

Nov 22nd, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. max_players: 20
  3. can_start: 6
  5. on join:
  6. execute console command "clear %player%"
  7. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:nether_star {display:{Name:""§6§lMainMenu"",Lore:[""§7捨てないでください。詰みます。""]}}"
  8. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:slime_ball {display:{Name:""§e§lKitMenu"",Lore:[""§7キットを選択します。""]}}"
  9. if {%player%.kit} is not set:
  10. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove archer"
  11. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %player% add knight"
  13. command /spawn [<text>]:
  14. trigger:
  15. execute console command "tp %player% 8.5 61.0 8.5 0 0"
  16. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  18. command /already [<player>]:
  19. permission: console
  20. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  21. trigger:
  22. send "&c既に選択されています。" to arg-1
  23. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.endermen.teleport master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 0.5"
  25. command /format [<player>] [<text>]:
  26. permission: console
  27. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg-1 is set:
  30. if {%arg 1%.rank} is "elite" or "legend" or "builder" or "helper" or "moderator" or "admin" or "sradmin" or "coowner" or "owner":
  31. if arg-2 is "kit-knight":
  32. format slot 0 of arg-1 with iron sword of Sharpness named "&a&l* Knight" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  33. format slot 1 of arg-1 with bow named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-archer"]
  34. format slot 2 of arg-1 with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&eClick to select!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-builder"]
  35. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 2.0"
  36. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove builder"
  37. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove archer"
  38. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add knight"
  39. delete {%arg 1%.kit}
  40. if arg-2 is "kit-archer":
  41. format slot 0 of arg-1 with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-knight"]
  42. format slot 1 of arg-1 with bow of Sharpness named "&a&l* Archer" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  43. format slot 2 of arg-1 with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&eClick to select!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-builder"]
  44. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 2.0"
  45. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove builder"
  46. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove knight"
  47. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add archer"
  48. set {%arg 1%.kit} to archer
  49. if arg-2 is "kit-builder":
  50. format slot 0 of arg-1 with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-knight"]
  51. format slot 1 of arg-1 with bow named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-archer"]
  52. format slot 2 of arg-1 with fence of Sharpness named "&d&l* Builder" with lore "&eAlready selected!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  53. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 2.0"
  54. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove knight"
  55. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove archer"
  56. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add builder"
  57. set {%arg 1%.kit} to builder
  58. else:
  59. if arg-2 is "kit-knight":
  60. format slot 0 of arg-1 with iron sword of Sharpness named "&a&l* Knight" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  61. format slot 1 of arg-1 with bow named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-archer"]
  62. format slot 2 of arg-1 with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&cNeed a Elite rank!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-builder"]
  63. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 2.0"
  64. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove builder"
  65. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove archer"
  66. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add knight"
  67. delete {%arg 1%.kit}
  68. if arg-2 is "kit-archer":
  69. format slot 0 of arg-1 with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-knight"]
  70. format slot 1 of arg-1 with bow of Sharpness named "&a&l* Archer" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  71. format slot 2 of arg-1 with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&cNeed a Elite rank!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-builder"]
  72. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 2.0"
  73. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove builder"
  74. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove knight"
  75. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add archer"
  76. set {%arg 1%.kit} to archer
  77. if arg-2 is "kit-builder":
  78. send "&4&lError &8» &cこのキットを使うにはEliteランクが必要です。" to arg-1
  79. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.endermen.teleport master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 0.5"
  81. on right click holding a nether star:
  82. name of held item contains "§6§lMainMenu"
  83. lore of held item contains "§7捨てないでください。詰みます。"
  84. open chest with 5 row named "MainMenu" to player
  85. wait a tick
  86. format slot 10 of player with slime ball named "&e&lKitMenu" with lore "&7キットを選択します。" to run [execute player command "kit"]
  87. format slot 12 of player with compass named "&a&lPlayingGames" with lore "&7ゲームを観戦します。" to run [execute console command "gameview %player%"]
  88. format slot 14 of player with emerald item named "&d&lRealm&e&lShop" with lore "&7レルムショップを開きます。||&c&l寄付&eをよろしくお願いします。" to run [execute player command "buy"]
  89. format slot 16 of player with bed item named "&c&lロビーに戻る" with lore "&7ロビーに戻ります。" to close then run [execute player command "spawn"]"
  91. on right click holding a slime ball:
  92. name of held item contains "§e§lKitMenu"
  93. lore of held item contains "§7キットを選択します。"
  94. execute player command "kit"
  96. command /kit [<text>]:
  97. trigger:
  98. if {%player%.rank} is "elite" or "legend" or "builder" or "helper" or "moderator" or "admin" or "sradmin" or "coowner" or "owner":
  99. if {%player%.kit} is not set:
  100. open chest with 1 row named "KitMenu" to player
  101. wait a tick
  102. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&a&l* Knight" with lore "&eAlready selected!" to close then run [execute console command "already %player%"]
  103. format slot 1 of player with bow named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-archer"]
  104. format slot 2 of player with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&eClick to select!|| ||&d&l-= Achievement Kit =-" to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-builder"]
  105. if {%player%.kit} is "archer":
  106. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-knight"]
  107. format slot 1 of player with bow of Sharpness named "&a&l* Archer" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %player%"]
  108. format slot 2 of player with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&eClick to select!|| ||&d&l-= Achievement Kit =-" to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-builder"]
  109. if {%player%.kit} is "builder":
  110. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-knight"]
  111. format slot 1 of player with bow of Sharpness named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %player% kit-archer"]
  112. format slot 2 of player with fence named "&d&l* Builder" with lore "&eAlready selected!|| ||&d&l-= Achievement Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "already %player%"]
  113. else:
  114. if {%player%.kit} is not set:
  115. format slot 0 of player with iron sword of Sharpness named "&a&l* Knight" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  116. format slot 1 of player with bow named "&aArcher" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-archer"]
  117. format slot 2 of player with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&cNeed a Elite rank!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "format %player% kit-builder"]
  118. if {%player%.kit} is archer:
  119. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&aKnight" with lore "&eClick to select!" with no nbt to run [execute console command "format %arg 1% kit-knight"]
  120. format slot 1 of player with bow of Sharpness named "&a&l* Archer" with lore "&eAlready selected!" with no nbt to close then run [execute console command "already %arg 1%"]
  121. format slot 2 of player with fence named "&dBuilder" with lore "&cNeed a Elite rank!|| ||&d&l-= Rank Kit =-" to close then run [execute console command "format %player% kit-builder"]
  123. command /gameview <player>:
  124. permission: console
  125. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  126. trigger:
  127. if arg-1 is set:
  128. execute console command "gamemode 3 %arg 1%"
  129. execute console command "tp %arg 1% <城の座標> 0 0"
  130. send "&2/spawn&aでロビーに戻ることができます!"
  132. command /gameteam <player> <text>:
  133. permission: op
  134. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  135. trigger:
  136. if arg-1 is set:
  137. if arg-2 is "defender":
  138. if {%arg 1%.joined} is set:
  139. execute console command "nte player %arg 1% suffix &b&l (Defender)"
  140. execute console command "setsuffix %arg 1% &b&l (Defender)"
  141. set {%arg 1%.team} to defender
  142. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove attacker"
  143. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add player"
  144. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add defender"
  145. else:
  146. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &c%arg 1%はゲームに参加していません!"
  147. if arg-2 is "attacker":
  148. if {%arg 1%.joined} is set:
  149. execute console command "nte player %arg 1% suffix &c&l (Attacker)"
  150. execute console command "setsuffix %arg 1% &c&l (Attacker)"
  151. set {%arg 1%.team} to attacker
  152. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove defender"
  153. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add player"
  154. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% add attacker"
  155. else:
  156. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &c%arg 1%はゲームに参加していません!"
  158. command /bosyuu <text>:
  159. permission: op
  160. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  161. trigger:
  162. if arg-1 is "true":
  163. if {game.started} is not set:
  164. if {game.bosyuu} is not set:
  165. set {game.bosyuu} to yes
  166. else:
  167. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &c既に募集しています!"
  168. else:
  169. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &c既にゲームが開始しています!"
  170. if arg-1 is "false":
  171. if {game.bosyuu} is set:
  172. delete {game.bosyuu}
  173. else:
  174. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &cプレイヤーを募集していません!"
  176. command /join <player>:
  177. permission: console
  178. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  179. trigger:
  180. if {game.bosyuu} is set:
  181. if {game.players} <= {@max_players}:
  182. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  183. execute console command "si %arg 1% ゲームに参加しました。"
  184. set {%arg 1%.joined} to yes
  185. add 1 to {game.players}
  186. add "%player%" to {joined.players}
  187. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &e%arg 1%がゲームに参加しました。&7%{game.players}%&8&7{@max_players}"
  188. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &a最低 {can_start} 人参加すればゲームを開始できます。"
  189. else:
  190. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &cこれ以上参加することはできません!" arg-1
  191. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.endermen.teleport master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 0.5"
  192. else:
  193. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &cプレイヤーを募集していないので、参加することはできません!" to arg-1
  194. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.endermen.teleport master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 0.5"
  196. command /quit <player>:
  197. permission: console
  198. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  199. trigger:
  200. if {%arg 1%.joined} is set:
  201. add -1 to {game.players}
  202. remove "%player%" from {joined.players}
  203. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &e%arg 1%が参加をやめました。"
  204. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  205. else:
  206. send "&r[&cCastleSiege] &c参加していません!" to arg-1
  208. on quit:
  209. delete {%player%.team}
  210. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove attacker"
  211. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove player"
  212. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %arg 1% remove defender"
  213. if {%player%.joined} is set:
  214. add -1 to {game.players}
  215. remove "%player%" from {joined.players}
  216. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &e%player%が参加をやめました。"
  218. command /game-join [<text>]:
  219. trigger:
  220. execute console command "join %player%"
  222. command /game-quit [<text>]:
  223. trigger:
  224. execute console command "quit %player%"
  226. every ticks:
  227. if {game.players} is not set:
  228. set {game.players} to 0
  229. if {game.bosyuu} is set:
  230. execute console command "title @a actionbar {""text"":""\u00a73\u00a7lプレイヤーを募集中... \u00a77%{game.players}%\u00a78/\u00a77{@max_players}""}"
  232. command /joinedlist [<text>]:
  233. permission: op
  234. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  235. trigger:
  236. send "&e参加者人数: &7%{game.players}%&8/&7{@max_players}"
  238. command /game <text>:
  239. permission: op
  240. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  241. usage: /game <start/stop>
  242. trigger:
  243. if arg-1 is "start" or "stop" or "tyuukoku" or "teamkime" or "bosyuustart" or "bosyuustop":
  244. if arg-1 is "start":
  245. if {game.players} >= {@can_start}:
  246. if {game.started} is not set:
  247. clear {joined.players}
  248. delete {game.bosyuu}
  249. set {game.players} to 0
  250. set {game.started} to yes
  251. clear {_r}
  252. delete {_t}
  253. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &a&l20 &b秒!"
  254. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  255. wait 10 seconds
  256. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &a&l10 &b秒!"
  257. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  258. wait 5 seconds
  259. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &e&l5 &b秒!"
  260. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  261. wait 1 seconds
  262. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &6&l4 &b秒!"
  263. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  264. wait 1 seconds
  265. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &c&l3 &b秒!"
  266. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  267. wait 1 seconds
  268. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &c&l2 &b秒!"
  269. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  270. wait 1 seconds
  271. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &bゲーム開始まであと &c&l1 &b秒!"
  272. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  273. wait 1 seconds
  274. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &3&lゲーム開始!"
  275. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  276. execute console command "tp @a[tag=defender] <城の中の座標> 0 0"
  277. execute console command "tp @a[tag=attacker] <城の外の座標> 0 0"
  278. execute console command "clear @a[tag=player]"
  279. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=attacker] slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:iron_axe 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,CanDestroy:["minecraft:fence"],display:{Name:""§cAttacker Axe""}}"
  280. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:iron_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Sword""}}"
  281. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.hotbar.1 minecraft:bow 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Bow""}}"
  282. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.hotbar.2 minecraft:arrow 32 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArrow""}}"
  283. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.armor.head minecraft:iron_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Helmet""}}"
  284. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.armor.chest minecraft:iron_chestplate 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Chestplate""}}"
  285. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.armor.legs minecraft:iron_leggings 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Leggings""}}"
  286. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=knight] slot.armor.feet minecraft:iron_boots 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aKnight Boots""}}"
  287. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:stone_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArcher Sword""}}"
  288. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.hotbar.1 minecraft:bow 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:51,lvl:1}],display:{Name:""§aArcher Bow""}}"
  289. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.inventory.19 minecraft:arrow 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArrow""}}"
  290. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.armor.head minecraft:chainmail_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArcher Helmet""}}"
  291. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.armor.chest minecraft:chainmail_chestplate 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArcher Chestplate""}}"
  292. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.armor.legs minecraft:chainmail_leggings 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArcher Leggings""}}"
  293. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=archer] slot.armor.feet minecraft:chainmail_boots 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArcher Boots""}}"
  294. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:stone_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Sword""}}"
  295. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.hotbar.1 minecraft:iron_axe 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:fence""],HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:-9,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:650669,UUIDMost:607624}],display:{Name:""§6Fence Breaker""}}"
  296. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.hotbar.2 minecraft:bow 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Bow""}}"
  297. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.hotbar.3 minecraft:arrow 16 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§aArrow""}}"
  298. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.hotbar.4 minecraft:fence 32 0 {display:{Name:""§eFence""},CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:"]}"
  299. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.armor.head minecraft:golden_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Helmet""}}"
  300. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.armor.chest minecraft:golden_chestplate 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Chestplate""}}"
  301. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.armor.legs minecraft:golden_leggings 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Leggings""}}"
  302. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=builder] slot.armor.feet minecraft:golden_boots 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§dBuilder Boots""}}"
  303. execute console command "gamemode 0 @a[tag=builder]"
  304. loop all players:
  305. delete {%loop-player%.joined}
  306. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] subtitle {""text"":""\u00a7b\u00a7lCastleSiege""}"
  307. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] title {""text"":""\u00a7a\u00a7l-=Game Started=-""}"
  308. else:
  309. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &cゲームは既に開始しています!"
  310. else:
  311. send "&r[&cCastleSiege&r] &c人数が足りないのでゲームを開始することができません!"
  312. if arg-1 is "stop":
  313. delete {game.started}
  314. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &6&lゲーム終了!"
  315. broadcast " "
  316. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.wither.spawn master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  317. execute console command "tp @a[tag=player] 8.5 61.0 8.5 0 0"
  318. execute console command "clear @a[tag=player]"
  319. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=player] slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:nether_star {display:{Name:""§6§lMainMenu"",Lore:[""§7捨てないでください。詰みます。""]}}"
  320. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a[tag=player] slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:slime_ball {display:{Name:""§e§lKitMenu"",Lore:[""§7キットを選択します。""]}}"
  321. execute console command "setblock 6 57 15 redstone_block"
  322. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove player"
  323. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove defender"
  324. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove attacker"
  325. loop all players:
  326. delete {%loop-player%.team}
  327. if {win.team} is attacker:
  328. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] subtitle {""text"":""&6&l-=Game Ended=-""}"
  329. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] title {""text"":""&c&l-=Attackers win=-""}"
  330. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &6&lWinner: &c&lAttacker"
  331. delete {win.team}
  332. if {win.team} is defender:
  333. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] subtitle {""text"":""&6&l-=Game Ended=-""}"
  334. execute console command "title @a[tag=player] title {""text"":""&b&l-=Defenders win=-""}"
  335. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &6&lWinner: &b&lDefender"
  336. delete {win.team}
  337. if arg-1 is "tyuukoku":
  338. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &eまもなくゲームを開始します。"
  339. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  340. if arg-1 is "teamkime":
  341. set {_t} to 0
  342. loop {game.players} times:
  343. set {_r} to random player of {joined.players}
  344. remove {_r} from {joined.players}
  345. if {_t} is 1:
  346. execute console command "gameteam %{_r}% defender"
  347. execute console command "si あなたは &b&lDefender &aになりました。"
  348. set {_t} to 0
  349. else if {_t} is 0:
  350. execute console command "gameteam %{_r}% attacker"
  351. execute console command "si あなたは &c&lAttacker &aになりました。"
  352. set {_t} to 1
  353. if arg-1 is "bosyuu":
  354. set {game.bosyuu} to true
  355. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &eプレイヤーの募集を開始します。"
  356. broadcast "&r[&aCastleSiege&r] &6参加する場合は、/game-join、抜ける場合は、/game-quitです。"
  357. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a ~ ~ ~ 5 1.0"
  359. command /announcement <text>:
  360. permission: op
  361. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  362. usage: /announcement <Text>
  363. aliases: /announce, /an
  364. trigger:
  365. broadcast "&9&lAnnouncement &8» &a%coloured arg 1%"
  367. command /information <text>:
  368. permission: op
  369. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  370. usage: /information <Text>
  371. aliases: /info
  372. trigger:
  373. broadcast "&b&lInfo &8» &a%coloured arg 1%"
  375. command /si <player> <text>:
  376. permission: op
  377. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  378. usage: /si <Player> <Text>
  379. trigger:
  380. send "&b&lInfo &8» &a%coloured arg 2%" to arg-1
  382. on damage of player:
  383. if damage cause is fall:
  384. cancel event
  385. if damage cause is burn:
  386. cancel event
  387. attacker is player:
  388. if {%attacker%.team} is defender:
  389. if {%victim%.team} is defender:
  390. cancel event
  392. on death of player:
  393. attacker is player:
  394. if {%victim%.team} is defender:
  395. force respawn player
  396. execute console command "gameview %player%"
  397. execute console command "clear %player%"
  398. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:nether_star {display:{Name:""§6§lMainMenu"",Lore:[""§7捨てないでください。詰みます。""]}}"
  399. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:slime_ball {display:{Name:""§e§lKitMenu"",Lore:[""§7キットを選択します。""]}}"
  400. execute console command "title %player% title {""text"":""\u00a7c\u00a7lYOU DIED""}"
  401. execute console command "si %player% &c死んでしまった!"
  402. send "&r[&eCastleSiege&r] &6%player%&eが死んでしまった!"
  403. if {%victim%.team} is attacker:
  404. force respawn player
  405. execute console command "clear %player%"
  406. execute console command "title %player% subtitle {""text"":""\u00a76\u00a7l10秒後にリスポーンします...""}"
  407. execute console command "title %player% title {""text"":""\u00a7c\u00a7lYOU DIED""}"
  408. execute console command "gamemode 3 %player%"
  409. execute console command "tp %player% <城の外の座標> 0 0"
  410. wait 10 seconds
  411. execute console command "gamemode 2 %player%"
  412. execute console command "tp %player% <城の外の座標> 0 0"
  413. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:iron_axe 1 0 {HideFlags:63,Unbreakable:1,CanDestroy:["minecraft:fence"],display:{Name:""§cAttacker Axe""}}"
  415. command /respawn <player>:
  416. permission: op
  417. permission message: §cYou do not have permission to execute this command!
  418. usage: /respawn <Player>
  419. trigger:
  420. if arg-1 is set:
  421. force respawn arg-1
  422. send "&eRespawned %arg 1%!"
  424. on damage of zombie:
  425. victim's name is "§6§lKing"
  426. attacker is player:
  427. if {%attacker%.team} is defender:
  428. cancel event
  429. if {%attacker%.team} is attacker
  430. execute console command "title @a actionbar {""text"":""\u00a7c%attacker% がキングを攻撃している!""}"
  432. on death of zombie:
  433. victim's name is "§6§lKing"
  434. attacker is player:
  435. if {%attacker%.team} is attacker:
  436. broadcast "&r[&eCastleSiege&r] &6キングが倒された!"
  437. set {win.team} to attacker
  438. execute console command "game stop"
  440. on right click on fence:
  441. if {%player%.team} is defender:
  442. set event-block to air
  443. execute console command "playsound minecraft:ui.button.click master @a %location of target block% 5 1.0"
  444. wait 2 seconds
  445. set event-block to oak fence
  447. on break:
  448. if player do not have permission "server.candestroy":
  449. event-block is not a fence:
  450. cancel event
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