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Jul 14th, 2014
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  1. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "Well, how about this. We swing attacks at each other, then we do a few poses."
  2. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "Okay. That works."
  3. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "It can be something as short as some introduction, a quick alamagation pose of fights, and then an ending."
  4. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir resets. Flip for start?
  5. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson nodnods. Heads or tails?
  6. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir heads!
  7. -=<*FLIP*>=- Jeannette Thompson flipped a coin: Tails!
  8. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "All right! I'll go first. Start with Moderate's, defender's right to escalate!"
  9. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "Yup!"
  11. Jeannette Thompson does 1 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Mild Graze hit.
  12. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Opening sword fight! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  14. Marie Mjolnir does 10 damage to Jeannette Thompson with an Above Average hit.
  15. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Opening Tonfa Smack! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  17. Jeannette Thompson does 10 damage to Marie Mjolnir with an Above Average hit.
  18. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Let's try that again? moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  20. Marie Mjolnir does 10 damage to Jeannette Thompson with an Above Average hit.
  21. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Soul Menace! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  23. Jeannette Thompson does 10 damage to Marie Mjolnir with an Above Average hit.
  24. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Shooting someone in the knees! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  26. Marie Mjolnir does 3 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Graze hit.
  27. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Lighting Bolt! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  29. Jeannette Thompson does 12 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Direct hit.
  30. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Sword absorbs energy, flat of blade redirect at the attacker! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  32. Marie Mjolnir does 16 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Critical hit.
  33. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Two Palm Soul Menace - Twin Spears! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  34. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "Oh, Ow!"
  36. Jeannette Thompson does 13 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Direct hit.
  37. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Should really learn to have more attack names! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  39. Marie Mjolnir does 13 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Direct hit.
  40. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her God Bless Named FC Abilities like Successive Palm Soul Mentace moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  42. Jeannette Thompson does 9 damage to Marie Mjolnir with an Above Average hit.
  43. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her They certainly seem to be doing better than namelessly stagging someone in the shoulder with a cybernetic blade moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  45. Marie Mjolnir does 10 damage to Jeannette Thompson with an Above Average hit.
  46. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her This would be worse if it wasn't for the fact you're stabbing Stein who has a SCREW IN HIS HEAD. Also, "Wei Wu Shu" Palm Soul Menace moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  48. Jeannette Thompson does 6 damage to Marie Mjolnir with an Average hit.
  49. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her I really, really hope none of these Pal Sul Menace attacks are electical. That would mean I SWORD TO THE CHEST. moderate attack!
  51. Marie Mjolnir does 3 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Graze hit.
  52. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Look at the name Marie Mjolnir. Now you tell me if lightning affects anything. Oh. Also? Triquetera Attack. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  54. Jeannette Thompson does 12 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Direct hit.
  55. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Oh. Oh this is hurting a lot more than I thought it would. Ow. So much repair work. YOu know what doesn't need to be repaired? Reinforced bone. /SMACKING/ you in the skull. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  56. Marie Mjolnir does 13 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Direct hit.
  57. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Screw in head, he has a screw in his head! Let's go! Soul resonance! Izuna! Two Palm Soul Menace! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  58. Jeannette Thompson does 12 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Direct hit.
  59. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her That was just a whole bunch of nonsense! NONSENSE! Except for the screw in the head. Maybe I should go for the knees again with a slash. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  61. Marie Mjolnir does 13 damage to Jeannette Thompson with a Direct hit.
  62. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her Well... it's not like they're paired because they don't work well together. Or something. Also... Izuna'd triquetra attack. ._. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  64. Jeannette Thompson does 1 damage to Marie Mjolnir with a Mild Graze hit.
  65. Jeannette Thompson hit Marie Mjolnir with her Are you talking about the attacks? Because I have to invent to levels of hardening to desrcibe how Jeannette still isn't a twitching mess at the moment. Also, using the blade as a hook and /HEADBUTT/. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  67. Marie Mjolnir does 10 damage to Jeannette Thompson with an Above Average hit.
  68. Marie Mjolnir hit Jeannette Thompson with her HEADBUTT'D. Tonfa to the head! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>
  69. Jeannette Thompson has been knocked out!
  71. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "How about a very quick thing. Some introduction poses, maybe one or two poses exchanging blows in a flurry, then Jeannette yields."
  72. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "Okie dokie!"
  73. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "I'm not gonna bother using the scenesys for this - I'll manually log and send it off to Beli."
  74. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "(Not for like, 6 poses.)"
  75. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "You sure? Okay!"
  76. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "Do you know if you could start?"
  77. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "Yeah, I can manage that. z_z"
  78. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "NPC announcer, goooo!"
  81. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! It's time for the next round of this fight, and entering the field is a unlikely duo! Marie 'The Pulverizer' Mjolnir, the Death Scythe of the DWMA, accompanied by her Meister, the man known as Doctor Franken Stein!"
  83. Marie and Stein pick their way through to get close to Jeannette, before Marie disappears in a flash of golden-yellow light, forming into a tonfa gripped securely in Steins hand.
  85. "Good luck!" Her voice somehow echoes around the room.
  86. "And arriving at the opposite end of the Arena, Mistress of Sword and Shot herself, Dame Jeannette Thompson, The Baronness Raletza!"
  88. Jeannette really wished they'd come up with something that was both less ostentatious and /more/ ostentacious. Different. She muttered. If she was going to do this Tournament thing more often, she needed to have something /good/ to enter in on, instead of just a title and a skill description. Maybe if she worked on marketing to sell herself...
  90. The enemy comes up very quickly, it seems, right in front of her, before.. one of the figures transforms into a weapon. "Well. Just glad this is going to be even." She muses, reaching to her belt witha flash of her cloak being pulled away, the blade suddenly in her hands. "Are you prepared?"
  91. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "I'll let you pose starting since you won the +flip ^^"
  93. "We are." Meister and weapon echo. Marie's voice seems to come from the tonfa itself, almost as if it's sprouting a pair of lips to speak.
  95. Stein settles into a position, the extremely tall doctor reaching up with one hand and cranking the screw in his head. It makes the cranking noise.
  96. Jeannette nods, slightly. "Well, perhaps I will be outnumbered after all, if you're going to work together like that. Let's see what you're made of, then!" She notes, before heading forward, and attacking. Her movements are fluid, a sword taking the time to dart and slice in, attempting to keep close to her, despite the magical nature of her enemy's weapon. If she is forced back, Jeannette might show that her pistol wasn't just a fashion accessory, and leave Marie dealing with some more high velocity preforations.
  98. "That's the whole point of what we are. A weapon, me, requires a meister, him, to be their most effective." Marie's voice echoes.
  100. Jeannette finds out a scary truth - Stein, for his size, is extremely fast and agile, and his use of Marie in her tonfa form, combined with her electricity attacks and his own knowledge of how to use the soul against the person it resides in by manipulating his own. "Ai yiii, good sword work!" Marie says, mildly enthused.
  101. "Very well." She says, and moves to deflect attack after her attack, if she can. And even if the tonfa and her master were fast, Jeannette was faster. She was skilled with the weapon itself, and augmented by both skills and augmentation. The last part, of course... that was the problem. For the person attack would find out quickly enough that electric attacks were particularly effective. It caused her to pause at first, to breka her guard, and grimace in pain. She's quick enough to block the attacks coming at her, and her sword works to absorb the energy of the attacks, even. But some get through, and her ability to cope with it, to resist it, degraded as failsafe's failed and performence was deminished.
  103. It was after one more strike that she simply collapsed to the floor, struggling to raise her hand that was gripped tightly around her sword, panting heavily as she twitched. "S... S..." She says, before concentrating. "Stop. That is... e...enough. I yield. And commend you on matching tac-tactics to the weakness."
  105. Stein takes the brunt of the attacks, although Marie does feel herself getting sapped up, energy going for the various attacks. Also, Marie is /extremely/ apologetic about the fact that they used what electrical attacks they did - it's why she had Stein use more of the Soul Menace and physical based skills.
  107. After a few seconds, Marie reappears, leaning against Stein for a second before she moves to offer a hand to Jeannette.
  109. "That was a good fight. Thank you, Miss Thompson."
  110. Jeannette unsteadily moves to grab the hand that's offered. Her physical wounds are there, of course, but her discoordination, her looking to the left, and right, as if trying to get her bearings, indicate that she was more damaged on the inside than she was on the outside. "Very... very good fight. Can't s-say I've felt l-l-like that before." Another twitch of her head. "Not saying I want t-to feel this way again. C-Commend you. On your tactics." And with that, she at least manages to get to her feet. She never started a battle yet without a second, and they and a medic are hear to lead her off the field for the recovery process.
  112. Marie salutes Jeannette, then wanders back to her own teammate, where Stein is curiously prodding at his own bloody parts. "I- no, Stein, you can't experiment on yourself, I've told you that, you're being creepy.." She comments as they head off to the other set of medics.
  114. -<OOC>- Jeannette Thompson says, "Good point for it?"
  115. -<OOC>- Marie Mjolnir says, "Yup! I've got a manual log, I'll clean it up and @mail Beli."
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