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Sep 14th, 2017
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  1. <factnfiction101> i'm using netscape navigator 2.0 biches
  2. <bad_trotsky> You are so badass.
  3. <bad_trotsky> I am even more bad ass I am using windows 3.1 bitch.
  4. <factnfiction101> i was thinking about installing windows 95 or 98
  5. <factnfiction101> cos dosbox never has worked right for me
  6. <bad_trotsky> "Researchers have discovered this to be the single unluckiest cow in existance"
  7. <bad_trotsky> Yeah I have NEVER been able to get dosbox to work.
  8. <factnfiction101> old windows games were great
  9. <bad_trotsky> I tried 3 different times and it did not work so I gave up on it.
  10. <bad_trotsky> Something only slightly related. I got the DC comics MMO and it won't take my credit card. Other business have no problem taking my money with it.
  11. <bad_trotsky> I contacted them repeatedly trying to get them to take my money.
  12. <bad_trotsky> I would think this would be a problem you would want to fix pronto.
  13. <bad_trotsky> But no.
  14. <bad_trotsky> So they don't get my money.
  15. <bad_trotsky> Netflix gets my money and a barely use it.
  16. <bad_trotsky> Its nice to have.
  17. <bad_trotsky> I wanna watch a movie its there.
  18. <bad_trotsky> Lemmer kick you from idiots club too?
  19. <factnfiction101> no
  20. <bad_trotsky> Hrm I don't know if his ban has ended.
  21. <bad_trotsky> I would live there if he did not just ban at random.
  22. * Looking up bad_trotsky user info...
  23. <bad_trotsky> Just when I did not think it could not get more horrible than him I found worse.
  24. * sirXemic ( has joined #64digits
  25. * ChanServ sets mode: +h sirXemic
  26. <bad_trotsky> I ended up here in a horrible run through slash net from oneious.
  27. <bad_trotsky> I was literally fleeing from him.
  28. <bad_trotsky> He did not follow me here.
  29. <bad_trotsky> I am still banned from #apu where I set up shop after I got tired of lemmer.
  30. <factnfiction101> you could join #mzx
  31. <factnfiction101> lemmer is there but he's not an op
  32. <bad_trotsky> Is that good?
  33. <bad_trotsky> Fuck anywhere lemmer is
  34. <factnfiction101> it has the same group of people idiots-club has
  35. <bad_trotsky> I hate that guy.
  36. <bad_trotsky> I really got on with the idiot club guys too it blows one guy can ruin your experience.
  37. <factnfiction101> Guy gets banned a lot also
  38. <bad_trotsky> Yeah I heard its not unusual from orangei.
  39. <factnfiction101> he's currently banned
  40. <bad_trotsky> But fufck that really I need access to my IRC channel joke bans are well not tolerated by me.
  41. <bad_trotsky> I used to pick on Guy he was an easy target but he was ok guy.
  42. <bad_trotsky> We were over that.
  43. <factnfiction101> everyone does
  44. <bad_trotsky> I sure as hell found out there are worse guys than him.
  45. <bad_trotsky> I keep finding bigger pricks and retreat from them.
  46. <bad_trotsky> Do you have the slightest idea how many times I have had to reinvent my self on another channel now?
  47. <factnfiction101> no
  48. <bad_trotsky> 7-8 times.
  49. <bad_trotsky> And every time it was because someone was even a bigger wanger than the channel before.
  50. <bad_trotsky> I do get drunk and do stupid shit.
  51. <bad_trotsky> But it stopped being because of any thing I had done.
  52. <bad_trotsky> Just people being idiots.
  53. * Kitsune ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  54. * ben (~drincorpo@AE0F3E16.F193D5FF.A2D818E6.IP) has joined #64digits
  55. * Kitsune ( has joined #64digits
  56. * ChanServ sets mode: +o Kitsune
  57. * WMCD ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  58. <bad_trotsky> Dude imagine being 85 years old and still doing what you love.
  59. <bad_trotsky> That is how you win at life.
  60. * OMGbot ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  61. * OMGbot ( has joined #64digits
  62. * ChanServ sets mode: +h OMGbot
  63. <bad_trotsky> Guess what time it is?
  64. <bad_trotsky> Its trotsky surfs you tubes time.
  65. <bad_trotsky> That always starts with men without hats!
  66. <bad_trotsky> Pop goes the World
  67. <sirXemic> !ban bad_trotsky
  68. <sirXemic> !log
  69. <sirXemic> such a long story
  70. <bad_trotsky> Oh like I don't have enough of that shit to deal with already.
  71. <sirXemic> for a second I thought you were a spam bot
  72. <bad_trotsky> Eh I blab too much.
  73. <sirXemic> :P
  74. <bad_trotsky> Sorry for that I am new here.
  75. <sirXemic> nah it's ok
  76. * sirXemic sets mode: +v ben
  77. <bad_trotsky> But bonus I am NOT a spam bot.
  78. <ben> ahh
  79. <ben> thanks
  80. <sirXemic> I didn't know this channel was muted
  81. <bad_trotsky> Unless you want to buy Nigerian virgins.
  82. <bad_trotsky> I got those.
  83. <sirXemic> :P
  84. <bad_trotsky> I need to get millions out of Nigeria can you send me 500 bucks to enable it. I will give you a million.
  85. <bad_trotsky> I am a Nigerian Prince even though I am a white guy from the midwest.
  86. <bad_trotsky> Hey it worked before.
  87. <ben> let's go skydiving into a volcano
  88. <bad_trotsky> I am game.
  89. <bad_trotsky> Is James Bond in it?
  90. <ben> no
  91. <bad_trotsky> Fucking James Bond always ruining my plans.
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