
Realm of Fela

Jul 26th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. ༄B A S I C S
  2. Username: @GlisteningHobi
  3. Face Claim: Brandon Arreaga
  4. Backup Face claim: Edwin Honoret
  6. Birth Name: Jackson Wise
  7. Height: 176cm
  8. Weight: 65kg
  9. Birthday: 12th April 2001
  10. Age: 19
  11. Gender: Male
  13. ೃ༄G A M E I N F O
  14. System Name: Stormbreaker
  15. Race: Human
  16. Class: Dread Knight
  17. Occupation: Mobile Attacker
  18. Guild: Ruby Lions
  19. Magic/skill: Combat skills and fighting
  20. Slot(s) your closest too: Silent Fury | Flash
  22. Trivia:
  23. + He is only really close to SILENT FURY AND FLASH and even then he doesn't really show it. He dislikes getting to know new people and if you want to be friends with him, you have to make the effort to get closer to him and consistently be around him because he doesn't easily get along with new people. He can be obnoxiously rude to people that he doesn't know or like.
  24. + He practices combat styles by himself to blow off steam. This is how he is so well-versed in combat techniques and also why he is arguably the best fighter in the guild.
  25. + He has never had a proper birthday celebration.
  26. + He has an abnormally good memory.
  27. + He has anger managment issues and he used to go to therapy until he realised that it wasn't helping.
  28. + He has a frequent nightmare about his old guild members dying.
  29. + He has a fear of losing people he loves and that is why he refuses to get close to people and pushes people away by being rude.
  30. + He has a big scar on the side of his torso from when he was running away from the people that attacked his previous guild.
  32. Personality:
  33. {+} Boastful = he shows an excessive amount of pride and self satisfaction from his own achievements and feels the need to show everyone all the things he has achieved as he knows it annoys everyone.
  34. {+} Loud = he has the ability to control his volume though he just doesn't want to. When he wants to be heard he will project his voice over everyone's which makes them go quiet. If he doesn't like someone, he will purposefully talk over them or make annoying sounds when they are talking or around. If he is listening to music, he will turn his music up loud.
  35. {+} Impulsive = he acts before he thinks which has led to some of the best and also some of the worst decisions of his life.
  36. {+} Inconsiderate = Jackson does things to benefit himself and himself only. He doesn't take into account other people and often does stuff to inconvenience others around him.
  37. {+} Independent = he has always viewed himself as a lonewolf. After the incident that happened in his previous guild he keeps to himself and doesn't really ask anyone for anything. He is what you would call self suufficient. He is also very street smart and he has a sixth sense when it comes to danger.
  38. {+} Hot headed = he is quick tempered by nature and finds it hard to compromise with people. He is extremely impetuous and his anger can lead him to do bad things. FLASH and SILENT FURY are really the only two people that can calm him down.
  39. {+} Arrogant = he can be quite arrogant in the way he acts around people. He has a lot of influence on how people around him think and he knows this. So he uses his influence to do and get what he wants. He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and abilities.
  40. {+} Rude = he is known to be a real dickhead. He sometimes doesn't know when to close his mouth and always has to state his opinions of people, whether they are positive or negative. He knows what to say to really hurt people and he often say these things in order to push people away.
  41. {+} Candid = he is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. He doesn't know how to sugarcoat what he says and sometimes it may come off as overly harsh or spiteful.
  42. {+} Crude = he can be quite crude and vulgar with his humour and is often making advances at the girls, he doesn't mean them but he enjoys seeing their reactions.
  43. {+} Closed off = he knows how he acts and he knows what parts of him he wants people to see. He changes how he acts according to his surroundings.
  44. {+} Emotionally unavailable = Jackson hates talking about his personal life and his past as it just puts him in a bad mood. He is very evasive about his past. Jackson struggles to empathise with people and this makes it hard for him to cheer people up when they are upset. He is probably the last person to go to when you are upset unless you have made an emotional connection with him which is extremely hard.
  45. {+} Misunderstood = although he does sometimes live up to the judgements peolpe have on him, he does like when people who dig deeper and get to know him as he is a very complex and broken person. People definitely have a certain perception of him and he hates how he can't escape it even when he wants to. They only take him at face value and don't want to go near him. This is why he finds it easier just to live up to their view of him. This is also why he pushes people away. As well as this, his past experiences of being close with people ended up with all of them being dead so he is scared of making emotional attachments.
  47. Background: (Before they get stuck in the game)
  48. Anything missed(?): nope
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