

May 13th, 2014
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  1. >Just you and Twilight left.
  2. >The two of you had left the besieged Ponyville Castle, just before midnight last night.
  3. >The Changelings...too many, far far too many.
  4. >They washed over the area like a tidal wave, getting everywhere.
  5. >Canterlot had fallen as well, no word on Celestia or Luna escaping.
  6. >There were still pockets of resistance, so there was some hope...but it was looking grim.
  7. >The Crystal Empire had yet to be reached, but it seemed to be doomed as well.
  8. >The last contact Twilight had with her brother was him urging her to run, and not look back.
  9. >Her friends had fought to the last, but were eventually overwhelmed and hauled off to the hive for...god knows what reason.
  10. >Even Discord had trouble with the sheer *numbers.*
  11. >He would banish one only for twelve more to take its place.
  12. >Eventually, he retreated via escape slide, and his whereabouts were currently unknown.
  13. >Twilight was openly weeping as the two of you sat in the throne room of the old Everfree castle.
  14. >It was enough to hide you two for the moment, but you knew it was a useless gesture.
  15. >You flicked some of the iridescent green blood off of your appropriated guard sword as you kept watch out of the windows.
  16. >A storm was gathering, one of the random Everfree thunderstorms.
  17. >Twilight was...tired.
  18. >Not physically. Mentally and emotionally.
  19. >You could see it in her eyes.
  20. >"We should...keep moving, Anon. Find a way to escape, maybe to the dragon lands to the south." She said. "Oh Celestia, Spike..."
  21. >The tears began again, and you didn't blame her.
  22. >The issue was: You simply didn't have time for this.
  23. "Twilight, listen to me." You said, voice soft but stern. "We have to leave. You said it yourself."
  24. >"I...I know..."
  25. >The alicorn sniffled.
  26. >"I...I'm going to kill Chrysalis." She said with a chilling finality in her tone. "For all of this."
  27. "...I know."
  28. >"I should have done it at the wedding. Not a de-camouflaging spell, a kill spell." Twilight growled. "I knew enough of them by that point. Would have broke Shining's shield spells easily enough as well."
  29. >You sighed.
  30. "What's done is done. We need to keep moving."
  31. >"The path takes us straight through the Badlands. The Changelings nest there."
  32. "Oh. Fuck."
  33. >"Mmhm."
  34. >The castle rattled.
  35. "What the..."
  36. >Lightning flashed, and you saw them.
  37. >Changelings, flooding through the forest and over the entrance ramp.
  38. >Chrysalis was here, possibly to personally oversee the capture or death of the two of you.
  39. >"I...have a plan. It's not a pretty one, it's not a pleasant one, but it's a plan."
  40. "Hmm?"
  41. >"I...'uncork myself', as it were. Unleash every last bit of magical strength I have."
  42. "Which will...?"
  43. >"It will have a blast radius of fifteen kilometers. I'll be drained, but Chrysalis will not survive."
  44. "Let me guess. You need me to hold them off while you prep the spell."
  45. >"Not at all. I can do this at a moment's notice. I just want to see the bug's face when I do."
  46. >"Anon..."
  47. "Twilight?"
  48. >She looked away, biting her lower lip.
  49. >"I...won't survive this, either. You will, due to your immunity to magic..."
  50. "I figured." You said, touching your forehead to hers. "We're lighting the way for the Crystal Empire then, right?"
  51. >"Right!"
  52. >You chuckled the kind of chuckle a death row inmate uses on the way to being executed.
  53. "Let's do this, then. I'll lead the way, they're liable to use magic until we close in."
  54. >"Right. After that, I'll get Chrysalis in close, then blow this right in her face."
  55. >You both took a deep breath, foreheads still touching...
  56. >Then locked lips in a deep, comforting kiss.
  57. >"I love you."
  58. "I love you."
  59. >The two of you exchanged your final words, nodding at one another.
  60. >You gave her a smile, one she returned despite knowing what would happen in just a few moments.
  61. >The two of you stepped to the dilapidated drawbridge, you with your sword drawn.
  62. >"Twilight Sparkle, oh how I've waited SO LONG for this!" The bug queen cackled from just behind the front lines.
  63. >"If you surrender now, the two of you can be made part of the hive! It's a pleasant experience, and you may even take my place as Queen!"
  64. >"No sell." Twilight responded simply, voice loud and clear above the cacophony of the shuffling insects.
  65. >"Very well. I suppose I will have to indoctrinate you as well. Archers, fire when ready."
  66. >Brainwashed Guardsponies stepped forward, bows in their telekinetic grip.
  67. >A rain of arrows came down, one Twilight stopped with a shield.
  68. >Several changelings closed in, firing green beams that may as well have been a warm breeze to you.
  69. >Twilight kept flying on as you taunted and mocked the changelings.
  70. >Eventually the lavender mare engaged in close-range combat with the Queen, unleashing absolute hell on one another.
  71. >Your lack of attention was rewarded when white-hot agony shot through you.
  72. >Looking down, a changeling had run you through with that wickedly pointed horn, right through your left lung.
  73. >You cleaved it off with your sword, adrenaline high allowing you to ignore it in favor of decapitating the one that did it.
  74. >Twilight got in close...then pulsed brightly, like a star.
  75. >A brilliant flash of magenta was all you saw before everything went black.
  76. ---
  77. >You awoke against a tree, the rain still pouring down.
  78. >Your wound was still bleeding, but you needed to see your Twilight.
  79. >It was your sole driving purpose.
  80. >It wasn't hard to find her, either.
  81. >Everything that wasn't magic-resistant was simply...gone.
  82. >The lavender mare herself was on her side, star cutie mark missing from her hips.
  83. >The only thing remaining of Chrysalis was the black crown she used to wear on her head, as well as a single charred wing.
  84. "Twilight..."
  85. >You made it to your mare, pulling her limp body close.
  86. >"Nmmgh..." Twilight groaned. "Did"
  87. "Yes did..."
  88. >She opened her eyes with great effort, her normally brilliant violet irises now a dull, lifeless grey.
  89. >"Good..."
  90. "Was she surprised?"
  91. >"Oh, was she ever..." Twilight said with a tired chuckle.
  92. "Good..."
  93. >The two of you lie against a boulder, you propped up against it.
  94. >You were both silent for a while.
  95. >Sleep was good right now.
  96. "Twilight...?"
  97. > response.
  98. "Twi?"
  99. >A gentle shake of her wings had no effect either, the limbs hanging limply.
  100. "Sweetheart...?"
  101. >Still nothing.
  102. >Twilight wasn't breathing.
  103. >You bowed your head and wept quietly, right up until the darkness took you.
  104. >Funny, you'd have thought dying would hurt a lot more.
  105. ===
  106. >Shining Armor and Cadence were nearly inconsolable when they found the princess and human a day later.
  107. >Due to Twilight's actions, not only had Queen Chrysalis been killed, but so had the large, overwhelming majority of her invasion forces.
  108. >The bug queen had known how dangerous Twilight really was, and wanted every available Changeling to fight her.
  109. >The force that hit the Crystal Empire's walls was uncoordinated and weak as a result, and thus had simply broken against the Empire's defenses.
  110. >The Crystal Empire's army was heading to the Badlands to exterminate the hive, to the last.
  111. >A small expeditionary force was heading to Canterlot to take the city back.
  112. >Celestia had been found, tending her sister's wounds in a small resistance camp just outside Canterlot.
  113. >The Princess had lost her composure when the news about Twilight had been delivered, shedding tears freely.
  114. >The sun had been set at dawn for a week, unmoving and unwavering.
  115. >The Princess of Friendship and her Human?
  116. >Now residing forever in a tomb, dedicated to the two lovers that stopped an evil force from irrevocably taking hold.
  117. >On the tomb was a simple verse.
  118. >"As dusk signals the coming of the dark, so too does Twilight signal the coming of Day."
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