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Oct 10th, 2022
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  1. #############################################################################################
  2. # ____ _ ____ _ #
  3. # | _ \ ___ ___ _ _ ___ | | ___ _ __ | _ \ | | _ _ ___ #
  4. # | |_) | / _ \ / __| | | | | / __| | | / _ \ | '__| | |_) | | | | | | | / __| #
  5. # | _ < | __/ | (__ | |_| | | (__ | | | __/ | | | __/ | | | |_| | \__ \ #
  6. # |_| \_\ \___| \___| \__, | \___| |_| \___| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |___/ #
  7. # |___/ #
  8. #############################################################################################
  9. #- *\ Created by Maazapan © /* -#
  10. #############################################################################################
  12. config:
  14. # You can modify the prefix found in each of the commands
  15. # simply by changing the text.
  16. prefix: " &b❖ &8| &eRecyclerPlus &8: &r"
  18. # Add any item you don't want to be recycled, follow the order
  19. # of the list to avoid any errors, you can add it to the list below.
  20. blacklist-items:
  21. - TNT
  22. - CHEST
  24. # Add the sounds of the recycling table.
  25. # You can find all available sounds on this page.
  26. # Docs:
  27. sounds:
  28. error-info:
  29. - 'ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO;0.8;1'
  30. success-info:
  32. - 'BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;0.8;1'
  34. # When recycling an enchanted item, it will give you the book with which it was enchanted.
  35. enchanted-craft: true
  37. # Send message at player if the recycler is successful.
  38. success-message: false
  39. item-durability: true
  41. plugin-hooks:
  42. # Set to true if you want to use Vault's economy plugin.
  43. vault-economy:
  44. enable: false
  45. cost: 100
  47. # If option is enable check player has permission
  48. # and open recycler menu.
  49. open-recycler-permission:
  50. enable: false
  51. permission: "recyclerplus.use"
  53. # Fail when you are recycling the player will lose the item they are trying to recycle
  54. # you can set the percentage you want this to happen, also disable and enable it.
  55. fail-recycler:
  56. enable: false
  57. percentage: 20
  59. # Change the result of any recycling, you can turn it on and off from the option below
  60. # remember to add the item you want to change to the list here.
  61. change-result:
  62. enable: false
  63. materials:
  64. '1':
  66. result:
  67. - 'DIAMOND;1'
  68. - 'TNT;20'
  69. - "IRON_INGOT;10"
  71. # Make it possible to craft the recycler block only by activating this option.
  72. crafting-recipe:
  73. enable: true
  74. # By activating this option you need a permission when crafting a mailbox.
  75. recycler-permission:
  76. enable: true
  77. permission: "recyclerplus.craft"
  78. pattern:
  79. - "E E E"
  80. - "E A E"
  81. - "B C B"
  82. recipe:
  83. 'E': IRON_INGOT
  84. 'A': REDSTONE
  85. 'B': OAK_LOG
  88. # This item can be obtained with the command "/recycler give <player>"
  89. # use it to open the recycler more easily.
  90. item-recycler:
  91. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  92. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGIyYjYyNGRkYzdkNGE2NWU1MjcwYWU1Yjc3NWUxOGU4ZDU1ODk4ZjE1NzJiNDU5YmRmOTRkZDBkNDY0ODRmNyJ9fX0="
  93. display_name: "&aRecycler"
  94. lore:
  95. - '&8RecyclerPlus'
  96. - ''
  97. - '&fRecycle the items you dont'
  98. - '&fneed to get some materials. '
  99. - ''
  100. - '&7You can place the recycler anywhere.'
  101. - ''
  102. - ' &e▸ Click to place'
  104. # These are simple messages that are used when you use some command.
  105. messages:
  106. success-recycler: "&aYou have successfully recycled an item."
  107. nopermission: "&cSorry you not have permission."
  108. receive-recycler: "&aHas received a recycler."
  109. send-recycler: "&fYou have sent a recycler to &a%name%"
  110. no-money: "&cYou don't have enough money, you need &e$%money%"
  112. inventory:
  113. title: "Recycler Bench"
  114. size: 54
  116. # This is the slot where you have to place the item you want to recycle
  117. # you can modify it to your liking, remember that this slot has to be empty to work.
  118. recycler-slot: 19
  120. # In these slots the glass will be placed informing that something happened
  121. # could be an error at the time of recycling or also that everything has gone well
  122. # If you want to deactivate this option, put the word "none"
  123. info-slot: 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44
  125. # Tou can add any item to the menu by simply following the list to avoid any errors.
  126. items:
  127. '3':
  128. id: BARRIER
  129. slot: 49
  130. display_name: "&cClose Menu"
  131. actions:
  132. - "[CLOSE]"
  133. - "[SOUND]: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK;1;1"
  134. '4':
  135. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  136. slot: 25
  137. texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19"
  138. display_name: "&aAccept Recycling"
  139. lore:
  140. - '&8Recycler Menu'
  141. - ''
  142. - '&fObtain the materials you used'
  143. - '&fto create this item. '
  144. - ''
  145. - '&c¡Not be able to recover the item! '
  146. - ''
  147. - ' &e▸ Click to recycling'
  148. actions:
  149. - "[ACCEPT]"
  150. '1':
  152. except-slots:
  153. - 12
  154. - 13
  155. - 14
  156. - 19
  157. - 21
  158. - 22
  159. - 23
  160. - 25
  161. - 30
  162. - 31
  163. - 32
  164. - 49
  165. '2':
  167. slots:
  168. - 36
  169. - 37
  170. - 38
  171. - 39
  172. - 40
  173. - 41
  174. - 42
  175. - 43
  176. - 44
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