
Poor Orphan Hayley

Nov 5th, 2017
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  2. Tsaaq: ((ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!))
  3. Covet: Cadence pulled up to the clinic and parked her vehicle, glancing over at Hayley, she gave her a soft smile, "You feeling okay, Sis? You nervous?" She asked as she took the keys out of the ignition and stuck them in her bag as she set it in her lap.
  4. Tsaaq: Hayley turned to Cadence and forced a smile. "It's whatever. It's been long enough that I'm not that worried." She said with a shrug.
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley turned to Cadence and forced a smile. "It's whatever. It's been long enough that I'm not that worried." She said with a shrug. "We should probably head inside though." Hayley declared as she opened her door. "Better get this over with so we can go get McDonald's or something."
  7. Covet: "Yeah , that sounds good," Cadence said as she opened her door and slid out, closing it behind her as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She walked along side her, opening up the door to the clinic " I should probably make my appointment for January while I'm here." Cadence stated quietly as she looked at the receptionist at the counter.
  8. Tsaaq: "Do you come here like every year or whatever?" Hayley asked as she walked up to the receptionist. "Hayley Berkoff." She told her before waiting for the woman to type shit in. She should have some file anyways since she'd been to Planned Parenthood before. // "Fill this out so we can update your information and the doctor will call you." The purple haired receptionist said as she handed over a clipboard to Hayley.
  9. Covet: "Yeah, I'll probably do my normal check up too, but this appointment is for something different." Cadence said as she looked at the receptionist, "Can I schedule an appointment, for January please? Cadence Ryken. I'll need to fill out an update form as well, change of last name."
  10. Tsaaq: She nodded and went to sit down where all the seats had been. She crossed her legs and nervously tapped her pen on the clipboard, writing periodically. "So normal check up huh?" Hayley asked her. // The girl looked over to Cadence and handed over the clipboard. "The seventeenth is okay?"
  11. Covet: "Works for me, afternoon appointment please, I rarely get out of bed before noon on Fridays." Cadence told her then took the clipboard and pen and went to sit down next to Hayley, "Yeah, Pap, pelvic exam the normal stuff. I'm supposed to get my IUD switched out too, but I'm just going to have it taken out." She told her as she started to fill out the update form.
  12. Tsaaq: "That sounds like a lot of stuff to do with your busy box." Hayley said before frowning a bit. She finished filling out her form and looked to the door then back to Cadence. "Are you allowed to come in with me?" She asked. // "Four o' clock." She said with a nod. "Just bring that back to me when you're done." She pointed to the paper on the clipboard.
  13. Covet: "Yeah, a little bit. Perks of being woman." Cadence said rolling her eyes, then glanced at Hayley, "If you want me to and won't feel uncomfortable. I'm sure the doctor would understand given the circumstances." she told her then nodded to the Receptionist, pointing at her with the pen. "Thank you, will do."
  14. Tsaaq: She drummed her fingers along the side of her clipboard. "Yeah... Just don't look at my cooch." She laughed. "I don't think I've ever done any of that stuff but I guess this is a start." Hayley shrugged. // Doctor Rhodes came out of her little office thing. "Hayley Berkoff?" She called out. "Come on in."
  15. Covet: "Don't worry, I'll keep my eyes in safe areas." Cadence said with a laugh, then looked up when the doctor came out and called Hayley in. "You're up." She said as she stood up, keeping the clipboard with her so she could keep filling stuff out during the appointment, and her bag over her shoulder. "Just keep thinking about that McDonald's afterwords."
  16. Tsaaq: "Chicken nuggets here I come." Hayley whispered as she went to go towards the examination room. She went to sit on the edge of the exam table. "Sooo, what should I do now?" She asked. // She smiled at Hayley and went hand over a hospital gown. "Just take off everything from the waist down and lay down. I'll be back." She told them. "Here for support?" She asked Cadence.
  17. Covet: Cadence walked in and sat down in the extra chair in the room, and crossed one leg over the other, resting the clipboard on it. "Yeah, I hope that's alright. Hayley requested." She said to the doctor, giving her a soft smile.
  18. Tsaaq: Hayley began with taking off her jacket and went to untie her sneakers as she took them off, along with her jeans. "Yeah, please. I kind of need her here..." She trailed off. // "That's fine. I'll be back." Rhodes smied again and walked away as she closed the door behind her.
  19. Covet: Cadence kept her eyes on her clipboard finishing the rest of the info on it as Hayley got herself dressed down and in the gown. "This whole thing is going to feel a little invasive, but she'll tell you what she's doing so it's not going to be unexpected. Things are probably going to be cold as well." Cadence told her trying to help prepare her.
  20. Tsaaq: ((I'm here!))
  21. Covet: [XD Mom still?]
  22. Tsaaq: ((Yeah gaaah.))
  23. Tsaaq: ((Shouldn't be a problem anymore though.))
  24. Tsaaq: "Gross." Hayley whispered as she went to put on her hospital gown and got onto the exam table, covering her bottom with the blanket provided. "Welp... Here we go." She whispered. "I don't know how to psych myself up over cold shit." // Rhodes stepped back into the office. "Hello Hayley. Thanks for coming in." She went to pick up her form and skimmed it before getting on her stool and sliding over to Hayley, helping her feet into her stirrups. "Just relax..." She trailed off. "So how old are you? Twenty?" She asked. "You left you number of sexual partners blank."
  25. Covet: "You really can't, you just kinda got to grin and bear it." Cadence said with a laugh. She listened to the doctor as the came back in and started to look over Hayley's charts. She glanced over at Hayley as the doctor asked her about her sexual partners.
  26. Tsaaq: She puffed out her cheeks and scooted closer to the edge of the table and put her hands on her table. "Yeah, twenty years old." She replied. "Uh..." She trailed off. "There was, Connor, Justin, Ben, Tony... Thad, Brad." She listed outloud. "Do uh... Nonconsentual partners count?" // She frowned a bit. "Unfortunately, yes. But if you could guess you can. I don't need the names." Rhodes explained softly before grabbing some of her tools. "Just relax. I'm going to insert this into the vagina." She declared taking out a speculum which BITCH IS INTIMIDATING AS FUCK.
  27. Covet: Cadence looked between Hayley and the doctor, seeing the doc reach for the speculum. She looked at Hayley, "Deep breath and relax, Sis." She said, wincing for her because that shit's cold and obnoxious as all fuck.
  28. Tsaaq: ((I HATE THAT THING.))
  29. Covet: [XD lmao, yeah it sucks]
  30. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and cringed at the feel of the speculum. "Well..." She trailed off. "I'd guess like seventeen people?" She answered warily. She cringed. // Doctor Rhodes furrowed her eyebrow but tried to keep a poker face. "Do you experience any pain during intercourse?"
  31. Covet: Cadence's look softened when she listened to Hayley, she looked down at the papers and clipboard in her lap while the procedure continued.
  32. Tsaaq: "Yes actually. I haven't been sexually active lately though..." Hayley trailed off. "Internally, not so much in general." She flinched. "Ow!" She squealed. "Is that normal?" Hayley asked Cadence with a frown. // She kept her eyebrows furrowed. "How are your periods?" She asked before grabbing a swabby thing to get a sample.
  33. Covet: Cadence looked over at her as Hayley squealed, "Just, relax. The swab is normal, you're doing great." She said trying to sound reassuring, then looked over at the Doctor.
  34. Tsaaq: Hayley was frowning but she gave Cadence a nod. "They're okay. They're like... Light or whatever." She explained. She read the doctors face and inhaled deeply. "Is everything okay?" She asked as she sat up a bit. // "So from what I'm seeing... Your internal genitalia has endured a lot of trauma." She told her warily. Rhodes put on her latex glove and carefully inspected Hayley's lady bits.
  35. Covet: Giving Hayley an encouraging smile, she looked back at the doctor processing what she was saying. She wasn't surprised, at the information Rhodes was saying, given what Hayley had been through.
  36. Tsaaq: "That makes sense." She said quietly and cringed again. "But is everything okay." // She sighed, looking carefully into her before frowning. "I'll be back, you can just lay there and relax honey." She told Hayley. "I've got to get these samples to the lab. "She said before going out of the examination room.
  37. Covet: Cadence was starting to feel a little anxious on Hayley's behalf, especially with Rhode's response. She waited until she'd walked out of the room before looking at Hayley, "How do you serious pain or anything?"
  38. Tsaaq: She took her feet out of stirrups and went to just sit on the edge of the exam bed. She put her hands in her lap. "Not lately... Only really when I used to have sex..." She said. "Sometimes things suck when I'm on my period." // Doctor Rhodes went to peek into the room. "Feel free to get dressed. I'll be in soon." She said hurried before running away to deliberate with another doctor.
  39. Covet: Cadence tried not to frown when Hayley indulged her question, "Suck? How so?" She asked with a concerned look on her face, before looking over at the doctor as she poked her head into the room.
  40. Tsaaq: "I dont know. My cramps are out of control or whatever. I never really said anything about it." Hayley said. She got up from the table and went to get dressed. She frowned as she pulled on her underwear then her pants. She then pulled on her tank top. She went to sit on the edge once more. "I'm okay." // Doctor Rhodes went to walk back into the room and sat at her desk, crossed her legs. "I think I have some bad news for you Hayley." She said softly. "So your general practioner says you miscarried a year or so ago. Which now is clear given the state of uterine scarring you could never hold a healthy fetus." She began to explain.
  41. Covet: "It shouldn't be like that, if they've never been that way before..."Cadence said feeling that guilt creep down to her stomach. She sat up and looked over at the doctor as she came back in and dropped that bomb. Her eyes immediately darted over to Hayley, but she didn't say anything, she didn't know what she could say.
  42. Tsaaq: "Wait, what do you mean?" Hayley asked with a worrisome expression. She went to get up so she could stand beside Cadence. "What's wrong with me?" She inquired softly. // She frowned and looked down at Hayley's chart then back over to her. "Well, the nature and level of your sexual assaults have possibly rendered you infertile." Doctor Rhodes said regrettably. "Well not necessarily the scarring caused this. Since most of it's healed. Hopefully, you can heal whatever damage done by your sexual assaulters..." She trailed off. "But as of now? I'm very dubious that you'd be able to have any children. We'd have to do a lot of digging..." She said.
  43. Covet: Cadence went to wrap her arms around Hayley, feeling the wave of emotions washing over her right now. She was heartbroken for Hayley and pissed.. pissed at the fucking person who'd done this. She furrowed her brow and looked at the doctor, "Isn't there a way to remove that scar tissue? Give her a chance?"
  44. Tsaaq: Her lower lip began to tremble as Cadence went to hug her. She felt her stomach drop as he knees went weak. "I can't have..." She trailed off. Her eyes going moist and her heart beating out of her chest as everything around her slowed. "Thanks doctor." She sniffled. "No Cadence, it's okay." She whispered. // "I'm willing to attempt some treatments. I'm so sorry, you're so young. Nothing about this is fair. I would try to do whatever I can to reverse this-" Doctor Rhodes began to said. "But. I'm willing to help." She said once Hayley rejected her offer.
  45. Covet: "No.. Hayley.. it's not okay, nothing about this is okay..." She said as she grit her teeth, "That fucking asshole... I swear to god I'll kill him..." Cadence mumbled, as she looked at Hayley, "What about... saving the eggs?" She asked the doctor, "Famous people are doing that shit all the time."
  46. Tsaaq: Hayley couldn't stand anymore. She went over to the exam bed and plopped down, putting her face in her hands. Really just trying to process this. // Doctor Rhodes shrugged her shoulders. "We could talk about surrogate mothers and freeze her eggs. But it is a very expensive process." She said. "I know thats outside of your means."
  47. Covet: "It's not... I'm her sister...the price isn't an issue. I can cover it." Cadence said quickly, not hesitating or thinking about it, as she looked at Hayley, watching her sit down and just go quiet. "She doesn't deserve this, she didn't ask for any of this... You're absolutely sure she can't? "
  48. Tsaaq: "I've gotta go." Hayley said as she covered her chest with her jacket as she moved forward towards te exit to the room. // "I think we can consider this option but before we jump to it we should definitely test out some fetility treatments." She said, standing once Hayley went to leave.
  49. Covet: "We'll.. be in touch..." Cadence said as she followed Hayley out, she felt like an ass for jumping the gun like that to the doctor in regards to options for Hayley, because one she just found out and two it should be her choice. "Hayley... Hayley.." She said following her out, clip board in hand and her bag over her shoulder, "I'm sorry.. Do you want to come back to the apartment tonight? We can.. go for a drive.. "
  50. Tsaaq: She crossed her arms over her chest as she went to sit on the steps in front of Planned Parenthood. Luckily it was only Saturday, no protesters and shit. "Sure... I guess I don't have much else to do." She whispered. "What am I gonna do?" She asked with a frown growing on her lips. She put her face in her hands and began to sob.
  51. Covet: Cadence pretty much slung the clipboard at the receptionist as it slid across the counter, before she came to sit down next to Hayley on the steps of the clinic. She put her arm around her again as Hayley started to cry, "Hey, we're going to figure it out okay. She said you have options...You don't have to make a decision right now..."
  52. Smokeless: Jess pulled up to the plan parenthood building in her scrubs. She was volunteering there because well she really didn't have friends and she really didn't hang out with anyone. Plus this would look good on her resume for job applications. She slid out of the truck with her bag on ehr shoulder. She sighed softly and started to walk down theside walk and came to the steps. She saw Hayley and Cadence but she didn't say anything to either of them. she made her way up the steps and she saw that Hayley looked upset about something.
  53. Tsaaq: "What's the point?" Hayley asked somberly. "No matter what I do everything goes wrong..." She trailed off. "I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant again." She began to shake her head. "But then I was like, no it's okay. I'll be okay." Hayley whispered. Once she saw Jess she got up from the steps and went to step to the side, staring at the pavement.
  54. Covet: Cadence noticed Jess walking up the stairs to the clinic, giving her a glare as she walked up the stairs because Jess was still on her shit list for the cocaine issue. She shifted when Hayley did. Her attention turned back to comforting her sister in law. "The point is... you've got to at least try. Because... if you don't, you'll never forgive yourself. You.. might not be able to get pregnant yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't have kids of your own. You can still be a mom..."
  55. Smokeless: Jess made her way inside puling the door open and going to the front desk smiling to the woman behind the counter."hey been busy today?" she grabbed a seat and signed her volunter sheet. She clicked the pen on and off as she bit her lip.
  56. Tsaaq: She bit the inside of her cheek before nodding her head. "But I always wanted..." Her tears calmed for only a moment before covering her eyes again with her hands. "What can they even do?" She asked throuh her snifflings.
  57. Covet: "I know... I know.. " Cadence told her giving her another hug, "And that might still be a possibility...Doctor Rhodes said it looked bad, but even she still has hope. And if not, then we'll do whatever it takes. It's not going to be easy, but the best things in life aren't."
  58. Smokeless: Jessica went to the out folders of the patiencs that had already been seen and started to put them back in their place looking at the names on the folders to be sure she put them in the right pace.-
  59. Tsaaq: She nodded her head slowly at Cadence. "I hate Thaddeus, and Devin, and the basketball team..." She went to wipe her eyes, tears still streaming down her cheeks but she was a lot calmer now. "It just makes me sad..."
  60. Covet: "I hate them all too. Especially Thaddeus. He had no right to do take this from you, not after everything else he's taken." She said coldy as she set her jaw, then softened when she looked at Hayley again. "I'm so sorry Hayley, It's something you have every reason to be sad, upset, and angry about." She told her letting out a soft sigh, "Do you want to tell anyone yet? Your mom?...Remy?"
  61. Smokeless: Jess came across Hayley's folder and she bit her lower lip. She looked at the lady behind her and she opened the folder slightly to take a peek inside. she read over the report and closed the folder putting it in it's place finishing up.
  62. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "I don't know." She said. "Maybe I should? I kept everything else a secret and now look at where I am?" Hayley said. She rubbed her arms nervously. "My poor baby." Hayley began to cry once more.
  63. Covet: "I think you might be right about that, Your mom would appreciate it, even if it's sad news." Cadence said, "You can call her when we get to the apartment, and I'll update Remy with few details...I've got cuddly cats, and a pretty sweet pup that are good at comforting too. We can even stop by McDonalds and get you nuggets on the way there."
  64. Smokeless: Jessica walked back to the back to get a few of the rooms cleaned up and ready for the next patients
  65. Tsaaq: Hayley went to hug Cadence and sighed. "Okay." She said with a sputter of her lips. "I'll take up that offer... I'll tell mom first then I'll tell dad. Because he'll be kind of sad." Hayley murmured. "Thanks sis." She whispered and flashed her a small smile.
  66. Covet: "No problem, anything I can do, I will, Sis." Cadence told her squeezing her back, doing her best not to show how pissed she was, mostly because she was sad for Hayley and wanted to make sure she okay as much as she could be given the news. She let her go and started to walk down the steps to the parking lot where her Hummer was parked and pulled her keys out of her bag.
  67. Smokeless: [skip me]
  68. Tsaaq: "Promise we'll get mcnuggets?" She asked as she went towards the hummer and went to climb into the passenger side of the vehicle. She was still looking pretty bummed out.
  69. Smokeless: [now i want nuggets...]
  70. Tsaaq: ((Get the mcnuggets))
  71. Covet: "Promise, Extra nuggets even." Cadence told her with a smile, as she climbed in and started up the vehicle, buckling herself in as they headed to the nearest Mcdonalds to raid their nugget stash, and head back to her place.
  72. Covet: [Sorry to just like.. bail on you here...and stuff.]
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