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- describe("SoftUnify Test Suite", function() {
- let testInstance;
- this.beforeEach(() => {
- testInstance = new SoftUnify();
- });
- const [testArtist, testSong, testLyrics, invalidData] = [
- "theKing",
- "smallSong",
- "shortLyrics",
- "invalid"
- ];
- describe("Initialization tests", function() {
- it("can be instantiated with string no parameters", function() {
- assert.exists(testInstance);
- assert.exists(testInstance.allSongs);
- assert.deepEqual(testInstance.allSongs, {});
- });
- describe("downloadSong(artist, song, lyrics) tests", function() {
- it("adds the given information to the allSongs", function() {
- assert.isFalse(testInstance.allSongs.hasOwnProperty(testArtist));
- let result = testInstance.downloadSong(
- testArtist,
- testSong,
- testLyrics
- );
- assert.equal(testInstance, result);
- assert.isTrue(testInstance.allSongs.hasOwnProperty(testArtist));
- const expectedRecord = {
- rate: 0,
- votes: 0,
- songs: [`${testSong} - ${testLyrics}`]
- };
- assert.deepEqual(expectedRecord, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist]);
- });
- });
- // describe("playSong(song) tests", function() {
- // it("returns fail message if no songs at all", function() {
- // const expectedMessage = `You have not downloaded a ${testSong} song yet. Use SoftUniFy's function downloadSong() to change that!`;
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.playSong(testSong);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // it("returns fail message if no such song exist", function() {
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // const expectedMessage = `You have not downloaded a ${invalidData} song yet. Use SoftUniFy's function downloadSong() to change that!`;
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.playSong(invalidData);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // it("returns correctData if Song is found", function() {
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // const expectedMessage = `${testArtist}:\n${testSong} - ${testLyrics}\n`;
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.playSong(testSong);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // it("returns correctData if MoreThanOneSIngerSings same Song", function() {
- // const secondArtist = "testArtist2";
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // testInstance.downloadSong(invalidData, invalidData, invalidData);
- // testInstance.downloadSong(secondArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // const expectedMessage =
- // `${testArtist}:\n${testSong} - ${testLyrics}\n` +
- // `${secondArtist}:\n${testSong} - ${testLyrics}\n`;
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.playSong(testSong);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // });
- // describe("songsList() tests", function() {
- // it("returns proper message if no songs at all", function() {
- // const expectedMessage = "Your song list is empty";
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // it("returns all Songs Properly", function() {
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // let expectedMessage = `${testSong} - ${testLyrics}`;
- // let actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // const secondSong = "secondSong";
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, secondSong, testLyrics);
- // expectedMessage = `${testSong} - ${testLyrics}\n${secondSong} - ${testLyrics}`;
- // actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // });
- // describe("songsList() tests", function() {
- // it("returns proper message if no songs at all", function() {
- // const expectedMessage = "Your song list is empty";
- // const actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // it("returns all Songs Properly", function() {
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // let expectedMessage = `${testSong} - ${testLyrics}`;
- // let actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // const secondSong = "secondSong";
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, secondSong, testLyrics);
- // expectedMessage = `${testSong} - ${testLyrics}\n${secondSong} - ${testLyrics}`;
- // actualMessage = testInstance.songsList;
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // });
- // describe("rateArtist() tests", function() {
- // it("returns Singer Not Found message", function() {
- // const expectedMessage = `The ${invalidData} is not on your artist list.`;
- // let actualMessage = testInstance.rateArtist(invalidData);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // actualMessage = testInstance.rateArtist(invalidData, 1);
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // });
- // this.beforeEach(() => {
- // testInstance.downloadSong(testArtist, testSong, testLyrics);
- // });
- // it("Modifies Singer Rate", function() {
- // assert.equal(0, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].rate);
- // assert.equal(0, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].votes);
- // testInstance.rateArtist(testArtist, 1);
- // assert.equal(1, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].rate);
- // assert.equal(1, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].votes);
- // });
- // it("Returns Average Vote Singer Rate", function() {
- // testInstance.rateArtist(testArtist, 1);
- // testInstance.rateArtist(testArtist, 0);
- // let actualMessage = testInstance.rateArtist(testArtist, 1);
- // const expectedMessage = "0.67";
- // assert.equal(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
- // assert.equal(2, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].rate);
- // assert.equal(3, testInstance.allSongs[testArtist].votes);
- // });
- // });
- });
- });
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