always from assumed ideological similarity regardless of other suspicions. Deciding if we're good enough, critiquing our ideas/style/strategy. They don't do this as much with you guys because they don't care what you think really.
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