

Oct 7th, 2017
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  1. <span><div wytiwyg="1" class="week">Fractal Art Week</div></span>
  3. Ancient, classic, contemporary or alien architecture?
  4. Whatever the human imagination can create, some amazing Mandelbulb3D users were able to realize all of that in very amazing pics.
  5. Take a look in this short tour; here is the Mandelbulb3D&nbsp;architecture showcase, for the Project Educate fractal week!
  7. <h3>Ancient and classic architecture</h3><da:thumb id="592238671"><da:thumb id="534626938">
  8. Elven technology makes possible these floating castles in a Mandelbox world... imagined by Pulsar69fr!
  9. And the mayan-alien&nbsp;temple? You can only guess ... I hope no human was sacrificed there!
  11. <da:thumb id="591457063">
  12. Dmitry Bitus creates a surprisingly innovative example of integration; classic egyptian sculptures and an escapetime fractal stitched together for an unique image.
  13. <da:thumb id="669365960">
  14. Another example of retro-future, spaceships and greek pyramids! Of course, it's the amazing imagination of Mark J. Brady striking again.
  15. <a href=""><da:thumb id="374160376"></a>
  16. Mandelwerk created many masterpieces; here he replicates gothic style perfectly, for a dark surreal cathedral that can take our breath away.
  17. <da:thumb id="629616752">
  18. What's inside a gothic cathedral? Vidom apparently entered the door, and discovered vertiginous heights and amazing details all around.
  19. <a href=""><da:thumb id="669551004"></a><a href=""><da:thumb id="651795693"></a><a href=""><da:thumb id="661706350"></a>
  20. Elminino surprises us with his unique vision; integrating 3D models and fractals, he recreates amazing classic architectures of various styles, ranging from greek to byzantine examples.
  21. <da:thumb id="351193320">
  22. Is this a gothic cathedral altar? Perhaps... Even Bernini would be a bit envious of such luxury. But it's one of the many amazing pics by Dainbramage!
  24. <h2>Contemporary architecture</h2><da:thumb id="465175408">
  25. Vidom imagined an entire ideal town, a future Venezia perhaps, that can be accessed trough the lagoon. Worth a visit.
  26. <a href=""><da:thumb id="509956264"></a>
  27. Pulsar69fr shows us the next Dubai hotel project! Who isn't dreaming a night in there?
  29. <p class="MsoNormal"><a href=""><da:thumb id="692344508"></a><a href=""><da:thumb id="667087044"></a>
  30. <span>Hypex2772 is always thinking of innovative transport systems; lightspeed or neural bridges? And a traditional garage with endless space!
  31. </span><da:thumb id="279851971">
  32. Montag451 imagines an awesome faculty of engineering for a slightly polluted metropolis, coming next.
  33. <da:thumb id="390285428">
  34. Another masterpiece by Vidom shows us a more contemporary palace complex, full of life and complexity.
  35. </p><p class="MsoNormal"><a href=""><da:thumb id="693341127"></a>&nbsp;<a href=""><da:thumb id="669531769"></a>
  36. Those futuristic buildings imagined by&nbsp;<span>Banner4 are a possible new concept for an upcoming architecture?
  37. </span><a href=""><da:thumb id="607134836"></a>
  38. <span>We are already in a robotic world, so this scene is "just" a near future sight by Matze2001 (Dortus).
  41. </span></p>
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