
The Master of Chaos

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. >The TARDIS rocks violently.
  2. >”What was that?” Pinkie shouts, hanging from one of the ceiling supports.
  3. >The Doctor checks his console and smiles. “It’s a message from the universe!”
  4. >Pinkie drops to the ground, confused. “The universe isn’t a living thing, How can it send a message?”
  5. >The Doctor looks up from the console grinning wide. “Oh but it IS alive Pinkie... and it wants me to see something.”
  6. >All Pinkie can manage is a “Huh?”
  7. >He frantically runs around his beloved machine. “When an event of MAJOR significance occurs, the universe will broadcast it out. Sometimes good news, but sometimes bad, and want to know the best part?” He says, smile even wider.
  8. >”Uh... Sure,” Pinkie says.
  9. >The Doctor leaps into the air in excitement. “It’s never a fixed point! It can be changed.... So if it’s good, I make sure it happens, if it’s bad... Well I stop it, I’m The Doctor, it’s what I do.”
  10. >Pinkie rolls her eyes. “Well DUH!”
  11. >He pulls up what looks like a microscope. “It’s coming through!”
  12. >After a few moments, Pinkie watches as his smile fades.
  13. >He pulls away and sighs before he starts throwing switches.
  14. >What is it Doctor? What’s so bad?” Pinkie asks with concern.
  15. >”Just.... Just an old friend of mine.....” He says solemnly.
  16. >Pinkie edges her way to the microscope looking device and peers in. The event is still playing in a loop. She gasps and recoils away as she sees Discord, laughing over the bodies of her friends.
  17. >”What... What can we do Doctor?” She asks, unable to shake the image from her head.
  18. >He looks up at her. “We’re going to a very special prison... to talk to a very special p0ny.”
  20. >The TARDIS lands and The Doctor sighs, leaning against the console.
  21. >Pinkie bounds over and puts a hoof on his back. “It’s ok Doctor, I’m sure we can...”
  22. >”NO!” The Doctor snaps. “I’ll talk to them... it has to be me... You wait here.”
  23. >He takes a deep breath and steps outside. The light is blinding, but eventually abates.
  24. >The Doctor stands there in silence for a few moments. “Hello again old friend.”
  25. >The glowing sphere give a soft glow of greeting, a soft apologetic glow.
  26. >”It’s good to see you too.”
  27. >The light ripples with a question.
  28. >The Doctor shakes his head. “No, I’m not here to get you out... Not right now.”
  29. >An intense flash of anger.
  30. >”I can’t forgive you for what you did, not now, not after I failed.” He says, his own anger rising.
  31. >Another flash of anger and a questioning ripple.
  32. >”There’s no such thing as a ‘necessary evil’. There’s too much unnecessary evil in the universe.” The Doctor says in a low tone.
  33. >The light holds, then ripples another question.
  34. >The Doctor looks at the light. “An old enemy... Remember Discord?”
  35. >A hot flash of anger.
  36. >He smiles. “Exactly, he’s coming back... And I have a plan.”
  38. >The Doctor heads back into the TARDIS.
  39. >Pinkie greets him at the door. “How’d it go? Are they coming too?”
  40. >He makes sure the door’s closed behind him. “We’ll see how it went, and no... They’re not coming.” He looks at his watch. They still have about 6 years before they’ll be out.”
  41. >Pinkie looks down. “Oh... well I guess the others there will keep them occupied...”
  42. >The Doctor shakes his head. “No others, they’re all alone.”
  43. >Her eyes go wide. “That’s... That’s TERRIBLE!”
  44. >The Doctor storms to the console. “I know, but that’s how it just has to be.”
  45. >She sighs. “What if... What if I stay with them, until you do whatever it is you’re going to do?”
  46. >He stops dead and looks up at her. “You don’t know what you’re asking Pinkie. It will be si...”
  47. >”I don’t care!” She shouts, catching The Doctor by surprise. “They... They’ll need a friend. I don’t care what they did, They don’t deserve to be all alone.”
  48. >He sighs and trots up to Pinkie. He takes her face in his hoofs. “I guess I can’t dissuade you from this can I?”
  49. >She shakes her head.
  50. >He smiles at her. “It’s made to be a sustaining prison, you won’t eat, you won’t sleep, you won’t even need to breath.” He kisses her forehead. “I will be back... I WILL get you two out. Do you trust me THAT much?”
  51. >Pinkie pulls away, smiles, and nods. “Of course silly, just don’t be late.”
  52. >Before she gets to the door, she turns back to The Doctor. “You promise you’ll get us?”
  53. >He smirks and goes the the motions that makes her beam at him. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”
  54. >She smiles before she heads out. “I’ll see you in six years then.”
  56. >You get a note from Luna as you sit around your home waiting for Scoots.
  57. >If by note, you mean an armed escort to an awaiting chariot and brought directly to Canterlot.
  58. >Your escort doesn’t leave immediately.
  59. >You’re taken towards the throne room. “Hey guys,” You say, feeling like being a bit of a smart ass. “I think your princess’ knight doesn’t need to be escorted.”
  60. >One of the guards pipes up. “We’re under orders sir, there is another threat to our land.”
  61. >That explains why they made you suit up and arm up before you left.
  62. >Somep0ny somewhere’s beating a simple beat on a drum.
  63. >Sounds like the drums of war.... You certainly hope not.
  64. >You’re taken to the throne room, joined by your friends and Luna.
  65. >You smirk. “If we were all coming, I would have thought we would have chariot pooled.”
  66. >No one finds the humor in it.
  67. >You pat Applejack on the back. “What’s going on? Why the long faces?”
  68. >Luna stands and walks to one of the stained glass windows. “Discord, one of Equestria’s greatest enemies will be returning shortly.... I believe we have perhaps a month to prepare.”
  69. >You never met the guy, but from what you’ve heard, this is going to be bad.
  70. >You insist on seeing him, this ‘Discord’.
  71. >You’re taken to a garden full of statues.
  72. >One in particular.
  73. >You’re told he’s a “Draconequus”. Whatever it is, it’s ugly as hell.
  74. >He’s frozen in a scene of shock and surprise.
  75. >Whoa brain, what are you doing?
  76. >C’mon man, don’t you want to touch it?
  77. >I don’t think that’s....
  78. >No man, it’s a great idea.
  79. >Yeah brain.... It does sound good......
  81. >Getupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetup!
  82. >OK! What’s the big.....
  83. >Discord laughs before you, fallen guards scattered around him and scattered guards fallen around him.
  84. >”Good news everyp0ny!” He shouts in an oddly cheery voice.
  85. >Who’s he talking to by the way?
  86. >Oh, it’s the girls and Luna.
  87. >Hi girls!
  88. >Quiet brain.... Get me up.
  89. >You slowly get to your feet. He’s too busy talking to your friends to notice you.
  90. >He continues. “With Pinkie’s.... untimely demise, it left a schism in the bonds that sealed me.”
  91. >He gives a devious wink. “The only reason I got out so easily is because I know the power of laughter.”
  92. >Luna, oh brave Luna. She steps forward and shouts. “It’s no use! You’ve been stopped twice before, We’ll stop you again.”
  93. >He appears at her side and runs a clawed finger under her chin. “I look forward to your feeble attempts my dear, however feeble they might be.”
  94. >He returns to his previous spot in a puff of smoke.
  95. >Well, Knight Anon, time to rock.
  96. >You raise your sword and run at him, hell he’s not even looking at you.
  97. >He continues to not look at you as roots fire from the ground, impaling you. Then with a snap of his fingers, half of your armor explodes off you.
  98. >The last thing you hear before going out is Applejack screaming in anger.
  100. >Applejack cries out in fury, but she’s restrained.
  101. >A single tear rolls down Luna’s cheek.
  102. >It appears to her, all is lost.
  103. >Her knight lies broken at the feet of Equestria’s greatest enemy.
  104. >Discord laughs and looks around.
  105. >”No Elements of Harmony, no Celestia.... My my my.” He smiles sickeningly under hooded eyes. “Whatever shall you do?”
  106. >He falls back and a chair of disjointed stone emerges from the ground.
  107. >”I think I’ll liven the place up a bit if you don’t mind.” He points his claws in various directions and random things appear. “That looks good doesn’t it?”
  108. >No p0ny answers.
  109. >Discord rolls his eyes. He points to the unmoving Anon and he hovers next to Discord. “What do you think Anon? Does it look better?”
  110. >Discord bounces Anon around as if he were a doll. “Oh yeah Discord, it looks great, you’re really powerful.” Discord says in a mocking tone.
  111. >As he stops, Anon groans.
  112. >Applejack almost collapses with joy. He’s still alive, barely, but he’s still alive.
  113. >But she’s not the one to lose her temper. “STOP IT!” Luna shouts.
  114. >Discord ignores his new plaything and turns to the princess. “My dear, unless you’re willing to TRY, I don’t think anyp0ny CAN.”
  115. >His mad laughter is drowned out by one voice. “I can!”
  116. >A greyish furred, black maned, bow-tie wearing p0ny steps from the hedges.
  117. >Discord squints, trying to identify this newcomer. “And you are? and why am I not scared?”
  118. >The p0ny doesn’t smile, doesn’t show any emotion other than anger. “I’m The Doctor... And you should be.”
  120. >Discord thinks for a moment, then laughs. “Oh my yes, NOW I remember. You were there the first time. You helped those sisters trap me in stone.... But your face has changed...”
  121. >The Doctor shrugs, his face still full of anger.
  122. >Luna, still shaking in anger shouts, “Watch out Doctor, Discord’s already defeated my knight.”
  123. >The Doctor eyes goes to the fallen Anon. “Tell me, have you been locked away for so long, you’ve forgotten your REAL name?” The Doctor asks.
  124. >Discord puts his chin in his paw and ponders. “I.... I think... I remember I had one, but it’s been so long.”
  125. >Sorrow flashes on his face followed by sadistic glee. “But.... I DO recall I did so enjoy it when YOU said my name... So remind me Doctor, say my name.”
  126. >The Doctor stares at him and mumbles something.
  127. >”I can’t hear you,” Discord taunts.
  128. >The Doctor says something again, but louder... still inaudible.
  129. >Discord leans in, eyes wide. “One more time with FEELING Doctor!”
  130. >The Doctor stamps his hooves and roars. “THE MASTER!”
  131. >Discord, The Master, nearly falls out of his chair laughing. “Yes.... YES! It’s all coming back to me now.”
  132. >He composes himself and stares at The Doctor. “There’s still nothing you can do.”
  134. >The Doctor sighs and nods. “You’re right.”
  135. >The Master becomes quite serious. “How.... Unlike you Doctor.”
  136. >The Doctor smiles for the first time. “You’re right, I’m lying, I DO have a plan.”
  137. >The mad p0ny starts pacing. “The vacuum left by the absence of Pinkie brought you back because of your aptitude for laughter yeah?” The Doctor smirks and stops. “Did you know there was one other that was imprisoned by the Elements while you were away?”
  138. >He checks his watch, “What do you think? Six years enough to learn how to laugh from a very special teacher? Of course They’ll still need some help, a guiding light so to speak.”
  139. >The Doctor pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver, points it up, and activates it.
  140. >All assembled are blinded for a few moments as it seems as though the sun itself sends an avatar down.
  141. >As the light fades, no p0ny knows what to say.
  142. >The girls are the first to speak up, marveling in the return of their lost friend. “PINKIE!?!”
  143. >Followed by Luna who tearfully asks. “T.... Tia?”
  144. >Celestia smiles briefly to her sister before firing a bolt of light to the fallen Anon.
  145. >He stirs and slowly gets to his feet as if nothing happened.
  146. >The torn pieces of his deep purple armor reforming into luminous gold.
  147. >”THAT’S RIGHT!” The Doctor proclaims. “You started on top with nothing to stop you! Now you’re facing The Elements of Harmony, two fully powered and ANGRY princesses, OH and let’s not forget about The Doctor.... And The Knight!”
  148. >Anon picks up his blade and takes his place next to The Doctor.
  149. >The Doctor takes a step forward and looks into The Master’s eyes. “The pieces are set and the move is yours, what are you going to do?”
  151. >You don’t know exactly what’s going on.
  152. >You suspect The Doctor has something to do with it.
  153. >Discord or whatever looks around. “So what are my options dear Doctor? Fight and lose? Or maybe I go with you and get imprisoned in your little blue box?”
  154. >The Doctor sneers. “You’re forgetting your third option.... Run.... Run to the darkest corners of the universe. If you EVER stick your head up again, I WILL stop you just like I ALWAYS do and will keep doing until the day we’re both old and used up and every sun begins to fade.”
  155. >The amalgamation of creatures laughs. “Oh Doctor, only for me... I feel so privileged.... Fine, but before I go I need to tell you something.” He steps from his perch and slowly walks towards The Doctor. “A song sung to me by the very stars while I was imprisoned. A song I heard behind the beating of the drums.”
  156. >He lowers his voice and speak a poem rather than sing. “Six will rise, Then one will fall, A sister lost, Leaving one to rule all, The moon will come, The Knight will rise, He’ll go to war, And cleanse the skies, The day will come he awakes from his dream, And sees his life was not as it seems, The universe will cry on that fateful day.”
  157. >Celestia and Luna both join for the last line, “When he destroys the last sons of Gallopfrey.”
  158. >Discord laughs and steps past The Doctor. “I do so hope to see that, until then, Arrivederci Doctor.”
  159. >You whisper to The Doctor. “Is that it? Are you just going to let him leave?”
  160. >The Doctor just nods, not looking back.
  161. >You know what? Fuck this shit!
  162. >You charge, The Doctor shouts to you as he realizes your intent.
  163. >Too late, this is happening.
  164. >Discord turns just in time. Just in time to get your blade to his chest.
  165. >As you stand over him, victorious and your enemy dying. He looks over to The Doctor. “He... He STABBED me... No.... I’m not going anywhere until the day I see you destroyed as well......”
  166. >You see bright light pour out of him before you fly across the courtyard.
  168. >You fade in and out of consciousness.
  169. >You only catch small portions of of conversations.
  170. >”How... How is this possible?” A very emotional Applejack says.
  171. >The Doctor tries to comfort her. “He regenerated, it’s something Time P0nies do to stave off death...”
  172. >You fade out for a bit.
  173. >”The Star Song, We heard it as well Doctor.” That was Celestia.
  174. >Ooops, you’re out again.
  175. >The Doctor doesn’t sound too happy. “Get him to the TARDIS, some place secured. and get..... HIM somewhere safe, locked up until I can sort this all out.” Cool, you’re going to the TARDIS again. After a moment, The Doctor says quietly. “Once that’s all done... Meet me in the throne room.”
  176. >As you fade out again, you feel yourself being lifted.
  177. >He’s probably pissed, but you know you did what you HAD to do... Your head hurts though.
  178. >Pounding like a drum even.
  180. >The Doctor sits on the throne in contemplation.
  181. >Luna and Celestia both enter, followed by the 6 mares of legend.
  182. >”Do you mind telling us what’s going on Doctor?” Celestia says, her voice booming through the halls.
  183. >”Discord... The Master... He regenerated, that’s all.” The Doctor says just loud enough to be heard.
  184. >Poor Applejack, barely able to maintain herself. “So why’s he look.... Why’s he look like our.... MY Anon?”
  185. >The Doctor sighs and trots over to her. “I’m sorry, but the Anon that you saw and the Anon you know are two VERY different beings.” He gives her an attempt at a reassuring hug. “You’re going to need to trust me... I know you don’t know me, but you need to trust me.”
  186. >Pinkie comes up and gives Applejack a nod.
  187. >”Now this is VERY important.” He says, directing the statement to the group. “I need to speak with him... YOUR Anon, just to be sure. You are to treat him EXACTLY the same. He’ll need every one of you in the days ahead.”
  188. >He sighs. “IF you need me....” He pulls out a stack of papers. “Write me a note. I’ll come running.”
  189. >He starts to walk out the throne room.
  190. >”Doctor, where are you going?” Luna asks.
  191. >He throws open the doors. “I’m going to speak with your Knight.”
  193. >Your head REALLY hurts, but at least you’re alive right?
  194. >You turn and see The Doctor sitting by your bedside.
  195. >You give a small chuckle. “Checking up on me eh?”
  196. >He doesn’t smile. “You didn’t have to do that you know... He was going to just leave.”
  197. >You shrug. “I don’t like folks who bully and manipulate Doctor... I am the master of my own destiny and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else become the master of any others.”
  198. >He sighs. “I know. It’s over though... How are you feeling? What do you remember?”
  199. >You close your eyes and try to think. “There was a flash of light and then I flew back, and I remember you all being very concerned with me.... WAIT!” You go to sit up, but you can’t. “I remember something about ‘regeneration’? Staving off death? Is he still alive?”
  200. >The Doctor pats your shoulder with a concerned hoof. “Yes, yes he is... With any luck though, you’ll never have to see him again though. I have faith in.... Never mind that.”
  201. >You give an angry sigh. “What about that ‘Star Song’ or whatever it is?”
  202. >The Doctor scoffs. “What? Idle prophecies? You’ve obviously never heard of The Morrowind Effe... Once again, never mind that. Is there anything else?” The Doctor asks softly.
  203. >You nod. “Yeah, my head hurts, just pounding Doc.”
  204. >He must really be concerned about you, it looks like he may cry. “I’ll get you something for that.”
  206. >The Doctor meets Pinkie, Celestia, and Luna by the TARDIS.
  207. >”What are we going to do now?” Pinkie asks.
  208. >The Doctor thinks for a moment and points a hoof at Celestia. “First off, you’re going back.”
  209. >Celestia drops her head and Luna cries out, “No!”
  210. >The Doctor shows a kind of uncharacteristic anger. “She’s meant to be punished remember? ONE heroic act doesn’t erase the MILLIONS she had murdered.” He pulls out his Sonic. “Say your goodbyes.”
  211. >Luna looks to her sister, full of panic. “Tia... No... Please, I forgive you. You’re sorry aren’t you? You’ve changed... Tell him how sorry you are.”
  212. >Celestia smiles to her little sister. “I AM sorry, but he’s right... My dearest Luna, I imprisoned you for a thousand years simply for daring to disobey me.” Celestia touches her horn to Luna’s in affection. “I deserve my punishment... I love you my sister, but I know it’s what I must do.”
  213. >As The Doctor tunes his device, Pinkie places a hoof on his shoulder. He looks over and sees that Pinkie’s eyes are filled with sorrow? Regret? A plea for mercy?
  214. >He sighs and places the Sonic back away. “Well, looks like the schism that brought you here is closed. Can’t do it, nope.... Besides, with Pinkie away, this land NEEDS the two of you.”
  215. >He opens the doors to the TARDIS and looks back. “But I’ll be watching you.... Don’t make me regret this princess.”
  216. >Pinkie gives a quick goodbye and follows The Doctor into the box.
  217. >He stares at the man strapped unconscious to the chair.
  218. >”What are we going to do about him Doctor?” Pinkie asks, keeping her distance from the man who looks just like her friend.
  219. >The Doctor wheels out several contraptions. “We’re going to give him a second chance like he’s always gotten.... seven or so years from now.”
  221. >Pinkie sits in silence as The Doctor goes to work with his contraptions.
  222. >He says one will erase most of his memories, the other will change his biology to human.
  223. >She says nothing.
  224. >Oh Anon, her friend. How could he be Discord? This Master?
  225. >The whole process is less than pleasant. Anon thrashes quite violently. Some of his bones crack against the restraints.
  226. >Pinkie just curls into the corner. The TARDIS itself seems to sympathize, it’s tone a lower more sombre affair.
  227. >After it lands, The Doctor looks over to Pinkie. “Please help me with him... This is where he needs to be.”
  228. >With a shudder and a few tears, Pinkie does what he asks.
  229. >They leave him in a familiar forest and watch. After a moment, a familiar Yellow furred pink maned Pegasus takes him in.
  230. >After sitting in silence for quite some time, Pinkie finally whispers as they watch from a safe distance. “How can you just.... let him go? After knowing”
  231. >His face stays stern as he pulls out mechanical box.
  232. >”Think of everything he’s done? Will do.” He fiddles with the knobs. “Even if he does end up killing us both.... It’ll be worth it.” He sighs before turning on the radio he found. “And maybe.... Just maybe The Master of old will learn something from him.”
  233. >Pinkie hears the words, but doesn’t fully understand. She’s snapped out of it by the sudden sound of white noise. “What’s that Doctor?”
  234. >He closes his eyes and listens. “Frequency tuned above 15 MHz... Aimed at the center of the Galaxy.... The speech of stars.” He whispers. “Just listen.”
  235. >Through the noise, through the static, only one thing is heard repeated over and over again.
  237. Six will rise
  238. Then one will fall
  239. A sister lost
  240. Leaving one to rule all
  242. The moon will come,
  243. A Knight will rise
  244. He’ll go to war
  245. And cleanse the skies
  247. The day will come he awakes from his dream
  248. And sees his life was not as it seems
  249. The universe will cry on that fateful day
  250. When he destroys the last sons of Gallopfrey.
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