
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 126

Mar 19th, 2014
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  1. [15:34] <@Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:35] <@Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:35] <@Kjell> -Session 126-
  4. [15:36] <@Kjell> After two weeks of information gathering and planning, Kjell and Kahree finally commenced their plan to liberate the slaves of Sedeq. Although the facility they were targeting was by no means the entirety of the city's slave population, they felt that the liberation of so many under the nose of the local Slavemaster would be a source of inspiration for others
  5. [15:37] <@Kjell> Kjell used Kahree's Elemental Gems to spark a chaotic diversion in the northen end of the city, and while the guards and townsfolk were distracted, Kahree made her way into the Slavemaster's Palace, dispatching guards along the way for the next phase of the escape. One badly injured guard remained in her way, but had all but surrendered to her, asking to know why she had come.
  6. [15:38] * Kahree frowns. "That's none of your business." She readies her mace. "And I don't see why I shouldn't knock you out... or worse."
  7. [15:41] <@Kjell> The guard looks around. He clearly had no chance of besting her in combat, and all of his allies were on the floor, dead or bleeding to death for all he knew. "Me neither," he admits. "But perhaps if I knew what you sought, I could offer you... information? In exchange for my life."
  8. [15:42] * Kahree narrows her eyes. "And how do I know that you won't alert more guards?"
  9. [15:42] <Kahree> "Once I've let you live."
  10. [15:44] <@Kjell> The guard shrugs, "You don't, but I guess its up to you to weigh the risks and rewards of either course of action."
  11. [15:45] * Kahree snorts, stepping closer to the guard and raising her mace. "I'll pass." Aaaand, she swings her mace, aiming for his side.
  12. [15:46] <@Kjell> The guard coughs up some bloody spittle as Kahree pulverizes his kidney and drops him to the floor.
  13. [15:47] * Kahree nods to herself as she quickly but quietly moves for the lower level.
  14. [15:49] <@Kjell> The door is, naturally, locked
  15. [15:52] * Kahree attempts to pick the lock!
  16. [15:53] <@Kjell> This time Kahree gets it on her first attempt. The door opens readily, showing a 10ft landing leading to a narrow downward staircase.
  17. [15:55] * Kahree sticks close to the wall as she descends.
  18. [15:56] <@Kjell> The stairs lead down about twenty-feet to another door. This one is not locked, but has a barred window through which the dimly lit room can be seen. Against the far wall, there are sets of shackles built into the wall, and a summoning circle engraved permanently in the floor.
  19. [15:58] <@Kjell> Presently, four things inhabit this room. Three genies, an Efreeti, a Marid, and a Jann, and standing watch over them, a massive brass construct. It bears a distinct resemblance to the statues out in front of the palace, but this one is active, as evidenced by the occasional puff of ash from its mouth.
  20. [16:01] <Kahree> Ah, work around methinks
  21. [16:04] * Kahree frowns. Stupid golems. She moves past it and towards the Efreeti's bindings. With a flick of her wrists, her bracers transform into masterwork thieves' tools. Quickly, perhaps before the golem can react to her tinkering, Kahree activates the magic of her now-transformed bracers, quickening her lockpicking.
  22. [16:09] <@Kjell> Kahree gets the efreeti's shakles open. The genie looks at the demi-elemental woman curiously. "Not to sound ungrateful, but who are you, and did you have a plan to not be horribly killed by that golem?"
  23. [16:11] * Kahree nods. "Yeah... if you can hold him off, I can undo the bindings on all of you."
  24. [16:13] <@Kjell> The efreeti laughs, "That thing is immune to fire. Granted, so am I, but its a lot bigger than I am, and magic cannot touch it. Unless you want to hitch a ride back to the plane of fire, I'm out of here."
  25. [16:16] * Kahree frowns. "Can you just hold it off for a little bit?" She huffs, moving toward the next closest elemental, either the Jann or Marid. "I'm freeing you all to assist in taking revenge on the Qadirans while freeing the slaves. "
  26. [16:18] <@Kjell> The Marid was being kept next to the Efreeti. She looks down to Kahree almost sympathetically, "You are quite courageous, but there is little any of us could do against that thing beyond slow it down. It was left here to guard us specifically for that reason."
  27. [16:19] * Kahree scowls. "Then I'll deal with it, just give me time!"
  28. [16:20] <@Kjell> The marid considers that. "Slowing it down, I think I can manage at least, although the Efreeti is right about his ineffectiveness against such a mechaniation."
  29. [16:22] <@Kjell> The efreeti snorts smoke. "Revenge I can get behind, but I'm not too keen on getting pulverized by that thing."
  30. [16:22] <@Kjell> Kahree manages to undo the Marid's shackles quickly, and she slips free of them fluidly.
  31. [16:22] <@Kjell> She quickly takes a few steps forward and points her hand at the Golem, unleashing a cone of freezing air.
  32. [16:23] <@Kjell> The internal fires of the golem seem to wane and its motions become sluggish
  33. [16:24] <@Kjell> The Marid looks to Kahree, "Just don't use any fire on it and it will remain sluggish for a little while. I am afraid that is the best I can do for you."
  34. [16:26] <@Kjell> The golem attempts to take a sluggish step forward. It manages to move about twenty feet before realizing it wasn't working properly, then instead belches out a cloud of fire, ash, and smoke, filling the room with an incendiary cloud.
  35. [16:28] <@Kjell> The cloud of flaming, searing ashes fills half the room in a hurry.
  36. [16:29] <@Kjell> Nimble and accustomed to fire, Kahree is unphased by the cloud, and her firey eyes allow her to see through it without difficulty
  37. [16:30] <@Kjell> The Marid's movements are fluid and nimble, allowing her to minimize the hard from the fiery cloud. The Jann is not so lucky
  38. [16:31] <@Kjell> The Jann gags a bit, but is resilient to the flames. The efreeti is untouched
  39. [16:32] <@Kjell> The efreeti takes advantage of the Golem's sluggishness to shift planes, vanishing through a dimensional crevice.
  40. [16:32] <@Kjell> The Marid scoffs at his departure, but keeps her eyes on the slowed Golem
  41. [16:34] <@Kjell> She looks to Kahree, curiously, "Were there any of my kin amongst the slaves you intend to free by chance?"
  42. [16:37] <@Kjell> She looks to Kahree, "Can your weapons harm it? Or should we attempt to flee while it will have difficulty pursuing?"
  43. [16:39] * Kahree nods, looking to the golem. "Yeah, one of your kin is within the group. They're working on leaving with the other slaves now, which is why I was hoping you all could help with a distraction." She frowns, looking to the golem. "And yes, we should leave... once we free the Jann. Just hold it back for a little bit longer."
  44. [16:41] <@Kjell> The marid nods, "Very well. In gratitude for my freedom, I shall help you if I can." She moves to stand between the Golem and Kahree. She waves her hand, conjuring an illusory duplicate of herself off to the side to confuse the golem
  45. [16:42] * Kahree gives her a thankful smile then runs to the Jann, attempting to pick the lock.
  46. [16:44] <@Kjell> Kahree manages to free the Janni. While he didn't look too happy about the compaby of the other genies, he spares Kahree an appreciative smile. "Thank you."
  47. [16:45] <@Kjell> *company
  48. [16:46] <@Kjell> The golem looks between the 'two' Marids and takes a swing at one with its falchion
  49. [16:48] <@Kjell> The thick smoke of the incendiary cloud prevents the golem from hitting its mark.
  50. [16:49] <@Kjell> The Marid looks relieved at that. "I believe now would be a good time to make our escape.
  51. [16:49] <@Kjell> "
  52. [16:52] <@Kjell> The Jann, hurting from the cloud of white-hot ash, withdraws as quickly as he can, slipping around the slowed golem and out the door to the bottom of the stairs.
  53. [16:59] <@Kjell> The Marid takes the Jann's lead and slips past the Golem in retreat. Her illusory duplicate steps out of the firey cloud, but sticks close to the golem.
  54. [17:00] * Kahree sprints after the Marid!
  55. [17:01] <@Kjell> The Golem steps into its own incendiary cloud, using the magical fire to reheat its own internal engine. Noticably however, the staircase is far too narrow for it to follow
  56. [17:02] <@Kjell> After reaching the top of the stairs, the Jann stops. "Are there any guards left?"
  57. [17:02] * Kahree shakes her head. "No," she gestures to the bodies.
  58. [17:03] <@Kjell> The Marid follows, although she's just barely able to fit through the stairwell herself and 9ft tall. She lips out the door and looks around. "Most impressive. As well, you are remarkably noble for one of efreeti descent."
  59. [17:04] * Kahree huffs. "Someone's descent doesn't define who they are." She shakes her head. "I do still need a distraction... do you think you two can help? We need to get the slaves out of the city, then we have a bit of tricks from there."
  60. [17:07] <@Kjell> The Jann looks to Kahree, "Might i come with you for now? Unlike the Marid and Efreeti, I do not have a home plane to return to."
  61. [17:07] <@Kjell> The marid ignores then Jann and looks to Kahree, "What kind of distraction were you thinking?"
  62. [17:08] * Kahree shrugs. "If you were able to break a few shop stalls just to get the guards attention on you, then divert them for as long as possible before returning to your plane, that would work."
  63. [17:09] * Kahree then looks to the Jann and smiles slightly. "Of course." She looks him over. "Any good at fighting?"
  64. [17:10] <@Kjell> The Jann shakes his head, "Not without a scimitar." He looks to the dispatched guards, "Although frankly I don't think they'll mind if I help myself."
  65. [17:12] * Kahree nods. "Take one." She looks to the Marid. "So, think you can manage?"
  66. [17:14] <@Kjell> The Marid nods, "I think I can do one better, although it will take about ten minutes. Is that too long?" She elaborates, "I could summon a host of water elementals, including a greater one. Quite frankly I'd like to see them tear this place down myself."
  67. [17:15] * Kahree smiles and nods. "That'll work. I'll return to the slaves and let them know; once you start, we'll run."
  68. [17:17] <@Kjell> The Marid nods and begins a rather elaborate dancing ritual for the summoning.
  69. [17:17] * Kahree holds out her hand to the Jann. "Take my hand and we can teleport to them."
  70. [17:19] <@Kjell> The Jann nods and takes one of her hands while picking up one of the scimitars with the other.
  71. [17:20] * Kahree uses her final teleport to return to Viraj...
  72. [17:21] <@Kjell> Viraj looks to Kahree and the Jann as they reappear, as well as the soot covering her. "I take it there were some unexpected troubles?"
  73. [17:23] * Kahree nods. "Yeah, but plan is still on. We need to wait ten minutes, then a Marid'll help with the distraction."
  74. [17:24] <@Kjell> The undine woman steps up to Kahree, "So she was there?"
  75. [17:25] * Kahree nods. "Yeah. There and safe now."
  76. [17:25] * Kahree adds, "Shouldn't be too hard for her to escape once she's made her distraction either."
  77. [17:28] <@Kjell> The undine nods, "Good. Given what I've been made to do, I can only imagine how bad it is for a genie."
  78. [17:28] * Kahree nods and looks to Viraj. "And is everyone ready to go?"
  79. [17:31] <@Kjell> Viraj breaks the chains off a last few slaves. "Yes. Although, a group of our size fleeing into the desert will not be difficult to follow."
  80. [17:31] * Kjell reappears in the midst of the slave pen with a pop a moment later. "Ah, good, I didn't miss you all."
  81. [17:32] * Kahree nods. "And it'll just be a few more minutes until our second distraction is set."
  82. [17:34] * Kjell nods, "What is it?"
  83. [17:35] <Kahree> "A Marid that's going to summon some elementals."
  84. [17:36] * Kjell chuckles, "Interesting. No luck on the efreeti then?"
  85. [17:39] * Kahree huffs and rolls her eyes. "He plane-shifted out as soon as I freed him."
  86. [17:40] <@Kjell> Viraj shrugs, "Even other genies rarely get along with efreeti."
  87. [17:43] <@Kjell> Viraj then gets to organizing the rest of the slaves with the help of the undine woman. He stands at the front of the pack close to the door, waiting and watching across the street. As he looks on, the Marid exits the palace accompanied by a large water elemental, who she then sends back inside before vanishing off plane.
  88. [17:43] <@Kjell> At that moment, Viraj punches the door clean off its hinges with his stony fist. "Time to go."
  89. [17:44] * Kahree draws her maces, ready to go.
  90. [17:47] * Kjell looks impressed at the oread before following him, sword drawn. He pulls the orb of storms out with his other hand
  91. [17:48] <@Kjell> Viraj follows the street south. As their group files out of the slave pens, they can catc ha glimpse of a huge water elemental breaking throug ha window on the upper level of the palace
  92. [17:58] <@Kjell> The ensemble of slaves making their way south is unhindered by any guards, as most of those are occupied at the north end of the city. However, upon reaching the final street, Viraj comes to a halt, with the others haling behind him, Kjell and the undine bringing up the rear.
  93. [17:59] <@Kjell> At the end of the street, standing between the escaped slavers and their rescuers, is a single figure. However, it is one that Kahree and all of the other former slaves know all too well.
  94. [17:59] <@Kjell> *between the escaped slaves and their rescuers, and their escape into the desert is
  95. [18:01] <@Kjell> With a staff clutched in one hand, the slavemaster and conjuror addresses the group, "I suppose you thought that was clever, don't you?"
  96. [18:02] * Kahree scowls. "Clever enough to reroute the guards... and as an added bonus, we get to kill you."
  97. [18:04] <@Kjell> The slavermaster shakes his head, "Wishful thinking Kahree. That's right, I remember who you are. You didn't think I'd notice that you'd been seen back in town? Although, clearly whoever forged your paperwork is an expert."
  98. [18:04] * Kahree growls. "Wishful thinking my ass; let us through or die."
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