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CFAR handbook changes 2016 to 2019

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Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. (2016 CFAR handbook) (2019 CFAR handbook)
  2. Contents Contents
  4. I Introduction 5 I Introduction 11
  5. What is “Applied Rationality”? 6 What is “Applied Rationality”? 12
  6. Advice from Opening Session 8 Advice from Opening Session 14
  8. II Core Classes 13 II Core Classes 21
  9. Units of Exchange 14 Units of Exchange 22
  10. Inner Simulator 27 Inner Simulator 35
  11. Trigger-Action Planning 36 Trigger-Action Planning 44
  12. Turbocharging 45 Goal Factoring 57
  13. Marginal Attention 54 Focusing 64
  14. Againstness 60 Buckets Errors 80
  15. Goal Factoring 69 Double Crux 91
  16. Double Crux 76 Systemization 100
  17. Resolve Cycles 85 Taste & Shaping 109
  18. Systemization 94 Comfort Zone Expansion 121
  19. Aversion Factoring 103 Resolve Cycles 130
  20. Taste & Shaping 112 Hamming Questions 139
  21. Comfort Zone Expansion 124 Internal Double Crux 144
  22. Hamming Questions 133
  23. Internal Double Crux 138 III Flash Classes 152
  24. Pedagogical Content Knowledge 153
  25. III Flash Classes 146 Polaris 157
  26. Pedagogical Content Knowledge 147 Socratic Ducking 159
  27. Polaris 151 Eat Dirt 161
  28. Socratic Ducking 153 OODA Loops 163
  29. Copernicus and Chaos 155 Gears-Level Understanding 165
  30. Mundanification 157 Understanding Shoulds 167
  31. Focusing 158 Overlearning 169
  32. Frame-by-Frame Debugging 160 Policy-Level Decisionmaking 170
  33. Gears-Level Understanding 162 The Area Under the Curve 174
  34. Understanding Shoulds 164 Saving State 178
  35. Negative Visualization 166 Five-Second Versions 180
  36. Deliberate Performance 168 The Strategic Level 182
  37. Overlearning 170
  38. Five-Second Versions 171 IV Appendices
  39. The Strategic Level 173 Marginal Attention 186
  40. Turbocharging 192
  41. IV Additional Resources 175 Againstness 201
  42. Glossary 176 Aversion Factoring 210
  43. Copernicus and Chaos 219
  44. Frame-by-Frame Debugging 221
  45. Mundanification 225
  46. Negative Visualization 226
  47. Deliberate Performance 228
  48. Glossary 230
  50. Identical (22)
  51. What is “Applied Rationality”?
  52. Advice from Opening Session
  53. Units of Exchange
  54. Inner Simulator
  55. Trigger-Action Planning
  56. Goal Factoring
  57. Double Crux
  58. Resolve Cycles
  59. Systemization
  60. Taste & Shaping
  61. Comfort Zone Expansion
  62. Hamming Questions
  63. Internal Double Crux
  64. --
  65. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
  66. Polaris
  67. Socratic Ducking
  68. Gears-Level Understanding
  69. Understanding Shoulds
  70. Overlearning
  71. Five-Second Versions
  72. The Strategic Level
  73. --
  74. Glossary
  76. --> Appendices (9)
  77. Turbocharging
  78. Marginal Attention
  79. Againstness
  80. Aversion Factoring
  81. --
  82. Copernicus and Chaos
  83. Mundanification
  84. Frame-by-Frame Debugging
  85. Negative Visualization
  86. Deliberate Performance
  88. --> Core Classes (1)
  89. Focusing
  91. New (6)
  92. Buckets Errors
  93. Eat Dirt
  94. OODA Loops
  95. Policy-Level Decisionmaking
  96. The Area Under the Curve
  97. Saving State
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