
Text Adventure Chapter 63 Log

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. >Inspect Half-eaten Sandwich
  2. [A sandwich. Apparently not for a pony, as it has turkey and salami. Packed with meats and lettuce, onions and tomatoes, it really is a pristine sandwich that you would not mind eating, even if it was bit in half. However, upon inspection you see something glinting inside it, something dark.]
  5. [You give Applejack your Pickaxe.]
  6. >”Hey AJ, here.”
  7. >You unstring the tool from your bag and toss it to her once she’s ready.
  8. >It takes a minute after being tickle-tortured.
  9. >”Ok… Ok, whoa. Ah don’t know what ya expect me ta do with this, Anon. Are we goin’ prospectin’ or something?”
  10. “Well, if we find any ores, it’d be a good way to get some extra cash since we’re not really in a position to get jobs right now. Plus, you can swing a lot better than I can, now.”
  11. >”Ah guess, if ya say so…”
  12. “Oh by the way, I invited Wheaties to the castle and she’s in the bedroom across from us, so if you wanna say hi, she’s here.”
  13. >Pinkie lights up like Celestia on caffeine.
  15. >As the pink party pony gets more and more excited, her body begins to vibrate at such an intense speed that she simply falls off of the bed and the momentum carries her right out the door, presumably to go see her new friend.
  16. >You look back at Applejack with a dumbfounded look on your face.
  17. >”What? Are ya honestly surprised by now?”
  18. >Fair point…
  19. “So I was thinking we could take her and the group out for some lunch and drinks. I have a plan about something, so we might take Gyro too, if that’s alright. My treat?”
  20. >AJ adjusts her hat and lazily throws the pickaxe over on her stuff.
  21. >”That sounds like a good plan ta me, partner. We’ll give ya your time to compose yourself.”
  22. “Wait, what?”
  23. >She looks at you with a deadpan expression.
  24. >”Ya don’t think we haven’t figured out what yer’ doin’? Ah mean, we appreciate ya givin’ us a break and all, but you’ve been procrastinatin’ goin’ to Chrysalis’ hive more than Applebloom when she gets history homework.”
  25. >Have you been procrastinating?
  26. >”Either way, I’m all up for a day out jus’ for some fun!”
  27. “Alright. Can you tell the others about it? I need some time to go meditate to see if I can’t work on my mana pool a little bit.”
  28. >”I don’t have any clue what ya mean, but sure.”
  29. “11 o’clock. Come get me if I’m in a trance or something, okay?”
  30. >She tips her hat as you leave the room, and you see nothing but pink and crystal gray blurs in the opposite open door.
  31. >You’re about to shrug it off and go back to tell Red of your success, but you had a sudden thought.
  32. >That wallwalking you did last night was kind of fun, but you still haven’t mastered it.
  33. >The ceiling is decently low due to the normal stature of ponies, so you might just be able to…
  34. >Looking up and bracing yourself, you focus your mana as your markings begin to smoothly glow, and you feel the spell take its effect.
  35. >Used Wallwalking (4/10)
  36. [-4 MP]
  37. >You plant one foot on the wall, and then in one quick swinging motion throw your other foot past it and right onto the ceiling.
  38. >With a large amount of hesitation, your wallfoot slowly detracts from the surface as you throw it up with all your might.
  39. >It barely touches the ceiling and your entire perspective flips, stumbling a bit from the weirdness of your orientation.
  40. >You get used to it.
  41. >Before you begin your plan, you fire it off one more time beforehand just to be sure it wouldn’t wear off.
  42. >Used Wallwalking (5/10)
  43. [-4 MP]
  44. >Then you’re off.
  45. >The first step is the hardest, as you nearly fall off right there with a little -squelch- sound coming from your other foot as you put all of the spell’s weight on it.
  46. >But you’re determined to become the Man of Steel.
  47. >Er, the Dark Knight.
  48. >Fuck, what do they call spidey? Iron Spider?
  49. >Fucking lame-ass piece of-
  50. >Whoa, you’re moving.
  51. >Your momentum shifts you forward and up, allowing you to stay on the ceiling as you walk, and eventually begin to jog.
  52. >Used Wallwalking (6/10)
  53. [-4 MP]
  54. >As you jog along the ceiling, going down the curve of the stairs, you think about why your coat or robe hasn’t gone up and revealed your pasty beta legs.
  55. >Now that you really think about it, are they beta anymore with your strength from lugging that armor and spear around?
  56. >Either way, you feel like you’re defying gravity right now, and it’s awesome.
  57. >You pass by a couple guards that you almost miss due to your wonderland imagination
  58. >”H-hey! Get off the ceiling!”
  59. >”How are you doing that?”
  60. >You look back and wave to them.
  61. “Just havin’ a jog!”
  62. >...
  63. >Used Wallwalking (9/10)
  64. [-4 MP/-4 MP/-4 MP]
  65. [ ]
  66. “Don’t stop me noooow, I’m havin’ such a good time, I’m havin’ a- Oh, hey!”
  67. >While you’re doing circuits around the Main Hall, you spot Shining Armor as he comes in from one of the locked doors, and he stares at you jaw-dropped.
  68. >”A-Anon!? What are you doing up there?”
  69. “Havin’ a jog.”
  70. >”On the ceiling?!”
  71. “Havin’ a jog.”
  72. >”Bro, you can’t run on the Palace’s ceiling!”
  73. “Havin’ a jog.”
  74. >”Did the blood rush to your head or something?”
  75. “Havin’ a defying-gravity jog. Oh, almost out…”
  76. >Used Wallwalking (10/10)
  77. [-4 MP]
  78. [Spell: Wallwalking has been fully learned, now working at 100% efficiency and able to upgrade.]
  79. “There we go. Alright, see ya Shining!”
  80. >You pole-vault out of the large gate back to the second floor as you hear Shining yell back at you.
  81. >”Where did you even learn that!?”
  82. >...
  83. >So much for the jog.
  84. >You do your best to run back to the hallway before you split.
  85. >And being completely upside down, that wouldn’t feel good at all.
  86. >You run down the curve of the stairs going up, and you decide it’s time.
  87. >You put your hands on the groundceiling, and you detach your feet, ready to flip down and land properly.
  88. >Success!
  89. >...Wait.
  90. >You’re hanging off of the ceiling by your palms now.
  91. >How did you…
  92. >...The spell affects your hands, too?
  93. >That’s interesting…
  94. >Just another second later, your hands stop sticking and you fall to the ground, completely unprepared.
  95. >You land on your ass again, and slowly get up after massaging your coccyx.
  96. >Only now is your asshole starting to feel better from that night.
  97. >
  98. “...200 degrees, that’s why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit…”
  99. >That song is stuck in your head, now.
  100. >Damn phone with human music on it.
  101. >With your wallwalking finished, you go back to your bedroom and open the door, seeing Redheart primmed and proper, dazzling white fur hidden beneath her polished armor.
  102. >”Hey, I heard the screams. Did it go well?”
  103. >You put two thumbs up and give a smile a dentist would be proud of.
  104. >She giggles a little bit as she finishes doing what she was doing.
  105. >You smell pancakes.
  106. “Ooh.”
  107. >”Want some?”
  108. >Redheart’s makin’ some delicious-smelling breakfast.
  109. >As the sweet, succulent waft reaches your nostrils, you realize something.
  110. >Until you got to the Palace, you and your group barely ate at all.
  111. >Maybe that’s why your stomach’s still growling.
  112. >What would you like to do?
  116. “I am absolutely starved, hon, but I think there may be bologna-based evil afoot. Keep the pancakes safe, I'm going to investigate the mystery of what dark condiments lay between these innocuous-looking slices of bread.”
  117. >Redheart gives you another strange look.
  118. >”Okay… Where’d you find meat?”
  119. >You probably shouldn’t answer that.
  120. >Taking your trusty fingers and wiggling them in the air for maximum threat, you slowly bring it down and pinch the bread on top, surgically removing it as if it were a tumor.
  121. >Laying it across your other hand, you do this with the lettuce, tomato, and finally the turkey until you find the core of the sandwich.
  122. >What lays in the center seems to be some sort of odd, black gem.
  123. >It’s not alive as there’s no magical presence, but you can tell this thing will shine once it’s wiped off from condiments ruining its sheen.
  124. >Whatever it is, it looks rather fragile, so you want to be careful.
  125. >What would you like to do?
  129. >From the looks of it, it doesn’t seem to pose any imminent danger.
  130. >You toss the sandwich aside in the trashbin as you become intrigued by this gem, and you walk over next to Redheart and start washing it off with water and a napkin.
  131. >”What’s that?”
  132. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
  133. >You finish cleaning up the mysterious object and hold it between your fingers.
  134. >Now that there’s nothing bogging down its shine, you can see that it’s more or less a black gem that really gleams in the light.
  135. >Well, a very dark gem. It’s black around the edges, but there is a small fade out to violet on the inside.
  136. >”I’ve… never seen anything like it.”
  137. “Me either… It came out of this sandwich that one of the shadowy monsters had before.”
  138. >”A sandwich?... Maybe he was hiding it in his stomach… could be important…”
  139. >You and Redheart both get lost in the aesthetic beauty of this gem, until you snap out of it and stow it away in your pocket.
  140. “I’ll make sure to ask Twilight about it.”
  142. >You watch Redheart cook for a moment, enjoying the little slice of life in the adventure that has become yours.
  143. “Well… anyways, If you want to go see Wheaties, Pinkie’s with her right now. We’re going out to lunch at 11, maybe ask Twilight to come if she wants, or her friends?”
  144. >”Alright, but where are you going?”
  145. “I’m going to meditate for a bit and see if I can’t do something about my mana.”
  146. >”Okay. Just don’t blow anything up, babe.”
  147. >Redheart puckers, and you give her a passionate kiss before leaving.
  148. “I’ll try not to. Save me some pancakes, too!”
  149. >”No promises!”
  150. >You exit the bedroom and look down near the ground.
  151. >By jove, the floor’s already repaired.
  152. >Now you need to find a place to meditate.
  153. >What would you like to do?
  158. >The library would probably be your best bet for peace and quiet.
  159. >It takes a little time getting downstairs and going through the Main Hall, but you eventually make it to the world of books around 9:30 P.M.
  160. >Far out in the other end near the magical maladies category stands Twilight and Cadance, of all ponies.
  161. >They seem to be talking about something while reading a book of magical diseases.
  162. >As much as you’d like to say hi, you have a feeling this morning’s going to be the only time you’ll get to meditate.
  163. >You go upstairs in the library and find a secluded section of old history books that nopony ever goes to, and you sit down cross-legged.
  164. >It’s much more comfortable in the robe.
  165. >You close your eyes, lock your hands together and take a deep breath, beginning the sordid ordeal.
  166. >...
  169. [Now that you have experience meditating, you are able to choose a variety of things to concentrate on.]
  171. -Fortitude [Focus on your mana as a whole, expanding it overtime.] (Raises MP)
  172. -Might [Focus upon the potency of your magical flow, allowing more powerful abilities.] (Raises MA and chance to discover offensive spells)
  173. -Redoubt [Focus on strengthening your bastion of magic, allowing stronger defenses.] (Raises MD and chance to discover defensive spells)
  174. -Advanced/Specific [Concentrate the very nature of a spell you already own, and further its knowledge for greater effect.] (Trains a specific ability)
  175. -Clarity [Empty your mind of all thoughts and processes, letting your chi grow your mana in sheer magical potential.] (Slowly raises MP, MD and MA and chance to discover rare spells)
  177. >What would you like to focus on, and for how long? _
  181. >Fortitude [1 Hour]
  182. [You align your chi with your mana flow, beginning to realize your magical limit. You gradually begin to bend its will, speeding up its flow and expanding your pool, stretching it farther and farther until it’s too far to shrink back, and your presence begins to fill it with the necessary mana, permanently increasing your magical power.]
  184. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 255/255]
  185. >...
  187. >You get up, your back a little sore from all the falling and now sitting like that for an hour.
  188. >It’s 10:30 A.M.
  189. >You go back downstairs and see something you didn’t expect.
  190. >Twilight was pacing across the largest main table, cleared of everything except for page after page of different diseases, and her own paper being written on at the speed of sound with her levitation.
  191. >She’s very frustrated about something.
  192. >Cadance seems to be gone, off to do her duties now.
  193. >What would you like to do?
  197. “Hey, are you okay?”
  198. >”UUUGH!”
  199. “...I take it you got that letter from Celestia, then?”
  200. >Twilight glares at you and she shoves a scroll in your arms with her magic, then continues writing.
  202. “So uh, while I read this, did you want to learn some healing and portal magic?”
  203. >”Cadance told me about you finding Starswirl’s notes and that’s great, but right now I’m just a little bit busy. Come back when I’m not pulling my mane out!”
  204. >Either something must have really gotten to her, or Celestia’s given her a momumental task.
  206. [You open the scroll and begin to read the letter.]
  208. My Faithful Subject,
  210. (Twilight Sparkle) I ask you to hold on and stay strong. I have always told you of a day when an enemy would threaten Equestria that would not be able to be solved by using the Elements of Harmony, and that day is now. The future may look bleak, but there are many ponies (and a human), trying their best to eliminate this threat, and all we can do is have faith. I will ask you, however, to utilize your resources you have in the Crystal Empire and find something, anything relating to this shadow. I have fear that it is not from our world at all, but that does not rule out that it could be destroyed with something that destroys darkness.
  212. In other news from Ponyville, most of the construction is completed, including your library. Your assistant Spike is also on his way to the Crystal Empire to meet you, safe and sound, I thought you might like that. The other ponies who’ve been injured in the initial attack have mostly healed, but there are those still mourning for the lives lost. Please, stay strong my student.
  214. (Anonymous) I would like to congratulate you first on finding and learning Starswirl’s notes! Princess Cadance had sent me a letter with her postal service and they both came in within an hour of each other. In her letter, she told me that Twilight tells her that you are coming along nicely with your training in magic. I am astounded by your progress of magic, and would like to speak with you further on the matter when this shadow’s threat is vanquished.
  216. On to more important matters, your friend Gyro Gear has been contacted by our royal army, and there is a very large shipment headed for Canterlot, Manehattan and Las Pegasus of your... interesting weapon. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of renaming the invention while under our guard’s care, as your sense of humor, while endearing, might be lost on a few of my subjects. I appreciate your help with our defense, and I will be purchasing one of the coming smaller versions for myself and my sister due to our weakened state.
  218. As for your research on the magical malady that is afflicting Steel Magnolia, I’m afraid I must’ve let a strand go without obliteration. It is called the Jovius Curse, a deathly magical illness that was thought to be eradicated centuries ago, but has unfortunately resurfaced in this poor stallion. The only way we could treat it was to completely destroy the magic from the victim, which would leave them weak, flightless and powerless. I would travel to the Crystal Empire myself to cure him, but I don’t have the magic to perform it. I wish there was another way, but any research is greatly appreciated. Before you try it, I do warn you that healing magic will not work on curses, as they’re an entirely different form of magic that healing does not cure.
  220. With this knowledge, I hope that you find what you seek, but as much as I have faith in what you’re doing, I am going to draw the line on something that Cadance alerted me to in her letter. You have plans for entering the hive of Queen Chrysalis with a mentally detached changeling at your side. I’m aware of Cadance parting with one of her artifacts to aid you, and your budding magical powers, but it will not be enough. Their hive may be corrupted, but it is not a place for you to go, nor my other subjects. Luna and I will take care of it, and we are devising a plan as we speak - so I will have to ask you not to go into such a dangerous place. If you feel that you absolutely have to try such a suicidal tactic, I will not stop you, but I will stop you from taking anypony else with you. Now that you are a citizen of Equestria, and as much as I respect you, I will not hesitate to exercise force if you attempt to take your assembled group. If you really respect my word and rule, you will not go in there at all.
  222. To reiterate, I know you’re helping, and you will be getting that medical license that you’ve asked for in time. (I bet you thought she didn’t remember?) I apologize for being so firm, but I have a great love and instinct for my subjects. Say hello to your group for me, and please send word if you need anything else.
  224. Sincerely,
  225. Princess Celestia
  227. [End Letter]
  229. >...
  230. >Damnit…
  231. >What would you like to do?
  235. “Well, I guess my plans for the hive have been shattered.”
  236. >”Sorry about that. Princess Celestia puts safety above all, and her judgement is usually right on these things. She said she’ll take care of it, though. Now where did I put the page on Ingorions!?”
  237. “What seems to have you so out of sorts, Twilight? Anything I can do to help?”
  238. >Twilight brushes past you as she sifts through papers faster than you can even comprehend that anyone could ever read that quickly.
  239. >”Not unless you want to stay here all day until Spike gets here.”
  240. “What is it?”
  241. >”I only have one pairs of eyes and I have to search this entire library and the next out in the Empire for everything and anything regarding to dark, black magic and anything that might have anything to do with darkness in general and I can’t stop to learn anything right now so please don’t try and --”
  242. “No, it’s okay. Anyways, I read that Spike’s alright now, that’s good.”
  243. >”Well, thanks to you.”
  244. >Twilight looks up for a moment and smiles slightly to you before returning her gaze back to the messy documents.
  245. “Can you talk while you work?”
  246. >”So long as it isn’t about Ingorions, shoot.”
  247. “Well, about this Jovius Curse. Can you tell me more about it, or curses in general?”
  248. >”So far I’ve only found history books talking about its place in the past, but nothing explaining what it actually is or how it was cured. It seems that knowledge rests with the Princess. Curses are considered dark magic, and rarely ever show up unless it’s poison joke, or a really, really bad pony. My knowledge on them is limited, but I know that must curses take a portion of the caster’s life-force to use, and certain ones are contagious, like the Jovius.”
  249. “Would a manaseal or some sort of drain weaken the curse’s effects?”
  250. >”That’s the gist of what Princess Celestia said in her letter of how she eradicated it. The bad news is that she and Luna are the only ones powerful enough to drain magic directly, so even learning that spell would be useless.”
  251. “What if we did something like a blood transfusion, but with magic? Can we completely drain him a different way and give him magic through other means?”
  252. >”Draining magic, as I’ve said, only works with very high magical power. Well, unless you have… nevermind.“
  253. “Alright. One more thing, uh, I saw you talking to Cadance before. Do you know if she got the healing spell to work, and if she tried it on the outpost guards?”
  254. >”She’s actually going to the hospital right now to try it out. She’ll be busy all day afterwards though, which is just PERFECT!”
  255. >She needs to calm down.
  256. >And you think you have just the thing.
  257. >Used Blessing of Harmony on Twilight and self
  258. [-8 MP]
  259. >The white glow begins to envelop you and Twilight’s form, and she stops to see what you’re doing.
  260. >You can see the softening expression of her face, and her legs nearly quiver from the relief.
  261. >”...That feels really good… Thanks, but are you really going to be doing that for every little problem?”
  262. “Is there something wrong with that?”
  263. >”It’s just a little awkward, I’d think… I’m not complaining, though. Anyways, it’s almost time for you guys to go to lunch. Redheart came down and invited me, but I’m a little busy.”
  264. “Okay. Thanks.”
  265. >She continues to look through her documents at a slightly slower pace.
  266. >It is 10:45 A.M.
  267. >What would you like to do?
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