Guest User


a guest
Oct 18th, 2019
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text 31.83 KB | None | 0 0
  1. require("bit")
  3. slot0 = globals.realtime
  4. slot1 = globals.curtime
  5. slot2 = globals.frametime
  6. slot3 = globals.absoluteframetime
  7. slot4 = globals.maxplayers
  8. slot5 = globals.tickcount
  9. slot6 = globals.tickinterval
  10. slot7 = globals.mapname
  11. slot8 = client.set_event_callback
  12. slot9 = client.log
  13. slot10 = client.color_log
  14. slot11 = client.exec
  15. slot12 = client.userid_to_entindex
  16. slot13 = client.get_cvar
  17. slot14 = client.set_cvar
  18. slot15 = client.draw_debug_text
  19. slot16 = client.draw_hitboxes
  20. slot17 = client.draw_indicator
  21. slot18 = client.random_int
  22. slot19 = client.random_float
  23. slot20 = client.draw_text
  24. slot21 = client.draw_rectangle
  25. slot22 = client.draw_line
  26. slot23 = client.draw_gradient
  27. slot24 = client.draw_circle
  28. slot25 = client.draw_circle_outline
  29. slot26 = client.world_to_screen
  30. slot27 = client.screen_size
  31. slot28 = client.visible
  32. slot29 = client.delay_call
  33. slot30 = client.latency
  34. slot31 = client.camera_angles
  35. slot32 = client.trace_line
  36. slot33 = client.eye_position
  37. slot34 = client.set_clan_tag
  38. slot35 = client.system_time
  39. slot36 = entity.get_local_player
  40. slot37 = entity.get_all
  41. slot38 = entity.get_players
  42. slot39 = entity.get_classname
  43. slot40 = entity.set_prop
  44. slot41 = entity.get_prop
  45. slot42 = entity.is_enemy
  46. slot43 = entity.get_player_name
  47. slot44 = entity.get_player_weapon
  48. slot45 = entity.hitbox_position
  49. slot46 = entity.get_steam64
  50. slot47 = entity.get_bounding_box
  51. slot48 = entity.is_alive
  52. slot49 = entity.is_dormant
  53. slot50 = ui.new_checkbox
  54. slot51 = ui.new_slider
  55. slot52 = ui.new_combobox
  56. slot53 = ui.new_multiselect
  57. slot54 = ui.new_hotkey
  58. slot55 = ui.new_button
  59. slot56 = ui.new_color_picker
  60. slot57 = ui.reference
  61. slot58 = ui.set
  62. slot59 = ui.get
  63. slot60 = ui.set_callback
  64. slot61 = ui.set_visible
  65. slot62 = ui.is_menu_open
  66. slot63 = math.floor
  67. slot64 = math.random
  68. slot65 = math.sqrt
  69. slot66 = table.insert
  70. slot67 = table.remove
  71. slot68 = table.getn
  72. slot69 = table.sort
  73. slot70 = string.format
  74. slot71 = string.len
  75. slot72 = string.reverse
  76. slot73 = string.sub
  77. slot74 = false
  78. slot75 = nil
  80. function slot76()
  81. ui.set_visible(uv0, false)
  82. print("Logged in!")
  84. slot0 = client.set_event_callback
  85. slot1 = client.get_cvar
  86. slot2 = client.set_cvar
  87. slot3 = renderer.indicator
  88. slot4 = renderer.text
  89. slot5 = client.screen_size
  90. slot7 = ui.set
  91. slot9 = ui.reference
  92. slot10 = ui.set_callback
  93. slot11 = entity.get_local_player
  94. slot12 = entity.get_prop
  95. slot13 = entity.is_alive
  96. slot14 = "UNKNOWN"
  97. slot15 = 0
  98. slot16 = 0
  99. slot17 = 0
  100. slot18 = nil
  101. slot19 = false
  102. slot20 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Pitch")
  103. slot21 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Yaw base")
  104. slot22, slot23 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Yaw")
  105. slot24, slot25 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Yaw jitter")
  106. slot26, slot27 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Body yaw")
  107. slot28 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Freestanding body yaw")
  108. slot29 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Fake yaw limit")
  109. slot30 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Edge yaw")
  110. slot31 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Freestanding")
  111. slot32 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Lower body yaw target")
  112. slot33 = slot9("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Twist")
  113. slot34 = ui.reference("rage", "aimbot", "minimum damage")
  114. slot35 = ui.new_checkbox("AA", "Other", "Nemesis Extensions - Version: 6.0")
  115. slot36 = ui.new_combobox("AA", "Other", "Desync Base", "Local View", "At Targets")
  116. slot37 = ui.new_combobox("AA", "Other", "Desync Mode", "Off", "Static", "Jitter", "Backwards", "Lean", "Alternate", "Experimental")
  117. slot38 = ui.new_hotkey("AA", "Other", "Switch Key")
  118. slot39 = ui.new_multiselect("AA", "Other", "Anti-Aim Angle Indicator", "Arrows")
  119. slot40 = ui.new_color_picker("AA", "Other", "Arrow Color", 124, 195, 13, 220)
  121. if ui.get(ui.new_multiselect("AA", "Other", "Options", "LBY", "Pitch Flick")) == "Break LBY" then
  122. ui.set_visible(ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "LBY Offset", 0, 90, 59, true, "°"), true)
  123. end
  125. slot43 = ui.new_checkbox("AA", "Other", "Nemesis Walk")
  126. slot44 = ui.new_hotkey("AA", "Other", "Nemesis Walk Hotkey")
  127. slot45 = ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "Nemesis Walk Speed", 1, 245, 40, true, "%")
  129. function slot46(slot0, slot1)
  130. for slot5 = 1, #slot0, 1 do
  131. if slot0[slot5] == slot1 then
  132. return true
  133. end
  134. end
  136. return false
  137. end
  139. function slot47()
  140. if uv0(uv1) == "Local View" then
  141. uv2(uv3, "Default")
  142. uv2(uv4, "Local View")
  143. uv2(uv5, "180")
  144. uv2(uv6, "60")
  145. uv2(uv7, "Off")
  146. uv2(uv8, "-")
  147. elseif uv0(uv1) == "At Targets" then
  148. uv2(uv3, "Default")
  149. uv2(uv4, "At targets")
  150. uv2(uv5, "180")
  151. uv2(uv6, "60")
  152. uv2(uv7, "Off")
  153. uv2(uv8, "-")
  154. end
  155. end
  157. function slot48()
  158. if not uv0(uv1) then
  159. uv2(uv3, false)
  160. uv2(uv4, false)
  161. uv2(uv5, false)
  162. uv2(uv6, false)
  163. uv2(uv7, false)
  164. uv2(uv8, false)
  165. uv2(uv9, false)
  166. uv2(uv10, false)
  167. uv2(uv11, false)
  168. else
  169. uv2(uv3, true)
  170. uv2(uv4, true)
  171. uv2(uv5, true)
  172. uv2(uv6, true)
  173. uv2(uv7, true)
  174. uv2(uv8, true)
  175. uv2(uv9, true)
  176. uv2(uv10, true)
  177. uv2(uv11, true)
  178. end
  179. end
  181. slot48()
  182. slot10(slot35, slot48)
  183. require("ffi").cdef([[
  184. typedef struct {
  185. float x;
  186. float y;
  187. float z;
  188. }vec3_t;
  189. struct CUserCmd
  190. {
  191. struct CUserCmd (*CUserCmd)();
  193. int command_number; // 0x04 For matching server and client commands for debugging
  194. int tick_count; // 0x08 the tick the client created this command
  195. vec3_t viewangles; // 0x0C Player instantaneous view angles.
  196. vec3_t aimdirection; // 0x18
  197. float forwardmove; // 0x24
  198. float sidemove; // 0x28
  199. float upmove; // 0x2C
  200. int buttons; // 0x30 Attack button states
  201. char impulse; // 0x34
  202. int weaponselect; // 0x38 Current weapon id
  203. int weaponsubtype; // 0x3C
  204. int random_seed; // 0x40 For shared random functions
  205. short mousedx; // 0x44 mouse accum in x from create move
  206. short mousedy; // 0x46 mouse accum in y from create move
  207. bool hasbeenpredicted; // 0x48 Client only, tracks whether weve predicted this command at least once
  208. char pad_0x4C[0x18]; // 0x4C Current sizeof( usercmd ) = 100 = 0x64
  209. };
  210. typedef struct CUserCmd*(__thiscall* get_user_cmd_t)(void*, int, int);
  211. ]])
  213. slot56 = slot49.cast("get_user_cmd_t", slot49.cast("void***", slot49.cast("void**", slot49.cast("char*", client.find_signature("client_panorama.dll", "\\xb9\\xcc\\xcc\\xcc̋@8\\xffЄ\\xc0\\x85") or error("sig1 not found")) + 1)[0] or error("match is nil"))[0][8])
  214. slot57 = ui.new_hotkey("AA", "Other", "Airstuck")
  216. client.set_event_callback("setup_command", function (slot0)
  217. slot1 = uv0(uv1, 0, slot0.command_number)
  219. if ui.get(uv2) then
  220. slot1.command_number = 11
  221. slot1.tick_count = 1
  222. end
  223. end)
  225. slot58 = false
  226. slot60 = ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "Minimum Damage Override", 0, 126, 0, true, "", 0, {
  227. [0] = "Auto",
  228. "1",
  229. "2",
  230. "3",
  231. "4",
  232. "5",
  233. "6",
  234. "7",
  235. "8",
  236. "9",
  237. "10",
  238. "11",
  239. "12",
  240. "13",
  241. "14",
  242. "15",
  243. "16",
  244. "17",
  245. "18",
  246. "19",
  247. "20",
  248. "21",
  249. "22",
  250. "23",
  251. "24",
  252. "25",
  253. "26",
  254. "27",
  255. "28",
  256. "29",
  257. "30",
  258. "31",
  259. "32",
  260. "33",
  261. "34",
  262. "35",
  263. "36",
  264. "37",
  265. "38",
  266. "39",
  267. "40",
  268. "41",
  269. "42",
  270. "43",
  271. "44",
  272. "45",
  273. "46",
  274. "47",
  275. "48",
  276. "49",
  277. "50",
  278. "51",
  279. "52",
  280. "53",
  281. "54",
  282. "55",
  283. "56",
  284. "57",
  285. "58",
  286. "59",
  287. "60",
  288. "61",
  289. "62",
  290. "63",
  291. "64",
  292. "65",
  293. "66",
  294. "67",
  295. "68",
  296. "69",
  297. "70",
  298. "71",
  299. "72",
  300. "73",
  301. "74",
  302. "75",
  303. "76",
  304. "77",
  305. "78",
  306. "79",
  307. "80",
  308. "81",
  309. "82",
  310. "83",
  311. "84",
  312. "85",
  313. "86",
  314. "87",
  315. "88",
  316. "89",
  317. "90",
  318. "91",
  319. "92",
  320. "93",
  321. "94",
  322. "95",
  323. "96",
  324. "97",
  325. "98",
  326. "99",
  327. "100",
  328. "HP+1",
  329. "HP+2",
  330. "HP+3",
  331. "HP+4",
  332. "HP+5",
  333. "HP+6",
  334. "HP+7",
  335. "HP+8",
  336. "HP+9",
  337. "HP+10",
  338. "HP+11",
  339. "HP+12",
  340. "HP+13",
  341. "HP+14",
  342. "HP+15",
  343. "HP+16",
  344. "HP+17",
  345. "HP+18",
  346. "HP+19",
  347. "HP+20",
  348. "HP+21",
  349. "HP+22",
  350. "HP+23",
  351. "HP+24",
  352. "HP+25",
  353. "HP+26"
  354. })
  356. ui.set(ui.new_hotkey("AA", "Other", "Override Damage", true), "toggle")
  357. client.set_event_callback("paint", function (slot0)
  358. if ui.get(uv0) and uv2 == false then
  359. stored_dmg = ui.get(uv3)
  361. ui.set(uv3, ui.get(uv1))
  363. uv2 = true
  364. elseif not slot1 and uv2 == true then
  365. ui.set(uv3, stored_dmg)
  367. uv2 = false
  368. end
  370. if uv2 then
  371. client.draw_indicator(slot0, 124, 195, 13, 255, "MIN DMG")
  372. end
  373. end)
  375. function slot63(slot0)
  376. return slot0 == entity.get_local_player()
  377. end
  379. function slot64(slot0)
  380. return uv0(client.userid_to_entindex(slot0))
  381. end
  383. slot65 = ui.new_checkbox("AA", "Other", "Autobuy")
  384. slot66 = ui.new_combobox("AA", "Other", "Autobuy value", "None", "AWP", "Auto", "Scout")
  386. function autobuy(slot0)
  387. slot1 = ui.get(uv0)
  388. slot2 = ui.get(uv1)
  390. if slot0.userid == nil then
  391. return
  392. end
  394. slot4 = entity.get_local_player()
  396. if not uv2(slot3) then
  397. return
  398. end
  400. slot5 = ""
  402. if slot2 and slot1 ~= "None" then
  403. if slot1 == "Auto" then
  404. slot5 = "buy scar20; buy g3sg1; "
  405. elseif slot1 == "Scout" then
  406. slot5 = "buy ssg08; "
  407. elseif slot1 == "AWP" then
  408. slot5 = "buy awp; "
  409. end
  411. client.exec(slot5)
  412. client.log("[nemesis] Bought ", slot1, " - Enjoy!")
  413. elseif slot2 and slot1 == "None" then
  414. client.log("[nemesis] Autobuy value set to None.")
  415. end
  416. end
  418. if client.set_event_callback("player_spawn", autobuy) then
  419. client.log("set_event_callback failed: ", slot67)
  420. end
  422. slot0("paint", function ()
  423. if not uv0(uv1) or uv0(uv2) == "Off" or uv3() == nil or uv4(uv3(), "m_lifeState") ~= 0 then
  424. return
  425. end
  427. slot0 = uv0(uv5)
  429. if uv4(entity.get_game_rules(), "m_bFreezePeriod") == 1 then
  430. return
  431. end
  433. slot2, slot3 = uv6()
  434. slot4 = slot2 / 2
  435. slot5 = slot3 / 2
  436. slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9 = uv0(uv7)
  437. slot10, slot11 = uv4(uv3(), "m_vecVelocity")
  438. slot12 = math.sqrt(slot10^2 + slot11^2)
  440. uv8(uv9, "Toggle")
  442. if uv0(uv2) == "Static" then
  443. if uv0(uv9) then
  444. uv10()
  445. uv8(uv11, "180")
  446. uv8(uv12, "0")
  447. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  448. uv8(uv14, "0")
  449. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  450. uv8(uv16, "-90")
  451. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  452. uv8(uv18, "60")
  454. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  455. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  456. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  457. end
  459. uv21 = "LEFT"
  460. else
  461. uv10()
  462. uv8(uv11, "180")
  463. uv8(uv12, "0")
  464. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  465. uv8(uv14, "0")
  466. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  467. uv8(uv16, "90")
  468. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  469. uv8(uv18, "60")
  471. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  472. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  473. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  474. end
  476. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  477. end
  478. elseif uv0(uv2) == "Jitter" then
  479. if uv0(uv9) then
  480. uv10()
  481. uv8(uv11, "180")
  482. uv8(uv12, "-90")
  483. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  484. uv8(uv14, "-120")
  485. uv8(uv15, "Opposite")
  486. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  487. uv8(uv18, "60")
  488. uv8(uv22, false)
  489. uv8(uv23, false)
  491. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  492. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  493. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  494. end
  496. uv21 = "LEFT"
  497. else
  498. uv10()
  499. uv8(uv11, "180")
  500. uv8(uv12, "90")
  501. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  502. uv8(uv14, "120")
  503. uv8(uv15, "Opposite")
  504. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  505. uv8(uv18, "60")
  506. uv8(uv22, false)
  507. uv8(uv23, false)
  509. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  510. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  511. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  512. end
  514. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  515. end
  516. elseif uv0(uv2) == "Backwards" then
  517. if uv0(uv9) then
  518. uv10()
  519. uv8(uv11, "180")
  520. uv8(uv12, "0")
  521. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  522. uv8(uv14, "0")
  523. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  524. uv8(uv16, "-180")
  525. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  526. uv8(uv18, "58")
  527. uv8(uv22, false)
  528. uv8(uv23, true)
  530. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  531. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  532. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  533. end
  535. uv21 = "LEFT"
  536. else
  537. uv10()
  538. uv8(uv11, "180")
  539. uv8(uv12, "0")
  540. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  541. uv8(uv14, "0")
  542. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  543. uv8(uv16, "180")
  544. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  545. uv8(uv18, "58")
  546. uv8(uv22, false)
  547. uv8(uv23, true)
  549. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  550. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  551. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  552. end
  554. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  555. end
  556. elseif uv0(uv2) == "Lean" then
  557. if uv0(uv9) then
  558. uv10()
  559. uv8(uv11, "180")
  560. uv8(uv12, "-14")
  561. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  562. uv8(uv14, "0")
  563. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  564. uv8(uv16, "-180")
  565. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  566. uv8(uv18, "58")
  567. uv8(uv22, false)
  568. uv8(uv23, true)
  570. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  571. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  572. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  573. end
  575. uv21 = "LEFT"
  576. else
  577. uv10()
  578. uv8(uv11, "180")
  579. uv8(uv12, "14")
  580. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  581. uv8(uv14, "0")
  582. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  583. uv8(uv16, "180")
  584. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  585. uv8(uv18, "58")
  586. uv8(uv22, false)
  587. uv8(uv23, true)
  589. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  590. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  591. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  592. end
  594. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  595. end
  596. elseif uv0(uv2) == "Alternate" then
  597. if uv0(uv9) then
  598. uv10()
  599. uv8(uv11, "180")
  600. uv8(uv12, "0")
  601. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  602. uv8(uv14, "10")
  603. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  604. uv8(uv16, "-45")
  605. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  606. uv8(uv18, "60")
  607. uv8(uv22, false)
  608. uv8(uv23, false)
  610. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  611. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  612. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  613. end
  615. uv21 = "LEFT"
  616. else
  617. uv10()
  618. uv8(uv11, "180")
  619. uv8(uv12, "0")
  620. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  621. uv8(uv14, "-10")
  622. uv8(uv15, "Static")
  623. uv8(uv16, "45")
  624. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  625. uv8(uv18, "60")
  626. uv8(uv22, false)
  627. uv8(uv23, false)
  629. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  630. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  631. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  632. end
  634. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  635. end
  636. elseif uv0(uv2) == "Experimental" then
  637. if uv0(uv9) then
  638. uv10()
  639. uv8(uv11, "180Z")
  640. uv8(uv12, "0")
  641. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  642. uv8(uv14, "-180")
  643. uv8(uv15, "Opposite")
  644. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  645. uv8(uv18, "60")
  646. uv8(uv22, true)
  647. uv8(uv23, true)
  649. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  650. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  651. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  652. end
  654. uv21 = "LEFT"
  655. else
  656. uv10()
  657. uv8(uv11, "180Z")
  658. uv8(uv12, "0")
  659. uv8(uv13, "Offset")
  660. uv8(uv14, "180")
  661. uv8(uv15, "Opposite")
  662. uv8(uv17, "Opposite")
  663. uv8(uv18, "60")
  664. uv8(uv22, true)
  665. uv8(uv23, true)
  667. if uv19(slot0, "Arrows") then
  668. uv20(slot4 + 40, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, "c+", 0, "⮞")
  669. uv20(slot4 - 40, slot5, 255, 255, 255, 220, "c+", 0, "⮜")
  670. end
  672. uv21 = "RIGHT"
  673. end
  674. end
  675. end)
  677. function slot68(slot0)
  678. if slot0 == 245 then
  679. return
  680. end
  682. slot2, slot3 = uv1(uv0(), "m_vecVelocity")
  684. if math.floor(math.min(10000, math.sqrt(slot2 * slot2 + slot3 * slot3) + 0.5)) < slot0 then
  685. uv2("cl_sidespeed", slot5)
  686. uv2("cl_forwardspeed", slot5)
  687. uv2("cl_backspeed", slot5)
  688. end
  690. if slot5 <= slot4 then
  691. slot6 = math.atan2(uv3("cl_forwardspeed"), uv3("cl_sidespeed"))
  692. slot7 = math.cos(slot6) * slot5
  694. uv2("cl_sidespeed", math.sin(slot6) * slot5)
  695. uv2("cl_forwardspeed", slot7)
  696. uv2("cl_backspeed", slot7)
  697. end
  698. end
  700. slot0("run_command", function ()
  701. if not uv0(uv1) then
  702. return
  703. end
  705. if not uv0(uv2) then
  706. uv3(450)
  707. else
  708. uv3(uv0(uv4))
  709. end
  710. end)
  711. slot0("setup_command", function (slot0)
  712. if not uv0(uv1) or uv0(uv2) == "Off" or uv0(uv2) == "Break LBY" or uv0(uv3) == "Off" or uv4() == nil or not uv5(uv4()) then
  713. return
  714. end
  716. if uv4() == nil or uv6(uv4(), "m_lifeState") ~= 0 then
  717. return
  718. end
  720. if uv6(entity.get_game_rules(), "m_bFreezePeriod") == 1 then
  721. return
  722. end
  724. if uv0(uv2) == "Static" then
  725. if slot0.in_jump ~= 0 then
  726. return
  727. end
  729. slot2 = slot0.in_duck ~= 0 and 2.941177 or 1.000001
  731. if slot0.command_number % 4 < 2 and not -slot2 then
  732. slot2 = slot2
  733. end
  735. slot0.sidemove = slot0.sidemove ~= 0 and slot0.sidemove or slot2
  736. else
  737. return
  738. end
  739. end)
  740. client.set_event_callback("run_command", function ()
  741. if ui.get(uv0) == "Off" or localplayer == nil or not isAlive(localplayer) then
  742. return
  743. end
  745. if bFreezeTime == 1 then
  746. return
  747. end
  749. if ui.is_menu_open() then
  750. uv1 = ui.get(r_yaw)
  751. yawOffset = ui.get(r_yawOffset)
  752. end
  754. _velx, _vely = entity.get_prop(localplayer, "m_vecVelocity")
  755. velocity = math.sqrt(_velx^2 + _vely^2)
  757. if ui.get(uv2) == "LBY" then
  758. if ui.get(uv0) == "Static" then
  759. if velocity > 0.0014 then
  760. if, "m_fFlags"), 1) then
  761. uv3 = globals.curtime() + 0.22
  762. else
  763. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  764. end
  765. end
  767. if ui.get(uv2) == "Pitch Flick" then
  768. if uv3 < slot1 then
  769. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  770. uv1 = uv4(uv1)
  772. ui.set(r_yaw, "Up")
  773. else
  774. ui.set(r_yaw, uv1)
  775. end
  776. elseif uv3 < slot1 then
  777. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  778. yawOffset = uv4(uv1)
  780. if check_yaw == false then
  781. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset + 180 - uv4(uv5))
  782. else
  783. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset - (180 - uv4(uv5)))
  784. end
  785. else
  786. uv6(r_yawOffset, yawOffset)
  787. end
  788. elseif ui.get(uv0) == "Jitter" then
  789. if velocity > 0.0014 then
  790. if slot0 then
  791. uv3 = slot1 + 0.22
  792. else
  793. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  794. end
  795. end
  797. if ui.get(uv2) == "Pitch Flick" then
  798. if uv3 < slot1 then
  799. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  800. uv1 = uv4(uv1)
  802. ui.set(r_yaw, "Up")
  803. else
  804. ui.set(r_yaw, uv1)
  805. end
  806. elseif uv3 < slot1 then
  807. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  808. yawOffset = uv4(uv1)
  810. if check_yaw == false then
  811. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset + 180 - uv4(uv5))
  812. else
  813. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset - (180 - uv4(uv5)))
  814. end
  815. else
  816. uv6(r_yawOffset, yawOffset)
  817. end
  818. elseif ui.get(uv0) == "Experimental" then
  819. if velocity > 0.0014 then
  820. if slot0 then
  821. uv3 = slot1 + 0.22
  822. else
  823. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  824. end
  825. end
  827. if ui.get(uv2) == "Pitch Flick" then
  828. if uv3 < slot1 then
  829. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  830. uv1 = uv4(uv1)
  832. ui.set(r_yaw, "Up")
  833. else
  834. ui.set(r_yaw, uv1)
  835. end
  836. elseif uv3 < slot1 then
  837. uv3 = slot1 + 1.1
  838. yawOffset = uv4(uv1)
  840. if check_yaw == false then
  841. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset + 180 - uv4(uv5))
  842. else
  843. ui.set(r_yawOffset, yawOffset - (180 - uv4(uv5)))
  844. end
  845. else
  846. uv6(r_yawOffset, yawOffset)
  847. end
  848. end
  849. end
  850. end)
  852. function slot69(slot0, slot1, slot2)
  853. return slot2 / (slot1 / (slot1 < slot0 and slot1 or slot0)) >= 0 and math.floor(slot5 + 0.5) or math.ceil(slot5 - 0.5)
  854. end
  856. function slot70(slot0, slot1)
  857. return slot2[uv0(slot0, slot1, #{
  858. {
  859. 255,
  860. 0,
  861. 0
  862. },
  863. {
  864. 237,
  865. 27,
  866. 3
  867. },
  868. {
  869. 235,
  870. 63,
  871. 6
  872. },
  873. {
  874. 229,
  875. 104,
  876. 8
  877. },
  878. {
  879. 228,
  880. 126,
  881. 10
  882. },
  883. {
  884. 220,
  885. 169,
  886. 16
  887. },
  888. {
  889. 213,
  890. 201,
  891. 19
  892. },
  893. {
  894. 176,
  895. 205,
  896. 10
  897. },
  898. {
  899. 124,
  900. 195,
  901. 13
  902. }
  903. }) <= 1 and 1 or slot3][1], slot2[slot3 <= 1 and 1 or slot3][2], slot2[slot3 <= 1 and 1 or slot3][3]
  904. end
  906. slot0("paint", function ()
  907. if not uv0(uv1) or uv2() == nil or uv3(uv2(), "m_lifeState") ~= 0 then
  908. return
  909. end
  911. if #uv0(uv4) == 0 then
  912. return
  913. end
  915. if uv3(entity.get_game_rules(), "m_bFreezePeriod") == 1 then
  916. return
  917. end
  919. slot2, slot3 = uv5()
  920. slot4 = slot2 / 2
  921. slot6 = uv3(uv2(), "m_flPoseParameter", 11)
  922. slot7 = uv6 and 124 or 255
  923. slot8 = uv6 and 195 or 0
  924. slot9 = uv6 and 13 or 0
  925. slot10, slot11 = uv3(uv2(), "m_vecVelocity")
  927. if uv7(slot0, "Text") then
  928. slot20, slot21, slot22 = uv8(59 - 58 * math.sqrt(slot10^2 + slot11^2) / 580, 59)
  930. uv9(11, slot3 / 2 + 50, slot14, slot15, slot16, 255, "nil", 0, uv10)
  931. end
  933. if uv7(slot0, "LBY") then
  934. slot17 = (uv11 - globals.curtime()) / 1.1
  936. uv9(10, slot5 + 23, slot7, slot8, slot9, 255, "+", 0, "LBY")
  938. if slot12 < 0.0014 then
  939. if true then
  940. renderer.circle_outline(70, slot5 + 36, 0, 0, 0, 200, 9, 0, 1, 5)
  941. end
  943. renderer.circle_outline(70, slot5 + 36, slot7, slot8, slot9, 255, slot15 - 1, slot16, slot17, 3)
  944. else
  945. return
  946. end
  947. end
  948. end)
  950. slot71 = {
  951. ["HvH Demigod"] = "HvH Demigod",
  952. ["nemesis.extensions"] = "nemesis",
  953. ["head in feet"] = "head in feet"
  954. }
  955. slot73 = {
  956. enabled = uv3("AA", "Other", "Lua Flexer"),
  957. clantags = uv4("AA", "Other", "Clantag"), function ()
  958. slot0 = {
  960. for slot4, slot5 in pairs(uv0) do
  961. slot0[#slot0 + 1] = slot4
  962. end
  964. uv1(slot0)
  965. uv2(slot0, 1, "Disabled")
  967. return slot0
  968. end(),
  969. animated = uv3("AA", "Other", "Animation"),
  970. style = uv4("AA", "Other", "Style", "Default", "Reverse"),
  971. speed = uv5("AA", "Other", "Speed", 0, 100, 30, true, "%", 1)
  972. }
  973. slot74, slot75, slot76, slot77, slot78, slot79, slot80 = nil
  975. function slot81()
  976. if uv0(uv1.enabled) then
  977. uv2(uv1.clantags, true)
  978. uv2(uv1.animated, true)
  980. if uv0(uv1.animated) then
  981. uv2(, true)
  982. uv2(uv1.speed, true)
  983. else
  984. uv2(, false)
  985. uv2(uv1.speed, false)
  986. end
  987. else
  988. uv3(" ")
  989. uv2(uv1.clantags, false)
  990. uv2(uv1.animated, false)
  991. uv2(, false)
  992. uv2(uv1.speed, false)
  993. end
  994. end
  996. slot81()
  997. slot10(slot73.enabled, slot81)
  998. slot10(slot73.animated, slot81)
  999. slot0("run_command", function (slot0)
  1000. if not uv0(uv1.enabled) then
  1001. return
  1002. end
  1004. if slot0.chokedcommands == 0 then
  1005. uv2 = false
  1006. else
  1007. uv2 = true
  1008. end
  1009. end)
  1011. function slot82()
  1012. if not uv0(uv1.enabled) or uv0(uv1.clantags) == "Disabled" then
  1013. uv2(" ")
  1015. return
  1016. end
  1018. if uv0(uv1.clantags) == "Custom" then
  1019. if uv3 ~= uv4("r_eyegloss") then
  1020. uv3 = uv4("r_eyegloss")
  1021. uv5 = false
  1022. end
  1023. elseif uv3 ~= uv6[uv0(uv1.clantags)] then
  1024. uv3 = uv6[uv0(uv1.clantags)]
  1025. uv5 = false
  1026. end
  1028. uv7 = math.min(16, uv8(uv3))
  1029. end
  1031. slot82()
  1032. slot10(slot73.clantags, slot82)
  1034. function slot83(slot0, slot1)
  1035. if not uv0(uv1.animated) then
  1036. return
  1037. end
  1039. if slot0 == "Default" then
  1040. if slot1 == 0 then
  1041. uv2 = " "
  1042. slot1 = slot1 + 1
  1043. end
  1045. uv3(uv4(uv2, 1, slot1))
  1046. elseif slot0 == "Reverse" then
  1047. if uv5 <= uv6 then
  1048. uv3(uv4(uv2, 1, slot1))
  1049. else
  1050. if uv6 - slot1 == 0 then
  1051. uv2 = " "
  1052. slot1 = uv6 - 1
  1053. end
  1055. uv3(uv4(uv2, 1, uv6 - slot1))
  1056. end
  1057. end
  1058. end
  1060. slot0("paint", function (slot0)
  1061. if not uv0(uv1.enabled) or uv0(uv1.clantags) == "Disabled" then
  1062. return
  1063. end
  1065. if not uv2(uv3()) then
  1066. uv4 = false
  1067. end
  1069. if uv4 then
  1070. return
  1071. end
  1073. uv5()
  1075. if not uv0(uv1.animated) then
  1076. if not uv6 then
  1077. uv7(uv8)
  1079. uv6 = true
  1080. end
  1081. else
  1082. uv9 = uv9 + 3
  1083. end
  1085. uv10 = uv11(uv12() * uv0(uv1.speed) / 10 % uv9 + 1)
  1086. uv13 = uv11(uv12() * uv0(uv1.speed) / 10 % (uv9 * 2) + 1)
  1088. if uv10 == uv14 then
  1089. return
  1090. end
  1092. uv14 = uv10
  1094. uv15(uv0(, uv10)
  1095. end)
  1096. end
  1098. slot75 = ui.new_button("AA", "Other", "Login (when ingame)", function ()
  1099. slot0 = {
  1100. Тут твой айди
  1101. }
  1103. if uv0() == nil then
  1104. return
  1105. end
  1107. if uv1(slot1) == nil then
  1108. return
  1109. end
  1111. for slot6 = 1, #slot0, 1 do
  1112. if slot2 == slot0[slot6] then
  1113. uv2 = true
  1115. uv3()
  1116. end
  1117. end
  1118. end)
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