

Dec 21st, 2014
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  1. Danny was born on the 23rd February into a wealthy family that owned a large entrainment company. Danny had great lifestyle growing up he had always been treated in well by the many staff that this father had working for him in the family home like maids, cooks etc. Danny School life was also great he went through a private school then college Danny really enjoyed learning. He was a straight A* Student. His dream was to start his own enterprise. Time he was 18 he had all the necessary things he need to start his own business money, GSCE’s A Levels and Diploma. He just needed a place to start his business; He has been to many different places like Takistan, Taviana and Altis But he couldn’t find a great place to start is business but then he found it lakeside valley it was perfect he could run his business from one of the many offices and start a family in the many houses the city had to offer. Danny was going to live in lakeside all he need now is a group of people to work for him. He found a girl which later on he will go on and marry.
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