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Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. Item #: 7560
  3. Object class: Euclid
  5. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7560 “porgiee” must be kept in a steel cube and guards must rotate every 3 hours due to SCP-7560’s memetic effects. Corn must be fed to him through a door in the top of the box, the person feeding should be wearing a blindfold and ear-protection to avoid hearing or seeing SCP-7560, the person feeding will be commanded what to do by Researcher Xil who will be watching from a distance and talking through an earpiece within the hearing protection
  7. Description: SCP-7560 is a bird-like animal that is described to be “indescribably cute” any person within 10 meters of SCP-7560 will begin to want to let SCP-7560 out. If anybody sees or hears SCP-7560 they will collapse in a fit of uncontrollable laughter that (in some cases) can cause suffocation. The very idea of knowing what SCP-7560 sounds or looks like can cause intense giggling, the Researcher in charge “Xil” has been armed with a sedative rifle to fire at victims of SCP-7560
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