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Herocraft Community IRC Meeting

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Aug 3rd, 2014
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  1. [13:02] <@Kainzo> Alrighty
  2. 03[13:02] * Oryinn ( has joined #Herocraft
  3. [13:02] <@Kainzo> We are coming underway - T5+ and staff have voice, so feel free to speak up, this will take about 30 minutes and we're also in teamspeak, we will allow all-speak after the main points are hit on
  4. 03[13:02] * holyrollerss ( has joined #Herocraft
  5. [13:03] <@Kainzo> Please refrain from spamming the same questions or being churlish and unruly
  6. [13:03] <@Kainzo> The devs/admins are here to assist the process and can definitely chime in
  7. 03[13:03] * Ary (Mibbit@ has joined #Herocraft
  8. 03[13:03] * ruger392 ( has joined #Herocraft
  9. [13:03] <@Kainzo> === Staff Restructuring ===
  10. 03[13:03] * Caerulean ( has joined #Herocraft
  11. 03[13:03] * Retrieving #Herocraft modes...
  12. 03[13:03] * greatman sets mode: +m
  13. [13:03] <@Kainzo> We will be restructuring staff and creating new teams to delegate more power to the players and dedicated members through councils and teams
  14. 03[13:03] * MariusAbyssal (webchat@ has joined #Herocraft
  15. 03[13:03] * EnigmaticMander ( has joined #Herocraft
  16. [13:04] <@greatman> For those that just joined, please use /nick to set your server rank, example: /nick Dev|greatman
  17. [13:04] <@greatman> that way I can promote you
  18. [13:04] <@greatman> to speak
  19. [13:04] <@Kainzo> This includes the Rules Council (To update Rules and clarify them for all players) ... Scripting team for quests/bosses and adventure things... the Adventure Team as an overarching team for all instances of Adventure
  20. 03[13:04] * Admin|Danda sets mode: +v T9JakLng
  21. 03[13:04] * [Mod]hilltim1 sets mode: +v MariusAbyssal
  22. 03[13:04] * MariusAbyssal is now known as Architect|MariusAbyssal
  23. [13:04] <@Kainzo> and Balance Team being split into Implementers and Testers
  24. [13:04] <@Kainzo> Any questions/feedback regarding the above? feel free to speak freely
  25. 03[13:05] * CanDoBlue is now known as Herald
  26. [13:05] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I did that too, Blue
  27. [13:05] <@[Mod]hilltim1> /nick Herald|CanDoBlue
  28. 03[13:05] * Herald is now known as [Herald]CanDoBlue
  29. 03[13:05] * Admin|Danda sets mode: +v [Herald]CanDoBlue
  30. [13:07] <@Kainzo> trying to juggle both TS and IRC argh
  31. [13:07] <@Kainzo> ==== How we communicate ====
  32. [13:07] <@Kainzo> We're going to be changing how we communicate with the community
  33. [13:08] <@Kainzo> We will hold off main ideas until they are either mostly coded or fully coded before releasing sneak peeks and information
  34. [13:08] <@Kainzo> So we don't get hopes up and if something doesnt get done it wont be a let down
  35. 03[13:08] * t9-Xargun ( has joined #Herocraft
  36. 03[13:08] * [Mod]hilltim1 sets mode: +v t9-Xargun
  37. [13:08] <@Kainzo> The Adventure map and contents described are still coming and a lot of work has been done towards it, but we'll touch that in another topic
  38. 03[13:08] * g1ng3r ( has joined #Herocraft
  39. 03[13:08] * Adrastos ( has joined #Herocraft
  40. [13:09] <+OxNaomi> Kainzo: Implementing and testing is great and all, but can balance actually get a change to live without your explicit approval?
  41. [13:09] <@Kainzo> Staff (and myself) will try and be more available in teamspeak to users who are looking to talk one on one with staff, at least some hours a week so if you have something you need to discuss, you'll get the chance
  42. [13:09] <@Admin|Xanipher> 'office hours'
  43. [13:09] <@Admin|Xanipher> sounds fun
  44. [13:09] <@Admin|Xanipher> hehe
  45. [13:09] <@Kainzo> May have missed it - but as discussed on the restructuring page, OxNaomi --- There is a repo for Balance that will have push access to implementers
  46. [13:09] <@Kainzo> So testers can view the repo and configs - when needed (via and implemeters can push it
  47. [13:10] <@Kainzo> Ultimately, it will be a group discussion on the actual changes being made and historical data will be preserved via the change logs of git
  48. [13:10] <@Admin|Danda> I'm nearly always available atm in TS anyway xD
  49. 03[13:11] * Oudaiesty ( has joined #Herocraft
  50. 03[13:11] * [Mod]hilltim1 sets mode: +v Oudaiesty
  51. [13:12] <+[Proctor]irishman81> +1 for reading applications
  52. [13:12] <@Kainzo> I'd like to devise a team to approve and filter applications for admins or the specific team to handle
  53. [13:12] <@Kainzo> Rather than relying on myself to sift through hundreds
  54. [13:12] <@greatman> Team leaders somewhat?
  55. [13:12] <@Kainzo> I'm sure an inductions or H&R team would gbe nice
  56. [13:12] <@Admin|Xanipher> yea i dont look at apps until i need someone, or else i have a ton of people with no job to do
  57. [13:13] <@Kainzo> Correct, greatman
  58. [13:13] <+[Proctor]irishman81> I'm all for that
  59. [13:13] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Like seniors?
  60. [13:13] <+[Architect]Devoted> Like Senors?
  61. 03[13:13] * DJAlphaWolf ( has left #Herocraft
  62. 03[13:13] * DJAlphaWolf ( has joined #Herocraft
  63. [13:13] <@Admin|Xanipher> i would love to have a event team senior
  64. [13:13] <@Kainzo> ^
  65. [13:13] <@Admin|Xanipher> because its so much work and time
  66. [13:13] <@Kainzo> Its a massive amount of time to run this server and we want to give more of that power to the community to help :)
  67. [13:13] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Or a Herald Sr.
  68. [13:13] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> ^
  69. [13:13] <@greatman> If non-voiced peeps got good questions, just pm me them (/msg greatman The actual msg), ill probably forward them
  70. [13:13] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> :D
  71. [13:14] <@Kainzo> While a senior isnt always needed, its definitely a plus in my book
  72. [13:14] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> There hasnt been a Sr Herald since DG
  73. [13:14] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Bastion*
  74. [13:14] <@Kainzo> If you guys have questions to ask, speak up - I dont want to rush this and its here for you
  75. [13:14] <@Admin|Danda> Honestly I feel the Herald team needs one, they have very little direction atm and need someone to try and focus the team into a more useful form
  76. [13:14] <@Kainzo> This is community feedback
  77. [13:14] <+[Herald]BaBomba> :D
  78. [13:15] <@greatman> *offtopic* can someone give me a decent rank on TS so I can write at least? :P
  79. [13:15] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> I agree Danda
  80. [13:15] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Sounds Good
  81. [13:15] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Agreed
  82. [13:15] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> haha kain
  83. [13:15] <+[Architect]Devoted> Why is Kainzo banned from the Minecraft Forums T_T
  84. [13:15] <+Wiki|malikdanab> I saw that tweet
  85. [13:15] <@[Mod]hilltim1> Done greatman.
  86. [13:15] <@greatman> Thanks
  87. [13:16] <@Admin|Xanipher> ive told etkenn and babomba to co-senior herald until we figure it out
  88. [13:16] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> We should merge the Social team with the Forum team within the Herald team
  89. [13:16] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> test voice
  90. [13:16] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> So that we'd end up with Video and Forum instead of Video, Forum and Social.
  91. [13:17] <@greatman> I like that
  92. [13:17] <@Kainzo> How do you feel about staff paying staff members X souls a week?
  93. [13:17] <+[Architect]Devoted> I think even as staff, its voluntary, so I think staff who are lower kinda seems stupid >.<
  94. [13:17] <+[Proctor]irishman81> I'm fine with it if they are active
  95. [13:17] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> That would require better management of each team though
  96. [13:18] <+[Architect]Devoted> Maybe for big projects where they contributed
  97. [13:18] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I'm not saying this just because I'm a Herald, but I think it'd be a good idea
  98. [13:18] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> To make sure the staff members are actually working
  99. [13:18] <+t9-Xargun> Make it a max per week - and the staff in charge (Mod / Admins) decide if they have earned it
  100. [13:18] <@Kainzo> 50-100s per week is what im saying
  101. [13:18] <@Kainzo> and the reasoning is these players could be mindlessly mining and making money ubt instead they are helping the server
  102. [13:18] <@Admin|Xanipher> we can hold the seniors accountable for monitoring activity
  103. [13:18] <@Kainzo> so something small couldnt hurt
  104. [13:18] <@greatman> 4:18:24 PM <Jpenguin> What will become of the proctor team? At the moment, they seem like a useless team.
  105. [13:18] <+[Architect]Devoted> ^
  106. [13:18] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> The senior/head of the team could check on the activity of the team members more thorougly
  107. [13:18] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> mhmm
  108. [13:18] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> should*
  109. [13:19] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Someone could make a note of what the other members in that staff position have done throughout the week.
  110. [13:19] <+[Architect]Devoted> I think thats a good idea Kainzo, I like doing applications :3
  111. [13:19] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Well thats my question answered haha
  112. [13:19] <@greatman> Kainzo is thinking merging them in the application team Jpenguin
  113. [13:19] <+[Proctor]irishman81> Agreed ^^
  114. [13:19] <@Kainzo> Proctors are in a need of rework - we might be able to shift them help with staff-apps, but in a different caliber
  115. [13:19] <+[Architect]Devoted> Proctors all the waaaay!
  116. [13:19] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> A lot of proctors have become more like guides as of late.
  117. [13:20] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Proctors do help in Tour chat and help newbies, but Proctor is at the moment just a cleaning up job
  118. [13:20] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Question : Will balance test for bugs / things not working ?
  119. [13:20] <@Admin|Xanipher> guides we need more of anyways haha
  120. [13:20] <@greatman> Could be a side-job Architect|MariusAbyssal
  121. [13:21] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> The heralds should focus on keeping the MCF thread active
  122. [13:21] <+[Architect]Devoted> We could make the Application another way to Whitelist, because some people don't like the /register
  123. [13:21] <+[Proctor]irishman81> They just don't know how to use it
  124. [13:21] <+[Proctor]irishman81> tbh its soooo much easier
  125. [13:22] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Yeah, we worked on that back in the days
  126. [13:22] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Oh, so tips wont work either
  127. [13:22] <@Kainzo> I agree, but we cant just "bump" the thread under the new rules of MCF
  128. [13:22] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> That's a problem, we need to figure something out then
  129. 03[13:22] * Cabbadge42 ( has joined #Herocraft
  130. [13:22] <@Kainzo> Yep
  131. [13:22] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Can we make it an active decussion of "What I did today on HeroCraft" ?
  132. [13:22] <@Kainzo> Architect|MariusAbyssal: yes - balance will also report bugs if they find them
  133. [13:22] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> discussion
  134. [13:22] <@Kainzo> Good idea Cando :D
  135. [13:22] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> :D
  136. [13:23] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Discussing upcoming updates etc. too
  137. 03[13:23] * mib_jae7o3 ( has joined #Herocraft
  138. 03[13:23] * LovelyArmor ( has joined #Herocraft
  139. 02[13:23] * Nekokunai ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  140. [13:23] <@Kainzo> ===== Advertising Costs =====
  141. [13:23] <@Kainzo> For the first, almost 4 years, of Herocraft - we have spent $0 on advertising
  142. [13:23] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Question : But will balance actively test each update to make sure no bugs slip ?
  143. [13:23] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> How about you Heralds put together a "this week in Herocraft" post to keep the community updated.
  144. [13:23] <@Kainzo> We have a grass roots community and while I'd love to keep it that way, I'd like to spend some of our income in advertising to grow the community
  145. [13:24] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Maybe a video series Thunder, I've thought about that before
  146. [13:24] <@Kainzo> Streamers and Youtubers are an untapped market for Herocraft, we are currently the "hidden" gem that needs to be polished and presented to new users
  147. [13:24] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Like, ''herocraft weekly'' of sorts
  148. [13:24] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Doable
  149. [13:24] <@Admin|Danda> One last thing not so sure proctors should be shifted to doing staff applications. I think that should be more for the leaders of the individual teams like the Seniors or the Admin that's in charge.
  150. [13:24] <@Kainzo> Architect|MariusAbyssal: It really depends on how long we want the turn around time
  151. [13:24] <@Kainzo> Very possible though
  152. [13:24] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Sure I like that Thunder
  153. [13:24] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Ahrall
  154. 03[13:25] * Delfofthebla ( has joined #Herocraft
  155. 03[13:25] * Air_Restraint (Mibbit@ has joined #Herocraft
  156. [13:25] <+T7MovingTarget92> I have a suggestion for Farmer when the time comes for suggestions.
  157. 03[13:25] * [Mod]hilltim1 sets mode: +v Air_Restraint
  158. 02[13:25] * mib_jae7o3 ( Quit (Client Quit)
  159. [13:25] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> I wouldn't mind a higher turn around time at the benefit of having less bugs on live.
  160. [13:25] <@Kainzo> There will be a new server coming in the next few days
  161. [13:25] <@Kainzo> It will act as a "test" server
  162. [13:26] <@Kainzo> We will name it "visions" or something similar
  163. [13:26] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Didnt BebopVox (Whatever his name is) play on HC back in Zeal/sanctum?
  164. [13:26] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> EtKEnn & Thunder, some servers have books as "newspapers" in spawn to find updates ~ we could have a variety of ways, like vids or books (as well as it usually is on forums)
  165. [13:26] <@Kainzo> you'll be able to test attribute builds out for your class and freely swap between them, but nothing will transfer from there and back
  166. [13:26] <+OxNaomi> Kainzo: Will new Balance be able to get basic code edits done? I'm willing to actually edit it, just config files don't have everything Balance might need. For instance, extra effects on landing like fire or poison.
  167. [13:26] <@Admin|Danda> I agree that Streamers & Youtubers should be looked into but I feel that if we're going to pay for it we should probably try to wait until we have more playable content in terms of both PvP & PvE so that we give a better impression of the server.
  168. [13:26] <@Kainzo> OxNaomi: only if the edits 1) make sense 2) can get done, I think thats a good idea
  169. [13:26] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> I think throwing some money towards advertising would be a wise investment in the long run. That way we can increase the playerbase.
  170. [13:27] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I have a friend who is friends with a YouTuber with a good amount of subscribers, I could get him to do a spotlight on Herocraft.
  171. [13:27] <+[Architect]Devoted> Playerbase isn't all what we need, we need Retention of Players too
  172. [13:27] <+t9-Xargun> I think adventure map is more important than the FFA map
  173. [13:27] <+[Architect]Devoted> I agree ^ FFA=Ruins >.<
  174. 03[13:28] * Jonsoon ( has joined #Herocraft
  175. [13:28] <@greatman> 4:28:40 PM <DJAlphaWolf> Are all players able to get on the upcoming test server? Like last map?
  176. [13:28] <@greatman> I think yes?
  177. 03[13:28] * Admin|Xanipher sets mode: +o Jonsoon
  178. 03[13:28] * mib_e8k41r ( has joined #Herocraft
  179. [13:28] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Goodness, seems good
  180. 02[13:28] * mib_e8k41r ( Quit (Client Quit)
  181. [13:28] <@Kainzo> BAbomba, as a herald you should get him to do it
  182. [13:28] <+[Architect]Devoted> Test server is currently Whitelisted
  183. [13:29] <@Kainzo> We can offer Youtubers a title and max supporter tier
  184. [13:29] <@greatman> but the one kainzo's been talking about
  185. [13:29] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Question : Have you considered hiring build teams? If not will we have a revamp of architect too because I feel it's very lackluster?
  186. [13:29] <@Kainzo> if they have 2k+ subs
  187. [13:29] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I'll see what I can do.
  188. [13:29] <@greatman> it's like the old oneish?
  189. [13:29] <@Kainzo> Architect|MariusAbyssal: lackluste rin what ways and xanipher might be able to drop some info on this
  190. [13:29] <+[Proctor]irishman81> What Marius said ^^
  191. [13:29] <@Kainzo> FFA map is completed btw
  192. [13:29] <@Kainzo> its ready to be released.
  193. 02[13:29] * Bohannan (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  194. [13:29] <@Kainzo> We're shifting our priorities (based on community input) to Adventure
  195. [13:29] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Kainzo, is 2,123,195 subscribers good for you?
  196. [13:29] <@Kainzo> and PVP assistance
  197. [13:29] <@Admin|Xanipher> revamp of the architect team?
  198. [13:30] <@Kainzo> yes Babomba :P
  199. [13:30] <@Admin|Xanipher> i hire individual architects for small fees if i need something done in game
  200. [13:30] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> As in very chaotic for example for FFA we had one meeting...
  201. [13:30] <@Admin|Xanipher> if its big, maybe 2-3
  202. [13:30] <@Admin|Xanipher> architects can be slippery and difficult to get together with
  203. [13:30] <+[Architect]Devoted> Architects are slippery I agree
  204. [13:31] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Mhmm
  205. [13:31] <+Air_Restraint> Well there be any recruiting for balance?
  206. [13:31] <@Kainzo> Weekly meetings for Architects
  207. [13:31] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Yea
  208. [13:31] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> We could at least have regular meetings brainstorming session when we're making the maps yes.
  209. [13:31] <@greatman> the new Test server would be open to everybody?
  210. [13:31] <@Kainzo> All applications will be getting reviewed and a new post will be coming up
  211. [13:31] <@Kainzo> yes greatman
  212. [13:31] <@Kainzo> "Visions"
  213. [13:31] <@Kainzo> It'll be less test, more testing for players
  214. [13:31] <@Kainzo> so wont go up and down like the old test
  215. [13:32] <@Kainzo> we'll have Visions and then Test
  216. [13:32] <@greatman> kk
  217. [13:32] <@Kainzo> users just want an area they can go to actually test THEIR classes
  218. [13:32] <@Kainzo> or new classes
  219. [13:32] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Will there be PvP enabled?
  220. [13:32] <@greatman> so devs test & the player's test
  221. [13:32] <+t9-Xargun> what is "Visions" ?
  222. [13:32] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Test sapped some PvP last map for sure
  223. [13:32] <@greatman> T9|Witchy: The new test server
  224. [13:32] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> ^
  225. [13:33] <+T7MovingTarget92> My suggestion for Farmer is to either increase a soul drop rate for harvesting wheat/carrots/potatoes etc. Or to increase exp gained by farmers as the only way farmers can really make souls is to max farmer to create chestshops.
  226. [13:33] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> test last map was kind of like arenas back in Bastion
  227. [13:33] <+T7|JenksLaw> I would worry about the "Visions" Idea. Personally I love the idea in theory. Go play with all my toys. See what dragoon is like etc. etc. However, it might be similar to playing a game on "God-Mode" you get everything right away and then you don't feel the need to grind anymore.
  228. 01[13:33] <+T9|yeelowsnow> the end of haven was marked by players soley going on test to pvp for the fast paced no consequence pvp. Whats to stop that from happening with this new test shard?
  229. [13:33] <+Air_Restraint> For Farmer, I'm not sure if this is already on the class. But can they make leather armor? If not, I think that would be good for them.
  230. 03[13:33] * CoolBeans279 ( has joined #Herocraft
  231. [13:33] <+T7|JenksLaw> You play god mode long enough and people get tired
  232. [13:34] <+t9-Xargun> no one wears leather
  233. [13:34] <+Air_Restraint> Doesn't matter.
  234. [13:34] <+[Herald]BaBomba> PvP could be disabled on Visions and just have mobs spawn in a certain area for people to test on
  235. [13:34] <+T7MovingTarget92> Farmers should also be able to breakdown leather
  236. [13:34] <+OxNaomi> PvP on old test was everywhere. If PvP was in quotes.
  237. [13:35] <@greatman> 4:34:59 PM <ruger392> Will there be a team for lore writing and quest line writing?
  238. [13:35] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Loot crate keys Kainzo ;)
  239. [13:35] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Another idea would be to make it cost souls to play on Visions
  240. [13:35] <+[Architect]Devoted> ^ [ Greatman ]
  241. [13:35] <+T7MovingTarget92> Farmer suggestions kainzo :P
  242. [13:36] <@Admin|Danda> Yes there will be greatman
  243. [13:36] <+OxNaomi> T7|JenksLaw: Ideally, Live would have more than just the classes to attract players
  244. [13:36] <+Oudaiesty> This is a nice idea. I like where profs might go.
  245. [13:36] <+Air_Restraint> Kainzo: Maybe some leaked info about sammy? ;o
  246. [13:36] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> I think Farmers should be able to monopolize food better
  247. 03[13:37] * XxSamdamanxX ( has joined #Herocraft
  248. [13:37] <@Kainzo> Samurai is the next class being released
  249. [13:37] <+T7MovingTarget92> yeah cause they need some better way to increase gains in souls XD
  250. [13:37] <@Kainzo> Balance will discuss its skills with my creative direction
  251. [13:37] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Can Smith craft leather armor?
  252. [13:37] <+T7MovingTarget92> poor farmers
  253. [13:37] <@Kainzo> all numbers/etc will be implemented by balance for samurai with a rough guideline by me
  254. [13:37] <@Kainzo> The profession team on Balance will need to give farmers some TLC and rework it
  255. [13:37] <+[Proctor]irishman81> How soon will we see the split of balance?
  256. 02[13:38] * +T7|Trist95 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  257. [13:38] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> lol
  258. [13:38] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Minigames? Eww
  259. [13:38] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Minigames can work...
  260. [13:38] <@greatman> minigames with Heroes in it
  261. [13:38] <+T7|JenksLaw> Not all bad those minigames
  262. 03[13:38] * Trist95 ( has joined #Herocraft
  263. 02[13:38] * PwnageDude10 ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  264. [13:38] <@Admin|Xanipher> i will be looking into a decent KoTH plugin for the event server
  265. [13:38] <@greatman> can get some crazy combination.
  266. [13:38] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> A lot of players play minecraft mini games servers
  267. [13:38] <+T7|JenksLaw> Remember Star wars and the space ship minigame? that was pretty awesome actually lol.
  268. [13:38] <+[Architect]Devoted> Kainzo, what exactly is coming with the adventure Team? What is it and whom is on it
  269. [13:39] <+OxNaomi> I want Heroes CTF, but anyway...
  270. [13:39] <+[Architect]Devoted> kk >.<
  271. [13:39] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Question: Will the minigames be separate or integrated into the servers (ala conquest) ?
  272. [13:39] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Shaman CTF
  273. [13:39] <@Kainzo> The adventure team will be a "blanket" team that will have all facets of the adventure map
  274. [13:39] <@Admin|Danda> I hope you mean SWG and not The Old Repiblic Jenks :P
  275. [13:39] <@greatman> Easiest is seperated Architect|MariusAbyssal
  276. [13:39] <@Kainzo> So scripters, mob creators, lore guys, etc
  277. [13:39] <@Kainzo> will be all under Adventure as well as their respective teams
  278. [13:39] <@Kainzo> The ultimately goal with Adventure is to overseer the production of hte Adventure map
  279. [13:39] <@Kainzo> With the direction of admins/myself
  280. [13:39] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> I miss Battleground (If that's what it was called) from Bastion, where people fought FFA in an upside down castle
  281. [13:39] <+Oudaiesty> There will be deeply custom mobs?
  282. 02[13:39] * ruger392 ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  283. [13:40] <@Kainzo> Custom mobs can have a few differences between vanilla mobs
  284. [13:40] <@Kainzo> we can skin a mob to look like me and be named greatman
  285. [13:40] <@Kainzo> and it can shout out insults and use custom skills
  286. [13:40] <@Kainzo> I'm reading up on IRC, sec
  287. [13:40] <+Oudaiesty> I dig it.
  288. [13:40] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Hero skills?
  289. [13:40] <@Kainzo> Not hero-skills directly no
  290. [13:40] <@Kainzo> scripters can create skills on the fly, basically
  291. [13:40] <+[Architect]Devoted> Could we have those mobs spawn from players death? Like have a [Zombie Devotedworker] Spawn when I get killed by a zombie
  292. [13:40] <+T9JakLng> how about some rent relief for personal regions..
  293. [13:40] <@Admin|Danda> But we could make skill look like some of the heroes skills
  294. [13:40] <@Kainzo> and mimic hero-skills
  295. [13:41] <@Kainzo> T9JakLng: what do you mean exactly?
  296. [13:41] <@Kainzo> ==== We're moving to the Q&A points at the moment =====
  297. [13:41] <@Kainzo> just if anyone missed that :)
  298. [13:41] <+T9JakLng> as T9 i get 3 regions... I can't afford to keep up 1
  299. [13:41] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Well I hope the minigames will be integrated into the current server instead of being separate but meh..
  300. [13:41] <@Kainzo> Devoted, thats actually possible
  301. [13:41] <+[Architect]Devoted> :D
  302. 03[13:41] * Admin|Danda sets mode: +v XxSamdamanxX
  303. [13:41] <@Kainzo> T9JakLng: are you referring to the rent every week?
  304. [13:41] <@greatman> removing moderated Kainzo?
  305. [13:41] <+T9JakLng> yes
  306. [13:41] <@Kainzo> not yet greatman
  307. [13:41] <@greatman> k
  308. 02[13:41] * +XxSamdamanxX ( Quit (Client Quit)
  309. [13:42] <@Kainzo> Jak make a suggestion with how you think we should adjust it - and we'll look into it
  310. [13:42] <+[Herald]BaBomba> A boss with Arcane Storm... hehe
  311. [13:42] <+Architect|MariusAbyssal> Maybe we will have both at some point..
  312. [13:42] <@Kainzo> its important to get that right because if you cant afford it, then we're doing numbers wrong
  313. [13:42] <+T9JakLng> TY
  314. [13:42] <+t9-Xargun> personal region rent is cheap
  315. 03[13:42] * Samdaman ( has joined #Herocraft
  316. 02[13:42] * Samdaman ( Quit (Client Quit)
  317. [13:42] <@Kainzo> Marius - the goal is to have a fast-action pvp area to draw in players and provide some benefit to the main servers of herocraft
  318. [13:42] <@greatman> Architect|MariusAbyssal: How would you see it? A random CTF area with walls to prevent people entering by example?
  319. 03[13:42] * XxSamdamanxXT7 ( has joined #Herocraft
  320. 03[13:43] * Admin|Xanipher sets mode: +v XxSamdamanxXT7
  321. [13:43] <@Kainzo> greatman: I see it as being on Central, portal/boat --- that when you win you get currency or some item that can be traded for something
  322. [13:43] <+T9JakLng> I like to build and explore... I have to mine for hours just to pay on 1 25x25 region
  323. 03[13:43] * Templar_james ( has joined #Herocraft
  324. [13:43] <@greatman> Those minigames maps can potentially be modified by people too. So we need to be sure it doesn't lag the network
  325. [13:43] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Test
  326. [13:43] <@greatman> 4:43:30 PM <Jpenguin> Will we ever see a comeback on arenas?
  327. [13:43] <@Kainzo> I want to implement PVP TNT exploding blocks ( but regen after one minute ) ----- how do you guys feel about this?
  328. [13:43] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Yes
  329. [13:43] <+[Architect]Devoted> Sounds good
  330. [13:43] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Needs to happen kain
  331. [13:43] <+[Architect]Devoted> Is it a mob?
  332. [13:43] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Makes miners actually have
  333. [13:43] <+[Herald]BaBomba> As long as it's a rule not to have obsidian walls in your town
  334. [13:43] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Will it be enabled in spawn/personal regions?
  335. [13:44] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> "realish" tnt
  336. [13:44] <@Kainzo> Miners will be able to make Siege weapons (TNT cannons) that can destroy obsidian (and any block except LWC's)
  337. [13:44] <+t9-Xargun> depends Kainzo.. who all can place it ?
  338. [13:44] <+T7|JenksLaw> In addition to advertising staff positions on the forums an ingame bulletin board could be a good way to advertise said positions
  339. [13:44] <@Admin|Danda> Honestly I don't think there is anything wrong with the rent on Personal regions
  340. [13:44] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Towns need to be raidable in some sort of way
  341. [13:44] <@Admin|Danda> it's not very expensive
  342. [13:44] <@greatman> 4:44:11 PM <DJAlphaWolf> Would tnt allow for town raids then?
  343. [13:44] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> I think this would help PvP activity a lot. Though could we restrict the crafting and not the placement?
  344. [13:44] <+[Architect]Devoted> Can't Enginners make TNT too?
  345. [13:44] <+Air_Restraint> Kainzo, is there any way that we could lose armor and what we are holding in pvp. But I guess keep them in pve. I just feel like we get less rewarded in pvp atm.
  346. [13:44] <@Kainzo> yes, DJA
  347. [13:44] <+t9-Xargun> give it to engineers to make the cannons. and miners the tnt
  348. [13:44] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Eh, I hate pvp being reliant on a crafter class
  349. [13:44] <@Kainzo> Yes, Air_Restraint its possible to toggle the plugin to and fro
  350. [13:44] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Only 60 Miners can place TNT though.
  351. [13:44] <+[Herald]BaBomba> you most likely won't need 3 huge PRs or even 2
  352. 01[13:44] <+T9|yeelowsnow> make sure that shit is fully tested
  353. [13:44] <@Kainzo> However, with the closeness of custom items, armor and weapons will become much more rare and sought after
  354. [13:44] <@Kainzo> so you wont see players wielding them o rusing them if they can lose them =/
  355. [13:45] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> :D
  356. [13:45] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I think just armor should drop
  357. [13:45] <+Air_Restraint> But atleast they would be risking them then. Then also you wouldn't have people disarming people when they die to lose the weapon
  358. [13:45] <@Kainzo> Arenas --- I'd love for them to come back in a certain capacity, the developer of them kind of stopped updating and there were massive bugs
  359. [13:45] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Uhm, if it's possible to restrict who can place TNT. Is it possible to restrict who can place seeds/vegetables and harvest?
  360. [13:45] <+[Herald]BaBomba> so people can't go hardcore GY running until they kill everyone
  361. [13:45] <@Kainzo> An arena server attached to Central could be nice though
  362. [13:45] <+[Architect]Devoted> Oooh
  363. [13:45] <@Jonsoon> Why do you say that, malik?
  364. [13:45] <@Kainzo> EtkEnn - it should be possible, the events should be the same
  365. [13:45] <+[Architect]Devoted> I agree with Etkenn that might make Farmers more needed
  366. [13:46] <+[Herald]BaBomba> the arena that's already there is pretty useful
  367. [13:46] <+Wiki|malikdanab> What if you don't have a miner on, can't use tnt then.
  368. [13:46] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> I think it would be good to restrict farming to farmers, though it won't truly help this far into the map
  369. [13:46] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Anything said about party limits?
  370. [13:46] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I think a lot of people want "instant PvP" where they can sit in their house and fight people
  371. [13:47] <@Jonsoon> Then get a miner Wiki|malikdanab. Creates variety and dependencies
  372. [13:47] <+[Architect]Devoted> Kainzo will this Regenerating TNT, could it be a rare drop to make Raids more sparatic?
  373. [13:47] <+[Architect]Devoted> Or A custom item
  374. [13:47] <@Kainzo> hrm....
  375. 03[13:47] * Andrew2060 ( has joined #Herocraft
  376. [13:47] <@Kainzo> The actual item would be any TNT explosion
  377. [13:48] <+Air_Restraint> I really disagree with Residences atm. They are cheaper then spawn plots and can be bigger. They can't be raided at all. Plus the fact I think the rent for them are broken at the moment.
  378. [13:48] <+[Architect]Devoted> Because with just TNT someone could destroy Regions completly
  379. [13:48] <@Kainzo> PVP is a conflicted server.
  380. [13:48] <@Kainzo> PVE isn't
  381. [13:48] <@Kainzo> so the player should choose which they want to actively be on
  382. [13:48] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Now that we have PvE, I dont think we should hold back on PvP. Let PvP be more hardcore
  383. [13:48] <@Kainzo> Right
  384. [13:48] <+[Herald]BaBomba> The blocks would regen probably, devoted
  385. [13:48] <@Kainzo> That's the goal and that's what we're trying to do for the PVPers
  386. [13:48] <@Kainzo> I want everyone happy
  387. [13:49] <+[Architect]Devoted> Ik but someone could access chests in Region with TNT
  388. [13:49] <@Kainzo> PVE isnt going away - its something that will be for those who want survival vanilla gameplay with Heroes
  389. [13:49] <+[Architect]Devoted> Making em essentialy pointless
  390. [13:49] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I don't think chests should be able to be blown up by TNT, just the blocks surrounding them
  391. [13:49] <@Kainzo> PVP is survival vanilla gameplay with PVP with Heroes
  392. [13:49] <+[Architect]Devoted> Ik
  393. [13:49] <+[Architect]Devoted> Making em openable
  394. [13:49] <+OxNaomi> Kain keeps saying dirt over chests != protection
  395. [13:49] <+T9JakLng> Danda, a single T9 region cost 4,056 to create. and 101 a week in rent.
  396. [13:49] <@Kainzo> and then RPG is a non-survival system with Heroes and minor PVP in certain areas
  397. [13:49] <@Admin|Xanipher> PvE <3
  398. [13:49] <+t9-Xargun> if tnt can blow holes in towns - they should be able to blow holes in personal regions as well.. only spawn plots should be immune
  399. [13:49] <+OxNaomi> So long as blowing up a chest block doesn't lose contents (including on restart) it should be fine
  400. [13:49] <+Air_Restraint> The one thing I dislike is this is suppost to be a hardcore server. But you keep your armor and whatever your holding on death :\
  401. [13:49] <@Kainzo> Correct t9-Xargun
  402. [13:49] <+[Herald]BaBomba> 101 isn't baed
  403. [13:49] <+[Herald]BaBomba> bad*
  404. [13:49] <+t9-Xargun> rent is 14 days for personal regions - unless they changed it since last map
  405. [13:49] <@Kainzo> Air_Restraint: hardcore = you die and get banned on death
  406. [13:50] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> ^
  407. [13:50] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Kainzo two weeks ago you said balance team rework effective immediately, and that a balance patch would likely come out this/last week. What is the progress on the two?
  408. [13:50] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Pretty sure they dropped the Hardcore title
  409. [13:50] <@Admin|Danda> Babomba when chests are blown up they wouldn't spew their contents everywhere they're just disappear and replace complete with full items
  410. [13:50] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Air, thats based on the future where your armor will cost thousands of souls.
  411. [13:50] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> The term hardcore in Minecraft means that your game is deleted, or in Multiplayer that you get banned
  412. [13:50] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Because custom items
  413. [13:50] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I see
  414. [13:50] <@Kainzo> I think a chance to drop the items on death would be a suitable solution but that requires more coding and debate
  415. [13:50] <+T9JakLng> thats 303 a week for the 3 regions your allowed
  416. [13:50] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Kain, Is it supposed to be were you cant open chests in a personal region on Pvp?
  417. 03[13:50] * Jonsoon is now known as Mod|Jonsoon
  418. [13:50] <@Kainzo> XxSamdamanxXT7: The repos have been created, applications are being reviewed, I had to move towns and it came at a bad time
  419. [13:50] <@Admin|Danda> Max size regions are 200 ish Jak
  420. [13:50] <@greatman> 4:47:04 PM <DJAlphaWolf> Whats the possibility of tier 2 classes in the future? Like a tier 2 paladin. Tier 2 wizard. Etc.
  421. [13:50] <@Admin|Danda> 202.8
  422. [13:50] <@Admin|Danda> just did the math
  423. [13:50] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> I wasnt sure if it was a mistake or not
  424. [13:50] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> It wasnt always like this, but when mojang implemented Hardcore difficulty the word Hardcore got a standard
  425. [13:50] <@Kainzo> Either case, the forums have been reworked and will be made public viewable tonight
  426. [13:51] <+[Herald]BaBomba> You'd have to farm dirt an awful lot to need 3 x by x by x regions to store your stuff
  427. [13:51] <+[Proctor]irishman81> but T9JakLng, who needs 3 t9 personal regions
  428. [13:51] <@Kainzo> DJAlphaWolf: I actually think this is an amazing idea
  429. [13:51] <@Kainzo> but it has to be done in a way that doesnt KILL balance
  430. [13:51] <@Kainzo> I can see a T1 class = Paladin, T2 = Crusader
  431. [13:51] <@Kainzo> and the T2 would gain 1hp more per level
  432. [13:51] <@Kainzo> or something similar but keep the same skill setup
  433. [13:51] <@Kainzo> That would be doable.
  434. [13:51] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I can do just fine with 1 T5 plot
  435. [13:51] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Like prestiges?
  436. [13:51] <+T9JakLng> they're offered... i had 1 and couldn't keep the rent up and lost it
  437. [13:51] <+[Proctor]irishman81> My t7 plot has 2 floors that are unused lol
  438. [13:52] <@Kainzo> Sorta, I want T2 but if we have to offer extremely different classes, it will be too time consuming for balance
  439. [13:52] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Yea Kainzo I saw a couple of your statuses, hopefully the guy who broke his neck can make a recovery.
  440. 03[13:52] * greatman sets mode: -m
  441. [13:52] <@greatman> Everybody can speak now. Please keep it civilized ;)
  442. [13:52] <DJAlphaWolf> Let the spam commence
  443. [13:52] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Kain, Is it supposed to be were you cant open chests in a personal region on Pvp?
  444. [13:52] <+[Herald]BaBomba> >.<
  445. [13:52] <Conscience> how come server traffic is down so much the last week?
  446. [13:52] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> As of now you cannot
  447. [13:53] <@Kainzo> The use-flag for residence was broken/misset - PVP will have the use-flag enabled for all players
  448. [13:53] <@Kainzo> PVE will not
  449. [13:53] <+[Herald]BaBomba> That's good
  450. [13:53] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Great
  451. [13:53] <+[Architect]Devoted> Adventure team? What exactly will it do? Who is on it? What is the application proccess
  452. [13:53] <@Kainzo> We will give 3-7 days for players to prortect their valuables before enabling.
  453. [13:53] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> Sweet
  454. [13:53] <+XxSamdamanxXT7> Going to hop on my plane now, best of luck to everyone
  455. [13:53] <@Kainzo> We moved from Residence 2.0 to Residence 3.0 - we are the "first" server to use the plugin and a lot of things werent working
  456. [13:53] <+OxNaomi> Kainzo: People can just take stuff from PvP to PvE for safe storage, with more of it to boot
  457. [13:53] <Delfofthebla> So you're re-enabling the ability open chests in regions?
  458. [13:53] <@Kainzo> later XxSamdamanxXT7
  459. [13:53] <Templar_james> Chest flags need to be taken out for residents either that or get rid of lwc because lwc are useless now
  460. [13:53] <@Kainzo> Delfofthebla: If not locked or shit-bricked
  461. [13:53] <Delfofthebla> gotcha
  462. 02[13:53] * +XxSamdamanxXT7 ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  463. [13:53] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: ^ read above please
  464. [13:53] <Delfofthebla> well that's good.
  465. [13:54] <Templar_james> did sorry
  466. [13:54] <+T7|JenksLaw> So did TNT pass inspection completely?
  467. [13:54] <@Kainzo> Residence flag wasnt working and I think t00th can fix it soon, PVE wont have it enabled, though
  468. 02[13:54] * +T9JakLng ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  469. [13:54] <@Kainzo> TNT regen works on the test server
  470. [13:54] <+T7|JenksLaw> kk
  471. [13:54] <@Kainzo> I want to have a more public test
  472. [13:54] <@Kainzo> so we may get a TNT test server up for players to break connected to central
  473. [13:54] <@Kainzo> for a few days before releasing it to PVP
  474. [13:54] <@Kainzo> We want conflict gameplay
  475. [13:55] <+T7|JenksLaw> Yuppers understood
  476. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> You talking about that TNT plugin?
  477. [13:55] <+[Architect]Devoted> But then all the new things get spoiled if Test is public >><
  478. [13:55] <@Kainzo> CreeperHeal, Delfofthebla
  479. [13:55] <DJAlphaWolf> I believe season 3 will cover balancing classes. When can we expect the major rebalancing?
  480. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> Yea.
  481. [13:55] <@Kainzo> its been updated, havent seen any issues with it
  482. [13:55] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> That'd make for a good stress test.
  483. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> When I tested it in beta it had no compatibility with worldguard
  484. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> that still the case?
  485. [13:55] <@Kainzo> It does now
  486. [13:55] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Is the IRC public yet? Seems too quiet to be >:o
  487. [13:55] <Templar_james> How are you planning on getting people to actually play pvp, because as of right now 90% of whats left of the server is purely playing pve
  488. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> k
  489. [13:55] <Delfofthebla> Other than that I never saw any issues
  490. [13:55] <@Kainzo> The goal of Herocraft is to support all styles of gameplay
  491. [13:55] <DJAlphaWolf> It is ultimate
  492. [13:55] <@Kainzo> including gankers, campers and those who just want to build
  493. [13:55] <@greatman> It is SProc|UltimateOptics
  494. [13:55] <@greatman> heh
  495. [13:55] <@greatman> You can all speak btw people not voiced
  496. [13:55] <@Kainzo> in the past, PVP has been somewhat limited due to having players who didnt want any involvement
  497. [13:56] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> I usually see PvE and PvP server close to 50/50 James.
  498. [13:56] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Its too quiet :( Wheres the party at haha
  499. [13:56] <@Kainzo> and now its not the case anymore, if you go into PVP you should know you are at risk
  500. [13:56] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Templar, I've been seeing more people get into pvp in the last day or two and a 5v5 will happen (on forums)
  501. [13:56] <+[Architect]Devoted> Adventure team? What exactly will it do? Who is on it? What is the application proccess Kainzo?
  502. [13:56] <Templar_james> the problem is though is that adding pve as split the community everubody used to play together but now its apart
  503. [13:56] <@Admin|Xanipher> ;)
  504. [13:56] <@Kainzo> If you are on a team helping develop features for Adventure - you will auto be in "adventure team"
  505. [13:56] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Will events/tournaments be more frequent/scheduled?
  506. [13:56] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> +1 Xani
  507. [13:56] <+Air_Restraint> What's the main purpose to Proctor now by the way? I was thinking about reapplying for the staff position, but they seem kinda useless now, with little purpose. I could be wrong, Not sure what they all do now.
  508. [13:56] <@Kainzo> its a team that will have a different forum (probably private) to see how the systems integrate together
  509. [13:56] <@Admin|Xanipher> yes etkenn
  510. [13:56] <@Kainzo> and the adventure team will have first pass into the Adventure server
  511. [13:56] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Woo
  512. [13:57] <@Admin|Xanipher> i got my world back, events will commence
  513. [13:57] <DJAlphaWolf> Sometimes i feel like pvpers just get mad at all the people on pve because there are less noobs for them to kill now.
  514. [13:57] <+[Herald]BaBomba> PvE is for the people that don't want to get ganked all day as they build things
  515. [13:57] <+[Architect]Devoted> Who will be on it? Architects Coders Questmakers?
  516. [13:57] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: There are two ways of seeing that.... I believe those on PVE are there because they want nothing to do with PVP
  517. [13:57] <@Kainzo> so those players would have quit the server
  518. [13:57] <LovelyArmor> My concern is a lot of people love the server but don't want to have to deal with PVP because some people take "raiding" to far and ends up leading to harassment.
  519. [13:57] <@Kainzo> Mistyckle is probably one of them
  520. [13:57] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Removing PvE wouldn't really make more PvP, just make more ganking and people that hide in towns
  521. [13:57] <@Admin|Xanipher> <-- classic hatred of PvP
  522. [13:57] <@Kainzo> if she was camped to death on PVP - she would have just quit, imo
  523. [13:57] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> Now that people have the option to choose, I believe more people will come to the server to play, AND stay. Which means they will likely eventually dabble in PvP.
  524. [13:57] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Yep
  525. 02[13:57] * Oryinn ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  526. [13:57] <+[Architect]Devoted> I agree Kainzo
  527. [13:57] <@Kainzo> We want to support both styles of gameplay
  528. [13:57] <+[Architect]Devoted> PVE has its own way of working
  529. [13:57] <@Kainzo> Yes, I can agree we need more meat for out meat grinder in PVP
  530. [13:57] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Air_Restraint - In the meeting Kainzo said about Proctor possibly becoming a staff application sorter. He did agree that Proctor needed a rework though
  531. [13:57] <Templar_james> back in the last 2 maps those that didn't want to pvp didn't pvp anyway they built impressive towns to keep pvper's out
  532. [13:57] <Conscience> your concern no longer applies since all the pvpers quit
  533. [13:58] <@Kainzo> and I am open to take suggestions on the matter to do that Templar
  534. [13:58] <+[Architect]Devoted> Getting rid of it is like Genocide of the PVE players >.<
  535. 03[13:58] * mib_6ycggk ( has joined #Herocraft
  536. [13:58] <LovelyArmor> So PVE is really good for avoiding that
  537. [13:58] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Some of us just want to build, have peace.
  538. [13:58] <+[Architect]Devoted> ^
  539. [13:58] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: but they were still actively harassed and eventually quit or became jaded bout it
  540. [13:58] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Yeah, where would we PvE players go if PvE was sacrificed ;-;
  541. [13:58] <+Air_Restraint> That's good. I might reapply then soon.
  542. [13:58] <+[Herald]BaBomba> How many times do you think they got ganked and nearly gave up though?
  543. [13:58] <mib_6ycggk> To a server for pussies
  544. [13:58] <Jpenguin> Now, what I don't understand is why people don't just go to a creative/survival surver
  545. 03[13:58] * mib_6ycggk was kicked by Kainzo (mib_6ycggk)
  546. [13:58] <@Admin|Xanipher> hahahha
  547. [13:58] <Jpenguin> if they want to build
  548. [13:58] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> xD
  549. [13:58] <@Kainzo> I know we lost several good players due to forced PVP
  550. [13:58] <+[Architect]Devoted> T_T I totaly expected that
  551. [13:58] <@Kainzo> TxLibra <<< is one of them
  552. 03[13:58] * Oryinn ( has joined #Herocraft
  553. [13:59] <@Admin|Xanipher> minecraft didnt even have pvp in the beginning, thats the minecraft i liked
  554. [13:59] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> People like the satisfaction of gathering their own materials.
  555. [13:59] <@Kainzo> Jpenguin: we are a survival server
  556. [13:59] <LovelyArmor> I ended up taking a break from herocraft due to constant harassment and raiding, it was impossible to do anything to level
  557. [13:59] <@Kainzo> PVE is survival with Heroes - no pvp
  558. [13:59] <@Admin|Xanipher> alpha userrrr
  559. [13:59] <@Kainzo> PVP is survival with Heroes - pvp
  560. [13:59] <@Kainzo> get it? :P
  561. [13:59] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Get back to PvE then xani ;)
  562. [13:59] <Templar_james> Alls im saying is before I played on this server I played on another popular server and the owner of that server did what your doing now, accommodating all play styles and you know what happened? his server collapsed
  563. [13:59] <@Admin|Xanipher> my alt is on pve!
  564. [13:59] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> Yeah, and every mob had the sheep sound :)
  565. [13:59] <Templar_james> I don't what to see that again
  566. [13:59] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: I'm not like any other server owner
  567. [13:59] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Xani has an alt? :o
  568. [13:59] <Templar_james> kind of are
  569. [13:59] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Etk - Nearly all admins have alts xd
  570. [13:59] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Well
  571. [13:59] <@Admin|Danda> As is my Alt lol
  572. [13:59] <+[Architect]Devoted> Yah Admins have alts
  573. [14:00] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Daaamn
  574. [14:00] <+Wiki|malikdanab> This one example isn't a rule
  575. [14:00] <joeyjojo60> I want to do things to help teh server
  576. [14:00] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Someone started a joke that koen was actually Kainzo getting his revenge on the community
  577. [14:00] <@Kainzo> Are there any more questions / feedback ? want to discuss everything people have to bring up
  578. [14:00] <@Admin|Xanipher> even most mmos have pve servers
  579. [14:00] <@Admin|Xanipher> they're doing just fine
  580. [14:00] <DJAlphaWolf> People fail to understand that the heroes plugin doesnt simply represent pvp capabilities. People get so butthurt when there are less noobs for them to kill.
  581. [14:00] <+OxNaomi> This IS my alt. My main just isn't used on HC =P
  582. [14:00] <Delfofthebla> Xanipher: Most MMO's have more than 100-150 players during prime time
  583. [14:00] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Agree, DJ
  584. [14:01] <Delfofthebla> The problem with PVE and PvP servers being split
  585. [14:01] <Conscience> wouldnt be surprised, theyre both pretty autistic
  586. [14:01] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> I'll have to look through the dialogue, have had ideas along the way, but need to organize it in my head
  587. 02[14:01] * Conscience ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  588. [14:01] <Delfofthebla> is that Herocraft does nto currently have a large enough playerbase to support that
  589. [14:01] <+[Architect]Devoted> We have 100 players total
  590. [14:01] <+[Architect]Devoted> So its fine :3
  591. [14:01] <Templar_james> Oh in pvp weapns are armour should drop when you die
  592. [14:01] <+Air_Restraint> Dj. You are right in a way. But if we don't have dungeons and that sort yet. Hero's is basically meant for pvp.
  593. [14:01] <@Admin|Xanipher> lol
  594. [14:01] <Delfofthebla> 100 is nothing for an "mmo"
  595. [14:01] <@Kainzo> I believe we do and with proper recruiting and advertising - it'll get better
  596. [14:01] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Now that PvE has been implemented, removing it would do more harm than good
  597. [14:01] <+[Architect]Devoted> ^
  598. [14:01] <@Kainzo> We wont be removing PVE
  599. [14:01] <@Kainzo> So not even discussing that
  600. [14:01] <+Wiki|malikdanab> But what happens when I lose my 500s Crystal Katana?
  601. [14:01] <@Kainzo> you rage-quit malik?
  602. [14:01] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> How many players at one time could we feasibly handle?
  603. [14:01] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Why would I bring any custom item if I will just lose it
  604. [14:02] <@Admin|Xanipher> the question wasnt about amount of people it was if pve has a place in games
  605. [14:02] <@Admin|Xanipher> and it does
  606. [14:02] <+OxNaomi> If you lost "all" the PvP by adding PvE, removing it would just kill the server entirely.
  607. [14:02] <@Kainzo> We can handle 500-700 on this one machine
  608. [14:02] <@Admin|Xanipher> pve isnt for 'pussies'
  609. [14:02] <@Kainzo> maybe more if its done right
  610. [14:02] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> Buy another malik ;)
  611. [14:02] <@Admin|Xanipher> its just a different play style
  612. [14:02] <+Air_Restraint> Well malik, There should be risk to pvp.
  613. [14:02] <+[Herald]BaBomba> keeping held items is fine IMO, just armor needs to drop
  614. [14:02] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Yes
  615. [14:02] <+Wiki|malikdanab> But in an mmo
  616. [14:02] <@Kainzo> Also for those interested - the boss mobs will be debuted on PVE first for adventure
  617. [14:02] <Andrew2060> that and I personally find pve more relaxing to play since in general there's less trolling involved
  618. [14:02] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Do you lose all gear when you die...
  619. [14:02] <@Kainzo> randomly spawning with rare loot, etc
  620. [14:02] <Andrew2060> just saying.
  621. [14:02] <Jpenguin> IMO, there should be a perk for leveling on PVP with the increased risk of getting ganked
  622. [14:02] <Templar_james> Right now fighting somebody in pvp is stupid pvp should yield a reward it shouldn't be a case of no risk no reward
  623. [14:02] <@Kainzo> Jpenguin: I think thats a neat idea
  624. 03[14:02] * DJAlphaWolf ( has left #Herocraft (Quit)
  625. 03[14:02] * DJAlphaWolf ( has joined #Herocraft
  626. [14:02] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: you can drop your inventory items
  627. [14:02] <+OxNaomi> The issue I see is weapon durability and repairs. You lose 10% weapon dura on death, but the only cost to repair is to pray to RNGsus. Not very interesting.
  628. [14:03] <+[Herald]BaBomba> classes like Dragoon that have no reagents and a quickly regenerating resource bar can jump back in after dying infinitely
  629. [14:03] <@Kainzo> OxNaomi: better system is needed i agree
  630. [14:03] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> I believe the best idea for now would be advertising the server more. Now that people can opt out of PvP we can build a much larger playerbase, and retain them.
  631. [14:03] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Making PvP more rewarding is the way to go imo, not punishing PvE players in the form of lesser exp gains etc.
  632. [14:03] <+SProc|UltimateOptics> I should start shipping out jaffa cakes to Proctors that are active and doing their job ;)
  633. [14:03] <+OxNaomi> [Herald]BaBomba: Hence 10% loss on death
  634. [14:03] <Templar_james> inv items most of the time go in deathchests and besided inv items are always crap
  635. [14:03] <@Kainzo> rewarding PVP is important but what are some options?
  636. 03[14:03] * gtastuntdude ( has joined #Herocraft
  637. [14:03] <+[Architect]Devoted> Err
  638. [14:03] <DJAlphaWolf> Getting on pvp now. I view it as one big map for trolls and idiots. Every time i go to pvp spawn, shout chat is bombarded by idiocy and name calling. The embodiment of pvp.
  639. [14:03] <Jpenguin> more exp, increased legendary drops,
  640. [14:03] <@Kainzo> should LWC on death chests in PVP be disabled?
  641. [14:03] <Jpenguin> yes
  642. [14:03] <LovelyArmor> Too bad it would be a difficult code to set specific players to register under PVE and PVP, so if a PVP tries to raid in PVE they can still get killed by players but if you are PVE and go to PVP you still can get killed.
  643. [14:03] <Templar_james> people want to get the god weapon that somebody risked when they attacked you with it
  644. [14:04] <+[Herald]BaBomba> That's still 10 graveyard runs, Naomi
  645. [14:04] <Oryinn> DAE think PvE players are more intelligent?
  646. [14:04] <LovelyArmor> as well, so it's a free pass for PVE players who want to raid in PVP.
  647. [14:04] <+OxNaomi> Kainzo: If LWC is removed, drop the lost 10% item in the Tombstone?
  648. [14:04] <@Kainzo> Templar_james: dropping items is a config change away... but I think we need more backing on the PVP server to have mainhand/armor drop
  649. [14:04] <+Air_Restraint> Maybe a lower timer Kainzo. But I think armor should atleast be dropped. And maybe a chance to drop your weapon.
  650. [14:04] <+OxNaomi> And give Smith a way to merge it back up to 100% if collected?
  651. [14:04] <Jpenguin> i think weapons should be dropped instead of armor, because of the gladiator/legendary drops
  652. [14:04] <CoolBeans279> but
  653. [14:05] <CoolBeans279> that will make them cheap
  654. [14:05] <@Kainzo> See, even within pvpers dont agree - so we need to have more discussion on the forums about wep/armor drops
  655. [14:05] <CoolBeans279> super cheap, to the point of lowing the price for medals/gladiator weapons/any good weapons
  656. [14:05] <+[Herald]BaBomba> people would run so much more then
  657. [14:05] <+[Herald]BaBomba> They don't want to lose their stuff they worked for
  658. [14:05] <CoolBeans279> I think armor should drop
  659. [14:05] <Templar_james> the argument against it is that people don't want to lose their expensive weapon but isn't that the point if you use souls to gain an advnatge by buying a god weapn you should also have to deal with the chance of it being lost
  660. [14:05] <CoolBeans279> so you get something decent
  661. [14:05] <+OxNaomi> Coolbeans, there's no difference between that and them dropping entirely
  662. [14:05] <@Kainzo> Will people want to bring in their amazing items only to be ganked, is the quesiton
  663. [14:05] <@Mod|Thunderjolt> The reason that was changed was because after death, caster classes were near 100% power even after death. While heavily armored classes lost most of their effectiveness.
  664. [14:05] <+[Architect]Devoted> I think there should be a chance of Armor or wepons dropping
  665. [14:05] <+Air_Restraint> Everyone is agreeing on armor drop atleast.
  666. [14:05] <+OxNaomi> It's not like 10% magically becomes 100%,you'd need 10 10% items
  667. [14:05] <DJAlphaWolf> LWC on deathchests on pvp get camped anyways. How often do people actually save their chests?
  668. [14:05] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> @LovelyArmor That just sounds like a horrible idea.
  669. [14:05] <+[Architect]Devoted> Like 1/25
  670. [14:05] <CoolBeans279> we have so many weapons that cost SO much it would be a bad idea to drop weapon
  671. 03[14:05] * mib_mxwzsp ( has joined #Herocraft
  672. 02[14:05] * +[Architect]Devoted ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  673. [14:05] <+Wiki|malikdanab> No
  674. [14:05] <@Kainzo> DJAlphaWolf: good question, probably best to yank the LWC
  675. [14:06] <Templar_james> that's there choice they risk it for the biscuit
  676. [14:06] <@Kainzo> but it could "add" to more PVP if they come back and think they can get it
  677. [14:06] <+T7|JenksLaw> Would it be possible to let people adopt a PVP tag in a single world where PVE and PVP lived? For example, at level 1 you decide to be in the PVP clan or PVE clan. Only PVP players can actually hit other PVP players. That way we all live in the same map.
  678. [14:06] <CoolBeans279> yank the lwc
  679. [14:06] <+Wiki|malikdanab> The reason why I don't like armor/weapon drop is for the future
  680. [14:06] <CoolBeans279> and armor would be nice
  681. [14:06] <CoolBeans279> would cause people to not gy run so much
  682. [14:06] <@[Mod]hilltim1> LWC Deathchests give you the chance to rally your allies.
  683. [14:06] <Templar_james> think of it this way why pvp if these is nothing to gain from it?
  684. [14:06] <CoolBeans279> weapons dropping would cause people to not pvp as much
  685. [14:06] <+Wiki|malikdanab> Custom items will be worth to much to risk
  686. [14:06] <@greatman> T7|JenksLaw: The bad part would be you go attempt to kill someone and go "Doh, he's pve flagged"
  687. [14:06] <CoolBeans279> because of these OP weapons that cost so much
  688. [14:06] <@Kainzo> brb rr
  689. [14:06] <+[Herald]CanDoBlue> I dont agree with the idea of you're set PvP for life or your set PvE for life
  690. [14:06] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Templar: reverse logic, why pvp if you risk your custom weps/armor?
  691. [14:07] <Adrastos> My biggest question about Yanking the LWC would be that Raiding would become so commonplace in PVE simply because no one could fight back
  692. [14:07] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Would create lots of invuln trolls like the level 10 PvP thg
  693. [14:07] <+[Herald]BaBomba> thing*
  694. [14:07] <+OxNaomi> Items currently lose 10% dura on death. Instead of having it disappear, drop that 10% as a new item. That way raiders can get your gear to an extant and you still keep it.
  695. [14:07] <+Wiki|malikdanab> That could work
  696. [14:07] <+T7|JenksLaw> Could be fixed with a /who all pvp search
  697. [14:07] <Templar_james> lwc death chest don't rally shit they give time for that hugely annoying pvper with his god disk or whatever to run back from the graveyard full armored and armed to kill you again
  698. [14:07] <+T7|JenksLaw> You could know ahead of time who to track
  699. [14:07] <LovelyArmor> Pay to change to switch between PVE and PVP but levels and such get lowers or wiped until you pay a fee of souls. If you want to keep your Levels and classes purchase that transfer in the Store
  700. [14:07] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> If safeguards are taken from PVE, there would be a decline in players there.
  701. [14:07] <+OxNaomi> Only issue is items that lack dura at all, like records
  702. [14:07] <+[Herald]BaBomba> people could abuse that
  703. [14:08] <DJAlphaWolf> You can rally allies with the lwc deathchest, sure. But otherwise, you're just a naked person running back for ur items and getting ganked over and over until the chest is looted
  704. [14:08] <+[Herald]BaBomba> just make 30 10% weapons and never give a crap about losing them
  705. [14:08] <Templar_james> problem is though DJ is that person isn't naked he keeps his armor and weapon on death
  706. [14:09] <+T7|JenksLaw> Also, is it possible to Limit TNT use to PVP residents? I could see PVE towns coming to PVP to snag items and take them to the PVE side..I wouldn't mind losing my items so much if I knew I had a chance at winning them back
  707. [14:09] <+OxNaomi> Bab, bad idea. You drop any that's not in your hand and if it's at 10% it would break on death
  708. [14:09] <DJAlphaWolf> If he wasnt dumb enough to switch his held item before death then yes templar
  709. [14:09] <+T7|JenksLaw> If they are completely removed from the economy that is kind of a bummer
  710. 03[14:09] * Admin|Xanipher sets mode: +o gtastuntdude
  711. 03[14:09] * gtastuntdude is now known as Mod|gtastuntdude
  712. [14:09] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Jenks, true PVE'rs that do not already go to both worlds do not think like that.
  713. [14:10] <+[Herald]BaBomba> So you could get a full weapon, die 10 times with it, and then you'd have 10 of those weapons
  714. [14:10] <+[Herald]BaBomba> if someone abused it
  715. [14:10] <+[Herald]BaBomba> 10% is usually more than you'd need during a single fight
  716. [14:10] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Looking at the TS channel, there are litteraly no non-anglo players in there xD
  717. 02[14:10] * Ary (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  718. [14:10] <Templar_james> and the 10% dmg thing on death is bs too. Do god disks, iron doors and blaze rods get 10% dmg on death? I think not
  719. [14:10] <+OxNaomi> But it'd break on death
  720. [14:10] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> I never go raid or do anything over there but meet for a trade. x} and even limit that if I can.
  721. [14:10] <+OxNaomi> That's the issue of those items not having duravility
  722. [14:10] <Templar_james> then the system doesn't work if they don't get dmg
  723. [14:11] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I just think weapons should stay and armor shouldn't
  724. [14:11] <Delfofthebla> Nothing should stay imo
  725. [14:11] <Delfofthebla> but i'm crazy
  726. [14:11] <Templar_james> exactly delf
  727. [14:11] <Adrastos> I agree with BaBomba
  728. [14:11] <DJAlphaWolf> Harcore mode=nothing stays
  729. [14:11] <+[Herald]BaBomba> It was a lot different when people didn't carry super expensive weapons on them when they PvP
  730. [14:11] <Delfofthebla> The problem that I've had since Haven is that there is barely any danger on HC anymore
  731. [14:11] <Templar_james> people don't want the armor people want a reward for pvping and the only valuable reward would be the weapon
  732. [14:11] <+[Herald]BaBomba> But I guess it's risk vs reward
  733. [14:11] <Delfofthebla> You don't lose anything, you're always safe
  734. [14:12] <+OxNaomi> Could just have it not keep... on pvp
  735. [14:12] <Delfofthebla> and there is no risk of losing your stuff
  736. [14:12] <Delfofthebla> Whether you are mining or levelling, you can always do it in a safe location
  737. [14:12] <Delfofthebla> with no worries
  738. [14:12] <Delfofthebla> It's really really boring
  739. [14:12] <+OxNaomi> Then if you're in the safe world and die, you can go to your tombstone. PvP you're at risk all day
  740. [14:12] <+[Herald]BaBomba> making armor drop wouldn't really reward people, but make it impossible to GY run without getting killed almost instantly
  741. [14:13] <Templar_james> that's the point risk is excitement it keeps thing interesting whlist being safe all the time is boring you might as well be playing singleplayer
  742. [14:13] <DJAlphaWolf> Everyone has different interests
  743. [14:13] <DJAlphaWolf> Not everyone wants to take a risk
  744. [14:13] <CoolBeans279> oh god merchant with 2 recalls/marks
  745. [14:13] <CoolBeans279> will be used for pvp
  746. [14:13] <DJAlphaWolf> But thats besides the point
  747. [14:13] <Delfofthebla> That's the issue though DJAlphaWolf
  748. [14:14] <Delfofthebla> From the moment I joined HC
  749. [14:14] <Delfofthebla> it's been about that risk
  750. [14:14] <Delfofthebla> And suddenly it was taken away
  751. [14:14] <@Kainzo> I think we can further discuss the armor/main hand drop on PVP
  752. [14:14] <+OxNaomi> Just remove that plugin on PvP so PvE is safer even more
  753. [14:14] <@Kainzo> its something that came out when PVP was the only choice
  754. [14:14] <Templar_james> People should be forced to take a risk it worked in the past. These issues have only cropt up since pve was added
  755. [14:14] <+OxNaomi> PvE is safe already, you won't be PvP'd, so keep it. PvP needs risk and a difference, so make it riskier. Drop equipment in death on PvP
  756. [14:15] <+[Herald]BaBomba> I wouldn't mind that, I've never used a rare item anyways
  757. [14:15] <Delfofthebla> I'd agree with that
  758. [14:15] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Too afraid to damage it
  759. [14:15] <DJAlphaWolf> Lol with havens set up, i was forcing myself to remain on haven and take risks to mine all day
  760. [14:15] <DJAlphaWolf> No one ever went on shrine.
  761. [14:15] <+OxNaomi> Amplified too strong
  762. [14:16] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Part of the reason was because it was amplified terrain
  763. [14:16] <Templar_james> making everything risk free in pve is a problem in itself if these is no risk in pve everybody will build there towns and home in pve then switch to pvp to pvp that shouldn't be how it is
  764. [14:16] <+[Herald]BaBomba> No one wanted to navigate it, the Nether was honestly faster to get around in
  765. [14:16] <DJAlphaWolf> Templar. Some people still die to lava and mobs. So theres that risk.
  766. [14:17] <DJAlphaWolf> Its not entirely risk free
  767. [14:17] <Templar_james> And why is there a pve nether? that's ridiculous the nether should be a dangerous place. Not daisy land
  768. [14:17] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Mobs are stronger on PvE aren't they?
  769. [14:17] <+[Herald]BaBomba> The people who main PvE need a nether too
  770. [14:17] <+OxNaomi> Templar_james: PvP should be there for people who want the risk of PvP, and the systems should be designed to allow that. Towns in one and in the other should have different reasons for existing
  771. [14:17] <+[Herald]BaBomba> to get supplies for building and stuff
  772. 02[14:17] * +t9-Xargun ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  773. [14:18] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Yep, and avoiding ghasts and gigantic lava lakes is hard enough sometimes. Some of us don't want the crazy adrenaline rush some of you want. We MC to chill.
  774. [14:18] <@Admin|Xanipher> no ones forcing people to play on pve
  775. [14:18] <@Admin|Xanipher> when i play on my alt, i dont want to deal with other users at all
  776. [14:18] <@Kainzo> im glad that we're having these discussions
  777. [14:18] <@Kainzo> I think its important to talk about things
  778. [14:18] <DJAlphaWolf> Look. Pve is a world where we dont have to worry about jerks screwing everything up for us, allowing us to build nice looking towns and testing out the heroes plugin on mobs.
  779. [14:19] <+OxNaomi> Restricting, say, towns to just PvP? Bad idea. Giving towns more of a PvP reason to exist in PvP rather than in PvE? Do that.
  780. [14:19] <+T7|JenksLaw> I like that farmer 'summon egg' idea on ts
  781. [14:19] <@Kainzo> We all love this server and I think we want to make it survive and work
  782. [14:19] <Templar_james> I'll leave it at this Keep adding safety nets to your server and the server will get stale and die Herocraft used to be fun but recently its starting to feel like a creative server
  783. [14:19] <+[Herald]BaBomba> Xani, I'm going to find who your alt is eventually
  784. 02[14:19] * Templar_james ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  785. 02[14:19] * holyrollerss ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  786. [14:19] <@Admin|Xanipher> doomsayers haha
  787. [14:19] <DJAlphaWolf> Pvp is a world where u live in constant fear. If you can actually build a nice looking town on pvp, you're just an amazing person.
  788. [14:20] <@Kainzo> lol
  789. [14:20] <@Kainzo> people who speak in ultimatums are hard to please
  790. [14:20] <@Kainzo> "DO IT THIS WAY OR EVERYTHING DIES"
  791. [14:20] <@Admin|Xanipher> negative nancyyyy
  792. [14:20] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Making SummonAnimal give you an egg would fix animals getting stuck into walls
  793. [14:20] <DJAlphaWolf> Idk how else to say it. I dont think its possible to please anyone ever
  794. [14:20] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> Templar, you're not listening then. PVP is getting rid of some of the safety nets and adding in more danger. If you don't want to PVE, don't. It shouldn't concern you then.
  795. [14:20] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> when spawning them
  796. [14:20] <+OxNaomi> "IT WAS SO UGLY THAT EVERYONE DIED" wait what
  797. [14:20] <@Kainzo> He left misty heh
  798. [14:20] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> derp x}
  799. [14:21] <DJAlphaWolf> Scrubs leaving.
  800. [14:21] <@Admin|Xanipher> basically, i play pve to chill out, some people use games to relax, not to be camped or pissed off and anxious all the time
  801. [14:21] <@Admin|Xanipher> and thats totally fine
  802. [14:21] <+[Guide]Mistyckle> ^same
  803. [14:21] <+OxNaomi> I do think that PvP needs a reason to be there other than "me want fight" but eh
  804. [14:21] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Same as Xani
  805. [14:22] <+[Herald]EtKEnn> Being able to walk around on PvE just meeting people and building stuff at nice locations is much more fun than living in constant fear on PvP
  806. [14:22] <@Kainzo> I think removing PVPdrop plugin might be the best bet OxNaomi
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