
MRVerse Chapter 4(Part 2)

Jun 26th, 2018
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  1. ------------------
  2. (Sept 1599)
  3. | Rank S Official Cup|
  4. "" = Jalen
  5. [] = Colt
  6. {} = Raven
  7. = Qrow
  8. ' ' = Inigo
  9. ++ = Soleil
  16. Battle Theme
  19. Liquel gasps for air as Sora take his fist from his belly and allow the Prince Hare to recover on the floor on his hands and knees...Everyone else seems to have various reactions. Soleil's eyes are widen as she kinda knew how strong Sora was, but didn't know he was this good, Qrow take a chug of his water bottle and shakes his head with a tired look, Colt fistpumps in pride cause she love it when Sora stop goofing around and take things seriously..Raven covers her mouth to hide her wide smile, barely shaking with glee at how strong of a breeder Jalen is...and Inigo has his jaw drop in both shock and concerned for his Prince Hare who can barely stand now...
  21. 'Wh-what the hell was that?!? Your Hare was on the rock and got off of it for one moment...and the next moment he just teleported!!' He points across the arena towards Jalen with an accusing look. 'EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU VILE SCOUNDREL!!' Jalen closes his eyes and shrugs with a confident smirk. "Well, to start with, Let me retract my earlier statement about Sora being perfect..We all know that's a load of crap..." He opens his eyes and place his hands on his hips with the smirk on his face still staying there. "What ISN'T a load of crap is my Hare outclassing your own." Sora agrees as he does a | Bring it | Gesture towards Liquel.
  23. Liquel scowls as he get into his stance along with Inigo who balls his fist and hold it up to shake it with rage. 'I'll wipe that smirk off of your face, I promise you that! Liquel! Kung-Fu Blow!' Liquel brings his left fist back as it sparks up with thunder as he shouts loudly while dashing towards Sora.
  25. "Sora! Counter with a Collar Flip!"
  27. Sora place both hands up as Liquel get into range for him to thrust his fist out to punch Sora, but Sora merely smack the fist away as he dodges to the left of Liquel and grab the same arm he slapped away to position himself to where he throws Liquel over his shoulder like the Prince Hare did earlier. Only this time, Liquel is thrown harshly on the ground as he bounce on the floor a couple of times before he slowly gets up.
  29. 'Liquel! Hang in there! Use Rolling Blow!'
  31. Liquel shouts loudly as he leap and spin very fast with one of his fists cracking loudly with thunder..Sora only get into a stance where he place one foot behind one another and bring a fist back...
  33. "Hard-Straight!"
  35. +Damnit, Inigo, you need to stop Liquel cause you're making him run to a trap!+ Soleil call out from her spot in the dugout, showing concern for her younger brother and his monster. Inigo pay her no mind as he ignores her which only make Soleil facepalm in frustration. Meanwhile, Raven sighs and closes her eyes as she soon walk towards the bench and lay down on it. {Qrow, I'm taking a nap, wake me up when it's my turn...}. Not gonna watch me and Corvus's match? His Tiger/Monol stretches his body out while Riku(Raven' s Dragon) merely yawns as Qrow quirk an eyebrow at his older twin who waves him all as she turns over..{I know that you're gonna win so why bother watching what's already decided?}
  37. That makes sense, but I wouldn't mind you watching, older sister.. He roll his eyes as he know Raven know that he was bullshitting about him being sad about this..They aren't exactly your average sibling the very least they care for one another..
  38. Meanwhile on the arena's floor..Liquel is launched back by quite a distance and hit a rock, this time bouncing off of it...only to get slammed into it again from a Tackle by Sora as they both go through the rock and land on the other side of it as Sora turns while holding Liquel in his arms to position himself where he slides on his feet and throw him to the floor again.
  39. 'LIQUEL!'
  41. Inigo call out to his monster who slowly gets up....Jalen crosses his arms and call out to Sora, Colt knowing that this one will end the match...
  43. "Sora, Kung-Fu Kick!"
  45. Sora nods and crouches low to the ground and place a hand on the floor before he screams loudly and using his leg muscles, rocket towards Liquel as he extend a foot 1st and land it on the Prince Hare's belly, making him spit up some blood in the process as he is sent flying out of the arena's ring and land on the outside boundaries where the breeders would be on, landing next to a shocked Inigo who look between Liquel and Sora rapidly before clutching his head and screaming to the heavens before kneeling down and cradling his KO'ED Prince Hare.
  46. 'LIQUEL! LIQUEL!!!' He turns his face to glare at Jalen who welcomes Sora to his arms with Colt behind him with a happy smile on her face..Jalen smiling as well before looking at Inigo with a scowl of his own. 'YOU BASTARD! YOU COULD HAD INJURED HIM!'
  48. Jalen sighs as he look at Colt and then back to Inigo with a calm and yet tired look. "Dude, you do this all the time whenever I beat you, claiming that your monster is injured when we all know that your family have access to the best hospital tools ever.."
  50. Inigo stands up and points at him with an exaggerated angry look. 'THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! WHAT MATTERS IS THAT THIS SHALL NOT GO UN-HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?!'
  52. "Dude, it's time for the next match..." Jalen waves him off as he, Colt, and Sora walk back to their dugout while Inigo groans in anger....meanwhile Qrow yawns as he walks up to the arena, walking past Jalen and his friends with his Terror Dog, Corvus, besides him. The 2 of them share a look before Qrow looks on ahead...Jalen looking at his back while Colt stops with Sora doing the same as the 2 of them look at Jalen. [Jalen, what's wrong?] the 18 year old assistant asked her friend who shakes his head and walk on up to them and then past them to the dugout.
  54. "Nothing, just got a ill feeling from him is all.."
  56. Colt and Sora look at each other and shrugs as they walk on behind Jalen..
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