

May 17th, 2016
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  1. -Name: Remilia Scarlet
  3. -Age: 19
  5. -Gender: Female
  7. -Appearance: Remilia is short, only standing at 5'4, which isn't tall. She is quite pale, always carrying around sunscreen, and a hat that blocks the sun from her face. She has gray-blue hair, which is short, only going down to the tops of her shoulders, it's straight, and has medium thickness. Soft to the touch. She has bright red eyes, and pearly white teeth. She often wears white dresses, blouses, or sleeveless shirts, with a tank top under everything. She hasn't very large breasts, so don't get creative. She usually wears a sunhat, and sometimes, sunglasses, if its really bright out. She's pretty skinny, she is often considered to be quite cute. She is secretly obsessive with how her colors go together, usually sticking to white and red and some blues and purples. She will only take her hat off if it is cloudy, or if she is indoors. Her blouses are often plain white, and all of her tank tops are white, and without detail. She may dress outlandishly, if she wishes, which often means dresses, strange hats, and lots of ribbons. She says she wants to look her best, but she often just wears a simple summer dress, a sunhat, and heavily padded sandals. She will complain about cramps otherwise.
  9. -Abilities: Good Luck. Remilia is quite lucky, and will often get lucky at the worst of times for others, allowing her to gloat.
  11. -Backstory: Remilia was born to a rich family, who were not around often. She had a maid taking care of her most of her life, and her daughter became Remilia's best friend. Remilia had a little sister as well. Her little sister died of an unknown disease when she was 8. She went to sleep just fine one night, and never awoke. Remilia was stricken by grief, only 13. She became reclusive, refusing to go outside. Her friend, the maids daughter, Sakuya, who had left on a journey before Flandre, the little sister, had died. Remilia stayed in her room, feeling lonely, and politely accepted her meals through her door, but never came out. Eventually, something changed. She felt as though she had to do something more. She felt like she was just disappointing Flan and Sakuya, so, she left her home, going on her own journey, with her Maids Pokemon, that she had given Remilia to see her off. Her parents knew she would leave, and didn't stop her. They wanted her to become happy. She pursued a wild life, for a long time, and was a World Champion multiple times. She however grew bored, and tried finding a quiet life, in Xinkaisen Town, her Maids hometown, to live there, to calm down. She sent her Maids Pokemon back, keeping only a few that she had found on her journey. She even managed to have a Nephiler, the pre-evolved form of a Pokemon that was considered the most dangerous Pokemon ever, an Arachage. She has many feats below her belt, and she has a reason to gloat. She grew bored of that quiet life, missing her normal exhilaration. She decided to find a different kind of fun, so, she pompously announced her departure from Xinkaisen, in front everyone, with a megaphone, and met the group. She decided to take them with her on her journey, figuring that was the way to enjoy herself, sharing her journey with someone. She got more people than she expected, but she isn't complaining. She fervently believes that her good luck is Flandre watching over her. She doesn't carry any reminders of Flandre around, she believes she should remember her late sister on her own.
  13. -Personality: While she tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening aristocrat, Remilia is as childish as her appearance suggests. However, she is surprisingly polite. Her lifestyle has only served to make her prone to bored and as a result prizes anything she finds novel. She often will send others to find her things fun, or will demand to battle them, but she makes an effort to appreciate people's patience with her. While she can act in an overblown and grandiose fashion, she mostly just wants to be entertained. Yet, it remains to be said that she has an overflowing and charming personality that even makes most stick around her. She often will not accept those who talk down to her, and will probably challenge you to a battle if you damage her pride, and trust me, she will probably win due to her brutish strength, and good luck. She believes that brute force used to mow down all opposition is an elegant way to battle. Most people who battle with her don't last long enough to say otherwise. She often will brag after she wins, which may become irritating, but she has the sense to know when to stop, or to at least make it seem like she is not trying to start a fight. She is perfectly capable of fighting back in the case of a fist fight, and her good luck would probably make her beat the shit out of you, while not being hurt at all herself. She has a multitude of interests in Pokemon, making it hard to predict what kind of Pokemon she may use. She has a lot of them in her PC, and a lot of them are really terrifying...
  14. -PC:
  15. -Bleech
  16. -Nephiler
  17. -Eekape
  18. -Mirrie
  22. -Mega Accessory: Mega Sunglasses (Remilia won't directly look at her Pokemon Mega Evolving without hurting her eyes.)
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