
Forrest Gump

Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was in a state of stressed panic after she'd forgotten about an essay she had due in the morning. She'd rigged a sturdy piece of cardboard from Felix's birthday present box over the hand rails of the treadmill and set her computer up on top of them so she could run and work on the essay at the same time. She'd been at it for a while, only about halfway done with her essay and in a complete frenzy.-
  2. Covet: Felix had been napping on the couch having fallen asleep with Nugget and Penny after their walk that evening, and dinner. The movie on netflix had been over for a while and the sound of the treadmill upstairs stirred him awake. He sat up and stretched then slowly came to dragging his feet as he went up the stairs in a groggy fashion. When he got to the top he wandered over to see Steph with her ridiculous set up, and grumbled. "Nope. Turn it off or I will unplug it, Missy."
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Without looking up from her computer or her fingers stopping on the keyboard, she let out a sigh, instantly rolling into a protest. "I'm not done yet. This essay needs to be done before I go to sleep because it's due at eight tomorrow morning."-
  4. Covet: "I didn't mean the computer. If your essay is that important then you get your ass off this treadmill right now and you work on your essay." He told her with a look of he wasn't here to argue with her.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "It helps me clear my mind and actually be able to think." She returned sternly, pausing in her typing for a moment because their conversation had thrown off her train of thought. "Wait... hold on, let me finish this paragraph." She said and jumped right back into typing, mumbling her ideas to herself so she would be able to get it all down.-
  6. Covet: "Yeah, because that really looks like what's going on. There are other ways to keep your mind clear in order to focus on your essay. Because this is extreme and ridiculous." He told her then looked around for where the machine was plugged in, because he told her. He's kind of grumpy when he waks up.
  7. Alexithymiaa: (Me too, Felix. Me too.)
  8. Covet: [XD]
  9. Alexithymiaa: "This is the best way." She said as her fingers clacked over the keyboard , her legs keeping a good pace. She furrowed her brows as she tried to focus on what she was doing because his talking was making that difficult.-
  10. Covet: Finding the plug in he pulled it out, not even caring, because he was not impressed with this behavior from her. "This is the best way to you, because this is how you have always done it. This is not a good healthy behavior, despite it being exercise."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -When the treadmill stopped, she kept running, falling into her computer and the front of the machine. Grabbing everything to keep herself from falling and anything from breaking, she whirled around, out of breath and completely red faced. "Arizona! What the hell? This is important!"-
  12. Covet: "Yeah well it won't me shit, if you run yourself to death before the essay's finished." He said crossing his arms. "
  13. Covet: {FUCK!]
  14. Covet: "Take your computer and go sit down at the island."
  15. Covet: *mean shit
  16. Covet: [That was a cluster fuck.. my bad. XD]
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I really don't want to argue with you right now. I don't have time for this." She stepped off the treadmill, leaning down to stick the plug back into the wall. Stepping back up onto the treadmill, she fixed the arrangement of her computer and then hit the on button to break into a slow jog again.-
  18. Covet: "I'm not arguing with you. I'm telling you." He said unplugging it again. "Don't make me pack you and your computer down the stairs, because I'm not above doing it right now." Felix told her in an even more stern and annoyed tone.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -When the treadmill stopped again, she was a little more prepared for it. Slapping her hands down on the hand rails, she turned to him again, her voice high pitched and frantic. "Stop! This essay counts for fifty percent of my grade and if i don't do well on this I might not even pass for the semester and I'm already graduating so far behind everyone else and I have so many things to get done before the album release next week and Fridays are my day to take Trick so Cadence can have a break and I havent even LOOKED at the email with the lyrics for the Dashboard song yet so how am I supposed to get EVERYTHING done if you don't just let me do this?"-
  20. Covet: He just stood there staring at her. "Tell Cadence I'll take Trick tomorrow. I took this week off from work so I'm not doing anything anyways, and I don't have class tomorrow because my midterms are over with. Then you can work on anything you need to for all your music stuff." Walking closer to her, arms still crossed. "What is your grade in that class? Is it below seventy percent right now?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: "You'll take Trick? ALL day?" She asked, raising her brows and staring at him. "What? I.... I don't know. I don't think so. I haven't checked... Why?"-
  22. Covet: "Yes, I'll take Trick all day. I can take the dogs over with me to her place and they can have a puppy play date thing, and Trick and I will chill and watch TV and shit." Felix said like it was no big deal. " Because if it's not below seventy percent, if you talk to your professor and accept a reduced grade for turning your essay in late, You'll still be more than passing. Is it a perfect grade no, but it's better than stressing this hard over it."
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She stood there and considered his words for a moment before giving in slightly. "Then I'll tell Cadence you're going to take him tomorrow, but I'm not accepting a reduced grade on this paper. I don't want to be more than passing. I want to do well. That's important to me. I want the A on this."-
  24. Covet: "And if you give yourself the time that paper deserves, if it's that important, then you should still be able to get an A. A ninety percent is still an A. Professors tend to be pretty lenient and will work with you, if they know you're a responsible person. If you're doing well in that class already, and haven't missed any assignments before, they might not even dock you for it being late."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Well that's what I was trying to do." She protested, raising her arm and gesturing to her ghetto treadmill work station. "I have my outline done and I know exactly how I want each part to breakdown. I just need to focus and get it done."-
  26. Covet: "If you didn't space it and weren't doing the typical college tactic to get it done, would this be how you would work on it?" He said with an unamused look still plastered all over his face.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I didn't space it." She said, blinking and staring at him all offended. "I was busy. It's been a hectic few weeks and I've had a lot to get done. I did things in the order of my deadlines and now it's time for my essay."-
  28. Covet: "So you mean to tell me you intentionally scheduled to do your essay last minute. Because if that's the case, I'm throwing this treadmill up on craigslist right now." He told her. "It's fine if you spaced it. it happens, and that's way more acceptable than trying to tell me that you scheduled this bullshit intentionally."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "It wasn't last minute. I started my outline this morning..." She trailed off, instantly starting to feel really shitty about her choices. "I had other things that were equally as pressing, with sooner deadlines...."-
  30. Covet: "Like over planning for my birthday?" Felix said raising an eyebrow. " If I would have known that you were sacrificing things that are so important to you just to spoil me a couple of extra days than normal, I would have told you not to. I appreciate everything you did and then some, I just wish it wasn't at the cost of falling back into negative behaviors. You know like jogging for hours while typing."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Your birthday was important too." She said in a small voice, her shoulders slumping. "I wanted to celebrate you and I wanted you to feel special. I didnt think that was wrong..." She frowned, pulling her arms around her middle. "I wasnt jogging for hours."-
  32. Covet: "It's not wrong, and like I said, I appreciate everything you did, and do for me, to make me feel special. I feel special everyday I get with you." He said walking up to pull her into a hug. "I can also appreciate your tenacity for multi tasking, it's impressive, but it's not good either. "Did you jog to get your outline done this morning? I don't know how long you'd been jogging before I woke up and noticed you weren't downstairs and I could hear you up here."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "No..." She leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. "I did it before I went to class. And I only started jogging because I was writing this in the office and I couldn't focus. Hugo was knocking pens off my desk and Harley and Ozzy were knocking each other off your desk... I was distracted so I came up here. I promise I wasn't jogging for very long. I can't even jog for very long anymore."-
  34. Covet: He sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, "Next time wake me up and I'll keep them from bothering you. You can close the door and I'll harass them until they finally decide to fuck off." He pulled back and looked at her. "There are equally benefitial and healthy ways to focus though...want to see what Mom used to do for me when I was struggling?" He asked her cause.. ADHD and focus is definitely not his forte.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned back to look up at him, nodding her head. "When arent you struggling?" She asked, a small smile teasing her lips.-
  36. Covet: "Besides the point, woman." Felix said giving her a dirty look, then let it soften. "Get your computer and come downstairs, please."
  37. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled and turned to grab her computer from the cardboard desk, closing it in her arms and hugging it to her chest as she walked to the stairs. "You are actually going to show me, right?"-
  38. Covet: "Yes, It's a focus thing that you kind of have to have two people for." He told her as he walked down ahead of her. Making his way to the kitchen he filled up the tea kettle and put it on the stove, then got out a mug and a green tea bag. After that he turned to look at her. "Sit down and open up your computer, and just place your hands on the keyboard."
  39. Alexithymiaa: -She stopped short when she heard his first statement, narrowing her eyes. "Arizona! I told you I have a deadline on this. I am not going anywhere near that bed until this paper is done." She continued down the stairs, just watching him until she realized he wasn't trying to be suggestive. Opening the computer, she set it down and took a seat, following his instructions. "What is this?"-
  40. Covet: Felix smirked amused that she thought he was going to sex . " You said this was important, I'm not going to interupt you with something I might want." He walked over to her and stood behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Okay, close your eyes and when my thumbs push in, you exhale, I'll let up and you inhale. Deep breaths." He told her then pushed his thumbs in slow circles along her shoulders and up the back of her neck.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Might want?" She asked with a glare because the fact that it was in question was laughable to her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, holding it as she felt his hands move over her shoulders and slowly exhaling.-
  42. Covet: "I defintely want it, but that's not always my first thought. But Shhh...that's not what we're supposed to be doing." He told her in a quiet voice as his thumbs released, then pushed again. "When you breathe out let go of everything else on your mind, Everything else is taken care of and you have time for, your only responsibility right now is this essay." He said "Now when you breath in deep, think about your outline, your topic, your purpose in this essay." Felix explained, "Now.. when you exhale take all those thoughts... and breathe them out...and put them to work." He said, still pressing and releasing his thumbs a little longer.
  43. Alexithymiaa: -She took a deep breath in, focusing on his words and thinking about her essay and everything that came with it. Feeling his thumbs release over her skin, she exhaled slowly, the serenity just washing over her because this is a great technique. "I feel better..."-
  44. Covet: "Good. I'm going to make your tea, and let you be. But, I'll be on the couch over there, with my headphones on, If you need anything just let me know." Felix told her pressing another kiss to the top of her head as he released the pressure on his thumbs, then went about getting her tea done up with a little bit of lemon and honey, to give a boost of energy and focus.
  45. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled and leaned over to give his butt a quick swatt because nice boy. "Thank you. I love you." She said before dropping her eyes down to her computer to focus on her paper for the rest of the evening.-
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