
...Back to Tooie soon!

Nov 9th, 2014
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  1. You read that right, I’m gonna be coming back to Tooie soon! I hope you are happy about it since it’s been so long; it’s been almost a year since I’ve taken the game seriously hasn’t it =)! You might be wondering “Why soon? Why not now?” Well, I still have some things to take care of first:
  3. 1) Mainly, I still want to cut Scykoh's time in Nuts and Bolts any% before I put the game down for a bit, and I’m REALLY close. My PB right now is 2.5 minutes off (2:06:27 is his time, my time is 2:08:52) and a lot of the time can be saved on some huge mistakes I made throughout the run. Sometime later this week (week of the 9th as of writing) I plan on doing a long practice session of n&b, going through the entire game and practicing everything I can think of. Then I’m going to just grind runs into world record. Gonna say this now though: If I don’t get the Fence Hover right before Jiggoseum, I’m resetting. I probably could still get a good time or maybe vut his time without it, but cutting his time with no fence hover in it would be lame as fuck. I’ll probably just be kind of reset heavy in general just because the first half hour of the game blows chunks.
  5. 2) IRL stuff I need to take care of, basically what I always complain about lol. Job searching, freelance project stuff, etc. I’m pretty behind on the freelance project I was working on so for someone last week because I spent most of it doing job searching shit so I wanna get as much done this week as possible.
  7. 3) Mario Kart 8 DLC HYPE! I’ve wanted to do more MK8 streams but because of various reasons I’ve been putting it off. This week seems like the perfect time to come back since the DLC is coming out the 13th.
  9. 4) I want to put a good amount of time into practicing the route and all the tricks and shit, and on top of that in order to run Any% the fastest way I will need a file with a specific Jinjo pattern, one that has one White and two Oranges in Mayahem Temple, and this pattern only has a 1/36 chance of appearing. This may sound ridiculous to try to go for but without the jinjo pattern you would have to cut out 2-3 jiggies from the route, which could cost multiple minutes, which is big in a run that’s only 50 minutes or so. I guess if you want to look at all the patterns to get an idea of how much hell this is look here:
  11. Hopefully I’ll be back at Tooie within the next couple of weeks. (EDIT 12/3/14: HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA WHAT A RIOT A COUPLE WEEKS YEAH SURE WHATEVER YOU SAY KID) And I couldn’t have picked a better time since that new warp thing has been found, effectively making the category less than an hour!
  13. What is this trick you ask? It is called the “Delayed Cutscene Warp” Go watch this video if you want to know what the fuck that is, because I sure as hell don’t know how to explain it!
  15. But yeah I’m really glad this was found, because I was worried this game would be to long for me to get back to full force this year, but since this skip was found now it’ll be a LOT easier for me to worm runs in! Just… need some time to figure out what I’m supposed to do to do this warp right. I do plan on going back to the category where you get 70 jiggies (whatever that will be called now) as well but probably not until next year because there’s too much on my plate right now to even bother.
  17. Also, for the 2-3 of you who actually enjoyed watching me do Shantae: Risky’s Revenge runs, DON’T WORRY I’LL STILL BE DOING RUNS OF THAT TOO. I’m gonna try to balance between both Tooie any% and Shantae: RR.
  19. Keep in mind I WILL most likely be going back to Nuts and Bolts for a little bit sometime late December, as I will be doing a Nuts and Bolts run for a marathon called Speedpurr. ( ) It’s from December 26th to December 29th, I’ll write up more deetz on all that though when I stop being lazy. Also I told the guy who’s running it (B00spring) that I’d be making art for that thon, like bumpers and banners and shit so that might also stall me from going back to Tooie a bit. And even next year, I’m still far from done with Nuts and Bolts, I still wanna at least grind u̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶m̶ my time down to Sub 2 hours, although who knows, that time might be able to go down much further, I guess we’ll know when we get there huh? Also I may or may not consider routing out 131 Jiggy someday, that seems like it’ll be a neat category and a lot less of a nightmare then 100% would be (famous last words)
  21. Lastly, I want to announce that I plan on doing my own holiday themed set of streams where I’ll play a bunch of games that have holiday easter eggs/cameos/etc, holiday themed games, and holiday themed stages. Why? Because I really love the holiday season. Won’t be one big 24 hour+ thing because I’m busy and need sleep, but I guess think of it like “12 Days of Christmas” type thing, one a night for a certain number of nights. No clue how many days it’ll be the 12 days is an example. It will have more then just Christmas too, I’m planning to have stuff from Halloween too, along with New Year's and Thanksgiving if there’s any games Thanksgiving related (seriously couldn’t find anything for thanksgiving and I looked really hard). Here’s a rough list of ideas so far (things with Question Marks at the end mean I’m not sure if it’s worth putting in):
  23. Cave Story + (The game becomes Xmas themed around Xmas, might do two playthroughs of it, the 2nd being Halloween themed if I can figure out a way to make the game think it’s Halloween time)
  25. Pikmin 3: 3rd Mission Stages pack has a stage called “Fortress of Festivity”
  27. Super Mario Brothers 2 Christmas Edition (might try playing through it a bit off screen so it doesn’t become a failfest, luckily there’s always savestates)
  29. Luigi’s Mansion 100% casual playthrough
  31. Maybe do a Nuts and Bolts run, but make all the vehicles X-mas/holiday themed?
  33. Banjo-Kazooie, just Freezeezy Peak and Mad Monster Mansion though (I’ll make a file up to Freezeezy with everything I need to finish both stages along with enough Jiggys to open them both up)
  35. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse or Risky’s Revenge maybe? (Holloween themed sort of)
  39. Journey of Dreams too? (I THINK it does something funky for Xmas)
  41. Zombies Ate My Neighbors?
  43. Castlevania?
  45. Animal Crossing, either GC or Wii
  47. Kirby Epic Yarn Snow Stages (Because they’re Xmas themed too, might make a file up to that point? Might not need to)
  49. Sonic Adventure Dreamcast DLC (Y2K, Xmas, and Halloweener)
  51. Sonic Adventure 2 DLC (I’ll have to see if I can have both the Halloweener and Xmas costumes show up during the main game)
  53. Majora’s Mask? (Maybe for a 2012 end of the world joke thing, might be a little too long though that’s the thing…)
  55. SSX Tricky/3?
  57. If anyone has any suggestions of ideas and such let me know!
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