
Red String AF

Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. || gotta be you ||
  3. Name: Lee Younghee
  4. Nickname(s): Briar-Rose
  5. Age: 17
  6. DOB: 2000.03.27
  7. Height: 176 cm
  8. Weight: 53 kg
  9. Hometown: Manchester, UK
  10. Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
  11. Nationality: Korean-Brittish
  12. Ethnicity: Korean
  13. Blood type: AB
  15. || it|| (I had to change it or else it'd get reported )
  17. Face claim: ioi Doyeon
  18. Backup face claim: Dia Seunghee
  19. Background: Generally she came from a really loving background. She grew up correctly where she understood the laws of life and importance of family. People depended on her and treated her like she was their amazing mom. She made great friends and was an equally treated person until she moved away. The moment she moved to Manchester, she became opposite. She stopped trusting people so easily and was bullied for her pale complexion and her "asian eyes". This took a curb on her to stress-eat and have a temper.
  20. Personality: (I'll put two different ones, one for Honeydew and one for Honey)
  21. Honeydew - She is a person of solitude, clear vision (great at picturing, in detail, what happened in the past) and full of secrets. She represents a figure of being open and observant, due to the fact that "anyone can do anything", but she takes it in a negative way. She mainly shows the importance of trust and the value of confidence. To her, trust is like a piece of a rare jewel and confidence is the main part of how people are able to make a living. She occasionally shows nurturing when she is like a mom, acceptance when she agrees to make friends and curiosity when she discovers something new.
  22. Honey - A strong person of relaxation, flexibilty and zen. She runs in her own way to live in a slow pace and handling things with no stress or rush. She doesn't procrastinate nor does she shove all her efforts in at once, but she does work slow and steady like the turtle of the race. Due to this personality people believe that she's too simple to actually have "true potential" but they are so wrong. She is really talented and agile, having the ability to try out new things despite all the time she uses up. She is also a really great multi-tasker. She also has great confidence in her strongest points.
  23. Habits: (bullet form/min.3)
  24. - Early riser
  25. - Light sleeper
  26. - Over eating
  27. - Over confidence
  28. Likes: (bullet form/min.5)
  29. - Clothing
  30. - Martial arts
  31. - Sour foods
  32. - Wasabi
  33. - Fruits
  34. - Drawing
  35. - Sketching
  36. - The romance genre (she likes cheesy)
  37. - Dad jokes (She has a very low sense of humor and laughs at almost every joke)
  38. - Fashion
  39. - Makeup
  40. Dislikes: (bullet form/min.5)
  41. - Coffee
  42. - Savory foods
  43. - That weird bun hairstyle that people practically tie on their forehead
  44. - Uncoordinated outfits
  45. - When everything is matching (stays one toned/color)
  46. Talents: (bullet form/min.3)
  47. - MMA
  48. - Makeup
  49. - Street Dancing
  50. - Singing
  51. - Fashion
  52. Hobbies: (bullet form/min.2)
  53. - Busking
  54. - Doing makeup videos (on YouTube)
  56. || do you love me ||
  58. Love interest: Seventeen Mingyu
  59. Backup love interest: Seventeen S.Coups
  60. His personality: Very strong and big, but a softie. He likes to be active and is well known to get into fights just to help people. When you first meet him, you could get intimidated by him, but he makes great first impressions.
  61. How he acts with you: He attempts to protect me at all times. He likes to make her feel safer around him and likes to be around her. He also adapts to her likes and hobbies so they may have things in common.
  63. ||bae bae ||
  64. Slot: Honeydew
  65. Backup slot: Honey
  66. How you act in front of him: Happy and excited. No "butterflies in stomach" or anything like that because she appreciated the friendship she's receiving and likes the attention. She also likes being around someone she knows that she'd be around.
  68. || I love you ||
  70. Family:
  71. Brother, Lee Jihoon, WooJi, 22 (Seventeen Woozi)
  72. Brother, Lee Minhyung, Mark, 18 (NCT Mark)
  73. Cousin, Han Jae Woon, Winnie, 18 (INX Win)
  75. How many people you like: (Kind of didn't understand this part) 3?
  76. Trivia:
  77. - She is good friends with a lot of males due to her brothers
  78. - Her best friends are Jeno (NCT), Lou (VAV), Chan (SVT) and Kino (Pentagon)
  79. - She has a musically oriented family
  80. - A really confident person
  81. - Likes to do Busking in her free time
  82. - She likes the winter season
  83. - If she could have any animal as a pet, she'd have a wolf
  84. - Her favorite sport is aerobics
  85. - Although she seems that she has strong confidence, she is actually really self-conscious.
  87. || bang bang bang ||
  88. Did you request an idol or just go on red string: Red string
  89. Password: Cl is perfect
  90. Do you want a happily ever after ending?: Yes please
  91. Note to author: This story is quite cool! I hope through this story we could become good friends and be able to work together sometime :)
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