

Jan 5th, 2021
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  1. Hears the knock, sits sets out to open the door in Mag that the table warms by a fire.
  2. When sees out of the door to stand the pe­tite form side Dawn, his fa­cial ex­pres­sion gawked slightly gawked.
  3. „How can be she?!” In the heart of Mag full is the ques­tion mark.
  4. He can­not think be­fore , dri­ves mecha that on Ex­treme North's Ice­field, must per­ish to­gether with Great Old One, un­ex­pect­edly is this small kitty?!
  5. Young Lady Black Cat Vicke, Black Cat Opera Troupe group leader.
  6. Vicke fa­cial ex­pres­sion at this mo­ment is sur­prised co­ex­ists with the ad­mi­ra­tion, when she no­ticed that Dawn stops the bat­tle­ship be­side Mamy Restau­rant is some sur­prise, after Dawn knocks on a door, looks man who opens the door, is at pre­sent one bright.
  7. This man is tall, puts on black and white two color chef uni­form, the hand­some fa­cial fea­tures, the mild mak­ings, deeply are cap­tur­ing her at­ten­tion.
  8. Alex!
  9. First al­most she then con­firmed at pre­sent the sta­tus of this man, in this world per­haps also only then this man has so has the dust the mak­ings.
  10. Looks by him to back restau­rant, has taken a break restau­rant to turn on a light, but only on a table is plac­ing var­i­ous types of food, prob­a­bly is wait­ing for the ar­rival of guest.
  11. In restau­rant the sec­ond per­son has not ex­isted, with­out Boss, does not have waiter, only then puts on chef uni­form, such as the mas­ter re­ceives a guest in gen­eral to stand in the man of en­trance.
  12. „There­fore...... he is Mag?” Vicke stares slightly, felt one­self dis­cov­ered prob­a­bly any ex­tra­or­di­nary se­cret, mut­tered: „Mag Alex!”
  13. Vicke is not the Lit­tle White flower that does not un­der­stand, she was born the Un­der­ground City high­est level aris­to­cratic fam­ily, since child­hood re­ceived the high­est level ed­u­ca­tion, has the ex­tra­or­di­nary wis­dom.
  14. These days she col­lected the sta­tus in­for­ma­tion about Alex, then has the Alex de­tailed life ex­pe­ri­ence, nat­u­rally, is the in­for­ma­tion that some av­er­age men know, for ex­am­ple Alex not often raised Name Mag.
  15. But this name, is fa­mous in gourmet food world these days.
  16. Mag Mamy Restau­rant chef, a man who is hon­ored as pre­sent age top chef!
  17. Alex Nolan con­ti­nent the first pow­er­house, var­i­ous races al­lied armies com­man­der-in-chief, the ab­solute main force of seal devil!
  18. Is the man who such two look very builds ga, ac­tu­ally in this mo­ment, su­per­po­si­tion.
  19. Mag, Alex, they are the same peo­ple.
  20. Mag Alex.
  21. This di­vine man, no mat­ter the Nolan con­ti­nent first pow­er­house, is Nolan con­ti­nent top chef?
  22. The mouth of Vicke gets big­ger and big­ger, sud­denly felt the own so-called splen­did life, any­thing is not in the face of this sim­ply.
  23. Must know that in that time that Alex van­ishes, Mag also once at­tended the Roth Em­pire King birth­day feast, and ob­tained the ban­quet best chef title.
  24. This once the man who was per­se­cuted by the em­pire royal fam­ily, ar­rived in such way in front of his per­sonal en­e­mies, ac­tu­ally won their re­spect and ap­pre­ci­a­tion with an­other way, and broad and level has not got­ten up to any tricks in food.
  25. This is the plot of what kind of drama­ti­za­tion, is the praise­wor­thy well­do­ing.
  26. The one who makes Vicke cu­ri­ous is, she had ex­pe­ri­enced his strong strength with own eyes, then made her be hard to dis­miss from mind with the scene of giant dragon gam­bling.
  27. How does he grasp su­perb cook­ing skill? Is she a time man­ager?
  28. „Comes.” Mag re­strained the fa­cial ex­pres­sion quickly, is smil­ing the mak­ing way en­trance path.
  29. Al­though comes the per­son is Vicke makes him some­what sur­prised, but the sit­u­a­tion is con­trol­lable.
  30. She has not known in any case he is Hard­ess, oth­er­wise she should not be this ex­pres­sion now.
  31. Is also think­ing how must test the rookie, now seemed like can slightly cross this di­rectly.
  32. Two peo­ple ex­pres­sion changes fall in the eye of Dawn, only feels some­what fun­nily, but the fa­cial ex­pres­sion has not ex­pressed what mood, takes a step to pass through from Mag, en­ters restau­rant, the table of stove is walk­ing to­ward that swayed.
  33. In restau­rant is very warm, in the air is flut­ter­ing the wine, is the warm fla­vor, in light being en­chanted by, brings the strongly fra­grant fra­grance.
  34. On the wine pot of fra­grance flut­ters from grill, the red liquor fluid has seethed with ex­cite­ment, is the spice and fruit fra­grant in­ter­weav­ing, won­der­ful fla­vor that jointly com­poses.
  35. „You...... hello/you good, I am Vicke.” Vicke looks at Mag, some­what cau­tious self in­tro­duc­tion, cheek slightly red, the hand hangs in the body side, held the lower hem cor­ner sub­con­sciously, the vi­sion does not know that should look to where, looks like for the first time small fans that sees the idol.
  36. „Your good Young Lady Vicke, to enter.” Mag is a lit­tle in­ex­plic­a­ble, the miss per­son­al­ity that he knows is quite straight­for­ward, how to re­veal a shy daugh­ter's ap­pear­ance now sud­denly?
  37. Vicke nods, with pass­ing through the gate.
  38. „what a good smell!” The wine in air at­tracted her at­ten­tion all of a sud­den sub­con­sciously, the vi­sion looked that to grill the glass wine pot that boiled.
  39. These days she often drinks with Ivy, al­though the al­co­hol ca­pac­ity is un­sat­is­fac­tory, is very easy to be drunk, but had many progress re­gard­ing the wine-tast­ing.
  40. This liquor...... ex­cel­lent!
  41. But this boils the liquor the drink­ing law, in Roe City she has not seen, but ac­tu­ally does not cal­cu­late the rare drink­ing law in Un­der­ground City.
  42. The win­ter drinks boils the red wine, is very com­mon match­ing, es­pe­cially in the cold place, can the pro­tec­tion against the cold warm up, is joined to the spice to cook, can make the liquor more fra­grant.
  43. Vicke also has the per­son of ex­pe­ri­ence, but when she smelled this wine, was ex­pe­ri­enced as be­fore.
  44. The Un­der­ground City wine­maker has stud­ied the com­po­si­tion of liquor fluid mem­ber, and makes the liquor fluid tend to through var­i­ous hi-tech means in per­fect, ab­solute stan­dard that can con­trol the liquor fluid fla­vor.
  45. Per­haps this ab­solute stan­dard, in­stead lets liquor loses soul.
  46. But on that stove is boil­ing the red wine, made her smell spirit.
  47. With­out the stan­dard of too many ma­chin­ery par­tic­i­pa­tion, was per­haps rougher, ac­tu­ally gives the per­son to bring not the pleas­antly sur­prised feel­ing with in gen­eral, in match­ing the just right spice and fruit, was makes one hear then had good wine that got a lit­tle drunk in­tent.
  48. „Sits, first drank cup of liquor warm body, grill has burnt hotly, was the good time of bar­be­cue.” Mag closed the door, is smil­ing, the tip had the wine pot to give Vicke and Dawn but ac­tu­ally two glasses of liquor.
  49. The red liquor fluid sways in the trans­par­ent stem glass slightly, the steam is co­erc­ing the wine ris­ing ty­phoon.
  50. „Thanks.” Vicke sits down side Dawn, cheek slightly red both hands re­ceived the wine glass, the happy feel­ing has come.
  51. Was poured the liquor by Alex un­ex­pect­edly per­son­ally! This was also too good!
  52. Dawn slightly nod­ded, re­ceived the wine glass, shook shak­ing sub­con­sciously.
  53. Mag places on sev­eral bunches of beef strings grill, the meat made the zī zī sound quickly, the blobs of oil over­flowed from the beef, gloss slightly flood, but turned over sev­eral, the fra­grance of bar­be­cue then started to send out.
  54. Vicke holds the wine glass, looks that is turn­ing over Mag that roasts the string is some­what lost, this man who takes the heavy sword hov­er­ing hori­zon to cut the big dragon, shash­lik time, un­ex­pect­edly such metic­u­lous is gen­tle, but also is re­ally the beck­on­ing con­trast.
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