
50 Trip Code [M. Changeling Omniseer] MLPFEMTORPG

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. Name: Trip Code
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Changeling
  4. Class: Omniseer (Tracker/Mage)
  5. Talent: Identity Theft (Once per session; Automatic: Reaching out into the vast reaches of Pastebin, Trip Code grabs a character sheet, reads it over, and transforms into them, becoming that character. Trip can change between the two as an automatic action after the first successful transformation, but cannot become another character until another session. Identity Theft is done by rolling a 1dX, where X is the current number of sheets in Xenthori's Pastebin, the outcome being the character he turns into. Hits/Wounds sustained carries over, yada yada yada.)
  6. Noncombat talent: Shitposting (ill finish this later)
  7. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  8. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  10. Skills:
  11. (Free Racial) Changeling Flight You have thin gossamer wings which allow you to fly unencumbered but somewhat slower than other races. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  12. (Free Racial) Shapeshifting: spell, recharge 3; A Changeling can imitate almost anything the same size as itself. This acts as disguise, but can copy any specific person/object on success, with higher success rolls giving better quality to the shapeshift. The disguise is removed when knocked helpless, rolling a critical failure when attacking, or when dispelled by magic. Purchasing the disguise skill causes this ability to autocrit , but you cannot benefit from it otherwise. Changelings can tell each other apart via pheromones and can automatically see through any disguise you use.
  13. (Racial) Glop: recharge 1 after effect ends, requires helpless target; You secrete a sticky green goo that prevents the target from recovering from helplessness for each round the effect is maintained(i.e. you take no other action). A strong target instead receives a cumulative -1 penalty to their recovery rolls for the duration of the effect. If the combat ends before the target manages to recover, the goo hardens into a cocoon and escape without outside help becomes all but impossible.
  14. (Free Multiclass) Fourth Eye: spell; can see beyond walls, barriers, illusions, lies and the fourth wall. Can make one roll to tap into meta information and listen in on out of character discussion.
  15. (Class) Hawkeye: instant; see far into the distance, find small details in a scene, see in dim light or nighttime, or examine an enemy to gain a +1 bonus against it for your attack this turn
  16. (Class) Custom Job: Passive, your weapon, regardless of type, also counts as Ranged, and your basic attacks benefit from Trick Ammo
  17. (Class) Trick Ammo: Instant Automatic, recharge 1; Adds an additional effect to a skill that can benefit from it (Marksman Shot, Custom Job, Repeating Fire or Barrage). This effect can be any of the following ,but they all share the same recharge.
  18. >Silence: On hit, the enemy cannot cast a spell next two turns
  19. >Knockout: On hit, the enemy is unable to counterattack next turn, and is considered helpless, but does not lose a wound. He instantly and automatically gets up on the turn after that.
  20. >Split: Hits 2 targets at once
  22. Inventory:
  23. Throwing Darts: Dual Weapon, Ranged Weapon
  24. Many Multi-sided Dice
  25. Fedora, Worn
  26. Laptop
  27. Adventuring Bag
  29. Traits:
  30. Trip Code is a male Changeling. The normal black chitin that changelings have are accented with slightly glowing purple markings (which on closer inspection are tiny numbers, letters, and symbols covering his body), and his eyes match the color of the markings, even glowing themselves. Trip Code is the result of his changeling queen trying to magically enhance her workers. The results were not what she was expecting, creating a semi-all-seeing, more-than-slightly-annoying changeling cut off from the hive mind. Not having direct control of the changeling, the queen had her guards attempt to subdue the strangling marked bug. The result was two guards knocked out on the floor with tranquilizer darts sticking out of their natural armor. The changeling announced he was "tired of being an NPC and planned to remove the N", before bolting out of the hive, leaving the queen stunned.
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