
A Kill Taken

Jan 26th, 2021
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  1. [19:37] Kaira be walking around near the jungle temple, until she would spot someone near the trees. Seeing as she had nothing better to do, she would walk up over to him. Ready to introduce herself, and once again oblivious to who this man was.
  3. It's not like they had his description on the papers.
  5. "Hey, hey. The names Kaira, and I just got bored running around trying to find something to do." Kaira would say nonchalantly. Though she looked at him with interested eyes, as if she was thinking and pondering whether or not to do something... Or ask something.
  7. She just hoped this interaction would pay off.
  8. (Kaira)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [19:43] The young boy wandered around just searching around. Not really sure what he was looking for, perhaps someone unlucky enough to attack him. As this time he was more prepared than he was before. Still as he was looking around a feminine voice called out behind him. His mismatched hues looked over his shoulder. Canting his head in immediate confusion. As she was... introducing herself? That was a first for him. As everyone seemed to know who he was. Given most of the world was at that trial. He is one of the most wanted criminals in Esshar right now anyway.
  13. "Hmm? --Hello..."
  15. He said looking over her garments noticing she was a Fenrir. He hummed softly with a smile crossing his lips. --He tucked his hands in his pockets keeping a calm and relaxed demeanor with her.
  17. "Zeno, Laskaris. A pleasure to meet you, Kaira. --I'm also quite bored, not sure I'll find much of anything to do right now. Perhaps you could provide some entertainment, should you be like the rest of the world."
  19. The man said carelessly.
  20. (Zeno Laskaris)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [19:50] Kaira's eyes would widen with glee upon hearing of his name. She didn't think she would accidentally stumble upon him, and so quickly. She thought he would be donning his mask, just like in the papers. Though, she honestly couldn't care less. Since this was someone that was wanted, they both had something in common.
  25. "Well, well, well. That makes things extremely interesting..." She continued to smile wide. "Do you think I'm going to attack you? Cause I'm not going to. On the other hand though, I've got a much more interesting proposal."
  27. She wouldn't care to look around, perhaps this was a moment to be cautious. But she would get straight to the point.
  29. "Zeno, you're a wanted man. I don't know why you personally do such things. But I'm wondering if you'd like to meet more like minded people... Friends, you could call them. I know some people who would love to have more murderers on their side." She would say calmly, watching him to see what he thought. Not knowing if he was the type that would be a lone wolf and do things all on his own.
  31. "Akumu Oshikawa. I know him, and I know where he hides. He's been slowly mastering Riftmancy, and I'm sure he'll crack the code soon enough." She would try to talk about something that would interest him, perhaps hook him even. "I'm sure he would love the help of another madman on his side. What do you think? Hmmm?"
  32. (Kaira)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [20:01] The boy could careless over all about wearing his mask. People know both forms of him. Why hide? It makes things more interesting for the kid. Perhaps someone could succeed in killing him, or give more people for him to kill. Regardless it mattered not. --He listened to her words, as he tapped his chin.
  37. "Akumu… I've heard that name before."
  39. He said pondering for a moment. Taking in all his thoughts, which takes a few moments overall. Before he remembered that moderately useless man. He chuckled aloud.
  41. "Oh that guy. Why would I want to help the ignorant fool ruining my game, with his botched and pitiful excuse of murders? They soil mine."
  43. The kid said with the utmost distain, almost like he was completely sure that Irie's and Issac's death was his. It made too much sense, they both were similar and a bit leads to them. Still if he was right he didn't even care to try and lie to the young lady.
  45. "I also have issues with allies, they seem to be too ignorant. He is assuredly one of the lesser intelligent ones. --Now..."
  47. He looked over his shoulder to the kitsune hiding behind the tree listening in on the conversation. As he heard the rustling in the foliage.
  49. "What do you think your doing?"
  50. (Zeno Laskaris)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [20:05] There was no sneaking, only hunting. The gaze settled directly onto the former student, sharp gaze locked squarely onto Zeno. The appearance of another has him squinting in her direction. But finally, his attention snaps back to Zeno. "I never thought I'd run into you out here, looking for unrelated objects." Whatever weapon Hironori was carrying, he wasn't going to reveal it just yet.
  55. "Never thought I'd run into the man that kills women for being Beastkin. Or was there another reason you went and offed Ecco, Miyuki, and then Peppy, hmm?" The Kitsune snarls, reaching underneath his cloak for something the hostile tension within him was as clear as the ocean water.
  57. "So? Why'd you do it, hmm? What made you hunt and kill Kitsune women?" Hironori finally reveals the item he had been reaching for: A mana rifle. Locked and loaded, ready to be wielded as any other tool for aggression. The bolt-action rifle clicks as a spent crystal comes flying out of the chamber.
  59. "How long do you think you'll escape justice for the murder of those Beasktin, huh?"
  60. (Hironori)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [20:11] Kaira would note his answer to her proposal and questions. Before shrugging it off, her guard suddenly being raised as another would join the fray. She would take out her sword, pointing it towards Zeno. If he didn't want to help, then she shouldn't feel too bad of playing the role of the student that was just going to be attacked.
  65. "Zeno! You never introduced yourself before. I thought you were just some random guy. Killing students left and right from the academy, how despicable. All because they were beastkin, and all for you twisted and disgusting ideals." She would start to let her katana glow with flame, showing her hostility towards Zeno.
  67. "You'll never be forgiven for you misdeeds. Get ready to say hello to the lord of Hel for me." She would say firmly. Stating her intent, and ready to attack.
  68. (Kaira)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [20:16] The kid noticed the weapon that was revealed. Which would cause him to have his snakes coil down his arm and form his mana shotgun. Loading his mana into the weapon and pointing it down. Clearly not really minding too much at the hostilities. It was what he was looking for after all. Still he kept a calm nature and continued to speak.
  73. "Hmm... only beastkin females? Ya know I never noticed that. That's ironic actually. Well for clarification sake. I kill indiscriminately, that was unintended. --But I killed Miyuki because she was easy, Ecco wasn't even mine it was Peppy and Dominik Pyr Docro's. I just set up her body. Lastly Peppy was because she wanted to die... she gave herself to me for my game."
  75. He explained it all openly to the kitsune, while dodging the bullet barely. Not caring whatsoever. However after that happened his mana erupted over his form, blue lightning following his form with his eyes beginning to glow. --Metallic snakes slithered off his body and into the sand behind his feet. Another group fight.
  77. "Interesting. --Seems your both going to attack me. Tis a shame really. I had no interest in killing you Kaira."
  79. Which didn't matter now, even as the fight ensued. He looked to Kaira.
  81. "Why not join me instead of working for that fool?"
  83. He ask before the fight fully broke out.
  84. (Zeno Laskaris)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [20:22] {Won Dangerous RPB against Kaira}
  88. [20:22] ** Zeno Laskaris has inflicted an injury upon Kaira. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  89. [20:43] Once the fight fully started he focused on the one closest to him. The young drakenite girl. A Fenrir girl. A perfect person for his game. So once the fight started he'd be almost relentless with her. His mana surging with his new found strength which he got recently. A power to overcome and slaughter all who oppose him. Which right now she is one of them. --He danced around her and shot round after round into her body. His snakes creeping out from the dirt and coiling around her feet. Holding her in place. Allowing him to land his much harder blasts of mana. Ripping into her body. Throwing her body near the waters edge once the snakes gave way. Slithering up her body and coiling around her chest. Teeth digging into her and tightening around her body.
  91. She'd start to feel her body grow cold and she was loosing feeling. Letting him land more of his attacks until she lost full control of her body. She'd be forced to her knees against her will. Her body on the brink of giving out completely. Battered as she was. Yet her mind was still hers and fully conscious.
  93. It was like he was sparing her of addition pain... or was he? He stepped closer to her and cupped her chin. Pulling her up slightly. His fingers wiggling before he softly caressed her cheek. His fingers rolling underneath her eye. As her body started to boil in pain, like her blood was burning her from the inside.
  95. "Oh... what beautiful eyes you have. I'd love to take them for my own. Its a shame your steadfast to remain working with Akumu… You seemed useful, just not enough to spare you. --However..."
  97. He looked to Hironori. Smiling with a sinister tone that would make anyone's skin crawl.
  99. "I assume your not going to just let me have my fun?"
  100. (Zeno Laskaris)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [20:51] 'BANG!'
  105. That was the only recall that Zeno would receive. A shot from the rifle that was aimed right at his chest, center-mass. Of course, he fully expected the teen to evade the strike, but the nausea he felt from listening to Zeno speak was enough to pull the trigger.
  107. "You... You make me sick. Someone's putting you down, it's only fair that it's a Beastkin."
  109. The fallen would not be forgotten, the two Kitsune slain were just the start of it. How many more women, Beastkin included, would be slain by his hand. The Fireblooded is noticed, but he doesn't pay heed to her in the now. Zeno was his focus, the monster that needed to be hunted in order to save the rest.
  111. And right now, there was far too much at stake. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, the sound of everything else drowned out in the here and now. Muscles were taut, ready to evade Zeno's retaliation strike. The diamond slit gaze is honed squarely on the murderer before him. Words come to mind, but what came out wasn't a sign of intellect. It was the guttural roar of a man lost to his desire for revenge, driven by instinct alone.
  116. Hironori charges, he's not going gentle.
  117. (Hironori)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [20:54] Kaira would smile as she dashed towards Zeno. The girl would remember the snakes that she was told, how Zeno did extremely well against those who used the blade. She disregarded it all, she just wanted to fight without care, without thought.
  122. That's what she brought upon herself. The snakes of metal would hold her down, only to be blasted with an intensely concentrated ball of mana. This would happen again and again, Kaira not learning quick enough to dodge the snakes and prevent herself from being blasted once more.
  124. Soon, she would find herself losing control, exhausted as she would fall to her knees. She would then be pulled up, feeling her body be a little limp. She would look directly into Zeno's eyes, hearing his compliments about them. She would just smirk as she felt him caress her cheek.
  126. "Well, well. At least you like what you see." She tried joking around, before feeling the boiling pain inside her body. A grunt, then a scream would be heard as she would clench her teeth. Not wanting to give Zeno any more satisfaction.
  128. She was going to get through this, she had to.
  129. (Kaira)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [20:59] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Hironori}
  133. [20:59] ** Hironori has inflicted an injury upon Zeno Laskaris. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
  134. [21:09] The adrenaline gave way to a beast, a savage meant to hunt another savage. The closer Hironori got, the less he cared for his own well-being. One of Zeno's iron spears comes punching right into Hironori's right side. The rifle is kept in shaky hands. How long did this fight last? Not long enough. Chunks of Zeno is spilled onto the grass. The blood of both combatants staining the green with sanguine warmth. Hironori wasn't a fighter. He never made himself out to be anything but a poet.
  136. But Zeno pulled out something different. Gone was the gentle Kitsune that spoke to Zeno. What stood before him now, was a ravenous beast that sought blood.
  138. "RRRAGH!"
  140. Zeno is shoved to the ground, fangs beared, snapping his teeth close to the teen's face. "I'll KILL you! I'll BUTCHER you for Miyuki!" Hironori moves his left hand from off the rifle, sharp nails raised high to block out the moonlight that hanged at his back.
  142. Swipe! Swipe! Swipeswipeswipeswipe-
  144. The incessant claws scrape away flesh, chunks and chunks of Zeno's left side is removed. The nails are stained with blood and flesh, Hironori abandons all words and repeatedly barks and howls in Zeno's face. Globs of saliva is launched with each bark, the corrosive liquid burning little pock marks onto the skin. But the real damage and prize was plucked clean betwixt his nails. Zeno's left eye is scooped out, the string that tethered it is slashed in two by the scissoring nails.
  146. Hironori removes himself from Zeno, granting the teen his opportunity to escape while the Kitsune struggles to come to terms with what he just did. Savage. Primal. Murder. If he had the fortitude for such an act, he might have done it. Hunting animals was far different from hunting magi. Hironori turns his attention over towards Kaira next, assessing the circumstance as Zeno escapes from the scene.
  147. (Hironori)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [21:21] The kid dodged the blast towards him and continued on with the next fight. He remained calm throughout the fight even while he was over powered by the older male. Even with his power he couldn't hold much of a candle against him. As he was knocked to the ground he was ravaged and had his eye ripped out of his socket. He couldn't move the man off him. He wasn't strong enough as much as he tried. Screams of pain echoed out as the beast ripped out his left eye. Only then did he get enough strength to pool his energy together and throw the adult off him with a blast of energy.
  152. Snakes slithered about the area making walls all around him, briefly encasing Hironori and giving him a moment to escape. With blood pouring out from his eye and his left hand pressed up against it. Snakes formed around the injury and made a metal eye patch for the moment. Which embedded into his skin.
  154. Even still he looked to Kaira smiled with a jovial look on his face.
  156. "We'll be in touch~? --Until next time Kaira"
  158. He said now falling back into the tree line, more than likely as the adult broke out of his barrier. Fleeing from the scene.
  159. (Zeno Laskaris)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. [21:25] Kaira would watch as Hironori would rush towards Zeno, seeing them both fight while she was helpless and exhausted made her frustrated. Lying down on the ground as she had to think about her own defeat, what she could have done better, and how she could have beat him if she only thought about the things that she was doing.
  164. Yet seeing such savagery and wanton anger from Hironori would make her think twice. It seemed that thinking things through wasn't what the beastkin would do, instead allowing himself to indulge in the deep urges of his beast within. Perhaps Kaira needed to do this, to allow herself and her dragon within to take control.
  166. So many thoughts were swirling in her mind as she watched Hironori just rip into Zeno. She just watched, not saying anything as she looked with her slatted eyes, seeing Hironori rip apart Zeno's eye. Shuddering just a little from the display.
  168. Though seeing as she would be addressed by Zeno, she would stick out her tongue. If she could move her arms, she would gladly flip him off.
  170. "Yeah, next time you won't be so lucky."
  172. It was certainly incredible, seeing Hironori do such damage towards Zeno. Though now she would find his attention on her, and she would smile a little as she brought herself up. The metallic snakes still wrapped around her body and tightening around her. She would grunt and wince a little, but she would look back at Hironori.
  174. "Well... I hate to say it but you probably just saved me from dying there."
  175. (Kaira)
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