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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. 174x TelUI-1.0-74\modules\Tooltip.lua:80: attempt to index local 'parent' (a nil value)
  2. TelUI-1.0-74\modules\Tooltip.lua:55: in function `OnTooltipUpdate'
  3. TelUI-1.0-74\modules\Tooltip.lua:35: in function <TelUI\modules\Tooltip.lua:35>
  4. <in C code>: in function `func'
  5. QuestHelper-\manager_event.lua:22: in function `QH_Hook_NotMyFault'
  6. QuestHelper-\tooltip.lua:390: in function <QuestHelper\tooltip.lua:382>
  7. QuestHelper-\manager_event.lua:157: in function `func'
  8. QuestHelper-\manager_event.lua:43: in function <QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:25>
  9. QuestHelper-\manager_event.lua:111: in function <QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:99>
  11. Locals:
  12. self = <table> {
  13. }
  14. tooltip = GameTooltip {
  15. 0 = <userdata>
  16. shadow = <unnamed> {}
  17. SetText = <function> @ QuestHelper\collect.lua:24:
  18. shoppingTooltips = <table> {}
  19. statusBG = <unnamed> {}
  20. SetUnitBuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  21. SetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  22. statusBar = GameTooltipStatusBar {}
  23. updateTooltip = 0.2
  24. SetInventoryItem = <function> @ GearScore\GearScore.lua:735:
  25. updateTimer = 0.2
  26. comparing = false
  27. SetUnitAura = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  28. SetUnitDebuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
  29. gloss = <unnamed> {}
  30. }
  31. elapsed = 45.102310180664
  32. TelUI = <table> {
  33. string = <table> {}
  34. GetModule = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:113:
  35. table = <table> {}
  36. postCombatHooks = <table> {}
  37. ppMult = 1
  38. silentcall = <function> @ TelUI\core\errors.lua:21:
  39. debug = false
  40. GetLayout = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:105:
  41. mixins = <table> {}
  42. loadedLayout = <table> {}
  43. loadedModules = <table> {}
  44. raidDebuffs = <table> {}
  45. version = "1.0-74"
  46. RegisterPostCombatCallback = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:157:
  47. PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:52:
  48. loadedSkin = <table> {}
  49. Print = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:120:
  50. chat = <table> {}
  51. BlackListModules = <function> @ TelUI\core\blacklist.lua:11:
  52. DisplayConflict = <function> @ TelUI\core\popups.lua:97:
  53. vMajor = "1"
  54. PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:168:
  55. math = <table> {}
  56. vBuild = ""
  57. safecall = <function> @ TelUI\core\errors.lua:42:
  58. config = <table> {}
  59. LoadClass = <function> @ TelUI\core\object.lua:26:
  60. CreateClass = <function> @ TelUI\core\object.lua:77:
  61. Debug = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:127:
  62. Init = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:52:
  63. RegisterEvent = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:34:
  64. GetMixin = <function> @ TelUI\core\object.lua:39:
  65. CreateMixin = <function> @ TelUI\core\object.lua:20:
  66. events = <unnamed> {}
  67. classes = <table> {}
  68. Exact = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:144:
  69. object = <table> {}
  70. GetSkin = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:99:
  71. vMinor = "0"
  72. GetClass = <function> @ TelUI\core\object.lua:35:
  73. UnregisterEvent = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:37:
  74. GetResolution = <function> @ TelUI\core\core.lua:137:
  75. }
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