
My Experiences With NASA Marathon

Jan 12th, 2020
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  1. As someone who initially was not planning to attended a NASA Live event, I had only ever participated in their Online marathons.
  2. After interacting with them and learning more about NASA Marathon as a whole, I found that they were very supportive of including and making sure that people would enjoy themselves, Even if they did not know anyone at the event.
  3. I was welcomed at my first Live event in 2017 regardless of my own uncertainty towards them as new people.
  4. Before that time, I was a very anti-social person and did not reach out to make new friends, or learn about other possible interests shared within Speedrunning.
  6. Following my initial NASA Live event attendance, I formed a relationship with the staff of NASA Marathon.
  7. Since then I have collaborated on numerous events with them, while continuing to remain functionally independent.
  8. I interact with them on a regular basis, helping with their events and receiving support with my own and have had nothing but positive experiences.
  9. ARPGME was conceived from this positivity and has continues this day, with the support of many including NASA Marathon.
  10. From this experience I've met many fantastic humans along the way within the speedrunning community as a whole.
  12. Following the first event that I organized and ran with the support of NASA Marathon, I found that ARPGME had drawn in even more amazing people. People Who value others and also do not support intolerance of any kind, and have become some of my closest friends.
  13. I have gone on to be part of many speedrunning communities not just as a speedrunner but as a welcomed friend.
  14. All of this stems back from my experiences with NASA Marathon, without whom I would not have met any of these people nor have ran or helped with any of the various events I have been involved with over the years. This comes from our shared interest and love of speedrunning and gaming regardless of our differences.
  16. I want to be clear, I would not be associated with anyone who supports bigotry or hate of any kind and have not seen that from the Automata, NASA Marathon, Speed Souls or SotN community's etc.
  18. In closing, I find all of these targeted harassments to be less then ideal, especially with how this has devolved from the initial topic, which I would like to point out had nothing to do with NASA Marathon to begin with. NASA Marathon has been providing evidence of them taking a public stance against intolerance for the last several years, I personally participated in the NASA 2018 Town Hall podcast at which this was discussed in great length. Despite all the evidence that was provided, Brossentia continues to belittle and remain ignorant to our efforts to fight intolerance within the speedrunning community, which I find extremely disrespectful and willfully negligent.
  20. This concerns me as someone who wishes to continue collaborating with new communities and bringing speedrunning and gaming content to others in a positive and inclusive manner.
  21. This damages the entire speedrunning community and the many communities within it.
  22. I made this post because I received messages from many people who have been positive impacts on me in my time as a speedrunner and event organizer, and felt that I needed to address what is going on.
  24. For the record When you are talking about NASA Marathon these are the people you are talking about
  25. Dark-Aries, darkfox36, Lurkchan, ThoseCrazyGuys and Naegleria.
  28. ~ MASH
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