
Feelgood Feat 5

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. "The moment you pick up that necklace," Dr. Feelgood whispered. "You will be set down a「path」 that you will regret."
  3. The man looked up, the necklace in his hand. "Huh? What the hell are you-"
  5. The surroundings were instantly consumed by a distortion effect accompanied by sounds that sounded like thick paper being ripped mixed with blaring dubstep beats.
  7. The mugger blinked. And he was suddenly somewhere else.
  9. "W-what? What is this?" The man gawked.
  11. The world around him had been changed. He was no longer in the dark alleyway trying to steal the sparkling green necklace from that sexy foreign lady in the white doctor's coat, but back in a place he'd never thought he'd see again.
  13. Inside Kameyu Bank's Mitakihara Branch, the place he was fired from a month ago. He remembered everything about the place, from the long lights on the ceiling that had a tendency to flicker and hum and never work properly, to the kiosks made of fine wood and the posters advertising credit cards and special deals that were practically all scams in his opinion.
  15. But the surroundings wasn't the only thing that had changed. The man himself had changed. His security guard's outfit, which he had kept against the wishes of his employers, was back in pristine condition without a stain or tear in sight. He also had become well-shaved, his dirty beard gone, and he smelled like as if he had taken a shower not too long ago.
  17. "Oh shit!" The man gawked. He even had his badges and radio back, all clipped neatly to his belt. And in his hand wasn't the switchblade knife which he used to threaten the woman he tried to rob. It was the service pistol he was given as part of his duties as a security guard.
  19. What the hell is this? What is going on-
  21. The gun in his hands wasn't pointing at the woman. Instead, in her place, stood a tall, muscular man whose face was hidden behind a black wool mask that had sockets which exposed his hard, deep set eyes and mouth. There were two other men dressed in similar wool masks, all brandishing firearms and and large bags slung across their shoulders. One of them shouted.
  23. "Alright! Everyone on the ground! And hand over all the cash!"
  25. There were other people in the bank, all of them crouching with their heads held down. They looked frightened out of their minds.
  27. The man felt something wet and numb in his chest. He glanced down and noticed the steadily growing dark red stain appearing on his uniform, right beneath his breast pocket. Coincidentally, it was the same time he noticed the masked figure in front of him had a pistol in his gloved hand. The pistol's barrel was smoking.
  29. The man fell backward, clutching his chest. He had been shot.
  31. Dr. Feelgood studied her watch as she counted down the seconds when Iron Maiden's ability would soon end.
  33. "…"
  35. The noise of ripping dubstep filled the air once again, and the vagabond that tried to mug her reappeared, teleporting back to the same place he was before he vanished thanks to Iron Maiden's strange ability. His body was flailing backwards as if he had been in free fall. He landed with a loud thud, his blood staining the grimy stone ground.
  37. His chest was marked by what looked like to be the result of a particularly fatal gunshot.
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