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- """
- Advent of Code 2021 - Day 21
- """
- import re
- from collections import Counter, defaultdict
- from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
- DAY = '21'
- FULL_INPUT_FILE = f'../inputs/day{DAY}/input.full.txt'
- TEST_INPUT_FILE = f'../inputs/day{DAY}/input.test.txt'
- def load_data(infile_path: str) -> List[int]:
- with open(infile_path, 'r', encoding='ascii') as infile:
- return [int('(\d+)$', i).group()) for i in infile]
- def calculate_cycles(p1_start: int, p2_start: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
- cycle_length = 10
- cycle_range = range(cycle_length)
- p1_moves, p2_moves = \
- [[((((6 * (i + 1) - j) * 3) - 1) % 10) + 1 for i in cycle_range] for j in (4, 1)]
- p1_cycle, p2_cycle = [[i] * cycle_length for i in (p1_start, p2_start)]
- for i in cycle_range:
- p1_cycle[i] = ((p1_moves[i] - 1 + p1_cycle[i - 1]) % 10) + 1
- p2_cycle[i] = ((p2_moves[i] - 1 + p2_cycle[i - 1]) % 10) + 1
- return p1_cycle, p2_cycle
- def find_winning_turn(target: int, cycle: List[int]) -> int:
- full_cycles = int(target / sum(cycle))
- points = full_cycles * sum(cycle)
- i = 0
- while points < target:
- points += cycle[i]
- i += 1
- return (full_cycles * len(cycle)) + i
- def find_score_at_turn(turn: int, cycle: List[int]):
- full_cycles = int(turn / len(cycle))
- points = full_cycles * sum(cycle)
- i = 0
- while (full_cycles * len(cycle)) + i < turn:
- points += cycle[i]
- i += 1
- return points
- def simulate_deterministic(p1_start: int, p2_start: int, target: int = 1000) -> int:
- p1_cycle, p2_cycle = calculate_cycles(p1_start, p2_start)
- p1_winning_turn = find_winning_turn(target, p1_cycle)
- p2_winning_turn = find_winning_turn(target, p2_cycle)
- if p1_winning_turn <= p2_winning_turn:
- losing_score = find_score_at_turn(p1_winning_turn - 1, p2_cycle)
- total_rolls = (6 * p1_winning_turn) - 3
- else:
- losing_score = find_score_at_turn(p2_winning_turn, p1_cycle)
- total_rolls = 6 * p2_winning_turn
- return losing_score * total_rolls
- def generate_rolls(dice: int, sides: int) -> Dict[int, int]:
- possible_rolls = [()]
- for _ in range(dice):
- possible_rolls = [(i, *j) for i in range(1, sides + 1) for j in possible_rolls]
- possible_rolls = Counter([sum(i) for i in possible_rolls])
- return possible_rolls
- def simulate_dirac(p1_start: int, p2_start: int, spaces: int = 10,
- dice: int = 3, sides: int = 3, target: int = 21) -> int:
- possible_rolls = generate_rolls(dice, sides)
- p1_wins = p2_wins = 0
- states = {(p1_start, p2_start, 0, 0): 1}
- while states:
- new_states = defaultdict(int)
- for (p1_pos, p2_pos, p1_score, p2_score), count in states.items():
- for p1_roll in possible_rolls:
- new_p1_pos = ((p1_pos + p1_roll - 1) % spaces) + 1
- new_p1_score = p1_score + new_p1_pos
- if new_p1_score >= target:
- p1_wins += count * possible_rolls[p1_roll]
- else:
- for p2_roll in possible_rolls:
- new_p2_pos = ((p2_pos + p2_roll - 1) % spaces) + 1
- new_p2_score = p2_score + new_p2_pos
- if new_p2_score >= target:
- p2_wins += count * possible_rolls[p1_roll] * possible_rolls[p2_roll]
- else:
- new_states[new_p1_pos, new_p2_pos, new_p1_score, new_p2_score] += \
- count * possible_rolls[p1_roll] * possible_rolls[p2_roll]
- states = new_states
- return max([p1_wins, p2_wins])
- def part_1(infile_path: str) -> int:
- p1_start, p2_start = load_data(infile_path)
- return simulate_deterministic(p1_start, p2_start)
- def part_2(infile_path: str) -> int:
- p1_start, p2_start = load_data(infile_path)
- return simulate_dirac(p1_start, p2_start)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- part1_answer = part_1(FULL_INPUT_FILE)
- print(f'Part 1: {part1_answer}')
- part2_answer = part_2(FULL_INPUT_FILE)
- print(f'Part 2: {part2_answer}')
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