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config and groups of tablist

a guest
Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. # Group prefixes and suffixes. (Requires a permission system.)
  2. # WARNING! Max character is 16 in prefix and suffix!
  3. # Unlimited group.
  4. groups:
  6. =--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--==--==--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-
  8. # PlaceholderAPI use for the plugin.
  9. placeholderapi: true
  11. # Different playerlist in different world.
  12. per-world-player-list: false
  14. # Remove the NPC name from the tab?
  15. # ATTENTION! This is currently under repair and testing...
  16. remove-npc-name-from-tab: false
  18. # Time format.
  19. # Formats/examples:
  20. time-format: 'yyyy.MM.dd - HH:mm:ss'
  22. # Custom variables.
  23. # Unlimited variables.
  24. # Use: <something>: '&6Message...'
  25. custom-variables:
  26. <website>: ''
  27. <name>: '&r%player_name%'
  28. <pluginauthor>: '&amontlikadani'
  29. <rightarrow>: '-->'
  31. # Enables to change prefix & suffix in player tablist.
  32. change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist: true
  34. # Groups refresh interval. (In ticks!)
  35. groups-refresh-interval: 200
  37. # This indicates the ping for the player's name.
  38. # WARNING! First, you must disable the "health-tab" because it merges and causes a bug.
  39. ping-tab:
  40. enable: false
  41. # Ping update time interval.
  42. interval: 3
  43. # Which worlds do not show up in ping (world names)? If you do not want to disable any of them, use this: disabled-worlds: []
  44. disabled-worlds: []
  46. # Player tab name.
  47. tabname:
  48. # Allow change player tab name.
  49. # Warning if this is false, the command will not be registered either. Requires server restart!
  50. enable: false
  51. # How many letters should be allowed?
  52. max-name-length: 200
  53. # When the player left the server, delete the tab name?
  54. clear-player-tabname-on-quit: false
  55. # Enables color coding for tab names. ("&")
  56. enable-color-code: true
  57. # Enable the default color. (If the player has not written a color code, this color will be given by default.)
  58. default-color:
  59. enable: false
  60. color: '&6'
  61. # Which worlds can not change a tab name?
  62. # If you do not want to disable it, use it as follows: disabled-worlds: []
  63. disabled-worlds: []
  64. # Which names can not be used?
  65. # If all the words are used, set it as follows: blacklist-names: []
  66. # WARNING! Color codes are NOT considered.
  67. blacklist-names:
  68. - tabname
  69. enable-other-changed-name-message: false
  70. # Use %name%, %sender%, %newline%, %prefix% placeholder.
  71. # >> NO supported the PlaceholderAPI! <<
  72. other-changed-name-message: '&3Your name is changed to&r %name%&3 by&e %sender%&3.'
  74. # Allow the tab to set the level of life (health)?
  75. # WARNING! This only appears in the server after reconnecting.
  76. # WARNING! First, you must disable the "ping-tab" because it merges and causes a bug.
  77. health-tab:
  78. enable: false
  79. # Which worlds show your health in tab?
  80. # If you do not want to disable any of the worlds, then write it as follows: disabled-worlds: []
  81. disabled-worlds:
  82. - world_the_end
  84. # Tablist. Header & footer with animation.
  85. # Use \n, %staff-online%, %ip-address%, %level%, %xp%, %mc-version%, %motd%, %ping%, %servername%, %online+1%,
  86. # %max-players%, %online-players%, %server-time%, %server-ram-free%, %server-ram-max%, %server-ram-used% placeholders.
  87. # Use placeholders:
  88. # Use symbols:
  89. tablist:
  90. # Enable the tab? (Header, footer)
  91. enable: true
  92. # In what world do you use the tab?
  93. # If you do not want to disable any of the worlds, then write it as follows: disabled-worlds: []
  94. disabled-worlds:
  95. - lobby
  96. - hub
  97. # Tab update time interval.
  98. # Set 0 to disable.
  99. interval: 4
  100. header:
  101. - '&b&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  102. - '&6&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  103. - '&4&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  104. - '&9&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  105. - '&a&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  106. - '&e&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  107. - '&5&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  108. - '&b&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  109. - '&6&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  110. - '&4&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  111. - '&9&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  112. - '&a&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  113. - '&e&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  114. - '&5&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  115. - '&b&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  116. - '&6&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  117. - '&4&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  118. - '&9&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  119. - '&a&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  120. - '&e&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  121. - '&5&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  122. - '&b&lTitanium Kingdoms!\n&6Ping:&a %ping%&7ms\n&5&m======================'
  123. footer:
  124. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  125. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  126. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  127. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  128. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  129. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  130. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Website&7:&2 & <28>'
  131. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&6&o W&f&oebsite&7:&2 & <28>'
  132. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o W&6&oe&f&obsite&7:&2 & <28>'
  133. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o We&6&ob&f&osite&7:&2 & <28>'
  134. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Web&6&os&f&oite&7:&2 & <28>'
  135. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Webs&6&oi&f&ote&7:&2 & <28>'
  136. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Websi&6&ot&f&oe&7:&2 & <28>'
  137. - '&5&m======================&7\n&f<13>&e&lPlayers:&6 %online-players%&7/&6%max-players%&f<13>\n<28>&f&o Websit&6&oe&7:&2 & <28>'
  139. #=========================================#
  140. # Plugin Settings #
  141. #=========================================#
  142. # The Titanium Kingdoms! plugin is disabled (false) or enabled (true).
  143. enabled: true
  145. # bStats Metrics.
  146. metrics: true
  148. # Check for updates.
  149. check-update: true
  151. # Log plugin messages into console.
  152. logconsole: true
  154. # Logging to file plugin messages.
  155. log-to-file: true
  157. # Plugin enable/disable messages in console.
  158. # Use %newline%, %prefix% placeholder.
  159. # >> NO supported the PlaceholderAPI! <<
  160. plugin-enable-message: true
  161. plugin-enable: '%prefix%&a The plugin successfully enabled&6 v2.4.6&a!'
  162. plugin-disable-message: true
  163. plugin-disable: '%prefix%&c The plugin successfully disabled!'
  165. # The default is allowed to see the plugin information.
  166. # Permission: tablist.plugininfo
  167. default-can-see-plugin-information: false
  169. # Unknown-command - If more than one word/letter you write to it.
  170. # Example: /tl reload something...
  171. # Use %command% placeholder.
  172. # This feature is NOT enter into the unknown command Minecraft, it's just your own.
  173. # >> NO supported the PlaceholderAPI! <<
  174. unknown-command-enable: true
  175. unknown-command: '%prefix%&c Unknown command.&7 Type "&f/%command% help&7" for help.'
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