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Feb 25th, 2017
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  1. > 000033.543| ALWAYS| Start Main Loop
  2. 000033.544| ALWAYS| Waiting for all players to connect
  3. 000033.544| ALWAYS| Waiting for all players to connect end
  4. 000033.847| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Kayle...
  5. 000033.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/CharScriptKayle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  6. 000033.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/kaylemetalwingrecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  7. 000033.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  8. 000033.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  9. 000033.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  10. 000033.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/judicatorholyfervor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  11. 000033.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/judicatorholyfervor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  12. 000033.855| ERROR| Can not open file <> *
  13. 000033.855| ERROR| Failed to load
  14. 000033.856| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture created.
  15. 000033.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/judicatorholyfervor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  16. 000033.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/kayleanimationrun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  17. 000033.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/kayleanimationrun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  18. 000033.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/kayleanimationrun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  19. 000033.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Kayle/spells/kaylerighteousfurybuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  20. 000033.857| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "netherblade"
  21. 000033.858| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "netherblade"
  22. 000033.858| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "voidstone"
  23. 000033.859| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Kayle) with skinID 7 on team 100 for clientID 0 and summonername (RektDankenship) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
  24. 000033.876| ALWAYS| Hero Kayle(7) created for RektDankenship
  25. 000033.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerTeleport.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  26. 000033.880| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  27. 000033.880| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  28. 000033.880| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  29. 000033.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  30. 000033.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  31. 000033.893| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  32. 000033.893| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/teleport_turret.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  33. 000033.908| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/teleport_target.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  34. 000033.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  35. 000033.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  36. 000033.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  37. 000033.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/destealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  38. 000033.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  39. 000033.912| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerFlash.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  40. 000033.920| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  41. 000033.920| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  42. 000033.921| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  43. 000033.937| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Config/Champions/Kayle/Recommended/RIOT_ItemSet_1.json" because it's not in the manifest.
  44. 000034.755| ALWAYS| Spawning heroes/minions
  45. 000034.756| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/jinxqramp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  46. 000034.757| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeproc"
  47. 000034.757| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeprotect"
  48. 000034.757| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkself"
  49. 000034.757| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkally"
  50. 000034.760| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Brand...
  51. 000034.760| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/CharScriptBrand.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  52. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  53. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  54. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  55. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  56. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  57. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  58. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassivesound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  59. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassivesound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  60. 000034.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassivesound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  61. 000034.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassiverunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  62. 000034.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassiverunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  63. 000034.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandpassiverunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  64. 000034.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/BrandAblaze.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  65. 000034.773| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/BrandAblazeDetonateMarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  66. 000034.773| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/BrandAblazeDetonateMarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  67. 000034.773| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/BrandAblazeDetonateMarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  68. 000034.776| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/brandablazelockouttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  69. 000034.788| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/nightmarebotbrandbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  70. 000034.788| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Brand/spells/NightmareBotBrandW.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  71. 000034.790| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/Modules/CastInstance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  72. 000034.795| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Brand) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clientID -1 and summonername (Brand Bot) (is BOT AI)
  73. 000034.795| ALWAYS| Hero Brand(0) created for Brand Bot
  74. 000034.796| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerDot.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  75. 000034.804| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/internal_50ms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  76. 000034.804| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerExhaust.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  77. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  78. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  79. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  80. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  81. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  82. 000034.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  83. 000034.817| ALWAYS| Finished spawning heroes/minions
  84. 000034.818| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "BrandPMissile"
  85. 000034.818| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Shyvana...
  86. 000034.818| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Shyvana/CharScriptShyvana.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  87. 000034.818| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Shyvana/spells/shyvanapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  88. 000034.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Shyvana/spells/shyvanapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  89. 000034.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Shyvana/spells/shyvanapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  90. 000034.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  91. 000034.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  92. 000034.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  93. 000034.820| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Shyvana) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clientID -1 and summonername (Shyvana Bot) (is BOT AI)
  94. 000034.820| ALWAYS| Hero Shyvana(0) created for Shyvana Bot
  95. 000034.820| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerHaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  96. 000034.820| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerHaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  97. 000034.820| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerHaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  98. 000034.821| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Swain...
  99. 000034.821| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Swain/CharScriptSwain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  100. 000034.821| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  101. 000034.821| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  102. 000034.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  103. 000034.822| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Swain) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clientID -1 and summonername (Swain Bot) (is BOT AI)
  104. 000034.822| ALWAYS| Hero Swain(0) created for Swain Bot
  105. 000034.823| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Irelia...
  106. 000034.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Irelia/CharScriptIrelia.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  107. 000034.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Irelia/spells/ireliaionianduelist.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  108. 000034.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Irelia/spells/ireliapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  109. 000034.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Irelia/spells/ireliapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  110. 000034.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Irelia/spells/ireliapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  111. 000034.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  112. 000034.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  113. 000034.827| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  114. 000034.827| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Irelia) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clientID -1 and summonername (Irelia Bot) (is BOT AI)
  115. 000034.827| ALWAYS| Hero Irelia(0) created for Irelia Bot
  116. 000034.828| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Alistar...
  117. 000034.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Alistar/CharScriptAlistar.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  118. 000034.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Alistar/spells/alistarpassivestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  119. 000034.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Alistar/spells/alistarpassivestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  120. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Characters/Alistar/spells/alistarpassivestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  121. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  122. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  123. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  124. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  125. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  126. 000034.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  127. 000034.830| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Alistar) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clientID -1 and summonername (Alistar Bot) (is BOT AI)
  128. 000034.830| ALWAYS| Hero Alistar(0) created for Alistar Bot
  129. 000034.830| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells/SummonerHeal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
  130. 000035.206| ERROR| Crash Occurred
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