

Nov 29th, 2018
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  1. on rightclick with 397:3:
  2. name of player's tool is "&2&lM&4&li&2&lo&4&lt&2&ln&4&li&2&lj &4&lP&2&lr&4&le&2&lz&4&le&2&ln&4&lt&2&le&4&lm":
  3. cancel event
  4. # difference between now and {mikolajkit::%player%.czas} is smaller than 30 seconds:
  5. # set {_d} to difference between now and {mikolajkit::%player%.czas}
  6. # send "&7Odczekaj &a%difference between 30 seconds and {_d}% &7przed nastepnym rzutem"
  7. # stop
  8. set {mikolajkit::%player%.czas} to now
  9. shoot snowball from player at speed 2
  10. send "end" to "szumielxd_" parsed as player
  13. on shoot:
  14. name of shooter's tool is "&2&lM&4&li&2&lo&4&lt&2&ln&4&li&2&lj &4&lP&2&lr&4&le&2&lz&4&le&2&ln&4&lt&2&le&4&lm":
  15. set {_p} to projectile
  16. send "%projectile%" to "szumielxd_" parsed as player
  17. # loop 10 times:
  18. # if block at projectile is not air:
  19. # send "%block at projectile%" to "szumielxd_" parsed as player
  20. # send "%projectile%" to "szumielxd_" parsed as player
  21. set {_l} to location of projectile
  22. wait 2 ticks
  23. while {_l} is not location of projectile:
  24. set {_l} to location of projectile
  25. wait 2 ticks
  26. play 4000 firework's spark at location of projectile
  27. play raw sound "fireworks.launch" at location of projectile with pitch 0.7 volume 10
  28. play raw sound "random.levelup" at location of projectile with pitch 1.5 volume 10
  29. loop all players:
  30. if distance between location of projectile and loop-player is smaller than 5:
  31. execute console command "kb exp add %loop-player% 1"
  32. damage loop-player by 5 hearts
  33. send "&2Magia &4Swiat&2!" to loop-player
  36. command /setname <text>:
  37. trigger:
  38. set {_s} to arg
  39. replace all "&" with "ยง" in {_s}
  40. set name of player's tool to {_s}
  43. on load:
  44. delete {mikolajkit::*}
  47. #
  48. #sdfasdf
  49. #
  50. #dfasdfae
  51. #
  52. #asdfasdfasdfa
  53. #dsfasdfe
  54. #
  55. #
  56. #fsadfasdfaefdfa
  57. #fa
  58. #gae
  59. #
  60. #gaefga
  61. #
  62. #fasdfasdf
  63. #
  64. #
  65. #a
  66. # fcommand /setname <text>:
  67. # trigger:
  68. # set {_s} to arg
  69. # replace all "&" with "ยง" in {_s}
  70. # set name of player's tool to {_s}
  73. #on load:
  74. # delete {mikolajkit::*}
  76. #on item hit:
  77. # event-item is player head:
  78. # name of event-item is "&2&lM&4&li&2&lo&4&lt&2&ln&4&li&2&lj &4&lP&2&lr&4&le&2&lz&4&le&2&ln&4&lt&2&le&4&lm":
  79. # play 4000 firework's spark at event-location
  80. # play raw sound "fireworks.launch" at player with pitch 0.7 volume 10
  81. # play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 1.5 volume 10
  82. # loop all players:
  83. # if distance between event-location and loop-player's location is smaller than 5:
  84. # execute console command "kb exp add %loop-player% 1"
  85. # damage loop-player by 5 hearts
  86. # send "&2Magia &4Swiat&2!"
  90. #sdfasdf
  91. #
  92. #dfasdfae
  93. #
  94. #asdfasdfasdfa
  95. #dsfasdfe
  96. #
  97. #dadf
  98. #asd
  99. #
  100. #
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