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Apr 24th, 2018
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text 439.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. swagger: '2.0'
  2. info:
  3. version: '1.0'
  4. title: ShipStation Developer Portal
  5. description: 'TODO: Add a description'
  6. host:
  7. basePath: /
  8. securityDefinitions:
  9. auth:
  10. type: basic
  11. x-testValue: []
  12. x-skip-client-authentication: false
  13. schemes:
  14. - https
  15. consumes:
  16. - application/json
  17. produces:
  18. - application/json
  19. paths:
  20. /accounts/registeraccount:
  21. post:
  22. description: "Creates a new ShipStation account and generates an apiKey and apiSecret to be used by the newly created account. PLEASE NOTE: This endpoint does not require API key and API Secret credentials. The Authorization header can be left off. Use of this specific endpoint requires approval, and is meant only for direct partners of ShipStation. This is the only endpoint to require approval. All other endpoints listed in this document can be accessed by submitting proper authorization credentials in the header of the request. To become a direct partner of ShipStation, or to request more information on becoming a direct partner, we recommend reaching out to our Partners and Integrations team here:\nThe body of this request has the following attributes:\nName |Data Type |Description\n-------------------|-------------------|-------------------\n``firstName`` | string, required | First Name\n``lastName`` | string, required | Last Name\n``email`` | string, required | Email address. This will also be the username of the account.\n``password`` | string, required | Password to set for account access.\n``companyName`` | string, optional | Name of Company.\n``addr1`` | string, optional | Company Address - Street 1\n``addr2`` | string, optional | Company Address - Street 2\n``city`` | string, optional | Company Address - City\n``state`` | string, optional | Company Address - State \n``zip`` | string, optional | Company Address - Zip Code\n``countryCode`` |string, optional | Company Address - Country. Please use a 2-character country code.\n``phone`` | string, optional | Company Phone number."
  23. summary: Register Account
  24. tags:
  25. - Accounts
  26. operationId: AccountsRegisteraccountPost
  27. produces:
  28. - application/json
  29. parameters:
  30. - name: Content-Type
  31. in: header
  32. required: true
  33. type: string
  34. description: ''
  35. - name: body
  36. in: body
  37. required: true
  38. description: ''
  39. schema:
  40. $ref: '#/definitions/RegisterAccountRequest'
  41. responses:
  42. 200:
  43. description: ''
  44. schema:
  45. $ref: '#/definitions/RegisterAccountResponse'
  46. examples:
  47. application/json:
  48. message: ShipStation account created.
  49. sellerId: 123456
  50. success: true
  51. apiKey: abcdt9845hjmgfklj3498gkljdkuyekl
  52. apiSecret: 1234iou983lkj8mnxgfwu509hkhdy7u3
  53. security:
  54. - auth: []
  55. x-unitTests: []
  56. x-operation-settings:
  57. CollectParameters: false
  58. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  59. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  60. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  61. /accounts/listtags:
  62. get:
  63. description: Lists all tags defined for this account.
  64. summary: List Tags
  65. tags:
  66. - Accounts
  67. operationId: AccountsListtagsGet
  68. produces:
  69. - application/json
  70. parameters: []
  71. responses:
  72. 200:
  73. description: ''
  74. schema:
  75. type: array
  76. items:
  77. $ref: '#/definitions/ListTagsResponse'
  78. examples:
  79. application/json:
  80. - tagId: 8362
  81. name: Backorder
  82. color: '#800080'
  83. - tagId: 8324
  84. name: Canada
  85. color: '#ff0000'
  86. - tagId: 8336
  87. name: Fragile
  88. color: '#33CCCC'
  89. - tagId: 8221
  90. name: Repeat Buyer
  91. color: '#CC99FF'
  92. security:
  93. - auth: []
  94. x-unitTests:
  95. - request:
  96. method: GET
  97. uri: /accounts/listtags
  98. expectedResponse:
  99. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  100. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  101. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  102. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  103. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  104. headers:
  105. Content-Type: application/json
  106. body: '[ { "tagId": 8362, "name": "Backorder", "color": "#800080" }, { "tagId": 8324, "name": "Canada", "color": "#ff0000" }, { "tagId": 8336, "name": "Fragile", "color": "#33CCCC" }, { "tagId": 8221, "name": "Repeat Buyer", "color": "#CC99FF" }]'
  107. x-testShouldPass: true
  108. x-testEnabled: true
  109. x-testName: List Tags1
  110. x-testDescription: Lists all tags defined for this account.
  111. x-operation-settings:
  112. CollectParameters: false
  113. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  114. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  115. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  116. /carriers:
  117. get:
  118. description: Lists all shipping providers connected to this account.
  119. summary: List Carriers
  120. tags:
  121. - Carriers
  122. operationId: CarriersGet
  123. produces:
  124. - application/json
  125. parameters: []
  126. responses:
  127. 200:
  128. description: ''
  129. schema:
  130. type: array
  131. items:
  132. $ref: '#/definitions/ListCarriersResponse'
  133. examples:
  134. application/json:
  135. - name: Express 1
  136. code: express_1
  137. accountNumber: fe71c33f
  138. requiresFundedAccount: true
  139. balance: 0.27000000000000002
  140. - name:
  141. code: stamps_com
  142. accountNumber: SS123
  143. requiresFundedAccount: true
  144. balance: 24.140000000000001
  145. - name: UPS
  146. code: ups
  147. accountNumber: ABCR80
  148. requiresFundedAccount: false
  149. balance: 0
  150. - name: FedEx
  151. code: fedex
  152. accountNumber: 297929999
  153. requiresFundedAccount: false
  154. balance: 0
  155. - name: Endicia
  156. code: endicia
  157. accountNumber: 913999
  158. requiresFundedAccount: true
  159. balance: 84.859999999999999
  160. security:
  161. - auth: []
  162. x-unitTests:
  163. - request:
  164. method: GET
  165. uri: /carriers
  166. expectedResponse:
  167. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  168. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  169. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  170. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  171. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  172. headers:
  173. Content-Type: application/json
  174. body: '[ { "name": "Express 1", "code": "express_1", "accountNumber": "fe71c33f", "requiresFundedAccount": true, "balance": 0.27 }, { "name": "", "code": "stamps_com", "accountNumber": "SS123", "requiresFundedAccount": true, "balance": 24.14 }, { "name": "UPS", "code": "ups", "accountNumber": "ABCR80", "requiresFundedAccount": false, "balance": 0 }, { "name": "FedEx", "code": "fedex", "accountNumber": "297929999", "requiresFundedAccount": false, "balance": 0 }, { "name": "Endicia", "code": "endicia", "accountNumber": "913999", "requiresFundedAccount": true, "balance": 84.86 }]'
  175. x-testShouldPass: true
  176. x-testEnabled: true
  177. x-testName: List Carriers1
  178. x-testDescription: Lists all shipping providers connected to this account.
  179. x-operation-settings:
  180. CollectParameters: false
  181. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  182. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  183. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  184. /carriers/getcarrier?carrierCode={carrierCode}:
  185. get:
  186. description: Retrieves the shipping carrier account details for the specified carrierCode. Use this method to determine a carrier's account balance.
  187. summary: Get Carrier
  188. tags:
  189. - Carriers
  190. operationId: CarriersGetcarrierByCarrierCodeGet
  191. produces:
  192. - application/json
  193. parameters:
  194. - name: carrierCode
  195. in: path
  196. required: true
  197. type: string
  198. description: The code for the carrier account to retrieve.
  199. responses:
  200. 200:
  201. description: ''
  202. schema:
  203. $ref: '#/definitions/GetCarrierResponse'
  204. examples:
  205. application/json:
  206. name:
  207. code: stamps_com
  208. accountNumber: SS123
  209. requiresFundedAccount: true
  210. balance: 24.140000000000001
  211. security:
  212. - auth: []
  213. x-unitTests:
  214. - request:
  215. method: GET
  216. uri: /carriers/getcarrier?carrierCode=stamps_com
  217. expectedResponse:
  218. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  219. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  220. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  221. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  222. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  223. headers:
  224. Content-Type: application/json
  225. body: '{ "name": "", "code": "stamps_com", "accountNumber": "SS123", "requiresFundedAccount": true, "balance": 24.14}'
  226. x-testShouldPass: true
  227. x-testEnabled: true
  228. x-testName: Get Carrier1
  229. x-testDescription: Retrieves the shipping carrier account details for the specified carrierCode. Use this method to determine a carrier's account balance.
  230. x-operation-settings:
  231. CollectParameters: false
  232. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  233. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  234. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  235. /carriers/addfunds:
  236. post:
  237. description: >-
  238. Adds funds to a carrier account using the payment information on file. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  240. Name |Data Type |Description
  242. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  243. ``carrierCode`` | string, required | The carrier to add funds to.
  244. ``amount`` | number, required | The dollar amount to add to the account. The minimum value that can be added is $10.00. The maximum value is $10,000.00.
  245. summary: Add Funds
  246. tags:
  247. - Carriers
  248. operationId: CarriersAddfundsPost
  249. produces:
  250. - application/json
  251. parameters:
  252. - name: body
  253. in: body
  254. required: true
  255. description: ''
  256. schema:
  257. $ref: '#/definitions/AddFundsRequest'
  258. responses:
  259. 200:
  260. description: ''
  261. schema:
  262. $ref: '#/definitions/AddFundsResponse'
  263. examples:
  264. application/json:
  265. name:
  266. code: stamps_com
  267. accountNumber: SS123
  268. requiresFundedAccount: true
  269. balance: 24.140000000000001
  270. security:
  271. - auth: []
  272. x-unitTests:
  273. - request:
  274. method: POST
  275. uri: /carriers/addfunds
  276. headers:
  277. Content-Type: application/json
  278. body: '{ "carrierCode": "fedex", "amount": 20.00}'
  279. expectedResponse:
  280. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  281. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  282. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  283. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  284. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  285. headers:
  286. Content-Type: application/json
  287. body: '{ "name": "", "code": "stamps_com", "accountNumber": "SS123", "requiresFundedAccount": true, "balance": 24.14}'
  288. x-testShouldPass: true
  289. x-testEnabled: true
  290. x-testName: Add Funds1
  291. x-testDescription: >-
  292. Adds funds to a carrier account using the payment information on file. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  294. Name |Data Type |Description
  296. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  297. ``carrierCode`` | string, required | The carrier to add funds to.
  298. ``amount`` | number, required | The dollar amount to add to the account. The minimum value that can be added is $10.00. The maximum value is $10,000.00.
  299. x-operation-settings:
  300. CollectParameters: false
  301. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  302. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  303. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  304. /carriers/listpackages?carrierCode={carrierCode}:
  305. get:
  306. description: Retrieves a list of packages for the specified carrier
  307. summary: List Packages
  308. tags:
  309. - Carriers
  310. operationId: CarriersListpackagesByCarrierCodeGet
  311. produces:
  312. - application/json
  313. parameters:
  314. - name: carrierCode
  315. in: path
  316. required: true
  317. type: string
  318. description: The carrier's code
  319. responses:
  320. 200:
  321. description: ''
  322. schema:
  323. type: array
  324. items:
  325. $ref: '#/definitions/ListPackagesResponse'
  326. examples:
  327. application/json:
  328. - carrierCode: express_1
  329. code: cubic
  330. name: Cubic
  331. domestic: true
  332. international: false
  333. - carrierCode: express_1
  334. code: dvd_flat_rate_box
  335. name: DVD Flat Rate Box
  336. domestic: false
  337. international: true
  338. - carrierCode: express_1
  339. code: flat_rate_envelope
  340. name: Flat Rate Envelope
  341. domestic: true
  342. international: true
  343. - carrierCode: express_1
  344. code: flat_rate_legal_envelope
  345. name: Flat Rate Legal Envelope
  346. domestic: true
  347. international: true
  348. - carrierCode: express_1
  349. code: flat_rate_padded_envelope
  350. name: Flat Rate Padded Envelope
  351. domestic: true
  352. international: true
  353. - carrierCode: express_1
  354. code: large_envelope_or_flat
  355. name: Large Envelope or Flat
  356. domestic: true
  357. international: true
  358. - carrierCode: express_1
  359. code: large_flat_rate_box
  360. name: Large Flat Rate Box
  361. domestic: true
  362. international: true
  363. - carrierCode: express_1
  364. code: large_package
  365. name: Large Package (any side > 12")
  366. domestic: true
  367. international: true
  368. - carrierCode: express_1
  369. code: large_video_flat_rate_box
  370. name: Large Video Flat Rate Box
  371. domestic: false
  372. international: true
  373. - carrierCode: express_1
  374. code: letter
  375. name: Letter
  376. domestic: true
  377. international: true
  378. - carrierCode: express_1
  379. code: medium_flat_rate_box
  380. name: Medium Flat Rate Box
  381. domestic: true
  382. international: true
  383. - carrierCode: express_1
  384. code: package
  385. name: Package
  386. domestic: true
  387. international: true
  388. - carrierCode: express_1
  389. code: regional_rate_box_a
  390. name: Regional Rate Box A
  391. domestic: true
  392. international: false
  393. - carrierCode: express_1
  394. code: regional_rate_box_b
  395. name: Regional Rate Box B
  396. domestic: true
  397. international: false
  398. - carrierCode: express_1
  399. code: regional_rate_box_c
  400. name: Regional Rate Box C
  401. domestic: true
  402. international: false
  403. - carrierCode: express_1
  404. code: small_flat_rate_box
  405. name: Small Flat Rate Box
  406. domestic: true
  407. international: true
  408. - carrierCode: express_1
  409. code: thick_envelope
  410. name: Thick Envelope
  411. domestic: true
  412. international: true
  413. security:
  414. - auth: []
  415. x-unitTests: []
  416. x-operation-settings:
  417. CollectParameters: false
  418. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  419. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  420. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  421. /carriers/listservices?carrierCode={carrierCode}:
  422. get:
  423. description: Retrieves the list of available shipping services provided by the specified carrier
  424. summary: List Services
  425. tags:
  426. - Carriers
  427. operationId: CarriersListservicesByCarrierCodeGet
  428. produces:
  429. - application/json
  430. parameters:
  431. - name: carrierCode
  432. in: path
  433. required: true
  434. type: string
  435. description: The carrier's code
  436. responses:
  437. 200:
  438. description: ''
  439. schema:
  440. type: array
  441. items:
  442. $ref: '#/definitions/ListServicesResponse'
  443. examples:
  444. application/json:
  445. - carrierCode: fedex
  446. code: fedex_ground
  447. name: FedEx Ground®
  448. domestic: true
  449. international: false
  450. - carrierCode: fedex
  451. code: fedex_home_delivery
  452. name: FedEx Home Delivery®
  453. domestic: true
  454. international: false
  455. - carrierCode: fedex
  456. code: fedex_2day
  457. name: FedEx 2Day®
  458. domestic: true
  459. international: false
  460. - carrierCode: fedex
  461. code: fedex_2day_am
  462. name: FedEx 2Day® A.M.
  463. domestic: true
  464. international: false
  465. - carrierCode: fedex
  466. code: fedex_express_saver
  467. name: FedEx Express Saver®
  468. domestic: true
  469. international: false
  470. - carrierCode: fedex
  471. code: fedex_standard_overnight
  472. name: FedEx Standard Overnight®
  473. domestic: true
  474. international: false
  475. - carrierCode: fedex
  476. code: fedex_priority_overnight
  477. name: FedEx Priority Overnight®
  478. domestic: true
  479. international: false
  480. - carrierCode: fedex
  481. code: fedex_first_overnight
  482. name: FedEx First Overnight®
  483. domestic: true
  484. international: false
  485. - carrierCode: fedex
  486. code: fedex_1_day_freight
  487. name: FedEx 1 Day® Freight
  488. domestic: true
  489. international: false
  490. - carrierCode: fedex
  491. code: fedex_2_day_freight
  492. name: FedEx 2 Day® Freight
  493. domestic: true
  494. international: false
  495. - carrierCode: fedex
  496. code: fedex_3_day_freight
  497. name: FedEx 3 Day® Freight
  498. domestic: true
  499. international: false
  500. - carrierCode: fedex
  501. code: fedex_first_overnight_freight
  502. name: FedEx First Overnight® Freight
  503. domestic: true
  504. international: false
  505. - carrierCode: fedex
  506. code: fedex_ground_international
  507. name: FedEx Ground® International
  508. domestic: false
  509. international: true
  510. - carrierCode: fedex
  511. code: fedex_international_economy
  512. name: FedEx International Economy®
  513. domestic: false
  514. international: true
  515. - carrierCode: fedex
  516. code: fedex_international_priority
  517. name: FedEx International Priority®
  518. domestic: false
  519. international: true
  520. - carrierCode: fedex
  521. code: fedex_international_first
  522. name: FedEx International First®
  523. domestic: false
  524. international: true
  525. - carrierCode: fedex
  526. code: fedex_europe_first
  527. name: FedEx Europe First®
  528. domestic: false
  529. international: true
  530. - carrierCode: fedex
  531. code: fedex_international_economy_freight
  532. name: FedEx International Economy® Freight
  533. domestic: false
  534. international: true
  535. - carrierCode: fedex
  536. code: fedex_international_priority_freight
  537. name: FedEx International Priority® Freight
  538. domestic: false
  539. international: true
  540. security:
  541. - auth: []
  542. x-unitTests: []
  543. x-operation-settings:
  544. CollectParameters: false
  545. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  546. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  547. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  548. /customers/{customerId}:
  549. get:
  550. description: ''
  551. summary: Get Customer
  552. tags:
  553. - Customers
  554. operationId: CustomersByCustomerIdGet
  555. produces:
  556. - application/json
  557. parameters:
  558. - name: customerId
  559. in: path
  560. required: true
  561. type: number
  562. format: double
  563. exclusiveMaximum: false
  564. exclusiveMinimum: false
  565. description: The system generated identifier for the Customer.
  566. responses:
  567. 200:
  568. description: ''
  569. schema:
  570. $ref: '#/definitions/GetCustomerResponse'
  571. examples:
  572. application/json:
  573. customerId: 12345678
  574. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  575. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  576. name: Cam Newton
  577. company: Test Company
  578. street1: 123 War Eagle Lane
  579. street2: ''
  580. city: Auburn
  581. state: AL
  582. postalCode: 36830
  583. countryCode: US
  584. phone: 555-555-5555
  585. email:
  586. addressVerified: Verified
  587. marketplaceUsernames:
  588. - customerUserId: 67195020
  589. customerId: 12345678
  590. createDate: 2015-04-27T12:35:03.8300000
  591. modifyDate: 2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000
  592. marketplaceId: 0
  593. marketplace: ShipStation
  594. username:
  595. - customerUserId: 37568588
  596. customerId: 12345678
  597. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  598. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  599. marketplaceId: 36
  600. marketplace: WooCommerce
  601. username:
  602. - customerUserId: 46038940
  603. customerId: 12345678
  604. createDate:
  605. modifyDate:
  606. marketplaceId: 67
  607. marketplace: TradeGecko
  608. username:
  609. tags:
  610. - tagId: 1234
  611. name: Expedited
  612. - tagId: 9725
  613. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
  614. security:
  615. - auth: []
  616. x-unitTests:
  617. - request:
  618. method: GET
  619. uri: /customers/12345678
  620. expectedResponse:
  621. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  622. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  623. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  624. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  625. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  626. headers:
  627. Content-Type: application/json
  628. body: ' { "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000", "modifyDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000", "name": "Cam Newton", "company": "Test Company", "street1": "123 War Eagle Lane", "street2": "", "city": "Auburn", "state": "AL", "postalCode": "36830", "countryCode": "US", "phone": "555-555-5555", "email": "", "addressVerified": "Verified", "marketplaceUsernames": [ { "customerUserId": 67195020, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2015-04-27T12:35:03.8300000", "modifyDate": "2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000", "marketplaceId": 0, "marketplace": "ShipStation", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 37568588, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000", "modifyDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000", "marketplaceId": 36, "marketplace": "WooCommerce", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 46038940, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": null, "modifyDate": null, "marketplaceId": 67, "marketplace": "TradeGecko", "username": "" } ], "tags": [ { "tagId": 1234, "name": "Expedited" }, { "tagId": 9725, "name": "00 BULK ORDERED" } ] }'
  629. x-testShouldPass: true
  630. x-testEnabled: true
  631. x-testName: Get Customer1
  632. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint Get Customer
  633. x-operation-settings:
  634. CollectParameters: false
  635. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  636. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  637. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  638. ? /customers?stateCode={stateCode}&countryCode={countryCode}&tagId={tagId}&marketplaceId={marketplaceId}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  639. : get:
  640. description: Obtains a list of customers that match the specified criteria.
  641. summary: List Customers
  642. tags:
  643. - Customers
  644. operationId: CustomersTagIdTagIdMarketplaceIdMarketplaceIdSortBySortBySortDirSortDirPagePagePageSizePageSizeByStateCodeAndCountryCodeGet
  645. produces:
  646. - application/json
  647. parameters:
  648. - name: stateCode
  649. in: path
  650. required: true
  651. type: string
  652. description: Returns customers that reside in the specified stateCode.
  653. - name: countryCode
  654. in: path
  655. required: true
  656. type: string
  657. description: Returns customers that reside in the specified countryCode.
  658. - name: marketplaceId
  659. in: path
  660. required: true
  661. type: number
  662. format: double
  663. exclusiveMaximum: false
  664. exclusiveMinimum: false
  665. description: Returns customers that purchased items from the specified marketplaceId.
  666. - name: tagId
  667. in: path
  668. required: true
  669. type: number
  670. format: double
  671. exclusiveMaximum: false
  672. exclusiveMinimum: false
  673. description: Returns customers that have been tagged with the specified tagId.
  674. - name: sortBy
  675. in: path
  676. required: true
  677. enum:
  678. - Name
  679. - ModifyDate
  680. - CreateDate
  681. x-enum-elements:
  682. - name: Name
  683. description: ''
  684. - name: ModifyDate
  685. description: ''
  686. - name: CreateDate
  687. description: ''
  688. type: string
  689. description: Sorts the order of the response based off the specified value.
  690. - name: sortDir
  691. in: path
  692. required: true
  693. enum:
  694. - ASC
  695. - DESC
  696. x-enum-elements:
  697. - name: ASC
  698. description: ''
  699. - name: DESC
  700. description: ''
  701. type: string
  702. description: Sets the direction of the sort order.
  703. - name: page
  704. in: path
  705. required: true
  706. type: number
  707. format: double
  708. exclusiveMaximum: false
  709. exclusiveMinimum: false
  710. description: Page number.
  711. - name: pageSize
  712. in: path
  713. required: true
  714. type: number
  715. format: double
  716. exclusiveMaximum: false
  717. exclusiveMinimum: false
  718. description: Requested page size. Max value is 500.
  719. responses:
  720. 200:
  721. description: ''
  722. schema:
  723. $ref: '#/definitions/ListCustomersResponse'
  724. examples:
  725. application/json:
  726. customers:
  727. - customerId: 12345678
  728. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  729. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  730. name: Cam Newton
  731. company: Test Company
  732. street1: 123 War Eagle Lane
  733. street2: ''
  734. city: Auburn
  735. state: AL
  736. postalCode: 36830
  737. countryCode: US
  738. phone: 555-555-5555
  739. email:
  740. addressVerified: Verified
  741. marketplaceUsernames:
  742. - customerUserId: 67195020
  743. customerId: 12345678
  744. createDate: 2015-04-27T12:35:03.8300000
  745. modifyDate: 2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000
  746. marketplaceId: 0
  747. marketplace: ShipStation
  748. username:
  749. - customerUserId: 37568588
  750. customerId: 12345678
  751. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  752. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  753. marketplaceId: 36
  754. marketplace: WooCommerce
  755. username:
  756. - customerUserId: 46038940
  757. customerId: 12345678
  758. createDate:
  759. modifyDate:
  760. marketplaceId: 67
  761. marketplace: TradeGecko
  762. username:
  763. tags:
  764. - tagId: 1234
  765. name: Expedited
  766. - tagId: 9725
  767. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
  768. - customerId: 87654321
  769. createDate: 2015-06-21T12:48:07.5400000
  770. name: Bo Jackson
  771. company: Test Company
  772. street1: 456 Heisman Ave
  773. street2: ''
  774. city: Auburn
  775. state: AL
  776. postalCode: 36830
  777. countryCode: US
  778. phone: 555-555-5555
  779. email:
  780. addressVerified: Verified
  781. marketplaceUsernames:
  782. - customerUserId: 77215410
  783. customerId: 87654321
  784. createDate: 2015-08-27T14:36:05.7500000
  785. modifyDate: 2015-09-01T09:18:25.3100000
  786. marketplaceId: 0
  787. marketplace: ShipStation
  788. username:
  789. - customerUserId: 43759100
  790. customerId: 87654321
  791. createDate: 2015-07-05T11:38:01.1970000
  792. modifyDate: 2015-07-05T11:38:01.1970000
  793. marketplaceId: 36
  794. marketplace: WooCommerce
  795. username:
  796. - customerUserId: 81565241
  797. customerId: 87654321
  798. createDate:
  799. modifyDate:
  800. marketplaceId: 67
  801. marketplace: TradeGecko
  802. username:
  803. tags:
  804. - tagId: 1234
  805. name: Expedited
  806. - tagId: 9725
  807. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
  808. total: 2
  809. page: 1
  810. pages: 1
  811. security:
  812. - auth: []
  813. x-unitTests:
  814. - request:
  815. method: GET
  816. uri: /customers?stateCode={stateCode}&countryCode={countryCode}&tagId={tagId}&marketplaceId={marketplaceId}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  817. expectedResponse:
  818. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  819. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  820. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  821. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  822. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  823. headers:
  824. Content-Type: application/json
  825. body: '{ "customers": [ { "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000", "modifyDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000", "name": "Cam Newton", "company": "Test Company", "street1": "123 War Eagle Lane", "street2": "", "city": "Auburn", "state": "AL", "postalCode": "36830", "countryCode": "US", "phone": "555-555-5555", "email": "", "addressVerified": "Verified", "marketplaceUsernames": [ { "customerUserId": 67195020, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2015-04-27T12:35:03.8300000", "modifyDate": "2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000", "marketplaceId": 0, "marketplace": "ShipStation", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 37568588, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000", "modifyDate": "2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000", "marketplaceId": 36, "marketplace": "WooCommerce", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 46038940, "customerId": 12345678, "createDate": null, "modifyDate": null, "marketplaceId": 67, "marketplace": "TradeGecko", "username": "" } ], "tags": [ { "tagId": 1234, "name": "Expedited" }, { "tagId": 9725, "name": "00 BULK ORDERED" } ] }, { "customerId": 87654321, "createDate": "2015-06-21T12:48:07.5400000", "name": "Bo Jackson", "company": "Test Company", "street1": "456 Heisman Ave", "street2": "", "city": "Auburn", "state": "AL", "postalCode": "36830", "countryCode": "US", "phone": "555-555-5555", "email": "", "addressVerified": "Verified", "marketplaceUsernames": [ { "customerUserId": 77215410, "customerId": 87654321, "createDate": "2015-08-27T14:36:05.7500000", "modifyDate": "2015-09-01T09:18:25.3100000", "marketplaceId": 0, "marketplace": "ShipStation", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 43759100, "customerId": 87654321, "createDate": "2015-07-05T11:38:01.1970000", "modifyDate": "2015-07-05T11:38:01.1970000", "marketplaceId": 36, "marketplace": "WooCommerce", "username": "" }, { "customerUserId": 81565241, "customerId": 87654321, "createDate": null, "modifyDate": null, "marketplaceId": 67, "marketplace": "TradeGecko", "username": "" } ], "tags": [ { "tagId": 1234, "name": "Expedited" }, { "tagId": 9725, "name": "00 BULK ORDERED" } ] } ], "total": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 1}'
  826. x-testShouldPass: true
  827. x-testEnabled: true
  828. x-testName: List Customers1
  829. x-testDescription: Obtains a list of customers that match the specified criteria.
  830. x-operation-settings:
  831. CollectParameters: false
  832. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  833. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  834. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  835. /fulfillments:
  836. get:
  837. description: ''
  838. summary: List Fulfillments w/o parameters
  839. tags:
  840. - Fulfillments
  841. operationId: FulfillmentsGet
  842. produces:
  843. - application/json
  844. parameters: []
  845. responses:
  846. 200:
  847. description: ''
  848. schema:
  849. $ref: '#/definitions/ListFulfillmentsW~1oParametersResponse'
  850. examples:
  851. application/json:
  852. fulfillments:
  853. - fulfillmentId: 33974374
  854. orderId: 191759016
  855. orderNumber: 101
  856. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  857. customerEmail:
  858. trackingNumber: 783408231234
  859. createDate: 2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000
  860. shipDate: 2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000
  861. voidDate:
  862. deliveryDate:
  863. carrierCode: USPS
  864. fulfillmentProviderCode:
  865. fulfillmentServiceCode:
  866. fulfillmentFee: 0
  867. voidRequested: false
  868. voided: false
  869. marketplaceNotified: true
  870. notifyErrorMessage:
  871. shipTo:
  872. name: Yoda
  873. company:
  874. street1: '3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220'
  875. street2:
  876. street3:
  877. city: AUSTIN
  878. state: TX
  879. postalCode: 78756
  880. country: US
  881. phone: 512-485-4282
  882. residential:
  883. addressVerified:
  884. - fulfillmentId: 246310
  885. orderId: 193699927
  886. orderNumber: 101
  887. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  888. customerEmail:
  889. trackingNumber: 664756278745
  890. createDate: 2016-06-08T12:54:53.3470000
  891. shipDate: 2016-06-08T00:00:00.0000000
  892. voidDate:
  893. deliveryDate:
  894. carrierCode: FedEx
  895. fulfillmentProviderCode:
  896. fulfillmentServiceCode:
  897. fulfillmentFee: 0
  898. voidRequested: false
  899. voided: false
  900. marketplaceNotified: true
  901. notifyErrorMessage:
  902. shipTo:
  903. name: Yoda
  904. company:
  905. street1: '3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220'
  906. street2:
  907. street3:
  908. city: AUSTIN
  909. state: TX
  910. postalCode: 78756
  911. country: US
  912. phone: 512-485-4282
  913. residential:
  914. addressVerified:
  915. total: 2
  916. page: 1
  917. pages: 0
  918. security:
  919. - auth: []
  920. x-unitTests:
  921. - request:
  922. method: GET
  923. uri: /fulfillments
  924. expectedResponse:
  925. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  926. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  927. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  928. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  929. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  930. headers:
  931. Content-Type: application/json
  932. body: '{ "fulfillments": [ { "fulfillmentId": 33974374, "orderId": 191759016, "orderNumber": "101", "userId": "c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf", "customerEmail": "", "trackingNumber": "783408231234", "createDate": "2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000", "shipDate": "2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000", "voidDate": null, "deliveryDate": null, "carrierCode": "USPS", "fulfillmentProviderCode": null, "fulfillmentServiceCode": null, "fulfillmentFee": 0, "voidRequested": false, "voided": false, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": null, "street1": "3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78756", "country": "US", "phone": "512-485-4282", "residential": null, "addressVerified": null } }, { "fulfillmentId": 246310, "orderId": 193699927, "orderNumber": "101", "userId": "c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf", "customerEmail": "", "trackingNumber": "664756278745", "createDate": "2016-06-08T12:54:53.3470000", "shipDate": "2016-06-08T00:00:00.0000000", "voidDate": null, "deliveryDate": null, "carrierCode": "FedEx", "fulfillmentProviderCode": null, "fulfillmentServiceCode": null, "fulfillmentFee": 0, "voidRequested": false, "voided": false, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": null, "street1": "3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78756", "country": "US", "phone": "512-485-4282", "residential": null, "addressVerified": null } } ], "total": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 0}'
  933. x-testShouldPass: true
  934. x-testEnabled: true
  935. x-testName: List Fulfillments w/o parameters1
  936. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint List Fulfillments w/o parameters
  937. x-operation-settings:
  938. CollectParameters: false
  939. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  940. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  941. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  942. ? /fulfillments?fulfillmentId={fulfillmentId}&orderId={orderId}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&trackingNumber={trackingNumber}&recipientName={recipientName}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&shipDateStart={shipDateStart}&shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  943. : get:
  944. description: >-
  945. Obtains a list of fulfillments that match the specified criteria. Please note the following:
  947. - Orders that have been marked as shipped either through the UI or the API will appear in the response as they are considered fulfillments.
  949. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  951. Url format with filters:
  953. ```
  955. fulfillments?fulfillmentId={fulfillmentId}
  957. &orderId={orderId}
  959. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  961. &trackingNumber={trackingNumber}
  963. &recipientName={recipientName}
  965. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  967. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  969. &shipDateStart={shipDateStart}
  971. &shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}
  973. &sortBy={sortBy}
  975. &sortDir={sortDir}
  977. &page={page}
  979. &pageSize={pageSize}
  981. ```
  982. summary: List Fulfillments with parameters
  983. tags:
  984. - Fulfillments
  985. operationId: FulfillmentsOrderNumberOrderNumberTrackingNumberTrackingNumberRecipientNameRecipientNameCreateDateStartCreateDateStartCreateDateEndCreateDateEndShipDateStartShipDateStartShipDateEndShipDateEndSortBySortBySortDirSortDirPagePagePageSizePageSizeByFulfillmentIdAndOrderIdGet
  986. produces:
  987. - application/json
  988. parameters:
  989. - name: fulfillmentId
  990. in: path
  991. required: true
  992. type: number
  993. format: double
  994. exclusiveMaximum: false
  995. exclusiveMinimum: false
  996. description: Returns the fulfillment with the specified fulfillment ID.
  997. - name: orderId
  998. in: path
  999. required: true
  1000. type: number
  1001. format: double
  1002. exclusiveMaximum: false
  1003. exclusiveMinimum: false
  1004. description: Returns fulfillments whose orders have the specified order ID.
  1005. - name: orderNumber
  1006. in: path
  1007. required: true
  1008. type: string
  1009. description: Returns fulfillments whose orders have the specified order number.
  1010. - name: trackingNumber
  1011. in: path
  1012. required: true
  1013. type: string
  1014. description: Returns fulfillments with the specified tracking number.
  1015. - name: recipientName
  1016. in: path
  1017. required: true
  1018. type: string
  1019. description: Returns fulfillments shipped to the specified recipient name.
  1020. - name: createDateStart
  1021. in: path
  1022. required: true
  1023. type: string
  1024. description: Returns fulfillments created on or after the specified ``createDate``
  1025. - name: createDateEnd
  1026. in: path
  1027. required: true
  1028. type: string
  1029. description: Returns fulfillments created on or before the specified ``createDate``
  1030. - name: shipDateStart
  1031. in: path
  1032. required: true
  1033. type: string
  1034. description: Returns fulfillments with the ``shipDate`` on or after the specified date
  1035. - name: shipDateEnd
  1036. in: path
  1037. required: true
  1038. type: string
  1039. description: Returns fulfillments with the ``shipDate`` on or before the specified date
  1040. - name: sortBy
  1041. in: path
  1042. required: true
  1043. enum:
  1044. - ShipDate
  1045. - CreateDate
  1046. x-enum-elements:
  1047. - name: ShipDate
  1048. description: ''
  1049. - name: CreateDate
  1050. description: ''
  1051. type: string
  1052. description: Sort the responses by a set value. The response will be sorted based off the ascending dates (oldest to most current.) If left empty, the response will be sorted by ascending ``createDate``.
  1053. - name: sortDir
  1054. in: path
  1055. required: true
  1056. enum:
  1057. - ASC
  1058. - DESC
  1059. x-enum-elements:
  1060. - name: ASC
  1061. description: ''
  1062. - name: DESC
  1063. description: ''
  1064. type: string
  1065. description: Sets the direction of the sort order.
  1066. - name: page
  1067. in: path
  1068. required: true
  1069. type: number
  1070. format: double
  1071. exclusiveMaximum: false
  1072. exclusiveMinimum: false
  1073. description: page number.
  1074. - name: pageSize
  1075. in: path
  1076. required: true
  1077. type: number
  1078. format: double
  1079. exclusiveMaximum: false
  1080. exclusiveMinimum: false
  1081. description: page size.
  1082. responses:
  1083. 200:
  1084. description: ''
  1085. schema:
  1086. $ref: '#/definitions/ListFulfillmentsWithParametersResponse'
  1087. examples:
  1088. application/json:
  1089. fulfillments:
  1090. - fulfillmentId: 33974374
  1091. orderId: 191759016
  1092. orderNumber: 101
  1093. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  1094. customerEmail:
  1095. trackingNumber: 783408231234
  1096. createDate: 2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000
  1097. shipDate: 2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000
  1098. voidDate:
  1099. deliveryDate:
  1100. carrierCode: USPS
  1101. fulfillmentProviderCode:
  1102. fulfillmentServiceCode:
  1103. fulfillmentFee: 0
  1104. voidRequested: false
  1105. voided: false
  1106. marketplaceNotified: true
  1107. notifyErrorMessage:
  1108. shipTo:
  1109. name: Yoda
  1110. company:
  1111. street1: '3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220'
  1112. street2:
  1113. street3:
  1114. city: AUSTIN
  1115. state: TX
  1116. postalCode: 78756
  1117. country: US
  1118. phone: 512-485-4282
  1119. residential:
  1120. addressVerified:
  1121. - fulfillmentId: 246310
  1122. orderId: 193699927
  1123. orderNumber: 101
  1124. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  1125. customerEmail:
  1126. trackingNumber: 664756278745
  1127. createDate: 2016-06-08T12:54:53.3470000
  1128. shipDate: 2016-06-08T00:00:00.0000000
  1129. voidDate:
  1130. deliveryDate:
  1131. carrierCode: FedEx
  1132. fulfillmentProviderCode:
  1133. fulfillmentServiceCode:
  1134. fulfillmentFee: 0
  1135. voidRequested: false
  1136. voided: false
  1137. marketplaceNotified: true
  1138. notifyErrorMessage:
  1139. shipTo:
  1140. name: Yoda
  1141. company:
  1142. street1: '3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220'
  1143. street2:
  1144. street3:
  1145. city: AUSTIN
  1146. state: TX
  1147. postalCode: 78756
  1148. country: US
  1149. phone: 512-485-4282
  1150. residential:
  1151. addressVerified:
  1152. total: 2
  1153. page: 1
  1154. pages: 0
  1155. security:
  1156. - auth: []
  1157. x-unitTests:
  1158. - request:
  1159. method: GET
  1160. uri: /fulfillments?fulfillmentId={fulfillmentId}&orderId={orderId}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&trackingNumber={trackingNumber}&recipientName={recipientName}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&shipDateStart={shipDateStart}&shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  1161. expectedResponse:
  1162. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  1163. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  1164. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  1165. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  1166. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  1167. headers:
  1168. Content-Type: application/json
  1169. body: '{ "fulfillments": [ { "fulfillmentId": 33974374, "orderId": 191759016, "orderNumber": "101", "userId": "c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf", "customerEmail": "", "trackingNumber": "783408231234", "createDate": "2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000", "shipDate": "2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000", "voidDate": null, "deliveryDate": null, "carrierCode": "USPS", "fulfillmentProviderCode": null, "fulfillmentServiceCode": null, "fulfillmentFee": 0, "voidRequested": false, "voided": false, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": null, "street1": "3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78756", "country": "US", "phone": "512-485-4282", "residential": null, "addressVerified": null } }, { "fulfillmentId": 246310, "orderId": 193699927, "orderNumber": "101", "userId": "c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf", "customerEmail": "", "trackingNumber": "664756278745", "createDate": "2016-06-08T12:54:53.3470000", "shipDate": "2016-06-08T00:00:00.0000000", "voidDate": null, "deliveryDate": null, "carrierCode": "FedEx", "fulfillmentProviderCode": null, "fulfillmentServiceCode": null, "fulfillmentFee": 0, "voidRequested": false, "voided": false, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": null, "street1": "3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78756", "country": "US", "phone": "512-485-4282", "residential": null, "addressVerified": null } } ], "total": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 0}'
  1170. x-testShouldPass: true
  1171. x-testEnabled: true
  1172. x-testName: List Fulfillments with parameters1
  1173. x-testDescription: >-
  1174. Obtains a list of fulfillments that match the specified criteria. Please note the following:
  1176. - Orders that have been marked as shipped either through the UI or the API will appear in the response as they are considered fulfillments.
  1178. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  1180. Url format with filters:
  1182. ```
  1184. fulfillments?fulfillmentId={fulfillmentId}
  1186. &orderId={orderId}
  1188. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  1190. &trackingNumber={trackingNumber}
  1192. &recipientName={recipientName}
  1194. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  1196. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  1198. &shipDateStart={shipDateStart}
  1200. &shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}
  1202. &sortBy={sortBy}
  1204. &sortDir={sortDir}
  1206. &page={page}
  1208. &pageSize={pageSize}
  1210. ```
  1211. x-operation-settings:
  1212. CollectParameters: false
  1213. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1214. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1215. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1216. /orders/{orderId}:
  1217. get:
  1218. description: Retrieves a single order from the database.
  1219. summary: Get Order
  1220. tags:
  1221. - Orders
  1222. operationId: OrdersByOrderIdGet
  1223. produces:
  1224. - application/json
  1225. parameters:
  1226. - name: orderId
  1227. in: path
  1228. required: true
  1229. type: number
  1230. format: double
  1231. exclusiveMaximum: false
  1232. exclusiveMinimum: false
  1233. description: The system generated identifier for the order.
  1234. responses:
  1235. 200:
  1236. description: ''
  1237. schema:
  1238. $ref: '#/definitions/GetOrderResponse'
  1239. examples:
  1240. application/json:
  1241. orderId: 94113592
  1242. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  1243. orderKey: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  1244. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  1245. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  1246. modifyDate: 2015-09-08T11:03:12.3800000
  1247. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  1248. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  1249. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  1250. customerId: 37701499
  1251. customerUsername:
  1252. customerEmail:
  1253. billTo:
  1254. name: The President
  1255. company:
  1256. street1:
  1257. street2:
  1258. street3:
  1259. city:
  1260. state:
  1261. postalCode:
  1262. country:
  1263. phone:
  1264. residential:
  1265. addressVerified:
  1266. shipTo:
  1267. name: The President
  1268. company: US Govt
  1269. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  1270. street2: Oval Office
  1271. street3:
  1272. city: Washington
  1273. state: DC
  1274. postalCode: 20500
  1275. country: US
  1276. phone: 555-555-5555
  1277. residential: false
  1278. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  1279. items:
  1280. - orderItemId: 128836912
  1281. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  1282. sku: ABC123
  1283. name: 'Test item #1'
  1284. imageUrl:
  1285. weight:
  1286. value: 24
  1287. units: ounces
  1288. quantity: 2
  1289. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  1290. taxAmount:
  1291. shippingAmount:
  1292. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  1293. options:
  1294. - name: Size
  1295. value: Large
  1296. productId: 7239919
  1297. fulfillmentSku:
  1298. adjustment: false
  1299. upc:
  1300. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  1301. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  1302. - orderItemId: 128836913
  1303. lineItemKey:
  1304. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  1305. name: 10% OFF
  1306. imageUrl:
  1307. weight:
  1308. value: 0
  1309. units: ounces
  1310. quantity: 1
  1311. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  1312. taxAmount:
  1313. shippingAmount:
  1314. warehouseLocation:
  1315. options: []
  1316. productId:
  1317. fulfillmentSku:
  1318. adjustment: true
  1319. upc:
  1320. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  1321. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  1322. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  1323. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  1324. taxAmount: 5
  1325. shippingAmount: 10
  1326. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  1327. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  1328. gift: true
  1329. giftMessage: Thank you!
  1330. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  1331. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  1332. carrierCode: fedex
  1333. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  1334. packageCode: package
  1335. confirmation: delivery
  1336. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  1337. holdUntilDate:
  1338. weight:
  1339. value: 48
  1340. units: ounces
  1341. dimensions:
  1342. units: inches
  1343. length: 7
  1344. width: 5
  1345. height: 6
  1346. insuranceOptions:
  1347. provider: carrier
  1348. insureShipment: true
  1349. insuredValue: 200
  1350. internationalOptions:
  1351. contents:
  1352. customsItems:
  1353. nonDelivery:
  1354. advancedOptions:
  1355. warehouseId: 24079
  1356. nonMachinable: false
  1357. saturdayDelivery: false
  1358. containsAlcohol: false
  1359. mergedOrSplit: false
  1360. mergedIds: []
  1361. parentId:
  1362. storeId: 26815
  1363. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  1364. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  1365. customField3:
  1366. source: Webstore
  1367. billToParty:
  1368. billToAccount:
  1369. billToPostalCode:
  1370. billToCountryCode:
  1371. tagIds:
  1372. userId:
  1373. externallyFulfilled: false
  1374. externallyFulfilledBy:
  1375. security:
  1376. - auth: []
  1377. x-unitTests:
  1378. - request:
  1379. method: GET
  1380. uri: /orders/123456789
  1381. expectedResponse:
  1382. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  1383. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  1384. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  1385. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  1386. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  1387. headers:
  1388. Content-Type: application/json
  1389. body: "{ \"orderId\": 94113592, \"orderNumber\": \"TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS\", \"orderKey\": \"0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74\", \"orderDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-09-08T11:03:12.3800000\", \"paymentDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"shipByDate\": \"2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerId\": 37701499, \"customerUsername\": \"\", \"customerEmail\": \"\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"street3\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null, \"residential\": null, \"addressVerified\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": \"US Govt\", \"street1\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Ave\", \"street2\": \"Oval Office\", \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\", \"postalCode\": \"20500\", \"country\": \"US\", \"phone\": \"555-555-5555\", \"residential\": false, \"addressVerified\": \"Address validation warning\" }, \"items\": [ { \"orderItemId\": 128836912, \"lineItemKey\": \"vd08-MSLbtx\", \"sku\": \"ABC123\", \"name\": \"Test item #1\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 24, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 2, \"unitPrice\": 99.99, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 1, Bin 7\", \"options\": [ { \"name\": \"Size\", \"value\": \"Large\" } ], \"productId\": 7239919, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" }, { \"orderItemId\": 128836913, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"DISCOUNT CODE\", \"name\": \"10% OFF\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 0, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 1, \"unitPrice\": -20.55, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": null, \"options\": [], \"productId\": null, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": true, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" } ], \"orderTotal\": 194.43, \"amountPaid\": 218.73, \"taxAmount\": 5, \"shippingAmount\": 10, \"customerNotes\": \"Thanks for ordering!\", \"internalNotes\": \"Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping\", \"gift\": true, \"giftMessage\": \"Thank you!\", \"paymentMethod\": \"Credit Card\", \"requestedShippingService\": \"Priority Mail\", \"carrierCode\": \"fedex\", \"serviceCode\": \"fedex_home_delivery\", \"packageCode\": \"package\", \"confirmation\": \"delivery\", \"shipDate\": \"2015-07-02\", \"holdUntilDate\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 48, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"dimensions\": { \"units\": \"inches\", \"length\": 7, \"width\": 5, \"height\": 6 }, \"insuranceOptions\": { \"provider\": \"carrier\", \"insureShipment\": true, \"insuredValue\": 200 }, \"internationalOptions\": { \"contents\": null, \"customsItems\": null, \"nonDelivery\": null }, \"advancedOptions\": { \"warehouseId\": 24079, \"nonMachinable\": false, \"saturdayDelivery\": false, \"containsAlcohol\": false, \"mergedOrSplit\": false, \"mergedIds\": [], \"parentId\": null, \"storeId\": 26815, \"customField1\": \"Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!\", \"customField2\": \"Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below\", \"customField3\": \"\", \"source\": \"Webstore\", \"billToParty\": null, \"billToAccount\": null, \"billToPostalCode\": null, \"billToCountryCode\": null }, \"tagIds\": null, \"userId\": null, \"externallyFulfilled\": false, \"externallyFulfilledBy\": null }"
  1390. x-testShouldPass: true
  1391. x-testEnabled: true
  1392. x-testName: Get Order1
  1393. x-testDescription: Retrieves a single order from the database.
  1394. x-operation-settings:
  1395. CollectParameters: false
  1396. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1397. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1398. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1399. delete:
  1400. description: Removes order from ShipStation's UI. Note this is a "soft" delete action so the order will still exist in the database, but will be set to ``inactive``
  1401. summary: Delete Order
  1402. tags:
  1403. - Orders
  1404. operationId: OrdersByOrderIdDelete
  1405. produces:
  1406. - application/json
  1407. parameters:
  1408. - name: orderId
  1409. in: path
  1410. required: true
  1411. type: number
  1412. format: double
  1413. exclusiveMaximum: false
  1414. exclusiveMinimum: false
  1415. description: The system generated identifier for the order.
  1416. responses:
  1417. 200:
  1418. description: ''
  1419. schema:
  1420. $ref: '#/definitions/DeleteOrderResponse'
  1421. examples:
  1422. application/json:
  1423. success: true
  1424. message: The requested order has been deleted.
  1425. security:
  1426. - auth: []
  1427. x-unitTests:
  1428. - request:
  1429. method: DELETE
  1430. uri: /orders/123456789
  1431. expectedResponse:
  1432. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  1433. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  1434. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  1435. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  1436. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  1437. headers: {}
  1438. body: '{ "success": true, "message": "The requested order has been deleted."}'
  1439. x-testShouldPass: true
  1440. x-testEnabled: true
  1441. x-testName: Delete Order1
  1442. x-testDescription: Removes order from ShipStation's UI. Note this is a "soft" delete action so the order will still exist in the database, but will be set to ``inactive``
  1443. x-operation-settings:
  1444. CollectParameters: false
  1445. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1446. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1447. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1448. /orders/addtag:
  1449. post:
  1450. description: >-
  1451. Adds a tag to an order. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  1453. Name |Data Type |Description
  1455. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  1457. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order that will be tagged.
  1459. ``tagId`` | number, required | Identifies the tag that will be applied to the order.
  1460. summary: Add Tag to Order
  1461. tags:
  1462. - Orders
  1463. operationId: OrdersAddtagPost
  1464. produces:
  1465. - application/json
  1466. parameters:
  1467. - name: Content-Type
  1468. in: header
  1469. required: true
  1470. type: string
  1471. description: ''
  1472. - name: body
  1473. in: body
  1474. required: true
  1475. description: ''
  1476. schema:
  1477. $ref: '#/definitions/AddTagToOrderRequest'
  1478. responses:
  1479. 200:
  1480. description: ''
  1481. schema:
  1482. $ref: '#/definitions/AddTagToOrderResponse'
  1483. examples:
  1484. application/json:
  1485. success: true
  1486. message: Tag added successfully.
  1487. security:
  1488. - auth: []
  1489. x-unitTests: []
  1490. x-operation-settings:
  1491. CollectParameters: false
  1492. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1493. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1494. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1495. /orders/assignuser:
  1496. post:
  1497. description: >-
  1498. Assigns a user to an order. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  1500. Name |Data Type |Description
  1502. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  1504. ``orderIds`` | number, required | Identifies set of orders that will be assigned the user. Please note that if ANY of the orders within the array are not found, no orders will have a user assigned to them.
  1506. ``userId`` | number, required | Identifies the user that will be applied to the orders. It should contain a GUID of the user to be assigned to the array of orders.
  1507. summary: Assign User to Order
  1508. tags:
  1509. - Orders
  1510. operationId: OrdersAssignuserPost
  1511. produces:
  1512. - application/json
  1513. parameters:
  1514. - name: Content-Type
  1515. in: header
  1516. required: true
  1517. type: string
  1518. description: ''
  1519. - name: body
  1520. in: body
  1521. required: true
  1522. description: ''
  1523. schema:
  1524. $ref: '#/definitions/AssignUserToOrderRequest'
  1525. responses:
  1526. 200:
  1527. description: ''
  1528. schema:
  1529. $ref: '#/definitions/AssignUserToOrderResponse'
  1530. examples:
  1531. application/json:
  1532. success: true
  1533. message: User assigned successfully.
  1534. security:
  1535. - auth: []
  1536. x-unitTests: []
  1537. x-operation-settings:
  1538. CollectParameters: false
  1539. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1540. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1541. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1542. /orders/createlabelfororder:
  1543. post:
  1544. description: >-
  1545. Creates a shipping label for a given order. The ``labelData`` field returned in the response is a base64 encoded PDF value. Simply decode and save the output as a PDF file to retrieve a printable label. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  1547. Name |Data Type |Description
  1549. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  1551. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order that will be shipped.
  1553. ``carrierCode`` | string, required | The code for the carrier that is to be used for the label.
  1555. ``serviceCode`` | string, required | The code for the shipping service that is to be used for the label.
  1557. ``confirmation`` | string, required | The type of delivery confirmation that is to be used once the shipment is created. Possible values: ``none``, ``delivery``, ``signature``, ``adult_signature``, and ``direct_signature``. ``direct_signature`` is available for FedEx only.
  1559. ``shipDate`` | string, required | The date the order should be shipped.
  1561. ``weight`` | Weight, optional | Weight of the order. Use the [**Weight**]( model.
  1563. ``dimensions`` | Dimensions, optional | Dimensions of the order. Use [**Dimensions**]( model.
  1565. ``insuranceOptions`` | InsuranceOptions, optional | The shipping insurance information associated with this label. Use the [**InsuranceOptions**]( model.
  1567. ``internationalOptions`` | InternationalOptions, optional | Customs information that can be used to generate customs documents for international orders. Use the [**InternationalOptions**]( model.
  1569. ``advancedOptions`` | AdvancedOptions, optional | Various advanced options that may be available depending on the shipping carrier that is used to ship the order. Use the Customs information that can be used to generate customs documents for international orders. Use the [**AdvancedOptions**]( model.
  1571. ``testLabel`` | boolean, required | Specifies whether a test label should be created.
  1572. summary: Create Label for Order
  1573. tags:
  1574. - Orders
  1575. operationId: OrdersCreatelabelfororderPost
  1576. produces:
  1577. - application/json
  1578. parameters:
  1579. - name: Content-Type
  1580. in: header
  1581. required: true
  1582. type: string
  1583. description: ''
  1584. - name: body
  1585. in: body
  1586. required: true
  1587. description: ''
  1588. schema:
  1589. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateLabelForOrderRequest'
  1590. responses:
  1591. 200:
  1592. description: ''
  1593. schema:
  1594. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateLabelForOrderResponse'
  1595. examples:
  1596. application/json:
  1597. shipmentId: 72513480
  1598. shipmentCost: 7.2999999999999998
  1599. insuranceCost: 0
  1600. trackingNumber: 248201115029520
  1602. formData:
  1603. security:
  1604. - auth: []
  1605. x-unitTests: []
  1606. x-operation-settings:
  1607. CollectParameters: false
  1608. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1609. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1610. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1611. /orders/createorder:
  1612. post:
  1613. description: "If the ``orderKey`` is specified, the method becomes idempotent and the existing order with that key will be updated. Note: Only orders in an open status in ShipStation (``awaiting_payment``,``awaiting_shipment``, and ``on_hold``) can be updated through this method. ``cancelled`` and ``shipped`` are locked from modification through the API. The body of this request should specify an [**Order**]( object:\nName |Data Type |Description\n-------------------|-------------------|-------------------\n``orderNumber`` | string, required | A user-defined order number used to identify an order.\n``orderKey`` | string, optional | A user-provided key that should be unique to each order. If an orderKey is not provided, ShipStation will create a new order and generate a unique orderKey for that order. If the orderKey *is* provided, the **createorder** method will either: create a new order if the provided orderKey is not found, or, update the existing order if the orderKey is found.\n``orderDate`` | string, required | The date the order was placed.\n``paymentDate`` | string, optional | The date the order was paid for.\n``shipByDate`` | string, optional | The date the order is to be shipped before or on. This field is a suggested value generated by the order source/platform/cart and passed to ShipStation.\n``orderStatus`` | string, required | The order's status. Possible values: ``awaiting_payment``, ``awaiting_shipment``, ``shipped``, ``on_hold``, ``cancelled``\n``customerUsername`` | string, optional | The customer's username.\n``customerEmail`` | string, optional | The customer's email address.\n``billTo`` | Address, required | The recipients billing address. Use the [**Address**]( model.\n``shipTo`` | Address, required | The recipient's shipping address. Use the [**Address**]( model.\n``items`` | OrderItem, optional | An array of item objects. Use an array of [**OrderItem**]( models.\n``amountPaid`` | number, optional | The total amount paid for the Order.\n``taxAmount`` | number, optional | The total tax amount for the Order.\n``shippingAmount`` | number, optional | Shipping amount paid by the customer, if any.\n``customerNotes`` | string, optional | Notes left by the customer when placing the order.\n``internalNotes`` | string, optional | Private notes that are only visible to the seller.\n``gift`` | boolean, optional | Specifies whether or not this Order is a gift\n``giftMessage`` | string, optional | Gift message left by the customer when placing the order.\n``paymentMethod`` | string, optional | Method of payment used by the customer.\n``requestedShippingService`` | string, optional |Identifies the shipping service selected by the customer when placing this order. This value is given to ShipStation by the marketplace/cart and helps identify what shipping service the customer selected upon checkout.\n``carrierCode`` | string, optional | The code for the carrier that is to be used(or was used) when this order is shipped(was shipped).\n``serviceCode`` | string, optional | The code for the shipping service that is to be used(or was used) when this order is shipped(was shipped).\n``packageCode`` | string, optional | The code for the package type that is to be used(or was used) when this order is shipped(was shipped).\n``confirmation`` | string, optional | The type of delivery confirmation that is to be used(or was used) when this order is shipped(was shipped). Possible values: ``none``, ``delivery``, ``signature``, ``adult_signature``, and ``direct_signature``. ``direct_signature`` is available for FedEx only. \n``shipDate`` | string, optional | The date the order was shipped.\n``weight`` | Weight, optional | Weight of the order. Use the [**Weight**]( model.\n``dimensions`` | Dimensions, optional | Dimensions of the order. Use the [**Dimensions**]( model.\n``insuranceOptions`` | InsuranceOptions, optional | The shipping insurance information associated with this order. Use the [**InsuranceOptions**]( model.\n``internationalOptions`` | InternationalOptions, optional | Customs information that can be used to generate customs documents for international orders. Use the [**InternationalOptions**]( model.\n``advancedOptions`` | AdvancedOptions, optional | Various advanced options that may be available depending on the shipping carrier that is used to ship the order. Use the [**AdvancedOptions**]( model."
  1614. summary: Create/Update Order
  1615. tags:
  1616. - Orders
  1617. operationId: OrdersCreateorderPost
  1618. produces:
  1619. - application/json
  1620. parameters:
  1621. - name: Content-Type
  1622. in: header
  1623. required: true
  1624. type: string
  1625. description: ''
  1626. - name: body
  1627. in: body
  1628. required: true
  1629. description: ''
  1630. schema:
  1631. $ref: '#/definitions/Create~1updateOrderRequest'
  1632. responses:
  1633. 200:
  1634. description: ''
  1635. schema:
  1636. $ref: '#/definitions/Create~1updateOrderResponse'
  1637. examples:
  1638. application/json:
  1639. orderId: 140335319
  1640. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  1641. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  1642. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  1643. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1644. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1645. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  1646. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  1647. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  1648. customerId:
  1649. customerUsername:
  1650. customerEmail:
  1651. billTo:
  1652. name: The President
  1653. company:
  1654. street1:
  1655. street2:
  1656. street3:
  1657. city:
  1658. state:
  1659. postalCode:
  1660. country:
  1661. phone:
  1662. residential:
  1663. addressVerified:
  1664. shipTo:
  1665. name: The President
  1666. company: US Govt
  1667. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  1668. street2: Oval Office
  1669. street3:
  1670. city: Washington
  1671. state: DC
  1672. postalCode: 20500
  1673. country: US
  1674. phone: 555-555-5555
  1675. residential: false
  1676. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  1677. items:
  1678. - orderItemId: 192210956
  1679. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  1680. sku: ABC123
  1681. name: 'Test item #1'
  1682. imageUrl:
  1683. weight:
  1684. value: 24
  1685. units: ounces
  1686. quantity: 2
  1687. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  1688. taxAmount: 2.5
  1689. shippingAmount: 5
  1690. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  1691. options:
  1692. - name: Size
  1693. value: Large
  1694. productId:
  1695. fulfillmentSku:
  1696. adjustment: false
  1697. upc: 32-65-98
  1698. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1699. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1700. - orderItemId: 192210957
  1701. lineItemKey:
  1702. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  1703. name: 10% OFF
  1704. imageUrl:
  1705. weight:
  1706. value: 0
  1707. units: ounces
  1708. quantity: 1
  1709. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  1710. taxAmount:
  1711. shippingAmount:
  1712. warehouseLocation:
  1713. options: []
  1714. productId:
  1715. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  1716. adjustment: true
  1717. upc:
  1718. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1719. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  1720. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  1721. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  1722. taxAmount: 5
  1723. shippingAmount: 10
  1724. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  1725. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  1726. gift: true
  1727. giftMessage: Thank you!
  1728. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  1729. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  1730. carrierCode: fedex
  1731. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  1732. packageCode: package
  1733. confirmation: delivery
  1734. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  1735. holdUntilDate:
  1736. weight:
  1737. value: 25
  1738. units: ounces
  1739. dimensions:
  1740. units: inches
  1741. length: 7
  1742. width: 5
  1743. height: 6
  1744. insuranceOptions:
  1745. provider: carrier
  1746. insureShipment: true
  1747. insuredValue: 200
  1748. internationalOptions:
  1749. contents:
  1750. customsItems:
  1751. nonDelivery:
  1752. advancedOptions:
  1753. warehouseId: 9876
  1754. nonMachinable: false
  1755. saturdayDelivery: false
  1756. containsAlcohol: false
  1757. mergedOrSplit: false
  1758. mergedIds: []
  1759. parentId:
  1760. storeId: 12345
  1761. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  1762. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  1763. customField3:
  1764. source: Webstore
  1765. billToParty:
  1766. billToAccount:
  1767. billToPostalCode:
  1768. billToCountryCode:
  1769. tagIds:
  1770. userId:
  1771. externallyFulfilled: false
  1772. externallyFulfilledBy:
  1773. security:
  1774. - auth: []
  1775. x-unitTests: []
  1776. x-operation-settings:
  1777. CollectParameters: false
  1778. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1779. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1780. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1781. /orders/createorders:
  1782. post:
  1783. description: >-
  1784. This endpoint can be used to create or update multiple orders in one request. If the ``orderKey`` is specified in an order, the existing order with that key will be updated. Note: Only orders in an open status in ShipStation (``awaiting_payment``,``awaiting_shipment``, and ``on_hold``) can be updated through this method. ``cancelled`` and ``shipped`` are locked from modification through the API.
  1786. Data Type |Description
  1788. -------------------|-------------------
  1790. Order, required | An array of [**Order**]( objects (maximum of 100 per request)
  1791. summary: Create/Update Multiple Orders
  1792. tags:
  1793. - Orders
  1794. operationId: OrdersCreateordersPost
  1795. produces:
  1796. - application/json
  1797. parameters:
  1798. - name: Content-Type
  1799. in: header
  1800. required: true
  1801. type: string
  1802. description: ''
  1803. - name: body
  1804. in: body
  1805. required: true
  1806. description: ''
  1807. schema:
  1808. type: array
  1809. items:
  1810. $ref: '#/definitions/Create~1updateMultipleOrdersRequest'
  1811. responses:
  1812. 200:
  1813. description: ''
  1814. schema:
  1815. $ref: '#/definitions/Create~1updateMultipleOrdersResponse'
  1816. examples:
  1817. application/json:
  1818. hasErrors: false
  1819. results:
  1820. - orderId: 58345234
  1821. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  1822. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  1823. success: true
  1824. errorMessage:
  1825. security:
  1826. - auth: []
  1827. x-unitTests: []
  1828. x-operation-settings:
  1829. CollectParameters: false
  1830. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1831. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1832. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1833. /orders/holduntil:
  1834. post:
  1835. description: >-
  1836. This method will change the status of the given order to On Hold until the date specified, when the status will automatically change to Awaiting Shipment.
  1838. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  1840. Name |Data Type |Description
  1842. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  1844. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order that will be held.
  1846. ``holdUntilDate`` | string, required | Date when order is moved from ``on_hold`` status to ``awaiting_shipment``.
  1847. summary: Hold Order Until
  1848. tags:
  1849. - Orders
  1850. operationId: OrdersHolduntilPost
  1851. produces:
  1852. - application/json
  1853. parameters:
  1854. - name: Content-Type
  1855. in: header
  1856. required: true
  1857. type: string
  1858. description: ''
  1859. - name: body
  1860. in: body
  1861. required: true
  1862. description: ''
  1863. schema:
  1864. $ref: '#/definitions/HoldOrderUntilRequest'
  1865. responses:
  1866. 200:
  1867. description: ''
  1868. schema:
  1869. $ref: '#/definitions/HoldOrderUntilResponse'
  1870. examples:
  1871. application/json:
  1872. success: true
  1873. message: Order held successfully.
  1874. security:
  1875. - auth: []
  1876. x-unitTests: []
  1877. x-operation-settings:
  1878. CollectParameters: false
  1879. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  1880. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  1881. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  1882. /orders:
  1883. get:
  1884. description: ''
  1885. summary: List Orders w/o parameters
  1886. tags:
  1887. - Orders
  1888. operationId: OrdersGet
  1889. produces:
  1890. - application/json
  1891. parameters: []
  1892. responses:
  1893. 200:
  1894. description: ''
  1895. schema:
  1896. $ref: '#/definitions/ListOrdersW~1oParametersResponse'
  1897. examples:
  1898. application/json:
  1899. orders:
  1900. - orderId: 987654321
  1901. orderNumber: Test-International-API-DOCS
  1902. orderKey: Test-International-API-DOCS
  1903. orderDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  1904. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  1905. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000
  1906. paymentDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  1907. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  1908. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  1909. customerId: 63310475
  1910. customerUsername:
  1911. customerEmail:
  1912. billTo:
  1913. name: Sherlock Holmes
  1914. company:
  1915. street1:
  1916. street2:
  1917. street3:
  1918. city:
  1919. state:
  1920. postalCode:
  1921. country:
  1922. phone:
  1923. residential:
  1924. addressVerified:
  1925. shipTo:
  1926. name: Sherlock Holmes
  1927. company: ''
  1928. street1: 221 B Baker St
  1929. street2: ''
  1930. street3:
  1931. city: London
  1932. state: ''
  1933. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  1934. country: GB
  1935. phone:
  1936. residential: true
  1937. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  1938. items:
  1939. - orderItemId: 136282568
  1940. lineItemKey:
  1941. sku: Ele-1234
  1942. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  1943. imageUrl:
  1944. weight:
  1945. value: 12
  1946. units: ounces
  1947. quantity: 2
  1948. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
  1949. taxAmount:
  1950. shippingAmount:
  1951. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  1952. options: []
  1953. productId: 11780610
  1954. fulfillmentSku: Ele-1234
  1955. adjustment: false
  1956. upc:
  1957. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  1958. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  1959. - orderItemId: 136282569
  1960. lineItemKey:
  1961. sku: CN-9876
  1962. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  1963. imageUrl:
  1964. weight:
  1965. value: 80
  1966. units: ounces
  1967. quantity: 1
  1968. unitPrice: 225
  1969. taxAmount:
  1970. shippingAmount:
  1971. warehouseLocation: Aisle 7, Bin 34
  1972. options: []
  1973. productId: 11780609
  1974. fulfillmentSku:
  1975. adjustment: false
  1976. upc:
  1977. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  1978. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  1979. orderTotal: 387.97000000000003
  1980. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  1981. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  1982. shippingAmount: 35
  1983. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  1984. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  1985. gift: false
  1986. giftMessage:
  1987. paymentMethod:
  1988. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
  1989. carrierCode: stamps_com
  1990. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  1991. packageCode: package
  1992. confirmation: delivery
  1993. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  1994. holdUntilDate:
  1995. weight:
  1996. value: 104
  1997. units: ounces
  1998. dimensions:
  1999. units: inches
  2000. length: 40
  2001. width: 7
  2002. height: 5
  2003. insuranceOptions:
  2004. provider:
  2005. insureShipment: false
  2006. insuredValue: 0
  2007. internationalOptions:
  2008. contents: merchandise
  2009. customsItems:
  2010. - customsItemId: 11558268
  2011. description: Fine White Oak Cane
  2012. quantity: 1
  2013. value: 225
  2014. harmonizedTariffCode:
  2015. countryOfOrigin: US
  2016. - customsItemId: 11558267
  2017. description: Elementary Disguise Kit
  2018. quantity: 2
  2019. value: 49.990000000000002
  2020. harmonizedTariffCode:
  2021. countryOfOrigin: US
  2022. nonDelivery: return_to_sender
  2023. advancedOptions:
  2024. warehouseId: 98765
  2025. nonMachinable: false
  2026. saturdayDelivery: false
  2027. containsAlcohol: false
  2028. mergedOrSplit: false
  2029. mergedIds: []
  2030. parentId:
  2031. storeId: 12345
  2032. customField1: 'SKU: CN-9876 x 1'
  2033. customField2: 'SKU: Ele-123 x 2'
  2034. customField3:
  2035. source:
  2036. billToParty:
  2037. billToAccount:
  2038. billToPostalCode:
  2039. billToCountryCode:
  2040. tagIds:
  2041. userId:
  2042. externallyFulfilled: false
  2043. externallyFulfilledBy:
  2044. - orderId: 123456789
  2045. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  2046. orderKey: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  2047. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2048. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2049. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000
  2050. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2051. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  2052. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  2053. customerId: 37701499
  2054. customerUsername:
  2055. customerEmail:
  2056. billTo:
  2057. name: The President
  2058. company:
  2059. street1:
  2060. street2:
  2061. street3:
  2062. city:
  2063. state:
  2064. postalCode:
  2065. country:
  2066. phone:
  2067. residential:
  2068. addressVerified:
  2069. shipTo:
  2070. name: The President
  2071. company: US Govt
  2072. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  2073. street2: Oval Office
  2074. street3:
  2075. city: Washington
  2076. state: DC
  2077. postalCode: 20500
  2078. country: US
  2079. phone: 555-555-5555
  2080. residential: false
  2081. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  2082. items:
  2083. - orderItemId: 128836912
  2084. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  2085. sku: ABC123
  2086. name: 'Test item #1'
  2087. imageUrl:
  2088. weight:
  2089. value: 24
  2090. units: ounces
  2091. quantity: 2
  2092. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  2093. taxAmount:
  2094. shippingAmount:
  2095. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  2096. options:
  2097. - name: Size
  2098. value: Large
  2099. productId: 7239919
  2100. fulfillmentSku:
  2101. adjustment: false
  2102. upc:
  2103. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2104. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2105. - orderItemId: 128836913
  2106. lineItemKey:
  2107. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  2108. name: 10% OFF
  2109. imageUrl:
  2110. weight:
  2111. value: 0
  2112. units: ounces
  2113. quantity: 1
  2114. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  2115. taxAmount:
  2116. shippingAmount:
  2117. warehouseLocation:
  2118. options: []
  2119. productId:
  2120. fulfillmentSku:
  2121. adjustment: true
  2122. upc:
  2123. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2124. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2125. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  2126. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  2127. taxAmount: 5
  2128. shippingAmount: 10
  2129. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  2130. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  2131. gift: true
  2132. giftMessage: Thank you!
  2133. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  2134. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  2135. carrierCode: fedex
  2136. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  2137. packageCode: package
  2138. confirmation: delivery
  2139. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  2140. holdUntilDate:
  2141. weight:
  2142. value: 48
  2143. units: ounces
  2144. dimensions:
  2145. units: inches
  2146. length: 7
  2147. width: 5
  2148. height: 6
  2149. insuranceOptions:
  2150. provider: carrier
  2151. insureShipment: true
  2152. insuredValue: 200
  2153. internationalOptions:
  2154. contents:
  2155. customsItems:
  2156. nonDelivery:
  2157. advancedOptions:
  2158. warehouseId: 98765
  2159. nonMachinable: false
  2160. saturdayDelivery: false
  2161. containsAlcohol: false
  2162. mergedOrSplit: false
  2163. mergedIds: []
  2164. parentId:
  2165. storeId: 12345
  2166. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  2167. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  2168. customField3:
  2169. source: Webstore
  2170. billToParty:
  2171. billToAccount:
  2172. billToPostalCode:
  2173. billToCountryCode:
  2174. tagIds:
  2175. userId:
  2176. externallyFulfilled: false
  2177. externallyFulfilledBy:
  2178. total: 2
  2179. page: 1
  2180. pages: 0
  2181. security:
  2182. - auth: []
  2183. x-unitTests:
  2184. - request:
  2185. method: GET
  2186. uri: /orders
  2187. expectedResponse:
  2188. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  2189. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  2190. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  2191. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  2192. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  2193. headers:
  2194. Content-Type: application/json
  2195. body: "{ \"orders\": [ { \"orderId\": 987654321, \"orderNumber\": \"Test-International-API-DOCS\", \"orderKey\": \"Test-International-API-DOCS\", \"orderDate\": \"2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000\", \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000\", \"paymentDate\": \"2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000\", \"shipByDate\": \"2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerId\": 63310475, \"customerUsername\": \"\", \"customerEmail\": \"\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"Sherlock Holmes\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"street3\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null, \"residential\": null, \"addressVerified\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"Sherlock Holmes\", \"company\": \"\", \"street1\": \"221 B Baker St\", \"street2\": \"\", \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"London\", \"state\": \"\", \"postalCode\": \"NW1 6XE\", \"country\": \"GB\", \"phone\": null, \"residential\": true, \"addressVerified\": \"Address not yet validated\" }, \"items\": [ { \"orderItemId\": 136282568, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"Ele-1234\", \"name\": \"Elementary Disguise Kit\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 12, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 2, \"unitPrice\": 49.99, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 1, Bin 7\", \"options\": [], \"productId\": 11780610, \"fulfillmentSku\": \"Ele-1234\", \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\" }, { \"orderItemId\": 136282569, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"CN-9876\", \"name\": \"Fine White Oak Cane\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 80, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 1, \"unitPrice\": 225, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 7, Bin 34\", \"options\": [], \"productId\": 11780609, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\" } ], \"orderTotal\": 387.97, \"amountPaid\": 412.97, \"taxAmount\": 27.99, \"shippingAmount\": 35, \"customerNotes\": \"Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.\", \"internalNotes\": \"Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited\", \"gift\": false, \"giftMessage\": null, \"paymentMethod\": null, \"requestedShippingService\": \"Priority Mail Int\", \"carrierCode\": \"stamps_com\", \"serviceCode\": \"usps_priority_mail_international\", \"packageCode\": \"package\", \"confirmation\": \"delivery\", \"shipDate\": \"2015-04-25\", \"holdUntilDate\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 104, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"dimensions\": { \"units\": \"inches\", \"length\": 40, \"width\": 7, \"height\": 5 }, \"insuranceOptions\": { \"provider\": null, \"insureShipment\": false, \"insuredValue\": 0 }, \"internationalOptions\": { \"contents\": \"merchandise\", \"customsItems\": [ { \"customsItemId\": 11558268, \"description\": \"Fine White Oak Cane\", \"quantity\": 1, \"value\": 225, \"harmonizedTariffCode\": null, \"countryOfOrigin\": \"US\" }, { \"customsItemId\": 11558267, \"description\": \"Elementary Disguise Kit\", \"quantity\": 2, \"value\": 49.99, \"harmonizedTariffCode\": null, \"countryOfOrigin\": \"US\" } ], \"nonDelivery\": \"return_to_sender\" }, \"advancedOptions\": { \"warehouseId\": 98765, \"nonMachinable\": false, \"saturdayDelivery\": false, \"containsAlcohol\": false, \"mergedOrSplit\": false, \"mergedIds\": [], \"parentId\": null, \"storeId\": 12345, \"customField1\": \"SKU: CN-9876 x 1\", \"customField2\": \"SKU: Ele-123 x 2\", \"customField3\": null, \"source\": null, \"billToParty\": null, \"billToAccount\": null, \"billToPostalCode\": null, \"billToCountryCode\": null }, \"tagIds\": null, \"userId\": null, \"externallyFulfilled\": false, \"externallyFulfilledBy\": null }, { \"orderId\": 123456789, \"orderNumber\": \"TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS\", \"orderKey\": \"0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74\", \"orderDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000\", \"paymentDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"shipByDate\": \"2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerId\": 37701499, \"customerUsername\": \"\", \"customerEmail\": \"\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"street3\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null, \"residential\": null, \"addressVerified\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": \"US Govt\", \"street1\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Ave\", \"street2\": \"Oval Office\", \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\", \"postalCode\": \"20500\", \"country\": \"US\", \"phone\": \"555-555-5555\", \"residential\": false, \"addressVerified\": \"Address validation warning\" }, \"items\": [ { \"orderItemId\": 128836912, \"lineItemKey\": \"vd08-MSLbtx\", \"sku\": \"ABC123\", \"name\": \"Test item #1\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 24, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 2, \"unitPrice\": 99.99, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 1, Bin 7\", \"options\": [ { \"name\": \"Size\", \"value\": \"Large\" } ], \"productId\": 7239919, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" }, { \"orderItemId\": 128836913, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"DISCOUNT CODE\", \"name\": \"10% OFF\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 0, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 1, \"unitPrice\": -20.55, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": null, \"options\": [], \"productId\": null, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": true, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" } ], \"orderTotal\": 194.43, \"amountPaid\": 218.73, \"taxAmount\": 5, \"shippingAmount\": 10, \"customerNotes\": \"Thanks for ordering!\", \"internalNotes\": \"Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping\", \"gift\": true, \"giftMessage\": \"Thank you!\", \"paymentMethod\": \"Credit Card\", \"requestedShippingService\": \"Priority Mail\", \"carrierCode\": \"fedex\", \"serviceCode\": \"fedex_home_delivery\", \"packageCode\": \"package\", \"confirmation\": \"delivery\", \"shipDate\": \"2015-07-02\", \"holdUntilDate\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 48, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"dimensions\": { \"units\": \"inches\", \"length\": 7, \"width\": 5, \"height\": 6 }, \"insuranceOptions\": { \"provider\": \"carrier\", \"insureShipment\": true, \"insuredValue\": 200 }, \"internationalOptions\": { \"contents\": null, \"customsItems\": null, \"nonDelivery\": null }, \"advancedOptions\": { \"warehouseId\": 98765, \"nonMachinable\": false, \"saturdayDelivery\": false, \"containsAlcohol\": false, \"mergedOrSplit\": false, \"mergedIds\": [], \"parentId\": null, \"storeId\": 12345, \"customField1\": \"Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!\", \"customField2\": \"Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below\", \"customField3\": \"\", \"source\": \"Webstore\", \"billToParty\": null, \"billToAccount\": null, \"billToPostalCode\": null, \"billToCountryCode\": null }, \"tagIds\": null, \"userId\": null, \"externallyFulfilled\": false, \"externallyFulfilledBy\": null } ], \"total\": 2, \"page\": 1, \"pages\": 0}"
  2196. x-testShouldPass: true
  2197. x-testEnabled: true
  2198. x-testName: List Orders w/o parameters1
  2199. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint List Orders w/o parameters
  2200. x-operation-settings:
  2201. CollectParameters: false
  2202. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  2203. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  2204. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  2205. ? /orders?customerName={customerName}&itemKeyword={itemKeyword}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&modifyDateStart={modifyDateStart}&modifyDateEnd={modifyDateEnd}&orderDateStart={orderDateStart}&orderDateEnd={orderDateEnd}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&orderStatus={orderStatus}&paymentDateStart={paymentDateStart}&paymentDateEnd={paymentDateEnd}&storeId={storeId}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  2206. : get:
  2207. description: >-
  2208. Obtains a list of orders that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  2210. Url format with filters:
  2212. ```
  2214. /orders?customerName={customerName}
  2216. &itemKeyword={itemKeyword}
  2218. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  2220. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  2222. &modifyDateStart={modifyDateStart}
  2224. &modifyDateEnd={modifyDateEnd}
  2226. &orderDateStart={orderDateStart}
  2228. &orderDateEnd={orderDateEnd}
  2230. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  2232. &orderStatus={orderStatus}
  2234. &paymentDateStart={paymentDateStart}
  2236. &paymentDateEnd={paymentDateEnd}
  2238. &storeId={storeId}
  2240. &sortBy={sortBy}
  2242. &sortDir={sortDir}
  2244. &page={page}
  2246. &pageSize={pageSize}
  2248. ```
  2249. summary: List Orders with parameters
  2250. tags:
  2251. - Orders
  2252. operationId: OrdersCreateDateStartCreateDateStartCreateDateEndCreateDateEndModifyDateStartModifyDateStartModifyDateEndModifyDateEndOrderDateStartOrderDateStartOrderDateEndOrderDateEndOrderNumberOrderNumberOrderStatusOrderStatusPaymentDateStartPaymentDateStartPaymentDateEndPaymentDateEndStoreIdStoreIdSortBySortBySortDirSortDirPagePagePageSizePageSizeByCustomerNameAndItemKeywordGet
  2253. produces:
  2254. - application/json
  2255. parameters:
  2256. - name: customerName
  2257. in: path
  2258. required: true
  2259. type: string
  2260. description: Returns orders that match the specified name.
  2261. - name: itemKeyword
  2262. in: path
  2263. required: true
  2264. type: string
  2265. description: Returns orders that contain items that match the specified keyword. Fields searched are Sku, Description, and Options
  2266. - name: createDateStart
  2267. in: path
  2268. required: true
  2269. type: string
  2270. description: Returns orders that were created in ShipStation after the specified date
  2271. - name: createDateEnd
  2272. in: path
  2273. required: true
  2274. type: string
  2275. description: Returns orders that were created in ShipStation before the specified date
  2276. - name: modifyDateStart
  2277. in: path
  2278. required: true
  2279. type: string
  2280. description: Returns orders that were modified after the specified date
  2281. - name: modifyDateEnd
  2282. in: path
  2283. required: true
  2284. type: string
  2285. description: Returns orders that were modified before the specified date
  2286. - name: orderDateStart
  2287. in: path
  2288. required: true
  2289. type: string
  2290. description: Returns orders greater than the specified date
  2291. - name: orderDateEnd
  2292. in: path
  2293. required: true
  2294. type: string
  2295. description: Returns orders less than or equal to the specified date
  2296. - name: orderNumber
  2297. in: path
  2298. required: true
  2299. type: string
  2300. description: Filter by order number, performs a "starts with" search.
  2301. - name: orderStatus
  2302. in: path
  2303. required: true
  2304. enum:
  2305. - awaiting_payment
  2306. - awaiting_shipment
  2307. - pending_fulfillment
  2308. - shipped
  2309. - on_hold
  2310. - cancelled
  2311. x-enum-elements:
  2312. - name: awaiting_payment
  2313. description: ''
  2314. - name: awaiting_shipment
  2315. description: ''
  2316. - name: pending_fulfillment
  2317. description: ''
  2318. - name: shipped
  2319. description: ''
  2320. - name: on_hold
  2321. description: ''
  2322. - name: cancelled
  2323. description: ''
  2324. type: string
  2325. description: Filter by order status. If left empty, orders of all statuses are returned.
  2326. - name: paymentDateStart
  2327. in: path
  2328. required: true
  2329. type: string
  2330. description: Returns orders that were paid after the specified date
  2331. - name: paymentDateEnd
  2332. in: path
  2333. required: true
  2334. type: string
  2335. description: Returns orders that were paid before the specified date
  2336. - name: storeId
  2337. in: path
  2338. required: true
  2339. type: number
  2340. format: double
  2341. exclusiveMaximum: false
  2342. exclusiveMinimum: false
  2343. description: Filters orders to a single store. Call List Stores to obtain a list of store Ids.
  2344. - name: sortBy
  2345. in: path
  2346. required: true
  2347. enum:
  2348. - OrderDate
  2349. - ModifyDate
  2350. - CreateDate
  2351. x-enum-elements:
  2352. - name: OrderDate
  2353. description: ''
  2354. - name: ModifyDate
  2355. description: ''
  2356. - name: CreateDate
  2357. description: ''
  2358. type: string
  2359. description: Sort the responses by a set value. The response will be sorted based off the ascending dates (oldest to most current.) If left empty, the response will be sorted by ascending ``orderId``.
  2360. - name: sortDir
  2361. in: path
  2362. required: true
  2363. enum:
  2364. - ASC
  2365. - DESC
  2366. x-enum-elements:
  2367. - name: ASC
  2368. description: ''
  2369. - name: DESC
  2370. description: ''
  2371. type: string
  2372. description: Sets the direction of the sort order.
  2373. - name: page
  2374. in: path
  2375. required: true
  2376. type: string
  2377. description: Page number
  2378. - name: pageSize
  2379. in: path
  2380. required: true
  2381. type: string
  2382. description: Requested page size. Max value is 500.
  2383. responses:
  2384. 200:
  2385. description: ''
  2386. schema:
  2387. $ref: '#/definitions/ListOrdersWithParametersResponse'
  2388. examples:
  2389. application/json:
  2390. orders:
  2391. - orderId: 987654321
  2392. orderNumber: Test-International-API-DOCS
  2393. orderKey: Test-International-API-DOCS
  2394. orderDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  2395. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  2396. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000
  2397. paymentDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  2398. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  2399. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  2400. customerId: 63310475
  2401. customerUsername:
  2402. customerEmail:
  2403. billTo:
  2404. name: Sherlock Holmes
  2405. company:
  2406. street1:
  2407. street2:
  2408. street3:
  2409. city:
  2410. state:
  2411. postalCode:
  2412. country:
  2413. phone:
  2414. residential:
  2415. addressVerified:
  2416. shipTo:
  2417. name: Sherlock Holmes
  2418. company: ''
  2419. street1: 221 B Baker St
  2420. street2: ''
  2421. street3:
  2422. city: London
  2423. state: ''
  2424. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  2425. country: GB
  2426. phone:
  2427. residential: true
  2428. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  2429. items:
  2430. - orderItemId: 136282568
  2431. lineItemKey:
  2432. sku: Ele-1234
  2433. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  2434. imageUrl:
  2435. weight:
  2436. value: 12
  2437. units: ounces
  2438. quantity: 2
  2439. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
  2440. taxAmount:
  2441. shippingAmount:
  2442. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  2443. options: []
  2444. productId: 11780610
  2445. fulfillmentSku: Ele-1234
  2446. adjustment: false
  2447. upc:
  2448. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  2449. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  2450. - orderItemId: 136282569
  2451. lineItemKey:
  2452. sku: CN-9876
  2453. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  2454. imageUrl:
  2455. weight:
  2456. value: 80
  2457. units: ounces
  2458. quantity: 1
  2459. unitPrice: 225
  2460. taxAmount:
  2461. shippingAmount:
  2462. warehouseLocation: Aisle 7, Bin 34
  2463. options: []
  2464. productId: 11780609
  2465. fulfillmentSku:
  2466. adjustment: false
  2467. upc:
  2468. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  2469. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  2470. orderTotal: 387.97000000000003
  2471. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  2472. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  2473. shippingAmount: 35
  2474. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  2475. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  2476. gift: false
  2477. giftMessage:
  2478. paymentMethod:
  2479. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
  2480. carrierCode: stamps_com
  2481. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  2482. packageCode: package
  2483. confirmation: delivery
  2484. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  2485. holdUntilDate:
  2486. weight:
  2487. value: 104
  2488. units: ounces
  2489. dimensions:
  2490. units: inches
  2491. length: 40
  2492. width: 7
  2493. height: 5
  2494. insuranceOptions:
  2495. provider:
  2496. insureShipment: false
  2497. insuredValue: 0
  2498. internationalOptions:
  2499. contents: merchandise
  2500. customsItems:
  2501. - customsItemId: 11558268
  2502. description: Fine White Oak Cane
  2503. quantity: 1
  2504. value: 225
  2505. harmonizedTariffCode:
  2506. countryOfOrigin: US
  2507. - customsItemId: 11558267
  2508. description: Elementary Disguise Kit
  2509. quantity: 2
  2510. value: 49.990000000000002
  2511. harmonizedTariffCode:
  2512. countryOfOrigin: US
  2513. nonDelivery: return_to_sender
  2514. advancedOptions:
  2515. warehouseId: 98765
  2516. nonMachinable: false
  2517. saturdayDelivery: false
  2518. containsAlcohol: false
  2519. mergedOrSplit: false
  2520. mergedIds: []
  2521. parentId:
  2522. storeId: 12345
  2523. customField1: 'SKU: CN-9876 x 1'
  2524. customField2: 'SKU: Ele-123 x 2'
  2525. customField3:
  2526. source:
  2527. billToParty:
  2528. billToAccount:
  2529. billToPostalCode:
  2530. billToCountryCode:
  2531. tagIds:
  2532. userId:
  2533. externallyFulfilled: false
  2534. externallyFulfilledBy:
  2535. - orderId: 123456789
  2536. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  2537. orderKey: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  2538. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2539. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2540. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000
  2541. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2542. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  2543. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  2544. customerId: 37701499
  2545. customerUsername:
  2546. customerEmail:
  2547. billTo:
  2548. name: The President
  2549. company:
  2550. street1:
  2551. street2:
  2552. street3:
  2553. city:
  2554. state:
  2555. postalCode:
  2556. country:
  2557. phone:
  2558. residential:
  2559. addressVerified:
  2560. shipTo:
  2561. name: The President
  2562. company: US Govt
  2563. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  2564. street2: Oval Office
  2565. street3:
  2566. city: Washington
  2567. state: DC
  2568. postalCode: 20500
  2569. country: US
  2570. phone: 555-555-5555
  2571. residential: false
  2572. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  2573. items:
  2574. - orderItemId: 128836912
  2575. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  2576. sku: ABC123
  2577. name: 'Test item #1'
  2578. imageUrl:
  2579. weight:
  2580. value: 24
  2581. units: ounces
  2582. quantity: 2
  2583. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  2584. taxAmount:
  2585. shippingAmount:
  2586. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  2587. options:
  2588. - name: Size
  2589. value: Large
  2590. productId: 7239919
  2591. fulfillmentSku:
  2592. adjustment: false
  2593. upc:
  2594. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2595. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2596. - orderItemId: 128836913
  2597. lineItemKey:
  2598. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  2599. name: 10% OFF
  2600. imageUrl:
  2601. weight:
  2602. value: 0
  2603. units: ounces
  2604. quantity: 1
  2605. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  2606. taxAmount:
  2607. shippingAmount:
  2608. warehouseLocation:
  2609. options: []
  2610. productId:
  2611. fulfillmentSku:
  2612. adjustment: true
  2613. upc:
  2614. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2615. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  2616. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  2617. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  2618. taxAmount: 5
  2619. shippingAmount: 10
  2620. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  2621. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  2622. gift: true
  2623. giftMessage: Thank you!
  2624. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  2625. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  2626. carrierCode: fedex
  2627. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  2628. packageCode: package
  2629. confirmation: delivery
  2630. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  2631. holdUntilDate:
  2632. weight:
  2633. value: 48
  2634. units: ounces
  2635. dimensions:
  2636. units: inches
  2637. length: 7
  2638. width: 5
  2639. height: 6
  2640. insuranceOptions:
  2641. provider: carrier
  2642. insureShipment: true
  2643. insuredValue: 200
  2644. internationalOptions:
  2645. contents:
  2646. customsItems:
  2647. nonDelivery:
  2648. advancedOptions:
  2649. warehouseId: 98765
  2650. nonMachinable: false
  2651. saturdayDelivery: false
  2652. containsAlcohol: false
  2653. mergedOrSplit: false
  2654. mergedIds: []
  2655. parentId:
  2656. storeId: 12345
  2657. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  2658. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  2659. customField3:
  2660. source: Webstore
  2661. billToParty:
  2662. billToAccount:
  2663. billToPostalCode:
  2664. billToCountryCode:
  2665. tagIds:
  2666. userId:
  2667. externallyFulfilled: false
  2668. externallyFulfilledBy:
  2669. total: 2
  2670. page: 1
  2671. pages: 0
  2672. security:
  2673. - auth: []
  2674. x-unitTests:
  2675. - request:
  2676. method: GET
  2677. uri: /orders?customerName={customerName}&itemKeyword={itemKeyword}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&modifyDateStart={modifyDateStart}&modifyDateEnd={modifyDateEnd}&orderDateStart={orderDateStart}&orderDateEnd={orderDateEnd}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&orderStatus={orderStatus}&paymentDateStart={paymentDateStart}&paymentDateEnd={paymentDateEnd}&storeId={storeId}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  2678. expectedResponse:
  2679. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  2680. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  2681. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  2682. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  2683. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  2684. headers:
  2685. Content-Type: application/json
  2686. body: "{ \"orders\": [ { \"orderId\": 987654321, \"orderNumber\": \"Test-International-API-DOCS\", \"orderKey\": \"Test-International-API-DOCS\", \"orderDate\": \"2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000\", \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000\", \"paymentDate\": \"2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000\", \"shipByDate\": \"2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerId\": 63310475, \"customerUsername\": \"\", \"customerEmail\": \"\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"Sherlock Holmes\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"street3\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null, \"residential\": null, \"addressVerified\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"Sherlock Holmes\", \"company\": \"\", \"street1\": \"221 B Baker St\", \"street2\": \"\", \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"London\", \"state\": \"\", \"postalCode\": \"NW1 6XE\", \"country\": \"GB\", \"phone\": null, \"residential\": true, \"addressVerified\": \"Address not yet validated\" }, \"items\": [ { \"orderItemId\": 136282568, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"Ele-1234\", \"name\": \"Elementary Disguise Kit\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 12, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 2, \"unitPrice\": 49.99, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 1, Bin 7\", \"options\": [], \"productId\": 11780610, \"fulfillmentSku\": \"Ele-1234\", \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\" }, { \"orderItemId\": 136282569, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"CN-9876\", \"name\": \"Fine White Oak Cane\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 80, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 1, \"unitPrice\": 225, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 7, Bin 34\", \"options\": [], \"productId\": 11780609, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:24:14.78\" } ], \"orderTotal\": 387.97, \"amountPaid\": 412.97, \"taxAmount\": 27.99, \"shippingAmount\": 35, \"customerNotes\": \"Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.\", \"internalNotes\": \"Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited\", \"gift\": false, \"giftMessage\": null, \"paymentMethod\": null, \"requestedShippingService\": \"Priority Mail Int\", \"carrierCode\": \"stamps_com\", \"serviceCode\": \"usps_priority_mail_international\", \"packageCode\": \"package\", \"confirmation\": \"delivery\", \"shipDate\": \"2015-04-25\", \"holdUntilDate\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 104, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"dimensions\": { \"units\": \"inches\", \"length\": 40, \"width\": 7, \"height\": 5 }, \"insuranceOptions\": { \"provider\": null, \"insureShipment\": false, \"insuredValue\": 0 }, \"internationalOptions\": { \"contents\": \"merchandise\", \"customsItems\": [ { \"customsItemId\": 11558268, \"description\": \"Fine White Oak Cane\", \"quantity\": 1, \"value\": 225, \"harmonizedTariffCode\": null, \"countryOfOrigin\": \"US\" }, { \"customsItemId\": 11558267, \"description\": \"Elementary Disguise Kit\", \"quantity\": 2, \"value\": 49.99, \"harmonizedTariffCode\": null, \"countryOfOrigin\": \"US\" } ], \"nonDelivery\": \"return_to_sender\" }, \"advancedOptions\": { \"warehouseId\": 98765, \"nonMachinable\": false, \"saturdayDelivery\": false, \"containsAlcohol\": false, \"mergedOrSplit\": false, \"mergedIds\": [], \"parentId\": null, \"storeId\": 12345, \"customField1\": \"SKU: CN-9876 x 1\", \"customField2\": \"SKU: Ele-123 x 2\", \"customField3\": null, \"source\": null, \"billToParty\": null, \"billToAccount\": null, \"billToPostalCode\": null, \"billToCountryCode\": null }, \"tagIds\": null, \"userId\": null, \"externallyFulfilled\": false, \"externallyFulfilledBy\": null }, { \"orderId\": 123456789, \"orderNumber\": \"TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS\", \"orderKey\": \"0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74\", \"orderDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000\", \"paymentDate\": \"2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000\", \"shipByDate\": \"2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerId\": 37701499, \"customerUsername\": \"\", \"customerEmail\": \"\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"street3\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null, \"residential\": null, \"addressVerified\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"The President\", \"company\": \"US Govt\", \"street1\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Ave\", \"street2\": \"Oval Office\", \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\", \"postalCode\": \"20500\", \"country\": \"US\", \"phone\": \"555-555-5555\", \"residential\": false, \"addressVerified\": \"Address validation warning\" }, \"items\": [ { \"orderItemId\": 128836912, \"lineItemKey\": \"vd08-MSLbtx\", \"sku\": \"ABC123\", \"name\": \"Test item #1\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 24, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 2, \"unitPrice\": 99.99, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": \"Aisle 1, Bin 7\", \"options\": [ { \"name\": \"Size\", \"value\": \"Large\" } ], \"productId\": 7239919, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": false, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" }, { \"orderItemId\": 128836913, \"lineItemKey\": null, \"sku\": \"DISCOUNT CODE\", \"name\": \"10% OFF\", \"imageUrl\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 0, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"quantity\": 1, \"unitPrice\": -20.55, \"taxAmount\": null, \"shippingAmount\": null, \"warehouseLocation\": null, \"options\": [], \"productId\": null, \"fulfillmentSku\": null, \"adjustment\": true, \"upc\": null, \"createDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\", \"modifyDate\": \"2015-07-16T14:00:34.823\" } ], \"orderTotal\": 194.43, \"amountPaid\": 218.73, \"taxAmount\": 5, \"shippingAmount\": 10, \"customerNotes\": \"Thanks for ordering!\", \"internalNotes\": \"Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping\", \"gift\": true, \"giftMessage\": \"Thank you!\", \"paymentMethod\": \"Credit Card\", \"requestedShippingService\": \"Priority Mail\", \"carrierCode\": \"fedex\", \"serviceCode\": \"fedex_home_delivery\", \"packageCode\": \"package\", \"confirmation\": \"delivery\", \"shipDate\": \"2015-07-02\", \"holdUntilDate\": null, \"weight\": { \"value\": 48, \"units\": \"ounces\" }, \"dimensions\": { \"units\": \"inches\", \"length\": 7, \"width\": 5, \"height\": 6 }, \"insuranceOptions\": { \"provider\": \"carrier\", \"insureShipment\": true, \"insuredValue\": 200 }, \"internationalOptions\": { \"contents\": null, \"customsItems\": null, \"nonDelivery\": null }, \"advancedOptions\": { \"warehouseId\": 98765, \"nonMachinable\": false, \"saturdayDelivery\": false, \"containsAlcohol\": false, \"mergedOrSplit\": false, \"mergedIds\": [], \"parentId\": null, \"storeId\": 12345, \"customField1\": \"Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!\", \"customField2\": \"Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below\", \"customField3\": \"\", \"source\": \"Webstore\", \"billToParty\": null, \"billToAccount\": null, \"billToPostalCode\": null, \"billToCountryCode\": null }, \"tagIds\": null, \"userId\": null, \"externallyFulfilled\": false, \"externallyFulfilledBy\": null } ], \"total\": 2, \"page\": 1, \"pages\": 0}"
  2687. x-testShouldPass: true
  2688. x-testEnabled: true
  2689. x-testName: List Orders with parameters1
  2690. x-testDescription: >-
  2691. Obtains a list of orders that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  2693. Url format with filters:
  2695. ```
  2697. /orders?customerName={customerName}
  2699. &itemKeyword={itemKeyword}
  2701. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  2703. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  2705. &modifyDateStart={modifyDateStart}
  2707. &modifyDateEnd={modifyDateEnd}
  2709. &orderDateStart={orderDateStart}
  2711. &orderDateEnd={orderDateEnd}
  2713. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  2715. &orderStatus={orderStatus}
  2717. &paymentDateStart={paymentDateStart}
  2719. &paymentDateEnd={paymentDateEnd}
  2721. &storeId={storeId}
  2723. &sortBy={sortBy}
  2725. &sortDir={sortDir}
  2727. &page={page}
  2729. &pageSize={pageSize}
  2731. ```
  2732. x-operation-settings:
  2733. CollectParameters: false
  2734. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  2735. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  2736. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  2737. /orders/listbytag?orderStatus={orderStatus}&tagId={tagId}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}:
  2738. get:
  2739. description: >-
  2740. Lists all orders that match the specified status and tag ID.
  2742. Url format with filters:
  2744. ```
  2746. /listbytag?orderStatus={orderStatus}
  2748. &tagId={tagId}
  2750. &page={page}
  2752. &pageSize={pageSize}
  2754. ```
  2755. summary: List Orders by Tag
  2756. tags:
  2757. - Orders
  2758. operationId: OrdersListbytagPagePagePageSizePageSizeByOrderStatusAndTagIdGet
  2759. produces:
  2760. - application/json
  2761. parameters:
  2762. - name: orderStatus
  2763. in: path
  2764. required: true
  2765. enum:
  2766. - awaiting_payment
  2767. - awaiting_shipment
  2768. - pending_fulfillment
  2769. - shipped
  2770. - on_hold
  2771. - cancelled
  2772. x-enum-elements:
  2773. - name: awaiting_payment
  2774. description: ''
  2775. - name: awaiting_shipment
  2776. description: ''
  2777. - name: pending_fulfillment
  2778. description: ''
  2779. - name: shipped
  2780. description: ''
  2781. - name: on_hold
  2782. description: ''
  2783. - name: cancelled
  2784. description: ''
  2785. type: string
  2786. description: The order's status.
  2787. - name: tagId
  2788. in: path
  2789. required: true
  2790. type: number
  2791. format: double
  2792. exclusiveMaximum: false
  2793. exclusiveMinimum: false
  2794. description: ID of the tag. Call Accounts/ListTags to obtain a list of tags for this account.
  2795. - name: page
  2796. in: path
  2797. required: true
  2798. type: string
  2799. description: Page number
  2800. - name: pageSize
  2801. in: path
  2802. required: true
  2803. type: string
  2804. description: Requested page size. Max value is 500.
  2805. responses:
  2806. 200:
  2807. description: ''
  2808. schema:
  2809. $ref: '#/definitions/ListOrdersByTagResponse'
  2810. examples:
  2811. application/json:
  2812. orders:
  2813. - orderId: 123456789
  2814. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  2815. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  2816. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2817. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  2818. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:12.5500000
  2819. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  2820. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  2821. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  2822. customerId: 37701499
  2823. customerUsername:
  2824. customerEmail:
  2825. billTo:
  2826. name: The President
  2827. company:
  2828. street1:
  2829. street2:
  2830. street3:
  2831. city:
  2832. state:
  2833. postalCode:
  2834. country:
  2835. phone:
  2836. residential:
  2837. addressVerified:
  2838. shipTo:
  2839. name: The President
  2840. company: US Govt
  2841. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  2842. street2: Oval Office
  2843. street3:
  2844. city: Washington
  2845. state: DC
  2846. postalCode: 20500
  2847. country: US
  2848. phone: 555-555-5555
  2849. residential: false
  2850. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  2851. items:
  2852. - orderItemId: 136289188
  2853. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  2854. sku: ABC123
  2855. name: 'Test item #1'
  2856. imageUrl:
  2857. weight:
  2858. value: 24
  2859. units: ounces
  2860. quantity: 2
  2861. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  2862. taxAmount: 2.5
  2863. shippingAmount: 5
  2864. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  2865. options:
  2866. - name: Size
  2867. value: Large
  2868. productId: 7239919
  2869. fulfillmentSku:
  2870. adjustment: false
  2871. upc: 32-65-98
  2872. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  2873. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  2874. - orderItemId: 136289189
  2875. lineItemKey:
  2876. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  2877. name: 10% OFF
  2878. imageUrl:
  2879. weight:
  2880. value: 0
  2881. units: ounces
  2882. quantity: 1
  2883. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  2884. taxAmount:
  2885. shippingAmount:
  2886. warehouseLocation:
  2887. options: []
  2888. productId:
  2889. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  2890. adjustment: true
  2891. upc:
  2892. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  2893. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  2894. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  2895. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  2896. taxAmount: 5
  2897. shippingAmount: 10
  2898. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  2899. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  2900. gift: true
  2901. giftMessage: Thank you!
  2902. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  2903. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  2904. carrierCode: fedex
  2905. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  2906. packageCode: package
  2907. confirmation: delivery
  2908. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  2909. holdUntilDate:
  2910. weight:
  2911. value: 48
  2912. units: ounces
  2913. dimensions:
  2914. units: inches
  2915. length: 7
  2916. width: 5
  2917. height: 6
  2918. insuranceOptions:
  2919. provider: carrier
  2920. insureShipment: true
  2921. insuredValue: 200
  2922. internationalOptions:
  2923. contents:
  2924. customsItems:
  2925. nonDelivery:
  2926. advancedOptions:
  2927. warehouseId: 98765
  2928. nonMachinable: false
  2929. saturdayDelivery: false
  2930. containsAlcohol: false
  2931. mergedOrSplit: false
  2932. mergedIds: []
  2933. parentId:
  2934. storeId: 12345
  2935. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  2936. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  2937. customField3:
  2938. source: Webstore
  2939. billToParty:
  2940. billToAccount:
  2941. billToPostalCode:
  2942. billToCountryCode:
  2943. tagIds:
  2944. - 831
  2945. userId: b854f701-e0c2-4156-90fe-19c77cdef27c
  2946. externallyFulfilled: false
  2947. externallyFulfilledBy:
  2948. total: 1
  2949. page: 1
  2950. pages: 1
  2951. security:
  2952. - auth: []
  2953. x-unitTests: []
  2954. x-operation-settings:
  2955. CollectParameters: false
  2956. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  2957. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  2958. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  2959. /orders/markasshipped:
  2960. post:
  2961. description: >-
  2962. Marks an order as shipped without creating a label in ShipStation. The body of this request has the following attributes:
  2964. Name |Data Type |Description
  2966. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  2967. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order that will be marked as shipped.
  2968. ``carrierCode`` | string, required | Code of the carrier that is marked as having shipped the order.
  2969. ``shipDate`` | string, optional | Date order was shipped.
  2970. ``trackingNumber`` | string, optional | Tracking number of shipment.
  2971. ``notifyCustomer`` | boolean, optional | Specifies whether the customer should be notified of the shipment. Default value: false
  2972. ``notifySalesChannel`` | boolean, optional | Specifies whether the sales channel should be notified of the shipment. Default value: false
  2973. summary: Mark an Order as Shipped
  2974. tags:
  2975. - Orders
  2976. operationId: OrdersMarkasshippedPost
  2977. produces:
  2978. - application/json
  2979. parameters:
  2980. - name: Content-Type
  2981. in: header
  2982. required: true
  2983. type: string
  2984. description: ''
  2985. - name: body
  2986. in: body
  2987. required: true
  2988. description: ''
  2989. schema:
  2990. $ref: '#/definitions/MarkAnOrderAsShippedRequest'
  2991. responses:
  2992. 200:
  2993. description: ''
  2994. schema:
  2995. $ref: '#/definitions/MarkAnOrderAsShippedResponse'
  2996. examples:
  2997. application/json:
  2998. orderId: 123456789
  2999. orderNumber: ABC123
  3000. security:
  3001. - auth: []
  3002. x-unitTests: []
  3003. x-operation-settings:
  3004. CollectParameters: false
  3005. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3006. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3007. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3008. /orders/removetag:
  3009. post:
  3010. description: >-
  3011. Removes a tag from the specified order. The body of this request has the following attributes:
  3013. Name |Data Type |Description
  3015. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  3017. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order whose tag will be removed.
  3019. ``tagId`` | number, required | Identifies the tag to remove.
  3020. summary: Remove Tag from Order
  3021. tags:
  3022. - Orders
  3023. operationId: OrdersRemovetagPost
  3024. produces:
  3025. - application/json
  3026. parameters:
  3027. - name: Content-Type
  3028. in: header
  3029. required: true
  3030. type: string
  3031. description: ''
  3032. - name: body
  3033. in: body
  3034. required: true
  3035. description: ''
  3036. schema:
  3037. $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveTagFromOrderRequest'
  3038. responses:
  3039. 200:
  3040. description: ''
  3041. schema:
  3042. $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveTagFromOrderResponse'
  3043. examples:
  3044. application/json:
  3045. success: true
  3046. message: Tag removed successfully.
  3047. security:
  3048. - auth: []
  3049. x-unitTests: []
  3050. x-operation-settings:
  3051. CollectParameters: false
  3052. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3053. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3054. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3055. /orders/restorefromhold:
  3056. post:
  3057. description: >-
  3058. This method will change the status of the given order from On Hold to Awaiting Shipment. This endpoint is used when a holdUntil Date is attached to an order.
  3060. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  3062. Name |Data Type |Description
  3064. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  3066. ``orderId`` | number, required | Identifies the order that will be restored to ``awaiting_shipment`` from ``on_hold``.
  3067. summary: Restore Order from On Hold
  3068. tags:
  3069. - Orders
  3070. operationId: OrdersRestorefromholdPost
  3071. produces:
  3072. - application/json
  3073. parameters:
  3074. - name: Content-Type
  3075. in: header
  3076. required: true
  3077. type: string
  3078. description: ''
  3079. - name: body
  3080. in: body
  3081. required: true
  3082. description: ''
  3083. schema:
  3084. $ref: '#/definitions/RestoreOrderFromOnHoldRequest'
  3085. responses:
  3086. 200:
  3087. description: ''
  3088. schema:
  3089. $ref: '#/definitions/RestoreOrderFromOnHoldResponse'
  3090. examples:
  3091. application/json:
  3092. success: true
  3093. message: The requested order has been restored
  3094. security:
  3095. - auth: []
  3096. x-unitTests: []
  3097. x-operation-settings:
  3098. CollectParameters: false
  3099. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3100. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3101. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3102. /orders/unassignuser:
  3103. post:
  3104. description: >-
  3105. Unassigns a user from an order. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  3107. Name |Data Type |Description
  3109. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  3111. ``orderIds`` | number, required | Identifies set of orders that will have the user unassigned. Please note that if ANY of the orders within the array are not found, then no orders will have their users unassigned.
  3112. summary: Unassign User from Order
  3113. tags:
  3114. - Orders
  3115. operationId: OrdersUnassignuserPost
  3116. produces:
  3117. - application/json
  3118. parameters:
  3119. - name: Content-Type
  3120. in: header
  3121. required: true
  3122. type: string
  3123. description: ''
  3124. - name: body
  3125. in: body
  3126. required: true
  3127. description: ''
  3128. schema:
  3129. $ref: '#/definitions/UnassignUserFromOrderRequest'
  3130. responses:
  3131. 200:
  3132. description: ''
  3133. schema:
  3134. $ref: '#/definitions/UnassignUserFromOrderResponse'
  3135. examples:
  3136. application/json:
  3137. success: true
  3138. message: User unassigned successfully.
  3139. security:
  3140. - auth: []
  3141. x-unitTests: []
  3142. x-operation-settings:
  3143. CollectParameters: false
  3144. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3145. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3146. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3147. /products/{productId}:
  3148. get:
  3149. description: ''
  3150. summary: Get Product
  3151. tags:
  3152. - Products
  3153. operationId: ProductsByProductIdGet
  3154. produces:
  3155. - application/json
  3156. parameters:
  3157. - name: productId
  3158. in: path
  3159. required: true
  3160. type: number
  3161. format: double
  3162. exclusiveMaximum: false
  3163. exclusiveMinimum: false
  3164. description: The system generated identifier for the Product.
  3165. responses:
  3166. 200:
  3167. description: ''
  3168. schema:
  3169. $ref: '#/definitions/GetProductResponse'
  3170. examples:
  3171. application/json:
  3172. aliases:
  3173. productId: 12345678
  3174. sku: 1004
  3175. name: Coffee Mug
  3176. price: 26
  3177. defaultCost: 0
  3178. length: 3
  3179. width: 3
  3180. height: 3
  3181. weightOz: 26
  3182. internalNotes:
  3183. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  3184. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  3185. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  3186. active: true
  3187. productCategory:
  3188. categoryId: 9999
  3189. name: Door Closers
  3190. productType:
  3191. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  3192. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  3193. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  3194. defaultPackageCode: package
  3195. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  3196. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  3197. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  3198. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  3199. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  3200. customsDescription:
  3201. customsValue:
  3202. customsTariffNo:
  3203. customsCountryCode:
  3204. noCustoms:
  3205. tags:
  3206. - tagId: 9180
  3207. name: APItest
  3208. security:
  3209. - auth: []
  3210. x-unitTests:
  3211. - request:
  3212. method: GET
  3213. uri: /products/12345678
  3214. expectedResponse:
  3215. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  3216. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  3217. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  3218. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  3219. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  3220. headers: {}
  3221. body: '{ "aliases": null, "productId": 12345678, "sku": "1004", "name": "Coffee Mug", "price": 26, "defaultCost": 0, "length": 3, "width": 3, "height": 3, "weightOz": 26, "internalNotes": null, "fulfillmentSku": "F1004", "createDate": "2014-09-04T09:18:01.293", "modifyDate": "2014-09-18T12:38:43.893", "active": true, "productCategory": { "categoryId": 9999, "name": "Door Closers" }, "productType": null, "warehouseLocation": "Bin 22", "defaultCarrierCode": "fedex", "defaultServiceCode": "fedex_home_delivery", "defaultPackageCode": "package", "defaultIntlCarrierCode": "ups", "defaultIntlServiceCode": "ups_worldwide_saver", "defaultIntlPackageCode": "package", "defaultConfirmation": "direct_signature", "defaultIntlConfirmation": "adult_signature", "customsDescription": null, "customsValue": null, "customsTariffNo": null, "customsCountryCode": null, "noCustoms": null, "tags": [ { "tagId": 9180, "name": "APItest" } ] }'
  3222. x-testShouldPass: true
  3223. x-testEnabled: true
  3224. x-testName: Get Product1
  3225. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint Get Product
  3226. x-operation-settings:
  3227. CollectParameters: false
  3228. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3229. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3230. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3231. put:
  3232. description: Updates an existing product. This call does not currently support partial updates. The entire resource must be provided in the body of the request.
  3233. summary: Update Product
  3234. tags:
  3235. - Products
  3236. operationId: ProductsByProductIdPut
  3237. produces:
  3238. - application/json
  3239. parameters:
  3240. - name: productId
  3241. in: path
  3242. required: true
  3243. type: number
  3244. format: double
  3245. exclusiveMaximum: false
  3246. exclusiveMinimum: false
  3247. description: The system generated identifier for the Product.
  3248. - name: Content-Type
  3249. in: header
  3250. required: true
  3251. type: string
  3252. description: ''
  3253. - name: body
  3254. in: body
  3255. required: true
  3256. description: ''
  3257. schema:
  3258. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateProductRequest'
  3259. responses:
  3260. 200:
  3261. description: ''
  3262. schema:
  3263. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateProductResponse'
  3264. examples:
  3265. application/json:
  3266. success: true
  3267. message: The requested product has been updated
  3268. security:
  3269. - auth: []
  3270. x-unitTests: []
  3271. x-operation-settings:
  3272. CollectParameters: false
  3273. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3274. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3275. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3276. /products:
  3277. get:
  3278. description: ''
  3279. summary: List Products w/o parameters
  3280. tags:
  3281. - Products
  3282. operationId: ProductsGet
  3283. produces:
  3284. - application/json
  3285. parameters: []
  3286. responses:
  3287. 200:
  3288. description: ''
  3289. schema:
  3290. $ref: '#/definitions/ListProductsW~1oParametersResponse'
  3291. examples:
  3292. application/json:
  3293. products:
  3294. - aliases:
  3295. productId: 7854008
  3296. sku: 1004
  3297. name: Coffee Mug
  3298. price: 26
  3299. defaultCost: 0
  3300. length: 3
  3301. width: 3
  3302. height: 3
  3303. weightOz: 26
  3304. internalNotes:
  3305. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  3306. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  3307. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  3308. active: true
  3309. productCategory:
  3310. categoryId: 9999
  3311. name: Door Closers
  3312. productType:
  3313. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  3314. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  3315. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  3316. defaultPackageCode: package
  3317. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  3318. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  3319. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  3320. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  3321. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  3322. customsDescription:
  3323. customsValue:
  3324. customsTariffNo:
  3325. customsCountryCode:
  3326. noCustoms:
  3327. tags:
  3328. - tagId: 9180
  3329. name: APItest
  3330. - aliases:
  3331. productId: 7984482
  3332. sku: FirstSKU
  3333. name: Product Name 123
  3334. price: 10
  3335. defaultCost:
  3336. length: 2
  3337. width: 3
  3338. height: 4
  3339. weightOz: 96
  3340. internalNotes:
  3341. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  3342. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  3343. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  3344. active: true
  3345. productCategory:
  3346. categoryId: 9690
  3347. name: Floor Matting
  3348. productType:
  3349. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  3350. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  3351. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  3352. defaultPackageCode: package
  3353. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  3354. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  3355. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  3356. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  3357. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  3358. customsDescription: customs declaration
  3359. customsValue: 100
  3360. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  3361. customsCountryCode: US
  3362. noCustoms:
  3363. tags:
  3364. - tagId: 9180
  3365. name: APItest
  3366. total: 2
  3367. page: 1
  3368. pages: 0
  3369. security:
  3370. - auth: []
  3371. x-unitTests:
  3372. - request:
  3373. method: GET
  3374. uri: /products
  3375. expectedResponse:
  3376. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  3377. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  3378. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  3379. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  3380. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  3381. headers:
  3382. Content-Type: application/json
  3383. body: ' { "products":[ { "aliases": null, "productId":7854008, "sku":"1004", "name":"Coffee Mug", "price":26, "defaultCost":0, "length":3, "width":3, "height":3, "weightOz":26, "internalNotes":null, "fulfillmentSku":"F1004", "createDate":"2014-09-04T09:18:01.293", "modifyDate":"2014-09-18T12:38:43.893", "active":true, "productCategory":{ "categoryId":9999, "name":"Door Closers" }, "productType":null, "warehouseLocation":"Bin 22", "defaultCarrierCode":"fedex", "defaultServiceCode":"fedex_home_delivery", "defaultPackageCode":"package", "defaultIntlCarrierCode":"ups", "defaultIntlServiceCode":"ups_worldwide_saver", "defaultIntlPackageCode":"package", "defaultConfirmation":"direct_signature", "defaultIntlConfirmation":"adult_signature", "customsDescription":null, "customsValue":null, "customsTariffNo":null, "customsCountryCode":null, "noCustoms":null, "tags":[ { "tagId":9180, "name":"APItest" } ] }, { "aliases": null, "productId":7984482, "sku":"FirstSKU", "name":"Product Name 123", "price":10, "defaultCost":null, "length":2, "width":3, "height":4, "weightOz":96, "internalNotes":null, "fulfillmentSku":"fSkuFill", "createDate":"2014-09-18T08:17:28.647", "modifyDate":"2014-09-18T12:32:40.257", "active":true, "productCategory":{ "categoryId":9690, "name":"Floor Matting" }, "productType":null, "warehouseLocation":"Bin 100", "defaultCarrierCode":"ups", "defaultServiceCode":"ups_ground", "defaultPackageCode":"package", "defaultIntlCarrierCode":null, "defaultIntlServiceCode":null, "defaultIntlPackageCode":"package", "defaultConfirmation":"delivery", "defaultIntlConfirmation":null, "customsDescription":"customs declaration", "customsValue":100, "customsTariffNo":"1234567", "customsCountryCode":"US", "noCustoms":null, "tags":[ { "tagId":9180, "name":"APItest" } ] } ], "total":2, "page":1, "pages":0 }'
  3384. x-testShouldPass: true
  3385. x-testEnabled: true
  3386. x-testName: List Products w/o parameters1
  3387. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint List Products w/o parameters
  3388. x-operation-settings:
  3389. CollectParameters: false
  3390. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3391. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3392. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3393. ? /products?sku={sku}&name={name}&productCategoryId={productCategoryId}&productTypeId={productTypeId}&tagId={tagId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&showInactive={showInactive}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  3394. : get:
  3395. description: >-
  3396. Obtains a list of products that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  3398. Url format with filters:
  3400. ```
  3402. /products?sku={sku}
  3404. &name={name}
  3406. &productCategoryId={productCategoryId}
  3408. &productTypeId={productTypeId}
  3410. &tagId={tagId}
  3412. &startDate={startDate}
  3414. &endDate={endDate}
  3416. &showInactive={showInactive}
  3418. &sortBy={sortBy}
  3420. &sortDir={sortDir}
  3422. &page={page}
  3424. &pageSize={pageSize}
  3426. ```
  3427. summary: List Products with parameters
  3428. tags:
  3429. - Products
  3430. operationId: ProductsProductCategoryIdProductCategoryIdProductTypeIdProductTypeIdTagIdTagIdStartDateStartDateEndDateEndDateShowInactiveShowInactiveSortBySortBySortDirSortDirPagePagePageSizePageSizeBySkuAndNameGet
  3431. produces:
  3432. - application/json
  3433. parameters:
  3434. - name: sku
  3435. in: path
  3436. required: true
  3437. type: string
  3438. description: Returns products that match the specified SKU.
  3439. - name: name
  3440. in: path
  3441. required: true
  3442. type: string
  3443. description: Returns products that match the specified product name.
  3444. - name: productCategoryId
  3445. in: path
  3446. required: true
  3447. type: string
  3448. description: Returns products that match the specified productCategoryId.
  3449. - name: productTypeId
  3450. in: path
  3451. required: true
  3452. type: string
  3453. description: Returns products that match the specified productTypeId.
  3454. - name: tagId
  3455. in: path
  3456. required: true
  3457. type: string
  3458. description: Returns products that match the specified tagId.
  3459. - name: startDate
  3460. in: path
  3461. required: true
  3462. type: string
  3463. description: Returns products that were created after the specified date.
  3464. - name: endDate
  3465. in: path
  3466. required: true
  3467. type: string
  3468. description: Returns products that were created before the specified date.
  3469. - name: sortBy
  3470. in: path
  3471. required: true
  3472. enum:
  3473. - SKU
  3474. - ModifyDate
  3475. - CreateDate
  3476. x-enum-elements:
  3477. - name: SKU
  3478. description: ''
  3479. - name: ModifyDate
  3480. description: ''
  3481. - name: CreateDate
  3482. description: ''
  3483. type: string
  3484. description: Sorts the order of the response based off the specified value.
  3485. - name: sortDir
  3486. in: path
  3487. required: true
  3488. enum:
  3489. - ASC
  3490. - DESC
  3491. x-enum-elements:
  3492. - name: ASC
  3493. description: ''
  3494. - name: DESC
  3495. description: ''
  3496. type: string
  3497. description: Sets the direction of the sort order.
  3498. - name: page
  3499. in: path
  3500. required: true
  3501. type: string
  3502. description: Page number.
  3503. - name: pageSize
  3504. in: path
  3505. required: true
  3506. type: string
  3507. description: Requested page size. Max value is 500.
  3508. - name: showInactive
  3509. in: path
  3510. required: true
  3511. type: string
  3512. description: Specifies whether the list should include inactive products.
  3513. responses:
  3514. 200:
  3515. description: ''
  3516. schema:
  3517. $ref: '#/definitions/ListProductsWithParametersResponse'
  3518. examples:
  3519. application/json:
  3520. products:
  3521. - aliases:
  3522. productId: 7854008
  3523. sku: 1004
  3524. name: Coffee Mug
  3525. price: 26
  3526. defaultCost: 0
  3527. length: 3
  3528. width: 3
  3529. height: 3
  3530. weightOz: 26
  3531. internalNotes:
  3532. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  3533. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  3534. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  3535. active: true
  3536. productCategory:
  3537. categoryId: 9999
  3538. name: Door Closers
  3539. productType:
  3540. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  3541. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  3542. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  3543. defaultPackageCode: package
  3544. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  3545. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  3546. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  3547. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  3548. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  3549. customsDescription:
  3550. customsValue:
  3551. customsTariffNo:
  3552. customsCountryCode:
  3553. noCustoms:
  3554. tags:
  3555. - tagId: 9180
  3556. name: APItest
  3557. - aliases:
  3558. productId: 7984482
  3559. sku: FirstSKU
  3560. name: Product Name 123
  3561. price: 10
  3562. defaultCost:
  3563. length: 2
  3564. width: 3
  3565. height: 4
  3566. weightOz: 96
  3567. internalNotes:
  3568. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  3569. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  3570. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  3571. active: true
  3572. productCategory:
  3573. categoryId: 9690
  3574. name: Floor Matting
  3575. productType:
  3576. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  3577. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  3578. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  3579. defaultPackageCode: package
  3580. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  3581. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  3582. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  3583. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  3584. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  3585. customsDescription: customs declaration
  3586. customsValue: 100
  3587. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  3588. customsCountryCode: US
  3589. noCustoms:
  3590. tags:
  3591. - tagId: 9180
  3592. name: APItest
  3593. total: 2
  3594. page: 1
  3595. pages: 0
  3596. security:
  3597. - auth: []
  3598. x-unitTests:
  3599. - request:
  3600. method: GET
  3601. uri: /products?sku={sku}&name={name}&productCategoryId={productCategoryId}&productTypeId={productTypeId}&tagId={tagId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&showInactive={showInactive}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  3602. expectedResponse:
  3603. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  3604. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  3605. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  3606. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  3607. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  3608. headers:
  3609. Content-Type: application/json
  3610. body: ' { "products":[ { "aliases": null, "productId":7854008, "sku":"1004", "name":"Coffee Mug", "price":26, "defaultCost":0, "length":3, "width":3, "height":3, "weightOz":26, "internalNotes":null, "fulfillmentSku":"F1004", "createDate":"2014-09-04T09:18:01.293", "modifyDate":"2014-09-18T12:38:43.893", "active":true, "productCategory":{ "categoryId":9999, "name":"Door Closers" }, "productType":null, "warehouseLocation":"Bin 22", "defaultCarrierCode":"fedex", "defaultServiceCode":"fedex_home_delivery", "defaultPackageCode":"package", "defaultIntlCarrierCode":"ups", "defaultIntlServiceCode":"ups_worldwide_saver", "defaultIntlPackageCode":"package", "defaultConfirmation":"direct_signature", "defaultIntlConfirmation":"adult_signature", "customsDescription":null, "customsValue":null, "customsTariffNo":null, "customsCountryCode":null, "noCustoms":null, "tags":[ { "tagId":9180, "name":"APItest" } ] }, { "aliases": null, "productId":7984482, "sku":"FirstSKU", "name":"Product Name 123", "price":10, "defaultCost":null, "length":2, "width":3, "height":4, "weightOz":96, "internalNotes":null, "fulfillmentSku":"fSkuFill", "createDate":"2014-09-18T08:17:28.647", "modifyDate":"2014-09-18T12:32:40.257", "active":true, "productCategory":{ "categoryId":9690, "name":"Floor Matting" }, "productType":null, "warehouseLocation":"Bin 100", "defaultCarrierCode":"ups", "defaultServiceCode":"ups_ground", "defaultPackageCode":"package", "defaultIntlCarrierCode":null, "defaultIntlServiceCode":null, "defaultIntlPackageCode":"package", "defaultConfirmation":"delivery", "defaultIntlConfirmation":null, "customsDescription":"customs declaration", "customsValue":100, "customsTariffNo":"1234567", "customsCountryCode":"US", "noCustoms":null, "tags":[ { "tagId":9180, "name":"APItest" } ] } ], "total":2, "page":1, "pages":0 }'
  3611. x-testShouldPass: true
  3612. x-testEnabled: true
  3613. x-testName: List Products with parameters1
  3614. x-testDescription: >-
  3615. Obtains a list of products that match the specified criteria. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  3617. Url format with filters:
  3619. ```
  3621. /products?sku={sku}
  3623. &name={name}
  3625. &productCategoryId={productCategoryId}
  3627. &productTypeId={productTypeId}
  3629. &tagId={tagId}
  3631. &startDate={startDate}
  3633. &endDate={endDate}
  3635. &showInactive={showInactive}
  3637. &sortBy={sortBy}
  3639. &sortDir={sortDir}
  3641. &page={page}
  3643. &pageSize={pageSize}
  3645. ```
  3646. x-operation-settings:
  3647. CollectParameters: false
  3648. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3649. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3650. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3651. /shipments:
  3652. get:
  3653. description: ''
  3654. summary: List Shipments w/o parameters
  3655. tags:
  3656. - Shipments
  3657. operationId: ShipmentsGet
  3658. produces:
  3659. - application/json
  3660. parameters: []
  3661. responses:
  3662. 200:
  3663. description: ''
  3664. schema:
  3665. $ref: '#/definitions/ListShipmentsW~1oParametersResponse'
  3666. examples:
  3667. application/json:
  3668. shipments:
  3669. - shipmentId: 33974374
  3670. orderId: 43945660
  3671. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  3672. orderNumber: 100038-1
  3673. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  3674. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  3675. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  3676. insuranceCost: 0
  3677. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  3678. isReturnLabel: false
  3679. batchNumber: 100301
  3680. carrierCode: stamps_com
  3681. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  3682. packageCode: package
  3683. confirmation: delivery
  3684. warehouseId: 16079
  3685. voided: false
  3686. voidDate:
  3687. marketplaceNotified: true
  3688. notifyErrorMessage:
  3689. shipTo:
  3690. name: Yoda
  3691. company: ''
  3692. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  3693. street2: ''
  3694. street3:
  3695. city: MANCHACA
  3696. state: TX
  3697. postalCode: 78652-3602
  3698. country: US
  3699. phone: 2101235544
  3700. residential:
  3701. weight:
  3702. value: 1
  3703. units: ounces
  3704. dimensions:
  3705. insuranceOptions:
  3706. provider:
  3707. insureShipment: false
  3708. insuredValue: 0
  3709. advancedOptions:
  3710. shipmentItems:
  3711. - orderItemId: 56568665
  3712. lineItemKey:
  3713. sku: SQ3785739
  3714. name: Potato Kitten -
  3715. imageUrl:
  3716. weight:
  3717. quantity: 1
  3718. unitPrice: 1
  3719. warehouseLocation:
  3720. options:
  3721. productId: 7565777
  3722. fulfillmentSku:
  3723. labelData:
  3724. formData:
  3725. - shipmentId: 33974373
  3726. orderId: 43337328
  3727. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  3728. orderNumber: 100028
  3729. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  3730. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  3731. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  3732. insuranceCost: 0
  3733. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  3734. isReturnLabel: false
  3735. batchNumber: 100300
  3736. carrierCode: stamps_com
  3737. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  3738. packageCode: package
  3739. confirmation: delivery
  3740. warehouseId: 14265
  3741. voided: false
  3742. voidDate:
  3743. marketplaceNotified: true
  3744. notifyErrorMessage:
  3745. shipTo:
  3746. name: Luke Skywalker
  3747. company: SS
  3748. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  3749. street2: ''
  3750. street3:
  3751. city: AUSTIN
  3752. state: TX
  3753. postalCode: 78703-1221
  3754. country: US
  3755. phone: ''
  3756. residential:
  3757. weight:
  3758. value: 1
  3759. units: ounces
  3760. dimensions:
  3761. insuranceOptions:
  3762. provider:
  3763. insureShipment: false
  3764. insuredValue: 0
  3765. advancedOptions:
  3766. shipmentItems:
  3767. - orderItemId: 55827278
  3768. lineItemKey:
  3769. sku: test
  3770. name: test
  3771. imageUrl:
  3772. weight:
  3773. quantity: 1
  3774. unitPrice: 1
  3775. warehouseLocation:
  3776. options:
  3777. productId: 7541107
  3778. fulfillmentSku:
  3779. labelData:
  3780. formData:
  3781. total: 2
  3782. page: 1
  3783. pages: 0
  3784. security:
  3785. - auth: []
  3786. x-unitTests:
  3787. - request:
  3788. method: GET
  3789. uri: /shipments
  3790. expectedResponse:
  3791. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  3792. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  3793. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  3794. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  3795. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  3796. headers:
  3797. Content-Type: application/json
  3798. body: '{ "shipments": [ { "shipmentId": 33974374, "orderId": 43945660, "userId": "123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa", "orderNumber": "100038-1", "createDate": "2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000", "shipDate": "2014-10-03", "shipmentCost": 1.93, "insuranceCost": 0, "trackingNumber": "9400111899561704681189", "isReturnLabel": false, "batchNumber": "100301", "carrierCode": "stamps_com", "serviceCode": "usps_first_class_mail", "packageCode": "package", "confirmation": "delivery", "warehouseId": 16079, "voided": false, "voidDate": null, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": "", "street1": "12223 LOWDEN LN", "street2": "", "street3": null, "city": "MANCHACA", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78652-3602", "country": "US", "phone": "2101235544", "residential": null }, "weight": { "value": 1, "units": "ounces" }, "dimensions": null, "insuranceOptions": { "provider": null, "insureShipment": false, "insuredValue": 0 }, "advancedOptions": null, "shipmentItems": [ { "orderItemId": 56568665, "lineItemKey": null, "sku": "SQ3785739", "name": "Potato Kitten -", "imageUrl": null, "weight": null, "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 1, "warehouseLocation": null, "options": null, "productId": 7565777, "fulfillmentSku": null } ], "labelData": null, "formData": null }, { "shipmentId": 33974373, "orderId": 43337328, "userId": "123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa", "orderNumber": "100028", "createDate": "2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000", "shipDate": "2014-10-03", "shipmentCost": 1.93, "insuranceCost": 0, "trackingNumber": "9400111899561704681196", "isReturnLabel": false, "batchNumber": "100300", "carrierCode": "stamps_com", "serviceCode": "usps_first_class_mail", "packageCode": "package", "confirmation": "delivery", "warehouseId": 14265, "voided": false, "voidDate": null, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Luke Skywalker", "company": "SS", "street1": "2815 EXPOSITION BLVD", "street2": "", "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703-1221", "country": "US", "phone": "", "residential": null }, "weight": { "value": 1, "units": "ounces" }, "dimensions": null, "insuranceOptions": { "provider": null, "insureShipment": false, "insuredValue": 0 }, "advancedOptions": null, "shipmentItems": [ { "orderItemId": 55827278, "lineItemKey": null, "sku": "test", "name": "test", "imageUrl": null, "weight": null, "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 1, "warehouseLocation": null, "options": null, "productId": 7541107, "fulfillmentSku": null } ], "labelData": null, "formData": null } ], "total": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 0}'
  3799. x-testShouldPass: true
  3800. x-testEnabled: true
  3801. x-testName: List Shipments w/o parameters1
  3802. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint List Shipments w/o parameters
  3803. x-operation-settings:
  3804. CollectParameters: false
  3805. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  3806. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  3807. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  3808. ? /shipments?recipientName={recipientName}&recipientCountryCode={recipientCountryCode}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&orderId={orderId}&carrierCode={carrierCode}&serviceCode={serviceCode}&trackingNumber={trackingNumber}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&shipDateStart={shipDateStart}&shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}&voidDateStart={voidDateStart}&voidDateEnd={voidDateEnd}&includeShipmentItems={includeShipmentItems}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  3809. : get:
  3810. description: >-
  3811. Obtains a list of shipments that match the specified criteria. Please note the following:
  3813. - Only valid shipments with labels generated in ShipStation will be returned in the response. Orders that have been marked as shipped either through the UI or the API will not appear as they are considered external shipments.
  3815. - To include every shipment's associated shipmentItems in the response, be sure to set the `includeShipmentItems` parameter to `true`.
  3817. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  3819. Url format with filters:
  3821. ```
  3823. shipments?recipientName={recipientName}
  3825. &recipientCountryCode={recipientCountryCode}
  3827. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  3829. &orderId={orderId}
  3831. &carrierCode={carrierCode}
  3833. &serviceCode={serviceCode}
  3835. &trackingNumber={trackingNumber}
  3837. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  3839. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  3841. &shipDateStart={shipDateStart}
  3843. &shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}
  3845. &voidDateStart={voidDateStart}
  3847. &voidDateEnd={voidDateEnd}
  3849. &includeShipmentItems={includeShipmentItems}
  3851. &sortBy={sortBy}
  3853. &sortDir={sortDir}
  3855. &page={page}
  3857. &pageSize={pageSize}
  3859. ```
  3860. summary: List Shipments with parameters
  3861. tags:
  3862. - Shipments
  3863. operationId: ShipmentsOrderNumberOrderNumberOrderIdOrderIdCarrierCodeCarrierCodeServiceCodeServiceCodeTrackingNumberTrackingNumberCreateDateStartCreateDateStartCreateDateEndCreateDateEndShipDateStartShipDateStartShipDateEndShipDateEndVoidDateStartVoidDateStartVoidDateEndVoidDateEndIncludeShipmentItemsIncludeShipmentItemsSortBySortBySortDirSortDirPagePagePageSizePageSizeByRecipientNameAndRecipientCountryCodeGet
  3864. produces:
  3865. - application/json
  3866. parameters:
  3867. - name: recipientName
  3868. in: path
  3869. required: true
  3870. type: string
  3871. description: Returns shipments shipped to the specified recipient name.
  3872. - name: recipientCountryCode
  3873. in: path
  3874. required: true
  3875. type: string
  3876. description: Returns shipments shipped to the specified country code.
  3877. - name: orderNumber
  3878. in: path
  3879. required: true
  3880. type: string
  3881. description: Returns shipments whose orders have the specified order number.
  3882. - name: orderId
  3883. in: path
  3884. required: true
  3885. type: number
  3886. format: double
  3887. exclusiveMaximum: false
  3888. exclusiveMinimum: false
  3889. description: Returns shipments whose orders have the specified order ID.
  3890. - name: carrierCode
  3891. in: path
  3892. required: true
  3893. type: string
  3894. description: Returns shipments shipped with the specified carrier.
  3895. - name: serviceCode
  3896. in: path
  3897. required: true
  3898. type: string
  3899. description: Returns shipments shipped with the specified shipping service.
  3900. - name: trackingNumber
  3901. in: path
  3902. required: true
  3903. type: string
  3904. description: Returns shipments with the specified tracking number.
  3905. - name: createDateStart
  3906. in: path
  3907. required: true
  3908. type: string
  3909. description: Returns shipments created on or after the specified ``createDate``
  3910. - name: createDateEnd
  3911. in: path
  3912. required: true
  3913. type: string
  3914. description: Returns shipments created on or before the specified ``createDate``
  3915. - name: shipDateStart
  3916. in: path
  3917. required: true
  3918. type: string
  3919. description: Returns shipments with the ``shipDate`` on or after the specified date
  3920. - name: shipDateEnd
  3921. in: path
  3922. required: true
  3923. type: string
  3924. description: Returns shipments with the ``shipDate`` on or before the specified date
  3925. - name: voidDateStart
  3926. in: path
  3927. required: true
  3928. type: string
  3929. description: Returns shipments voided on or after the specified date
  3930. - name: voidDateEnd
  3931. in: path
  3932. required: true
  3933. type: string
  3934. description: Returns shipments voided on or before the specified date
  3935. - name: includeShipmentItems
  3936. in: path
  3937. required: true
  3938. type: boolean
  3939. description: 'Specifies whether to include shipment items with results Default value: false.'
  3940. - name: sortBy
  3941. in: path
  3942. required: true
  3943. enum:
  3944. - ShipDate
  3945. - CreateDate
  3946. x-enum-elements:
  3947. - name: ShipDate
  3948. description: ''
  3949. - name: CreateDate
  3950. description: ''
  3951. type: string
  3952. description: Sort the responses by a set value. The response will be sorted based off the ascending dates (oldest to most current.) If left empty, the response will be sorted by ascending ``createDate``.
  3953. - name: sortDir
  3954. in: path
  3955. required: true
  3956. enum:
  3957. - ASC
  3958. - DESC
  3959. x-enum-elements:
  3960. - name: ASC
  3961. description: ''
  3962. - name: DESC
  3963. description: ''
  3964. type: string
  3965. description: Sets the direction of the sort order.
  3966. - name: page
  3967. in: path
  3968. required: true
  3969. type: number
  3970. format: double
  3971. exclusiveMaximum: false
  3972. exclusiveMinimum: false
  3973. description: page number.
  3974. - name: pageSize
  3975. in: path
  3976. required: true
  3977. type: number
  3978. format: double
  3979. exclusiveMaximum: false
  3980. exclusiveMinimum: false
  3981. description: page size.
  3982. responses:
  3983. 200:
  3984. description: ''
  3985. schema:
  3986. $ref: '#/definitions/ListShipmentsWithParametersResponse'
  3987. examples:
  3988. application/json:
  3989. shipments:
  3990. - shipmentId: 33974374
  3991. orderId: 43945660
  3992. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  3993. orderNumber: 100038-1
  3994. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  3995. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  3996. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  3997. insuranceCost: 0
  3998. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  3999. isReturnLabel: false
  4000. batchNumber: 100301
  4001. carrierCode: stamps_com
  4002. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  4003. packageCode: package
  4004. confirmation: delivery
  4005. warehouseId: 16079
  4006. voided: false
  4007. voidDate:
  4008. marketplaceNotified: true
  4009. notifyErrorMessage:
  4010. shipTo:
  4011. name: Yoda
  4012. company: ''
  4013. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  4014. street2: ''
  4015. street3:
  4016. city: MANCHACA
  4017. state: TX
  4018. postalCode: 78652-3602
  4019. country: US
  4020. phone: 2101235544
  4021. residential:
  4022. weight:
  4023. value: 1
  4024. units: ounces
  4025. dimensions:
  4026. insuranceOptions:
  4027. provider:
  4028. insureShipment: false
  4029. insuredValue: 0
  4030. advancedOptions:
  4031. shipmentItems:
  4032. - orderItemId: 56568665
  4033. lineItemKey:
  4034. sku: SQ3785739
  4035. name: Potato Kitten -
  4036. imageUrl:
  4037. weight:
  4038. quantity: 1
  4039. unitPrice: 1
  4040. warehouseLocation:
  4041. options:
  4042. productId: 7565777
  4043. fulfillmentSku:
  4044. labelData:
  4045. formData:
  4046. - shipmentId: 33974373
  4047. orderId: 43337328
  4048. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  4049. orderNumber: 100028
  4050. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  4051. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  4052. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  4053. insuranceCost: 0
  4054. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  4055. isReturnLabel: false
  4056. batchNumber: 100300
  4057. carrierCode: stamps_com
  4058. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  4059. packageCode: package
  4060. confirmation: delivery
  4061. warehouseId: 14265
  4062. voided: false
  4063. voidDate:
  4064. marketplaceNotified: true
  4065. notifyErrorMessage:
  4066. shipTo:
  4067. name: Luke Skywalker
  4068. company: SS
  4069. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  4070. street2: ''
  4071. street3:
  4072. city: AUSTIN
  4073. state: TX
  4074. postalCode: 78703-1221
  4075. country: US
  4076. phone: ''
  4077. residential:
  4078. weight:
  4079. value: 1
  4080. units: ounces
  4081. dimensions:
  4082. insuranceOptions:
  4083. provider:
  4084. insureShipment: false
  4085. insuredValue: 0
  4086. advancedOptions:
  4087. shipmentItems:
  4088. - orderItemId: 55827278
  4089. lineItemKey:
  4090. sku: test
  4091. name: test
  4092. imageUrl:
  4093. weight:
  4094. quantity: 1
  4095. unitPrice: 1
  4096. warehouseLocation:
  4097. options:
  4098. productId: 7541107
  4099. fulfillmentSku:
  4100. labelData:
  4101. formData:
  4102. total: 2
  4103. page: 1
  4104. pages: 0
  4105. security:
  4106. - auth: []
  4107. x-unitTests:
  4108. - request:
  4109. method: GET
  4110. uri: /shipments?recipientName={recipientName}&recipientCountryCode={recipientCountryCode}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&orderId={orderId}&carrierCode={carrierCode}&serviceCode={serviceCode}&trackingNumber={trackingNumber}&createDateStart={createDateStart}&createDateEnd={createDateEnd}&shipDateStart={shipDateStart}&shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}&voidDateStart={voidDateStart}&voidDateEnd={voidDateEnd}&includeShipmentItems={includeShipmentItems}&sortBy={sortBy}&sortDir={sortDir}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
  4111. expectedResponse:
  4112. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4113. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4114. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4115. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4116. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4117. headers:
  4118. Content-Type: application/json
  4119. body: '{ "shipments": [ { "shipmentId": 33974374, "orderId": 43945660, "userId": "123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa", "orderNumber": "100038-1", "createDate": "2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000", "shipDate": "2014-10-03", "shipmentCost": 1.93, "insuranceCost": 0, "trackingNumber": "9400111899561704681189", "isReturnLabel": false, "batchNumber": "100301", "carrierCode": "stamps_com", "serviceCode": "usps_first_class_mail", "packageCode": "package", "confirmation": "delivery", "warehouseId": 16079, "voided": false, "voidDate": null, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Yoda", "company": "", "street1": "12223 LOWDEN LN", "street2": "", "street3": null, "city": "MANCHACA", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78652-3602", "country": "US", "phone": "2101235544", "residential": null }, "weight": { "value": 1, "units": "ounces" }, "dimensions": null, "insuranceOptions": { "provider": null, "insureShipment": false, "insuredValue": 0 }, "advancedOptions": null, "shipmentItems": [ { "orderItemId": 56568665, "lineItemKey": null, "sku": "SQ3785739", "name": "Potato Kitten -", "imageUrl": null, "weight": null, "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 1, "warehouseLocation": null, "options": null, "productId": 7565777, "fulfillmentSku": null } ], "labelData": null, "formData": null }, { "shipmentId": 33974373, "orderId": 43337328, "userId": "123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa", "orderNumber": "100028", "createDate": "2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000", "shipDate": "2014-10-03", "shipmentCost": 1.93, "insuranceCost": 0, "trackingNumber": "9400111899561704681196", "isReturnLabel": false, "batchNumber": "100300", "carrierCode": "stamps_com", "serviceCode": "usps_first_class_mail", "packageCode": "package", "confirmation": "delivery", "warehouseId": 14265, "voided": false, "voidDate": null, "marketplaceNotified": true, "notifyErrorMessage": null, "shipTo": { "name": "Luke Skywalker", "company": "SS", "street1": "2815 EXPOSITION BLVD", "street2": "", "street3": null, "city": "AUSTIN", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703-1221", "country": "US", "phone": "", "residential": null }, "weight": { "value": 1, "units": "ounces" }, "dimensions": null, "insuranceOptions": { "provider": null, "insureShipment": false, "insuredValue": 0 }, "advancedOptions": null, "shipmentItems": [ { "orderItemId": 55827278, "lineItemKey": null, "sku": "test", "name": "test", "imageUrl": null, "weight": null, "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 1, "warehouseLocation": null, "options": null, "productId": 7541107, "fulfillmentSku": null } ], "labelData": null, "formData": null } ], "total": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 0}'
  4120. x-testShouldPass: true
  4121. x-testEnabled: true
  4122. x-testName: List Shipments with parameters1
  4123. x-testDescription: >-
  4124. Obtains a list of shipments that match the specified criteria. Please note the following:
  4126. - Only valid shipments with labels generated in ShipStation will be returned in the response. Orders that have been marked as shipped either through the UI or the API will not appear as they are considered external shipments.
  4128. - To include every shipment's associated shipmentItems in the response, be sure to set the `includeShipmentItems` parameter to `true`.
  4130. All of the available filters are optional. They do not need to be included in the URL. If you do include them, here's what the URL may look like:
  4132. Url format with filters:
  4134. ```
  4136. shipments?recipientName={recipientName}
  4138. &recipientCountryCode={recipientCountryCode}
  4140. &orderNumber={orderNumber}
  4142. &orderId={orderId}
  4144. &carrierCode={carrierCode}
  4146. &serviceCode={serviceCode}
  4148. &trackingNumber={trackingNumber}
  4150. &createDateStart={createDateStart}
  4152. &createDateEnd={createDateEnd}
  4154. &shipDateStart={shipDateStart}
  4156. &shipDateEnd={shipDateEnd}
  4158. &voidDateStart={voidDateStart}
  4160. &voidDateEnd={voidDateEnd}
  4162. &includeShipmentItems={includeShipmentItems}
  4164. &sortBy={sortBy}
  4166. &sortDir={sortDir}
  4168. &page={page}
  4170. &pageSize={pageSize}
  4172. ```
  4173. x-operation-settings:
  4174. CollectParameters: false
  4175. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4176. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4177. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4178. /shipments/createlabel:
  4179. post:
  4180. description: "Creates a shipping label. The ``labelData`` field returned in the response is a base64 encoded PDF value. Simply decode and save the output as a PDF file to retrieve a printable label. The body of this request has the following attributes:\nName |Data Type |Description\n-------------------|-------------------|-------------------\n ``carrierCode`` | string, required | Identifies the carrier to be used for this label.\n ``serviceCode`` | string, required | Identifies the shipping service to be used for this label.\n ``packageCode`` | string, required | Identifies the packing type that should be used for this label.\n ``confirmation`` | string, optional | Identifies the delivery confirmation type to be used for this label.\n ``shipDate`` | string, required | The date the shipment will be shipped.\n ``weight`` | Weight, required | Shipment's weight. Use the [**Weight**]( model.\n ``dimensions`` | Dimensions, optional | Shipment's dimensions. Use the [**Dimensions**]( model.\n ``shipFrom`` | Address, required | Address indicating shipment's origin. Use the [**Address**]( model.\n ``shipTo`` | Address, required | Address indicating shipment's destination. Use the [**Address**]( model.\n ``insuranceOptions`` | InsuranceOptions, optional | The shipping insurance information associated with this order. \n ``internationalOptions`` | InternationalOptions, optional | Customs information that can be used to generate customs documents for international orders. Use the [**InternationalOptions**]( model.\n ``advancedOptions`` | AdvancedOptions, optional | Various advanced options that may be available depending on the shipping carrier that is used to ship the order. Use the [**AdvancedOptions**]( model. \n ``testLabel`` | boolean, optional | Specifies whether a test label should be created. Default value: false."
  4181. summary: Create Shipment Label
  4182. tags:
  4183. - Shipments
  4184. operationId: ShipmentsCreatelabelPost
  4185. produces:
  4186. - application/json
  4187. parameters:
  4188. - name: Content-Type
  4189. in: header
  4190. required: true
  4191. type: string
  4192. description: ''
  4193. - name: body
  4194. in: body
  4195. required: true
  4196. description: ''
  4197. schema:
  4198. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateShipmentLabelRequest'
  4199. responses:
  4200. 200:
  4201. description: ''
  4202. schema:
  4203. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateShipmentLabelResponse'
  4204. examples:
  4205. application/json:
  4206. shipmentId: 123456789
  4207. orderId:
  4208. userId:
  4209. customerEmail:
  4210. orderNumber:
  4211. createDate: 2016-04-03T12:11:36.8630000
  4212. shipDate: 2016-04-03
  4213. shipmentCost: 9.0600000000000005
  4214. insuranceCost: 0
  4215. trackingNumber: 782390443992
  4216. isReturnLabel: false
  4217. batchNumber:
  4218. carrierCode: fedex
  4219. serviceCode: fedex_ground
  4220. packageCode: package
  4221. confirmation: delivery
  4222. warehouseId:
  4223. voided: false
  4224. voidDate:
  4225. marketplaceNotified: false
  4226. notifyErrorMessage:
  4227. shipTo:
  4228. weight:
  4229. dimensions:
  4230. insuranceOptions:
  4231. advancedOptions:
  4232. shipmentItems:
  4233. labelData: JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMiAwIG9iago8PC9MZW5ndGggNjIvRmlsdGVyL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlPj5zdHJlYW0KeJwr5HIK4TI2U...
  4234. formData:
  4235. security:
  4236. - auth: []
  4237. x-unitTests: []
  4238. x-operation-settings:
  4239. CollectParameters: false
  4240. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4241. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4242. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4243. /shipments/getrates:
  4244. post:
  4245. description: "Retrieves shipping rates for the specified shipping details. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:\nName |Data Type |Description\n-------------------|-------------------|-------------------\n ``carrierCode`` | string, required | Returns rates for the specified carrier.\n ``serviceCode`` | string, optional | Returns rates for the specified shipping service.\n ``packageCode`` | string, optional | Returns rates for the specified package type.\n ``fromPostalCode`` | string, required | Originating postal code.\n ``toState`` | string, optional | Destination State/Province. Please use two-character state/province abbreviation. Note this field is required for the following carriers: UPS\n ``toCountry`` | string, required | Destination Country. Please use the two-character ISO country code.\n ``toPostalCode`` | string, required | Destination Postal Code.\n ``toCity`` | string, optional | Destination City.\n ``weight`` | Weight, required | Shipment's weight. Use ``Weight`` object.\n ``dimensions`` | Dimensions, optional | Shipment's dimensions. Use ``Dimensions`` object. \n ``confirmation`` | string, optional | Returns rates that account for the specified delivery confirmation type.\n ``residential`` | boolean, optional | Returns rates that account for the specified delivery confirmation type. Default value: false"
  4246. summary: Get Rates
  4247. tags:
  4248. - Shipments
  4249. operationId: ShipmentsGetratesPost
  4250. produces:
  4251. - application/json
  4252. parameters:
  4253. - name: Content-Type
  4254. in: header
  4255. required: true
  4256. type: string
  4257. description: ''
  4258. - name: body
  4259. in: body
  4260. required: true
  4261. description: ''
  4262. schema:
  4263. $ref: '#/definitions/GetRatesRequest'
  4264. responses:
  4265. 200:
  4266. description: ''
  4267. schema:
  4268. type: array
  4269. items:
  4270. $ref: '#/definitions/GetRatesResponse'
  4271. examples:
  4272. application/json:
  4273. - serviceName: FedEx First Overnight®
  4274. serviceCode: fedex_first_overnight
  4275. shipmentCost: 87.799999999999997
  4276. otherCost: 2.6299999999999999
  4277. - serviceName: FedEx Priority Overnight®
  4278. serviceCode: fedex_priority_overnight
  4279. shipmentCost: 50.229999999999997
  4280. otherCost: 1.51
  4281. - serviceName: FedEx Standard Overnight®
  4282. serviceCode: fedex_standard_overnight
  4283. shipmentCost: 46.960000000000001
  4284. otherCost: 1.4099999999999999
  4285. - serviceName: FedEx 2Day® A.M.
  4286. serviceCode: fedex_2day_am
  4287. shipmentCost: 23.039999999999999
  4288. otherCost: 0.68999999999999995
  4289. - serviceName: FedEx 2Day®
  4290. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  4291. shipmentCost: 20.030000000000001
  4292. otherCost: 0.59999999999999998
  4293. - serviceName: FedEx Express Saver®
  4294. serviceCode: fedex_express_saver
  4295. shipmentCost: 14.279999999999999
  4296. otherCost: 0.42999999999999999
  4297. - serviceName: FedEx Ground®
  4298. serviceCode: fedex_ground
  4299. shipmentCost: 8.25
  4300. otherCost: 0.33000000000000002
  4301. security:
  4302. - auth: []
  4303. x-unitTests: []
  4304. x-operation-settings:
  4305. CollectParameters: false
  4306. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4307. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4308. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4309. /shipments/voidlabel:
  4310. post:
  4311. description: >-
  4312. Voids the specified label by shipmentId. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  4314. Name |Data Type |Description
  4316. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  4317. ``shipmentId`` | number, required | ID of the shipment to void.
  4318. summary: Void Label
  4319. tags:
  4320. - Shipments
  4321. operationId: ShipmentsVoidlabelPost
  4322. produces:
  4323. - application/json
  4324. parameters:
  4325. - name: Content-Type
  4326. in: header
  4327. required: true
  4328. type: string
  4329. description: ''
  4330. - name: body
  4331. in: body
  4332. required: true
  4333. description: ''
  4334. schema:
  4335. $ref: '#/definitions/VoidLabelRequest'
  4336. responses:
  4337. 200:
  4338. description: ''
  4339. schema:
  4340. $ref: '#/definitions/VoidLabelResponse'
  4341. examples:
  4342. application/json:
  4343. approved: true
  4344. message: Label voided successfully
  4345. security:
  4346. - auth: []
  4347. x-unitTests: []
  4348. x-operation-settings:
  4349. CollectParameters: false
  4350. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4351. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4352. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4353. /stores/{storeId}:
  4354. get:
  4355. description: ''
  4356. summary: Get Store
  4357. tags:
  4358. - Stores
  4359. operationId: StoresByStoreIdGet
  4360. produces:
  4361. - application/json
  4362. parameters:
  4363. - name: storeId
  4364. in: path
  4365. required: true
  4366. type: number
  4367. format: double
  4368. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4369. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4370. description: A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each store.
  4371. responses:
  4372. 200:
  4373. description: ''
  4374. schema:
  4375. $ref: '#/definitions/GetStoreResponse'
  4376. examples:
  4377. application/json:
  4378. storeId: 12345
  4379. storeName: WooCommerce Store
  4380. marketplaceId: 36
  4381. marketplaceName: WooCommerce
  4382. accountName:
  4383. email:
  4384. integrationUrl:
  4385. active: true
  4386. companyName: ''
  4387. phone: ''
  4388. publicEmail: ''
  4389. website: ''
  4390. refreshDate: 2014-12-16T17:47:05.4570000
  4391. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-16T09:47:05.4570000
  4392. createDate: 2014-11-06T15:21:13.2230000
  4393. modifyDate: 2014-11-10T08:02:19.1170000
  4394. autoRefresh: true
  4395. statusMappings:
  4396. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  4397. statusKey: Pending
  4398. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  4399. statusKey: Processing
  4400. - orderStatus: shipped
  4401. statusKey: Completed
  4402. - orderStatus: cancelled
  4403. statusKey: Cancelled
  4404. - orderStatus: on_hold
  4405. statusKey: On-hold
  4406. security:
  4407. - auth: []
  4408. x-unitTests:
  4409. - request:
  4410. method: GET
  4411. uri: /stores/12345
  4412. expectedResponse:
  4413. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4414. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4415. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4416. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4417. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4418. headers:
  4419. Content-Type: application/json
  4420. Authorization: < Enter your Basic Authorization string here >
  4421. body: '{ "storeId": 12345, "storeName": "WooCommerce Store", "marketplaceId": 36, "marketplaceName": "WooCommerce", "accountName": null, "email": null, "integrationUrl": "", "active": true, "companyName": "", "phone": "", "publicEmail": "", "website": "", "refreshDate": "2014-12-16T17:47:05.457", "lastRefreshAttempt": "2014-12-16T09:47:05.457", "createDate": "2014-11-06T15:21:13.223", "modifyDate": "2014-11-10T08:02:19.117", "autoRefresh": true, "statusMappings": [ { "orderStatus": "awaiting_payment", "statusKey": "Pending" }, { "orderStatus": "awaiting_shipment", "statusKey": "Processing" }, { "orderStatus": "shipped", "statusKey": "Completed" }, { "orderStatus": "cancelled", "statusKey": "Cancelled" }, { "orderStatus": "on_hold", "statusKey": "On-hold" } ]}'
  4422. x-testShouldPass: true
  4423. x-testEnabled: true
  4424. x-testName: Get Store1
  4425. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint Get Store
  4426. x-operation-settings:
  4427. CollectParameters: false
  4428. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4429. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4430. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4431. put:
  4432. description: Updates an existing store. This call does not currently support partial updates. The entire resource must be provided in the body of the request.
  4433. summary: Update Store
  4434. tags:
  4435. - Stores
  4436. operationId: StoresByStoreIdPut
  4437. produces:
  4438. - application/json
  4439. parameters:
  4440. - name: storeId
  4441. in: path
  4442. required: true
  4443. type: number
  4444. format: double
  4445. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4446. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4447. description: A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each store.
  4448. - name: Content-Type
  4449. in: header
  4450. required: true
  4451. type: string
  4452. description: ''
  4453. - name: body
  4454. in: body
  4455. required: true
  4456. description: ''
  4457. schema:
  4458. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateStoreRequest'
  4459. responses:
  4460. 200:
  4461. description: ''
  4462. schema:
  4463. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateStoreResponse'
  4464. examples:
  4465. application/json:
  4466. storeId: 12345
  4467. storeName: WooCommerce Store
  4468. marketplaceId: 36
  4469. marketplaceName: WooCommerce
  4470. accountName:
  4471. email:
  4472. integrationUrl:
  4473. active: true
  4474. companyName: ''
  4475. phone: ''
  4476. publicEmail: ''
  4477. website: ''
  4478. refreshDate: 2014-12-16T17:47:05.4570000
  4479. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-16T09:47:05.4570000
  4480. createDate: 2014-11-06T15:21:13.2230000
  4481. modifyDate: 2014-11-10T08:02:19.1170000
  4482. autoRefresh: true
  4483. statusMappings:
  4484. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  4485. statusKey: Pending
  4486. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  4487. statusKey: Processing
  4488. - orderStatus: shipped
  4489. statusKey: Completed
  4490. - orderStatus: cancelled
  4491. statusKey: Cancelled
  4492. - orderStatus: on_hold
  4493. statusKey: On-hold
  4494. security:
  4495. - auth: []
  4496. x-unitTests: []
  4497. x-operation-settings:
  4498. CollectParameters: false
  4499. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4500. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4501. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4502. /stores/getrefreshstatus?storeId={storeId}:
  4503. get:
  4504. description: Retrieves the refresh status of a given store.
  4505. summary: Get Store Refresh Status
  4506. tags:
  4507. - Stores
  4508. operationId: StoresGetrefreshstatusByStoreIdGet
  4509. produces:
  4510. - application/json
  4511. parameters:
  4512. - name: storeId
  4513. in: path
  4514. required: true
  4515. type: number
  4516. format: double
  4517. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4518. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4519. description: Specifies the store whose status will be retrieved.
  4520. responses:
  4521. 200:
  4522. description: ''
  4523. schema:
  4524. $ref: '#/definitions/GetStoreRefreshStatusResponse'
  4525. examples:
  4526. application/json:
  4527. storeId: 12345
  4528. refreshStatusId: 2
  4529. refreshStatus: Updating orders
  4530. lastRefreshAttempt: 8-13-2014
  4531. refreshDate: 8-13-2014
  4532. security:
  4533. - auth: []
  4534. x-unitTests:
  4535. - request:
  4536. method: GET
  4537. uri: /stores/getrefreshstatus?storeId=12345
  4538. expectedResponse:
  4539. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4540. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4541. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4542. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4543. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4544. headers:
  4545. Content-Type: application/json
  4546. body: '{ "storeId": 12345, "refreshStatusId": 2, "refreshStatus": "Updating orders", "lastRefreshAttempt": "8-13-2014", "refreshDate": "8-13-2014"}'
  4547. x-testShouldPass: true
  4548. x-testEnabled: true
  4549. x-testName: Get Store Refresh Status1
  4550. x-testDescription: Retrieves the refresh status of a given store.
  4551. x-operation-settings:
  4552. CollectParameters: false
  4553. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4554. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4555. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4556. /stores/refreshstore?storeId={storeId}&refreshDate={refreshDate}:
  4557. post:
  4558. description: Initiates a store refresh.
  4559. summary: Refresh Store
  4560. tags:
  4561. - Stores
  4562. operationId: StoresRefreshstoreByStoreIdAndRefreshDatePost
  4563. produces:
  4564. - application/json
  4565. parameters:
  4566. - name: Content-Type
  4567. in: header
  4568. required: true
  4569. type: string
  4570. description: ''
  4571. - name: body
  4572. in: body
  4573. required: true
  4574. description: ''
  4575. schema:
  4576. $ref: '#/definitions/RefreshStoreRequest'
  4577. - name: storeId
  4578. in: path
  4579. required: true
  4580. type: number
  4581. format: double
  4582. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4583. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4584. description: Specifies the store which will get refreshed. If the storeId is not specified, a store refresh will be initiated for all refreshable stores on that account.
  4585. - name: refreshDate
  4586. in: path
  4587. required: true
  4588. type: string
  4589. description: Specifies the starting date for new order imports. If the refreshDate is not specified, ShipStation will use the last recorded refreshDate for that store.
  4590. responses:
  4591. 200:
  4592. description: ''
  4593. schema:
  4594. $ref: '#/definitions/RefreshStoreResponse'
  4595. examples:
  4596. application/json:
  4597. success: true
  4598. message: A store refresh has been initiated for Store ID 12345
  4599. security:
  4600. - auth: []
  4601. x-unitTests: []
  4602. x-operation-settings:
  4603. CollectParameters: false
  4604. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4605. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4606. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4607. /stores?showInactive={showInactive}&marketplaceId={marketplaceId}:
  4608. get:
  4609. description: Retrieve the list of installed stores on the account.
  4610. summary: List Stores
  4611. tags:
  4612. - Stores
  4613. operationId: StoresByShowInactiveAndMarketplaceIdGet
  4614. produces:
  4615. - application/json
  4616. parameters:
  4617. - name: showInactive
  4618. in: path
  4619. required: true
  4620. type: boolean
  4621. description: Determines whether inactive stores will be returned in the list of stores.
  4622. - name: marketplaceId
  4623. in: path
  4624. required: true
  4625. type: number
  4626. format: double
  4627. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4628. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4629. description: Returns stores of this marketplace type.
  4630. responses:
  4631. 200:
  4632. description: ''
  4633. schema:
  4634. type: array
  4635. items:
  4636. $ref: '#/definitions/ListStoresResponse'
  4637. examples:
  4638. application/json:
  4639. - storeId: 22766
  4640. storeName: ShipStation Manual Store
  4641. marketplaceId: 0
  4642. marketplaceName: ShipStation
  4643. accountName:
  4644. email:
  4645. integrationUrl:
  4646. active: true
  4647. companyName: ''
  4648. phone: ''
  4649. publicEmail:
  4650. website: ''
  4651. refreshDate: 2014-12-03T11:46:11.2830000
  4652. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-03T11:46:53.4330000
  4653. createDate: 2014-07-25T11:05:55.3070000
  4654. modifyDate: 2014-11-12T08:45:20.5500000
  4655. autoRefresh: false
  4656. - storeId: 25748
  4657. storeName: Ashley's Test WooCommerce
  4658. marketplaceId: 36
  4659. marketplaceName: WooCommerce
  4660. accountName:
  4661. email:
  4662. integrationUrl:
  4663. active: true
  4664. companyName: ''
  4665. phone: ''
  4666. publicEmail: ''
  4667. website: ''
  4668. refreshDate: 2014-11-26T22:28:14.0700000
  4669. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-11-26T14:28:14.0700000
  4670. createDate: 2014-11-10T08:53:48.0770000
  4671. modifyDate: 2014-12-03T14:53:50.5570000
  4672. autoRefresh: true
  4673. security:
  4674. - auth: []
  4675. x-unitTests:
  4676. - request:
  4677. method: GET
  4678. uri: /stores?showInactive={showInactive}&marketplaceId={marketplaceId}
  4679. expectedResponse:
  4680. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4681. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4682. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4683. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4684. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4685. headers:
  4686. Content-Type: application/json
  4687. body: "[ { \"storeId\": 22766, \"storeName\": \"ShipStation Manual Store\", \"marketplaceId\": 0, \"marketplaceName\": \"ShipStation\", \"accountName\": null, \"email\": null, \"integrationUrl\": null, \"active\": true, \"companyName\": \"\", \"phone\": \"\", \"publicEmail\": \"\", \"website\": \"\", \"refreshDate\": \"2014-12-03T11:46:11.283\", \"lastRefreshAttempt\": \"2014-12-03T11:46:53.433\", \"createDate\": \"2014-07-25T11:05:55.307\", \"modifyDate\": \"2014-11-12T08:45:20.55\", \"autoRefresh\": false }, { \"storeId\": 25748, \"storeName\": \"Ashley's Test WooCommerce\", \"marketplaceId\": 36, \"marketplaceName\": \"WooCommerce\", \"accountName\": null, \"email\": null, \"integrationUrl\": \"\", \"active\": true, \"companyName\": \"\", \"phone\": \"\", \"publicEmail\": \"\", \"website\": \"\", \"refreshDate\": \"2014-11-26T22:28:14.07\", \"lastRefreshAttempt\": \"2014-11-26T14:28:14.07\", \"createDate\": \"2014-11-10T08:53:48.077\", \"modifyDate\": \"2014-12-03T14:53:50.557\", \"autoRefresh\": true }]"
  4688. x-testShouldPass: true
  4689. x-testEnabled: true
  4690. x-testName: List Stores1
  4691. x-testDescription: Retrieve the list of installed stores on the account.
  4692. x-operation-settings:
  4693. CollectParameters: false
  4694. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4695. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4696. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4697. /stores/marketplaces:
  4698. get:
  4699. description: Lists the marketplaces that can be integrated with ShipStation.
  4700. summary: List Marketplaces
  4701. tags:
  4702. - Stores
  4703. operationId: StoresMarketplacesGet
  4704. produces:
  4705. - application/json
  4706. parameters: []
  4707. responses:
  4708. 200:
  4709. description: ''
  4710. schema:
  4711. type: array
  4712. items:
  4713. $ref: '#/definitions/ListMarketplacesResponse'
  4714. examples:
  4715. application/json:
  4716. - name: 3DCart
  4717. marketplaceId: 23
  4718. canRefresh: true
  4719. supportsCustomMappings: true
  4720. supportsCustomStatuses: false
  4721. canConfirmShipments: true
  4722. - name: Amazon
  4723. marketplaceId: 2
  4724. canRefresh: true
  4725. supportsCustomMappings: true
  4726. supportsCustomStatuses: false
  4727. canConfirmShipments: true
  4728. - name: Amazon CA
  4729. marketplaceId: 32
  4730. canRefresh: true
  4731. supportsCustomMappings: true
  4732. supportsCustomStatuses: false
  4733. canConfirmShipments: true
  4734. security:
  4735. - auth: []
  4736. x-unitTests:
  4737. - request:
  4738. method: GET
  4739. uri: /stores/marketplaces
  4740. expectedResponse:
  4741. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4742. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4743. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4744. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4745. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4746. headers:
  4747. Content-Type: application/json
  4748. body: '[ { "name": "3DCart", "marketplaceId": 23, "canRefresh": true, "supportsCustomMappings": true, "supportsCustomStatuses": false, "canConfirmShipments": true }, { "name": "Amazon", "marketplaceId": 2, "canRefresh": true, "supportsCustomMappings": true, "supportsCustomStatuses": false, "canConfirmShipments": true }, { "name": "Amazon CA", "marketplaceId": 32, "canRefresh": true, "supportsCustomMappings": true, "supportsCustomStatuses": false, "canConfirmShipments": true }]'
  4749. x-testShouldPass: true
  4750. x-testEnabled: true
  4751. x-testName: List Marketplaces1
  4752. x-testDescription: Lists the marketplaces that can be integrated with ShipStation.
  4753. x-operation-settings:
  4754. CollectParameters: false
  4755. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4756. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4757. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4758. /stores/deactivate:
  4759. post:
  4760. description: >-
  4761. Deactivates the specified store.
  4763. The body of this request has the following attributes:
  4765. Name |Data Type |Description
  4767. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  4769. ``storeId`` | number, required | ID of the store to deactivate.
  4770. summary: Deactivate Store
  4771. tags:
  4772. - Stores
  4773. operationId: StoresDeactivatePost
  4774. produces:
  4775. - application/json
  4776. parameters:
  4777. - name: Content-Type
  4778. in: header
  4779. required: true
  4780. type: string
  4781. description: ''
  4782. - name: body
  4783. in: body
  4784. required: true
  4785. description: ''
  4786. schema:
  4787. $ref: '#/definitions/DeactivateStoreRequest'
  4788. responses:
  4789. 200:
  4790. description: ''
  4791. schema:
  4792. $ref: '#/definitions/DeactivateStoreResponse'
  4793. examples:
  4794. application/json:
  4795. success: true
  4796. message: The requested store has been reactivated.
  4797. security:
  4798. - auth: []
  4799. x-unitTests: []
  4800. x-operation-settings:
  4801. CollectParameters: false
  4802. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4803. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4804. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4805. /stores/reactivate:
  4806. post:
  4807. description: >-
  4808. Reactivates the specified store. Note: stores are active by default
  4810. The body of this request has the following attributes:
  4812. Name |Data Type |Description
  4814. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  4816. ``storeId`` | number, required | ID of the store to reactivate.
  4817. summary: Reactivate Store
  4818. tags:
  4819. - Stores
  4820. operationId: StoresReactivatePost
  4821. produces:
  4822. - application/json
  4823. parameters:
  4824. - name: Content-Type
  4825. in: header
  4826. required: true
  4827. type: string
  4828. description: ''
  4829. - name: body
  4830. in: body
  4831. required: true
  4832. description: ''
  4833. schema:
  4834. $ref: '#/definitions/ReactivateStoreRequest'
  4835. responses:
  4836. 200:
  4837. description: ''
  4838. schema:
  4839. $ref: '#/definitions/ReactivateStoreResponse'
  4840. examples:
  4841. application/json:
  4842. success: true
  4843. message: The requested store has been reactivated.
  4844. security:
  4845. - auth: []
  4846. x-unitTests: []
  4847. x-operation-settings:
  4848. CollectParameters: false
  4849. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4850. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4851. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4852. /users?showInactive={showInactive}:
  4853. get:
  4854. description: ''
  4855. summary: List Users
  4856. tags:
  4857. - Users
  4858. operationId: UsersByShowInactiveGet
  4859. produces:
  4860. - application/json
  4861. parameters:
  4862. - name: showInactive
  4863. in: path
  4864. required: true
  4865. type: boolean
  4866. description: Determines whether inactive users will be returned in the response.
  4867. responses:
  4868. 200:
  4869. description: ''
  4870. schema:
  4871. $ref: '#/definitions/ListUsersResponse'
  4872. examples:
  4873. application/json:
  4874. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  4875. userName: SS-user1
  4876. name: Shipping Employee 1
  4877. security:
  4878. - auth: []
  4879. x-unitTests:
  4880. - request:
  4881. method: GET
  4882. uri: /users?showInactive=false
  4883. expectedResponse:
  4884. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4885. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4886. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4887. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4888. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4889. headers:
  4890. Content-Type: application/json
  4891. Authorization: < Enter your Basic Authorization string here >
  4892. body: '{ "userId": "123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa", "userName": "SS-user1", "name": "Shipping Employee 1"}'
  4893. x-testShouldPass: true
  4894. x-testEnabled: true
  4895. x-testName: List Users1
  4896. x-testDescription: Testcase for testing endpoint List Users
  4897. x-operation-settings:
  4898. CollectParameters: false
  4899. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4900. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4901. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4902. /warehouses/{warehouseId}:
  4903. get:
  4904. description: Returns a list of active Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses) on the ShipStation account. Warehouses are now called "Ship From Locations" in the UI.
  4905. summary: Get Warehouse
  4906. tags:
  4907. - Warehouses
  4908. operationId: WarehousesByWarehouseIdGet
  4909. produces:
  4910. - application/json
  4911. parameters:
  4912. - name: warehouseId
  4913. in: path
  4914. required: true
  4915. type: number
  4916. format: double
  4917. exclusiveMaximum: false
  4918. exclusiveMinimum: false
  4919. description: A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse).
  4920. responses:
  4921. 200:
  4922. description: ''
  4923. schema:
  4924. $ref: '#/definitions/GetWarehouseResponse'
  4925. examples:
  4926. application/json:
  4927. warehouseId: 12345
  4928. warehouseName: API Ship From Location
  4929. originAddress:
  4930. name: API Warehouse
  4931. company: ShipStation
  4932. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  4933. street2:
  4934. street3:
  4935. city: Austin
  4936. state: TX
  4937. postalCode: 78703
  4938. country: US
  4939. phone: 512-555-5555
  4940. residential: true
  4941. addressVerified:
  4942. returnAddress:
  4943. name: API Ship From Location
  4944. company: ShipStation
  4945. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  4946. street2:
  4947. street3:
  4948. city: Austin
  4949. state: TX
  4950. postalCode: 78703
  4951. country: US
  4952. phone: 512-555-5555
  4953. residential:
  4954. addressVerified:
  4955. createDate: 2015-07-02T08:38:31.4870000
  4956. isDefault: true
  4957. security:
  4958. - auth: []
  4959. x-unitTests:
  4960. - request:
  4961. method: GET
  4962. uri: /warehouses/12345678
  4963. expectedResponse:
  4964. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  4965. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  4966. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  4967. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  4968. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  4969. headers:
  4970. Content-Type: application/json
  4971. Authorization: < Enter your Basic Authorization string here >
  4972. body: '{ "warehouseId": 12345, "warehouseName": "API Ship From Location", "originAddress": { "name": "API Warehouse", "company": "ShipStation", "street1": "2815 Exposition Blvd", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703", "country": "US", "phone": "512-555-5555", "residential": true, "addressVerified": null }, "returnAddress": { "name": "API Ship From Location", "company": "ShipStation", "street1": "2815 Exposition Blvd", "street2": null, "street3": null, "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703", "country": "US", "phone": "512-555-5555", "residential": null, "addressVerified": null }, "createDate": "2015-07-02T08:38:31.4870000", "isDefault": true }'
  4973. x-testShouldPass: true
  4974. x-testEnabled: true
  4975. x-testName: Get Warehouse1
  4976. x-testDescription: Returns a list of active Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses) on the ShipStation account. Warehouses are now called "Ship From Locations" in the UI.
  4977. x-operation-settings:
  4978. CollectParameters: false
  4979. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  4980. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  4981. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  4982. put:
  4983. description: Updates an existing Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse). This call does not currently support partial updates. The entire resource must be provided in the body of the request. If a "returnAddress" object is not specified, your "originAddress" will be used as your "returnAddress".
  4984. summary: Update Warehouse
  4985. tags:
  4986. - Warehouses
  4987. operationId: WarehousesByWarehouseIdPut
  4988. produces:
  4989. - application/json
  4990. parameters:
  4991. - name: Content-Type
  4992. in: header
  4993. required: true
  4994. type: string
  4995. description: ''
  4996. - name: body
  4997. in: body
  4998. required: true
  4999. description: ''
  5000. schema:
  5001. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateWarehouseRequest'
  5002. - name: warehouseId
  5003. in: path
  5004. required: true
  5005. type: number
  5006. format: double
  5007. exclusiveMaximum: false
  5008. exclusiveMinimum: false
  5009. description: A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse).
  5010. responses:
  5011. 200:
  5012. description: ''
  5013. schema:
  5014. $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateWarehouseResponse'
  5015. examples:
  5016. application/json:
  5017. warehouseId: 12345
  5018. warehouseName: API Ship From Location
  5019. originAddress:
  5020. name: API Warehouse
  5021. company: ShipStation
  5022. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  5023. street2:
  5024. street3:
  5025. city: Austin
  5026. state: TX
  5027. postalCode: 78703
  5028. country: US
  5029. phone: 512-555-5555
  5030. residential: true
  5031. addressVerified:
  5032. returnAddress:
  5033. name: API Ship From Location
  5034. company: ShipStation
  5035. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  5036. street2:
  5037. street3:
  5038. city: Austin
  5039. state: TX
  5040. postalCode: 78703
  5041. country: US
  5042. phone: 512-555-5555
  5043. residential:
  5044. addressVerified:
  5045. createDate: 2015-07-02T08:38:31.4870000
  5046. isDefault: true
  5047. security:
  5048. - auth: []
  5049. x-unitTests: []
  5050. x-operation-settings:
  5051. CollectParameters: false
  5052. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5053. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5054. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5055. /warehouses/createwarehouse:
  5056. post:
  5057. description: >-
  5058. Adds a Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse) to your account. The body of this request should specify the following attributes:
  5060. Name |Data Type |Description
  5062. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  5063. ``warehouseName`` | string, optional | Name of Ship From Location.
  5064. ``originAddress`` | Address, required | The origin address. Shipping rates will be calculated from this address. Use the [**Address**]( model.
  5065. ``returnAddress`` | Address, optional | The return address. If a "returnAddress" is not specified, your "originAddress" will be used as your "returnAddress". Use the [**Address**]( model.
  5066. ``isDefault`` | boolean, optional | Specifies whether or not this will be your default Ship From Location.
  5067. summary: Create Warehouse
  5068. tags:
  5069. - Warehouses
  5070. operationId: WarehousesCreatewarehousePost
  5071. produces:
  5072. - application/json
  5073. parameters:
  5074. - name: Content-Type
  5075. in: header
  5076. required: true
  5077. type: string
  5078. description: ''
  5079. - name: body
  5080. in: body
  5081. required: true
  5082. description: ''
  5083. schema:
  5084. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateWarehouseRequest'
  5085. responses:
  5086. 200:
  5087. description: ''
  5088. schema:
  5089. $ref: '#/definitions/CreateWarehouseResponse'
  5090. examples:
  5091. application/json:
  5092. warehouseId: 17977
  5093. warehouseName: New Ship From Location
  5094. originAddress:
  5095. name: NM Warehouse
  5096. company: White Sands Co
  5097. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  5098. street2: ''
  5099. street3: ''
  5100. city: Las Cruces
  5101. state: NM
  5102. postalCode: 88012
  5103. country: US
  5104. phone: 512-111-2222
  5105. residential: true
  5106. returnAddress:
  5107. name: NM Warehouse
  5108. company: White Sands Co
  5109. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  5110. street2: ''
  5111. street3: ''
  5112. city: Las Cruces
  5113. state: NM
  5114. postalCode: 88012
  5115. country: US
  5116. phone: 512-111-2222
  5117. residential:
  5118. createDate: 2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000
  5119. isDefault: false
  5120. security:
  5121. - auth: []
  5122. x-unitTests: []
  5123. x-operation-settings:
  5124. CollectParameters: false
  5125. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5126. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5127. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5128. /warehouses:
  5129. get:
  5130. description: Retrieves a list of your Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses).
  5131. summary: List Warehouses
  5132. tags:
  5133. - Warehouses
  5134. operationId: WarehousesGet
  5135. produces:
  5136. - application/json
  5137. parameters: []
  5138. responses:
  5139. 200:
  5140. description: ''
  5141. schema:
  5142. type: array
  5143. items:
  5144. $ref: '#/definitions/ListWarehousesResponse'
  5145. examples:
  5146. application/json:
  5147. - warehouseId: 17977
  5148. warehouseName: Main warehouse
  5149. originAddress:
  5150. name: Spring warehouse
  5151. company: ''
  5152. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  5153. street2: ''
  5154. street3: ''
  5155. city: Elmurst
  5156. state: IL
  5157. postalCode: 60126
  5158. country: US
  5159. phone: 5121112222
  5160. residential: false
  5161. returnAddress:
  5162. name: Chicago House
  5163. company: ''
  5164. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  5165. street2: ''
  5166. street3: ''
  5167. city: Elmurst
  5168. state: IL
  5169. postalCode: 60126
  5170. country: US
  5171. phone: 5121112222
  5172. residential:
  5173. createDate: 2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000
  5174. isDefault: true
  5175. - warehouseId: 14265
  5176. warehouseName: Austin
  5177. originAddress:
  5178. name: Austin
  5179. company: ShipStation
  5180. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  5181. street2: ''
  5182. street3: ''
  5183. city: Austin
  5184. state: TX
  5185. postalCode: 78703
  5186. country: US
  5187. phone: 5124445555
  5188. residential: false
  5189. returnAddress:
  5190. name: ShipStation
  5191. company: ShipStation
  5192. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  5193. street2: ''
  5194. street3: ''
  5195. city: Austin
  5196. state: TX
  5197. postalCode: 78703
  5198. country: US
  5199. phone: 5124445555
  5200. residential:
  5201. createDate: 2014-05-27T09:54:29.9600000
  5202. isDefault: false
  5203. security:
  5204. - auth: []
  5205. x-unitTests:
  5206. - request:
  5207. method: GET
  5208. uri: /warehouses
  5209. expectedResponse:
  5210. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  5211. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  5212. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  5213. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  5214. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  5215. headers:
  5216. Content-Type: application/json
  5217. body: '[ { "warehouseId": 17977, "warehouseName": "Main warehouse", "originAddress": { "name": "Spring warehouse", "company": "", "street1": "123 S SPRING RD ", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "Elmurst", "state": "IL", "postalCode": "60126", "country": "US", "phone": "5121112222", "residential": false }, "returnAddress": { "name": "Chicago House", "company": "", "street1": "123 S SPRING RD ", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "Elmurst", "state": "IL", "postalCode": "60126", "country": "US", "phone": "5121112222", "residential": null }, "createDate": "2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000", "isDefault": true }, { "warehouseId": 14265, "warehouseName": "Austin", "originAddress": { "name": "Austin", "company": "ShipStation", "street1": "2815 Exposition Blvd", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703", "country": "US", "phone": "5124445555", "residential": false }, "returnAddress": { "name": "ShipStation", "company": "ShipStation", "street1": "2815 Exposition Blvd", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "postalCode": "78703", "country": "US", "phone": "5124445555", "residential": null }, "createDate": "2014-05-27T09:54:29.9600000", "isDefault": false }]'
  5218. x-testShouldPass: true
  5219. x-testEnabled: true
  5220. x-testName: List Warehouses1
  5221. x-testDescription: Retrieves a list of your Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses).
  5222. x-operation-settings:
  5223. CollectParameters: false
  5224. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5225. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5226. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5227. /webhooks:
  5228. get:
  5229. description: Retrieves a list of registered webhooks for the account
  5230. summary: List Webhooks
  5231. tags:
  5232. - Webhooks
  5233. operationId: WebhooksGet
  5234. produces:
  5235. - application/json
  5236. parameters: []
  5237. responses:
  5238. 200:
  5239. description: ''
  5240. schema:
  5241. $ref: '#/definitions/ListWebhooksResponse'
  5242. examples:
  5243. application/json:
  5244. webhooks:
  5245. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  5246. WebHookID: 123
  5247. SellerID: 100000
  5248. StoreID: 12345
  5249. HookType: ITEM_ORDER_NOTIFY
  5250. MessageFormat: Json
  5251. Url: http://example.endpoint/orders
  5252. Name: My Order Webhook
  5253. BulkCopyBatchID:
  5254. BulkCopyRecordID:
  5255. Active: true
  5256. WebhookLogs: []
  5257. Seller:
  5258. Store:
  5259. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  5260. WebHookID: 456
  5261. SellerID: 100000
  5262. StoreID: 98765
  5263. HookType: SHIP_NOTIFY
  5264. MessageFormat: Json
  5265. Url: https://example.endpoint/shipment
  5266. Name: My Shipment Webhook
  5267. BulkCopyBatchID:
  5268. BulkCopyRecordID:
  5269. Active: true
  5270. WebhookLogs: []
  5271. Seller:
  5272. Store:
  5273. security:
  5274. - auth: []
  5275. x-unitTests:
  5276. - request:
  5277. method: GET
  5278. uri: /webhooks
  5279. expectedResponse:
  5280. x-allowExtraHeaders: true
  5281. x-bodyMatchMode: RAW
  5282. x-arrayOrderedMatching: false
  5283. x-arrayCheckCount: false
  5284. x-matchResponseSchema: true
  5285. headers:
  5286. Content-Type: application/json
  5287. body: '{ "webhooks": [ { "IsLabelAPIHook": false, "WebHookID": 123, "SellerID": 100000, "StoreID": 12345, "HookType": "ITEM_ORDER_NOTIFY", "MessageFormat": "Json", "Url": "http://example.endpoint/orders", "Name": "My Order Webhook", "BulkCopyBatchID": null, "BulkCopyRecordID": null, "Active": true, "WebhookLogs": [], "Seller": null, "Store": null }, { "IsLabelAPIHook": false, "WebHookID": 456, "SellerID": 100000, "StoreID": 98765, "HookType": "SHIP_NOTIFY", "MessageFormat": "Json", "Url": "https://example.endpoint/shipment", "Name": "My Shipment Webhook", "BulkCopyBatchID": null, "BulkCopyRecordID": null, "Active": true, "WebhookLogs": [], "Seller": null, "Store": null } ]}'
  5288. x-testShouldPass: true
  5289. x-testEnabled: true
  5290. x-testName: List Webhooks1
  5291. x-testDescription: Retrieves a list of registered webhooks for the account
  5292. x-operation-settings:
  5293. CollectParameters: false
  5294. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5295. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5296. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5297. /webhooks/subscribe:
  5298. post:
  5299. description: >-
  5300. Subscribes to a specific type of webhook. If a ``store_id`` is passed in, the webhooks will only be triggered for that specific ``store_id``.
  5302. The ``event`` type that is passed in will determine what type of webhooks will be sent.
  5304. Webhooks can be viewed & edited via the ShipStation Application under Integrations in the [**Account Settings**](
  5306. NOTE: Webhooks will be sent to the URL specified in the ``target_url``. The HTTP request will be sent via POST and will contain a [**webhook JSON object**]( in the body.
  5308. The body of this request to subscribe has the following attributes:
  5310. Name |Data Type |Description
  5312. -------------------|-------------------|-------------------
  5314. ``target_url`` | string, required | The URL to send the webhooks to
  5316. ``event`` | string, required | The type of webhook to subscribe to. Must contain one of the following values: ORDER_NOTIFY, ITEM_ORDER_NOTIFY, SHIP_NOTIFY, ITEM_SHIP_NOTIFY
  5318. ``store_id`` | int, optional | If passed in, the webhooks will only be triggered for this ``store_id``
  5320. ``friendly_name`` | string, optional | Display name for the webhook
  5321. summary: Subscribe to Webhook
  5322. tags:
  5323. - Webhooks
  5324. operationId: WebhooksSubscribePost
  5325. produces:
  5326. - application/json
  5327. parameters:
  5328. - name: Content-Type
  5329. in: header
  5330. required: true
  5331. type: string
  5332. description: ''
  5333. - name: body
  5334. in: body
  5335. required: true
  5336. description: ''
  5337. schema:
  5338. $ref: '#/definitions/SubscribeToWebhookRequest'
  5339. responses:
  5340. 200:
  5341. description: ''
  5342. schema:
  5343. $ref: '#/definitions/SubscribeToWebhookResponse'
  5344. examples:
  5345. application/json:
  5346. id: 123456
  5347. security:
  5348. - auth: []
  5349. x-unitTests: []
  5350. x-operation-settings:
  5351. CollectParameters: false
  5352. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5353. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5354. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5355. /webhooks/{webhookId}:
  5356. delete:
  5357. description: Unsubscribes from a certain webhook.
  5358. summary: Unsubscribe to Webhook
  5359. tags:
  5360. - Webhooks
  5361. operationId: WebhooksByWebhookIdDelete
  5362. produces:
  5363. - application/json
  5364. parameters:
  5365. - name: webhookId
  5366. in: path
  5367. required: true
  5368. type: number
  5369. format: double
  5370. exclusiveMaximum: false
  5371. exclusiveMinimum: false
  5372. description: A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each webhook.
  5373. - name: Content-Type
  5374. in: header
  5375. required: true
  5376. type: string
  5377. description: ''
  5378. responses:
  5379. 200:
  5380. description: ''
  5381. security:
  5382. - auth: []
  5383. x-unitTests: []
  5384. x-operation-settings:
  5385. CollectParameters: false
  5386. AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false
  5387. AllowDynamicFormParameters: false
  5388. IsMultiContentStreaming: false
  5389. definitions:
  5390. RegisterAccountRequest:
  5391. title: Register Account request
  5392. type: object
  5393. properties:
  5394. firstName:
  5395. description: ''
  5396. example: John
  5397. type: string
  5398. lastName:
  5399. description: ''
  5400. example: Smith
  5401. type: string
  5402. email:
  5403. description: ''
  5404. example:
  5405. type: string
  5406. password:
  5407. description: ''
  5408. example: testpw1234
  5409. type: string
  5410. shippingOriginCountryCode:
  5411. description: ''
  5412. example: US
  5413. type: string
  5414. companyName:
  5415. description: ''
  5416. example: Droid Repair LLC
  5417. type: string
  5418. addr1:
  5419. description: ''
  5420. example: 542 Midichlorian Rd.
  5421. type: string
  5422. addr2:
  5423. description: ''
  5424. type: string
  5425. city:
  5426. description: ''
  5427. example: Austin
  5428. type: string
  5429. state:
  5430. description: ''
  5431. example: TX
  5432. type: string
  5433. zip:
  5434. description: ''
  5435. example: 78703
  5436. type: string
  5437. countryCode:
  5438. description: ''
  5439. example: US
  5440. type: string
  5441. phone:
  5442. description: ''
  5443. example: 5124111234
  5444. type: string
  5445. required:
  5446. - firstName
  5447. - lastName
  5448. - email
  5449. - password
  5450. - shippingOriginCountryCode
  5451. - companyName
  5452. - addr1
  5453. - addr2
  5454. - city
  5455. - state
  5456. - zip
  5457. - countryCode
  5458. - phone
  5459. RegisterAccountResponse:
  5460. title: Register Account response
  5461. example:
  5462. message: ShipStation account created.
  5463. sellerId: 123456
  5464. success: true
  5465. apiKey: abcdt9845hjmgfklj3498gkljdkuyekl
  5466. apiSecret: 1234iou983lkj8mnxgfwu509hkhdy7u3
  5467. type: object
  5468. properties:
  5469. message:
  5470. description: ''
  5471. example: ShipStation account created.
  5472. type: string
  5473. sellerId:
  5474. description: ''
  5475. example: 123456
  5476. type: integer
  5477. format: int32
  5478. success:
  5479. description: ''
  5480. example: true
  5481. type: boolean
  5482. apiKey:
  5483. description: ''
  5484. example: abcdt9845hjmgfklj3498gkljdkuyekl
  5485. type: string
  5486. apiSecret:
  5487. description: ''
  5488. example: 1234iou983lkj8mnxgfwu509hkhdy7u3
  5489. type: string
  5490. required:
  5491. - message
  5492. - sellerId
  5493. - success
  5494. - apiKey
  5495. - apiSecret
  5496. ListTagsResponse:
  5497. title: List Tags response
  5498. example:
  5499. tagId: 8362
  5500. name: Backorder
  5501. color: '#800080'
  5502. type: object
  5503. properties:
  5504. tagId:
  5505. description: ''
  5506. example: 8362
  5507. type: integer
  5508. format: int32
  5509. name:
  5510. description: ''
  5511. example: Backorder
  5512. type: string
  5513. color:
  5514. description: ''
  5515. example: '#800080'
  5516. type: string
  5517. required:
  5518. - tagId
  5519. - name
  5520. - color
  5521. ListCarriersResponse:
  5522. title: List Carriers response
  5523. example:
  5524. name: Express 1
  5525. code: express_1
  5526. accountNumber: fe71c33f
  5527. requiresFundedAccount: true
  5528. balance: 0.27000000000000002
  5529. type: object
  5530. properties:
  5531. name:
  5532. description: ''
  5533. example: Express 1
  5534. type: string
  5535. code:
  5536. description: ''
  5537. example: express_1
  5538. type: string
  5539. accountNumber:
  5540. description: ''
  5541. example: fe71c33f
  5542. type: string
  5543. requiresFundedAccount:
  5544. description: ''
  5545. example: true
  5546. type: boolean
  5547. balance:
  5548. description: ''
  5549. example: 0.27000000000000002
  5550. type: number
  5551. format: double
  5552. required:
  5553. - name
  5554. - code
  5555. - accountNumber
  5556. - requiresFundedAccount
  5557. - balance
  5558. GetCarrierResponse:
  5559. title: Get Carrier response
  5560. example:
  5561. name:
  5562. code: stamps_com
  5563. accountNumber: SS123
  5564. requiresFundedAccount: true
  5565. balance: 24.140000000000001
  5566. type: object
  5567. properties:
  5568. name:
  5569. description: ''
  5570. example:
  5571. type: string
  5572. code:
  5573. description: ''
  5574. example: stamps_com
  5575. type: string
  5576. accountNumber:
  5577. description: ''
  5578. example: SS123
  5579. type: string
  5580. requiresFundedAccount:
  5581. description: ''
  5582. example: true
  5583. type: boolean
  5584. balance:
  5585. description: ''
  5586. example: 24.140000000000001
  5587. type: number
  5588. format: double
  5589. required:
  5590. - name
  5591. - code
  5592. - accountNumber
  5593. - requiresFundedAccount
  5594. - balance
  5595. AddFundsRequest:
  5596. title: Add Funds request
  5597. example:
  5598. carrierCode: fedex
  5599. amount: 20
  5600. type: object
  5601. properties:
  5602. carrierCode:
  5603. description: ''
  5604. example: fedex
  5605. type: string
  5606. amount:
  5607. description: ''
  5608. example: 20
  5609. type: number
  5610. format: double
  5611. required:
  5612. - carrierCode
  5613. - amount
  5614. AddFundsResponse:
  5615. title: Add Funds response
  5616. example:
  5617. name:
  5618. code: stamps_com
  5619. accountNumber: SS123
  5620. requiresFundedAccount: true
  5621. balance: 24.140000000000001
  5622. type: object
  5623. properties:
  5624. name:
  5625. description: ''
  5626. example:
  5627. type: string
  5628. code:
  5629. description: ''
  5630. example: stamps_com
  5631. type: string
  5632. accountNumber:
  5633. description: ''
  5634. example: SS123
  5635. type: string
  5636. requiresFundedAccount:
  5637. description: ''
  5638. example: true
  5639. type: boolean
  5640. balance:
  5641. description: ''
  5642. example: 24.140000000000001
  5643. type: number
  5644. format: double
  5645. required:
  5646. - name
  5647. - code
  5648. - accountNumber
  5649. - requiresFundedAccount
  5650. - balance
  5651. ListPackagesResponse:
  5652. title: List Packages response
  5653. example:
  5654. carrierCode: express_1
  5655. code: cubic
  5656. name: Cubic
  5657. domestic: true
  5658. international: false
  5659. type: object
  5660. properties:
  5661. carrierCode:
  5662. description: ''
  5663. example: express_1
  5664. type: string
  5665. code:
  5666. description: ''
  5667. example: cubic
  5668. type: string
  5669. name:
  5670. description: ''
  5671. example: Cubic
  5672. type: string
  5673. domestic:
  5674. description: ''
  5675. example: true
  5676. type: boolean
  5677. international:
  5678. description: ''
  5679. example: false
  5680. type: boolean
  5681. required:
  5682. - carrierCode
  5683. - code
  5684. - name
  5685. - domestic
  5686. - international
  5687. ListServicesResponse:
  5688. title: List Services response
  5689. example:
  5690. carrierCode: fedex
  5691. code: fedex_ground
  5692. name: FedEx Ground®
  5693. domestic: true
  5694. international: false
  5695. type: object
  5696. properties:
  5697. carrierCode:
  5698. description: ''
  5699. example: fedex
  5700. type: string
  5701. code:
  5702. description: ''
  5703. example: fedex_ground
  5704. type: string
  5705. name:
  5706. description: ''
  5707. example: FedEx Ground®
  5708. type: string
  5709. domestic:
  5710. description: ''
  5711. example: true
  5712. type: boolean
  5713. international:
  5714. description: ''
  5715. example: false
  5716. type: boolean
  5717. required:
  5718. - carrierCode
  5719. - code
  5720. - name
  5721. - domestic
  5722. - international
  5723. GetCustomerResponse:
  5724. title: Get Customer response
  5725. example:
  5726. customerId: 12345678
  5727. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  5728. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
  5729. name: Cam Newton
  5730. company: Test Company
  5731. street1: 123 War Eagle Lane
  5732. street2: ''
  5733. city: Auburn
  5734. state: AL
  5735. postalCode: 36830
  5736. countryCode: US
  5737. phone: 555-555-5555
  5738. email:
  5739. addressVerified: Verified
  5740. marketplaceUsernames:
  5741. - customerUserId: 67195020
  5742. customerId: 12345678
  5743. createDate: 2015-04-27T12:35:03.8300000
  5744. modifyDate: 2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000
  5745. marketplaceId: 0
  5746. marketplace: ShipStation
  5747. username:
  5748. - customerUserId: 37568588
  5749. customerId: 12345678
  5750. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  5751. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  5752. marketplaceId: 36
  5753. marketplace: WooCommerce
  5754. username:
  5755. - customerUserId: 46038940
  5756. customerId: 12345678
  5757. createDate:
  5758. modifyDate:
  5759. marketplaceId: 67
  5760. marketplace: TradeGecko
  5761. username:
  5762. tags:
  5763. - tagId: 1234
  5764. name: Expedited
  5765. - tagId: 9725
  5766. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
  5767. type: object
  5768. properties:
  5769. customerId:
  5770. description: ''
  5771. example: 12345678
  5772. type: integer
  5773. format: int32
  5774. createDate:
  5775. description: ''
  5776. example: 11/18/2014 10:33:01 AM
  5777. type: string
  5778. modifyDate:
  5779. description: ''
  5780. example: 11/18/2014 10:33:01 AM
  5781. type: string
  5782. name:
  5783. description: ''
  5784. example: Cam Newton
  5785. type: string
  5786. company:
  5787. description: ''
  5788. example: Test Company
  5789. type: string
  5790. street1:
  5791. description: ''
  5792. example: 123 War Eagle Lane
  5793. type: string
  5794. street2:
  5795. description: ''
  5796. type: string
  5797. city:
  5798. description: ''
  5799. example: Auburn
  5800. type: string
  5801. state:
  5802. description: ''
  5803. example: AL
  5804. type: string
  5805. postalCode:
  5806. description: ''
  5807. example: 36830
  5808. type: string
  5809. countryCode:
  5810. description: ''
  5811. example: US
  5812. type: string
  5813. phone:
  5814. description: ''
  5815. example: 555-555-5555
  5816. type: string
  5817. email:
  5818. description: ''
  5819. example:
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  5823. example: Verified
  5824. type: string
  5825. marketplaceUsernames:
  5826. description: ''
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  5831. modifyDate: 2015-05-14T08:16:15.2700000
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  5833. marketplace: ShipStation
  5834. username:
  5835. - customerUserId: 37568588
  5836. customerId: 12345678
  5837. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
  5838. modifyDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1970000
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  5845. modifyDate:
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  5848. username:
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  5858. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
  5859. type: array
  5860. items:
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  5864. - createDate
  5865. - modifyDate
  5866. - name
  5867. - company
  5868. - street1
  5869. - street2
  5870. - city
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  5873. - countryCode
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  5878. - tags
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  5892. - ModifyDate
  5893. - CreateDate
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  5903. enum:
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  5905. - DESC
  5906. ListCustomersResponse:
  5907. title: List Customers response
  5908. example:
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  5911. createDate: 2014-11-18T10:33:01.1900000
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  5920. countryCode: US
  5921. phone: 555-555-5555
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  5926. customerId: 12345678
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  5930. marketplace: ShipStation
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  5942. modifyDate:
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  5949. - tagId: 9725
  5950. name: 00 BULK ORDERED
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  5952. createDate: 2015-06-21T12:48:07.5400000
  5953. name: Bo Jackson
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  5956. street2: ''
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  5958. state: AL
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  5962. email:
  5963. addressVerified: Verified
  5964. marketplaceUsernames:
  5965. - customerUserId: 77215410
  5966. customerId: 87654321
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  6005. street2: ''
  6006. city: Auburn
  6007. state: AL
  6008. postalCode: 36830
  6009. countryCode: US
  6010. phone: 555-555-5555
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  6015. customerId: 12345678
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  6045. street2: ''
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  6047. state: AL
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  6049. countryCode: US
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  6051. email:
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  6055. customerId: 87654321
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  6059. marketplace: ShipStation
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  6140. orderNumber: 101
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  6259. - total
  6260. - page
  6261. - pages
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  6265. x-enum-elements:
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  6267. description: ''
  6268. - name: CreateDate
  6269. description: ''
  6270. type: string
  6271. enum:
  6272. - ShipDate
  6273. - CreateDate
  6274. ListFulfillmentsWithParametersResponse:
  6275. title: List Fulfillments with parameters response
  6276. example:
  6277. fulfillments:
  6278. - fulfillmentId: 33974374
  6279. orderId: 191759016
  6280. orderNumber: 101
  6281. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  6282. customerEmail:
  6283. trackingNumber: 783408231234
  6284. createDate: 2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000
  6285. shipDate: 2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000
  6286. voidDate:
  6287. deliveryDate:
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  6293. voided: false
  6294. marketplaceNotified: true
  6295. notifyErrorMessage:
  6296. shipTo:
  6297. name: Yoda
  6298. company:
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  6302. city: AUSTIN
  6303. state: TX
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  6307. residential:
  6308. addressVerified:
  6309. - fulfillmentId: 246310
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  6311. orderNumber: 101
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  6352. customerEmail:
  6353. trackingNumber: 783408231234
  6354. createDate: 2016-06-07T08:50:50.0670000
  6355. shipDate: 2016-06-07T00:00:00.0000000
  6356. voidDate:
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  6365. notifyErrorMessage:
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  6368. company:
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  6373. state: TX
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  6377. residential:
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  6381. orderNumber: 101
  6382. userId: c9f06d74-95de-4263-9b04-e87095cababf
  6383. customerEmail:
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  6385. createDate: 2016-06-08T12:54:53.3470000
  6386. shipDate: 2016-06-08T00:00:00.0000000
  6387. voidDate:
  6388. deliveryDate:
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  6390. fulfillmentProviderCode:
  6391. fulfillmentServiceCode:
  6392. fulfillmentFee: 0
  6393. voidRequested: false
  6394. voided: false
  6395. marketplaceNotified: true
  6396. notifyErrorMessage:
  6397. shipTo:
  6398. name: Yoda
  6399. company:
  6400. street1: '3800 N Lamar Blvd # 220'
  6401. street2:
  6402. street3:
  6403. city: AUSTIN
  6404. state: TX
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  6406. country: US
  6407. phone: 512-485-4282
  6408. residential:
  6409. addressVerified:
  6410. type: array
  6411. items:
  6412. type: object
  6413. total:
  6414. description: ''
  6415. example: 2
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  6428. required:
  6429. - fulfillments
  6430. - total
  6431. - page
  6432. - pages
  6433. GetOrderResponse:
  6434. title: Get Order response
  6435. example:
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  6439. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  6440. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6441. modifyDate: 2015-09-08T11:03:12.3800000
  6442. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  6443. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  6444. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  6445. customerId: 37701499
  6446. customerUsername:
  6447. customerEmail:
  6448. billTo:
  6449. name: The President
  6450. company:
  6451. street1:
  6452. street2:
  6453. street3:
  6454. city:
  6455. state:
  6456. postalCode:
  6457. country:
  6458. phone:
  6459. residential:
  6460. addressVerified:
  6461. shipTo:
  6462. name: The President
  6463. company: US Govt
  6464. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  6465. street2: Oval Office
  6466. street3:
  6467. city: Washington
  6468. state: DC
  6469. postalCode: 20500
  6470. country: US
  6471. phone: 555-555-5555
  6472. residential: false
  6473. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  6474. items:
  6475. - orderItemId: 128836912
  6476. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  6477. sku: ABC123
  6478. name: 'Test item #1'
  6479. imageUrl:
  6480. weight:
  6481. value: 24
  6482. units: ounces
  6483. quantity: 2
  6484. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  6485. taxAmount:
  6486. shippingAmount:
  6487. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  6488. options:
  6489. - name: Size
  6490. value: Large
  6491. productId: 7239919
  6492. fulfillmentSku:
  6493. adjustment: false
  6494. upc:
  6495. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6496. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6497. - orderItemId: 128836913
  6498. lineItemKey:
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  6501. imageUrl:
  6502. weight:
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  6504. units: ounces
  6505. quantity: 1
  6506. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  6507. taxAmount:
  6508. shippingAmount:
  6509. warehouseLocation:
  6510. options: []
  6511. productId:
  6512. fulfillmentSku:
  6513. adjustment: true
  6514. upc:
  6515. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6516. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6517. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  6518. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  6519. taxAmount: 5
  6520. shippingAmount: 10
  6521. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  6522. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  6523. gift: true
  6524. giftMessage: Thank you!
  6525. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  6526. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  6527. carrierCode: fedex
  6528. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  6529. packageCode: package
  6530. confirmation: delivery
  6531. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  6532. holdUntilDate:
  6533. weight:
  6534. value: 48
  6535. units: ounces
  6536. dimensions:
  6537. units: inches
  6538. length: 7
  6539. width: 5
  6540. height: 6
  6541. insuranceOptions:
  6542. provider: carrier
  6543. insureShipment: true
  6544. insuredValue: 200
  6545. internationalOptions:
  6546. contents:
  6547. customsItems:
  6548. nonDelivery:
  6549. advancedOptions:
  6550. warehouseId: 24079
  6551. nonMachinable: false
  6552. saturdayDelivery: false
  6553. containsAlcohol: false
  6554. mergedOrSplit: false
  6555. mergedIds: []
  6556. parentId:
  6557. storeId: 26815
  6558. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  6559. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  6560. customField3:
  6561. source: Webstore
  6562. billToParty:
  6563. billToAccount:
  6564. billToPostalCode:
  6565. billToCountryCode:
  6566. tagIds:
  6567. userId:
  6568. externallyFulfilled: false
  6569. externallyFulfilledBy:
  6570. type: object
  6571. properties:
  6572. orderId:
  6573. description: ''
  6574. example: 94113592
  6575. type: integer
  6576. format: int32
  6577. orderNumber:
  6578. description: ''
  6579. example: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  6580. type: string
  6581. orderKey:
  6582. description: ''
  6583. example: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  6584. type: string
  6585. orderDate:
  6586. description: ''
  6587. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  6588. type: string
  6589. createDate:
  6590. description: ''
  6591. example: 7/16/2015 2:00:34 PM
  6592. type: string
  6593. modifyDate:
  6594. description: ''
  6595. example: 9/8/2015 11:03:12 AM
  6596. type: string
  6597. paymentDate:
  6598. description: ''
  6599. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  6600. type: string
  6601. shipByDate:
  6602. description: ''
  6603. example: 7/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
  6604. type: string
  6605. orderStatus:
  6606. description: ''
  6607. example: awaiting_shipment
  6608. type: string
  6609. customerId:
  6610. description: ''
  6611. example: 37701499
  6612. type: integer
  6613. format: int32
  6614. customerUsername:
  6615. description: ''
  6616. example:
  6617. type: string
  6618. customerEmail:
  6619. description: ''
  6620. example:
  6621. type: string
  6622. billTo:
  6623. description: ''
  6624. example:
  6625. name: The President
  6626. company:
  6627. street1:
  6628. street2:
  6629. street3:
  6630. city:
  6631. state:
  6632. postalCode:
  6633. country:
  6634. phone:
  6635. residential:
  6636. addressVerified:
  6637. type: object
  6638. shipTo:
  6639. description: ''
  6640. example:
  6641. name: The President
  6642. company: US Govt
  6643. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  6644. street2: Oval Office
  6645. street3:
  6646. city: Washington
  6647. state: DC
  6648. postalCode: 20500
  6649. country: US
  6650. phone: 555-555-5555
  6651. residential: false
  6652. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  6653. type: object
  6654. items:
  6655. description: ''
  6656. example:
  6657. - orderItemId: 128836912
  6658. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  6659. sku: ABC123
  6660. name: 'Test item #1'
  6661. imageUrl:
  6662. weight:
  6663. value: 24
  6664. units: ounces
  6665. quantity: 2
  6666. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  6667. taxAmount:
  6668. shippingAmount:
  6669. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  6670. options:
  6671. - name: Size
  6672. value: Large
  6673. productId: 7239919
  6674. fulfillmentSku:
  6675. adjustment: false
  6676. upc:
  6677. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6678. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6679. - orderItemId: 128836913
  6680. lineItemKey:
  6681. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  6682. name: 10% OFF
  6683. imageUrl:
  6684. weight:
  6685. value: 0
  6686. units: ounces
  6687. quantity: 1
  6688. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  6689. taxAmount:
  6690. shippingAmount:
  6691. warehouseLocation:
  6692. options: []
  6693. productId:
  6694. fulfillmentSku:
  6695. adjustment: true
  6696. upc:
  6697. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6698. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  6699. type: array
  6700. items:
  6701. type: object
  6702. orderTotal:
  6703. description: ''
  6704. example: 194.43000000000001
  6705. type: number
  6706. format: double
  6707. amountPaid:
  6708. description: ''
  6709. example: 218.72999999999999
  6710. type: number
  6711. format: double
  6712. taxAmount:
  6713. description: ''
  6714. example: 5
  6715. type: integer
  6716. format: int32
  6717. shippingAmount:
  6718. description: ''
  6719. example: 10
  6720. type: integer
  6721. format: int32
  6722. customerNotes:
  6723. description: ''
  6724. example: Thanks for ordering!
  6725. type: string
  6726. internalNotes:
  6727. description: ''
  6728. example: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  6729. type: string
  6730. gift:
  6731. description: ''
  6732. example: true
  6733. type: boolean
  6734. giftMessage:
  6735. description: ''
  6736. example: Thank you!
  6737. type: string
  6738. paymentMethod:
  6739. description: ''
  6740. example: Credit Card
  6741. type: string
  6742. requestedShippingService:
  6743. description: ''
  6744. example: Priority Mail
  6745. type: string
  6746. carrierCode:
  6747. description: ''
  6748. example: fedex
  6749. type: string
  6750. serviceCode:
  6751. description: ''
  6752. example: fedex_home_delivery
  6753. type: string
  6754. packageCode:
  6755. description: ''
  6756. example: package
  6757. type: string
  6758. confirmation:
  6759. description: ''
  6760. example: delivery
  6761. type: string
  6762. shipDate:
  6763. description: ''
  6764. example: 2015-07-02
  6765. type: string
  6766. holdUntilDate:
  6767. description: ''
  6768. type: string
  6769. weight:
  6770. description: ''
  6771. example:
  6772. value: 48
  6773. units: ounces
  6774. type: object
  6775. dimensions:
  6776. description: ''
  6777. example:
  6778. units: inches
  6779. length: 7
  6780. width: 5
  6781. height: 6
  6782. type: object
  6783. insuranceOptions:
  6784. description: ''
  6785. example:
  6786. provider: carrier
  6787. insureShipment: true
  6788. insuredValue: 200
  6789. type: object
  6790. internationalOptions:
  6791. description: ''
  6792. example:
  6793. contents:
  6794. customsItems:
  6795. nonDelivery:
  6796. type: object
  6797. advancedOptions:
  6798. description: ''
  6799. example:
  6800. warehouseId: 24079
  6801. nonMachinable: false
  6802. saturdayDelivery: false
  6803. containsAlcohol: false
  6804. mergedOrSplit: false
  6805. mergedIds: []
  6806. parentId:
  6807. storeId: 26815
  6808. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  6809. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  6810. customField3:
  6811. source: Webstore
  6812. billToParty:
  6813. billToAccount:
  6814. billToPostalCode:
  6815. billToCountryCode:
  6816. type: object
  6817. tagIds:
  6818. description: ''
  6819. type: string
  6820. userId:
  6821. description: ''
  6822. type: string
  6823. externallyFulfilled:
  6824. description: ''
  6825. example: false
  6826. type: boolean
  6827. externallyFulfilledBy:
  6828. description: ''
  6829. type: string
  6830. required:
  6831. - orderId
  6832. - orderNumber
  6833. - orderKey
  6834. - orderDate
  6835. - createDate
  6836. - modifyDate
  6837. - paymentDate
  6838. - shipByDate
  6839. - orderStatus
  6840. - customerId
  6841. - customerUsername
  6842. - customerEmail
  6843. - billTo
  6844. - shipTo
  6845. - items
  6846. - orderTotal
  6847. - amountPaid
  6848. - taxAmount
  6849. - shippingAmount
  6850. - customerNotes
  6851. - internalNotes
  6852. - gift
  6853. - giftMessage
  6854. - paymentMethod
  6855. - requestedShippingService
  6856. - carrierCode
  6857. - serviceCode
  6858. - packageCode
  6859. - confirmation
  6860. - shipDate
  6861. - holdUntilDate
  6862. - weight
  6863. - dimensions
  6864. - insuranceOptions
  6865. - internationalOptions
  6866. - advancedOptions
  6867. - tagIds
  6868. - userId
  6869. - externallyFulfilled
  6870. - externallyFulfilledBy
  6871. DeleteOrderResponse:
  6872. title: Delete Order response
  6873. example:
  6874. success: true
  6875. message: The requested order has been deleted.
  6876. type: object
  6877. properties:
  6878. success:
  6879. description: ''
  6880. example: true
  6881. type: boolean
  6882. message:
  6883. description: ''
  6884. example: The requested order has been deleted.
  6885. type: string
  6886. required:
  6887. - success
  6888. - message
  6889. AddTagToOrderRequest:
  6890. title: Add Tag to Order request
  6891. type: object
  6892. properties:
  6893. orderId:
  6894. description: ''
  6895. example: 123456
  6896. type: integer
  6897. format: int32
  6898. tagId:
  6899. description: ''
  6900. example: 1234
  6901. type: integer
  6902. format: int32
  6903. required:
  6904. - orderId
  6905. - tagId
  6906. AddTagToOrderResponse:
  6907. title: Add Tag to Order response
  6908. example:
  6909. success: true
  6910. message: Tag added successfully.
  6911. type: object
  6912. properties:
  6913. success:
  6914. description: ''
  6915. example: true
  6916. type: boolean
  6917. message:
  6918. description: ''
  6919. example: Tag added successfully.
  6920. type: string
  6921. required:
  6922. - success
  6923. - message
  6924. AssignUserToOrderRequest:
  6925. title: Assign User to Order request
  6926. type: object
  6927. properties:
  6928. orderIds:
  6929. description: ''
  6930. example:
  6931. - 123456789
  6932. - 12345679
  6933. type: array
  6934. items:
  6935. type: integer
  6936. format: int32
  6937. userId:
  6938. description: ''
  6939. example: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  6940. type: string
  6941. required:
  6942. - orderIds
  6943. - userId
  6944. AssignUserToOrderResponse:
  6945. title: Assign User to Order response
  6946. example:
  6947. success: true
  6948. message: User assigned successfully.
  6949. type: object
  6950. properties:
  6951. success:
  6952. description: ''
  6953. example: true
  6954. type: boolean
  6955. message:
  6956. description: ''
  6957. example: User assigned successfully.
  6958. type: string
  6959. required:
  6960. - success
  6961. - message
  6962. CreateLabelForOrderRequest:
  6963. title: Create Label for Order request
  6964. type: object
  6965. properties:
  6966. orderId:
  6967. description: ''
  6968. example: 93348442
  6969. type: integer
  6970. format: int32
  6971. carrierCode:
  6972. description: ''
  6973. example: fedex
  6974. type: string
  6975. serviceCode:
  6976. description: ''
  6977. example: fedex_2day
  6978. type: string
  6979. packageCode:
  6980. description: ''
  6981. example: package
  6982. type: string
  6983. confirmation:
  6984. description: ''
  6985. type: string
  6986. shipDate:
  6987. description: ''
  6988. example: 2014-04-03
  6989. type: string
  6990. weight:
  6991. description: ''
  6992. example:
  6993. value: 2
  6994. units: pounds
  6995. type: object
  6996. dimensions:
  6997. description: ''
  6998. type: string
  6999. insuranceOptions:
  7000. description: ''
  7001. type: string
  7002. internationalOptions:
  7003. description: ''
  7004. type: string
  7005. advancedOptions:
  7006. description: ''
  7007. type: string
  7008. testLabel:
  7009. description: ''
  7010. example: false
  7011. type: boolean
  7012. required:
  7013. - orderId
  7014. - carrierCode
  7015. - serviceCode
  7016. - packageCode
  7017. - confirmation
  7018. - shipDate
  7019. - weight
  7020. - dimensions
  7021. - insuranceOptions
  7022. - internationalOptions
  7023. - advancedOptions
  7024. - testLabel
  7025. CreateLabelForOrderResponse:
  7026. title: Create Label for Order response
  7027. example:
  7028. shipmentId: 72513480
  7029. shipmentCost: 7.2999999999999998
  7030. insuranceCost: 0
  7031. trackingNumber: 248201115029520
  7033. formData:
  7034. type: object
  7035. properties:
  7036. shipmentId:
  7037. description: ''
  7038. example: 72513480
  7039. type: integer
  7040. format: int32
  7041. shipmentCost:
  7042. description: ''
  7043. example: 7.2999999999999998
  7044. type: number
  7045. format: double
  7046. insuranceCost:
  7047. description: ''
  7048. example: 0
  7049. type: integer
  7050. format: int32
  7051. trackingNumber:
  7052. description: ''
  7053. example: 248201115029520
  7054. type: string
  7055. labelData:
  7056. description: ''
  7058. type: string
  7059. formData:
  7060. description: ''
  7061. type: string
  7062. required:
  7063. - shipmentId
  7064. - shipmentCost
  7065. - insuranceCost
  7066. - trackingNumber
  7067. - labelData
  7068. - formData
  7069. Create/updateOrderRequest:
  7070. title: Create/Update Order request
  7071. type: object
  7072. properties:
  7073. orderNumber:
  7074. description: ''
  7075. example: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  7076. type: string
  7077. orderKey:
  7078. description: ''
  7079. example: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  7080. type: string
  7081. orderDate:
  7082. description: ''
  7083. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7084. type: string
  7085. paymentDate:
  7086. description: ''
  7087. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7088. type: string
  7089. shipByDate:
  7090. description: ''
  7091. example: 7/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
  7092. type: string
  7093. orderStatus:
  7094. description: ''
  7095. example: awaiting_shipment
  7096. type: string
  7097. customerId:
  7098. description: ''
  7099. example: 37701499
  7100. type: integer
  7101. format: int32
  7102. customerUsername:
  7103. description: ''
  7104. example:
  7105. type: string
  7106. customerEmail:
  7107. description: ''
  7108. example:
  7109. type: string
  7110. billTo:
  7111. description: ''
  7112. example:
  7113. name: The President
  7114. company:
  7115. street1:
  7116. street2:
  7117. street3:
  7118. city:
  7119. state:
  7120. postalCode:
  7121. country:
  7122. phone:
  7123. residential:
  7124. type: object
  7125. shipTo:
  7126. description: ''
  7127. example:
  7128. name: The President
  7129. company: US Govt
  7130. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  7131. street2: Oval Office
  7132. street3:
  7133. city: Washington
  7134. state: DC
  7135. postalCode: 20500
  7136. country: US
  7137. phone: 555-555-5555
  7138. residential: true
  7139. type: object
  7140. items:
  7141. description: ''
  7142. example:
  7143. - lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  7144. sku: ABC123
  7145. name: 'Test item #1'
  7146. imageUrl:
  7147. weight:
  7148. value: 24
  7149. units: ounces
  7150. quantity: 2
  7151. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  7152. taxAmount: 2.5
  7153. shippingAmount: 5
  7154. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  7155. options:
  7156. - name: Size
  7157. value: Large
  7158. productId: 123456
  7159. fulfillmentSku:
  7160. adjustment: false
  7161. upc: 32-65-98
  7162. - lineItemKey:
  7163. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  7164. name: 10% OFF
  7165. imageUrl:
  7166. weight:
  7167. value: 0
  7168. units: ounces
  7169. quantity: 1
  7170. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  7171. taxAmount:
  7172. shippingAmount:
  7173. warehouseLocation:
  7174. options: []
  7175. productId: 123456
  7176. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  7177. adjustment: true
  7178. upc:
  7179. type: array
  7180. items:
  7181. type: object
  7182. amountPaid:
  7183. description: ''
  7184. example: 218.72999999999999
  7185. type: number
  7186. format: double
  7187. taxAmount:
  7188. description: ''
  7189. example: 5
  7190. type: integer
  7191. format: int32
  7192. shippingAmount:
  7193. description: ''
  7194. example: 10
  7195. type: integer
  7196. format: int32
  7197. customerNotes:
  7198. description: ''
  7199. example: Thanks for ordering!
  7200. type: string
  7201. internalNotes:
  7202. description: ''
  7203. example: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  7204. type: string
  7205. gift:
  7206. description: ''
  7207. example: true
  7208. type: boolean
  7209. giftMessage:
  7210. description: ''
  7211. example: Thank you!
  7212. type: string
  7213. paymentMethod:
  7214. description: ''
  7215. example: Credit Card
  7216. type: string
  7217. requestedShippingService:
  7218. description: ''
  7219. example: Priority Mail
  7220. type: string
  7221. carrierCode:
  7222. description: ''
  7223. example: fedex
  7224. type: string
  7225. serviceCode:
  7226. description: ''
  7227. example: fedex_2day
  7228. type: string
  7229. packageCode:
  7230. description: ''
  7231. example: package
  7232. type: string
  7233. confirmation:
  7234. description: ''
  7235. example: delivery
  7236. type: string
  7237. shipDate:
  7238. description: ''
  7239. example: 2015-07-02
  7240. type: string
  7241. weight:
  7242. description: ''
  7243. example:
  7244. value: 25
  7245. units: ounces
  7246. type: object
  7247. dimensions:
  7248. description: ''
  7249. example:
  7250. units: inches
  7251. length: 7
  7252. width: 5
  7253. height: 6
  7254. type: object
  7255. insuranceOptions:
  7256. description: ''
  7257. example:
  7258. provider: carrier
  7259. insureShipment: true
  7260. insuredValue: 200
  7261. type: object
  7262. internationalOptions:
  7263. description: ''
  7264. example:
  7265. contents:
  7266. customsItems:
  7267. type: object
  7268. advancedOptions:
  7269. description: ''
  7270. example:
  7271. warehouseId: 98765
  7272. nonMachinable: false
  7273. saturdayDelivery: false
  7274. containsAlcohol: false
  7275. mergedOrSplit: false
  7276. mergedIds: []
  7277. parentId:
  7278. storeId: 12345
  7279. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  7280. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  7281. customField3:
  7282. source: Webstore
  7283. billToParty:
  7284. billToAccount:
  7285. billToPostalCode:
  7286. billToCountryCode:
  7287. type: object
  7288. required:
  7289. - orderNumber
  7290. - orderKey
  7291. - orderDate
  7292. - paymentDate
  7293. - shipByDate
  7294. - orderStatus
  7295. - customerId
  7296. - customerUsername
  7297. - customerEmail
  7298. - billTo
  7299. - shipTo
  7300. - items
  7301. - amountPaid
  7302. - taxAmount
  7303. - shippingAmount
  7304. - customerNotes
  7305. - internalNotes
  7306. - gift
  7307. - giftMessage
  7308. - paymentMethod
  7309. - requestedShippingService
  7310. - carrierCode
  7311. - serviceCode
  7312. - packageCode
  7313. - confirmation
  7314. - shipDate
  7315. - weight
  7316. - dimensions
  7317. - insuranceOptions
  7318. - internationalOptions
  7319. - advancedOptions
  7320. Create/updateOrderResponse:
  7321. title: Create/Update Order response
  7322. example:
  7323. orderId: 140335319
  7324. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  7325. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  7326. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  7327. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7328. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7329. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  7330. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  7331. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  7332. customerId:
  7333. customerUsername:
  7334. customerEmail:
  7335. billTo:
  7336. name: The President
  7337. company:
  7338. street1:
  7339. street2:
  7340. street3:
  7341. city:
  7342. state:
  7343. postalCode:
  7344. country:
  7345. phone:
  7346. residential:
  7347. addressVerified:
  7348. shipTo:
  7349. name: The President
  7350. company: US Govt
  7351. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  7352. street2: Oval Office
  7353. street3:
  7354. city: Washington
  7355. state: DC
  7356. postalCode: 20500
  7357. country: US
  7358. phone: 555-555-5555
  7359. residential: false
  7360. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  7361. items:
  7362. - orderItemId: 192210956
  7363. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  7364. sku: ABC123
  7365. name: 'Test item #1'
  7366. imageUrl:
  7367. weight:
  7368. value: 24
  7369. units: ounces
  7370. quantity: 2
  7371. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  7372. taxAmount: 2.5
  7373. shippingAmount: 5
  7374. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  7375. options:
  7376. - name: Size
  7377. value: Large
  7378. productId:
  7379. fulfillmentSku:
  7380. adjustment: false
  7381. upc: 32-65-98
  7382. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7383. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7384. - orderItemId: 192210957
  7385. lineItemKey:
  7386. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  7387. name: 10% OFF
  7388. imageUrl:
  7389. weight:
  7390. value: 0
  7391. units: ounces
  7392. quantity: 1
  7393. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  7394. taxAmount:
  7395. shippingAmount:
  7396. warehouseLocation:
  7397. options: []
  7398. productId:
  7399. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  7400. adjustment: true
  7401. upc:
  7402. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7403. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7404. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  7405. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  7406. taxAmount: 5
  7407. shippingAmount: 10
  7408. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  7409. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  7410. gift: true
  7411. giftMessage: Thank you!
  7412. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  7413. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  7414. carrierCode: fedex
  7415. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  7416. packageCode: package
  7417. confirmation: delivery
  7418. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  7419. holdUntilDate:
  7420. weight:
  7421. value: 25
  7422. units: ounces
  7423. dimensions:
  7424. units: inches
  7425. length: 7
  7426. width: 5
  7427. height: 6
  7428. insuranceOptions:
  7429. provider: carrier
  7430. insureShipment: true
  7431. insuredValue: 200
  7432. internationalOptions:
  7433. contents:
  7434. customsItems:
  7435. nonDelivery:
  7436. advancedOptions:
  7437. warehouseId: 9876
  7438. nonMachinable: false
  7439. saturdayDelivery: false
  7440. containsAlcohol: false
  7441. mergedOrSplit: false
  7442. mergedIds: []
  7443. parentId:
  7444. storeId: 12345
  7445. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  7446. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  7447. customField3:
  7448. source: Webstore
  7449. billToParty:
  7450. billToAccount:
  7451. billToPostalCode:
  7452. billToCountryCode:
  7453. tagIds:
  7454. userId:
  7455. externallyFulfilled: false
  7456. externallyFulfilledBy:
  7457. type: object
  7458. properties:
  7459. orderId:
  7460. description: ''
  7461. example: 140335319
  7462. type: integer
  7463. format: int32
  7464. orderNumber:
  7465. description: ''
  7466. example: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  7467. type: string
  7468. orderKey:
  7469. description: ''
  7470. example: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  7471. type: string
  7472. orderDate:
  7473. description: ''
  7474. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7475. type: string
  7476. createDate:
  7477. description: ''
  7478. example: 2/16/2016 3:16:53 PM
  7479. type: string
  7480. modifyDate:
  7481. description: ''
  7482. example: 2/16/2016 3:16:53 PM
  7483. type: string
  7484. paymentDate:
  7485. description: ''
  7486. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7487. type: string
  7488. shipByDate:
  7489. description: ''
  7490. example: 7/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
  7491. type: string
  7492. orderStatus:
  7493. description: ''
  7494. example: awaiting_shipment
  7495. type: string
  7496. customerId:
  7497. description: ''
  7498. type: string
  7499. customerUsername:
  7500. description: ''
  7501. example:
  7502. type: string
  7503. customerEmail:
  7504. description: ''
  7505. example:
  7506. type: string
  7507. billTo:
  7508. description: ''
  7509. example:
  7510. name: The President
  7511. company:
  7512. street1:
  7513. street2:
  7514. street3:
  7515. city:
  7516. state:
  7517. postalCode:
  7518. country:
  7519. phone:
  7520. residential:
  7521. addressVerified:
  7522. type: object
  7523. shipTo:
  7524. description: ''
  7525. example:
  7526. name: The President
  7527. company: US Govt
  7528. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  7529. street2: Oval Office
  7530. street3:
  7531. city: Washington
  7532. state: DC
  7533. postalCode: 20500
  7534. country: US
  7535. phone: 555-555-5555
  7536. residential: false
  7537. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  7538. type: object
  7539. items:
  7540. description: ''
  7541. example:
  7542. - orderItemId: 192210956
  7543. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  7544. sku: ABC123
  7545. name: 'Test item #1'
  7546. imageUrl:
  7547. weight:
  7548. value: 24
  7549. units: ounces
  7550. quantity: 2
  7551. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  7552. taxAmount: 2.5
  7553. shippingAmount: 5
  7554. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  7555. options:
  7556. - name: Size
  7557. value: Large
  7558. productId:
  7559. fulfillmentSku:
  7560. adjustment: false
  7561. upc: 32-65-98
  7562. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7563. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7564. - orderItemId: 192210957
  7565. lineItemKey:
  7566. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  7567. name: 10% OFF
  7568. imageUrl:
  7569. weight:
  7570. value: 0
  7571. units: ounces
  7572. quantity: 1
  7573. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  7574. taxAmount:
  7575. shippingAmount:
  7576. warehouseLocation:
  7577. options: []
  7578. productId:
  7579. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  7580. adjustment: true
  7581. upc:
  7582. createDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7583. modifyDate: 2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000
  7584. type: array
  7585. items:
  7586. type: object
  7587. orderTotal:
  7588. description: ''
  7589. example: 194.43000000000001
  7590. type: number
  7591. format: double
  7592. amountPaid:
  7593. description: ''
  7594. example: 218.72999999999999
  7595. type: number
  7596. format: double
  7597. taxAmount:
  7598. description: ''
  7599. example: 5
  7600. type: integer
  7601. format: int32
  7602. shippingAmount:
  7603. description: ''
  7604. example: 10
  7605. type: integer
  7606. format: int32
  7607. customerNotes:
  7608. description: ''
  7609. example: Thanks for ordering!
  7610. type: string
  7611. internalNotes:
  7612. description: ''
  7613. example: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  7614. type: string
  7615. gift:
  7616. description: ''
  7617. example: true
  7618. type: boolean
  7619. giftMessage:
  7620. description: ''
  7621. example: Thank you!
  7622. type: string
  7623. paymentMethod:
  7624. description: ''
  7625. example: Credit Card
  7626. type: string
  7627. requestedShippingService:
  7628. description: ''
  7629. example: Priority Mail
  7630. type: string
  7631. carrierCode:
  7632. description: ''
  7633. example: fedex
  7634. type: string
  7635. serviceCode:
  7636. description: ''
  7637. example: fedex_2day
  7638. type: string
  7639. packageCode:
  7640. description: ''
  7641. example: package
  7642. type: string
  7643. confirmation:
  7644. description: ''
  7645. example: delivery
  7646. type: string
  7647. shipDate:
  7648. description: ''
  7649. example: 2015-07-02
  7650. type: string
  7651. holdUntilDate:
  7652. description: ''
  7653. type: string
  7654. weight:
  7655. description: ''
  7656. example:
  7657. value: 25
  7658. units: ounces
  7659. type: object
  7660. dimensions:
  7661. description: ''
  7662. example:
  7663. units: inches
  7664. length: 7
  7665. width: 5
  7666. height: 6
  7667. type: object
  7668. insuranceOptions:
  7669. description: ''
  7670. example:
  7671. provider: carrier
  7672. insureShipment: true
  7673. insuredValue: 200
  7674. type: object
  7675. internationalOptions:
  7676. description: ''
  7677. example:
  7678. contents:
  7679. customsItems:
  7680. nonDelivery:
  7681. type: object
  7682. advancedOptions:
  7683. description: ''
  7684. example:
  7685. warehouseId: 9876
  7686. nonMachinable: false
  7687. saturdayDelivery: false
  7688. containsAlcohol: false
  7689. mergedOrSplit: false
  7690. mergedIds: []
  7691. parentId:
  7692. storeId: 12345
  7693. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  7694. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  7695. customField3:
  7696. source: Webstore
  7697. billToParty:
  7698. billToAccount:
  7699. billToPostalCode:
  7700. billToCountryCode:
  7701. type: object
  7702. tagIds:
  7703. description: ''
  7704. type: string
  7705. userId:
  7706. description: ''
  7707. type: string
  7708. externallyFulfilled:
  7709. description: ''
  7710. example: false
  7711. type: boolean
  7712. externallyFulfilledBy:
  7713. description: ''
  7714. type: string
  7715. required:
  7716. - orderId
  7717. - orderNumber
  7718. - orderKey
  7719. - orderDate
  7720. - createDate
  7721. - modifyDate
  7722. - paymentDate
  7723. - shipByDate
  7724. - orderStatus
  7725. - customerId
  7726. - customerUsername
  7727. - customerEmail
  7728. - billTo
  7729. - shipTo
  7730. - items
  7731. - orderTotal
  7732. - amountPaid
  7733. - taxAmount
  7734. - shippingAmount
  7735. - customerNotes
  7736. - internalNotes
  7737. - gift
  7738. - giftMessage
  7739. - paymentMethod
  7740. - requestedShippingService
  7741. - carrierCode
  7742. - serviceCode
  7743. - packageCode
  7744. - confirmation
  7745. - shipDate
  7746. - holdUntilDate
  7747. - weight
  7748. - dimensions
  7749. - insuranceOptions
  7750. - internationalOptions
  7751. - advancedOptions
  7752. - tagIds
  7753. - userId
  7754. - externallyFulfilled
  7755. - externallyFulfilledBy
  7756. Create/updateMultipleOrdersRequest:
  7757. title: Create/Update Multiple Orders request
  7758. type: object
  7759. properties:
  7760. orderNumber:
  7761. description: ''
  7762. example: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  7763. type: string
  7764. orderKey:
  7765. description: ''
  7766. example: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  7767. type: string
  7768. orderDate:
  7769. description: ''
  7770. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7771. type: string
  7772. paymentDate:
  7773. description: ''
  7774. example: 6/29/2015 8:46:27 AM
  7775. type: string
  7776. shipByDate:
  7777. description: ''
  7778. example: 7/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
  7779. type: string
  7780. orderStatus:
  7781. description: ''
  7782. example: awaiting_shipment
  7783. type: string
  7784. customerId:
  7785. description: ''
  7786. example: 37701499
  7787. type: integer
  7788. format: int32
  7789. customerUsername:
  7790. description: ''
  7791. example:
  7792. type: string
  7793. customerEmail:
  7794. description: ''
  7795. example:
  7796. type: string
  7797. billTo:
  7798. description: ''
  7799. example:
  7800. name: The President
  7801. company:
  7802. street1:
  7803. street2:
  7804. street3:
  7805. city:
  7806. state:
  7807. postalCode:
  7808. country:
  7809. phone:
  7810. residential:
  7811. type: object
  7812. shipTo:
  7813. description: ''
  7814. example:
  7815. name: The President
  7816. company: US Govt
  7817. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  7818. street2: Oval Office
  7819. street3:
  7820. city: Washington
  7821. state: DC
  7822. postalCode: 20500
  7823. country: US
  7824. phone: 555-555-5555
  7825. residential: true
  7826. type: object
  7827. items:
  7828. description: ''
  7829. example:
  7830. - lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  7831. sku: ABC123
  7832. name: 'Test item #1'
  7833. imageUrl:
  7834. weight:
  7835. value: 24
  7836. units: ounces
  7837. quantity: 2
  7838. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  7839. taxAmount: 2.5
  7840. shippingAmount: 5
  7841. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  7842. options:
  7843. - name: Size
  7844. value: Large
  7845. productId: 123456
  7846. fulfillmentSku:
  7847. adjustment: false
  7848. upc: 32-65-98
  7849. - lineItemKey:
  7850. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  7851. name: 10% OFF
  7852. imageUrl:
  7853. weight:
  7854. value: 0
  7855. units: ounces
  7856. quantity: 1
  7857. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  7858. taxAmount:
  7859. shippingAmount:
  7860. warehouseLocation:
  7861. options: []
  7862. productId: 123456
  7863. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  7864. adjustment: true
  7865. upc:
  7866. type: array
  7867. items:
  7868. type: object
  7869. amountPaid:
  7870. description: ''
  7871. example: 218.72999999999999
  7872. type: number
  7873. format: double
  7874. taxAmount:
  7875. description: ''
  7876. example: 5
  7877. type: integer
  7878. format: int32
  7879. shippingAmount:
  7880. description: ''
  7881. example: 10
  7882. type: integer
  7883. format: int32
  7884. customerNotes:
  7885. description: ''
  7886. example: Thanks for ordering!
  7887. type: string
  7888. internalNotes:
  7889. description: ''
  7890. example: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  7891. type: string
  7892. gift:
  7893. description: ''
  7894. example: true
  7895. type: boolean
  7896. giftMessage:
  7897. description: ''
  7898. example: Thank you!
  7899. type: string
  7900. paymentMethod:
  7901. description: ''
  7902. example: Credit Card
  7903. type: string
  7904. requestedShippingService:
  7905. description: ''
  7906. example: Priority Mail
  7907. type: string
  7908. carrierCode:
  7909. description: ''
  7910. example: fedex
  7911. type: string
  7912. serviceCode:
  7913. description: ''
  7914. example: fedex_2day
  7915. type: string
  7916. packageCode:
  7917. description: ''
  7918. example: package
  7919. type: string
  7920. confirmation:
  7921. description: ''
  7922. example: delivery
  7923. type: string
  7924. shipDate:
  7925. description: ''
  7926. example: 2015-07-02
  7927. type: string
  7928. weight:
  7929. description: ''
  7930. example:
  7931. value: 25
  7932. units: ounces
  7933. type: object
  7934. dimensions:
  7935. description: ''
  7936. example:
  7937. units: inches
  7938. length: 7
  7939. width: 5
  7940. height: 6
  7941. type: object
  7942. insuranceOptions:
  7943. description: ''
  7944. example:
  7945. provider: carrier
  7946. insureShipment: true
  7947. insuredValue: 200
  7948. type: object
  7949. internationalOptions:
  7950. description: ''
  7951. example:
  7952. contents:
  7953. customsItems:
  7954. type: object
  7955. advancedOptions:
  7956. description: ''
  7957. example:
  7958. warehouseId: 98765
  7959. nonMachinable: false
  7960. saturdayDelivery: false
  7961. containsAlcohol: false
  7962. mergedOrSplit: false
  7963. mergedIds: []
  7964. parentId:
  7965. storeId: 12345
  7966. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  7967. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  7968. customField3:
  7969. source: Webstore
  7970. billToParty:
  7971. billToAccount:
  7972. billToPostalCode:
  7973. billToCountryCode:
  7974. type: object
  7975. required:
  7976. - orderNumber
  7977. - orderKey
  7978. - orderDate
  7979. - paymentDate
  7980. - shipByDate
  7981. - orderStatus
  7982. - customerId
  7983. - customerUsername
  7984. - customerEmail
  7985. - billTo
  7986. - shipTo
  7987. - items
  7988. - amountPaid
  7989. - taxAmount
  7990. - shippingAmount
  7991. - customerNotes
  7992. - internalNotes
  7993. - gift
  7994. - giftMessage
  7995. - paymentMethod
  7996. - requestedShippingService
  7997. - carrierCode
  7998. - serviceCode
  7999. - packageCode
  8000. - confirmation
  8001. - shipDate
  8002. - weight
  8003. - dimensions
  8004. - insuranceOptions
  8005. - internationalOptions
  8006. - advancedOptions
  8007. Create/updateMultipleOrdersResponse:
  8008. title: Create/Update Multiple Orders response
  8009. example:
  8010. hasErrors: false
  8011. results:
  8012. - orderId: 58345234
  8013. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  8014. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  8015. success: true
  8016. errorMessage:
  8017. type: object
  8018. properties:
  8019. hasErrors:
  8020. description: ''
  8021. example: false
  8022. type: boolean
  8023. results:
  8024. description: ''
  8025. example:
  8026. - orderId: 58345234
  8027. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  8028. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  8029. success: true
  8030. errorMessage:
  8031. type: array
  8032. items:
  8033. type: object
  8034. required:
  8035. - hasErrors
  8036. - results
  8037. HoldOrderUntilRequest:
  8038. title: Hold Order Until request
  8039. type: object
  8040. properties:
  8041. orderId:
  8042. description: ''
  8043. example: 1072467
  8044. type: integer
  8045. format: int32
  8046. holdUntilDate:
  8047. description: ''
  8048. example: 2014-12-01
  8049. type: string
  8050. required:
  8051. - orderId
  8052. - holdUntilDate
  8053. HoldOrderUntilResponse:
  8054. title: Hold Order Until response
  8055. example:
  8056. success: true
  8057. message: Order held successfully.
  8058. type: object
  8059. properties:
  8060. success:
  8061. description: ''
  8062. example: true
  8063. type: boolean
  8064. message:
  8065. description: ''
  8066. example: Order held successfully.
  8067. type: string
  8068. required:
  8069. - success
  8070. - message
  8071. ListOrdersW/oParametersResponse:
  8072. title: List Orders w/o parameters response
  8073. example:
  8074. orders:
  8075. - orderId: 987654321
  8076. orderNumber: Test-International-API-DOCS
  8077. orderKey: Test-International-API-DOCS
  8078. orderDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  8079. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8080. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000
  8081. paymentDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  8082. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  8083. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  8084. customerId: 63310475
  8085. customerUsername:
  8086. customerEmail:
  8087. billTo:
  8088. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8089. company:
  8090. street1:
  8091. street2:
  8092. street3:
  8093. city:
  8094. state:
  8095. postalCode:
  8096. country:
  8097. phone:
  8098. residential:
  8099. addressVerified:
  8100. shipTo:
  8101. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8102. company: ''
  8103. street1: 221 B Baker St
  8104. street2: ''
  8105. street3:
  8106. city: London
  8107. state: ''
  8108. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  8109. country: GB
  8110. phone:
  8111. residential: true
  8112. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  8113. items:
  8114. - orderItemId: 136282568
  8115. lineItemKey:
  8116. sku: Ele-1234
  8117. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8118. imageUrl:
  8119. weight:
  8120. value: 12
  8121. units: ounces
  8122. quantity: 2
  8123. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
  8124. taxAmount:
  8125. shippingAmount:
  8126. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  8127. options: []
  8128. productId: 11780610
  8129. fulfillmentSku: Ele-1234
  8130. adjustment: false
  8131. upc:
  8132. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8133. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8134. - orderItemId: 136282569
  8135. lineItemKey:
  8136. sku: CN-9876
  8137. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  8138. imageUrl:
  8139. weight:
  8140. value: 80
  8141. units: ounces
  8142. quantity: 1
  8143. unitPrice: 225
  8144. taxAmount:
  8145. shippingAmount:
  8146. warehouseLocation: Aisle 7, Bin 34
  8147. options: []
  8148. productId: 11780609
  8149. fulfillmentSku:
  8150. adjustment: false
  8151. upc:
  8152. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8153. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8154. orderTotal: 387.97000000000003
  8155. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  8156. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  8157. shippingAmount: 35
  8158. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  8159. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  8160. gift: false
  8161. giftMessage:
  8162. paymentMethod:
  8163. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
  8164. carrierCode: stamps_com
  8165. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  8166. packageCode: package
  8167. confirmation: delivery
  8168. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  8169. holdUntilDate:
  8170. weight:
  8171. value: 104
  8172. units: ounces
  8173. dimensions:
  8174. units: inches
  8175. length: 40
  8176. width: 7
  8177. height: 5
  8178. insuranceOptions:
  8179. provider:
  8180. insureShipment: false
  8181. insuredValue: 0
  8182. internationalOptions:
  8183. contents: merchandise
  8184. customsItems:
  8185. - customsItemId: 11558268
  8186. description: Fine White Oak Cane
  8187. quantity: 1
  8188. value: 225
  8189. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8190. countryOfOrigin: US
  8191. - customsItemId: 11558267
  8192. description: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8193. quantity: 2
  8194. value: 49.990000000000002
  8195. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8196. countryOfOrigin: US
  8197. nonDelivery: return_to_sender
  8198. advancedOptions:
  8199. warehouseId: 98765
  8200. nonMachinable: false
  8201. saturdayDelivery: false
  8202. containsAlcohol: false
  8203. mergedOrSplit: false
  8204. mergedIds: []
  8205. parentId:
  8206. storeId: 12345
  8207. customField1: 'SKU: CN-9876 x 1'
  8208. customField2: 'SKU: Ele-123 x 2'
  8209. customField3:
  8210. source:
  8211. billToParty:
  8212. billToAccount:
  8213. billToPostalCode:
  8214. billToCountryCode:
  8215. tagIds:
  8216. userId:
  8217. externallyFulfilled: false
  8218. externallyFulfilledBy:
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  8220. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  8221. orderKey: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
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  8223. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8224. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000
  8225. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  8226. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  8227. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  8228. customerId: 37701499
  8229. customerUsername:
  8230. customerEmail:
  8231. billTo:
  8232. name: The President
  8233. company:
  8234. street1:
  8235. street2:
  8236. street3:
  8237. city:
  8238. state:
  8239. postalCode:
  8240. country:
  8241. phone:
  8242. residential:
  8243. addressVerified:
  8244. shipTo:
  8245. name: The President
  8246. company: US Govt
  8247. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  8248. street2: Oval Office
  8249. street3:
  8250. city: Washington
  8251. state: DC
  8252. postalCode: 20500
  8253. country: US
  8254. phone: 555-555-5555
  8255. residential: false
  8256. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  8257. items:
  8258. - orderItemId: 128836912
  8259. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  8260. sku: ABC123
  8261. name: 'Test item #1'
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  8263. weight:
  8264. value: 24
  8265. units: ounces
  8266. quantity: 2
  8267. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  8268. taxAmount:
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  8271. options:
  8272. - name: Size
  8273. value: Large
  8274. productId: 7239919
  8275. fulfillmentSku:
  8276. adjustment: false
  8277. upc:
  8278. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8279. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8280. - orderItemId: 128836913
  8281. lineItemKey:
  8282. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  8283. name: 10% OFF
  8284. imageUrl:
  8285. weight:
  8286. value: 0
  8287. units: ounces
  8288. quantity: 1
  8289. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  8290. taxAmount:
  8291. shippingAmount:
  8292. warehouseLocation:
  8293. options: []
  8294. productId:
  8295. fulfillmentSku:
  8296. adjustment: true
  8297. upc:
  8298. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8299. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8300. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  8301. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  8302. taxAmount: 5
  8303. shippingAmount: 10
  8304. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  8305. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  8306. gift: true
  8307. giftMessage: Thank you!
  8308. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  8309. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  8310. carrierCode: fedex
  8311. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  8312. packageCode: package
  8313. confirmation: delivery
  8314. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  8315. holdUntilDate:
  8316. weight:
  8317. value: 48
  8318. units: ounces
  8319. dimensions:
  8320. units: inches
  8321. length: 7
  8322. width: 5
  8323. height: 6
  8324. insuranceOptions:
  8325. provider: carrier
  8326. insureShipment: true
  8327. insuredValue: 200
  8328. internationalOptions:
  8329. contents:
  8330. customsItems:
  8331. nonDelivery:
  8332. advancedOptions:
  8333. warehouseId: 98765
  8334. nonMachinable: false
  8335. saturdayDelivery: false
  8336. containsAlcohol: false
  8337. mergedOrSplit: false
  8338. mergedIds: []
  8339. parentId:
  8340. storeId: 12345
  8341. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  8342. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  8343. customField3:
  8344. source: Webstore
  8345. billToParty:
  8346. billToAccount:
  8347. billToPostalCode:
  8348. billToCountryCode:
  8349. tagIds:
  8350. userId:
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  8352. externallyFulfilledBy:
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  8355. pages: 0
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  8360. example:
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  8365. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8366. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000
  8367. paymentDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  8368. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  8369. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  8370. customerId: 63310475
  8371. customerUsername:
  8372. customerEmail:
  8373. billTo:
  8374. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8375. company:
  8376. street1:
  8377. street2:
  8378. street3:
  8379. city:
  8380. state:
  8381. postalCode:
  8382. country:
  8383. phone:
  8384. residential:
  8385. addressVerified:
  8386. shipTo:
  8387. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8388. company: ''
  8389. street1: 221 B Baker St
  8390. street2: ''
  8391. street3:
  8392. city: London
  8393. state: ''
  8394. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  8395. country: GB
  8396. phone:
  8397. residential: true
  8398. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  8399. items:
  8400. - orderItemId: 136282568
  8401. lineItemKey:
  8402. sku: Ele-1234
  8403. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8404. imageUrl:
  8405. weight:
  8406. value: 12
  8407. units: ounces
  8408. quantity: 2
  8409. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
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  8411. shippingAmount:
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  8413. options: []
  8414. productId: 11780610
  8415. fulfillmentSku: Ele-1234
  8416. adjustment: false
  8417. upc:
  8418. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8419. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8420. - orderItemId: 136282569
  8421. lineItemKey:
  8422. sku: CN-9876
  8423. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  8424. imageUrl:
  8425. weight:
  8426. value: 80
  8427. units: ounces
  8428. quantity: 1
  8429. unitPrice: 225
  8430. taxAmount:
  8431. shippingAmount:
  8432. warehouseLocation: Aisle 7, Bin 34
  8433. options: []
  8434. productId: 11780609
  8435. fulfillmentSku:
  8436. adjustment: false
  8437. upc:
  8438. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8439. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8440. orderTotal: 387.97000000000003
  8441. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  8442. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  8443. shippingAmount: 35
  8444. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  8445. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  8446. gift: false
  8447. giftMessage:
  8448. paymentMethod:
  8449. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
  8450. carrierCode: stamps_com
  8451. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  8452. packageCode: package
  8453. confirmation: delivery
  8454. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  8455. holdUntilDate:
  8456. weight:
  8457. value: 104
  8458. units: ounces
  8459. dimensions:
  8460. units: inches
  8461. length: 40
  8462. width: 7
  8463. height: 5
  8464. insuranceOptions:
  8465. provider:
  8466. insureShipment: false
  8467. insuredValue: 0
  8468. internationalOptions:
  8469. contents: merchandise
  8470. customsItems:
  8471. - customsItemId: 11558268
  8472. description: Fine White Oak Cane
  8473. quantity: 1
  8474. value: 225
  8475. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8476. countryOfOrigin: US
  8477. - customsItemId: 11558267
  8478. description: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8479. quantity: 2
  8480. value: 49.990000000000002
  8481. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8482. countryOfOrigin: US
  8483. nonDelivery: return_to_sender
  8484. advancedOptions:
  8485. warehouseId: 98765
  8486. nonMachinable: false
  8487. saturdayDelivery: false
  8488. containsAlcohol: false
  8489. mergedOrSplit: false
  8490. mergedIds: []
  8491. parentId:
  8492. storeId: 12345
  8493. customField1: 'SKU: CN-9876 x 1'
  8494. customField2: 'SKU: Ele-123 x 2'
  8495. customField3:
  8496. source:
  8497. billToParty:
  8498. billToAccount:
  8499. billToPostalCode:
  8500. billToCountryCode:
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  8502. userId:
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  8504. externallyFulfilledBy:
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  8507. orderKey: 0f6bec18-9-4771-83aa-f392d84f4c74
  8508. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  8509. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8510. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:21:59.4430000
  8511. paymentDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  8512. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  8513. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  8514. customerId: 37701499
  8515. customerUsername:
  8516. customerEmail:
  8517. billTo:
  8518. name: The President
  8519. company:
  8520. street1:
  8521. street2:
  8522. street3:
  8523. city:
  8524. state:
  8525. postalCode:
  8526. country:
  8527. phone:
  8528. residential:
  8529. addressVerified:
  8530. shipTo:
  8531. name: The President
  8532. company: US Govt
  8533. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  8534. street2: Oval Office
  8535. street3:
  8536. city: Washington
  8537. state: DC
  8538. postalCode: 20500
  8539. country: US
  8540. phone: 555-555-5555
  8541. residential: false
  8542. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  8543. items:
  8544. - orderItemId: 128836912
  8545. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  8546. sku: ABC123
  8547. name: 'Test item #1'
  8548. imageUrl:
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  8550. value: 24
  8551. units: ounces
  8552. quantity: 2
  8553. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  8554. taxAmount:
  8555. shippingAmount:
  8556. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  8557. options:
  8558. - name: Size
  8559. value: Large
  8560. productId: 7239919
  8561. fulfillmentSku:
  8562. adjustment: false
  8563. upc:
  8564. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8565. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8566. - orderItemId: 128836913
  8567. lineItemKey:
  8568. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  8569. name: 10% OFF
  8570. imageUrl:
  8571. weight:
  8572. value: 0
  8573. units: ounces
  8574. quantity: 1
  8575. unitPrice: -20.550000000000001
  8576. taxAmount:
  8577. shippingAmount:
  8578. warehouseLocation:
  8579. options: []
  8580. productId:
  8581. fulfillmentSku:
  8582. adjustment: true
  8583. upc:
  8584. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8585. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  8586. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  8587. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  8588. taxAmount: 5
  8589. shippingAmount: 10
  8590. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  8591. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  8592. gift: true
  8593. giftMessage: Thank you!
  8594. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  8595. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  8596. carrierCode: fedex
  8597. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  8598. packageCode: package
  8599. confirmation: delivery
  8600. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  8601. holdUntilDate:
  8602. weight:
  8603. value: 48
  8604. units: ounces
  8605. dimensions:
  8606. units: inches
  8607. length: 7
  8608. width: 5
  8609. height: 6
  8610. insuranceOptions:
  8611. provider: carrier
  8612. insureShipment: true
  8613. insuredValue: 200
  8614. internationalOptions:
  8615. contents:
  8616. customsItems:
  8617. nonDelivery:
  8618. advancedOptions:
  8619. warehouseId: 98765
  8620. nonMachinable: false
  8621. saturdayDelivery: false
  8622. containsAlcohol: false
  8623. mergedOrSplit: false
  8624. mergedIds: []
  8625. parentId:
  8626. storeId: 12345
  8627. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  8628. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  8629. customField3:
  8630. source: Webstore
  8631. billToParty:
  8632. billToAccount:
  8633. billToPostalCode:
  8634. billToCountryCode:
  8635. tagIds:
  8636. userId:
  8637. externallyFulfilled: false
  8638. externallyFulfilledBy:
  8639. type: array
  8640. items:
  8641. type: object
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  8645. type: integer
  8646. format: int32
  8647. page:
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  8650. type: integer
  8651. format: int32
  8652. pages:
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  8654. example: 0
  8655. type: integer
  8656. format: int32
  8657. required:
  8658. - orders
  8659. - total
  8660. - page
  8661. - pages
  8662. OrderStatus:
  8663. title: orderStatus
  8664. example: awaiting_payment
  8665. x-enum-elements:
  8666. - name: awaiting_payment
  8667. description: ''
  8668. - name: awaiting_shipment
  8669. description: ''
  8670. - name: pending_fulfillment
  8671. description: ''
  8672. - name: shipped
  8673. description: ''
  8674. - name: on_hold
  8675. description: ''
  8676. - name: cancelled
  8677. description: ''
  8678. type: string
  8679. enum:
  8680. - awaiting_payment
  8681. - awaiting_shipment
  8682. - pending_fulfillment
  8683. - shipped
  8684. - on_hold
  8685. - cancelled
  8686. SortBy33:
  8687. title: sortBy33
  8688. example: OrderDate
  8689. x-enum-elements:
  8690. - name: OrderDate
  8691. description: ''
  8692. - name: ModifyDate
  8693. description: ''
  8694. - name: CreateDate
  8695. description: ''
  8696. type: string
  8697. enum:
  8698. - OrderDate
  8699. - ModifyDate
  8700. - CreateDate
  8701. ListOrdersWithParametersResponse:
  8702. title: List Orders with parameters response
  8703. example:
  8704. orders:
  8705. - orderId: 987654321
  8706. orderNumber: Test-International-API-DOCS
  8707. orderKey: Test-International-API-DOCS
  8708. orderDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  8709. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8710. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:16.4800000
  8711. paymentDate: 2015-06-28T17:46:27.0000000
  8712. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  8713. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  8714. customerId: 63310475
  8715. customerUsername:
  8716. customerEmail:
  8717. billTo:
  8718. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8719. company:
  8720. street1:
  8721. street2:
  8722. street3:
  8723. city:
  8724. state:
  8725. postalCode:
  8726. country:
  8727. phone:
  8728. residential:
  8729. addressVerified:
  8730. shipTo:
  8731. name: Sherlock Holmes
  8732. company: ''
  8733. street1: 221 B Baker St
  8734. street2: ''
  8735. street3:
  8736. city: London
  8737. state: ''
  8738. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  8739. country: GB
  8740. phone:
  8741. residential: true
  8742. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  8743. items:
  8744. - orderItemId: 136282568
  8745. lineItemKey:
  8746. sku: Ele-1234
  8747. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8748. imageUrl:
  8749. weight:
  8750. value: 12
  8751. units: ounces
  8752. quantity: 2
  8753. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
  8754. taxAmount:
  8755. shippingAmount:
  8756. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  8757. options: []
  8758. productId: 11780610
  8759. fulfillmentSku: Ele-1234
  8760. adjustment: false
  8761. upc:
  8762. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8763. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8764. - orderItemId: 136282569
  8765. lineItemKey:
  8766. sku: CN-9876
  8767. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  8768. imageUrl:
  8769. weight:
  8770. value: 80
  8771. units: ounces
  8772. quantity: 1
  8773. unitPrice: 225
  8774. taxAmount:
  8775. shippingAmount:
  8776. warehouseLocation: Aisle 7, Bin 34
  8777. options: []
  8778. productId: 11780609
  8779. fulfillmentSku:
  8780. adjustment: false
  8781. upc:
  8782. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8783. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  8784. orderTotal: 387.97000000000003
  8785. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  8786. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  8787. shippingAmount: 35
  8788. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  8789. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  8790. gift: false
  8791. giftMessage:
  8792. paymentMethod:
  8793. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
  8794. carrierCode: stamps_com
  8795. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  8796. packageCode: package
  8797. confirmation: delivery
  8798. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  8799. holdUntilDate:
  8800. weight:
  8801. value: 104
  8802. units: ounces
  8803. dimensions:
  8804. units: inches
  8805. length: 40
  8806. width: 7
  8807. height: 5
  8808. insuranceOptions:
  8809. provider:
  8810. insureShipment: false
  8811. insuredValue: 0
  8812. internationalOptions:
  8813. contents: merchandise
  8814. customsItems:
  8815. - customsItemId: 11558268
  8816. description: Fine White Oak Cane
  8817. quantity: 1
  8818. value: 225
  8819. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8820. countryOfOrigin: US
  8821. - customsItemId: 11558267
  8822. description: Elementary Disguise Kit
  8823. quantity: 2
  8824. value: 49.990000000000002
  8825. harmonizedTariffCode:
  8826. countryOfOrigin: US
  8827. nonDelivery: return_to_sender
  8828. advancedOptions:
  8829. warehouseId: 98765
  8830. nonMachinable: false
  8831. saturdayDelivery: false
  8832. containsAlcohol: false
  8833. mergedOrSplit: false
  8834. mergedIds: []
  8835. parentId:
  8836. storeId: 12345
  8837. customField1: 'SKU: CN-9876 x 1'
  8838. customField2: 'SKU: Ele-123 x 2'
  8839. customField3:
  8840. source:
  8841. billToParty:
  8842. billToAccount:
  8843. billToPostalCode:
  8844. billToCountryCode:
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  8853. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
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  8863. company:
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  8872. residential:
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  8874. shipTo:
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  8876. company: US Govt
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  8878. street2: Oval Office
  8879. street3:
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  8881. state: DC
  8882. postalCode: 20500
  8883. country: US
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  8885. residential: false
  8886. addressVerified: Address validation warning
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  8905. fulfillmentSku:
  8906. adjustment: false
  8907. upc:
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  8927. upc:
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  8934. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  8935. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  8936. gift: true
  8937. giftMessage: Thank you!
  8938. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  8939. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  8940. carrierCode: fedex
  8941. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  8942. packageCode: package
  8943. confirmation: delivery
  8944. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  8945. holdUntilDate:
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  8971. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  8972. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  8973. customField3:
  8974. source: Webstore
  8975. billToParty:
  8976. billToAccount:
  8977. billToPostalCode:
  8978. billToCountryCode:
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  9001. customerUsername:
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  9007. street2:
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  9011. postalCode:
  9012. country:
  9013. phone:
  9014. residential:
  9015. addressVerified:
  9016. shipTo:
  9017. name: Sherlock Holmes
  9018. company: ''
  9019. street1: 221 B Baker St
  9020. street2: ''
  9021. street3:
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  9023. state: ''
  9024. postalCode: NW1 6XE
  9025. country: GB
  9026. phone:
  9027. residential: true
  9028. addressVerified: Address not yet validated
  9029. items:
  9030. - orderItemId: 136282568
  9031. lineItemKey:
  9032. sku: Ele-1234
  9033. name: Elementary Disguise Kit
  9034. imageUrl:
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  9036. value: 12
  9037. units: ounces
  9038. quantity: 2
  9039. unitPrice: 49.990000000000002
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  9041. shippingAmount:
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  9043. options: []
  9044. productId: 11780610
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  9046. adjustment: false
  9047. upc:
  9048. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  9049. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
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  9051. lineItemKey:
  9052. sku: CN-9876
  9053. name: Fine White Oak Cane
  9054. imageUrl:
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  9056. value: 80
  9057. units: ounces
  9058. quantity: 1
  9059. unitPrice: 225
  9060. taxAmount:
  9061. shippingAmount:
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  9063. options: []
  9064. productId: 11780609
  9065. fulfillmentSku:
  9066. adjustment: false
  9067. upc:
  9068. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
  9069. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:24:14.7800000
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  9071. amountPaid: 412.97000000000003
  9072. taxAmount: 27.989999999999998
  9073. shippingAmount: 35
  9074. customerNotes: Please be careful when packing the disguise kits in with the cane.
  9075. internalNotes: Mr. Holmes called to upgrade his shipping to expedited
  9076. gift: false
  9077. giftMessage:
  9078. paymentMethod:
  9079. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail Int
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  9081. serviceCode: usps_priority_mail_international
  9082. packageCode: package
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  9084. shipDate: 2015-04-25
  9085. holdUntilDate:
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  9089. dimensions:
  9090. units: inches
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  9095. provider:
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  9097. insuredValue: 0
  9098. internationalOptions:
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  9104. value: 225
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  9130. billToCountryCode:
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  9164. street2: Oval Office
  9165. street3:
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  9167. state: DC
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  9171. residential: false
  9172. addressVerified: Address validation warning
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  9181. units: ounces
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  9191. fulfillmentSku:
  9192. adjustment: false
  9193. upc:
  9194. createDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
  9195. modifyDate: 2015-07-16T14:00:34.8230000
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  9210. productId:
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  9212. adjustment: true
  9213. upc:
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  9221. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  9222. gift: true
  9223. giftMessage: Thank you!
  9224. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  9225. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  9226. carrierCode: fedex
  9227. serviceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  9228. packageCode: package
  9229. confirmation: delivery
  9230. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  9231. holdUntilDate:
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  9243. insuredValue: 200
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  9257. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  9258. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  9259. customField3:
  9260. source: Webstore
  9261. billToParty:
  9262. billToAccount:
  9263. billToPostalCode:
  9264. billToCountryCode:
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  9266. userId:
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  9288. - orders
  9289. - total
  9290. - page
  9291. - pages
  9292. ListOrdersByTagResponse:
  9293. title: List Orders by Tag response
  9294. example:
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  9297. orderNumber: TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS
  9298. orderKey: 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74
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  9303. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
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  9307. customerEmail:
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  9317. country:
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  9319. residential:
  9320. addressVerified:
  9321. shipTo:
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  9323. company: US Govt
  9324. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  9325. street2: Oval Office
  9326. street3:
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  9328. state: DC
  9329. postalCode: 20500
  9330. country: US
  9331. phone: 555-555-5555
  9332. residential: false
  9333. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  9334. items:
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  9336. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  9337. sku: ABC123
  9338. name: 'Test item #1'
  9339. imageUrl:
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  9341. value: 24
  9342. units: ounces
  9343. quantity: 2
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  9348. options:
  9349. - name: Size
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  9351. productId: 7239919
  9352. fulfillmentSku:
  9353. adjustment: false
  9354. upc: 32-65-98
  9355. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9356. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
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  9364. units: ounces
  9365. quantity: 1
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  9370. options: []
  9371. productId:
  9372. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  9373. adjustment: true
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  9376. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
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  9378. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  9379. taxAmount: 5
  9380. shippingAmount: 10
  9381. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  9382. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  9383. gift: true
  9384. giftMessage: Thank you!
  9385. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  9386. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  9387. carrierCode: fedex
  9388. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  9389. packageCode: package
  9390. confirmation: delivery
  9391. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  9392. holdUntilDate:
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  9395. units: ounces
  9396. dimensions:
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  9398. length: 7
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  9402. provider: carrier
  9403. insureShipment: true
  9404. insuredValue: 200
  9405. internationalOptions:
  9406. contents:
  9407. customsItems:
  9408. nonDelivery:
  9409. advancedOptions:
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  9411. nonMachinable: false
  9412. saturdayDelivery: false
  9413. containsAlcohol: false
  9414. mergedOrSplit: false
  9415. mergedIds: []
  9416. parentId:
  9417. storeId: 12345
  9418. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  9419. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  9420. customField3:
  9421. source: Webstore
  9422. billToParty:
  9423. billToAccount:
  9424. billToPostalCode:
  9425. billToCountryCode:
  9426. tagIds:
  9427. - 831
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  9430. externallyFulfilledBy:
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  9434. type: object
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  9438. example:
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  9442. orderDate: 2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000
  9443. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9444. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:12.5500000
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  9446. shipByDate: 2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000
  9447. orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
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  9450. customerEmail:
  9451. billTo:
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  9453. company:
  9454. street1:
  9455. street2:
  9456. street3:
  9457. city:
  9458. state:
  9459. postalCode:
  9460. country:
  9461. phone:
  9462. residential:
  9463. addressVerified:
  9464. shipTo:
  9465. name: The President
  9466. company: US Govt
  9467. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  9468. street2: Oval Office
  9469. street3:
  9470. city: Washington
  9471. state: DC
  9472. postalCode: 20500
  9473. country: US
  9474. phone: 555-555-5555
  9475. residential: false
  9476. addressVerified: Address validation warning
  9477. items:
  9478. - orderItemId: 136289188
  9479. lineItemKey: vd08-MSLbtx
  9480. sku: ABC123
  9481. name: 'Test item #1'
  9482. imageUrl:
  9483. weight:
  9484. value: 24
  9485. units: ounces
  9486. quantity: 2
  9487. unitPrice: 99.989999999999995
  9488. taxAmount: 2.5
  9489. shippingAmount: 5
  9490. warehouseLocation: Aisle 1, Bin 7
  9491. options:
  9492. - name: Size
  9493. value: Large
  9494. productId: 7239919
  9495. fulfillmentSku:
  9496. adjustment: false
  9497. upc: 32-65-98
  9498. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9499. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9500. - orderItemId: 136289189
  9501. lineItemKey:
  9502. sku: DISCOUNT CODE
  9503. name: 10% OFF
  9504. imageUrl:
  9505. weight:
  9506. value: 0
  9507. units: ounces
  9508. quantity: 1
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  9510. taxAmount:
  9511. shippingAmount:
  9512. warehouseLocation:
  9513. options: []
  9514. productId:
  9515. fulfillmentSku: SKU-Discount
  9516. adjustment: true
  9517. upc:
  9518. createDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9519. modifyDate: 2015-08-17T09:43:03.0500000
  9520. orderTotal: 194.43000000000001
  9521. amountPaid: 218.72999999999999
  9522. taxAmount: 5
  9523. shippingAmount: 10
  9524. customerNotes: Thanks for ordering!
  9525. internalNotes: Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping
  9526. gift: true
  9527. giftMessage: Thank you!
  9528. paymentMethod: Credit Card
  9529. requestedShippingService: Priority Mail
  9530. carrierCode: fedex
  9531. serviceCode: fedex_2day
  9532. packageCode: package
  9533. confirmation: delivery
  9534. shipDate: 2015-07-02
  9535. holdUntilDate:
  9536. weight:
  9537. value: 48
  9538. units: ounces
  9539. dimensions:
  9540. units: inches
  9541. length: 7
  9542. width: 5
  9543. height: 6
  9544. insuranceOptions:
  9545. provider: carrier
  9546. insureShipment: true
  9547. insuredValue: 200
  9548. internationalOptions:
  9549. contents:
  9550. customsItems:
  9551. nonDelivery:
  9552. advancedOptions:
  9553. warehouseId: 98765
  9554. nonMachinable: false
  9555. saturdayDelivery: false
  9556. containsAlcohol: false
  9557. mergedOrSplit: false
  9558. mergedIds: []
  9559. parentId:
  9560. storeId: 12345
  9561. customField1: 'Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!'
  9562. customField2: Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below
  9563. customField3:
  9564. source: Webstore
  9565. billToParty:
  9566. billToAccount:
  9567. billToPostalCode:
  9568. billToCountryCode:
  9569. tagIds:
  9570. - 831
  9571. userId: b854f701-e0c2-4156-90fe-19c77cdef27c
  9572. externallyFulfilled: false
  9573. externallyFulfilledBy:
  9574. type: array
  9575. items:
  9576. type: object
  9577. total:
  9578. description: ''
  9579. example: 1
  9580. type: integer
  9581. format: int32
  9582. page:
  9583. description: ''
  9584. example: 1
  9585. type: integer
  9586. format: int32
  9587. pages:
  9588. description: ''
  9589. example: 1
  9590. type: integer
  9591. format: int32
  9592. required:
  9593. - orders
  9594. - total
  9595. - page
  9596. - pages
  9597. MarkAnOrderAsShippedRequest:
  9598. title: Mark an Order as Shipped request
  9599. type: object
  9600. properties:
  9601. orderId:
  9602. description: ''
  9603. example: 93348442
  9604. type: integer
  9605. format: int32
  9606. carrierCode:
  9607. description: ''
  9608. example: usps
  9609. type: string
  9610. shipDate:
  9611. description: ''
  9612. example: 2014-04-01
  9613. type: string
  9614. trackingNumber:
  9615. description: ''
  9616. example: 913492493294329421
  9617. type: string
  9618. notifyCustomer:
  9619. description: ''
  9620. example: true
  9621. type: boolean
  9622. notifySalesChannel:
  9623. description: ''
  9624. example: true
  9625. type: boolean
  9626. required:
  9627. - orderId
  9628. - carrierCode
  9629. - shipDate
  9630. - trackingNumber
  9631. - notifyCustomer
  9632. - notifySalesChannel
  9633. MarkAnOrderAsShippedResponse:
  9634. title: Mark an Order as Shipped response
  9635. example:
  9636. orderId: 123456789
  9637. orderNumber: ABC123
  9638. type: object
  9639. properties:
  9640. orderId:
  9641. description: ''
  9642. example: 123456789
  9643. type: integer
  9644. format: int32
  9645. orderNumber:
  9646. description: ''
  9647. example: ABC123
  9648. type: string
  9649. required:
  9650. - orderId
  9651. - orderNumber
  9652. RemoveTagFromOrderRequest:
  9653. title: Remove Tag from Order request
  9654. type: object
  9655. properties:
  9656. orderId:
  9657. description: ''
  9658. example: 123456
  9659. type: integer
  9660. format: int32
  9661. tagId:
  9662. description: ''
  9663. example: 1234
  9664. type: integer
  9665. format: int32
  9666. required:
  9667. - orderId
  9668. - tagId
  9669. RemoveTagFromOrderResponse:
  9670. title: Remove Tag from Order response
  9671. example:
  9672. success: true
  9673. message: Tag removed successfully.
  9674. type: object
  9675. properties:
  9676. success:
  9677. description: ''
  9678. example: true
  9679. type: boolean
  9680. message:
  9681. description: ''
  9682. example: Tag removed successfully.
  9683. type: string
  9684. required:
  9685. - success
  9686. - message
  9687. RestoreOrderFromOnHoldRequest:
  9688. title: Restore Order from On Hold request
  9689. type: object
  9690. properties:
  9691. orderId:
  9692. description: ''
  9693. example: 1234567
  9694. type: integer
  9695. format: int32
  9696. required:
  9697. - orderId
  9698. RestoreOrderFromOnHoldResponse:
  9699. title: Restore Order from On Hold response
  9700. example:
  9701. success: true
  9702. message: The requested order has been restored
  9703. type: object
  9704. properties:
  9705. success:
  9706. description: ''
  9707. example: true
  9708. type: boolean
  9709. message:
  9710. description: ''
  9711. example: The requested order has been restored
  9712. type: string
  9713. required:
  9714. - success
  9715. - message
  9716. UnassignUserFromOrderRequest:
  9717. title: Unassign User from Order request
  9718. type: object
  9719. properties:
  9720. orderIds:
  9721. description: ''
  9722. example:
  9723. - 123456789
  9724. - 12345679
  9725. type: array
  9726. items:
  9727. type: integer
  9728. format: int32
  9729. required:
  9730. - orderIds
  9731. UnassignUserFromOrderResponse:
  9732. title: Unassign User from Order response
  9733. example:
  9734. success: true
  9735. message: User unassigned successfully.
  9736. type: object
  9737. properties:
  9738. success:
  9739. description: ''
  9740. example: true
  9741. type: boolean
  9742. message:
  9743. description: ''
  9744. example: User unassigned successfully.
  9745. type: string
  9746. required:
  9747. - success
  9748. - message
  9749. GetProductResponse:
  9750. title: Get Product response
  9751. example:
  9752. aliases:
  9753. productId: 12345678
  9754. sku: 1004
  9755. name: Coffee Mug
  9756. price: 26
  9757. defaultCost: 0
  9758. length: 3
  9759. width: 3
  9760. height: 3
  9761. weightOz: 26
  9762. internalNotes:
  9763. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  9764. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  9765. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  9766. active: true
  9767. productCategory:
  9768. categoryId: 9999
  9769. name: Door Closers
  9770. productType:
  9771. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  9772. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  9773. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  9774. defaultPackageCode: package
  9775. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  9776. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  9777. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  9778. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  9779. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  9780. customsDescription:
  9781. customsValue:
  9782. customsTariffNo:
  9783. customsCountryCode:
  9784. noCustoms:
  9785. tags:
  9786. - tagId: 9180
  9787. name: APItest
  9788. type: object
  9789. properties:
  9790. aliases:
  9791. description: ''
  9792. type: string
  9793. productId:
  9794. description: ''
  9795. example: 12345678
  9796. type: integer
  9797. format: int32
  9798. sku:
  9799. description: ''
  9800. example: 1004
  9801. type: string
  9802. name:
  9803. description: ''
  9804. example: Coffee Mug
  9805. type: string
  9806. price:
  9807. description: ''
  9808. example: 26
  9809. type: integer
  9810. format: int32
  9811. defaultCost:
  9812. description: ''
  9813. example: 0
  9814. type: integer
  9815. format: int32
  9816. length:
  9817. description: ''
  9818. example: 3
  9819. type: integer
  9820. format: int32
  9821. width:
  9822. description: ''
  9823. example: 3
  9824. type: integer
  9825. format: int32
  9826. height:
  9827. description: ''
  9828. example: 3
  9829. type: integer
  9830. format: int32
  9831. weightOz:
  9832. description: ''
  9833. example: 26
  9834. type: integer
  9835. format: int32
  9836. internalNotes:
  9837. description: ''
  9838. type: string
  9839. fulfillmentSku:
  9840. description: ''
  9841. example: F1004
  9842. type: string
  9843. createDate:
  9844. description: ''
  9845. example: 9/4/2014 9:18:01 AM
  9846. type: string
  9847. modifyDate:
  9848. description: ''
  9849. example: 9/18/2014 12:38:43 PM
  9850. type: string
  9851. active:
  9852. description: ''
  9853. example: true
  9854. type: boolean
  9855. productCategory:
  9856. description: ''
  9857. example:
  9858. categoryId: 9999
  9859. name: Door Closers
  9860. type: object
  9861. productType:
  9862. description: ''
  9863. type: string
  9864. warehouseLocation:
  9865. description: ''
  9866. example: Bin 22
  9867. type: string
  9868. defaultCarrierCode:
  9869. description: ''
  9870. example: fedex
  9871. type: string
  9872. defaultServiceCode:
  9873. description: ''
  9874. example: fedex_home_delivery
  9875. type: string
  9876. defaultPackageCode:
  9877. description: ''
  9878. example: package
  9879. type: string
  9880. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  9881. description: ''
  9882. example: ups
  9883. type: string
  9884. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  9885. description: ''
  9886. example: ups_worldwide_saver
  9887. type: string
  9888. defaultIntlPackageCode:
  9889. description: ''
  9890. example: package
  9891. type: string
  9892. defaultConfirmation:
  9893. description: ''
  9894. example: direct_signature
  9895. type: string
  9896. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  9897. description: ''
  9898. example: adult_signature
  9899. type: string
  9900. customsDescription:
  9901. description: ''
  9902. type: string
  9903. customsValue:
  9904. description: ''
  9905. type: string
  9906. customsTariffNo:
  9907. description: ''
  9908. type: string
  9909. customsCountryCode:
  9910. description: ''
  9911. type: string
  9912. noCustoms:
  9913. description: ''
  9914. type: string
  9915. tags:
  9916. description: ''
  9917. example:
  9918. - tagId: 9180
  9919. name: APItest
  9920. type: array
  9921. items:
  9922. type: object
  9923. required:
  9924. - aliases
  9925. - productId
  9926. - sku
  9927. - name
  9928. - price
  9929. - defaultCost
  9930. - length
  9931. - width
  9932. - height
  9933. - weightOz
  9934. - internalNotes
  9935. - fulfillmentSku
  9936. - createDate
  9937. - modifyDate
  9938. - active
  9939. - productCategory
  9940. - productType
  9941. - warehouseLocation
  9942. - defaultCarrierCode
  9943. - defaultServiceCode
  9944. - defaultPackageCode
  9945. - defaultIntlCarrierCode
  9946. - defaultIntlServiceCode
  9947. - defaultIntlPackageCode
  9948. - defaultConfirmation
  9949. - defaultIntlConfirmation
  9950. - customsDescription
  9951. - customsValue
  9952. - customsTariffNo
  9953. - customsCountryCode
  9954. - noCustoms
  9955. - tags
  9956. UpdateProductRequest:
  9957. title: Update Product request
  9958. type: object
  9959. properties:
  9960. aliases:
  9961. description: ''
  9962. type: string
  9963. productId:
  9964. description: ''
  9965. example: 123456789
  9966. type: integer
  9967. format: int32
  9968. sku:
  9969. description: ''
  9970. type: string
  9971. name:
  9972. description: ''
  9973. example: Beautiful
  9974. type: string
  9975. price:
  9976. description: ''
  9977. example: 0
  9978. type: integer
  9979. format: int32
  9980. defaultCost:
  9981. description: ''
  9982. type: string
  9983. length:
  9984. description: ''
  9985. type: string
  9986. width:
  9987. description: ''
  9988. type: string
  9989. height:
  9990. description: ''
  9991. type: string
  9992. weightOz:
  9993. description: ''
  9994. type: string
  9995. internalNotes:
  9996. description: ''
  9997. type: string
  9998. fulfillmentSku:
  9999. description: ''
  10000. type: string
  10001. active:
  10002. description: ''
  10003. example: true
  10004. type: boolean
  10005. productCategory:
  10006. description: ''
  10007. type: string
  10008. productType:
  10009. description: ''
  10010. type: string
  10011. warehouseLocation:
  10012. description: ''
  10013. type: string
  10014. defaultCarrierCode:
  10015. description: ''
  10016. type: string
  10017. defaultServiceCode:
  10018. description: ''
  10019. type: string
  10020. defaultPackageCode:
  10021. description: ''
  10022. type: string
  10023. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  10024. description: ''
  10025. type: string
  10026. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  10027. description: ''
  10028. type: string
  10029. defaultIntlPackageCode:
  10030. description: ''
  10031. type: string
  10032. defaultConfirmation:
  10033. description: ''
  10034. type: string
  10035. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  10036. description: ''
  10037. type: string
  10038. customsDescription:
  10039. description: ''
  10040. type: string
  10041. customsValue:
  10042. description: ''
  10043. type: string
  10044. customsTariffNo:
  10045. description: ''
  10046. type: string
  10047. customsCountryCode:
  10048. description: ''
  10049. type: string
  10050. noCustoms:
  10051. description: ''
  10052. type: string
  10053. tags:
  10054. description: ''
  10055. type: string
  10056. required:
  10057. - aliases
  10058. - productId
  10059. - sku
  10060. - name
  10061. - price
  10062. - defaultCost
  10063. - length
  10064. - width
  10065. - height
  10066. - weightOz
  10067. - internalNotes
  10068. - fulfillmentSku
  10069. - active
  10070. - productCategory
  10071. - productType
  10072. - warehouseLocation
  10073. - defaultCarrierCode
  10074. - defaultServiceCode
  10075. - defaultPackageCode
  10076. - defaultIntlCarrierCode
  10077. - defaultIntlServiceCode
  10078. - defaultIntlPackageCode
  10079. - defaultConfirmation
  10080. - defaultIntlConfirmation
  10081. - customsDescription
  10082. - customsValue
  10083. - customsTariffNo
  10084. - customsCountryCode
  10085. - noCustoms
  10086. - tags
  10087. UpdateProductResponse:
  10088. title: Update Product response
  10089. example:
  10090. success: true
  10091. message: The requested product has been updated
  10092. type: object
  10093. properties:
  10094. success:
  10095. description: ''
  10096. example: true
  10097. type: boolean
  10098. message:
  10099. description: ''
  10100. example: The requested product has been updated
  10101. type: string
  10102. required:
  10103. - success
  10104. - message
  10105. ListProductsW/oParametersResponse:
  10106. title: List Products w/o parameters response
  10107. example:
  10108. products:
  10109. - aliases:
  10110. productId: 7854008
  10111. sku: 1004
  10112. name: Coffee Mug
  10113. price: 26
  10114. defaultCost: 0
  10115. length: 3
  10116. width: 3
  10117. height: 3
  10118. weightOz: 26
  10119. internalNotes:
  10120. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  10121. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  10122. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  10123. active: true
  10124. productCategory:
  10125. categoryId: 9999
  10126. name: Door Closers
  10127. productType:
  10128. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  10129. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  10130. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  10131. defaultPackageCode: package
  10132. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  10133. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  10134. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10135. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  10136. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  10137. customsDescription:
  10138. customsValue:
  10139. customsTariffNo:
  10140. customsCountryCode:
  10141. noCustoms:
  10142. tags:
  10143. - tagId: 9180
  10144. name: APItest
  10145. - aliases:
  10146. productId: 7984482
  10147. sku: FirstSKU
  10148. name: Product Name 123
  10149. price: 10
  10150. defaultCost:
  10151. length: 2
  10152. width: 3
  10153. height: 4
  10154. weightOz: 96
  10155. internalNotes:
  10156. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  10157. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  10158. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  10159. active: true
  10160. productCategory:
  10161. categoryId: 9690
  10162. name: Floor Matting
  10163. productType:
  10164. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  10165. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  10166. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  10167. defaultPackageCode: package
  10168. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  10169. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  10170. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10171. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  10172. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  10173. customsDescription: customs declaration
  10174. customsValue: 100
  10175. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  10176. customsCountryCode: US
  10177. noCustoms:
  10178. tags:
  10179. - tagId: 9180
  10180. name: APItest
  10181. total: 2
  10182. page: 1
  10183. pages: 0
  10184. type: object
  10185. properties:
  10186. products:
  10187. description: ''
  10188. example:
  10189. - aliases:
  10190. productId: 7854008
  10191. sku: 1004
  10192. name: Coffee Mug
  10193. price: 26
  10194. defaultCost: 0
  10195. length: 3
  10196. width: 3
  10197. height: 3
  10198. weightOz: 26
  10199. internalNotes:
  10200. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  10201. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  10202. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  10203. active: true
  10204. productCategory:
  10205. categoryId: 9999
  10206. name: Door Closers
  10207. productType:
  10208. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  10209. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  10210. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  10211. defaultPackageCode: package
  10212. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  10213. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  10214. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10215. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  10216. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  10217. customsDescription:
  10218. customsValue:
  10219. customsTariffNo:
  10220. customsCountryCode:
  10221. noCustoms:
  10222. tags:
  10223. - tagId: 9180
  10224. name: APItest
  10225. - aliases:
  10226. productId: 7984482
  10227. sku: FirstSKU
  10228. name: Product Name 123
  10229. price: 10
  10230. defaultCost:
  10231. length: 2
  10232. width: 3
  10233. height: 4
  10234. weightOz: 96
  10235. internalNotes:
  10236. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  10237. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  10238. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  10239. active: true
  10240. productCategory:
  10241. categoryId: 9690
  10242. name: Floor Matting
  10243. productType:
  10244. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  10245. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  10246. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  10247. defaultPackageCode: package
  10248. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  10249. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  10250. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10251. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  10252. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  10253. customsDescription: customs declaration
  10254. customsValue: 100
  10255. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  10256. customsCountryCode: US
  10257. noCustoms:
  10258. tags:
  10259. - tagId: 9180
  10260. name: APItest
  10261. type: array
  10262. items:
  10263. type: object
  10264. total:
  10265. description: ''
  10266. example: 2
  10267. type: integer
  10268. format: int32
  10269. page:
  10270. description: ''
  10271. example: 1
  10272. type: integer
  10273. format: int32
  10274. pages:
  10275. description: ''
  10276. example: 0
  10277. type: integer
  10278. format: int32
  10279. required:
  10280. - products
  10281. - total
  10282. - page
  10283. - pages
  10284. SortBy50:
  10285. title: sortBy50
  10286. example: SKU
  10287. x-enum-elements:
  10288. - name: SKU
  10289. description: ''
  10290. - name: ModifyDate
  10291. description: ''
  10292. - name: CreateDate
  10293. description: ''
  10294. type: string
  10295. enum:
  10296. - SKU
  10297. - ModifyDate
  10298. - CreateDate
  10299. ListProductsWithParametersResponse:
  10300. title: List Products with parameters response
  10301. example:
  10302. products:
  10303. - aliases:
  10304. productId: 7854008
  10305. sku: 1004
  10306. name: Coffee Mug
  10307. price: 26
  10308. defaultCost: 0
  10309. length: 3
  10310. width: 3
  10311. height: 3
  10312. weightOz: 26
  10313. internalNotes:
  10314. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  10315. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  10316. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  10317. active: true
  10318. productCategory:
  10319. categoryId: 9999
  10320. name: Door Closers
  10321. productType:
  10322. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  10323. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  10324. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  10325. defaultPackageCode: package
  10326. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  10327. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  10328. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10329. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  10330. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  10331. customsDescription:
  10332. customsValue:
  10333. customsTariffNo:
  10334. customsCountryCode:
  10335. noCustoms:
  10336. tags:
  10337. - tagId: 9180
  10338. name: APItest
  10339. - aliases:
  10340. productId: 7984482
  10341. sku: FirstSKU
  10342. name: Product Name 123
  10343. price: 10
  10344. defaultCost:
  10345. length: 2
  10346. width: 3
  10347. height: 4
  10348. weightOz: 96
  10349. internalNotes:
  10350. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  10351. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  10352. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  10353. active: true
  10354. productCategory:
  10355. categoryId: 9690
  10356. name: Floor Matting
  10357. productType:
  10358. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  10359. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  10360. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  10361. defaultPackageCode: package
  10362. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  10363. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  10364. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10365. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  10366. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  10367. customsDescription: customs declaration
  10368. customsValue: 100
  10369. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  10370. customsCountryCode: US
  10371. noCustoms:
  10372. tags:
  10373. - tagId: 9180
  10374. name: APItest
  10375. total: 2
  10376. page: 1
  10377. pages: 0
  10378. type: object
  10379. properties:
  10380. products:
  10381. description: ''
  10382. example:
  10383. - aliases:
  10384. productId: 7854008
  10385. sku: 1004
  10386. name: Coffee Mug
  10387. price: 26
  10388. defaultCost: 0
  10389. length: 3
  10390. width: 3
  10391. height: 3
  10392. weightOz: 26
  10393. internalNotes:
  10394. fulfillmentSku: F1004
  10395. createDate: 2014-09-04T09:18:01.2930000
  10396. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:38:43.8930000
  10397. active: true
  10398. productCategory:
  10399. categoryId: 9999
  10400. name: Door Closers
  10401. productType:
  10402. warehouseLocation: Bin 22
  10403. defaultCarrierCode: fedex
  10404. defaultServiceCode: fedex_home_delivery
  10405. defaultPackageCode: package
  10406. defaultIntlCarrierCode: ups
  10407. defaultIntlServiceCode: ups_worldwide_saver
  10408. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10409. defaultConfirmation: direct_signature
  10410. defaultIntlConfirmation: adult_signature
  10411. customsDescription:
  10412. customsValue:
  10413. customsTariffNo:
  10414. customsCountryCode:
  10415. noCustoms:
  10416. tags:
  10417. - tagId: 9180
  10418. name: APItest
  10419. - aliases:
  10420. productId: 7984482
  10421. sku: FirstSKU
  10422. name: Product Name 123
  10423. price: 10
  10424. defaultCost:
  10425. length: 2
  10426. width: 3
  10427. height: 4
  10428. weightOz: 96
  10429. internalNotes:
  10430. fulfillmentSku: fSkuFill
  10431. createDate: 2014-09-18T08:17:28.6470000
  10432. modifyDate: 2014-09-18T12:32:40.2570000
  10433. active: true
  10434. productCategory:
  10435. categoryId: 9690
  10436. name: Floor Matting
  10437. productType:
  10438. warehouseLocation: Bin 100
  10439. defaultCarrierCode: ups
  10440. defaultServiceCode: ups_ground
  10441. defaultPackageCode: package
  10442. defaultIntlCarrierCode:
  10443. defaultIntlServiceCode:
  10444. defaultIntlPackageCode: package
  10445. defaultConfirmation: delivery
  10446. defaultIntlConfirmation:
  10447. customsDescription: customs declaration
  10448. customsValue: 100
  10449. customsTariffNo: 1234567
  10450. customsCountryCode: US
  10451. noCustoms:
  10452. tags:
  10453. - tagId: 9180
  10454. name: APItest
  10455. type: array
  10456. items:
  10457. type: object
  10458. total:
  10459. description: ''
  10460. example: 2
  10461. type: integer
  10462. format: int32
  10463. page:
  10464. description: ''
  10465. example: 1
  10466. type: integer
  10467. format: int32
  10468. pages:
  10469. description: ''
  10470. example: 0
  10471. type: integer
  10472. format: int32
  10473. required:
  10474. - products
  10475. - total
  10476. - page
  10477. - pages
  10478. ListShipmentsW/oParametersResponse:
  10479. title: List Shipments w/o parameters response
  10480. example:
  10481. shipments:
  10482. - shipmentId: 33974374
  10483. orderId: 43945660
  10484. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10485. orderNumber: 100038-1
  10486. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  10487. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10488. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10489. insuranceCost: 0
  10490. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  10491. isReturnLabel: false
  10492. batchNumber: 100301
  10493. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10494. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10495. packageCode: package
  10496. confirmation: delivery
  10497. warehouseId: 16079
  10498. voided: false
  10499. voidDate:
  10500. marketplaceNotified: true
  10501. notifyErrorMessage:
  10502. shipTo:
  10503. name: Yoda
  10504. company: ''
  10505. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  10506. street2: ''
  10507. street3:
  10508. city: MANCHACA
  10509. state: TX
  10510. postalCode: 78652-3602
  10511. country: US
  10512. phone: 2101235544
  10513. residential:
  10514. weight:
  10515. value: 1
  10516. units: ounces
  10517. dimensions:
  10518. insuranceOptions:
  10519. provider:
  10520. insureShipment: false
  10521. insuredValue: 0
  10522. advancedOptions:
  10523. shipmentItems:
  10524. - orderItemId: 56568665
  10525. lineItemKey:
  10526. sku: SQ3785739
  10527. name: Potato Kitten -
  10528. imageUrl:
  10529. weight:
  10530. quantity: 1
  10531. unitPrice: 1
  10532. warehouseLocation:
  10533. options:
  10534. productId: 7565777
  10535. fulfillmentSku:
  10536. labelData:
  10537. formData:
  10538. - shipmentId: 33974373
  10539. orderId: 43337328
  10540. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10541. orderNumber: 100028
  10542. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  10543. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10544. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10545. insuranceCost: 0
  10546. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  10547. isReturnLabel: false
  10548. batchNumber: 100300
  10549. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10550. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10551. packageCode: package
  10552. confirmation: delivery
  10553. warehouseId: 14265
  10554. voided: false
  10555. voidDate:
  10556. marketplaceNotified: true
  10557. notifyErrorMessage:
  10558. shipTo:
  10559. name: Luke Skywalker
  10560. company: SS
  10561. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  10562. street2: ''
  10563. street3:
  10564. city: AUSTIN
  10565. state: TX
  10566. postalCode: 78703-1221
  10567. country: US
  10568. phone: ''
  10569. residential:
  10570. weight:
  10571. value: 1
  10572. units: ounces
  10573. dimensions:
  10574. insuranceOptions:
  10575. provider:
  10576. insureShipment: false
  10577. insuredValue: 0
  10578. advancedOptions:
  10579. shipmentItems:
  10580. - orderItemId: 55827278
  10581. lineItemKey:
  10582. sku: test
  10583. name: test
  10584. imageUrl:
  10585. weight:
  10586. quantity: 1
  10587. unitPrice: 1
  10588. warehouseLocation:
  10589. options:
  10590. productId: 7541107
  10591. fulfillmentSku:
  10592. labelData:
  10593. formData:
  10594. total: 2
  10595. page: 1
  10596. pages: 0
  10597. type: object
  10598. properties:
  10599. shipments:
  10600. description: ''
  10601. example:
  10602. - shipmentId: 33974374
  10603. orderId: 43945660
  10604. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10605. orderNumber: 100038-1
  10606. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  10607. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10608. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10609. insuranceCost: 0
  10610. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  10611. isReturnLabel: false
  10612. batchNumber: 100301
  10613. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10614. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10615. packageCode: package
  10616. confirmation: delivery
  10617. warehouseId: 16079
  10618. voided: false
  10619. voidDate:
  10620. marketplaceNotified: true
  10621. notifyErrorMessage:
  10622. shipTo:
  10623. name: Yoda
  10624. company: ''
  10625. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  10626. street2: ''
  10627. street3:
  10628. city: MANCHACA
  10629. state: TX
  10630. postalCode: 78652-3602
  10631. country: US
  10632. phone: 2101235544
  10633. residential:
  10634. weight:
  10635. value: 1
  10636. units: ounces
  10637. dimensions:
  10638. insuranceOptions:
  10639. provider:
  10640. insureShipment: false
  10641. insuredValue: 0
  10642. advancedOptions:
  10643. shipmentItems:
  10644. - orderItemId: 56568665
  10645. lineItemKey:
  10646. sku: SQ3785739
  10647. name: Potato Kitten -
  10648. imageUrl:
  10649. weight:
  10650. quantity: 1
  10651. unitPrice: 1
  10652. warehouseLocation:
  10653. options:
  10654. productId: 7565777
  10655. fulfillmentSku:
  10656. labelData:
  10657. formData:
  10658. - shipmentId: 33974373
  10659. orderId: 43337328
  10660. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10661. orderNumber: 100028
  10662. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  10663. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10664. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10665. insuranceCost: 0
  10666. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  10667. isReturnLabel: false
  10668. batchNumber: 100300
  10669. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10670. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10671. packageCode: package
  10672. confirmation: delivery
  10673. warehouseId: 14265
  10674. voided: false
  10675. voidDate:
  10676. marketplaceNotified: true
  10677. notifyErrorMessage:
  10678. shipTo:
  10679. name: Luke Skywalker
  10680. company: SS
  10681. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  10682. street2: ''
  10683. street3:
  10684. city: AUSTIN
  10685. state: TX
  10686. postalCode: 78703-1221
  10687. country: US
  10688. phone: ''
  10689. residential:
  10690. weight:
  10691. value: 1
  10692. units: ounces
  10693. dimensions:
  10694. insuranceOptions:
  10695. provider:
  10696. insureShipment: false
  10697. insuredValue: 0
  10698. advancedOptions:
  10699. shipmentItems:
  10700. - orderItemId: 55827278
  10701. lineItemKey:
  10702. sku: test
  10703. name: test
  10704. imageUrl:
  10705. weight:
  10706. quantity: 1
  10707. unitPrice: 1
  10708. warehouseLocation:
  10709. options:
  10710. productId: 7541107
  10711. fulfillmentSku:
  10712. labelData:
  10713. formData:
  10714. type: array
  10715. items:
  10716. type: object
  10717. total:
  10718. description: ''
  10719. example: 2
  10720. type: integer
  10721. format: int32
  10722. page:
  10723. description: ''
  10724. example: 1
  10725. type: integer
  10726. format: int32
  10727. pages:
  10728. description: ''
  10729. example: 0
  10730. type: integer
  10731. format: int32
  10732. required:
  10733. - shipments
  10734. - total
  10735. - page
  10736. - pages
  10737. ListShipmentsWithParametersResponse:
  10738. title: List Shipments with parameters response
  10739. example:
  10740. shipments:
  10741. - shipmentId: 33974374
  10742. orderId: 43945660
  10743. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10744. orderNumber: 100038-1
  10745. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  10746. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10747. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10748. insuranceCost: 0
  10749. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  10750. isReturnLabel: false
  10751. batchNumber: 100301
  10752. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10753. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10754. packageCode: package
  10755. confirmation: delivery
  10756. warehouseId: 16079
  10757. voided: false
  10758. voidDate:
  10759. marketplaceNotified: true
  10760. notifyErrorMessage:
  10761. shipTo:
  10762. name: Yoda
  10763. company: ''
  10764. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  10765. street2: ''
  10766. street3:
  10767. city: MANCHACA
  10768. state: TX
  10769. postalCode: 78652-3602
  10770. country: US
  10771. phone: 2101235544
  10772. residential:
  10773. weight:
  10774. value: 1
  10775. units: ounces
  10776. dimensions:
  10777. insuranceOptions:
  10778. provider:
  10779. insureShipment: false
  10780. insuredValue: 0
  10781. advancedOptions:
  10782. shipmentItems:
  10783. - orderItemId: 56568665
  10784. lineItemKey:
  10785. sku: SQ3785739
  10786. name: Potato Kitten -
  10787. imageUrl:
  10788. weight:
  10789. quantity: 1
  10790. unitPrice: 1
  10791. warehouseLocation:
  10792. options:
  10793. productId: 7565777
  10794. fulfillmentSku:
  10795. labelData:
  10796. formData:
  10797. - shipmentId: 33974373
  10798. orderId: 43337328
  10799. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10800. orderNumber: 100028
  10801. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  10802. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10803. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10804. insuranceCost: 0
  10805. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  10806. isReturnLabel: false
  10807. batchNumber: 100300
  10808. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10809. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10810. packageCode: package
  10811. confirmation: delivery
  10812. warehouseId: 14265
  10813. voided: false
  10814. voidDate:
  10815. marketplaceNotified: true
  10816. notifyErrorMessage:
  10817. shipTo:
  10818. name: Luke Skywalker
  10819. company: SS
  10820. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  10821. street2: ''
  10822. street3:
  10823. city: AUSTIN
  10824. state: TX
  10825. postalCode: 78703-1221
  10826. country: US
  10827. phone: ''
  10828. residential:
  10829. weight:
  10830. value: 1
  10831. units: ounces
  10832. dimensions:
  10833. insuranceOptions:
  10834. provider:
  10835. insureShipment: false
  10836. insuredValue: 0
  10837. advancedOptions:
  10838. shipmentItems:
  10839. - orderItemId: 55827278
  10840. lineItemKey:
  10841. sku: test
  10842. name: test
  10843. imageUrl:
  10844. weight:
  10845. quantity: 1
  10846. unitPrice: 1
  10847. warehouseLocation:
  10848. options:
  10849. productId: 7541107
  10850. fulfillmentSku:
  10851. labelData:
  10852. formData:
  10853. total: 2
  10854. page: 1
  10855. pages: 0
  10856. type: object
  10857. properties:
  10858. shipments:
  10859. description: ''
  10860. example:
  10861. - shipmentId: 33974374
  10862. orderId: 43945660
  10863. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10864. orderNumber: 100038-1
  10865. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:33.6270000
  10866. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10867. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10868. insuranceCost: 0
  10869. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681189
  10870. isReturnLabel: false
  10871. batchNumber: 100301
  10872. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10873. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10874. packageCode: package
  10875. confirmation: delivery
  10876. warehouseId: 16079
  10877. voided: false
  10878. voidDate:
  10879. marketplaceNotified: true
  10880. notifyErrorMessage:
  10881. shipTo:
  10882. name: Yoda
  10883. company: ''
  10884. street1: 12223 LOWDEN LN
  10885. street2: ''
  10886. street3:
  10887. city: MANCHACA
  10888. state: TX
  10889. postalCode: 78652-3602
  10890. country: US
  10891. phone: 2101235544
  10892. residential:
  10893. weight:
  10894. value: 1
  10895. units: ounces
  10896. dimensions:
  10897. insuranceOptions:
  10898. provider:
  10899. insureShipment: false
  10900. insuredValue: 0
  10901. advancedOptions:
  10902. shipmentItems:
  10903. - orderItemId: 56568665
  10904. lineItemKey:
  10905. sku: SQ3785739
  10906. name: Potato Kitten -
  10907. imageUrl:
  10908. weight:
  10909. quantity: 1
  10910. unitPrice: 1
  10911. warehouseLocation:
  10912. options:
  10913. productId: 7565777
  10914. fulfillmentSku:
  10915. labelData:
  10916. formData:
  10917. - shipmentId: 33974373
  10918. orderId: 43337328
  10919. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  10920. orderNumber: 100028
  10921. createDate: 2014-10-03T06:51:59.9430000
  10922. shipDate: 2014-10-03
  10923. shipmentCost: 1.9299999999999999
  10924. insuranceCost: 0
  10925. trackingNumber: 9400111899561704681196
  10926. isReturnLabel: false
  10927. batchNumber: 100300
  10928. carrierCode: stamps_com
  10929. serviceCode: usps_first_class_mail
  10930. packageCode: package
  10931. confirmation: delivery
  10932. warehouseId: 14265
  10933. voided: false
  10934. voidDate:
  10935. marketplaceNotified: true
  10936. notifyErrorMessage:
  10937. shipTo:
  10938. name: Luke Skywalker
  10939. company: SS
  10940. street1: 2815 EXPOSITION BLVD
  10941. street2: ''
  10942. street3:
  10943. city: AUSTIN
  10944. state: TX
  10945. postalCode: 78703-1221
  10946. country: US
  10947. phone: ''
  10948. residential:
  10949. weight:
  10950. value: 1
  10951. units: ounces
  10952. dimensions:
  10953. insuranceOptions:
  10954. provider:
  10955. insureShipment: false
  10956. insuredValue: 0
  10957. advancedOptions:
  10958. shipmentItems:
  10959. - orderItemId: 55827278
  10960. lineItemKey:
  10961. sku: test
  10962. name: test
  10963. imageUrl:
  10964. weight:
  10965. quantity: 1
  10966. unitPrice: 1
  10967. warehouseLocation:
  10968. options:
  10969. productId: 7541107
  10970. fulfillmentSku:
  10971. labelData:
  10972. formData:
  10973. type: array
  10974. items:
  10975. type: object
  10976. total:
  10977. description: ''
  10978. example: 2
  10979. type: integer
  10980. format: int32
  10981. page:
  10982. description: ''
  10983. example: 1
  10984. type: integer
  10985. format: int32
  10986. pages:
  10987. description: ''
  10988. example: 0
  10989. type: integer
  10990. format: int32
  10991. required:
  10992. - shipments
  10993. - total
  10994. - page
  10995. - pages
  10996. CreateShipmentLabelRequest:
  10997. title: Create Shipment Label request
  10998. type: object
  10999. properties:
  11000. carrierCode:
  11001. description: ''
  11002. example: fedex
  11003. type: string
  11004. serviceCode:
  11005. description: ''
  11006. example: fedex_ground
  11007. type: string
  11008. packageCode:
  11009. description: ''
  11010. example: package
  11011. type: string
  11012. confirmation:
  11013. description: ''
  11014. example: delivery
  11015. type: string
  11016. shipDate:
  11017. description: ''
  11018. example: 2014-04-03
  11019. type: string
  11020. weight:
  11021. description: ''
  11022. example:
  11023. value: 3
  11024. units: ounces
  11025. type: object
  11026. dimensions:
  11027. description: ''
  11028. example:
  11029. units: inches
  11030. length: 7
  11031. width: 5
  11032. height: 6
  11033. type: object
  11034. shipFrom:
  11035. description: ''
  11036. example:
  11037. name: Jason Hodges
  11038. company: ShipStation
  11039. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  11040. street2: Ste 2353242
  11041. street3:
  11042. city: Austin
  11043. state: TX
  11044. postalCode: 78703
  11045. country: US
  11046. phone:
  11047. residential: false
  11048. type: object
  11049. shipTo:
  11050. description: ''
  11051. example:
  11052. name: The President
  11053. company: US Govt
  11054. street1: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
  11055. street2: Oval Office
  11056. street3:
  11057. city: Washington
  11058. state: DC
  11059. postalCode: 20500
  11060. country: US
  11061. phone:
  11062. residential: false
  11063. type: object
  11064. insuranceOptions:
  11065. description: ''
  11066. type: string
  11067. internationalOptions:
  11068. description: ''
  11069. type: string
  11070. advancedOptions:
  11071. description: ''
  11072. type: string
  11073. testLabel:
  11074. description: ''
  11075. example: false
  11076. type: boolean
  11077. required:
  11078. - carrierCode
  11079. - serviceCode
  11080. - packageCode
  11081. - confirmation
  11082. - shipDate
  11083. - weight
  11084. - dimensions
  11085. - shipFrom
  11086. - shipTo
  11087. - insuranceOptions
  11088. - internationalOptions
  11089. - advancedOptions
  11090. - testLabel
  11091. CreateShipmentLabelResponse:
  11092. title: Create Shipment Label response
  11093. example:
  11094. shipmentId: 123456789
  11095. orderId:
  11096. userId:
  11097. customerEmail:
  11098. orderNumber:
  11099. createDate: 2016-04-03T12:11:36.8630000
  11100. shipDate: 2016-04-03
  11101. shipmentCost: 9.0600000000000005
  11102. insuranceCost: 0
  11103. trackingNumber: 782390443992
  11104. isReturnLabel: false
  11105. batchNumber:
  11106. carrierCode: fedex
  11107. serviceCode: fedex_ground
  11108. packageCode: package
  11109. confirmation: delivery
  11110. warehouseId:
  11111. voided: false
  11112. voidDate:
  11113. marketplaceNotified: false
  11114. notifyErrorMessage:
  11115. shipTo:
  11116. weight:
  11117. dimensions:
  11118. insuranceOptions:
  11119. advancedOptions:
  11120. shipmentItems:
  11121. labelData: JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMiAwIG9iago8PC9MZW5ndGggNjIvRmlsdGVyL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlPj5zdHJlYW0KeJwr5HIK4TI2U...
  11122. formData:
  11123. type: object
  11124. properties:
  11125. shipmentId:
  11126. description: ''
  11127. example: 123456789
  11128. type: integer
  11129. format: int32
  11130. orderId:
  11131. description: ''
  11132. type: string
  11133. userId:
  11134. description: ''
  11135. type: string
  11136. customerEmail:
  11137. description: ''
  11138. type: string
  11139. orderNumber:
  11140. description: ''
  11141. type: string
  11142. createDate:
  11143. description: ''
  11144. example: 4/3/2016 12:11:36 PM
  11145. type: string
  11146. shipDate:
  11147. description: ''
  11148. example: 2016-04-03
  11149. type: string
  11150. shipmentCost:
  11151. description: ''
  11152. example: 9.0600000000000005
  11153. type: number
  11154. format: double
  11155. insuranceCost:
  11156. description: ''
  11157. example: 0
  11158. type: integer
  11159. format: int32
  11160. trackingNumber:
  11161. description: ''
  11162. example: 782390443992
  11163. type: string
  11164. isReturnLabel:
  11165. description: ''
  11166. example: false
  11167. type: boolean
  11168. batchNumber:
  11169. description: ''
  11170. type: string
  11171. carrierCode:
  11172. description: ''
  11173. example: fedex
  11174. type: string
  11175. serviceCode:
  11176. description: ''
  11177. example: fedex_ground
  11178. type: string
  11179. packageCode:
  11180. description: ''
  11181. example: package
  11182. type: string
  11183. confirmation:
  11184. description: ''
  11185. example: delivery
  11186. type: string
  11187. warehouseId:
  11188. description: ''
  11189. type: string
  11190. voided:
  11191. description: ''
  11192. example: false
  11193. type: boolean
  11194. voidDate:
  11195. description: ''
  11196. type: string
  11197. marketplaceNotified:
  11198. description: ''
  11199. example: false
  11200. type: boolean
  11201. notifyErrorMessage:
  11202. description: ''
  11203. type: string
  11204. shipTo:
  11205. description: ''
  11206. type: string
  11207. weight:
  11208. description: ''
  11209. type: string
  11210. dimensions:
  11211. description: ''
  11212. type: string
  11213. insuranceOptions:
  11214. description: ''
  11215. type: string
  11216. advancedOptions:
  11217. description: ''
  11218. type: string
  11219. shipmentItems:
  11220. description: ''
  11221. type: string
  11222. labelData:
  11223. description: ''
  11224. example: JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMiAwIG9iago8PC9MZW5ndGggNjIvRmlsdGVyL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlPj5zdHJlYW0KeJwr5HIK4TI2U...
  11225. type: string
  11226. formData:
  11227. description: ''
  11228. type: string
  11229. required:
  11230. - shipmentId
  11231. - orderId
  11232. - userId
  11233. - customerEmail
  11234. - orderNumber
  11235. - createDate
  11236. - shipDate
  11237. - shipmentCost
  11238. - insuranceCost
  11239. - trackingNumber
  11240. - isReturnLabel
  11241. - batchNumber
  11242. - carrierCode
  11243. - serviceCode
  11244. - packageCode
  11245. - confirmation
  11246. - warehouseId
  11247. - voided
  11248. - voidDate
  11249. - marketplaceNotified
  11250. - notifyErrorMessage
  11251. - shipTo
  11252. - weight
  11253. - dimensions
  11254. - insuranceOptions
  11255. - advancedOptions
  11256. - shipmentItems
  11257. - labelData
  11258. - formData
  11259. GetRatesRequest:
  11260. title: Get Rates request
  11261. type: object
  11262. properties:
  11263. carrierCode:
  11264. description: ''
  11265. example: fedex
  11266. type: string
  11267. serviceCode:
  11268. description: ''
  11269. type: string
  11270. packageCode:
  11271. description: ''
  11272. type: string
  11273. fromPostalCode:
  11274. description: ''
  11275. example: 78703
  11276. type: string
  11277. toState:
  11278. description: ''
  11279. example: DC
  11280. type: string
  11281. toCountry:
  11282. description: ''
  11283. example: US
  11284. type: string
  11285. toPostalCode:
  11286. description: ''
  11287. example: 20500
  11288. type: string
  11289. toCity:
  11290. description: ''
  11291. example: Washington
  11292. type: string
  11293. weight:
  11294. description: ''
  11295. example:
  11296. value: 3
  11297. units: ounces
  11298. type: object
  11299. dimensions:
  11300. description: ''
  11301. example:
  11302. units: inches
  11303. length: 7
  11304. width: 5
  11305. height: 6
  11306. type: object
  11307. confirmation:
  11308. description: ''
  11309. example: delivery
  11310. type: string
  11311. residential:
  11312. description: ''
  11313. example: false
  11314. type: boolean
  11315. required:
  11316. - carrierCode
  11317. - serviceCode
  11318. - packageCode
  11319. - fromPostalCode
  11320. - toState
  11321. - toCountry
  11322. - toPostalCode
  11323. - toCity
  11324. - weight
  11325. - dimensions
  11326. - confirmation
  11327. - residential
  11328. GetRatesResponse:
  11329. title: Get Rates response
  11330. example:
  11331. serviceName: FedEx First Overnight®
  11332. serviceCode: fedex_first_overnight
  11333. shipmentCost: 87.799999999999997
  11334. otherCost: 2.6299999999999999
  11335. type: object
  11336. properties:
  11337. serviceName:
  11338. description: ''
  11339. example: FedEx First Overnight®
  11340. type: string
  11341. serviceCode:
  11342. description: ''
  11343. example: fedex_first_overnight
  11344. type: string
  11345. shipmentCost:
  11346. description: ''
  11347. example: 87.799999999999997
  11348. type: number
  11349. format: double
  11350. otherCost:
  11351. description: ''
  11352. example: 2.6299999999999999
  11353. type: number
  11354. format: double
  11355. required:
  11356. - serviceName
  11357. - serviceCode
  11358. - shipmentCost
  11359. - otherCost
  11360. VoidLabelRequest:
  11361. title: Void Label request
  11362. type: object
  11363. properties:
  11364. shipmentId:
  11365. description: ''
  11366. example: 12345
  11367. type: integer
  11368. format: int32
  11369. required:
  11370. - shipmentId
  11371. VoidLabelResponse:
  11372. title: Void Label response
  11373. example:
  11374. approved: true
  11375. message: Label voided successfully
  11376. type: object
  11377. properties:
  11378. approved:
  11379. description: ''
  11380. example: true
  11381. type: boolean
  11382. message:
  11383. description: ''
  11384. example: Label voided successfully
  11385. type: string
  11386. required:
  11387. - approved
  11388. - message
  11389. GetStoreResponse:
  11390. title: Get Store response
  11391. example:
  11392. storeId: 12345
  11393. storeName: WooCommerce Store
  11394. marketplaceId: 36
  11395. marketplaceName: WooCommerce
  11396. accountName:
  11397. email:
  11398. integrationUrl:
  11399. active: true
  11400. companyName: ''
  11401. phone: ''
  11402. publicEmail: ''
  11403. website: ''
  11404. refreshDate: 2014-12-16T17:47:05.4570000
  11405. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-16T09:47:05.4570000
  11406. createDate: 2014-11-06T15:21:13.2230000
  11407. modifyDate: 2014-11-10T08:02:19.1170000
  11408. autoRefresh: true
  11409. statusMappings:
  11410. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  11411. statusKey: Pending
  11412. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  11413. statusKey: Processing
  11414. - orderStatus: shipped
  11415. statusKey: Completed
  11416. - orderStatus: cancelled
  11417. statusKey: Cancelled
  11418. - orderStatus: on_hold
  11419. statusKey: On-hold
  11420. type: object
  11421. properties:
  11422. storeId:
  11423. description: ''
  11424. example: 12345
  11425. type: integer
  11426. format: int32
  11427. storeName:
  11428. description: ''
  11429. example: WooCommerce Store
  11430. type: string
  11431. marketplaceId:
  11432. description: ''
  11433. example: 36
  11434. type: integer
  11435. format: int32
  11436. marketplaceName:
  11437. description: ''
  11438. example: WooCommerce
  11439. type: string
  11440. accountName:
  11441. description: ''
  11442. type: string
  11443. email:
  11444. description: ''
  11445. type: string
  11446. integrationUrl:
  11447. description: ''
  11448. example:
  11449. type: string
  11450. active:
  11451. description: ''
  11452. example: true
  11453. type: boolean
  11454. companyName:
  11455. description: ''
  11456. type: string
  11457. phone:
  11458. description: ''
  11459. type: string
  11460. publicEmail:
  11461. description: ''
  11462. type: string
  11463. website:
  11464. description: ''
  11465. type: string
  11466. refreshDate:
  11467. description: ''
  11468. example: 12/16/2014 5:47:05 PM
  11469. type: string
  11470. lastRefreshAttempt:
  11471. description: ''
  11472. example: 12/16/2014 9:47:05 AM
  11473. type: string
  11474. createDate:
  11475. description: ''
  11476. example: 11/6/2014 3:21:13 PM
  11477. type: string
  11478. modifyDate:
  11479. description: ''
  11480. example: 11/10/2014 8:02:19 AM
  11481. type: string
  11482. autoRefresh:
  11483. description: ''
  11484. example: true
  11485. type: boolean
  11486. statusMappings:
  11487. description: ''
  11488. example:
  11489. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  11490. statusKey: Pending
  11491. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  11492. statusKey: Processing
  11493. - orderStatus: shipped
  11494. statusKey: Completed
  11495. - orderStatus: cancelled
  11496. statusKey: Cancelled
  11497. - orderStatus: on_hold
  11498. statusKey: On-hold
  11499. type: array
  11500. items:
  11501. type: object
  11502. required:
  11503. - storeId
  11504. - storeName
  11505. - marketplaceId
  11506. - marketplaceName
  11507. - accountName
  11508. - email
  11509. - integrationUrl
  11510. - active
  11511. - companyName
  11512. - phone
  11513. - publicEmail
  11514. - website
  11515. - refreshDate
  11516. - lastRefreshAttempt
  11517. - createDate
  11518. - modifyDate
  11519. - autoRefresh
  11520. - statusMappings
  11521. UpdateStoreRequest:
  11522. title: Update Store request
  11523. type: object
  11524. properties:
  11525. storeId:
  11526. description: ''
  11527. example: 12345
  11528. type: integer
  11529. format: int32
  11530. storeName:
  11531. description: ''
  11532. example: WooCommerce Store
  11533. type: string
  11534. marketplaceId:
  11535. description: ''
  11536. example: 36
  11537. type: integer
  11538. format: int32
  11539. marketplaceName:
  11540. description: ''
  11541. example: WooCommerce
  11542. type: string
  11543. accountName:
  11544. description: ''
  11545. type: string
  11546. email:
  11547. description: ''
  11548. type: string
  11549. integrationUrl:
  11550. description: ''
  11551. example:
  11552. type: string
  11553. active:
  11554. description: ''
  11555. example: true
  11556. type: boolean
  11557. companyName:
  11558. description: ''
  11559. type: string
  11560. phone:
  11561. description: ''
  11562. type: string
  11563. publicEmail:
  11564. description: ''
  11565. type: string
  11566. website:
  11567. description: ''
  11568. type: string
  11569. refreshDate:
  11570. description: ''
  11571. example: 12/16/2014 5:47:05 PM
  11572. type: string
  11573. lastRefreshAttempt:
  11574. description: ''
  11575. example: 12/16/2014 9:47:05 AM
  11576. type: string
  11577. createDate:
  11578. description: ''
  11579. example: 11/6/2014 3:21:13 PM
  11580. type: string
  11581. modifyDate:
  11582. description: ''
  11583. example: 11/10/2014 8:02:19 AM
  11584. type: string
  11585. autoRefresh:
  11586. description: ''
  11587. example: true
  11588. type: boolean
  11589. statusMappings:
  11590. description: ''
  11591. example:
  11592. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  11593. statusKey: Pending
  11594. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  11595. statusKey: Processing
  11596. - orderStatus: shipped
  11597. statusKey: Completed
  11598. - orderStatus: cancelled
  11599. statusKey: Cancelled
  11600. - orderStatus: on_hold
  11601. statusKey: On-hold
  11602. type: array
  11603. items:
  11604. type: object
  11605. required:
  11606. - storeId
  11607. - storeName
  11608. - marketplaceId
  11609. - marketplaceName
  11610. - accountName
  11611. - email
  11612. - integrationUrl
  11613. - active
  11614. - companyName
  11615. - phone
  11616. - publicEmail
  11617. - website
  11618. - refreshDate
  11619. - lastRefreshAttempt
  11620. - createDate
  11621. - modifyDate
  11622. - autoRefresh
  11623. - statusMappings
  11624. UpdateStoreResponse:
  11625. title: Update Store response
  11626. example:
  11627. storeId: 12345
  11628. storeName: WooCommerce Store
  11629. marketplaceId: 36
  11630. marketplaceName: WooCommerce
  11631. accountName:
  11632. email:
  11633. integrationUrl:
  11634. active: true
  11635. companyName: ''
  11636. phone: ''
  11637. publicEmail: ''
  11638. website: ''
  11639. refreshDate: 2014-12-16T17:47:05.4570000
  11640. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-16T09:47:05.4570000
  11641. createDate: 2014-11-06T15:21:13.2230000
  11642. modifyDate: 2014-11-10T08:02:19.1170000
  11643. autoRefresh: true
  11644. statusMappings:
  11645. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  11646. statusKey: Pending
  11647. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  11648. statusKey: Processing
  11649. - orderStatus: shipped
  11650. statusKey: Completed
  11651. - orderStatus: cancelled
  11652. statusKey: Cancelled
  11653. - orderStatus: on_hold
  11654. statusKey: On-hold
  11655. type: object
  11656. properties:
  11657. storeId:
  11658. description: ''
  11659. example: 12345
  11660. type: integer
  11661. format: int32
  11662. storeName:
  11663. description: ''
  11664. example: WooCommerce Store
  11665. type: string
  11666. marketplaceId:
  11667. description: ''
  11668. example: 36
  11669. type: integer
  11670. format: int32
  11671. marketplaceName:
  11672. description: ''
  11673. example: WooCommerce
  11674. type: string
  11675. accountName:
  11676. description: ''
  11677. type: string
  11678. email:
  11679. description: ''
  11680. type: string
  11681. integrationUrl:
  11682. description: ''
  11683. example:
  11684. type: string
  11685. active:
  11686. description: ''
  11687. example: true
  11688. type: boolean
  11689. companyName:
  11690. description: ''
  11691. type: string
  11692. phone:
  11693. description: ''
  11694. type: string
  11695. publicEmail:
  11696. description: ''
  11697. type: string
  11698. website:
  11699. description: ''
  11700. type: string
  11701. refreshDate:
  11702. description: ''
  11703. example: 12/16/2014 5:47:05 PM
  11704. type: string
  11705. lastRefreshAttempt:
  11706. description: ''
  11707. example: 12/16/2014 9:47:05 AM
  11708. type: string
  11709. createDate:
  11710. description: ''
  11711. example: 11/6/2014 3:21:13 PM
  11712. type: string
  11713. modifyDate:
  11714. description: ''
  11715. example: 11/10/2014 8:02:19 AM
  11716. type: string
  11717. autoRefresh:
  11718. description: ''
  11719. example: true
  11720. type: boolean
  11721. statusMappings:
  11722. description: ''
  11723. example:
  11724. - orderStatus: awaiting_payment
  11725. statusKey: Pending
  11726. - orderStatus: awaiting_shipment
  11727. statusKey: Processing
  11728. - orderStatus: shipped
  11729. statusKey: Completed
  11730. - orderStatus: cancelled
  11731. statusKey: Cancelled
  11732. - orderStatus: on_hold
  11733. statusKey: On-hold
  11734. type: array
  11735. items:
  11736. type: object
  11737. required:
  11738. - storeId
  11739. - storeName
  11740. - marketplaceId
  11741. - marketplaceName
  11742. - accountName
  11743. - email
  11744. - integrationUrl
  11745. - active
  11746. - companyName
  11747. - phone
  11748. - publicEmail
  11749. - website
  11750. - refreshDate
  11751. - lastRefreshAttempt
  11752. - createDate
  11753. - modifyDate
  11754. - autoRefresh
  11755. - statusMappings
  11756. GetStoreRefreshStatusResponse:
  11757. title: Get Store Refresh Status response
  11758. example:
  11759. storeId: 12345
  11760. refreshStatusId: 2
  11761. refreshStatus: Updating orders
  11762. lastRefreshAttempt: 8-13-2014
  11763. refreshDate: 8-13-2014
  11764. type: object
  11765. properties:
  11766. storeId:
  11767. description: ''
  11768. example: 12345
  11769. type: integer
  11770. format: int32
  11771. refreshStatusId:
  11772. description: ''
  11773. example: 2
  11774. type: integer
  11775. format: int32
  11776. refreshStatus:
  11777. description: ''
  11778. example: Updating orders
  11779. type: string
  11780. lastRefreshAttempt:
  11781. description: ''
  11782. example: 8-13-2014
  11783. type: string
  11784. refreshDate:
  11785. description: ''
  11786. example: 8-13-2014
  11787. type: string
  11788. required:
  11789. - storeId
  11790. - refreshStatusId
  11791. - refreshStatus
  11792. - lastRefreshAttempt
  11793. - refreshDate
  11794. RefreshStoreRequest:
  11795. title: Refresh Store request
  11796. type: object
  11797. properties:
  11798. storeId:
  11799. description: ''
  11800. example: 12345
  11801. type: integer
  11802. format: int32
  11803. refreshDate:
  11804. description: ''
  11805. example: 12-08-2014
  11806. type: string
  11807. required:
  11808. - storeId
  11809. - refreshDate
  11810. RefreshStoreResponse:
  11811. title: Refresh Store response
  11812. example:
  11813. success: true
  11814. message: A store refresh has been initiated for Store ID 12345
  11815. type: object
  11816. properties:
  11817. success:
  11818. description: ''
  11819. example: true
  11820. type: boolean
  11821. message:
  11822. description: ''
  11823. example: A store refresh has been initiated for Store ID 12345
  11824. type: string
  11825. required:
  11826. - success
  11827. - message
  11828. ListStoresResponse:
  11829. title: List Stores response
  11830. example:
  11831. storeId: 22766
  11832. storeName: ShipStation Manual Store
  11833. marketplaceId: 0
  11834. marketplaceName: ShipStation
  11835. accountName:
  11836. email:
  11837. integrationUrl:
  11838. active: true
  11839. companyName: ''
  11840. phone: ''
  11841. publicEmail:
  11842. website: ''
  11843. refreshDate: 2014-12-03T11:46:11.2830000
  11844. lastRefreshAttempt: 2014-12-03T11:46:53.4330000
  11845. createDate: 2014-07-25T11:05:55.3070000
  11846. modifyDate: 2014-11-12T08:45:20.5500000
  11847. autoRefresh: false
  11848. type: object
  11849. properties:
  11850. storeId:
  11851. description: ''
  11852. example: 22766
  11853. type: integer
  11854. format: int32
  11855. storeName:
  11856. description: ''
  11857. example: ShipStation Manual Store
  11858. type: string
  11859. marketplaceId:
  11860. description: ''
  11861. example: 0
  11862. type: integer
  11863. format: int32
  11864. marketplaceName:
  11865. description: ''
  11866. example: ShipStation
  11867. type: string
  11868. accountName:
  11869. description: ''
  11870. type: string
  11871. email:
  11872. description: ''
  11873. type: string
  11874. integrationUrl:
  11875. description: ''
  11876. type: string
  11877. active:
  11878. description: ''
  11879. example: true
  11880. type: boolean
  11881. companyName:
  11882. description: ''
  11883. type: string
  11884. phone:
  11885. description: ''
  11886. type: string
  11887. publicEmail:
  11888. description: ''
  11889. example:
  11890. type: string
  11891. website:
  11892. description: ''
  11893. type: string
  11894. refreshDate:
  11895. description: ''
  11896. example: 12/3/2014 11:46:11 AM
  11897. type: string
  11898. lastRefreshAttempt:
  11899. description: ''
  11900. example: 12/3/2014 11:46:53 AM
  11901. type: string
  11902. createDate:
  11903. description: ''
  11904. example: 7/25/2014 11:05:55 AM
  11905. type: string
  11906. modifyDate:
  11907. description: ''
  11908. example: 11/12/2014 8:45:20 AM
  11909. type: string
  11910. autoRefresh:
  11911. description: ''
  11912. example: false
  11913. type: boolean
  11914. required:
  11915. - storeId
  11916. - storeName
  11917. - marketplaceId
  11918. - marketplaceName
  11919. - accountName
  11920. - email
  11921. - integrationUrl
  11922. - active
  11923. - companyName
  11924. - phone
  11925. - publicEmail
  11926. - website
  11927. - refreshDate
  11928. - lastRefreshAttempt
  11929. - createDate
  11930. - modifyDate
  11931. - autoRefresh
  11932. ListMarketplacesResponse:
  11933. title: List Marketplaces response
  11934. example:
  11935. name: 3DCart
  11936. marketplaceId: 23
  11937. canRefresh: true
  11938. supportsCustomMappings: true
  11939. supportsCustomStatuses: false
  11940. canConfirmShipments: true
  11941. type: object
  11942. properties:
  11943. name:
  11944. description: ''
  11945. example: 3DCart
  11946. type: string
  11947. marketplaceId:
  11948. description: ''
  11949. example: 23
  11950. type: integer
  11951. format: int32
  11952. canRefresh:
  11953. description: ''
  11954. example: true
  11955. type: boolean
  11956. supportsCustomMappings:
  11957. description: ''
  11958. example: true
  11959. type: boolean
  11960. supportsCustomStatuses:
  11961. description: ''
  11962. example: false
  11963. type: boolean
  11964. canConfirmShipments:
  11965. description: ''
  11966. example: true
  11967. type: boolean
  11968. required:
  11969. - name
  11970. - marketplaceId
  11971. - canRefresh
  11972. - supportsCustomMappings
  11973. - supportsCustomStatuses
  11974. - canConfirmShipments
  11975. DeactivateStoreRequest:
  11976. title: Deactivate Store request
  11977. type: object
  11978. properties:
  11979. storeId:
  11980. description: ''
  11981. example: 12345
  11982. type: string
  11983. required:
  11984. - storeId
  11985. DeactivateStoreResponse:
  11986. title: Deactivate Store response
  11987. example:
  11988. success: true
  11989. message: The requested store has been reactivated.
  11990. type: object
  11991. properties:
  11992. success:
  11993. description: ''
  11994. example: true
  11995. type: string
  11996. message:
  11997. description: ''
  11998. example: The requested store has been reactivated.
  11999. type: string
  12000. required:
  12001. - success
  12002. - message
  12003. ReactivateStoreRequest:
  12004. title: Reactivate Store request
  12005. type: object
  12006. properties:
  12007. storeId:
  12008. description: ''
  12009. example: 12345
  12010. type: string
  12011. required:
  12012. - storeId
  12013. ReactivateStoreResponse:
  12014. title: Reactivate Store response
  12015. example:
  12016. success: true
  12017. message: The requested store has been reactivated.
  12018. type: object
  12019. properties:
  12020. success:
  12021. description: ''
  12022. example: true
  12023. type: string
  12024. message:
  12025. description: ''
  12026. example: The requested store has been reactivated.
  12027. type: string
  12028. required:
  12029. - success
  12030. - message
  12031. ListUsersResponse:
  12032. title: List Users response
  12033. example:
  12034. userId: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  12035. userName: SS-user1
  12036. name: Shipping Employee 1
  12037. type: object
  12038. properties:
  12039. userId:
  12040. description: ''
  12041. example: 123456AB-ab12-3c4d-5e67-89f1abc1defa
  12042. type: string
  12043. userName:
  12044. description: ''
  12045. example: SS-user1
  12046. type: string
  12047. name:
  12048. description: ''
  12049. example: Shipping Employee 1
  12050. type: string
  12051. required:
  12052. - userId
  12053. - userName
  12054. - name
  12055. GetWarehouseResponse:
  12056. title: Get Warehouse response
  12057. example:
  12058. warehouseId: 12345
  12059. warehouseName: API Ship From Location
  12060. originAddress:
  12061. name: API Warehouse
  12062. company: ShipStation
  12063. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12064. street2:
  12065. street3:
  12066. city: Austin
  12067. state: TX
  12068. postalCode: 78703
  12069. country: US
  12070. phone: 512-555-5555
  12071. residential: true
  12072. addressVerified:
  12073. returnAddress:
  12074. name: API Ship From Location
  12075. company: ShipStation
  12076. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12077. street2:
  12078. street3:
  12079. city: Austin
  12080. state: TX
  12081. postalCode: 78703
  12082. country: US
  12083. phone: 512-555-5555
  12084. residential:
  12085. addressVerified:
  12086. createDate: 2015-07-02T08:38:31.4870000
  12087. isDefault: true
  12088. type: object
  12089. properties:
  12090. warehouseId:
  12091. description: ''
  12092. example: 12345
  12093. type: integer
  12094. format: int32
  12095. warehouseName:
  12096. description: ''
  12097. example: API Ship From Location
  12098. type: string
  12099. originAddress:
  12100. description: ''
  12101. example:
  12102. name: API Warehouse
  12103. company: ShipStation
  12104. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12105. street2:
  12106. street3:
  12107. city: Austin
  12108. state: TX
  12109. postalCode: 78703
  12110. country: US
  12111. phone: 512-555-5555
  12112. residential: true
  12113. addressVerified:
  12114. type: object
  12115. returnAddress:
  12116. description: ''
  12117. example:
  12118. name: API Ship From Location
  12119. company: ShipStation
  12120. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12121. street2:
  12122. street3:
  12123. city: Austin
  12124. state: TX
  12125. postalCode: 78703
  12126. country: US
  12127. phone: 512-555-5555
  12128. residential:
  12129. addressVerified:
  12130. type: object
  12131. createDate:
  12132. description: ''
  12133. example: 7/2/2015 8:38:31 AM
  12134. type: string
  12135. isDefault:
  12136. description: ''
  12137. example: true
  12138. type: boolean
  12139. required:
  12140. - warehouseId
  12141. - warehouseName
  12142. - originAddress
  12143. - returnAddress
  12144. - createDate
  12145. - isDefault
  12146. UpdateWarehouseRequest:
  12147. title: Update Warehouse request
  12148. type: object
  12149. properties:
  12150. warehouseId:
  12151. description: ''
  12152. example: 12345
  12153. type: integer
  12154. format: int32
  12155. warehouseName:
  12156. description: ''
  12157. example: API Ship From Location
  12158. type: string
  12159. originAddress:
  12160. description: ''
  12161. example:
  12162. name: API Warehouse
  12163. company: ShipStation
  12164. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12165. street2:
  12166. street3:
  12167. city: Austin
  12168. state: TX
  12169. postalCode: 78703
  12170. country: US
  12171. phone: 512-555-5555
  12172. residential: true
  12173. addressVerified:
  12174. type: object
  12175. returnAddress:
  12176. description: ''
  12177. example:
  12178. name: API Ship From Location
  12179. company: ShipStation
  12180. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12181. street2:
  12182. street3:
  12183. city: Austin
  12184. state: TX
  12185. postalCode: 78703
  12186. country: US
  12187. phone: 512-555-5555
  12188. residential:
  12189. addressVerified:
  12190. type: object
  12191. createDate:
  12192. description: ''
  12193. example: 7/2/2015 8:38:31 AM
  12194. type: string
  12195. isDefault:
  12196. description: ''
  12197. example: true
  12198. type: boolean
  12199. required:
  12200. - warehouseId
  12201. - warehouseName
  12202. - originAddress
  12203. - returnAddress
  12204. - createDate
  12205. - isDefault
  12206. UpdateWarehouseResponse:
  12207. title: Update Warehouse response
  12208. example:
  12209. warehouseId: 12345
  12210. warehouseName: API Ship From Location
  12211. originAddress:
  12212. name: API Warehouse
  12213. company: ShipStation
  12214. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12215. street2:
  12216. street3:
  12217. city: Austin
  12218. state: TX
  12219. postalCode: 78703
  12220. country: US
  12221. phone: 512-555-5555
  12222. residential: true
  12223. addressVerified:
  12224. returnAddress:
  12225. name: API Ship From Location
  12226. company: ShipStation
  12227. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12228. street2:
  12229. street3:
  12230. city: Austin
  12231. state: TX
  12232. postalCode: 78703
  12233. country: US
  12234. phone: 512-555-5555
  12235. residential:
  12236. addressVerified:
  12237. createDate: 2015-07-02T08:38:31.4870000
  12238. isDefault: true
  12239. type: object
  12240. properties:
  12241. warehouseId:
  12242. description: ''
  12243. example: 12345
  12244. type: integer
  12245. format: int32
  12246. warehouseName:
  12247. description: ''
  12248. example: API Ship From Location
  12249. type: string
  12250. originAddress:
  12251. description: ''
  12252. example:
  12253. name: API Warehouse
  12254. company: ShipStation
  12255. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12256. street2:
  12257. street3:
  12258. city: Austin
  12259. state: TX
  12260. postalCode: 78703
  12261. country: US
  12262. phone: 512-555-5555
  12263. residential: true
  12264. addressVerified:
  12265. type: object
  12266. returnAddress:
  12267. description: ''
  12268. example:
  12269. name: API Ship From Location
  12270. company: ShipStation
  12271. street1: 2815 Exposition Blvd
  12272. street2:
  12273. street3:
  12274. city: Austin
  12275. state: TX
  12276. postalCode: 78703
  12277. country: US
  12278. phone: 512-555-5555
  12279. residential:
  12280. addressVerified:
  12281. type: object
  12282. createDate:
  12283. description: ''
  12284. example: 7/2/2015 8:38:31 AM
  12285. type: string
  12286. isDefault:
  12287. description: ''
  12288. example: true
  12289. type: boolean
  12290. required:
  12291. - warehouseId
  12292. - warehouseName
  12293. - originAddress
  12294. - returnAddress
  12295. - createDate
  12296. - isDefault
  12297. CreateWarehouseRequest:
  12298. title: Create Warehouse request
  12299. type: object
  12300. properties:
  12301. warehouseName:
  12302. description: ''
  12303. example: New Ship From Location
  12304. type: string
  12305. originAddress:
  12306. description: ''
  12307. example:
  12308. name: NM Warehouse
  12309. company: White Sands Co.
  12310. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  12311. street2:
  12312. street3:
  12313. city: Las Cruces
  12314. state: NM
  12315. postalCode: 80012
  12316. country: US
  12317. phone: 512-111-2222
  12318. residential: true
  12319. type: object
  12320. returnAddress:
  12321. description: ''
  12322. type: string
  12323. isDefault:
  12324. description: ''
  12325. example: false
  12326. type: boolean
  12327. required:
  12328. - warehouseName
  12329. - originAddress
  12330. - returnAddress
  12331. - isDefault
  12332. CreateWarehouseResponse:
  12333. title: Create Warehouse response
  12334. example:
  12335. warehouseId: 17977
  12336. warehouseName: New Ship From Location
  12337. originAddress:
  12338. name: NM Warehouse
  12339. company: White Sands Co
  12340. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  12341. street2: ''
  12342. street3: ''
  12343. city: Las Cruces
  12344. state: NM
  12345. postalCode: 88012
  12346. country: US
  12347. phone: 512-111-2222
  12348. residential: true
  12349. returnAddress:
  12350. name: NM Warehouse
  12351. company: White Sands Co
  12352. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  12353. street2: ''
  12354. street3: ''
  12355. city: Las Cruces
  12356. state: NM
  12357. postalCode: 88012
  12358. country: US
  12359. phone: 512-111-2222
  12360. residential:
  12361. createDate: 2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000
  12362. isDefault: false
  12363. type: object
  12364. properties:
  12365. warehouseId:
  12366. description: ''
  12367. example: 17977
  12368. type: integer
  12369. format: int32
  12370. warehouseName:
  12371. description: ''
  12372. example: New Ship From Location
  12373. type: string
  12374. originAddress:
  12375. description: ''
  12376. example:
  12377. name: NM Warehouse
  12378. company: White Sands Co
  12379. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  12380. street2: ''
  12381. street3: ''
  12382. city: Las Cruces
  12383. state: NM
  12384. postalCode: 88012
  12385. country: US
  12386. phone: 512-111-2222
  12387. residential: true
  12388. type: object
  12389. returnAddress:
  12390. description: ''
  12391. example:
  12392. name: NM Warehouse
  12393. company: White Sands Co
  12394. street1: 4704 Arabela Dr.
  12395. street2: ''
  12396. street3: ''
  12397. city: Las Cruces
  12398. state: NM
  12399. postalCode: 88012
  12400. country: US
  12401. phone: 512-111-2222
  12402. residential:
  12403. type: object
  12404. createDate:
  12405. description: ''
  12406. example: 10/21/2014 8:11:43 AM
  12407. type: string
  12408. isDefault:
  12409. description: ''
  12410. example: false
  12411. type: boolean
  12412. required:
  12413. - warehouseId
  12414. - warehouseName
  12415. - originAddress
  12416. - returnAddress
  12417. - createDate
  12418. - isDefault
  12419. ListWarehousesResponse:
  12420. title: List Warehouses response
  12421. example:
  12422. warehouseId: 17977
  12423. warehouseName: Main warehouse
  12424. originAddress:
  12425. name: Spring warehouse
  12426. company: ''
  12427. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  12428. street2: ''
  12429. street3: ''
  12430. city: Elmurst
  12431. state: IL
  12432. postalCode: 60126
  12433. country: US
  12434. phone: 5121112222
  12435. residential: false
  12436. returnAddress:
  12437. name: Chicago House
  12438. company: ''
  12439. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  12440. street2: ''
  12441. street3: ''
  12442. city: Elmurst
  12443. state: IL
  12444. postalCode: 60126
  12445. country: US
  12446. phone: 5121112222
  12447. residential:
  12448. createDate: 2014-10-21T08:11:43.8800000
  12449. isDefault: true
  12450. type: object
  12451. properties:
  12452. warehouseId:
  12453. description: ''
  12454. example: 17977
  12455. type: integer
  12456. format: int32
  12457. warehouseName:
  12458. description: ''
  12459. example: Main warehouse
  12460. type: string
  12461. originAddress:
  12462. description: ''
  12463. example:
  12464. name: Spring warehouse
  12465. company: ''
  12466. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  12467. street2: ''
  12468. street3: ''
  12469. city: Elmurst
  12470. state: IL
  12471. postalCode: 60126
  12472. country: US
  12473. phone: 5121112222
  12474. residential: false
  12475. type: object
  12476. returnAddress:
  12477. description: ''
  12478. example:
  12479. name: Chicago House
  12480. company: ''
  12481. street1: '123 S SPRING RD '
  12482. street2: ''
  12483. street3: ''
  12484. city: Elmurst
  12485. state: IL
  12486. postalCode: 60126
  12487. country: US
  12488. phone: 5121112222
  12489. residential:
  12490. type: object
  12491. createDate:
  12492. description: ''
  12493. example: 10/21/2014 8:11:43 AM
  12494. type: string
  12495. isDefault:
  12496. description: ''
  12497. example: true
  12498. type: boolean
  12499. required:
  12500. - warehouseId
  12501. - warehouseName
  12502. - originAddress
  12503. - returnAddress
  12504. - createDate
  12505. - isDefault
  12506. ListWebhooksResponse:
  12507. title: List Webhooks response
  12508. example:
  12509. webhooks:
  12510. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  12511. WebHookID: 123
  12512. SellerID: 100000
  12513. StoreID: 12345
  12514. HookType: ITEM_ORDER_NOTIFY
  12515. MessageFormat: Json
  12516. Url: http://example.endpoint/orders
  12517. Name: My Order Webhook
  12518. BulkCopyBatchID:
  12519. BulkCopyRecordID:
  12520. Active: true
  12521. WebhookLogs: []
  12522. Seller:
  12523. Store:
  12524. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  12525. WebHookID: 456
  12526. SellerID: 100000
  12527. StoreID: 98765
  12528. HookType: SHIP_NOTIFY
  12529. MessageFormat: Json
  12530. Url: https://example.endpoint/shipment
  12531. Name: My Shipment Webhook
  12532. BulkCopyBatchID:
  12533. BulkCopyRecordID:
  12534. Active: true
  12535. WebhookLogs: []
  12536. Seller:
  12537. Store:
  12538. type: object
  12539. properties:
  12540. webhooks:
  12541. description: ''
  12542. example:
  12543. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  12544. WebHookID: 123
  12545. SellerID: 100000
  12546. StoreID: 12345
  12547. HookType: ITEM_ORDER_NOTIFY
  12548. MessageFormat: Json
  12549. Url: http://example.endpoint/orders
  12550. Name: My Order Webhook
  12551. BulkCopyBatchID:
  12552. BulkCopyRecordID:
  12553. Active: true
  12554. WebhookLogs: []
  12555. Seller:
  12556. Store:
  12557. - IsLabelAPIHook: false
  12558. WebHookID: 456
  12559. SellerID: 100000
  12560. StoreID: 98765
  12561. HookType: SHIP_NOTIFY
  12562. MessageFormat: Json
  12563. Url: https://example.endpoint/shipment
  12564. Name: My Shipment Webhook
  12565. BulkCopyBatchID:
  12566. BulkCopyRecordID:
  12567. Active: true
  12568. WebhookLogs: []
  12569. Seller:
  12570. Store:
  12571. type: array
  12572. items:
  12573. type: object
  12574. required:
  12575. - webhooks
  12576. SubscribeToWebhookRequest:
  12577. title: Subscribe to Webhook request
  12578. type: object
  12579. properties:
  12580. target_url:
  12581. description: ''
  12582. example:
  12583. type: string
  12584. event:
  12585. description: ''
  12586. example: ORDER_NOTIFY
  12587. type: string
  12588. store_id:
  12589. description: ''
  12590. type: string
  12591. friendly_name:
  12592. description: ''
  12593. example: My Webhook
  12594. type: string
  12595. required:
  12596. - target_url
  12597. - event
  12598. - store_id
  12599. - friendly_name
  12600. SubscribeToWebhookResponse:
  12601. title: Subscribe to Webhook response
  12602. example:
  12603. id: 123456
  12604. type: object
  12605. properties:
  12606. id:
  12607. description: ''
  12608. example: 123456
  12609. type: integer
  12610. format: int32
  12611. required:
  12612. - id
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